Top 2024 Web Design Trends

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five web design trends that you should learn in 2024 first is handmade illustrations with so much AI generated content online traditionally sketched and handdrawn animation will likely become more unique and therefore valuable in the future website landscape there's no way I can draw this well but hopefully one day I can learn and here's a website that's already adding handmade sketches and this website itself is called procreate dreams it's a website about creating animations using your iPad but it shows you how these visuals can work to really showcase a website in a more humanlike fashion a website that has handrawn animations as well has a lot more personality and feel and for me I find that kind of stuff a lot more interesting here's one website it's a cafe and they've got this one animated sequence here as one of their sections which is really cool I think this goes a long way to making this coffee look way more appealing than it otherwise would if it was just a general website the second web design trend is 3D web design I'm not a chicken nor am I afraid of being a little bit different however creating 3D elements always scared me years ago though you would need a special software and skills to be able to create these sorts of 3D animations but spline design is a website that has made this accessible to pretty much anyone you can use their web software to design any type of element then you can export it as an if frame or a script and plug it into any type of website whether it's a no code website like this one here on Wick Studio paste in the code and have it available and If even I can do it I'm pretty sure you could too if you're after a challenge and have a lot of time on your hands you can make yourself a portfolio that's completely in 3D like this one here web designs with these 3D effects definitely make it more interesting to navigate the page not only is it more engaging for the user experience but the web designs actually look like they've been put together by experts and have this very polished and professional feel and that's what I I strive to always do with my own websites even if I fail if you want to learn how to do this yourself definitely check out the video I made last month where I go into depth on using spline design once you figured it out you'll be able to create some pretty interesting things third is the use of AI generated artwork from places like Deli as well as mid Journey if you've watched my previous videos you'll know that you can use mid journey to create some basic design templates for what a website could look like if it was imagined by an AI the difficulty is that a lot of these designs aren't always realistic they end up feeling very futuristic with neomorphism 3D effects and things that I can't really replicate using traditional programming code not only could I not put these in front of a client I probably couldn't redesign them myself using traditional coding or design means even chat GPT which has enabled a Del to be run in an interface here to generate images doesn't always produce the kind of results I would expect for a design while it looks pretty and vibrant and this is not something I could actually recreate and while chat GPT does also let you remix images again it's still not usable but there's a reason that I think Del 3 as well as mid journey and AI art will be more usable for web designs over the last year there's been an abundance of tutorials and guides on exactly how to customize and tailor prompts specifically to get the outputs you're looking for this makes the generation of AI art for web design specifically more reliable this type of custom ization gives a lot of strength to really create unique looking designs that wouldn't otherwise be able to be created on a whim Plus at the end of the day a lot of these images are more for inspiration or even using as a large hero sections so that you can have a landing page that looks vibrant and interesting the fourth web design trend is Bento UI or Bento grits whatever you like to call them Bento UI are basically small gits a mosaic of information that lets you showcase information on a website or product sheet you'll see companies large and small like apple use it for product sheets and on their websites because we live in an age where people understand and consume content a lot faster these Bento grids work perfectly to allow users to view lots of information in one go and since CSS now has properties to specifically create grids having and adding them to a website is easier than ever and if you want to learn I did a video previously on how to do this time for the last web design Trend number five is gradients and glows if you've been paying attention you'll notice that almost all the websites I've shown so far has have some sort of gradient or glow being applied it's the 21st century and people aren't afraid of using Color anymore unless you're Apple additionally a lot of computer screens and phones now have beautiful displays they're able to replicate most colors and make them look a lot more vibrant than otherwise was possible in the past these days I see that backgrounds for images no longer use solid colors but instead a gradient of very complimentary colors that work well together and a lot of websites now glow they have these glows that happen in the background on the corner or edges or borders of different elements and even just lighting effects that look like they produce different types of depth depending on where your mouse is moving and this is where websites of 2024 are going to stand out with 3D effects glows interactions animated sequences and a lot more making them definitely look a lot better than previous years are there any design trends that you guys like let me know in the comments below and I'll check them out
Channel: Codex Community
Views: 371,035
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: web design trends, web design, web design trends 2024, website design trends 2024, web design 2024, 2024 web design, 2024 website design, 2024 web design trends, 2024 website design trends, ui trends 2024, web design trend 2024, ui, ux, web, design, trends, website design, reacting to web design trends, bento ui, bento grids, 3d web design
Id: qthkkHPNAYQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 32sec (332 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 21 2023
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