about these timesaving beginner quick tips for Davinci Resolve 18.6

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this video is sponsored by Squarespace here are some things which I often forget which are actually surprisingly useful now hopefully these just aren't things which I forget which you will know about hopefully it's either new stuff to you which you didn't know before I don't know what happened then or it's things you did know about which you had forgotten about so here's a list we're going to jump through them really quickly there's probably more which I've forgotten about yeah anyway project manager I've got a few in there so I've got my project manager here this is the main one I use for all these YouTube videos and as you can see it's a bit of a mess because I always forget you can make folders within here there's an icon right here add a folder you can just make folders and then put stuff in them I know it's really obvious but I always forget and my project manager my database is libraries or always a bit of a mess so next up notes this is actually more of a new one which I learned rather than something I forgot but if we click on this icon here to see our list view if we right click on the column headings there is a notes column notes you can set notes for your different projects to do it you simply open up the project click on file at the top and there's an option down here project notes this little thing will appear and you just type things away weirdly the save button always seems to be grayed out but if you just close that down it will save those notes whenever you look at it within the project manager your notes are there sticking with the project manager if you right click within an empty space you can enable Dynamic project switching that does exactly what it says on the tin it allows you to open more than one project up at once and then you can really quickly just switch between the two or three of them just remember they'll all be sitting in Ram so if you're on an older machine it may start to choke things up just a little bit now the benefit of this is because they are sat there they're quicker to open you can jump between them relatively quickly and it makes it really easy to copy and paste from one thing to another you can just copy a bunch of stuff off the timeline hop into the other one paste down to that timeline and you're good to go so it's worth knowing it's there as I say I forget it is so there you go oh and don't forget this one this is a brand new project but I don't want to have to go in and set my project settings so instead if we click on the Little House icon button right hand corner to open up our project manager we can go to any of our previously created projects like this one down here we can right click and we can load the project settings to the current project so we can steal the project settings from this one and bring it into the project we currently have open cool next up let's actually jump into DaVinci Resolve and start looking at some of the other stuff and the first one this is prompted by someone recently that asked me a very simple question and they said why is your DaVinci Resolve gray and mine's blue and it's actually an option which I must have ticked some time ago and completely forgot was there so within resolve if we click on DaVinci Resolve top left preferences and then we simply go to user and then we've got the UI settings you have the option to use gray background for user interface and use gray background in viewers and I tick them because I like the gray apparently and it stayed now sticking with the properties on this exact same screen UI settings we do have the UI display scale so if everything looks really small you can come in here and change the display scale do not just immediately set it to 200 to see how it looks because if you set it too big it can be quite difficult to get back in there and re-set it and while we're in here a couple more make sure that you have the live save enabled it can really save your bacon the timeline backups is another one to check because again it can save you bacon and if we go to editing I use these all the time so I have the smart bin for timelines which means my timelines are super easy to locate automatic smart bins all this sort of stuff down here we have these general settings again something I quite often forget about you have things like the standard generator duration so if you keep grabbing your adjustment Clips putting them on the timeline and they're either massive or they're too short if you change that generated duration that will affect things like your adjustment clips and then of course you've got transition duration for Transitions and still duration for any images you drop on the timeline that sort of stuff so it's worth just having a quick look within here now really quickly before we close this window you can save all of these user controls as presets so you simply click on the three little dots go to save user preferences as a preset you can have multiple different presets which you can load export delete and whatever you need now this is really handy if you've got certain types of projects you work on that require let's say different length standard generators because maybe that longer projects or certain ones you don't want the smart bins on for collections you can just amend them create a new preset and then it's really quickly to come in here just choose the preset you want and you're good to go right now before we get on to the actual edit page stuff I just need to thank this video sponsor Squarespace you're probably all have heard of Squarespace by now because it is the all-in-one platform to help you grow your online business whether you need a website to Showcase a portfolio or you want to sell physical or digital products in an online store or even if you're looking to arrange one-to-one consultations with the built-in scheduling tools Squarespace has everything you need all in one super handy place there's loads of great templates to pick from all of which can be customized until your heart is content you can customize the colors change the new layout and bring all of your fantastic ideas to life so if you fancy checking out Squarespace for your very self head over to squarespace.com forward slash Mr Alex Tech start your free trial and then when you're ready to launch you can save 10 of your first purchase of a website or a domain using the code Mr Alex Tech at out right some edit page goodies now and the first one stacked timelines I have talked about stacked timelines in the past I try and remember that that I try and remember that that I I try and remember that they are there because they are really helpful but you can't actually save the toggle on it always reverts to off which is why it's so easy to forget now stacked timelines aren't just useful for those people that use multiple timelines within a project they're also really useful for me especially for how they make working with compound clips that little bit easier so on the edit page we've got this icon give that a click and then we've got this one top left this is just stacked timelines and then you get these little tabs across the top we can click on the little plus and then we just choose a different timeline and we can have multiple timelines open at once but if you're doing anything with multicams or compound Clips they're super handy so I've got a compound clip on my timeline if we right click opening timeline it just opens a new tab so now rather than having to drill down using this little address bar at the bottom left we can simply switch between the compound clip and the timeline super useful now there are a few to mention within the inspector so let's bust through these really quickly and the first one is this if we click and drag the zoom as you probably know with your mouse we can go up and down but if you hold the ALT key or option if you're on a Mac and then click you just get finer adjustments so you can just do really fine amendments to get your Zoom your position your rotation whatever just perfect now on the same note if you want to reset any of those actual attributes you can just double click on the name so change the position double click and it will reset simple something else I always forget let's change all this stuff if I've messed with something like this I've got an amended all of this and even if it had audio if I'd mended the audio levels and whatever if I've changed my mind what I generally do is I just delete it and go find it but there is an easier way in the inspector right the very top three little dots give that a click we can reset the video all video effects all audio effects or everything give that a click and it'll just revert everything back quick word of warning it won't reset speed changes or stabilization though this next one is a really obvious one and again I forget it all the time I've made some adjustments to this because I'm going through a bit of a Dutch angle or whatever and I want to see what it looked like without my transforms you can just toggle transform on enough so just click the little thing and you can go this is what it looks like with those adjustments this is what it looks like without them and there you go similar vein don't forget if you've added a keyframe let's just do another one over here got a bit of zoom in we can use these little arrows to jump between the keyframes which is super quick and easy and if we right click on the keyframe we can ease them so let's jump back to the first one right click ease out and it's much easier than having to open up the keyframes and do it all properly if you just right click on there you can get smoother keyframes in seconds hey couple there now there's something else again I forget this all the bloody time Dynamic zooms you don't have to turn them on we don't have to go into the inspector to turn them on you can turn them on within the viewer so I use Dynamic zooms a lot and I always go to the inspector scroll down toggle on Dynamic Zoom come to the viewer click my little drop down Dynamic zoom and then I amend it accordingly but you don't have to do that first step let's just turn that off and we'll reset my Dynamic Zoom so my Dynamic Zoom turned off if we just click my little icon it seems we change anything it will automatically enable the dynamic Zoom setting so you don't actually need to go into the inspector to turn it on you also don't need to use this drop down if you want to amend it you simply right click and we've got the options so I can change that to ease in and out job done without using the inspector we've amended and enabled a dynamic Zoom I know it's only a few clicks but I forget every single time and then I remember and then I get annoyed that I forgot so now you know now there's a couple more things to mention sticking with the viewer and uh if you've messed with the viewer so I'm just going to use my mouse well and move this around blah blah blah if we hit Z on the keyboard it will just immediately reset and again I do find myself clicking and trying to get this in the right place but if you just hit Z on the keyboard it will do the hard work for you Z if you're in America I believe okay what about this one you've gone to your media pool you've clicked on a video and you think oh I'll come back to that in a minute and then you've gone through a few more and then you want to get back to that original video but you can't remember which one it was at the very top you've got a little drop down and it shows you a history of the recent files that you've opened now I'm using stock footage here so it's not the best example but I know I can go back to the clouds one oh there he is that was the clouds one I was looking for drag it onto my timeline and job done ah he's a good one I always forget now this one actually comes courtesy of Chadwick from the creative video tips Channel who recently started a brand new series called tricky little things and the tip is really simple in the media pool right at the top you've got your little magnifying glass if you give that a click you can search but by default it will only search the currently active bin if you click the little drop down you can change this to be all bins so then you can just search for everything within your entire media pool bonus tip editor Alex here I had one written down but I've forgot some mention it in the video which I know is really ironic this isn't actually something I forgot generally but it was something that was introduced in 18.6 so I figured it was worth mentioning you now have the ability to open up the media pool click on these three little dots and you can simply remove unused Clips so anything within your media pool which isn't actually being used on any timeline this will scrub all of the timelines within the project will be removed from your media pool which is just a nice simple way of cleaning up the projects before you save them or export them or do whatever handy back to Old me this next one is called match frame and again if you forget that it's there or if you didn't know it's there it's a bit of a pain but once you know it's there it's it's good so if you've ever done this before you've accidentally deleted some audio or you intentionally deleted some audio from a clip and then later on in the edit you realize you needed back if you just give the footage click on your timeline and then hit the F key this key is called match frame and what it will do is actually find the video find the file within the media pool and mark the in and out sections of the actual portion you have on the timeline so I'll go f and then I can just bring my mouse over I can click within the preview and drag down and I'll get the whole thing again or hover my mouse or get these two little icons a video one and an audio one I can bring the audio one down put it underneath the video highlight them both right click and re-link and we're back to where we were winner now talking of going back to where we were undo I still quite often find myself frantically just smashing control and Z to go through and undo 20 different things and you really don't have to because there is an undo history which I always forget is there you simply go to edit history and look there's a history of all the stuff that I've been doing you can say I moved the clip by 1813 frames and I dragged clips and I deleted them whatever you can just give them a click to go back to that particular point you can even get this as its own little pop-out window so as you go through doing things it builds up this list so you can just go actually we'll go back to that point there and off we go yeah I could draw the control the controls it still do it all the time now just a couple more one you can copy grades directly on the edit page now this doesn't take long to do but I still find myself always just jumping over to the color page to copy a grade but in the pinch if you just want to copy it really quickly you can do it on the edit page so this clip here has a grade and this one here doesn't so if you just give it a click on the timeline so it's highlighted Ctrl and C to copy onto the other one alt or option and V you get your paste attribute screen which you've probably seen before there is one on here called color correction this also works for Fusion if you've done any Fusion stuff we're just going to go color correction apply and it's going to copy the grade over now to finish off one thing on the color page on the color page you've got this icon here and it's called sizing and then you've got these three icons on screen you've got edit sizing input sizing and then output sizing the edit sizing is the edit page sizing it's all of the edit page transform controls so if we give that a click and we can zoom in we can change the pan the Tilt the rotation the your do whatever and if we just go back now to the edit page you can see scroll up we have all of those attributes changed now there is a difference between the edit sizing input sizing and output sizing I've kind of put this little flowchart from the instruction manual on the screen that explains it and a reference to the page so you can go read a little bit more down below if you want to and that's it what else did I forget to mention in this video about things I often forget to do let me know down in the comments below thanks ever so much for watching hope you found it useful take it easy I'll see you next time
Channel: MrAlexTech
Views: 33,678
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MrAlexTech, Mr Alex Tech
Id: EijTiybLt-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 19sec (919 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 29 2023
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