Things You CAN Do in China (You CAN'T Do in America)

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Dress Down - Kaoru Akimoto.

Funny enough, I was searching for this exact song a short while ago.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/reekkkkkk 📅︎︎ Jul 22 2020 🗫︎ replies
this club used to be called Soho but now it's just so-so I guess they didn't make it you just weren't good enough halo enters its loudly six here with another video and I had a really interesting idea because when I was in America and I came back to China I kind of realize like some of the things you can and can't do in both respective countries for example when I was in America I was driving like crazy I was being in a really aggressive driver and sometimes I would beep it people that were pulling out of their driveways and stuff and I realized that there's a lot of things you can and can't do in America and can and can't do in China and they're both completely completely different so today I'm going to talk about five things that you can only do or see in China versus America where these things would not be okay I hope you enjoy the video now don't pay attention to the guys behind me I chose a very ridiculous location to film but it's because I'm outside of the club now what I'm gonna talk about right now is the prevalence of underage drinking and underage smoking now in China there is kind of a legal limit or a legal age for smoking and drinking but that is never ever ever followed but you think that actually mean that you see a bunch of kids running around drunk and getting into their dad's liquor cabinets and drinking by Joe and all that kind of stuff but actually I find it to be the opposite now when I lived in America we used to sneak up to Canada across the border because the drinking age was lower than in America at the age of 21 to find out the ridiculous so what it causes is was this kind of like binge drinking culture for me so you go and pay someone to go buy beer or liquor outside of a liquor store or something like that and the risk for that person is possible jail time and we could get in big trouble too as kids but here in China kids can just go to a convenience store they can go to a bar they can go to a club and they can drink all they want now I did have a student when I first went to Inner Mongolia in the back of my classroom my first class I kid you not drinking a beer at 8 a.m. and smoking a cigarette in the class that doesn't happen so much anymore and like I said there's not that much underage drinking and smoking going on because it's not seen as something that's super cool because of the drinking culture in China usually revolves around meetings or family or face you'll see a lot of guys get together and just binge drink bye Joe just get absolutely smashed there's a lot of alcohol poisoning problems and things like that but what you don't see is kids doing the same thing because they see their dads and grandpa's doing that kind of stuff it's kind of not really really cool to do so however with the prevalence of clubs nowadays and all these kind of bars that are springing up all over the place I do see more and more younger people going out but I don't see them getting plastered drunk I see them having one or two Budweiser's or Bacardi breezers or something like this there's an influx of kind of lesser ABV lesser alcohol alcoholic beverages in China now that the younger people tend to drink now although in some of my videos I said that people are smoking less and less I see a resurgence of smoking nowadays especially amongst amongst younger girls now in China if a girl smoked when I first came here in 2009 you are kind of seen as low-class or a prostitute even it's a really bad stereotype a really bad image that you're giving off as a woman but I see a lot of younger girls now middle school and high school age that are kind of smoking I don't know if it's to rebel against their parents or the system in China or Chinese culture or traditionalism in general but I do see that kind of picking up right now so if you're into drinking or smoking you're gonna love it here because it's available it's cheap you can smoke indoors pretty much anywhere you can walk around drinking the beer or some booze or whatever you might get some nasty looks from people to think you're kind of giving a bad atmosphere a bad image to the public but all in all it's absolutely crazy that there's no legal limit or legal age for drinking and smoking be as racist as you want let your inner racial pride shine through you're a white supremacist or if you're an Asian supremacist you're gonna find heaven here in China I'm just joking but what I'm actually trying to say is that the PC culture or lack thereof in China is gonna bother some people you cut that out now or you'll go home in an ambulance or it's gonna make some people really really happy the kind of whole PC nature of people back in the West has kind of taken over Western countries does not exist here so what I'm trying to say is that you will hear this and I swear to God black people are dirty Indian people are stingy Jewish people are the best in the world because they're so smart and good at business even racist towards themselves Chinese people can't drive Chinese people have squinty eyes Chinese people are super stingy just like the Indians if you're fat they'll call you fat I take a shower I'm triggered I get in the car I'm if you're poor they'll call you poor they'll call you dirty if your skin is too tan Japanese are violent dogs northerners and China will call southerners barbaric because of the things they eat southerners will call northerners stupid because they tend to fight and get drunk there is all kinds of stereotypes and anti PC culture here in China you will always have people be upfront with what they think about you and you can also be judgmental towards Chinese people based on their appearances in some of the stereotypes against Chinese people as well however be criticized Chinese culture or their governments or just China in general as a nation don't think for a second that you're gonna be safe they tend to get pretty pretty butthurt when you criticize their country so they didn't allow it sitting other building I was supposed to be telling you guys that I you can get into any building you want and this is the first time I've been rejected I think it's his fault yeah punch up what's up put some nuts on me say we did it we did it that guy was way more reasonable but I had to say that my father is the boss to the Caxton fire [Music] there you go we made it to the roof but I reckon we could get even further we can get even further I don't know if this applies to China specifically but there's a lot of big buildings and tall buildings that I tried to get access to in Hong Kong and in America and when I tried to get up there to get some shots it was either locked or I got yelled at and people are like get the hell out of here now that's not true in China because actually I just chose this random building out of nowhere and me and prime to the top and I'm actually just standing here on the top of wage oh it's awesome now in China pretty much every time I see a building whether it's an apartment or a business or a hotel they have access that's unlocked to the roof and usually is this for maintenance people but there is actually like a locks on it that are never actually used so people go to the roof and kind of just hang out you can see laundry being hung up you can see people drying vegetables and meat and all this kind of stuff if it's a if it's an apartment building and also as a tourist in any city in China you can go up to pretty much any building get up on the roof and it's amazing to get really really cool views of the cities because there's something really special about Chinese cities especially nighttime views of Chinese cities because the buildings are tall the lights are neon and it can be an awesome place to kind of chill with your friends and just have a beer it's really really cool stuff now of course there are farmers markets and wet markets and all this kind of stuff in Western countries but the big difference is that the affordability in China of fresh produce is mind-blowing I'll tell you what I started basically learning how to cook in China because when I went to the markets it was so entertaining to find all these gradients that I didn't really know what they were it was so much better than going to the supermarkets where I get all that kind of prepackaged nonsense food because you know that the farmers grow their own food and then bring it there sell it to you for a reasonable price and although you might have to haggle down the price sometimes at these farmers markets that in itself is a bit of a game - another thing is that the diversity of animals you can find being sold kind of rivals a zoo so if you don't want to waste your money on a ticket to go to the zoo to go check out all the aquarium animals and all that kind of stuff just go to the market it's free and you'll see stuff you know sometimes like I've seen on parrotfish and aquarium fish being sold as food sharks turtles all kinds of weird species of frogs and all this kind of stuff it's the most entertaining thing you can do here it's unbelievable stuff a lot of people complain about not being able to find ingredients to cook Western recipes in China and that's just BS because if you go to the markets you could pretty much find any fresh produce or any herb or spice that you really need to cook anything whether it's Italian or French cooking even Chinese cooking or Japanese cooking you can pretty much find anything you need another really handy tactic is if you go to the supermarket and buy something you're not going to get instructions on how to cook it and I've challenged myself by going to the wet market and finding ingredients and I don't know what it is and ask them how to prepare it and usually the vendors actually know how to prepare the ingredients and how to prepare the recipes and they give you tips and tricks and help you kind of prepare the ingredients for what you're about to cook that night it's awesome stuff now the next one's gonna seem absolutely ridiculous because what I'm about to say is you can eat authentic Chinese food in China well of course he can but what my point is is if you go abroad the only time you're going to eat authentic Chinese food and not Americanized or westernized Chinese food or Jeff Japanophile Chinese food is if you go to a Chinatown now a lot of people don't live near Chinatown especially where I come from in rural New York I grew up thinking that Chinese food was low main and general tous chicken and beef and broccoli and all this kind of stuff by the way if you haven't seen her video eating Chinese American Chinese we go check it out anyway my point is that if you come to China you will be able to experience real Chinese food with very little effort now they're wonderful the most wonderful thing about that is actually every province of China and there's 32 of them has a different cuisine and it's kind of like saying Oh New York food is different than California food it's not it's absolutely not you can go to the same chain restaurants and yeah local people like in the past used to cook different things but China's kept the tradition of keeping local cuisine local and what I mean is if you go to Yangtze province like it the other day you can eat yunxi food if you go all the way up to Shenyang in the west of China you the amazing on a Muslim food or middle-eastern food go to Inner Mongolia you're gonna have the best goat or a barbecue lamb of your entire life you've got north to Dongbei in the northeast of China you're gonna eat hearty hearty food that might even remind you of some stuff that you eat in the West you go down south to go to citron you go to Hunan Province you're gonna be burning your mouth off with the spiciest stuff you've ever had in your life you come down here to Guangdong where we all right now you'd only have some of the most ornate amazing kind of beautifully prepared food you've ever seen you wouldn't expect it to come out of China you can go to Fujian and experience amazing amazing seafood the culinary diversity of China is almost limitless and the best thing is that if you live in a fairly decent-sized city you can use apps and different programs and look online to find different province food around your city so for example right now we're not eating Cantonese food the other day me and prosody went to an inner Mongolian restaurant where people were from Inner Mongolia there's all kinds of awesome restaurants from different places in China that you can experience pretty much every Chinese city you cannot pass that opportunity up you hope you enjoyed the video la winners and next time I will do some things that you can only do in America that you can't do here in China I hope you guys find these videos very useful and thank you so much to everyone out there that is my patron I want to give you a huge shout out you guys are really helping me out and helping this channel to kind of grow into something a lot bigger so stay tuned for a lot more videos coming up also if you didn't check out prossies video he also covered some things that you can only do or see in China as well so go check that out too link is in the description thank you so much leaveners and I will catch you on the next one so in this video we're talking about the difference between eating at restaurants in the countryside or rural China versus in the cities now the nice thing about these rural restaurants is that you can actually wait let me do that again now there's a massive difference between eating in these two places because number one if you go to the cities you can actually find quite high-end and expensive food is that you can actually go back into the kitchens and take a look okay so I go one more you can you saw and they get tied the module my wheel
Channel: laowhy86
Views: 2,924,855
Rating: 4.5665345 out of 5
Keywords: china, illegal in china, legal in china, culture shock, laws around the world, weird laws around the world, differences in china, things you can't do in china, china weird food, china weird things, chinese food, real chinese food, real chinese food vs american chinese food, laowhy86, advchina, serpentza, underage smoking, smoking laws, smoking age, drinking age, drinking age in japan, drinking age in china, is there a legal drinking age in china, alcohol laws china
Id: StoLiIqU8jo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 32sec (692 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 11 2017
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