Things That New Skateboarders Should Be Ready For

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here are 10 things that new skaters should be ready for when they start skateboarding number one is spending money so skateboarding could be expensive whether it's wearing down your deck or snapping it or ripping a hole in your shoes at some point pretty much all the parts of your skateboard plus your shoes will need to be replaced and with all these things ranging from 20 to $100 or more it's inevitable that you're gonna be dishing out a good amount of money however don't let this scare you off because it's pretty rare that you'd have to replace an entire complete and shoes all at once so it's more just like you're spending a little bit of money here and there just to replace what you need for number 2 we have injuries now this one's another inevitable part of skateboarding but you're bound to get hurt now this can range from things like getting or getting scraped up to rolling your ankles or worse but it's important for you to understand that these are things that will happen so you should never push yourself beyond your limits obviously doing something like allying on flat ground is gonna have a lot lower risk than alling a big gap and so the injuries that could come with either one of those are proportionate to how big the risk is so make sure that you understand how to fall correctly and if you really feel unsafe just remember that it's better to get made fun of for wearing a helmet and pads than to die for number three we have dealing with Authority so despite what you may have read in a lot of places skateboarding is in fact a crime and apparently business owners cops and cranky old people just don't like you doing it so when you first start skateboarding you'll probably just start off learning tricks in your driveway or in the street but once you get a little more into it you'll start to venture out into street spots which means jumping fences ignoring no skateboarding signs and just in general being places where people don't want you to be and of course this means you're gonna have to deal with your fair share of Authority the good news is some people and cops are cool about it and if they ask you to leave and you just leave nicely then there won't be any problem but the bad news is there's always crazy people who get extremely irrational and angry but like I said the best way to deal with all this is just to leave and maybe come back later at number 4 we have frustration not many things in life can compare to the overwhelming frustration of trying a trick over and over again ask pretty much anyone who's trying to learn an ollie or a kickflip and you'll know that this can be one of the most frustrating things in the world there's a quote that says insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results and yeah that pretty much sums it up whether it's an ollie or a nollie 540 double flip there's bound to be those things in skateboarding that no matter how many times you try or how hard you try you just can't get but just keep in mind that this is a natural process of learning and like I've mentioned before in other videos if you hit a wall and you just can't get it go and try something else and then come back to it later but there is an upside to all this frustration and that's number five which is the best feeling in the world there are fewer better feelings to a skateboarder but having try to trick countless times and then finally landing it perfectly it can be easy to lose motivation when you're stuck on something and just not want to try anymore but when you finally stop that trick it's got to be one of the best feelings in the world which is all the motivation you need whether it's landing a new trick for the very first time or landing a trick perfectly at a new spot that amazing feeling is what makes all the frustration worthwhile number six is getting sore in weird places now you pretty much use all the muscles in your body at one point or another but with skateboarding especially when you're learning tricks there's certain muscles that are probably underdeveloped if you haven't skated that much whether it be the muscle in your leg that you use to flick the board when you're doing a kickflip or the bottom of your foot getting sore after pushing around all day long you're bound to discover some new underworked muscles that are starting to develop from skateboarding and most of the time you'll go out all day skateboarding and it won't be till the next day when you wake up that you discover that your tibialis anterior muscle is sore from doing all those tre flips and the good news is after you skate for long enough you'll start to develop all these muscles which will not only make you a better skater but it'll mean you're just more fit in general at number seven we have the sense of community so this is probably one of the best parts about skateboarding besides the physical aspects of it in general skateboarders gravitate towards other skateboarders you can go to a skate park and not know anyone there and then land a trick and everyone would clap for you and despite social cultural or economic background we all share one uniting factor that makes us a full-fledged community but there are outliers which brings us to number eight haters just like in most other areas of life there's always going to be the haters and whether it's calling you out for the way that you hold your board or the way that you push or the clothes you're wearing this is a part of skateboarding that unfortunately does exist luckily nowadays it seems like these types of haters and trolls are relegated to the Internet and unless you live in a pretty unsavory place it's pretty rare that someone would actually call you out for this in person but it's just good to be aware that there's always gonna be people who suck and try to bring you down for no reason and as long as you're doing what you love to do in the way you want to do it and you're having fun then this should all be background noise and you shouldn't let it bother you and number nine we have seen the world differently this is one that I hadn't even noticed until years after I started skating but after you're a skateboarder you really do start to see the world and everyday objects completely differently benches and stairs are no longer just places to sit down and to walk ditches aren't just for overflowing water and now something as simple as a curb can be a full-on skate spot it's hard to remember what it was like driving down the street before I skated and just seeing all these objects and not paying any attention to them because once you start skateboarding you really do just see the world as a big skate park and finally at number 10 we have obsession so most likely you started skateboarding because a friend or a family member does it or you saw it on the Internet so you get interested and you get a skateboard and then you push around on it and you start trying tricks and it's a lot of fun but it's also really hard and then maybe you learn a couple tricks and then you get to a point where you're kind of stuck and then you get really frustrated and then you try them over and over again and you just can't get it and then you get really unmotivated and then you just want to quit so you put your skateboard away and you go to bed but then you can't stop thinking about your skateboard so the next day you get up and you get on it again we keep trying the trick and then you go on the internet and you start watching videos about how to do the trick and that gets you into watching other skate videos and other skate parts and then pretty soon you're watching full skate videos and contests and your new favorite site is the barracks and now you're subscribed to Thrasher and now you've gotten better and now you have friends who ski and then you all go out together to skate spots and you jump fences get kicked out and then I'll head over to the skate park and spend all day there it now it's ten years later and you've been doing the same thing with the same friends skateboarding every day and you realize that skateboarding has pretty much become your life well yeah that's pretty much how skateboarding works so these are just a few things I wanted to throw out there maybe get some new skaters ready for what to expect of course not all these things will apply to everyone and they won't apply in the same ways but it's pretty much a rough outline of the types of things I encountered when I started skateboarding so just remember that all the good things in skateboarding definitely outweigh the bad and now that you skateboard you're a part of something that's so much bigger than you or anyone else in it as an individual which is pretty amazing so just go out there and keep skating I'd like to thank my patreon pledgers for always being awesome and helping support me and give me feedback and as always I'd like to thank you for watching and you can like and subscribe if you want
Channel: VLSkate
Views: 4,901,590
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skateboarding, skateboard, skate, skater, skating, sk8, vilas, left, vlskate, atm, click, bones, ipath, real, world, hardware, tricks, trick, kickflip, heelflip, poway, security, fight, braille, vs, hater, bail
Id: 8FmBJwgEu4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 5sec (485 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 06 2017
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