THE OUTER WORLDS Best Builds - Melee, Diplomat (Character Creation Starter Guide)

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welcome back to the outer worlds and in today's video I'm gonna be going over four different builds for you guys because I know a lot of you are struggling with what character bills to choose because at the start of the games when you start the outer worlds you're going to be faced with this character build screen where you have to choose your attributes currently everything's on average we have six points remaining to choose and then we're going to start investing in two key tag skills as well so tributes are actually quite important at the start of the game obviously so now I'm gonna go over four different bills depending on what you want to play and I will timestamp them linked down below in the description if you guys like this video and find it helpful please leave a like and don't forget you can also subscribe press the bell icon if you want to see future the outer worlds guides I could be going over all the legendary weapons as well so here we go now these four builds are going to be a sneaky sniper based class which does the maximum damage you can do with any rifles or a one-handed or two-handed melee type build that can use both one hand and two-handed weapons depending and also heavy weapons but we'll talk about that more as we get into it also a diplomatic build that uses purely speech skills and doesn't kill anybody in the whole game and that is very possible by the way and then finally we'll be going over a companion based skill build which basically just makes your companions do more damage than you which is kind of interesting because that will just carry you through the game okay so this is my full-on sneaky sniper build so we're gonna start off by having below average strength now I was a little bit worried about this when I first started the game but basically the only real drawback here is that you get 20 kilograms less carrying capacity so we only have 60 kilograms carrying capacity but I know that sounds like it would be a problem in a roleplay game where you loot things but I've literally loot absolutely everything I come across and search through everything as you guys have seen on my livestream walkthrough when we've been playing through the outer worlds and I've not had a problem at all with you know not carrying everything it's kind of ridiculous how having below average strength doesn't punish you at all actually so I found that you because you can deconstruct everything on the go anyway I've just never had an issue with it so below average strength is just not a problem at all it does reduce our tactical time dilation so basically that's like that's from full-out your ability to slow down time now personally I've had no issue with that because I don't use it that often unless I want to quickly get a head shot but if you're using a close-quarters hand Gong build maybe that will be an issue so maybe you want to raise that up to average but personally I didn't have a problem at all and I found the game quite easier in hard mode I'm not gonna lie so the next thing we have after strength being below average is dexterity now dexterity increases your range weapon reload speed by 20% which is nice for us it also gives us 20% faster attack speed we don't care about that most importantly it affects the hand guns here so it gives us an extra bit of handgun damage which is very nice because that's like my close quarters weapon but also it governs the sneak and lockpick skills now dodge is nice but I don't really find dodge very useful to be honest you don't really need it that much but sneaking is gonna be really useful to you for getting those extra damage headshots off which I'll talk about in a moment because the damage you can do with this setup is insanely good like you can get the most damage in the game easily so sneak obviously for that reason sneaking quite fun as well it also allows you to go into places and lockpick and hack things and still stuff that you were otherwise won't be able to also stealing things in the game there's no repercussions for stealing as long as you're not caught you should be stealing everything you come across discreetly as you can really now as for lock-picking hacking the to access skills in the game it's worth mentioning that there are no minigames tied to these two skills so effectively if you have a high enough lockpick or hack skill you can get inside there and you can loot everything that's inside and to be honest you really like no matter what build you're playing you kind of want to have a good hacking or lockpick skill or at least lock-picking skill because then you can access all the loot inside and that's where a lot of the good stuff and money making is to be had through looting so you kind of want that so next we have mines and that starts off with intelligence which we've put up very high because this gives us plus 35% critical damage which is insane because later on when we go over our skills we're gonna have another plus 50% and we're just going to be doing like ridiculous damage when we create people so we get plus 35% critical damage from very high intelligence we also get a very high hack skill medical skill science and determination which helped us out with followers and whatnot and we also have persuade and it's a ninja's kind of governs a lot of these speech based options in the game and it's just super useful to have to be an intelligent person especially when you're like trying to conversate with people so allow you to get out of a lot of things if you're in a close-quarters situation and you don't want to engage in a gunfight from that close up it also governs the long gun skill which is going to mean we do maximum damage with rifles and snipers and whatnot hell yes give me the maximum damage we can do next we have perception obviously that's gonna be very high as well because it also governs the long gun skills but also hey boss Oh handguns heavy weapons so we are going to be efficient with heavy guns we can definitely still use them for sure but that also governs the lockpick skill which obviously as I said is really useful and engineering so we can upgrade and repair our weapons and they don't you know get destroyed too quickly either there's also follower companions who can help you with that as well but we also get a 35% bonus to extra headshot plus weak spot damage so effectively our headshots are going to do 35% additional damage plus the 35% critical chance as well disgusting I know next we have personality now personally charm I put that as below average now that only there are more negatives for this I would say because it actually reduces the increase in positive reputation you get with different factions when you do like a good quest or it actually increases the negative repercussions you have for doing like a bad choice with a faction and it also reduces your companion refreshed abilities as well but to be honest I don't really use them at all and I don't need them and as I'll show you later we can actually get some ridiculous damage with this sniper bill because there's a lone wolf perk that gives you plus 35% damage if you don't bring companions though I would say do bring companions because otherwise you miss out a lot of the story by not having them with you so um I've got below-average charm if you want to put this down to goods and then this back to average then I think you'll probably find you know the game a little bit more enjoyable if you want to kind of experience you know more being able to talk your way around things but if you want maximum damage then put that down below average also we have temperament temperaments an interesting one because if you put it on below average you actually lose your health regeneration now this is a really big deal because if you don't have health regeneration you have to use up all your consumables to make sure you're constantly at full health however if you just leave this on average which I prefer personally you will constantly regenerate your health and you know you won't you just won't be a problem so I definitely keep this on average and then you use up less consumables and off the combat you can just wait for your health to regenerate instead it also determines the life skill which is very very fun some of the best dialogue and some of the most funny dialogue in the game is there we also have the sneak skill as well it's also worth noting as well if you like dialog having a below-average intelligence is actually going to give you secret dialogue that you only get if you're so stupid that you just don't understand people so okay with that moving forward onto the skills next we're going to want to tag the skills the ranged and also the stealth skills and that basically just gives you +10 in these skills so the first thing you want to do when you actually start playing the game now is you're going to want to increase your range damage and your stealth abilities first and what you do is you basically have you just point put points into range and it increases everything by +1 at the same time until something gets to level 50 and then you have to put points directly into for example long guns and then you can increase it beyond up to a level hundred it's very simple I know it sounds confusing when you haven't played yet as most of you probably haven't watching this so that's basically my sniper gear build you also have aptitude as well which we'll quickly discuss at the end of the video okay so this is the full-on a hundred percent boost of the wall melee build okay and there's a few things we can change out which I'll go through in a moment but starting off we have the maximum strength which gives you just too much carrying capacity then you know what to do with it also governs your one-handed and two-handed and block abilities so you basically do 30% more damage with melee weapons and you do even more damage through those tag skills and it also affects your heavy weapons damage as well though this isn't currently sab as a heavy weapons focus but I will talk about it in a moment depending if you're using one-handed or two-handed weapons dexterity is gonna be a big deal because firstly it's just going to increase your melee weapon attack speed by 30% which is huge because you're effectively increasing your damage per second by 30% so that's massive it's also going to increase your block skill and your one-handed melee skill as well so if you're using like a sword or like a one-handed weapon then you're gonna want to max out dexterity so you can attack super fast and get the most damage from that scale next we have intelligence I've actually put this on below average so we get the secret funny dial of options that you may find yourself lacking in a conversations this is kind of one of those builds where it's super fun to play if you just want to kill everyone and just run through the game and be like screw you I'm gonna do I won and like muscled my way in everywhere so intelligence isn't important to us really perception or so it's so perception if you're doing a heavy guns build I would reduce temperament and increased perception ops are very high because then you're gonna max out your heavy weapons earlier on and we're also going to get bonus damage to weapon weak spot damage and headshots as well which for heavy weapons is pretty good but otherwise crit damage or melee weapons is not necessary you can leave it on average if you're like worried about it but I put it below average because I'm just going to be a meat grinder basically then we have charm now I put that below average as I mentioned when I talked about the sniper build I'm not going to go over that again your ability to conversate and also improve your relationships with different factions if you're killing everyone you okay so then we have temperament now temperament does affect the two-handed male a skill and it also increases your health regeneration so what I would say is that if you're not going for a two-handed Mellie build and you don't need to max it out right away for your damage I leave it on average so you at least have health regeneration and don't need to use up all your consumables every single time and instead I'll increase your perception up to high and then at least you're getting some extra damage from headshots and weak spot damage with your melee weapons which is just more damage and that's pretty nice so obviously for skills you're gonna go with melee over here and then you can go for a stealthy melee bill but personally I didn't think it was that impressive so I'd go for like dodge and block if you don't care about like conversations and talk to people then you're just going to be some tanky machine okay we also have medical and science because obviously you know we have alcohol and other things like that which we can use to increase our damage even further but and this is just the boost of the wall build so that's the okay so this is the Diplomat build guys we effectively are useless with weapons obviously you can still use weapons but the whole point of this bill is that you can play for the outer worlds and not have any problems with other players or anything like that and not have any problems with you know just talking through the whole game in talking yourself out of every situation with your silver tongue which is 100% possible to do by the way you don't need to kill anything so this is quite an interesting one and by the way with this setup your companions are going to be doing more damage than you so let's go through this step by step obviously we don't need strength that's not important we this means we can carry less but it doesn't really matter as at all dexterity now this is below average I will mention however that sneak is still going to be useful to you because there's some things you might be able to solve by sneaking that you can't solve with your silver tongue and but it's not essential you can actually still sneak past things if you're just careful and have good timing you don't need a good sneak skill to do everything in the game intelligence is super useful intelligence must be very very high because otherwise we can't get some of the good conversation options in the game and we can't persuade people to do what we want them to do and just get you need this to get free the game with purely speech next we have perception now currently I got this a below-average we could bring this up a bit because perception actually gives you some unique speech options in the game and having a really low perception is going to reduce you know you being able to pick up on those options so we can actually out offset this with companions though so that's worth mentioning as well but this isn't it's probably a lesser useful skill now with these two skills you're gonna find companions are actually doing more damage than you so having companions with you they can just do all the heavy lifting and you can just give them all the good gear and you know they solve your problem basically but we're gonna have charm is very high because that's going to increase our persuade light intimidate skill and also it's going to allow us to hack and basically access you know what we need to access and get and blackmail people it also boosts our positive reputation with factions whenever we do something good it reduces the amount of negative impact we get for example if you do something bad with one faction if you do something good with one faction but it negatively impacts another you're actually going to get less negative faction reputation because you have a high charm skill and lying in the game is just the funniest style of options here so god you're gonna have some fun there and then we have temperament and I've put that as very high this actually increases our sneak skill as well which means you really don't need to worry about this determination affects your companions how much damage they do also governs the lie skill as well so we've basically covered all the conversational things in this setup the only thing I would reduce if you want to reduce something is temperament slightly and you could put this down to average and you could put your perception up to high and then that would give you those extra dialogues but this is something that I'm not 100% on yet so if you want to be safe I'd go high and average and you could easily talk your way for the whole game and then next obviously we're gonna want to go into dialogue persuade light intimidate it's a boost as our tag skills here and then personally I would go for leadership because that gives your followers extra abilities as you can see when you start to read into this stuff I'm not going to do it now for you but companions get 20% more armor it just basically turns your companions into raid bosses which is always fantastic but that's going to be your companion and your your conversational playthrough effectively so those are my four or I guess you could say free builds because you can also leave this as very high if you like and then you can invest some points into damage and then you can have high companions but also be a melee damage dealer yourself it's completely up to you what you do but I think going over each of those builds each of those archetypes and details you now fully understand how each skill works what's useful and especially lock-picking and hacking is always going to be useful to you because that's going to allow you to get access to everywhere in the game and I personally enough hate nothing more than just not being able to access everything so there you go guys I hope that build guide was helpful for every single character you're going to be playing in the outer worlds and by all means do another playthrough discover the low intelligence secret dialog options they're very funny and I just hope you enjoyed the game guys give the video a like if you found it useful and don't forget to subscribe and press that Bell icon because I'll be doing the unique weapon guide next showing you where to get the best weapons at the start of the game as well depending on what build you went for you may or may not find that useful so press that Bell icon then YouTube will let you know as soon as that comes out and if you haven't brought the outer worlds here you can find a discount link down below in the description but guys thanks for watching I'll see you the next one goodbye
Channel: ESO
Views: 238,631
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The outer worlds builds, The Outer Worlds character creation, the outer worlds, the outer world build, the outer worlds builds, the outer worlds tips, the outer worlds starter guide, the outer worlds review, the outer worlds charcter, charcter creation, starter, build guide, the outer worlds best, the outer worlds diplomat build, the outer world, outer worlds, skills, attributes, sniper build, melee build, sneak, diplomat, guide, eso
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 11sec (1031 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 25 2019
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