All Machine Types in Horizon Forbidden West Guide

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how's it going guys Chris here and today I'm going to be giving you a complete guide to all the machine types you'll be able to find in Horizon forbidden West there's 43 different machines in total so quite a lot to see in the game only their own unique characteristics and behavior patterns so the first machine you'll find in Horizon forbidden West's machine index is the Grazer a pretty passive deer-like machine that usually hangs around in a herd its primary purpose is to grind away at the ground and cut the grass which then gets converted to blaze sent to one of the four canisters found on its back although grazers generally prefer not to fight most of the time being fairly nervous those are machines that typically run away when threatened they will attack you if you get too close by using the rotor blades found on their antlers to hit you often swinging their heads around after charging along with strong kicks from their legs to knock you back because the grazers are often busy with their heads in the dirt completely oblivious to their surroundings they rely on each other along with other nearby Recon machines to sound the alarm Alert in the herd of potential Danger one of the machines often seen wandering around searching for threats in the wild is the borrower these guys monitor the environment scanning the plant life to check on its condition while often guardian of the machines at the same time too kind of acting like a bit of an alarm system giving them the role of a sentry they're pretty quick agile machines with long bodies and short limbs typically found in groups and as the name suggests they've also got the ability to borrow underground popping up from new unexpected positions although generally a Recon unit there to sound the alarm borrowers won't hesitate to attack you on site generally swinging their tails and using melee most of the time but also able to use ranged attacks too launching rocks along with plasma shots from their large eye many subvariants of the borrower can be seen all over the Forbidden West in different regions ranging from trackers to Elementals even having the ability to swim and attack underwater by launching forwards scrounges in the Forbidden West are very much like Scrappers from the first game hyena like scavengers that tear off parts from dead machines for recycling they're fairly small lightweight and Nimble by Design with three pronged mandibles containing saw blades used to grind out metal and parts of course those mandibles aren't just good for grinding down metal as they do a pretty good job in offensive situations too with those mouth saws being dangerous to humans such as yourself grounders will often try and bite you with those saw blade mandibles using them as their primary weapon but also use shock attacks against you too some of which can be fired over distance creating electrical explosions on impact like many other machine types in the game scroungers also prefer to chill out with each other grouped up and found Scavenging off other downed machines sometimes even showing up to salvage unrooted machine carcasses in the area that have not long been taken down hopping along next is the kangaroo machine known as the leap Lasher which instead of carrying a joey in its pouch carries cargo which in this case is acid and Blaze canisters hence why he can often be found moving around in convoys transporting them around League flashers aren't particularly big being slightly taller than the average human relying on its powerful legs to support its small body and cargo housed within a pod in its chest canisters can be picked up using a magnetic claw though the same claw can also be used during fights launching carried cargo attackers or deploying the claw to deal damage over range sometimes grabbing you to prevent an escape obviously being a bit like a kangaroo and having those powerful legs the elite flashy will often Chase and kick you using agility to its Advantage also capable of electrifying itself to deal shock damage which can be delivered through jumping strikes over range leap lashes can also act as response units to Aid other machines and call for reinforcements carry different pods to assist them in their fight like ones that repair deal damage using the cloud or even scramble your focus giving them plenty of different ways to attack and disrupt so just like this grounder the Scrapper is another four-legged scavenger with an appetite for metal basically having the very same job writing down machine carcasses for recycling not only does it do a similar thing but it also looks really similar to the scrounger in appearance too though instead of having mandibles on its face that chew up those metal Parts it's instead of got a mouth comprised of circular grinders these guys were fairly popular machines in the first game but not quite as widespread in the Forbidden West with other newer machines mainly taking the Limelight Scrappers maps have a bit more armor than the scrounges though their attack patterns are pretty similar using jaws and Claws to rough you up while firing energy shots at you from a distance with this rappers even able to shoot purple lasers in your direction too with members of the pack helping each other out using a variety of different attacks that need to be dodged a really unique machine that you'll find in the Forbidden West is the spike snouts an acquisition machine with a similar appearance to an anteater that liquefies and extracts resources from the land which is then contained in sacs along its body and tail these guys are covered in sacks containing different types of liquid all of which affect you and other machines in different ways although they can resort to melee attacks Spike's notes mainly use those different liquid types to support other machines or disrupt their attackers spray in other machines with mist to give them statistical boosts while also spraying you to drain your health and stanimate over time how nice of them the red liquid amplifies damage the blue liquid dampens it and the green one reduces stamina and of course shooting those golden sacks along with those acid canisters on its back will cause them to burst exposing you the spikes notes and other machines in the area to their effects something you'll often see gliding around above your head is the sky Drifter which basically acts like a spotting drone scanning the area for potential threats it's a bird-like machine that stands out like a sore thumb typically seen in the air emitting a huge green cone onto the ground below if you get caught in the scanner then your cover is pretty much blown even if you're hiding in the Tall Grass which usually isn't going to be enough to fill the crafty Sky Drifter making it extremely effective at pinpoints in your position and watching over other machines once a threat's been detected you'll then go on to attack using a combination of different aerial attacks dive bombing you while swooping down from the air or frosting forwards and slashing at you from the ground using its sharp razor-like wingtips having a variety of different melee attacks while loving fiery doubts that you use in its tail getting spotted by one of these guys while surrounded by other machines can definitely be a bit of an inconvenience next up is the plow horn a pretty hefty machine with the primary function to maintain the soil and disperse fertilizer and seeds these guides plod around with their heads buried in the ground plowing this oil while leaving a trail of fast-growing plants in their wake these ones peaceful machines that look a little bit like Triceratops were dubbed by the utero tribe as the land Gods working side by side with humans with some friendly Ones Still functional around the region of plane song though plow homes found in the wild can become hostile if you get too close using their strength from raw power to overwhelm anyone who approaches that's if they see or hear you of course because they've usually got their heads buried in the floor unaware of their surroundings if one does hear you come in and decides to attack then you can expect it to charge at you with those holes so I'm into you using it safety momentum and essentially try and flatten you like a pancake failing that wow horns also have mortar style bomb attacks launch an adhesive at you from a distance to slow you down and disrupt your movements leaving you vulnerable to its charges oh the first mountable machine you'll be able to find in the game is the charger another machine commonly found in herds there to gather and recycle resources converting grass into blaze in a similar way to other machines like the grazes Chargers are essentially Horizon's version of big hole sheep equipped with two similar looking curved horns only ones that feature chainsaw light tools making them all the deadlier as you'd expect these horns get used quite a lot during combat rushing at you at high speeds to deal impact damage they were long we're trying to run you over Chargers also tend to spin around and kick their attackers dealing some nasty damage and they're not quite as shy as some of the other lawn mowing machines like the grazers as when provoked they're more than happy to try and take you on in a fight that would aware charges in the wild can be overridden and used as mounts for humans capable of doing so written to travel around much quicker over distance while using their kick attacks to your advantage against enemies Lance horns once again make an appearance from the first game boo being much rarer this time around it's another gatherer style machine looking like a giant Antelope hanging around in herds and using those horns to drill into the Earth and extract resources from the soil in a similar way to the grazers just like the grazes the lanterns are often too busy with their heads in the dirt so no issue passing by unless you make it obvious of course although the generally passive machines not looking for a fight most herds do have a tough guy that likes to try and take you on while the rest of them flee off to safety like the cowards they are an angry Lance horn will use those drill holes to attack you if you venture too close by sometimes leaping At You of a distance and attempting to stab you on its way down though if you miss they're gonna get those horns stuck in the ground leaving them very vulnerable and probably feeling a bit awkward not all of the bird type machines in the Forbidden West can fly the long lay which sort of resembles a beefed up cassowary not prehistoric bird creature could often be seen wandering around or escorting traveling machines in the convoys Gannon for threats using echolocation threats there might be dangerous to themselves none of the machines they're protecting in the area they can find you hiding in the Tall Grass using waves of sound energy generated by conclusive sex and although these machines are technically recall units they're generally much better bodyguards than some of the others like the borrowers essentially being big strong jet-powered emus that have quite a few different traits up their sleeve when it comes to combats long legs use Speed and Agility throwing themselves forward while kicking at you with their long legs and they're also capable of using several Firebase strikes using those jet engines along with Sonic attacks to disorient you and leave you vulnerable to other machines along with the charges under the much junkier machine that you'll be able to ride around on is the bristleback aka the giant warhog units that plod around shooting up the ground with their faces bristlebacks are typically found in small herds working together to find resources in the soil kinda like a lot of the other machines you'll find in the game now these guys are always going to have elemental power either fire or acid depended on the variants with tubes running underneath their bodies leading to canisters held on their backs which can be shot off and gathered of course bristlebacks really don't like being disturbed becoming very aggressive charging at you of those huge tusks throwing their body weight around to knock you down or even using Elemental energy to deal damage over range though once you contain one of these beasts you'll be able to utilize their extra power for yourself they're not quite as nippy as the charges but they can take a hell of a lot more damage if you swapped out the lanterns Antelope homes for deer antlers then you'd get the Fang horn which has a very similar purpose in the game there was a slightly different style of combat there's still very skittish machines that often hang around in hoods and run away from danger despite looking a bit more badass with those flaming antlers they're because they do have those flaming antlers they're also Elemental machines using Blaze to create fire which can then be used against you to turn you into a candle I guess you could say that out of the freak raising star machines the fan cons of the superior form having more Health than the others while dishing out larger amounts of damage which can often be Elemental building comparisons and most of the other stuff you'll run into they're not really going to pose too much of a problem basically acting like a grazer but slightly mean it red eye watches can be found in Horizon forbidden West which are basically upgraded versions of the standard watches found in the first game designed for reconnaissance and alerting nearby Machines of hostiles but also having enough power to try and take on the threat themselves with red eyes essentially being more geared up for combat than their original weaker counterparts they behave in the same sort of way patrolling areas and groups in The Scouting for threats screaming to the High Heavens when one's been identified typically you they're unlike standard watches they're red eye often likes to keep its distance and attack you from range by firing concussive energy protectiles Sometimes using Stone flash attacks to temporarily blind you which in the middle of a chaotic fight isn't exactly very helpful these guys are going to attack using melee up close but because of their clumsy top heavy design it's not always their most effective strategy often falling down after attacks the red eye Watcher might be a slight upgrade to its predecessor but just like the borrower it's still one of the weakest machines in the game mainly there to alert other machines and cause disruption during fights with tougher opponents if you've ever wondered what you'd get if you combined a vacuum cleaner with a hippopotamus I'm sure you probably have at some point then look no further than the wide more an amphibious machine that essentially Hoovers up soil and sand sifts through it Gathering resources while creating fertilizer pods which are then ejected as they wander around just like a hippo the wide Moore's got a massive mouth only this one's a lot spikier splitting into segments once opened reveal in lots of nasty drills and pointy metal spines same vacuum it uses to suck up resources is also used to draw you closer to all those sharp pointy t-flight tools jumping on anything and anyone unfortunate to be pulled towards its gaping jaw their mouths aren't the only thing you need to worry about with wide Mars also having the ability to hoove you up with their asses too it's pretty wild not to mention the fact that dirt and debris sucked up can be molded into projectiles and sent flying in your direction of a distance too should the wide more be out of range for a close quarter jump definitely a machine to keep an eye out for especially around watery areas one of the deadliest machines you'll find around the Forbidden West is the claustrider and if you've seen Jurassic Park you can probably guess what's inspired its design I mean they've even got the same bloody claws online Jurassic Park though these Velociraptor style beasts are covered in metal plating resembling feathers which is probably an odd to the dinosaurs supposed real life form of course closed Riders are pretty different to those having chainsaws for teeth and all and it'll use a variety of deadly tools and aggressive attacks to take down its targets being a machine crafted specifically for combat purposes and for killing humans the quick agile and tender hunting packs not really the kind of machine to give up a fight easily either pursuing hostiles with unrelenting determination to Snuff them out there's a few different variants of gloss Rider including Elemental types though most of its attacks are generally melee based using those claws tail and Chainsaw teeth to mall slash and do motor the damage it's also key to know that gloss Riders are also mountable machines too they travel around at a slower pace of the others but at least you're gonna look cool corrupters make a comeback in Horizon have been West though they definitely aren't as common as they were the first time around only being found during a single Story Mission and in the arena these ancient corrupters are like huge scorpions that scatter around quickly and with lots of deadly Firepower being a machine built specifically for war is it the thing that pretty much calls the world's demise in Horizon's law destroying all life on Earth when the original units went a bit AWOL many years ago though in present day in Horizon most of these remain buried and non-functional some of which can be seen stand in dormant like Rusty statues in no man's land as a stag reminder of the world's troubled past it's easy to see just how they decimated the Earth being a highly effective Combat Machines They are packed full of explosive weapons and an Appetite for Destruction advice can be quite chaotic using fast swipes and projectile launchers to cover all ranges but they also have the ability to throw massive Boulders at you too just in case grenades and Rockets aren't quite enough another returning machine from the first game is the bellowback a really unique dinosaur looking thing carrying huge tanks of Elemental liquid on its back it's a fairly big machine that probably looks more intimidating than it actually is due to it being a bit slow and clumsy and due to you being able to shoot those really exposed Elemental tanks to create a massive explosion damaging the poor Bellow back and everything else around in the vicinity no matter what variant you run into whether that be fire Frost or acidic in the Forbidden West they're all gonna have similar attack patterns and they're all going to use the elemental liquid against you they'll actually blow those tanks Sky High that is having a flamethrower for a face is a pretty convenient thing for the bellowback to have allowing it to spray targets with whatever the hell those tanks are containing plus it'll also use its Hefty weight and Powerful tail to flatten you should you let it get too close along with scrounges and Scrappers there's another machine that likes to chew under the dead machines only this one can fly around the glint hog which is essentially a bit like a vulture only its beak is comprised of bug-like mandibles used to chop up and grind down the metal parts these scavengers can be found perched high up on rocks tearing away at other non-functional machines or gliding around looking for its next meal though when it comes into contact with humans it's going to become hostile instantly treating them as a threat Glenn Hogs are going to use those funky beaks to deal damage as they swoop down in combination with claw attacks and slashes though unlike the other ground scavengers this machine always has an element tied to it giving it frost or firepowers while making it vulnerable to those types of arrows too obviously the opposite ones of its own elements this means that it's going to lob ice balls or fire at you I'll do bombing runs while Airborne so it's usually best to try and knock them out of the sky to prevent them from using those attacks shell Walkers graced the lands of the Forbidden West sometimes seen in convoys transporting those Hefty cargo crates around which sit securely on their backs it's pretty obvious that this machine is based on the hermit crab with that shell light created its short stubby crustacean-like legs though its body is essentially just a panel for cargo to sit on which is the shell Walker's priority to transport and guard at all costs how is it gonna guard the crates well with a big blue energy Shield which activates from one of the Walker's claws while this claw mainly has a defensive function either has an offensive purpose able to shoot electrical energy and generate electrical surges or you know just jab at you and inflict the pain if you want to rob the shell Walker blind of its precious loot then you'll have to flank around him and shoot the frame holding the crate on its back but with this machine being so fond of its cargo you'll need to take it down quickly before it reclaims the crate to take it back for itself one of the sneakiest most devious machines you'll come across in the game is the stalker basically a panther that likes to use Ambush tactics hiding away in the dense forests now these guys use all the tricks in the book when it comes to hunting down its targets using a lot of the same tools as the Predator from invisibility cloaks letting it blend into the trees traps that either explode or alert the stalker of your whereabouts and even a high-powered energy Dart capable of inflicting lots of damage from a distance stalkers tend to prefer using their stealth abilities instead of gung-ho Brute Force like other Combat Machines they'll do still pounce at you and swipe with those claws and tail if you let them get too close often using that cloaking device to switch positions and relocate after attacks I'll close the distance easier for a sneaky Hit and Run to make things even trickier they'll often hunt in small groups so you'll have to keep your eyes peeled to spot them shimmering in the grass and get ready for a fight whenever you step into one of those flare traps and sell the alarm if you hold the plow horns earlier on in the guide seemed a bit menacing wait till you see the grimboard which is basically the very same machine but modified to be much deadlier and relentless this Advanced version was developed by the Rogue AI hephestus specifically for combat no longer doing its job and contributing to the Reconstruction of planet Earth but instead now being Attila to hunt down and kill humans on site this evil Triceratops now has the ability to shoot flames and cluster bombs they'll otherwise having similar melee attacks to its plow hard alternative mainly using charge attacks and attempting to gore you with those massive tusks dream homes are also much rarer in appearance only popping up at certain points in the story along within the arena so if you see one plotted along in the natural environment you probably won't have to worry about getting melted chances are it's gonna be its passive Dopey brother not one of these guys the ravager returns from the first game often seem proud than around on its own or chilling out in small groups sometimes guarding other machines sole purpose of the ravager is for combat to take on humans that might threaten terraforming herds how to collect valuable resources and so it means that they don't take too kindly to yourself attacking you on site with claw strikes and lunges along with that beefy cannon on its back capable of blasting out deadly energy shots like many other weapons the machines carry you can detach that energy Cannon by shooting it and then return the fire which is often one of the most effective ways to take the ravager on being very dependent on that Cannon due to its power and Effectiveness over range it's a fairly aggressive machine which can sometimes be quite tricky to take down due to its speed and ferocity relying much more on quick pounces and melee strikes once that Cannon has been disabled so if you want to pick it up and use it against the Beast then it's probably best to keep that in mind because that ravaging isn't going to be very happy about it probably one of the freakiest sites to see when you casually swim along minding your own business is a giant robotic crocodile with a Gob full of chainsaw blades and grinders just in case the normal Crocs aren't quite intimidating enough if you encounter a snack more in the water you're definitely best avoiding it as you're not going to be able to attack it leaving you extremely vulnerable but don't get too comfortable on land either as though they don't look like they'll be able to move very fast these machines are still pretty Relentless and surprisingly good at jumping around to catch you off guard diving at you to cover ground quickly snapping at you with that Jaw from hell aside from using rapid melee lunges and tail lashes snapmores are also prone to launching Elemental bombs in your direction too bombs which burst Frost are acidic clouds making the fight more hazardous and forcing you to watch where you tread not exactly helpful when these guys are diving at you from all over the place another flying machine you'll find on your travels is the sun wing which is basically a big solar powered pterodactyl that basks in the sun absorbing its energy throughout the day these machines can be found per tie up on the mountains and sat on tall structures and large Rocky outcrops with this all-purpose to basically sunbathe storing energy via canisters and sparkers found on its chest and hips compared to a lot of other machines it's got a pretty easy job chilling out in this unloving life like a British holiday maker in Spain No One Like Your Average holiday maker these guys can fly and they're going to be quite annoyed if you get too close and start firing arrows at them unsurprisingly some wings are going to use a variety of different plasma attacks to hit you from a distance from bombs to laser strikes with some choosing to attack you from the ground others in the air which can be quite tricky to hit at times due to their speed and awkward movements though later on in the game you'll be able to override and mount this on wings letting you travel around on their backs and Traverse around the Forbidden West much quicker and easier than before definitely beat walking one of the more agile disruptive machines you'll find amongst the forested areas of the game is the clamber jaw traveling around in large packs salvaging scrap using its claws and tail the clamber jaw is basically the machine equivalent to a baboon and just like a baboon it's able to climb trees and walls hang onto branches and reach areas high up without any problems with the Apex variants also known to that these guys are fearsome Relentless lobbing chemicals and flaming scrap pieces at you all while using their Speed and Agility to jump around and make themselves tricky to land hits on and track especially when there's a whole bunch of them lobbying all sorts of stuff in your direction relocating after every strike along with using Elemental attacks clumber Jaws can be fairly aggressive with melee too slashing at you with that tail biting with those sharp teeth pouncing at you from range and creating shock waves on the ground not to mention using disruptive screams and bright flashes to disorient you too leaving you very vulnerable to the rest of the pack nasty little boogers next up is the heavily armored rollerback which designed has taken quite a bit of inspiration from the Pangolin a mammal that looks a teeny bit like an anteater only covered from head to tail in protective scales rollerbacks in the world of horizon a huge transport machines which carry cargo containers and as the name suggests they were able to roll around by curling up into a ball despite its size not only does this make it a quick and formidable opponent able to knock you down like a bowling pin but because it's covered in all those metal plates this acts like a bit of a shield to a lot of the machines weaker parts and main components forcing you to be more accurate with your shots or tear away at its armor first to reveal those tender points hidden behind roller bats will dive around and try and flatten anything in their path sometimes even leaving behind a wall of fire in their wake just to make these fights a little bit spicier and if you think you'll just dodge out of the way of all of those attacks with ease just wait till they start launch an adhesive glue at you to pretty much make you a city duck if you've ever seen the movie Tremors then the next machine might seem kind of familiar The Rock breaker is a ginormous mole type machine they can burrow underground originally to mine resources and minerals it now uses this power along with its overwhelming size to attack humans walking around on the surface think of it as a giant land shark only one with a Gob full of huge spinning drills definitely something you'll want to avoid once above ground level they'll crawl around throwing themselves at your head first using their heavy weights and momentum to crush you into the dirt they're once submerged you'll have to keep an eye on their locations via ripples in the floor with one of their main strategies to circle around and Ambush you jumping upwards from the ground below only to then go back down again and relocate their position this means you'll often only have short opportunities to strike every time the machine comes above the surface they'll just be aware that the rock breaker can also essentially turn itself into a mini volcano spitting Fireballs all over the place which rain down from the sky something you'll definitely need to get the hell away from another massive machine you'll be able to find in the game is the Behemoth a powerful transport unit used to carry resources over the lands to cauldrons which are supplied by other smaller machines hence why they can often be found in convoys it's a bit like a giant Rhino only one that uses anti-gravity generators near its head used to lift cargo and place it into the big round container in its chest but that's not the only thing those generators can do as the Behemoth can actually use this anti-gravity power in combination with its attacks both in large Boulders and debris at you along with creating a huge blast which picks up rocks in the vicinity and sends them flying all over the place obviously being like a big metal rhinoceros the Behemoth is also gonna charge at you using its sheer size and strength to overwhelm you know when they're not running at full pelts they usually just plod around or stand around throwing rocks making them fairly easy targets to hit if the name doesn't give you any clues the Dreadwing isn't exactly the friendliest thing in the world typically seen hanging around like a vampire bat waiting for its prey to venture nearby these are large heavyweight Combat Machines equipped with lots of different weapons and gadgets aiding their ability to detect hostiles disrupt Vision while keeping themselves protected this comes in the form of sonar pings uses a kind of alarm system to alert the machine of your presence though just like the stalkers we talked about earlier these guys also have the ability to clunk themselves and turn invisible too not to mention the fact that they can also fly adding even more apparel to fights and making them even trickier targets to take on although you'll typically only find one dreadwinger at a time they've got enough Firepower to act like several machines rolled into one using ranged attacks farming runs and deadly swooping slashes into combination with all those disrupted gadgets even able to temporarily disable your focus which with visibility and erratic flight movement can make it pretty hard to accurately land shots on the dreadwing's main components and weak points the Loch Ness monster does happen to exist but it doesn't live in Loch Ness choosing to reside in the Forbidden West instead although you can see these huge plesiosaur type machines drifting around the water filter in sediment in vast lakes and Aquatic zones tide rippers are amphibious machines that can function both in and outside of the water being extremely dangerous if the catch you swimming alongside them mainly because you've got no way of taking them on but also being really ferocious on land too they use a variety of Slam attacks jumping around like a massive excitable puppy along with high-powered water-based cannons and heavy projectiles to attack you up close and from a distance allowing the machine took over different ranges and adjust its tactics throughout fights it might look like a big Lumber in dope something mainly designed to be effective underwater but don't be filled by its sluggish movements on land because tide rippers can very quickly gain ground on you being propelled by Purge water jets while shuffling forward surprisingly fast due to its sheer size and momentum one of the most Relentless machines you'll find lurking under the ground is the shell Snapper another gigantic machine that lies dormant under the soil and sand guard in the area from threats very effectively too designed to kill humans it will essentially Ambush its targets emerging from the ground in a similar way to the Rock breaker only rather than digging around quickly under the floor relied on Hit and Run tactics the shell Snapper relies more so when staying above the surface and using its protective shell as a shield against oncoming attacks if it wasn't already obvious these guys resemble snapping turtles but probably have a bit more in common with blast eyes with their shells armed with various cannons able to launch rockets and frost projectiles over range knocking you over and slowing you down Snappers will bite Spin and try to belly flop you usually relying on those cannons to limit your movement though just be aware that hitting that plated shell will not only absorb damage but it'll also convert and utilize this energy for itself which can be Unleashed in a large blast stunning nearby humans leaving them vulnerable to attack a similar sized aerial machine to the Dreadwing the infamous storm bird returns to terrorize the skies once again being one of the most ruthless things from the first game it's like a giant electric Eagle patrolling the air and roosting high up searching for humans which it can take down as other of these machines were once terraformers created to detoxify the air and atmosphere they're now programmed to hunt humans demonim hostile while attacking them on site although rarer machines in the Forbidden West are still very dangerous applying many different types of attacks from both the air and the ground many of which give off electrical shock energy due to the stormbird flapping around all over the place this means that being precise and tearing off individual Parts can be trickier than normal often known to fly off an attack from unexpected angles and even being pretty smart about their placement in the air too swooping down in front of the sun using its bright Lair to restrict your vision clever's attic now it wouldn't be a horizon game without the good old Thunder jaw this bad boy of a machine is basically the game's version of a T-Rex only one covered in protected plating and armed with lots of heavy weapons and artillery for the Jaws we created for the sole purpose of calling the Earth from its human inhabitants and they do a pretty good job too which is unsurprising having so much armor and Firepower they use lots of different melee strikes from charge attacks Tails wipes and jaw lunges to boil you over and cover ground quickly plus they're also fitted with loads of laser weapons and cannons to zap you over distance and turn the plays into an epic Rave albeit a deadly one their mouths can rapid fire energy shots the hips can launch weaponized drones and a lot of their weak parts are often hidden by tough metal plates making them brutal machines to go up against and one of the most formidable opponents in the series generally best avoided until you've got the gear and the balls to take them on in a fight and much smaller but still really aggressive machine you'll find facing around in the snowy areas is the frost law a deadly acquisition machine first introduced in zero Dawn's Frozen Wilds DLC think of this guy as an angry bear with cryogenic abilities packing lots of armor while being able to move around fairly quickly they're not quite as big or intimidating as the other high-powered machines but they can still be just as dangerous using swipes from its claws Muslims from its body to knock you around combined with lots of different frost-powered attacks which slow down movement and inflict to stain damage over time Frost claws will often chase you around the environments using its mobility and speed to get the better of you I'll throw ice fragments in your direction instead giving it more ways to attack over distance though unsurprisingly they're very vulnerable to fire damage so flame arrows not gonna be your best friend when taking these guys on the flip side instead of using lots of different freeze abilities the scorcher is a machine that prefers to turn the heat up and play with flames of fire as the name suggests Scorchers are dog-like in appearance up in large bodies and Powerful legs looking somewhat similar to ravages only with a few extra canine style features these machines are generally more vicious and aggressive than ravages utilizing a variety of fast-paced melee attacks and lunges able to bounce over long ranges to reach their targets in the blink of an eye as you'd expect this guy's a bit of a twisted Fire Starter that likes to spew Flames everywhere sending waves of fire that travel along the floor or a series of exploding mines that can be loved all at once dealing devastating amounts of damage to anyone in the area I guess you could call these guys the hellhounds of horizon not a machine to be underestimated probably one of the most unique machines you'll find throughout your journey is the Slither Fang which is a robotic mix-up between a king cobra and a rattlesnake having similar features and behavior patterns to both so let the fans are a hell of a lot bigger than your average snake towering over pretty much everything else around in the area though despite giving you a brief warning by giving that tail a little wiggle the generally very hostile machines that will attack you with full force when encountered a lot of their strikes involve tail swings charges and Fang attacks launching themselves at you Ultra fast thus making them fairly Oracle targets to dodge especially with them being so bloody huge though they'll also coil up and spray streams of toxic acid or Purge water at you dealing Elemental damage go along with that due to them having an electric rattle this also gives them access to shock attacks too letting them fire bolts of lightning which generate waves of electrical power so the fans also have another trick up their sleeves now they're able to coil around nearby pillars to gain extra height giving them an advantage when using some of those ranged attacks firing toxic streams and Sonic energy at you from a new higher vantage point another fairly intimidating machine that you'll come across several times during your journey is a great big heavily armored elephant perhaps out with tons of heavy Weaponry to give you a bit of a headache I guess this guy is more like a mammoth because of its huge size and massive tusks which unsurprisingly are gonna get used to knock you around all over the place with trematusks taking full advantage of their bully bodies to squash anyone unfortunate enough to be nearby but although charging that you of those tusks might seem like the most obvious tactic the generally more known for engaging targets from a distance using a wide array of launches rockets and even flamethrowers relying on that strong metal armor to protect it while it slowly Paces around letting all its guns and swanky gadgets do the target trematusks might normally be a bit slow and dozy though they can pretty much attack you from every angle and range even throwing rocks at you if need be put all those element little cannons to good use are even deafening with their trumpet call it's easy to see why regardless Rebels chose to mobilize Tremor tusks as they're practically The Horizon equivalent to a giant tank moving on to the frost claws bigger older brother which chooses to chill out in dense forests fire claws also make an appearance in the game and what you get is basically what's written on the tin these machines are noticeably bulkier and more hinge than the cryogenic ones arguably even more aggressive too as though they employ a lot of simpler attacks only ones that are Fire based instead they also pick up much bigger Boulders which Shield the fire Claw from your arrows and choose to throw Sid Boulders at you to create a big fiery explosion beat a Firebase machine it's no surprise that Frost ammo is going to be this guy's main weakness though having so much armor plating covering its weak spots can sometimes make fire claws quite difficult to take on as they might not be as agile as their Frosty counterparts but they still tend to move around quite a lot they can precise shots tricky to land if you fought under jaws with the nastiest Robot Dinos in the game this next machine definitely gives it a run for its money the slaughter spine not only has a pretty Savage sounding name but it's solder similar to a Spinosaurus with an elongated snout and a back spy made of saw blades though also covered in heavy armor plates too it's easily one of the deadliest machines in the game boasting tons of Firepower while having some really unique attack bands doing all the usual stuff you'd expect like charging biting and lashing out at you with its tail but also being able to charge itself up like a battery and unleash devastating plasma attacks from a distance too whether that be in the form of shock waves plasma beams or missiles all of which can be tricky to avoid because Lord's wines are so heavily armored with their weak points being fairly small this adds another layer of peril to fights often forcing you to chip away at its metal plate in first before you can dish out some significant damage they have lots of different ways to take you on while resisting a lot of tax you'll return making them extremely effective killing machines if you're spotted by one get ready for a proper fight so other than overridden machines the tall neck's the only one that doesn't treat humans like a threat being a huge but peaceful observation unit designed to collect data on the region while monitoring other machine activity using signals for communication think of it like a giant walking Wi-Fi router only one that looks a bit like a giraffe in a sombrero their heads basically act like a circular platform contained in the data node which can be overridden to reveal information on the map now you've got to get up there first somehow either by climbing along the machine's armor plates and antennas or by getting above the tall neck first and gliding down to land on top it's a good thing these machines aren't hostile as they're not only really bloody big but they're also extremely strong and durable able to withstand pretty much any normal attack practically making them Invincible at least in the game anyway the Specter is probably the weirdest machine you'll find in Horizon forbidden West it comes in the form of a strange combat drone with lots of white plates and tentacles looking a bit like a PS5 console but one with a crazy alien growing out of it specs is a highly Advanced Combat Machines created by farzenith but unlike your typical metal beasts roaming the environment these guys are made from nanotechnology able to morph that metal plating into Shields and deadly weapons they also can't be found naturally wandered around the game's world and are mainly found guard in zeniths often popping up in main story missions in a way pattern like mini bosses that also means they can't be overridden and they're going to attack you relentlessly on site using a wide array of cannons and guns morph in their frames to extend their reach knocking you down with those horns and tentacles using both melee and range attacks to dish out some serious damage none of this is made easier by the fact that specters are also really agile and tend to jump around a lot too making them very powerful opponents boasting some of the best technology in the game so the last machine is basically the end game Boss so obviously the next part of the guide might contain some possible spoilers to be warned anyway right at the very end of horizon forbidden West's main storyline you're gonna run into Specter prime a farz even if EXO frame operated by tilde inside this is basically like a really big version of the normal specters but looking a bit more human in appearance standing on two legs and even having a bit of a face being the big boss at the end she's obviously going to be quite tough arguably the most powerful thing you're gonna have to take on being a good opportunity to showcase some of that advanced Zenith technology the xo3 machine can float around the arena allowing it to move around in a fast but graceful manner after hovering around in the air and slamming the floor or using its blade like arms to swipe at you not knock you down leaving you vulnerable to other melee strikes of course smacking you around isn't tilled his only option with that EXO frame being fitted with plenty of pulse cannons and explosive projectile weapons too and if the heavy armor plating didn't seem hard enough to blast off well some of it can actually be regenerated giving this bet to Prime lots of protection against your attacks someone with lots of Firepower to give you a pretty rough fight so those are all the 43 machines you'll find the Horizon forbidden West's main game give me a like if you enjoyed the video to show some support and be sure to check out my channel And subscribe if you want to see more guides just like this thanks for watching take it easy and I'll be seeing you in that next one
Channel: KriticalKris
Views: 300,455
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: horizon forbidden west all machines, horizon forbidden west all machine types, all machine types in horizon forbidden west, horizon forbidden west machines, all machines in horizon forbidden west, horizon forbidden west, horizon forbidden west enemies, horizon forbidden west enemy guide, horizon forbidden west robots, all machine types, all horizon forbidden west machines, horizon all machines, forbidden west machines, all enemy types, horizon machines, guide, kriticalkris, machines
Id: tjMQ7Pt0yMQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 3sec (2463 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 25 2023
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