Things I wish I knew before getting a wood stove in my house

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today I'm going to go through a few things that I wish I knew before I went down the Journey of heating my house and Shop with a wood stove so originally I wanted to get an outdoor wood boiler and after pricing that out I found that it was going to cost me well over thirty thousand dollars to do wood Heat with a outdoor wood boiler to heat my house and my shop and my garage and to me that just wasn't worth it that's astronomically high so I decided to go with small units to put in each building instead so I did this 3200 square foot heater in my shop and I did one in my house as well and I have another one I'm going to put in my other garage that's a thousand square feet so I've been using the wood stoves now for about a month and a few things that I wasn't ready for like I didn't realize was one I've got so I've got this guy here that's my ash bucket um I can fill one of those up in one week of burning and that's burning one to two fires a day during these shoulder months it's been it's only been around like 30 somebody's been getting up to 40 almost 50 degrees and that's enough to produce about five gallons of Ash in one week which is a lot more Ash than I thought so I'll be making trips out to the Garden weekly to dump the ash which again it's not a big deal it's just I wasn't expecting to have that much Ash uh also the amount of wood that I burn uh you know I I knew I'd burn a lot of wood but I didn't realize how much wood so these these warmer days you know I'm only doing one maybe two fires a day and I'm still going through a decent amount of wood so in the last month I've probably gone through almost uh probably about three quarters of a quart of wood to heat during these shoulder months between my shed and my house now it's only um the end of November right now so we haven't gotten into the coldest months yet so during these shoulder months it's actually a lot more work than it is during the coldest days because I can't leave the fire go on all day I have to let it stop or the house overheats to shop overheat so I have to let it burn out and so I'm when I'm when I'm restarting a fire at night it takes a lot more time to restart a fire from scratch than it does to just throw some logs in like this morning I threw some logs in here on some hot ashes and I didn't have to do anything it just it's ready to go it just starts on its own it's slowly starting to fire up here where during the cold the warmer months it you know you have to spend 10 15 minutes every day to start that fire which is just more time than I would have thought you know I didn't I didn't anticipate that is it a big deal for me no it's not because I work from home I'm always here it's not a big deal now if I had a nine to five job and I had to go somewhere every day for work I could see having the wood stove being a little bit more of an inconvenience because you you gotta have you gotta have the time to get the fire going and get it set before you can leave so again for me it's not that big of a deal but it's just something I didn't anticipate you know I thought you'd like to fire once and and then It Go for the entire year and you constantly just keep reloading it rather than having to start it again the amount of time that I spend moving firewood is also another factor I mean I anticipated that I kind of was aware of that but again it's one of those things that it's it takes a lot of time so it's not it's not a ridiculous amount of time but it's just another thing to consider you know you have to one you have to split the firewood stack it and all that or you got to buy the firewood maybe that's what you're doing um but then it's getting it from your stack pile into the garage or into your basement into your house which takes time it's messy but if you have the right setup it's not a big deal like for me I got a concrete floor here I got a concrete floor on the base where the wood stove is I can sweep it up overall I'm glad that I went with the decision to put in the wood stove our gas prices last year had doubled and to heat my house and my shop this year our most expensive month would be about 600 bucks and I just couldn't justify that amount of money on heating when I have an ample supply of wood so we decided to go up the wood stoves I'm glad I did did a little bit extra work yes it's it's kind of an inconvenience but to me it's worth it because our goal here on our Homestead is to be as self-sustaining as we can so when push comes to shove if it ever does we're able to heat our house we're able to eat food that we've preserved throughout the year with meat that we've canned animals that we slaughtered that we are set to go so this is just one more step to get us closer to that self-sustainability I'm also wanting to retire someday it'll be easier to retire having a closer to Net Zero on money going out and having an another expense and when I say retire my my idea of retirement is not having to go and work for the dollar you know I'll still be active I'm still going to split wood I'm still going to saw wood I'm still going to build stuff in the wood shop but I want to not have to worry about chasing the dollar and the closer I can get to that the sooner I get to that the better so this just is eliminating more money that needs to go out so it's less money that needs to come in so if you're like us and you want to make strides to becoming more self-sufficient every year I would recommend doing the wood stove and getting you know one step closer to that also if you are on that road to being more self-sufficient hit that subscribe button down below because I post videos every few days to give you different tips and tricks that I have learned along the way to help us get more closer to our end goal of being self-sufficient so hit that subscribe button follow us along on the journey and also don't forget to like the video thanks for watching guys and look forward to seeing you next video
Channel: Porter Creek
Views: 759,507
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Before buying a wood stove, Heat garage with wood stove, Heat my house with a wood stove, Heat shed with wood stove, Heat shop with wood, Heating with wood, Pellet stove, Pros and cons of wood heat, Should I buy a wood stove, Should I install a wood stove, Things to know before buying a wood stove, Vogelzang wood stove, Which wood stove should I buy, Wood boiler, Wood stove in my basement, fireplace burning, homestead, log burner, wood heat, wood heat wednesday, wood stove
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 34sec (394 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 30 2022
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