Things I didn't like about Hogwarts Legacy

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welcome to my first game related video today I'm going to talk about aqua's Legacy at LML mostly review this game but I don't think I'll be qualified to receive a review copy of any games anytime soon so I guess that is just a nitpick since that I didn't like about the game in future first thing I didn't like about how it was Lexi was a beautiful animated by assistant each time you go to the menu and switch between sections you have to wait for the animation to finish if you can do anything else this makes the menu the worst part of the game it is almost annoying as the safe house customs industrated the second thing I didn't like is the map is counterintuitive the swimming areas in the game are not on one for example if you want to teleport to hopsmith for the overboard you have to move your cursor to the top of the screen other used to be secured hux meat you need to move your cursor back to the center to select the teleportation spot many times I click on the icon of Hogwarts or hawksmith expecting the map to switch to their Zoom but it only marks the location on the Overworld map instead another scenario is where I want to teleport to oxmade for Hogwarts my instinct is to directly move to Ultimate by scrolling the map but the game does not allow it because it's outside of Hogwarts even though these two places are very close I know Hogwarts is a very complex area that deserves a separate map but why can hot Smith simply be a part of the overwork players can always zoom in zoom out thirdly the enemies attack can snap to you from 10 miles away and hit you if you are not blocking your dodge it the enemies have various with different colors which requires you to use spells with the same color to build them however the unforgivable curses and the ancient magic spells are way too strong and they can easily penetrate any barriers which defeats the purpose of color matching here the first thing I didn't like is that the protagonist is disproportionately strong we can learn anything instantly without failure we can defeat any enemy complete any challenges with his and persuade anyone with real conversations if you've watched Harry Potter movies you'll know that the main character in the game is ridiculously powerful who can cast the Avada katawa training multiple enemies while watermelon can only cut it a single Target are very powerful characters but they still need to carefully plan out their moves everybody's factual and need to rely on the help of friends and allies they can easily die if they take a wrong step but our main character of those dual student is able to single-handedly defeatable of the main villain who ambushed us with dozens of black Wizards neither can even talk about this combat like it was effortless this overpowered main character pretty much breaks the immersion of the recently award for me initially I intend to discuss why the story is bad such as how the protagonist might be the actual antagonist by Rock will be the hero of the four Guardians might be the manipu manipulative Village however I let you realize that all these aspects might have been deliberately included by the developers to encourage diverse interpretations of the narrative and that makes it a well-conceived design that is everything I didn't like about this game but despite all those issues is still an incredible game with intricately detailed open world and shooting combats as long as you don't think too hard on the story and World Beauty like for example what can we use unforgivable curses without going Azkaban or by the power of depository turns red rock into a dragon how can the protagonist defeat Red Rock who has observed all the power of the depository and with such overpowered protagonist what is the point of all society and sacrifices to Stubborn Rock in the first place thanks for watching please subscribe and leave a comment if I agree or disagree with me and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Peng
Views: 379
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Things I don't like, pros and cons, gaming, Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling, Wizard, Witch, Hogwarts
Id: EQNepOofmb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 17sec (257 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 20 2023
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