Reverse Seared Chuck Roast on the PK 360

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[Music] hey this is mark williams of swine lock barbecue today I have a two pound chuck roast we pick this up at the local grocery it's just a choice grade but it's packed full of marbling now we're not doing your standard pot roast today we're going to do a reverse sear out during the peak a 360 and take this to a perfect medium-rare and treat it just like a steak I'm going to show you what I do to make it good and tender and we'll finish it at about 125 it's gonna have awesome beef flavor let's get started so this chuck roast doesn't need much trimming all you'd want to do is just kind of shape it up square the edges up a little bit and if you have any silver skin go ahead and take it off this one looks pretty good I don't see anything that's really just jumping out it's already shaped up pretty good so the first thing I'm gonna do is get it tied to hold it together as you can tell there's several muscles here I don't want that to come apart I want to shape it up and keep it tied sort of staying its whole form so I'm gonna get me some butchers twine cut and then we're just going to tie it are you gonna do a center your twine right across the middle bring it around and just do a simple double knot you may have to adjust your string so it don't curl up on you gonna pull it pretty snug and we'll get to knot tied so now what I want to do to help get this Chuck refs tender as users your card or some type of meat tenderizer just to kind of break it down so I'm going to take my time and just kind of work this through here you can use a fork a standard your card anything you got to do just poke a few holes in it it'll help make it tender and this will give you a time to kind of see what this muscles gonna feel like I can tell this is a little bit tougher than these others so I'm gonna pay a little bit more attention to it this is a great cut of meat to do this very inexpensive and you can turn out a great beefy flavor just like a steak same thing on this side okay those you're gonna get all these mussels and then we'll get some seasoned and applied so now that we got it tied and tenderize we're gonna get some seasoning on it what I'm going to use is our Mississippi grit I'm gonna go a pretty heavy layer because I mean it is a big cut of meat we want these salts to work on this meat you can do this overnight kind of do a salt brine that's all it's gonna help tenderize it break that meat down do the same thing to this side if we got any on the cutting board you can kind of get it up on the edges you may have to do a little bit of settle and then we're gonna come back with killer hogs hot barbecue rub let's go ahead a great flavor a little bit more of a peppery note we'll do 'i'm kota yet i've run this recipe on ribeyes many a times it turns out great though the layer of the hot on this side as well make sure you get the edges again that's it so you want to let this season and sit on this chuck roast for at least an hour it's not gonna hurt to go overnight it's just gonna be like a salt brine to really help break those fibers down why this is sitting coming up to room temp we're gonna go ahead and get this PK 360 fired up and get it set up for a reverse sear so to get this PK 360 fired up we're gonna fill our basket up with some royal oak all-natural briquettes place two tumbleweeds in the corner and get them lit now I'm gonna leave the lid open just for a few minutes that way these coals will have time to catch and then we'll come back and add one little chunk of some oak from smoker would calm to really go with this beef so we've got a good little bit of coals going in the corner I'm gonna take one of these pieces oak Thessaly and not on the coals but give it time to get over to it we'll get the great clues now I have the lower vent open directly below the coals the one above it's closed all I'm gonna do is crack this and open about halfway and let it start drawing now we'll keep our eye on the temp we want to run about 275 that way that Chuck rust come up good and slow before we see it so this peak case come right up to 275 we're gonna get this chuck roast on so what I'm gonna do is place it over your opposite of fire so we're gonna go ahead get a temp probe in I got a thermal Works dot here go right here in the center so all we're doing now is cooking the tent we're gonna take it to 125 get it off let it rest and allow this PK to get up good and hot so we can get some good grill marks so our thermal works dots telling us is hit 125 and man that's got some good color so we're gonna get it off we'll let it rest it placed over here on the plate and then while we're out here we'll go ahead and get our grill grates placed over these coals get them sprayed down and we'll go ahead and make sure all the vents are wide open we'll give it a few minutes and let this come up to temp that way then grates get good and hot I'm gonna sit this inside let it rest and we ready to see it so we let the chuck roast rest for about 20 minutes why this grill come on up temp got the grill grates fine to guess anywhere between 550 and 600 degrees so let's get our grill marks so it's 360 is good and hot I'm gonna take this chuck roast right back here press it down good that way we get good surface contact I mean we're gonna set a timer for a minute and a half so it's been a minute and a half get it moved to a fresh spot on this grill turn it 90 we'll go ahead and clean this side and then go another minute a half it's been another minute half let's get it flipped oh yeah got good color get the lead ship time for our final twist man it got some good color and grill marks look good in a clean spot get it pressed in again and go to the final minute a half let's see where I've done this is that we should be hitting about the 125 right on the money we're gonna get this baby up put it back on our plate we got a pad of butter I'm gonna put it on top and then we'll get in here I'll go ahead and cover it up let it rest for about 15 minutes and we'll slice into it so we've let this chuck roast rest for about 20 minutes on this cutting board of course the butters melted gave it a good Sheen and as you can tell the color and grill marks looked great just as a quick recap we started off with a two-pound chuck roast we tied it up with some butchers twine that way to hold its shape after that would you Carter both sides of this chuck roast got a good season on it and then got it out there on the PK 360 and done a reverse sear brought it up good and slow to that 125 and then crank the heat up seared both sides and that's what we got beautiful color and great grill marks man it smells good looks good got a good crust so to get this ready to serve we're just gonna slice all the way across we'll start at this in walk that edge off we're gonna do just not real thick slices that one jumped out of there kind of good cook on it perfect doneness just keep jumping out there must be the ones I want to get eight texture feels good just sliced all the way across so once you get a slice you know what time it is someone go ahead and pull me a small piece up here at the front as you can tell it's packed full of moisture get a little bit that cutting board juice that's a rich beefy flavor you pick up a little bit of smoke and you take personal outside with that killer hogs hot it's got a textured bite like a flatiron but still a really good cut of meat let me get one these over here's a little bit rare mmm that's the piece right there no wonder those jumped out they'll melt in your mouth and because there's different muscles in this roast some textures may change so you may find a muscle just melt in your mouth and maybe one it's going to be closer to that Flatiron texture this one here this appears excellent unless it's good and tender is any ribeye just a real real good beefy flavor though really good that's a wrap for today at swine light y'all gotta try this recipe it's a different twist on a chuck roast that won't break the bank we appreciate y'all checking this video out and as always like I'm scribe the channel and we'll see y'all next time
Channel: Swine Life BBQ
Views: 72,590
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beef, steak, prime rib, chuck roast, pk grill, pk 360, bbq, traeger grill, reverse seared, roast, chuck steak, grilling recipes, grilled, ribeye, grill grates
Id: 0Gzkn7-4PqA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 22sec (442 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 25 2020
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