They made mobs 1,000,000x bigger and this happened

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all right we're checking out the only game where the weather forecast calls for a category 10 hurricane filled with titan-sized monsters filled with completely overpowered loot it's minecraft don't hide reginald you need to be here for this so um there's some things that are happening today first off i've decided that the titan stuff that's in minecraft too few zeroes not enough zeros so what we now have is our own set of ridiculous titans that will fall from the sky every 60 seconds this is a real problem because i actually don't know how the hell i'm going to kill the very first titan because i do not have the equipment for this luckily there's a completely legitimate village that we spawned right next to the other problem that i'm going to have to deal with is every time one of the titans falls from the sky the counter gets one second quicker that means if it takes me 60 minutes to do this eventually titans will fall every single second oh god it has begun of course the first titan is ridiculous it could be anything why could it be like a chicken or a cow what the hell okay it looks like we also have another one down um let me see what i can make real quick me not being very fast at minecraft is going to turn into a real pain in my ass huh yeah that okay i don't even want to know what's going on outside while i do this if we can manage to kill one single titan everything should be fine give me the stone now my plan is that no matter what we both know that it's going to get to the point where titans are dropping every 60 seconds so i'm hoping i can just kill the ender dragon by oh sweet god it's a gigantic donkey thank you what the hell was that anyway i'm hoping i could just kill the ender dragon galway by dropping titans on top of it and they can just fight for me giant cat just landed in the titan cat yes oh oh sweet loot from the gods if i sit inside of this house and don't look at what's going on i'm sure it'll be just fine oh mother of god yes this is the weight loot should be all that and a golden shovel you know what sure okay i still have no op pickaxe it's a titan chicken yes reginald come here look it's the king of your people come here titan chicken you beautiful pinata of loot reginald's like dad no shut up we need this that's what i'm talking about get this pickaxe out of here oh yeah sweet helmet what's with the golden shovels okay fortunately i think that the the gigantic zombie that landed probably got toasted by the sun we'll do one more titan i want my freaking diamond pickaxe before we start going deep underground what the hell what is that i love how like voltron they just come down from the sky come on bring it on what you got what the hell what kind of reach is this what the is that a freaking polar bear i need a bow and arrow or something i can't get close to that titan if i can get him away from the bear maybe i can just kill the bear oh another donkey come here get wrecked nice oh god titan spider you're surrounded by meat eat the damn villagers diamond leggings is that a zombie horse maybe it's just me but it looks like a zombie horse oh diamond pickaxe yeah it worked give me your loot good enough for now see you crew world reginald i need the damn get out of the way yeah all that okay here running water nice i'm not gonna lie reginald you are fantastic at being under my freaking feet i don't even want to know what sort of trauma is going on up there uh yeah should be enough iron to get us where we need to go oh ow yeah this is this is plenty shut that in there hey original put put this on here here's here's another helmet too take these boots have a sword my poor chicken he's probably like dad these boots taste really bitter i know reg noodles i know here there's a friend for you grab this hold on to your chickeny ass reginald we're going deeper okay i hear lava there's like a oh jesus ah god ah oh basically lava proof i was gonna say there is a very high chance that i probably just you know land right into the lava perfect if there's one thing that i'm good at it's burning okay this looks much better parkour my way up here hey finally got flint um lavalicious i learned my lesson last time this time i'm gonna have so much damn gold that i'm gonna have to get those pearls quickly because i'm pretty sure that the titans fall inside of the nether [Music] damn near infinite obsidian regional's probably like how does it taste like regret oh hey diamond a little late for your ass to show up when i get up top there's probably going to be titans falling like every one second that's enough out of you water uh-huh yeah good i got like diamond pants all over the place man it's like i went to the diamond pants warehouse tripping over the stuff you never know when you might need more obsidian let's do this what the holy hell it just spawned a freaking horse and spotted it inside of the wall die and give me your loot [Music] oh my okay stuff is starting to come down really fast this is gonna be bad we need to go now jesus it's like villagers they're killing people hell yes okay the titans are starting to fall like i don't even know every five seconds it might be at now it took way too long for me to get here enderman shut up no one loves you i have found the ultimate titan slaying methodology ow which well till i got kicked in the face which is to chill out inside of this fortress and let them die and collect the loot yeah just keep doing what you're doing man problem is i can't get past this damn thing without getting kicked in the face reginald's like what's for dinner dad carbs there's like titan sheep spawning over here ow finally you guys dropping bows yet oh what the hell is this this is just absolute chaos down here i need to get out of this they're starting to spawn more at a time too hello blazes trust me you don't want to we we don't want to be here for too long just die give me the rods clear rods ow fire i was born of this just ask reginald what in the name of god hey giant alpaca can't you see i'm busy five rods almost there still no bow there we go yeah good enough really now all the blazes spawn oh now everyone's just pissing out blaze rods huh [Music] oh my god they're so big they can't help but touch the fire how's that lava taste now you know how my freaking chicken feels all the time there there goes that luke give me your sermon of fire yeah that's it just just keep standing in the flames i'm sure it'll work out well okay i need i need a moment to collect my thoughts reginald can you not be inside of my little house while you're on fire please literally everywhere i look now there is just there is just floating titans stuck in the walls burning in the lava oh it's awful good day oh perfect keep the gold bars coming that is not keeping the gold bars coming it is a complete limp lack of gold bars how about you excellent hey i'm digging downward i don't care i may fall into lava but honestly it's just par for the course this time none of this looks super conducive to my health oh god ow oh reginald's like dad what are you doing i'm disinfecting myself it's fine number one disinfectant fire are you serious there's a there's a giant turtle just chilling in the you know what whatever what the hell okay it is getting really out of hand down here uh i don't actually get ender pearls here because of the version in order to make the titan thing work so whatever uh yeah that there go go get all the weight ow stop it jesus move reginald you're in the way of my enderman farm you're not what i want ow so i came up to the surface because i wasn't getting enderman spawns quick enough sweet jesus god the rain has begun of titans luckily though enderman titans can fall like that one right there so i can get a crap ton of ender pearls if i can fight everything else around it jesus look at this madness oh this is so much worse than i was supposed to be die ow oh arrows yeah deal with it deal with it deal with it give me a bow give me a bow finally get rekt pleb give me the pearls oh this is this is much better more arrows green pearls please die please die just die just die just die it's all you just have to die i appreciate that there's so little space now that there's just titans spawning on top oh yes i had to just dig down because i'm i'm legit almost dead but uh big enderman drop big pearls yes ah i'm out of food or am i congratulations reginald where why are you you're why are you dancing a jig while levitating slightly above me anyway we're on the golden apple diet let's kill the dragon with a completely inappropriate amount of raining titans okay here's the plan i'm actually gonna go away from this insanity and then pop up and hope that there's less titans okay i'm not sure if this was even possible but the mobsters are raining even faster now than before look at that it's like a freaking tsunami of titans just let me get to the end okay throw the pearl throw the pearl and go don't touch me please i think at this point there's actually so many titans they're just hopefully just fighting amongst themselves excuse me ow i'm just gonna keep eating apples okay this is like the first open area i've finally come to just look at behind me look at how ridiculous it is it's just a non-stop freaking royal rumble of death runway if i stay in one spot too long it's gonna be so bad i'm always happy when it's nothing more than like a giant cat that's very serious i was gonna say nothing more than a giant cat that's falling but at this point that's the least of my troubles i don't know what the hell happened over here it was probably a gigantic creeper that's what's falling up here i'm not gonna lie i'm kind of curious how insane the creeper explosion is let's find out hold on there's one right here hi do it do it do it go ahead do it do it do it do it do it go ahead [Music] ow that wasn't that bad this is so bad oh sweet jesus this is so bad oh oh this is like the first time i've had a stronghold in a in a snow biome this is pretty cool like literally it's pretty cool ow stop following me you titanic bastards uh reginald get out of the way please thank you sweet okay i'm serious like i never get this lucky ow i'm on fire i'll leave it to freaking gray hold on to your wiener ender dragon because all hell's about to break loose seriously to spawn again whatever let the chaos begin okay first i have to get close enough to the ender dragon oh my god and then i'm gonna let all of this crap just keep spawning on top of her right at the area where she perches at i need to make myself a little fort okay okay here we go and then ow ow out stop out boy yeah i've got golden apples for days suck it oh my god it's a titanic ravager yes beat her ass go my children no survivors oh my god i'm going this is gonna hurt the game is crashing so bad right now i've got i've got to kill her i just i need to kill her i think she's just stuck here oh please die look at this it's like a zoo of stupidity oh it was half for damage please die i'm just chain eating apples i'm just chain eating apples okay if i can get taller maybe then all of the titans on the sad side if i fall from here i'm dead all right i think i've done it i think i'm taller now than all of the titans there we go okay and from way downtown boom here we go this is the stupidest end fight i've ever had to deal with there has to be one a better way to do this okay there okay if i stand one block up she can't get me with the fire luckily i have a pretty consistent amount of gear that comes to me oh sh i was gonna say because critters keep landing on top of me come on land land land okay here we go i've gotta make this work oh the game is breaking so bad right now yeah reginald you keep a lookout he's like yeah it looks freaking terrible look at the gigantic pile of loot that's just sitting out here uh what do i need a chest plate i'm pretty sure there's one somewhere please die all you have to do is die all you have to do is die please for the love of jesus just die come on oh thank you jesus look at all of the loot this titan ridiculousness can burn in hell without me i'm out of here oh god well i'm gonna go find a titan sized keyboard and choke myself to death with it anyway folks hope you enjoyed this episode of minecraft until the next time stay foxy much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 698,027
Rating: 4.9599552 out of 5
Keywords: beating minecraft, challenge, competitive minecraft, cursed minecraft, gray still plays, graystillplays, graystillplays minecraft, greystillplays, hardest minecraft challenge, impossible minecraft challenge, insane minecraft, minecraft, minecraft but, minecraft but mobs are giant, minecraft but mobs rain from the sky, minecraft challenge, minecraft funny moments, minecraft graystillplays, minecraft manhunt, minecraft mods, minecraft pvp, minecraft speedrun, minecraftbut
Id: h7Jx14dG1X0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 23sec (863 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 21 2021
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