They Didn't Like Our Video... So They Sent Me This

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all right [Music] I've been instructed not to open this until it's time but if I've decided it's time [Music] in this box is the Everlast cyclone 262. and in my left hand is a beer from Golden Cactus across the street we should not be doing this right now definitely you shouldn't be doing this right now well there's the plug what a nice cord look at that it's very flexible on top is a box of goodies let's see what we got whoa the cyclin 262 owners operation manual read the manual carefully before installation operation and maintenance [Music] oh [Music] that's real nice oh yeah I can see it clean well you know what I mean I can picture a clean well so that concludes the review of the Everlast Cyclone thanks for watching and like And subscribe and I'll see you on the next one [Music] this is uh an incredible moment keep wanting to say like we'll talk later but then you keep wanting to talk I know [Music] green and stuff let's plug it in [Music] a very nice fan the left knob moves the left number around and the right knob moves the right number around who's a thunk it I've got research to do [Music] change the inductance what is inductance I mean it seems like it'd be a cool place to like eat lunch eat up you put your bread craft lunch right here and then eat from this nice powder coated surface is this what ever last pictured when they sent you this water well for starters Everlast didn't send me a sandwich thanks for watching [Music] this is the workplace of Visa indoor on a daily basis [Music] well this camera's going to bed good night camera say good night James good night [Music] okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I need one more thing hi how are you my name is Tay and this is my humble little Fab shop for those of you that have just joined the channel this shop I'm in was a 100 year old machine shop that I spent two to three years of my life cleaning out turning into what is Now quickly becoming my dream shop fabrication is my passion creating things for other people and for myself is uh probably one of the most fun things ever and I have put in a sizable amount of work to make this a living I've had a lot of support a big shout out to my dad Mike and his company Black Dog Salvage for giving me essentially an education on business learning how to use tools how to operate equipment how to talk to people how to do sales how to do online Commerce photography videography I have a lot of what I have too the skills that I picked up in my family's business Black Dog Salvage now I left Black Dog well really officially in early 2020 right as the pandemic was kicking off I had been working on this building at that point for a few years and I decided to push all my chips to the middle of the table and go all in on starting my own Custom Fabrication company and here we are in 2023 three years later and business is better than ever the shop is cranking out builds left and right thanks to some incredible fellas that I surround myself with namely among which is why Alan big shout out to that guy and of course Steve heinzel who's going to be around more often here soon and a guy named Jake Freeland who I've had the pleasure of meeting and collaborating with on a lot of projects uh I want to take this moment to tell you that I am incredibly thankful for the support that you've showed lift Arc here on YouTube on Facebook on Instagram I am incredibly humbled by by the amount of support I've received from my community and Beyond and I just wanted to say thank you none of this is lost on me and when I truly stop and think about how remarkable it is that I've been able to do this it becomes mildly overwhelming I will make this shop work or die trying one neat thing that's happened alongside renovating this business was that we've been able to create a YouTube channel around it thanks to my good friends Walker Hooper and Riley Murtaugh we were able to document the overhaul of this building and after that we started showing you guys custom builds how to's tool Acquisitions tips and tricks whatever the hell we wanted to show you and we've had a absolute blast doing it and in 2022 the channel grew at a rate that none of us were prepared for the last year I think our Channel's gotten like 1.8 million views or something like that and on average now I make roughly fifteen hundred to two thousand dollars a month from YouTube ad Revenue frankly folks that's incredible because that pays pays my rent here at the shop I think what's been so wild over the past six months is some of the Partnerships that we've been able to establish between lift Arc and yeah namely tool companies first of which was shop saver the fellas at shop saver fellas and fellets I should say over at shop saver have been incredibly receptive to us reaching out and wanting to partner they've sponsored a number of our videos on the channel and uh you know sponsorships can be anything from an in-kind sponsorship meaning they give me product in return for good mentions and or pre-roll ads and things like that like the Collision detection kit and they gave me some software to do some ads in front of some videos or you know direct monitor monetization uh compensation like you pay me money and I say things on YouTube now there's a video that we produced recently that you guys really seem to have liked and if you didn't like it I think I already know why that video of course being the 200 welder versus the two thousand dollar welder it was kind of fun to see at least in a very simple unprofessional unresearched and unsterilized bench test between these two welders on DC tig with as many of the parameters controlled as we could it was pretty wild to see a 200 welder lay some beads that in that limited and very simple rudimentary test seemed to perform in an equal fashion now since posting that video there have been a lot of comments some of which said uh okay but let's see that jeep welder weld for an hour and how how does it hold up then duty cycle duty cycle duty cycle and then you know other things like what you don't get regulator what you can't do AC DC you know using a pedal lift Arc up slope and down slope programs all that stuff the reason I compared these two welders is because those are the two tig welders that I currently had in a functional State when that video blew up something happened shortly after that was pretty funny I got a phone call from a gentleman named Oleg one of the higher-ups of Everlast and he told me or rather asked me why on Earth are you comparing that cheap little welder to our multi-faceted Boutique TIG welding experience over here the power TIG 210 EXT because it's not an Apples to Apples he claimed you know it's a cheap little DC only Machine versus this fully featured machine that does all kinds of things and I said what it didn't really mean anything but specifically two TIG welders I had laying around one of which I was very used to using and one of which was brand new and cost 200 so I said that's told them that you know just wanted to see how it did and he goes well that's not even a direct comparison at all we offer we as an Everlast offer a 400 DC only TIG welder that's not much more expensive than this vivore unit but offers many more features I don't have that welder in front of me but he did mention that he would want to send it over and he may still be sending it over in which case when we get it we will throw the Everlast 400 welder up against this vivore TIG welder and maybe do some more structured tests just for you welding nerds out there people said oh do a bin test after you weld it or whatever we'll do that but the other thing OLED Oleg asked me after we talked about what welder I should be comparing the v-board to was well what else do you have in your shop it seems as though at this point the conversation he realized the impact that this channel has the visuals of the brands that I use which is kind of cool so I said well I've been using a 15 year old Millermatic 212 full-size Transformer MIG welder forever it's probably the first welder I ever used and I've maintained it and and repaired it as needed and it is still the welder that has built this shop it is the backbone of lift Arc Studios back to oleganized conversation though he said well we just came out with the Cyclone series of mig welders and he goes if you're interested in in reviewing one of those or using one of those in your shop and I said well it it needs to at least be as good as my 212 if not be able to weld thicker material because if it doesn't even keep up with my 15 year old 212 then I'll be honest with you I'm not going to use it it's not going to serve a purpose in this shop and it's going to sit in the corner and collect dust or go to my house and I'm going to stack old mail on top of it that was a bit harsh but you get what I'm saying so he said all right we're going to send you the Cyclone 262 and that is what is sitting to my left a brand new welder from Everlast the Cyclone 262. that showed up at my shop after having little more than a phone call and emailing someone my address I think this thing sells for like 1500 bucks or something like that you can put it up here on the screen if I'm wrong I think we can all agree that that is a pretty wild thing to happen and I think now I'm getting around to the the whole reason I'm sitting down and talking to you about this which is that where I started this shop from and what seems to happen on a semi-regular basis now I.E companies reaching out and wanting to send me things to be showcased on this channel which seems to have a sizable impact I just want to say thank you and I could not be in this position without you I would not at all have the good Fortune of of of having leverage in a conversation with a company about the impact of this channel without the support that I received from you guys that we all receive from the viewers here on the channel it's pretty wild I've had some pretty emotional conversations with my close friends recently about how blown away I am regarding the position I find myself in so let's all agree that that's wild and that you know it's it's a cool thing that being said I want to I want to talk about it I want to use it I have signed nothing I have agreed to say nothing in particular I believe they're going to send me some technical talking points but at the end of the day if this thing sucks you're gonna hear about it I have used this Everlast 210 EXT TIG welder for the better part of two years and it has not skipped a beat so I'm pretty excited about using this thing because now I have a TIG solution that I really like and potentially a MIG solution that I really like but I realize now that I've been rambling for a long time so long in fact that I can see the battery meter on the camera has gone down a few notches so again thank you I appreciate you once we get an order of t-shirts in uh lift dark long sleeve t-shirts in all sizes even 3x this time those will be up in the store and uh there will be priced at one price and I think for a limited time to show my thanks I will probably discount them maybe in a way that if you if you've watched these videos you'll get a you can see a promo code or something and I can sell them at a different price we'll see if my website can even handle that but I want to find a way to give back to you guys because you have given me so much so while we work that out please be patient with me by the way click that subscribe button I really appreciate you guys I'm gonna quit rambling now and uh I'm going to continue my Saturday of cleaning the shop and reorganizing some things thank you for watching I hope I've made myself clear and I hope I've expressed my feelings in a way that makes some kind of sense bye [Music] ladies and gentlemen this is an Everlast Cyclone 262 in a cart that was not made for an Everlast Cyclone 262. this is the latest welder to breach the doors here at lift Arc and um it's Saturday okay and I am reorganizing a lot of the shop I'm putting shelves up where they can I'm gonna put a shelf over here these are where I usually store my welders and I want to put a shelf above the welders for welder related things so I need to make some L brackets I'm going to use a MIG welder and it just so happens that I was just sent this MIG welder so without boring you with too many details I'm going to get this thing set up and we are going to put it to work because I could use my old Miller to do this but I figured if I need to make something real quick pretty simple Fab project a few L brackets let's use this thing we'll do a brief unboxing experience here there's the Mig gun for the cyclone we got owner's manual all right we've got a gas regulator for the flow meter I'm sorry I know you guys absolutely hate when I shake the camera around and I understand so without trying to limp through this one-handed there it is just comes out easy that time same flow regulator that is on that welder and yes I painted my nails a while ago get over it gas line top handle that goes there got the Mig gun we've got that thing we've got a ground cable and we've got an electrode holder and drive wheels for the wire feed system there you go unboxing how about that you love it great you want to know why this cart is not meant for this welder that's why I literally might just cut the little sheet metal on the door here to get that to open all the way oh no I can push it to one side we can kind of get in there now obviously not ideal but I think I can do all the setup I need of course it's a MIG so once this is closed it won't open for a while there you go and I've temporarily put my Everlast TIG which was on that cart on this short little cart that I had that guy sitting on that guy's gonna go to my house now that's the weld Mark np200 we reviewed a while ago DC TIG machine and Mig gun with pulse nice little unit so that thing's on this dinky little cart for now because I wanted to put that somewhere let's hook it up and see how it does foreign [Applause] [Music] I think I may feed the wire first [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey we have life [Applause] the peel all right so for my shop one of the best wire Victor sizes that I've been running is 030 so this is a medium-sized roll of weld Mark 030 er70s-6 MIG welding wire I am not really intending this video to be a perfect instructional video about how to set up a MIG welder but hopefully you can kind of see what's going on this is everlast's feed system kind of nice you got two feed rollers double the contact double the friction double the push they are both driven uh one is not just rolling and you've got two top clamp rollers so that's really nice I'll turn it on now this welder does have a wired jog button which means that button activates these motors so you can feed a new roll of wire through your cable without striking the arc or wasting gas I think I know what this is this is a spacer for these smaller spools and these spools have a nut and a spring so you can adjust and drag you need to make sure that these rollers are set up for o30 1.2 they seem to be in millimeters we're going to use the 0.8 millimeter because point zero three zero wire is uh technically 0.76 millimeters so 0.8 should work I'm guessing these are all thumb screws through the rollers let's see if it grabs [Music] for this it's pretty smooth man got the drive roller system figured out wires installed now the new wire is sticking out of the machine trim that back and I'm going to start it into here so that well it started now I don't have to worry about that wire jamming in the liner decent little attachment system turn this on this is our torch and I would like to take the contact tip off that's the contact tip apparently so that's cool to our wire jog and there it is put that thing back slip that thing over that's a really big tip I wonder if they sent me any others I don't think they did but let's see okay so I don't have I don't have a different size contact tip you're definitely supposed to size your contact tipped tip to your wire but you're not really going to hurt anything by running this in a contact tip that's too big it just sort of loose so I will keep that in mind when I go to weld if the puddle seems to wander around I will at least for now blame it on the uh the fact that I'm using the wrong contact tip there we go I lied there are other contact tips look at me growing Everlast under the bus for no good reason two contact tips and a wrench for the contact tips let's put that on good deal it's got the right tip on there you haven't already you should get yourself one of these organizers from Harbor Freight for three dollars keep all your tips separate I have already turned this thing on as you saw one thing that it does when you change programs tells you how to hook things up the work goes to the negative Forge is positive I'm at c25 c25 means that 25 of your gas is carbon dioxide or CO2 meaning 75 is argon there's c100 there's aluminum there's stainless steel there's flux core there's flux core with gas and DC stick leave it on c25 because that's what I'm doing that's the gas I'm running anyway I'll go over this later using this little shorty tank because it's the only other 75-25 argon tank I have other than the big one on my MIG welder other MIG welder so tighten that up [Music] okay now there's a gas Port back here pull the little stopper out just like that goes into the machine and then I will wrap the extra around my bottle here like so tighten that on the regulator okay these are tapered fittings so you don't need to Reef on them just get them kind of tight oh I'm gonna do a gas Purge set my flow usually like to run about 25 cfh ready to weld so by all counts [Music] this thing [Music] is ready to weld Theo reticulate the cords are a little short I will say I've been spoiled by the really long Mig gun on my Miller but that's okay this thing's very mobile it's a lot more mobile than my Miller so how about that we're good so in real time here yes I want to use this for something but I've been reorganizing my shop and there's just stuff everywhere so I think I'm gonna keep cleaning the brackets I want to build will hold a shelf that goes up here but it's six o'clock on Saturday and I think I'd rather just clean things up and maybe tackle that tomorrow but I just wanted to show you guys the setup at least the best I could with what I got of the Cyclone 262 can't wait to use it time to organize the shop some more [Music] all right [Music] all right let's see what is this 14 gauge I can see what it does YouTube assistant [Music] oh my God this stinks throws better like yeah 20 20 gold scenes [Music] definitely not enough liar started to sound better there I started turning it up okay yeah yeah yeah oh that's helpful oh that sounds great now we're talking it almost looks like it's a little hot it's getting like grayed out I don't know maybe not much I'm gonna turn it down a little bit things are much wider than my 15 year old Miller that's for sure it's quieter than this one yeah good Ness well okay first impressions are pretty good I I slit my hand on that one but I mean it still looks a little hot like it's kind of gray at grayed out you know but I mean once you get rolling feels great yeah I like the length of the torch I didn't think I would but yeah it means this hand could be further away from the Heat and sort of instead of having to be up here I can just chill back here yeah I like your head out yeah all right well now I got a well three eggs I don't know man that's really good I like it sounds good yeah [Music] YouTube also helps motivate to do a better job because if I do a job they'll be like you suck you hear that YouTube I care about you [Music] thank you foreign [Music] here's the payoff four hours of work to do that made a welder house [Music] well there's my shelf it's been four hours making a making some brackets but there you go that's the result a little flip through the middle but uh I might put a piece of angle across here a piece of tube make it a little stronger but the idea of this is look at that it's almost exactly six seven the idea here is welders go under here I can put hooks anywhere like maybe on the front edge for masks and jackets and stuff uh and then obviously we got a shove so I can put all sorts of things up top whatever we might want to store up top I know that was a long complicated way to put a shelf on a wall but it's worth doing it's worth overdoing right pretty stoked on the Cyclone honestly uh weld's real good I it spatters a lot but I'm sure that's probably something I need to figure out you have tips on how to reduce spatter for a MIG welder definitely drop them down below I'd love to hear what you think in any case time to put the welders back and I gotta go do something else it's gonna work on my car see ya foreign look at what you've done cables cool part on the back side see if it works in practice cool all right I haven't figured out this machine exactly yet so before we wrap this video I want to get a weld that doesn't have spatter all over the place and what that really means is I need to learn how to set it up properly I did do read real quick you know I've been spoiled by some of that auto stuff on the Miller I did read that excess spatter could mean that the voltage is not high enough so I'll try that keep the power set one more chance to make any sense that's not good Everlast your power set doesn't make any sense I'm not a water but that sounds spattered yeah you know it you know if it sounds good it doesn't have that consistent Buzz to it right it's got a crackle yeah it's got a pop snap cracking pot see that's way better yeah what did you change to make that well I went to full manual mode and started guessing I have a loose idea of what I used to weld at when I had a welder with this many settings I don't know what inductance is somebody out there needs to tell me what inductance means burn that needs to burn back we're gonna get somewhere folks yeah yeah it's a little cold [Music] and again a little more sense [Music] [Music] well sort of I mean I'm gonna try to explain what I'm doing without like I'm not a welding expert but you do it something for 15 years you get pretty good at it but every machine is different and so my old I mean here's the what I'm dealing with those are the controls so you know I always looked at the chart down here and set those accordingly and go so I haven't conditioned my brain to think in terms of volts and inches per minute and it seems like the presets are not good the presets are all over the place and don't make any sense and when I set them up it doesn't feel right at all it just batters and pops and doesn't make any sense so I'm just sort of guessing because back when I worked at blackdog we had Miller 252s that had digital readouts and I'm trying to remember like my settings from seven years ago yeah I want to say eighth inch was like 17 volts and 260 something 's way too cold yeah that's pretty good that's 18 volts I mean when it works it feels great so you know it's looking pretty good it feels great I just don't know it yet that's the thing and so what I don't want you to take from this video is that the machine is bad because I made that mistake when I bought the 210 the tig I set it up like I would set up the Miller and it didn't do what I was hoping it would do and I was like the machine's broken and rightfully so the internet called me out and said you're an idiot you just have the machine set up wrong so anything that's been happening since I've plugged this thing in over the past two days that seems bad is 100 user error and as I involved this thing in more projects in the shop I'm gonna learn it I'm gonna fine tune it the menus are actually very easy to navigate it's not that I don't know where to find a setting it's just that I don't know exactly which settings I need to tweak yet or adjust but they do a great job of you know once you're here the left knob does the left number and the right knob does the right number and once you understand what those two numbers need to be go for it I I'm not convinced on the power set though I gotta say yeah it seems like you know because the whole point of this power set is that you know you're supposed to pick your thickness you know in this case it's eight inch and pick your wire which is .030 or 8 millimeters standard I don't know what I'm changing here wire you know you can change the o35 045 but I have o30 wire in there and uh yeah you know and so it's suggesting 20.5 and 365. but what I've found feels good is 18 and 260. um among other things the voltage and wire feed wire speed needs to move up and down sort of together in the most most cases so I've just found that this thing seems to default a little hot all the presets are like way hotter I think than they need to be we'll have to have Jake test out the stick capability and see how it does I kind of want to do it now try some 60 11. this is that whole other thing that that these machines can do electrode holder goes to negative the work goes to positive okay is that what you said no machines telling me the opposite it sure is that's weird I don't know why oh it's just saying 89 volts is just it who knows how old these rods are I haven't stick welded in Forever it's funny seeing like such a fancy modern machine with like the oldest kind of welding yeah yeah you've seen stick welding just like looking it up on the internet yeah let's see how much this stuff movies from the 80s it's hot whoa I'm stick welding Hey Dad I don't get it that is nice heck yeah it's real smooth yeah I mean I still hate stick welding it's really good should I try I said higher 80. it ain't good he said 80 huh a little hot yeah say that's a weirdness about the machine or the rod or just the kind of day you're having I I don't know man none of these look the way they should closer I think I should probably read the manual oh so you can you can yeah how much percent uh turn it to like 65 hot start time in seconds I don't know maybe like one second maybe less than that half a second second okay try that let me go back up to like 60. yeah let's stick there we'll see if it starts easier that's good man yeah I don't know or care really if you stick weld maybe it's great I know there's a guy on uh Everlast Channel uh that does a lot of stick welding reviews for their stuff Ah that's 3 30 seconds right there and he's great at it he makes it look amazing he makes it look effortless he says very high highly holds the machine in really high regard a lock power set but not for this particular type of weld I'm I'm trying to run a test through here on say those rods and a root on a root pass here on 3 8 beveled plate so I'm sure it's great for that I have a stick weld in 10 years and he's used for me so this isn't exactly a glowing review for Everlast yeah yeah I would say it every last has a steeper learning curve I think I mean it took me a while to get my TIG dialed in but now I know that machine like the back of my hand and I love it I think the same is going to be true for this Mig is obviously way easier than stick you know and I don't really have a place for this machine's not going to go with me uh to stick weld if I'm going to stick well in the field I'm going to grab something much smaller like the TIG welder or even the an old 90s Miller backpack welder that I have for my my uncle but um so this thing's gonna is here to serve as a MIG welder and it does that very well the quality of everything seems to be really good the price is amazing I think this one sells for like 1500 Bucks versus most top of the line mig welders of this capacity sell for three or four thousand dollars really it's just about figuring out the Kinks yes and uh I really don't want to end this video on this sort of tone where I haven't yet figured out all the Kinks but I got a lot of other stuff to do the test welders so stay tuned this thing's gonna be in a lot of videos coming forward uh first impressions are very good um but you know sometimes you got to be a little smarter than the machine I think in this case I haven't yet learned how to do that in any case Everlast certainly provides a lot of horsepower for the price and their products seem to stand up the test of time so worth your consideration at least yeah back to work thanks for watching can I run a 70 18 on here you do whatever makes you happy that's so weird that it switches yeah you know what I mean it's like my Trailblazer runs up positive I'm not a stick guy I have no clue It's gotta be the ride dude the rod yeah yeah is that a newer Rod it's a different kind of ride the other was 70. uh 10 this is 78. so what's the difference I mean everyone swears by 7018 what's the difference between 60 10 and uh 60-10 Burns slower I know that and it like it's better at penetrating through rust that's not bad it was like the ark was cutting out and I was the same distance away [Music] well we're selling this piece of Modern Art for 500 on the website sure join the patreon I'll send you this yeah see you see where it's like ridgy yeah it's like when I was going up the Arc was cutting out yeah it's I don't understand why it would you know because you always dig up and then feel back dig up feel back yeah you gotta feel back and then every time I went up it was like then I had to feel back and that it started again there might be some settings we haven't learned to mess with yet yeah yeah I mean these welders are humbling because you have to really know how to what all the parameters do and what you want them to be set in I'd rather I mean here's the note that end on is I'd rather have this level of control than not yeah because I know once I get it fine-tuned I'll be able to shape every every single piece of my arc versus having to rely on most of the welder you know the welder that thinks it knows better than I do and it might be fine you know all that auto set stuff that Miller's real proud of it yeah does anybody have good presets anybody I mean it'll get you like kind of ballpark but it's just not right you have to turn it off to get it right yeah they're trying to be like the tech they're trying to advance the technology faster [Music] I don't know what would you say I think that's accurate I mean if it's for beginners like yeah you've never if you've never welded before and you see a welder that says like push that button push that button and perfect welds come out then you'd buy it and I think it's probably more marketing wank than anything probably for big production lines and like dude you could stick somebody with sure but I do like your TIG welding way more TIG welder way more than this one you like the Everlast tick more than that yeah yeah it's got way more control well that's I mean again look at my first ever TIG welder has four knobs and two switches and now the one I use has a million settings what is cool about my Trailblazer though is you can set it for the rod yeah so like that the auto set on that is different it works we've established that no company really has good preset features and I would advise you if you're a newer welder to not rely on them really and do the work to try to do the work that I'm about to do and really learn what each setting does and get real granular with it because the more you learn up front the better you can avoid developing bad habits and crutches moving forward yep how about that Everlast quarter of the price same useless features Oleg did tell us to say it like it is that's true I think it'll be good I just think because it has so much difference well the billermatic 252 is what they're chasing down and that's a four thousand dollar machine this one is closer to that one price rise and what even that one I think that was like 750 bucks today's one of those days where I'm not really in the mood talk brutal honesty with the people yeah um Everlast buy one I'm getting back to work yeah [Music]
Channel: Lift Arc Studios
Views: 121,079
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Everlast Welders, Welder Review, Stick Welding, MIG Welding, Cnc plasma, plasma cutting metal, Custom Fabrication, CNC Plasma cutter, Lift arc builds, lift arc studios, price filler, machine shop, the machine shop, Salvage Dawgs, Tay Whiteside, black dog salvage, cyclone 262, everlast mig welder, everlast, everlast cyclone
Id: rnor26r3KTY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 27sec (2967 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 25 2023
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