Always insulted and bullied, this orphan boy transforms into the deadliest kung fu master

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The Story begins with a very tense war between the Tan Clan and the Royal Army this war was extraordinary because the tyan clan was the strongest group in the Ching Dynasty that had thousands of warriors with the nickname of God Warriors reportedly this clan had taken control of Beijing zil and chandong in addition among the thousands of God Warriors there was one strange Warrior named Yang luchan he was a talented young Warrior who mastered many Kung Fu moves however he had a very odd growth there was a small horn on his head however this horn was not a flaw because when pressed luchan would change so 18 years ago luchan was born into the world in a very strange and unconventional way while other babies come out slowly L Chan shot out like a North Korean missile but because of his abnormality Lan was often ostracized as a child even by his own father because as an official in his region he felt ashamed to have a strange child like L Chan but fortunately Lu Chan still had a mother who loved him very much then in Winter little L Chan played in the Town Square then he accidentally saw a martial arts performance and he was amazed by the Kung Fu moves performed but when L Chan was busy imitating his Kung Fu moves suddenly some kid stole his food and luchan immediately chased them but unfortunately the boys bullied him and laughed at the small horns on his head then not long after L Chan collapsed on the spot after being pushed by them however Lu Chan suddenly possessed kung fu skills seeing that the martial arts expert who made the performance earlier immediately separated him but unexpectedly Lu Chan's strength was able to make him bounce even though the boy had never learned Kung Fu before but afterward L Chan immediately fell unconscious at the same time l L Chan's mother was caught snatching her husband's money and she did that because her husband didn't want to give a penny to his son as a result she was tortured by her husband like a slave and kicked out of the house since that day L Chan and his mother lived alone until one day L Chan met again with the martial arts expert he had watched the other day and that person was named Master Xiao he told luchan that his horns were a gift called the three Crown flowers it is said that the the horn is only owned by Geniuses chosen by God and whoever has the horn can Master any martial art with just one look here Master zo intended to pass on his knowledge to luchan as he had great potential to become the strongest Kung Fu Master in mainland China hearing this L Chan's mother was delighted but unfortunately her life was on the line because of her husband's cruelty that made it worse before she passed away Lan's mother told luchan that he only needed to do one thing as best as he could in his entire life after his mother passed away L Chan paid his last respects he then joined Master zo to travel and learn martial arts 10 years later L Chan was chosen to be one of the god Warriors who fought against the Royal Army and here it was finally revealed that Master Xiao was a supreme commander of clatt Chanley who was a legendary Kung Fu Master in the Ching Dynasty region for the past 10 years he has been pretending to be an ordinary person in order to recruit children who have the potential to become God Warriors but in this war his army had already been cornered by enemy attacks as a result Master Z ordered one of his soldiers to hit luch Chan's horns and luchan was instantly transformed into full power mode but despite successfully slaughtering the enemy troops the use of the Triple Crown flower horn had a side effect that made L Chan faint therefore Lan was immediately rushed to the maintenance tent to be treated by a Healer named uncle Dom here Uncle dong was surprised by luch Chan's condition which he thought was severe so he suggested that Lu Chan shouldn't go to the battlefield again but this was exactly the opposite of what Master Z said it was Master Zhao who said that if Lan fought ofen then his strength would increase especially when he used his magic horn however uncle dong disagreed as it would only endanger Lan's life moreover he also suggested that Lan learn martial arts from the Chen family who could help him to maximize the horn and the inner power or Chay within it at the same time teacher J overheard the conversation and naturally felt that Uncle dong wanted to snatch L Chan away from him they ended up arguing until they attacked each other unexpectedly the Healer mastered the Kung Fu of the Chen family and was able to to defeat Master zel very easily at night clatt tanley rested before continuing the war but suddenly the Royal troops attacked blindly as a result L Chan immediately left the tent to save his friends then he was surprised to see Uncle dong lying on the ground after being hit by an arrow that stuck in his back and make him can't move before he died Uncle dong told Luan to take lessons from a Kung Fu Master named Master Chen who of course was a member of the Chen family because if not then Lu Chan would die because he couldn't control his horns and not long after that the entire tyly Army was slaughtered luckily L Chan was able to save himself from the massacre and without thinking he immediately searched for Chen who lived in a secluded Village after climbing the mountain and passing through the valley he finally could find the place arriving there L Chan immediately saw a strange sight where there was an atic or monk who was was meditating on a tree but with an upside down body position long story short he asked the villagers about master Chen's home address but strangely the villagers said that Chen's Kung Fu wasn't taught to Outsiders like Lu Chan then while Luan was confused he suddenly bounced off seeing this the woman riding in the car immediately got off to ask about Lan's condition and apparently this woman was Chen yunyang who turned out to be Master Chen's biological daughter yiang was seen with her future fiance named Fang Z Ching meanwhile Lu Chan wanted to approach yiang but they had already left then shown Yun Yang's two older brothers gossiping about Fang according to them Fang is the smartest person in the village in addition he is also very good at Machinery after learning it from abroad so it's no wonder that he can invent his own car engine but despite his reputation for being smart the villagers disliked him for being too too fond of Western culture even Yun Yang's brother who was his Lover's brother didn't like him one night the village held a meeting at the Village Hall at this meeting the villagers talked about build and constructing a railroad so that the place could be connected to other Villages the person who proposed the construction was of course Fang when the villagers came to the Village Hall Fang immediately presented his plan to the villagers however they weren't interested and objected to the plan as especially since the railroad requires a large area of land that might have to displace tombs or residential areas Fang tried to convince them by showing off his electric lamp however the lamp failed and broke as a result the residents immediately went home from there and some people then underestimated Fang because he went all the way to school abroad but just made a broken lamp the next day it was yiang who went about her routine of Brewing sake or drinking but it wasn't long before Lan came over to her yunyang thought that he came because he was sick after being hit by Fang's car a few days ago therefore yunyang immediately gave him money as medical expenses however Lu Chan's want was to learn martial arts from Yun Yang's father hearing that yunyang said that his father's Kung Fu knowledge would only be taught to the natives of the village but because Lu Chan persisted she lied to him by saying that his father was behind the mountain she actually wanted to make Luan out of the village a while later Lan returned to yuning's house feeling disappointed having been deceived Yen was surprised by the speed of Lan's feet as it usually took up to 3 days to reach the mountain and here again luchan asked where Master chin was however yunen was too lazy to answer and chose to leave but Lan kept asking until finally the two of them had a fight because of the Chen family's martial arts knowledge yunen could throw Lu Chan from the top floor until the man fainted but at the same time she also felt guilty for him it wasn't long before L Chan woke up and his body was bound upside down not only that there was also a man in front of him whom he didn't recognize apparently he was a laborer and physician named Uncle Chang sing here he deliberately hung L Chan's body so that his blood flow would resume after the treatment Lan asked un unle Chang Singh if he could teach him Chen family Kung Fu but unfortunately Uncle Chang Singh was just a laborer who couldn't do kung fu but unexpectedly Uncle Chang Singh found out about the three Crown flowers then Uncle Chang Singh advised luang to find a doctor because his horns were getting worse and his life was in danger one night Fang was seen contemplating his failure then by his side was yunyang who kept him company while playing romantic music Fang then conf finded that he was very upset and saddened by the attitude of the villagers who rejected the railroad construction plan even though he had promised the governor to complete the construction of the railroad in 10 days hearing that yiang provides a solution so that the construction of the railroad can proceed and the solution is marriage if Fang wants to marry her then the Chen family will help him moreover his family was well respected so permission to build a railroad wasn't a difficult thing for him but Fang refuses because he's studying abroad to become an engineer and doesn't want to be belittled by her brothers anymore the next day yunan goes to the post office and intends to send a letter to Fang asking him not to leave as the engagement cannot be postponed any longer anyway however she was suddenly upset as Lan came again and asked to be taught the Chen family's Kung Fu yunyang who was upset immediately beat L Chan up and asked him to duel right away but this time Yan utilizes the Kung Fu moves taught by her father with gentle but deadly moves at the same time Fang is being severely evaluated by the governor for failing to persuade the villagers to build the railroad he had already spent a lot of money but Fang doesn't give up so easily and has Enlisted the help of a railroad consultant named Claire who will certainly help Fain realize the construction of the railroad however the governor doubts that the person's present will be able to help the railroad construction process hearing this Fang persuaded him again not only that Fang and CLA have also prepared a giant tank made with the best engine of its time So the plan is that they will displace the village with it the next day L Chan sat pensively in the market and he suddenly remembered his mother's message before she died saying that he should always do his best in anything because of his late mother's advice Lan was reinvigorated and decided to re-enter the village despite being chased Away by yunyang to avoid being caught L Chan entered through the gate while covering his body with a straw roof but all the villagers tried to tackle him even a little boy joined in and tackled Lan with his extraordinary martial arts skills after being beaten by the skillful little boy Luan still had to fight with other villagers but again he failed to defeat him the next day L Chan copied all the moves of the villagers starting from yunyang the little boy and other villagers because as we know he has the ability to learn Kung Fu just by seeing the moves once then Li Chan asked Uncle changen for advice so that he could enter the village again and the uncle advised him to copy every move of the opponent that way he could definitely defeat them that day L Chan finally tried to enter the village again however here he had to fight a merchant man who challenged him to a fight if L Chan could destroy the Box in his hand then he could re-enter the village without thinking L Chan immediately attacked him unfortunately the merchant was too strong for him but when he fell Lu Chan was advised by Uncle Chang sing to mimic all of his opponent's moves as he had suggested earlier and it turned out to be successful in making the merchant struggle despite winning L Chan remained humble he even apologized to the merchant for dropping his box after that Luan ran around the village and climbed up a tower while shouting to thank Uncle Chang Singh for helping him but not long after he felt dizzy and eventually fell unconscious having absorbed too many Kung Fu moves while L Chan was unconscious The Village was suddenly attacked by Fang and his troops who wanted to evict people's homes with their Advanced tanks that were considered Monsters by the residents after reading the governor's order Fang and CLA began to evict the houses without Mercy seeing this yuning was very disappointed with Fang who had the heart to evict his own village she then asked Fang to stop the eviction and Fang who still liked yunyang was finally forced to back down after they left yiang went to her brother to do something so that the villagers could live in peace however the village officials have given up and the only person who can solve this problem is teacher Chen their own father the next day Fang and Claire came back to force the villagers into forced labor they were ordered to build tracks and refuel tanks to make matters worse the villagers are LED around by arrogant foreign soldiers who look down and underestimate on them on the other hand CLA seems to be angry with Fang because she just found out that Fang has a special relationship with yiang at the same time Lu Chan finally woke up from his stuper and again the person who saved him was Uncle Chang sing here the uncle told him that the village was in turmoil due to the arrival of foreign soldiers who wanted to build a railroad to launch their colonization Mission hearing this Luan was scared because he hadn't time to learn Kung Fu with the Chen family uncle changsen who felt sorry for L Chan came up with a strategy to stop Fang and his army in the evening Clare is seen preparing to return to her country because Fang prefers yiang but Fang tries to hold her back by saying that he actually loves Claire they don't realize that yunyang is peeping at them from the roof and just as they want to make love yiang walks in and stops them both with a very disappointed look in her eyes however at the same time yunyang secretly took the tank usage book that was there the next day yunan went to see a postman with a tank manual containing guidelines and how to control it here she wanted to ask the postman to translate the contents which were written in English on the other hand Lan had just finished observing Fang and his troops tank he then drew the shape of the machine so that Uncle changsen could get a clear picture of the machine after that the uncle immediately explained the next plan without further delay L Chan infiltrated the tank but when he was inside he was spotted by the foreign soldiers and without thinking luchan immediately mobilized his Kung Fu moves until finally he could overthrow them all however Lan was suddenly attacked from behind fortunately yiang came to help Lan at the right time they then worked together to stop the tanks engine armed with an engine manual that had been translated by the postman however one of the surviving foreign soldiers pressed the emergency alarm and made everyone hunt luchan and yunyang while the two of them were trying to stop the engine Fang and CLA suddenly stepped in to stop them Fang then said that if yyang stop the machine then he would become her enemy but Yen didn't care what he said and simply destroyed the machine as a result of the tank explosion many casualties occurred especially the foreign soldiers trapped inside but unlike the two of them CLA seemed to be dying as her stomach was pierced by an iron Rod while hold the pain she wanted to invite Fang to go to London but fate said otherwise on the other hand Lan and yunen could Escape safely meanwhile Lu Chan and yiang went to the Village Hall to announce that the giant tank had been destroyed and they were considered the heroes of the village however Lu Chan didn't like all the praise as his goal was to learn Kung Fu from Master Chen at the same time Uncle Chang Singh appeared with a different appearance than usual Uncle Chang Singh unexpectedly turned out to be the real teacher Chen Chen Chong Singh so all this time he had been disguised as an ordinary laborer to calm down while secretly teaching his Kung Fu to Lu Chan which means Lu Chan has already mastered some of the Kung Fu moves of the Chen's family after explaining everything Master Chen told the villagers to Get Ready for War as he was sh Fang and the foreign troops would definitely take revenge the next day every villager prepared their weapons and got ready at their respective positions meanwhile Master Chen would be the general while watching from the top of the tower before the war began teacher Chen urged the villagers not to kill the enemy as the goal was only to drive them away and warn them not long after Fang came to the village with a well-armed army but they were confused because the village was very quiet and suddenly the women attacked them with watermelons and other fruits the soldiers were overwhelmed by the fruit attacks which could crush their bones so with great difficulty Fang mobilized his troops to fight back after knocking out one of the citizens Fang told them to hand over luchan and yunen yunen didn't decide to surrender to protect the villagers but suddenly the woman Unleashed her Kung Fu moves to bulldo the soldiers not long after Lu Chan joined her in the fight but during the fight L Chan was shot as a result of the shot Lu Chan immediately fell down this also made Master Chen very angry master Chen finally intervened to clear out the entire enemy Army that was fighting using Spears with only his bare hands he was able to hundreds of soldiers with ease then he immediately slammed Fang and expelled all of his troops after successfully driving the enemy out of the village a new problem arose Lu Chan want to be executed according to the teachings of Chen's ancestors because Lu Chan has mastered Chen's family Kung Fu which shouldn't be taught to Outsiders but there is one way that can Fort his execution which is by marrying luchan to yunyang so that he can become a resident of the village and not being executed hearing that yunyang fell silent as she recalled her moments with L Chan finally she realized that she was starting to admire and fall in love with Lan on the other hand Fang is now imprisoned by the governor because he is considered useless a few days later the whole village celebrates luchan and Yun Yang's wedding we are shown two mysterious Warriors who want to break into the village and at the same time the foreign soldiers are also preparing to take revenge on Master Chen and all his followers after that the movie ended
Channel: Scifi Recaps
Views: 433,763
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gangster movie recap, gangster film recap, gangster story recap, action movie recap, drama movie recap, thriller movie recap, Sci-fi recaps, Fighter movie recap, film recap, story recap, storyline movie, mystery recap, mystery recapped, inspirational movie recap, sad movie recap, movie recapped, movie recaps, story recapped, movie review, movie summary, movie explained, recapped movie, movie recapped channel, film recap movies, movie story recapped, crime movie
Id: oF8riCEBdcY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 43sec (1243 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 04 2024
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