Always Bullied Because of Her Appearance, She Turns into the Most Beautiful In Town

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in 1989 a young child dances on stage in front of everyone receiving a lot of Applause from the audience she seems very happy with it it is amomi who has a passion for dancing receiving Applause and being famous in 1993 she still had that passion for dancing while she is enjoying her dance in her room her mom comes in she tells her she can't be a singer or dancer with these looks as she grows older her looks get uglier upon reaching high school she also comes to know that she really can't get famous on stage with these looks when she dances on stage everyone mocks her calling her ugly no one talks to her but they ask her to step down so that they can see others dance on the stage she seems jealous of watching others on stage it's 29 and she finds herself living a life she never desired she is working as an accountant in a company her appearance remains unchanged yet the desire to dance on stage still Burns within her heart however she devises a clever plan after her day job in the quiet of the night she transforms into someone else with makeup and fancy attire she wears a mask and goes live on social media to dance her performances gather numerous hearts and bring in earnings additionally she engages her audience with live streams playing games and providing entertainment anonymously she shares her life and seeks advice forming Connections in the virtual world but in the morning she wakes up and sees her ugly face again she gets ready and takes the crowded train to reach her company office there she faces rude behavior from her co-workers once more Miss sang reminds her that her face is getting rougher day by day Mr Kim and Mr no never give her as much importance as they give to the new Junior employee Miss aam who is attractive and cunning aam makes coffee for senior employees in the morning to win their favor but Momi doesn't like her instead memomi admires Mr Kong their boss he is handsome kind and professional when aam offers him coffee he initially refuses but later accepts it advising her against such actions emom me spends her days imagining Mr Kong and stealing glances at him in the office even as he busies himself editing his abs pictures for social media however the unfortunate truth is that Mr Kong is already married during a meal with co-workers Mr Kim shows Mr Kong how people are earning these days on social media by offering entertaining Services the most famous of them is the MK girl after dinner Mr Kong leaves early because his wife is unwell and he needs to go home while he's trying to get a taxi amomi approaches him and asks to share the taxi because she recently moved near his house Mr Kong agrees during the ride his wife calls and asks if he's alone he replies that he is even though Momi is sitting next to him when they reach their destination Momi wonders why he lied to his wife suspecting he's conscious of her later that night as the mask girl doing her live stream she shares the whole incident with her audience involving her boss one member of her audience suggests that she's just imagining things about her boss and that there's nothing romantic going on then she recounts the day when she complimented Mr Kang's perfume scent after which he started wearing it regularly but still her audience believes she's going too much into it the next day Mom me is working late in the office only aam remains still working while everyone else has left after finishing her her tasks Momi bids farewell to aam and heads for the exit however upon reaching the gate she realizes that she left her C in her cubicle she retraces her steps back to the office to retrieve it but she unexpectedly finds Mr K there curious she grabs her purse and follows him upon reaching the office she Witnesses Mr Kong and a engaged in a passionate kiss in the office Mr K apologizes to aam for being distant during the day not wanting their co-workers to suspect favoritism the entire scene leaves Momi feeling overwhelmed with emotion she walks back home to her place crying the whole way upon arrival she drinks a large amount of alcohol crying and eventually vomiting into the commode then she puts on her mask and starts her live stream dancing with great energy she eventually removes all her clothes during the performance the audience in the live stream reacts intensely heavily commenting on her body and expressing admiration however she goes to bed with without reading the comments as she's too intoxicated the next morning upon waking up mom discovers that her account has been blocked due to violating live stream rules deeply saddened she becomes upset and begins slapping herself repeatedly saying that she deserves to Die the next day during lunch in the office with her female co-workers Momi reveals the affair between Mr Kong and aam but asks them to keep it secret however news of the affair spreads quickly throughout the office becoming the talk of the day among both male and female co-workers the following day Mr K is absent from his seat a cooworker messages emom me informing her that Mr Kong has resigned from the company and aam has been fired as Momi leaves the office a cooworker named Mr O approaches her while they wait for the elevator he attempts to speak to her but as the elevator arrives and many people are already inside Mr O remains silent they enter the elevator together outside the office building Momi SE Mr Kong in a distressed State he's heavily drunk and expresses a desire to end his life amomi takes him in a taxi and heads towards his home but Mr Kong remains silent when she asks about his address suddenly it begins to rain prompting amomi to seek shelter in a motel with him inside she undresses him and they both end up sleeping on the same bed the next morning Mr Kong wakes up first and is startled to find amomi beside him he hastily dresses and leaves the motel with without saying a word to her when amomi arrives at the office she notices Mr Kang's chair is empty and takes her seat soon after she receives an email with the subject I know you opening it she discovers a picture of the Mask girl with a message stating I know you shocked she closes the email and goes to the restroom hastily there she reopens the email where she finds a naked picture of herself wearing the mask additionally she sees all the comments she received during her live stream when she exposed her self upset by what she sees Momi is deeply troubled after leaving the office Momi texts Mr Khan expressing her desire to meet him however Mr K apologizes for their previous encounter and declines her request to meet later that night emom me logs into her still suspended profile she opens a chat with an anonymous user named Prince as she Converses with him she finds him to be very welcoming she shares her thoughts of wanting to end her life but he convinces her otherwise unknown to him om me the prince is actually Mr O her coworker he is sitting in his apartment and texting her anonymously on his computer Mr O has been the target of bullies since his childhood due to his chubby physique everyone made fun of him he has been alone all the time since his childhood he used to play with himself by watching illicit videos his life is all about his office and this illicit stuff even now he is alone on his birthday he gets a cake for himself he claps for himself and then cuts it he has placed a doll in front of him his companion in his loneliness he gives himself a gift through the doll and he thanks it for the gift the gift is an adult toy which he then uses to give himself pleasure meanwhile his mom calls him she doesn't remember his birthday either she just reprimands him by saying that he is a bad son he doesn't care for his mom and he doesn't buy her new clothes he even doesn't have a girlfriend and can't give a grandchild to her she also reprimands him for his little salary Mr O canceled the call by saying that he had to attend a meeting the next day in the office he is sitting alone for his lunch he doesn't have the courage to see girls in their eyes so he always focuses on the hands of ladies when Momi gives him a file while talking to him his focus is on her hands which have two moles on both hands at exactly the same place plus she has colored her nails green recently at night when he sits back on social media his favorite service provider is the mask girl but this time he comes to see that she has exactly the same two moles on both hands at exactly the same place also the nails are colored green there he comes to the conclusion that it is Momi behind the mask who is hiding her lack of beauty now he observes her everywhere at dinner time with co-workers he focuses on her during the presentation mom me focuses on Mr Kong he focuses on her when Momi takes a taxi with Mr khong he looks at her from behind he always makes her feel special on the chat but by saying that people who are not beautiful from the outside are more mature and understanding and those who have faced rejection in life are better people in society in the office Mr O sees Momi watching Mr K all the time he even practices proposing to her by standing on the rooftop the night when Momi was working late with aam in the office he was the third last person to stand from his seat to go home but he went out waiting for Momi to come out in the meantime his senior came there and asked why he was there but before could answer him he told him to go home meanwhile he saw Mr Khan going inside the office again also emom me was going to the office again he was shocked and followed them but inside he saw Mr Kong and aam together seeing this he felt very happy because it was not emom me having an affair with Mr Kong on that day he went home with a smile on his face at night he is dancing while standing in front of his desk his front wall is full of pictures of mom me with a mask after some time mask girl comes online she is not in a good condition her heart is broken Mr O tries to convince her that her love for him is not the end for her she should experience real love with him but the mask girl is drunk she starts dancing and then removes her clothes he doesn't want this he covers the screen and is also very angry when people comment on her in the morning during office time Mr O goes straight to amomi he tells him that Mr Kong is married and doesn't deserve your love he says that Hees loves her and that she should be with him instead of a married man at this confession emoni touches his face with love and compassion then she kisses him but then all of a sudden his coworker wakes him up from his dream he was dreaming all this while sitting in his office chair at the elevator he tries to talk to her but due to the large number of people there he can't talk outside the building he sees emom me with Mr Kong when she is helping him in his bad condition after witnessing emom me with Mr Kong and putting him into a taxi Mr O's heart shatters he hails a taxi himself and asks the driver to follow em omi's taxi upon reaching a motel he sees memomi taking Mr Kong inside further deepening his depression the next morning consumed by jealousy Mr O sends an email to amomi containing the mask girl's picture along with the message that he knows her that night he receives messages from the MK girl expressing a desire to end her life despite his attempts to persuade her otherwise The Mask girl logs out she walks down the road her face is concealed with a black mask and oversized sunglasses suddenly a guy from her audience named handsome monk approaches her despite her attempts to avoid him they end up in a restaurant for food mask girl hides her face from him but he insists on seeing it he loudly tells her to remove her mask in the restaurant and eventually she agrees once the mask is off handsome monk tells her that she's naturally attractive and Charming He suggests she should go to America where girls with prominent cheekbones are highly praised mask girl admits to wanting facial surgery but handsome monk argues against it insisting she's already beautiful as she is they end up at a bar enjoying each other's company and having a good time however when Momi goes to the restroom handsome monk posts on social media that he's with the mask girl claiming she's uglier than he expected but teasing that he'll soon taste her Mr O seeing these messages on mass girls timeline becomes Furious he tries calling emom me but she doesn't answer because she's busy with handsome Monk Mr O takes a taxi and rushes to the restaurant where Momi and handsome monk are present however handsome monk persuades mom me with his Charming words and takes her to a motel when he is alone he regrets having to purchase an expensive room for her meanwhile Mr O is searching for them on the road Momi inside the room notices missed calls from Mr O but doesn't take them seriously as handsome monk returns to the room he sits amomi on the waterfill bed and attempts to kiss her but she refuses he then tries to use Force prompting amomi to retaliate violently angered by her attitude handsome monk Demands a refund for the expensive room he also insults amomi by saying that she is so ugly but still has a lot of attitude enraged memomi confronts him and slaps him in retaliation handsome monk throws her onto the bed and attempts to force himself on her emoni Fights Back hitting him in the groin and freeing herself a struggle ensues causing both of them to fall violently from the bed handsome monk's head hits a nearby shelf causing severe injury and bleeding distressed amomi is unsure of what to do contemplating calling an ambulance but also noticing Mr O's messages warning her that handsome monk is just using her Mr O calls her and she answers when he arrives at the room he's shocked by the sight of the injured Man In The Blood amomi suggests calling the police believing they'll understand that handsome monk intended to to assault her however Mr O warns her that she could face jail time for manslaughter he confiscates her phone to prevent her from calling the police and insists she go home while he takes care of the situation reluctantly memomi agrees and leaves Mr O wears the rain suit and takes the body into the bathroom with a big knife in his hand he has already emptied a big suitcase he starts cutting the man's shirt but suddenly he moves his head the man is still alive but Mr O in his confusion stabs the knife into his chest his hands are shivering but he continues stabbing the man until he is dead in the morning emom me's seat is empty Mr O learns from one of his co-workers that Momi resigned this morning by making a phone call he gets mom's address from the company and goes to rep place with all her belongings he rings the bell but she doesn't open the door he returns home but then he sees on his computer that Momi is going live for the last time so he quickly rushed back to her place and forcefully knocked on the door door this time amomi opens the door and lets him in when asked about her job she explains that she wants to start over she can't go to the office and live a normal life with the memory of that night in her mind Mr O tells her she should forget him as if he were a cockroach she expresses her desire to erase all those memories Mr O asks if she also wants to erase him from her memories to which she answers positively at this he becomes angry and violent grabbing her and throwing her onto the bed he then unzips his pants and tries to force himself on her she doesn't resist and allows him to do what he wants Mr O notices her eyes behind her mask and sees that she has bandages all over her face she has undergone plastic surgery completely changing her face suddenly Momi takes control over him grabs a pointed object nearby and stabs him in the neck she continues to stab him saying that he is just like other man who want the same thing from her and Mr O bleeds to death on her bed in 1974 there's woman named Kanga she is the mother of Mr onam she married a man who had a permanent job he didn't seem like a bad man at the time of the wedding but after some years kianga discovered that he had been having an affair with another woman despite his very low salary so she raised her only child onam alone being a single parent it was very difficult for her she took on various jobs such as mopping public bathrooms delivering food and driving a taxi eventually she was able to open her own restaurant she appears to be a tough and experienced woman with a lot of energy to succeed in life she also seems like a cunning and sharp woman however she couldn't make her son resemble herself she noticed that things from On's bag were missing and sometimes he had injuries on his body which he falsely claimed were due to Falls while playing occasionally she even found bubbles in his hair she arranged for him to receive prayers from a religious person in hopes of helping him he seemed to be a very diligent student but underneath his study books he was always reading adult stories kianga thought he would become a doctor but his Destiny took him down another path in 2003 when he got a job he told his mother that he wanted to live alone the commute from his job to his home was a 2hour ride and he didn't want to waste 4 hours traveling daily despite his mother's reluctance mentioning the hardships of being a single parent and how she had raised him he stood firm and moved to a new place he even refused to let his mother come to his place not even for food disheartened she returned home every time he didn't let her in Kang tried to sever all ties with him hoping he would become emotional and return to her but he didn't even call her once after that after many days passed without contact from onam his mother brought the police with her to his new place they broke the lock and entered the room where they were met with a foul smell as if dead rats had been there for a long time inside they found many adult toys a dirty room with scattered belongings and and a full-sized doll in his bed suddenly a police officer Cried Out In Fear upon spotting a dead body cut into pieces and packed in the suitcase of his bathroom kyang ja believing it was her son fainted on the spot in the investigations it came to be known that it was not onam but some other male police officers told kenjo this while she was in the hospital she is thankful that her son is still alive the officers then ask her about his last contact and if there is any enemy of his because they suspect that he is the murderer but when the police officers Express their concern that he can be the murderer to his mother she becomes very angry she says that he can't even kill a bee he didn't go into medical because he couldn't see blood so how can he kill a man after interviewing On's co-workers the police officers find some weird resemblances between the disappearances of Momi and onam so they visit imom's former residence which is now empty she had sold all her furniture before leaving the apartment owner informs them that Momi was always alone she never saw her with a boyfriend occasionally she would play music dance or sing but otherwise she was all alone the owner also mentions emi's recent plastic surgery as she had bandages on her face when she was leaving when the police officers attempt to visit imom's mother she refuses to open the door for them the news of a dead body found in On's apartment goes live on TV channels due to the illicit toys found in his room the police suspect he was not a normal man and had higher sexual desire possibly implicating him as the murderer kyang hears all of this on her TV but refuses to believe it she decides to take matters into her own hands she hires a technician to unlock On's computer however since she doesn't know how to use a computer she enrolls herself in computer classes to learn after learning basic computer skills She searches for the Mas Girl online and reads their previous chats she discovers that Momi On's coworker is the mask girl after that she locks her restaurant and goes in search of her son she withdraws all the money she has accumulated throughout her life from her bank on social media she chats with another follower of mass girl and comes to know that mass girl may have undergone plastic surgery he shows her a video where a lady is dancing in front of a store as if she were a cheerleader they believe that she is the mask girl after observing her figure and appearance next she goes to a Mor and sees a dead body it was On's body seeing this she becomes very sad and starts saying that MK girl did all this to him the police found that body on a hike it was also found cut into pieces and packed in a suitcase at On's Memorial she gave a very fervent speech and received Applause from everyone then she goes to imom's mother's home to ask about the whereabouts of her daughter she rings the bell repeatedly and when no one answers she hits the gate violently eventually the maid comes to the gate and informs her that she didn't even know her employer had a daughter before hearing this news she explains that Momi left home a long time ago and her mother is unaware of her current location the maid warns her that if she doesn't leave now her employer will call the police meanwhile em omi's mother appears on the roof upon seeing her Kang uses very offensive language as a result imom's mother calls the police and kianga has to go with them the other day while talking about her son with other ladies in her locality she breaks down in tears afterward one of the ladies mentions a fortune teller who is believed to have knowledge of everything and can do anything intrigued by this kianga decides to visit the fortune teller she pays a significant amount of money and asks about Mom's whereabouts the fortune teller provides her with a location in the west Kanga follows this lead and arrives at the building where the cheerleader was dancing she enters the building and shows the picture of the cheerleader to everyone pretending to be her mother and expressing A desperate desire to meet her she learns that the girl has been promoted to another agency Kanga obtains the contact information for that agency and goes there however the men at the agency inform her that the girl left the job in search of better pay when kianga asks about the nature of the new job they imply it's the kind that requires a better figure in body so she visits nightclubs in the area that night showing the cheerleader's picture to every Club manager but fails to find her while stopping at a stall for something to eat she notices a beautiful girl kianga suspects that she is the cheerleader girl she takes out the picture of the cheerleader and compares the faces realizing it is indeed hers she follows the lady until she enters a motel the manager stops kenja from entering that Motel so she returns to her car and waits for the girl outside the motel after some time when the girl comes out and takes a taxi home she follows her upon reaching the location she observes from a window that the girl is not alone there and lives with someone else so she waits until morning when the girl leaves in the morning kianga follows her to a beauty salon where she sees the girl getting her hair washed and receiving other services Kanga also gets her hair washed she notices a necklace around the neck of that girl which seems familiar to her later she goes to an internet cafe and searches for something in her son's data she sees pictures of mask girl wearing the same necklace now she is certain that she has found mask girl she goes to a taxi company and rents a taxi then she meets an arms dealer pays a large sum of money and gets a powerful gun in the night she returns to that motel with her taxi when Mas girl comes out Kanga gives her a ride and they start driving during the ride Kanga asks her age and reveals that she is the same age as her daughter Kanga then asks her to retrieve her phone from under the seat as she bends down to search kianga makes her unconscious with a taser she takes her to an abandoned location ties her hands and feet and waits for her to regain Consciousness when mask girl wakes up she starts crying for help but no one is around kianga asks for her name and she replies that her name is Chan Kim Kang Jaa slaps her and shows her a photo of her son but she doesn't recognize him Kang Jaa then puts a mask on her face and matches her face to the photos of mas girl she aims the gun at her and says that she is aomi because she has the same necklace as the Mas girl in the photos and a similar face with the mask on at this point the girl starts laughing and says that she thinks she knows the girl named Momi we see Chan during her school days when everyone used to make fun of her due to her weird name she was introverted and didn't talk to anyone there was a boy named buong in her class whom she liked very much he was her first love but she never talked to him in school after a year while she was working at a general store buong visited the store buong recognized her and expressed happiness at meeting her he convinced her to let him and his friends by some alcohol even though it was not allowed at their age but Chan reluctantly agreed after that bong's visits to the store increased mostly for his own desires but Chan was happy to finally meet him somehow one day as she was leaving the store after her shift one of bu's friends approached her and invited her to Boon's birthday celebration he was there to pick her up at bu's request she agreed and went to the birthday celebration where his other friends were also present buong thanked her for coming and made her drink alcohol for the first time in her life after the the celebration buong asked her to lend him some money it was a large sum but she agreed he hugged her and promised to return the money within a week however he never returned the money and continued to approach Chan whenever he needed money after some years she saw his debut song on TV and texted him to congratulate him but he didn't reply she went to his place to meet him even though he saw her among his many fans but didn't acknowledge her she bought a gift for him and went to his apartment in the cold night weather however she heard him coming out of the apartment so she had behind a wall at that moment they were already talking about her buy was telling his friend that a lady from his high school days whom he used as his personal bank account in the past was among his fans today she was one of the 10 bank accounts from which he would get money whenever needed he had received a lot of money from her with which she could even buy a luxury car Shan overheard this conversation and couldn't help but weep she went home with tears in her eyes she wrote a post with an anonymous account revealing all of bu's past photos and exposing his illegal activities such as assault underrage drinking and borrowing money without returning it she posted it on social media and it quickly went viral in response buong received a lot of hate he was kicked out of his band and his entire career was ruined in 2009 sha also underwent plastic surgery because she wanted to appear prettier one day while cheerleading for a company promotion she spotted bu home on the street she approached him and introduced herself as Chan however due to her surgery he couldn't recognize her Chan was touched by his situation at that time he didn't even have a place to live they ended up in bed together and she offered him to stay with her until he found a job to which buong agreed he didn't seem interested in working possibly due to being kicked out of the band and his bad reputation sha decided to find a better job to support herself and him she found a job at a nightclub where her enhanced looks and figure made her popular the club owner provided her with thorough guidance for her new job where she danced and sang for the people becoming a star at the club the scene shifts to the present where Kango is still holding her gun on Sha and demands to know imom's whereabouts Shan responds saying that the next part of the story is about her and asks kja to wait and listen then Momi arrived at the club as a new dancer under the name aam she was better than Chan in terms of her looks dancing skills she attracted the attention of everyone and even took Chan's regular clients she also gained favor with the club owner one day sha and Momi confronted each other on a dress shanai also accused Momi of stealing her clients and getting the spotlight that used to belong to chanai chanai slapped Momi and Momi retaliated with a slap they began fighting until the armmer intervened and stopped them emom quickly turned emotional and apologized to Chan winning the owner sympathy after the owner and memomi left Shan noticed em omi's necklace on the floor she took it and she left the job in the present Kanga questions Chan's story's authenticity chanii responds that she hates amomi as much as Kanga does and offers to confirm emi's identity through her breasts amomi has real breasts whereas chanii has silicon implants Kanga agrees to believe her she asks chanai to take her to the bar's location in the morning shanai takes her there and speaks to a girl while Kanga waits in the taxi Upon returning to the taxi shanai informs Kanga that Momi has left the job there she offers to help kenja find amomi who may be working in another bar for more money however she demands money from Kena for that job Kanga agrees to her offer and then leaves after that she goes to an apartment where Momi is already present here we come to know that Chan's story was true but slightly altered chanai and Momi became very good friends during their first meeting they shared similar pasts and both had undergone plastic surgery to start a new life they used to dance and sing together on stage even the necklace was given to chanai by emom herself as a gift one day when memomi was absent from the bar shanai went to her room and found her burning with fever she asked memomi to go to the hospital but memomi declined when Shan persisted memomi revealed the whole story of On's murder explaining why she couldn't go to the the hospital when Shan went to the bar to inquire about Momi in front of Kim ja she was actually instructing the girl there to inform anyone searching for emom me that she had left the job for better pay so she was protecting her best friend in reality and faking her search in front of kja in the present she tells the whole story to amomi and asks her to go somewhere else but memomi has nowhere else to go she can't even return to her mother as she is not the kind of person who would welcome her she can't fly to another country because she has no identity Shan asks her to stay inside for some time and then they will decide what to do as she exits the building we see a man taking photographs of her secretly from a building after that she reaches her apartment and finds buong sitting there playing games he hasn't fed her pet or taken up the trash which is his daily practice buong is now fed up but when she asks him to leave he becomes angry and blames her for his current situation he claims to have seen the ID on her laptop which was used to post the photos and posts that ruined his career saying this he violently beats her with a cord meanwhile we see amomi outside on the road she stops near a stall to have some food but the photographer approaches her and says he recognizes her as the mass girl he says that he can confirm it by looking at her breasts he introduces himself as Teddy the owner of her fan club amomi asks him to leave but he doesn't go suddenly she runs from the place and starts vomiting nearby Ted Teddy follows her but she threatens him warning him to leave her alone or she'll kill him at that Teddy leaves her and goes on his way after that she returns to her apartment and packs her luggage she is preparing to leave but Chan arrives just in time and requests to take her along they both take a taxi and head to Chan's apartment Chan goes into her room to gather essential items before leaving she remains silent to avoid waking Buon from his sleep she collects some jewelry in her documents in designer bag just as she's about to leave with her pet buong wakes up and begins to beat her harshly he strikes her forcefully in the face and throws her pet out with his foot while buang is attacking chanai amomi arrives from behind and Strikes him he falls to the ground and then starts beating Momi eventually emom manages to wrap a cord around his neck with one end pulled by herself and the other by Chan together they end his life there then they pack his body into a suitcase and take bu's car meanwhile kianga receives messages from Teddy he has sent pictures of both Chan and Momi claiming to reveal the real Mass girl he also informs her that chanai is visiting amomi implying betrayal Kanga quickly rushes to Chan's apartment and sees both women leaving with a suitcase in their car she decides to follow them during the ride Momi reveals to chanai that she is pregnant and the baby belongs to onam despite the harsh circumstances she expresses her intention to keep the baby emom me explains that she wants to assure her children that they are beautiful even if they don't possess her level of beauty she shares her regrets about her own childhood where her mother never praised her not even once after reaching an abandoned place near a lake they stop the car meanwhile Kango also stops her car there she takes out her gun and confronts them asking if they did the same thing to her son shanii takes the blame saying that kanga's son was a pervert and that she killed him however Momi contradicts her claiming that she killed kanga's son causing confusion Kanga insists that she's going to kill both of them regardless of who did it she points the gun and pulls the trigger but it doesn't work she tries again but the gun still doesn't work in the meantime shanai and Momi Rush toward kenja to stop her but suddenly she fires the gun hitting Chan chanai falls to the ground bleeding amomi and Keno engage in a fight with Kanga initially having the upper hand however shanii comes from behind with a large Stone and Strikes Kanga killing her instantly unfortunately shanii also dies in EM omi's arms Who Weeps profusely over her loss in the daylight memomi places the bodies inside the taxi and dumps them into the lake in the next scene we see memomi wearing a mask as she is taken away by the police officers when she exits the vehicle a swarm of photographers awaits her all the flashes are for her and every eye is looking at her just as she once dreamed however this is not the situation she dreamed of now it is revealed that Momi confessed everything herself gaining widespread Fame on news channels doctors discuss her facial surgeries and the clothes she wore once became trending fashion items adored by young women in the courtroom her lawyer argues that her actions were in self-defense citing evidence of the man's sexual advances toward her on social media however despite this defense the court sentences her to life in prison the scene shifts to the past where Momi carried her baby to her mother's house standing at the gate she tried to convince her mother to look after the child temporarily while she planned to obtain a fake passport to flee the country she wanted someone to take care of her daughter until then however her mother refused to help ultimately emom me left the baby in front of the Gate of her mother's house and departed in the present M Mo the daughter of Momi is growing up in her grandmother's house she shares her mother's passion for makeup dancing and singing however her grandmother dislikes these habits and often treats M Mo harshly reminding her of her mother at the dining table Mio always taught proper manners but her grandmother never speaks about her mother Mio dislikes the food prepared at home and prefers food from a stall given by a granny in school we see other mothers prevent their children from playing with M Mo labeling her as the daughter of the mass girl M Mo overhears this and searches for the term mask girl online on the internet she discovers her mother's past and also that she is now in prison after learning the truth M Mo puts on a mask and starts dancing in her room like her mother her grandmother Witnesses this and rebukes her a lot leading her to kick M Mo out of the house despite M Mo's apologies her grandmother remains strict with her with no place to go Mio sits outside the gate in the rain eventually her grandmother comes out and brings her back inside in school M Mo becomes the subject of mockery as rumors about her mother spread she confronts her friend accusing her of spreading the rumors and ends up hitting her as a result her grandmother is called and M Mo was expelled from the school this pattern repeats in every new school she attends leading to fights that are captured on video and shared on social media M Mo becomes known as MK girl to associated with her mother's violence years later mam Mo enrolls in a new school and tries to avoid trouble yuchan a girl at the school attempts to befriend her but M Mo consistently ignores her one day M Mo Witnesses yuchan being bullied by other girls though initially she remains indifferent to them Mio intervenes when one of the bullies tries to harm her she breaks a mirror and grips a broken piece tightly causing her hand to bleed and scaring off the bullies yuchen tends to her wound and notices other cuts on her wrist leading to the start of their friendship yuchan confides in mam Mo about her father's alcoholism and and abusive Behavior towards her mother mamal in turn shares the secret of her mother's imprisonment with yuchan but mamal also takes a promise from yuchan not to share her story with anyone else as they spend more time together yuchan eventually asks mam Mo about the reason for her mother's imprisonment M Mo explains that her grandmother refuses to tell her anything about her mother and hates her very much M Mo herself has never seen her mother in desires to leave her grandmother's house but she lacks the necessary funds to do so so yuchan also expresses a desire to leave her own home and live with MMO but she cannot afford to do so one day while yuchan is feeding her little brother she notices his baby walker and gets an idea she decides to sell the Walker to a man earning some money in return despite this they still don't have enough money to leave their homes yuchan then attempts to gather money by convincing a little girl to collect autograft cards from the BTS band however while doing so she encounters the bully girls who begin to tease her in an attempt to scare them off yuchan reveals that her friend's mother is in prison on the other side M MO is in a restaurant where she steals a laptop but is caught while attempting to flee the owner hands her over to the police when her grandmother arrives at the police station she slaps Mio when demands that she leave her home overwhelmed with emotion M Mo flees from the police station she tries to seek Refuge at Yan's house for the night but yuchan reveals that her father has come home drunk and caused to destruction making it unsafe for M Mo to stay there left with no other option M Mo climbs over the wall of her school and spends the night sleeping at her desk in the morning mam Mo overhears her classmates discussing the mask girl they know that miam Mo was the daughter of mass girl and is studying with them at the school after hearing this m Mo flees from the school while her grandmother searches for her at the school she cannot find Meo despite Yan's efforts to locate her after school at all the places where they usually go to together mam Mo remains hidden from all of them unable to reach her by phone yuchan returns home with her family unaware that mam Mo was observing them from a distance later M Mo calls yuchan for a meeting and they meet beneath a bridge however M Mo confronts yuchan accusing her of spreading rumors about her mother at school a fight ensues between them finally an old lady with gray hair is shown observing the entire scene and laughing at it upon arriving at the prison Momi known as M girl quickly gains Fame among the inmates due to her plastic surgery intrigued by her transformation the prisoners gather around her and ask questions about her surgeries in prison momy also sees a lady named unuk a powerful figure with influence and Authority within the Prison Walls and outside of the walls no one can dare mess with her but after a few days emom finds herself in a confrontation with one of her fellow inmates a member of unk's gang In the Heat of the Moment Momi beats her a lot prompting the guards to intervene and stop them as punishment for her actions Momi is confined to solitary confinement for an extended period however she emerges from solitary only to resume her violent Behavior targeting the same inmate repeatedly the situation escalates until unuk steps in to put an end to the conflict by making a peace deal with Momi after years of peaceful existence in prison Momi receives a letter containing a newspaper article discussing the genetic aspect of violence the letter serves as a warning that some is targeting her daughter for Revenge prompting amomi to devise a plan to escape prison and protect her child however her attempt to execute the plan fails resulting in her being sent back to solitary confinement for over a month during her time in solitary confinement Momi receives a Bible from the warden which profoundly impacts her life she undergos a significant transformation becoming remarkably polite in spending her days in prayer finding Solace and redemption in her Newfound Faith one day memomi Witnesses unuk weeping on a bench distressed because her daughter requires a kidney transplant and she is not a compatible donor touched by compassion amomi approaches unuk and offers her own kidney as a donor as her blood type matches that of unk's daughter in the next scene a group of civilians arrives at the prison to teach the inmates the group includes an old lady with gray hair who approaches Momi and reveals herself to be Kim ja she had survived the incident in the water and undergone pl plastic surgery to conceal her identity from amomi Kanga explains that she adopted a new identity with a changed name after the incident kianga recounts her attempts to locate Momi which were unsuccessful as Momi had been arrested by the police however she managed to track down M Mo andi's daughter at her grandmother's house Kang Jaa admits to making mimo's life miserable by integrating herself into her life with her altered identity initially Kang Jaa approached mamal by posing as a stall vendor offering her free snacks and gradually teaching her violence to other people she also spread rumors about Momi and her daughter at the school further increasing M Mo's struggles even after M Mo and her grandmother relocated kiang ja remained in contact with M Mo by posing as her granny and continue to manipulate her she has also interfered in her friendships to make her feel alone when M Mo had nowhere else to turn she sought Refuge with Kang ja unaware of her true intentions now she has come to tell the whole story to memomi because she wants her to feel the pain of being abandoned by her only child she tells her that she will do the same with M Mo as memomi did with her son onam amomi tries to stop her but the guards don't let her she keeps calling out that she is a murderer and that if she leaves the prison she will commit murder but no one listens to her kyang xao returns to her home where M MO is waiting for her she prepares delicious food for her and also tells her about her son on the other hand emom seeks unuk help and obtaining her mother's phone number meanwhile the grandmother herself is searching for MMO and filing a lost person report for her however M Mo calls her grandmother at K jaw's request and assures her that she is fine and there's no need for a lost person filing meanwhile she receives a call from Momi but she hangs up before listening to the full story of her daughter Momi then asks unuk to get the phone number of the school where mamal was studying luk gives her a number but she arranges a fake phone call on the other friend as a result memomi couldn't talk to her daughter Momi then asked sunuk to somehow obtain a picture of her daughter going to school however unuk instructs her people to forge a picture of any child to show to amomi as she has never seen her daughter before in reality unuk only wants emom to donate a kidney for her daughter and doesn't genuinely want to help emom me meanwhile Kango is purchasing items such as Taps cords and a camera and then brings all the items home when she approaches home she doesn't find Neo there so for a moment she gets worried however Neo suddenly appears with a cake surprising Kanga on her birthday though momentarily touched emotionally Kang Jaa sets her emotions aside and continues with her mission in the next scene memomi is seeing being transported in an ambulance to the hospital for a kidney transplant lunok has provided her with some new clothes meanwhile kianga prepares a delicious meal for mimo and adds an anesthetic powder to the soup at the dining table Neo again touches her heart by expressing her desire to work and earn money to send her Granny on trips and buy new clothes for her however Kanga redirects her Focus to the soup at the same time imom's mother is also trying to find the old lady who used to set up a stall in front of the school she gets her phone number and address initially she makes a call to her but Kanga doesn't respond to her phone yuchan also approaches her and tells the grandmother that there is something strange about the stall lady initially fond of M Mo she has now been spreading rumors about the MK girl and her daughter M Mo in the school this further increases the grandmother's suspicions about the stall owner so with yuchun the grandmother starts her journey towards her in a cab in the hospital emom me plans her escape from the officer's custody she requests to have a Bible brought to her explaining that the surgery is quite serious while one of the officers goes to get her a Bible she distracts the other by hitting her with the cap of a commode she steals her phone and shoes and then jumps out of the hospital window despite sustaining injuries during her Escape she continues running from the hospital Momi steals a car from a lady and drives away using the stolen phone she calls her mother to ask about Momi her mother informs her that Momi is with the old lady and also provides the address the grandmother leaves yuchun behind as she doesn't want to take her to that dangerous place however uchan haes a taxi and continues her journey towards the location alone meanwhile we see Neo bound to a chair with cords her mouth taped shut Kang Jaa is filming her to show the video to amomi in order to hurt her Kanga tells M Mo everything about what happened to her son and why she is doing all this to her M Mo continues her efforts to say something when kiang Jaa opens her mouth to let her speak Neo expresses her sorrow for onam but also says that she wants to live kyang Jaa quickly closes her mouth again meanwhile the fuel in mom's car runs out she gets a lift to her destination but during the ride the news on the radio reports an escape whose features match Momi so Momi leaves the lift and continues on foot through the woods the grandmother had already called the police to check on the old lady's house so an officer goes to her house to investigate the girl's matter however he finds no one there because kianga has kept the girl hidden in the basement after some time the grandmother arrives she enters the house without knocking and finds kianga coming out of the basement they confront each other meanwhile yuchan also arrives the grandmother directs her to go and save M Mo while she handles kiang ja by gripping her leg to stop her yuchun goes down and unties Mama meanwhile Kanga attacks the grandmother with scissors and is about to kill her when memomi comes from behind and attacks kjaa saving her mother then memomi goes down to save her daughter but kianga arrives with a knife in her hand the knife is already bloodied indicating that she is already stabbed the grandmother while amomi and Kena are engaged in a fight Mio and yuchan managed to escape upstairs to save themselves they find the grandmother in her last moments she holds M Mo's hand and apologizes to her before passing away in the basement a fierce fight happens between amomi and Kang ja with amomi emerging as the Victor as they exit the house they notice numerous police cars approaching when the police arrive an officer instructs amomi to raise her hands and she complies how ever Kang Jaa emerges from the house with a gun she is still alive despite sustaining multiple injuries seeking to inflict the pain of her child's death upon Momi she points the gun at memo and fires but Momi steps in front of M Mo and takes the bullet herself saving her the police then shoot Kanga in the head ending her life amomi also dies due to her injuries in the arms of M Mo mam Mo was deeply upset and crying as a result of the events that have occurred in front of her in the including scenes we see Neo and yuchan riding a bicycle together yuchun's parents become Mio's temporary Guardians and both of them appear very happy among her mother's old belongings M Mo finds some cassettes from her childhood which she watches with fondness remembering her mother
Channel: Queen Recaps
Views: 513,220
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: recap, movie recap, recaps, movie recaps, mr recap, movie summary, mystery recapped, daniel cc, prime recap, how to beat, beat movies, sumarring movies, defeating movies, horror movies, scary tales, film summary, film summarizing, movies recap, mr recap movies, mr recap animes, queen recaps
Id: EThhhQdSNO0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 18sec (2958 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2024
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