Mocked for her looks, she then changed with surgery and shocked her büllies

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the film begins with JTA who works at a call center for an app that's meant for lonely guys she's chosen this GID because it doesn't require her to look like a model all she needs is her voice to keep these lonely men company and fulfill their wild fantasies this job is just something she does on the side to keep her identity private JTA goes by the name m mendu jid is a nice downto Earth and hardworking woman she's pretty content with her life even though some times she feels a bit down when her friends tease her about her weight but she tries not to let it bother her too much right now her main focus is earning money to help cover her father's medical bills every day JTA answers phone calls from various unusual men among her regular callers is a Doctor Who's quite fond of her voice every night he uses an app to listen to her voice and has some naughty chats in his imagination jeta is gifted with a great singing voice and loves to sing as a hobby she also has a day job at a music label where she works as a singer however there's a Twist in her story she's a behindthescenes singer because the company she works for only once her voice to be used as a replacement for a famous singer named Eva so Eva is promoted as a singing sensation but despite her good looks she's not very friendly and her voice isn't quite Pleasant so when Eva performs on stage it's actually J's voice that fills the room the next night Eva had her first show and JTA was there to help by singing behind the scenes during the performance J got carried away by the music and joined in the dancing unfortunately she tripped on a cable and fell causing a little incident thankfully the issue was quickly resolved and J got back to singing until the show ended Eva however was upset with jua because she believed the mishap could have ruined her first show after the performance Evo approached J and scolded her even using harsh words and insulting her physically in that moment JTA could only apologize and explain that her fault was due to tripping over a cable soon after the music producer at the company named Ander approached J to check on her after the incident he also expressed gratitude for her hard work in making the show run smoothly however his appreciative words and hugs seemed to make J develop a crush on him thinking that he liked her a little while later J was at a restaurant with her best friend Yara whenever jid needed to talk about her life yoro was the one she turned to turns out J had a large app it and always ordered biged portions of food it seemed like she couldn't stop ordering and this annoyed the waiter who had to keep printing her more dishes during their meal JTA confidently mentioned that she thought Andrew liked her because he had hugged her after the event hearing that Yara quickly disagreed pointing out that Ander had plenty of beautiful women interested in him and he would probably choose one of them over J with her current appearance it seemed unlikely that Ander would be interested Yura then advised cheu not to rush to liking someone because she could end up being taken advantage of after hearing that J fell silent for a moment and suddenly she remembered a past experience from college back then she had liked someone but unfortunately he had only used her to help with his college assignments at that time J felt so down that she considered taking a large amount of sedative pills thankfully she didn't go through with it instead she fell asleep on the floor for a long time and people around her thought something had happened to her it's a sad memory for jeda but she needs to stay strong to take care of her sick father after dinner they headed home during the journey they decided to get matching tattoos as a symbol of their friendship among the various tattoo designs available J liked one called Hakuna Matata which means everything will be fine after getting their tattoos they headed straight home the next day after finishing work Ander invited JTA to go home together and also asked her to join him for his birthday celebration in a club at that time JTA was delighted to accept the invitation and promised to attend Andrew's birthday party not long after JTA requested to be dropped off somewhere claiming she was going to her friend's apartment in reality she went to visit her father who was receiving treatment in a mental hospital she kept this as secret from everyone except parara as she didn't want others to know about her family situation soon after J left the place and accidentally leaving her diary in Andrew's car which he later had a chance to read upon reaching the hospital JTA saw her father's distressing condition ever since her mother's death her father had been under a lot of stress leading to mental health issues so tuua had taken him to a mental hospital in hopes of his recovery unfortunately he no longer recognized J and believed she was his wife despite his illness J continued to love and support him working hard to cover his medical expenses during her visit jeta shared with her father that she had become a singer even though she was only a backup singer she was content that her dream of becoming a singer had come true she also confided that she was close to her boss at work and asked for his prayers that Ander could become her life partner after the visit J headed back home the next morning J received a gift from Ander a dress she was supposed to wear to his birthday party she told yora that she had a feeling Andrew liked her in the evening she arrived at Andrew's birthday party wearing the dress he had given her she invited yora to join her at the event and was excited there J went straight to anderw and wished him a happy birthday once J joined the party Andrew's older brother Richard asked her to take off her coat without thinking she complied revealing her figure which the tight dress emphasized making her look larger the atmosphere turned chaotic when Evo roded wearing the same outfit as cheu it turned out that Andrew's assistant Eva knew about the dress he gave J and deliberately bought the same dress to mock J insinuating that she was the one who should wear it Eva believed she was more beautiful than J which hurt J's feelings in the end j decided to leave the party at that moment Andrew couldn't stand seeing j being humiliated in front of everyone so he scolded Eva however Eva saw it as a joke because she didn't like J trying to get close to Ander this made Ander very angry and he reminded Eva that J had been a great help to him without J Eva wouldn't have been anything has a wonderful singing voice but she doesn't consider herself beautiful and thinks she has a large body she believed that if she were attractive and had a slim figure she could become a famous singer unfortunately J overheard their argument and misunderstood Andrew's words as if he was defending himself in front of Eva she thought of herself as an ugly and overweight woman compared to Eva who had a beautiful face and an ideal body JTA even contemplated taking a large amount of sedative medication at that moment moment however just as she was about to do something drastic she received a call from a lonely man application service connecting her to a doctor who wanted to chat this call sparked an idea in her mind and she abandoned her harmful intentions the next day JTA visited a beauty Clinic with the intention of changing her appearance she consulted with a plastic surgeon named Dr Eric during the consultation J learned that plastic surgery could be quite expensive realizing she didn't have a lot of money she tried to negotiate with Dr Eric to arrange for payment and installments unfortunately the doctor declined her request and asked her to leave his Clinic determined to change her looks Dua resorted to revealing a secret she used a lonely men's service application where Dr Eric was one of her regular customers who contacted her for companionship every night at that time Dr Eric was shocked to discover that the woman in front of him was the same person from the application known as M mendu with a bit of a threat J asked Dr Eric to help her transform into a more beautiful and slender version of herself reluctantly he agreed to perform the Cosmetic procedures afterward J went to her father's place to bid him farewell because she wouldn't be able to visit him for the next few months a few days later it was time for J to have her plastic surgery in liposuction after the procedures she kept it a secret from everyone and disappeared without a word this left Andrew confused because tot's voice was crucial for boosting Eva's popularity as a result all of Evo's shows had to be cancelled and the recording of her album had to be postponed until they could find someone with a voice similar to jeta's I was frustrated by the delay in recording her album so she decided to search for J's whereabouts she even went to J's apartment but found it empty however she discovered a document indicating the location of J's father's treatment she thought of visiting J's father to gather information about J's whereabouts suspecting that J might have gone to see her father at the hospital soon after Eva invited Ander to accompany her to the hospital where J's father was receiving treatment hoping to learn J's whereabouts when they arrived at the hospital they found that J's father was unable to communicate due to his mental disorder after failing to obtain any information about J they left the hospital several months later J's plastic surgery was a success and the results were remarkable she had transformed into a beautiful woman with an ideal body it was almost unbelievable but now she felt much more confident in her appearance after months of staying in the hospital for her recovery JTA decided to visit the mall while there she unexpectedly ran into Ander and Eva turns out Eva was no longer performing as a singer and had taken up selling pans Instead at that time JTA observed them from a distance staying hidden after being missing for several months jua finally reunited with yora at the police station J had been involved in a road incident where she had a collision with a taxi in that moment her appearance had changed so much from her driver's license photo that yur had to vouch for her identity at first yur didn't recognize Chua only remembering her as a larger person however she eventually believed it was Chua after seeing the tattoo on her waist they then went to a restaurant for dinner then while they were at the restaurant hero mentioned that Eva's album release had been delayed because they hadn't found the right voice to mat to it is upon hearing this she decided to audition as Eva's Shadow singer so she could get closer to Ander again she planned to adopt a different personas so that no one would recognize her as Chua shortly after y's boyfriend risky joined them when yora introduced J she quickly changed her name to Angel this marked the beginning of JTA adopting her new identity as Angel turns out risky was in the business of selling weight loss products and he often pressured Yara to buy and use them Yura loved her boyfriend and never refused his requests to purchase these products while risky was on a call JTA tried to persuade yor not to take the weight loss pills as she believed y's body was already ideal and the pills might contain harmful ingredients after hearing that Yara hesitated but felt compelled to take them because risky constantly told her she looked overweight the following day JTA auditioned to become Eva's Shadow singer but she took on the identity of Angelica she showcased her singing talents during the audition and to everyone's surprise she passed and officially became part of the company as Angelica Angelica's Beauty and her excellent voice caught the attention of Ander and Richard who wanted to promote her as a new singer not just evish Shadow singer they attempted to persuade her father who owned the company to appoint Angelica as a new singer initially their idea was rejected because her father believed that only Eva had the potential to be a popular and alluring singer and and Angel was merely Eva's Shadow singer however Ander and Richard persisted in convincing her father that Angelica had her unique charm that would appeal to everyone seeing their determination to launch her as a singer her father eventually agreed to make her a new singer this marked the beginning of J's Journey as Angelica creating her first single in music video her debut song was released and enjoyed by everyone after J's first song was released it unexpectedly shot up to the number one position on the best songs charts in Indonesia this created the sense of rivalry for Eva and she made several attempts to locate cha then she visited the hospital hoping that J's father would reveal her whereabouts when Evo red at the hospital she informed Ander that she intended to continue searching for J so her second album could be released promptly however this irritated Ander who advised Eva to focus on improving her vocal skills so she wouldn't have to rely on others voices here ing that Eva became upset and expressed her frustration loudly in the midst of her Outburst J's father offered some advice that left Eva speechless at one point JTA recorded her second song but her performance was not up to par Andrew showed her a video from J's initial audition as Eva's Shadow singer unaware that Angelica was actually JTA Andrew urged her to listen to J's emotional singing style which made the songs sound heartfelt it was quite different from what he heard when Angelica sang which sounded more straightforward then J pondered whether she should sing like the woman in the video referring to re former self when she was heavier when she asked Ander about it he immediately scolded her because he considered j a special person to him this Revelation left J moved in silent she had just learned that Andre thought she was special despite her weight and appearance she felt regret for deceiving him by taking on the identity of Angelica the following day jid intended to to come clean about her true identity in the morning she sought yun's opinion however yo mentioned that not all men are accepting of women who have undergone plastic surgery hearing that JTA took offense to y's words leading to an argument during the dispute J accused Yar of using her boyfriend to buy the slimming products he sold she also urged Yara to stop using the slimming products as they could be harmful to her health Yara unable to accept J's words burst into tears and laugh left y statement about Not all men liking women who have had plastic surgery proved to be accurate when J met Andrew she decided against revealing her true identity she had previously sought his opinion on women who changed their appearance with plastic surgery and Andrew's response indicated that he preferred natural women without plastic surgery this made her hesitant to disclose everything the next day J was at the office minding her own business when she accidentally overheard Eva practicing her singing in the studio next door curiosity got the better of her so she decided to approach Eva then they ended up having a chat during which Eva revealed her intention to push Angelica out of the music scene JTA recalling her father's advice decided to share with Eva interestingly it was Angelica's advice that helped Eva figure out where Jita was hiding a few days later Jita received some troubling news that Yura had been rushed to the hospital after taking too many slimming pills it happened be the same day JTA was scheduled to make her live television debut but she prioritized visiting her ailing friend at the hospital when she got there the doctor informed her that y's life had been hanging by a thread due to the slimming pills the doctor sternly warned yora to stop using such dangerous products to avoid another close call JTA felt a profound sadness seeing her best friend in this state knowing that her boyfriend had manipulated her into buying these risky products to make matters more intense risky showed up at the hospital just just then in that moment JTA couldn't hold back her anger and gave risky a piece of her mind for pushing those harmful products on yora she sternly warned him to stay away from Yara and never try to sell her those dangerous pills again risky had no choice but to hang his head in silence as JTA scolded him after that incident JTA and y's friendship grew stronger once she was sure her best friend was all right J headed back to the studio because she was about to make her television Tob and her first appear she delivered a Flawless performance everyone enjoyed her songs and now Angelica was known as a singer her success was celebrated with Ander who seemed to be growing fond of Angelica up until this point J had kept her true identity a secret then while Ander received a call from his father jeda patiently waited alone doodling a tattoo on her waist eventually she got drowsy and drifted off to sleep right there this is when Andrew finally discovered the truth about Angelica's real identity as he looked at a picture of her it triggered his memory of the same picture in his notebook featuring tuua a few days later Richard and Andrew threw a party to celebrate the success of their first album with Angelica however Andrew seemed distant because he felt deceived by jeda shortly after Eva unexpectedly showed up with someone who claimed to be her big fan this surprised J as it turned out that Eva had brought J's own father with her in that moment D was taken aback and remained silent unsure of how to react she felt like a stranger to her own father this attitude upset yora who promptly took J's father away from there after this incident JTA approached Andrew to come clean about her true identity but to her surprise he already knew who the real Angelica was there J apologized and explained why she had pretended to be someone else with tears in her eyes JTA mentioned how she had changed herself based on something Andre had said during a debate with Eva Andre had commented that if JTA were beautiful and had a good body she could be a singer those words had hurt JTA deeply and she was tired of being ridiculed when she was heavier she admitted that what she did was wrong but explained that she had done it to improve her life at that time Ender listened to J's confession and felt guilty then he tried to comfort her knowing that she needed to prepare for her first concert after pouring out her emotions she left to rest as she had a big day ahead of her with her first concert tomorrow the next day they marked the end of Angelica's character as J began singing a song during her concert unexpectedly her father appeared on stage with Eva and he joined in the dancing Richard tried to remove J's father from the stage but J stopped the concert and allowed her father to stay seizing the moment JTA took the opportunity to apologize to her fans and reveal her true identity she calmly shared her life Journey including her past struggles with being overweight and enduring ridicule from others despite the the challenges JTA pursued her dream of becoming a singer initially working as a backup vocalist she also introduced her sick father who was grieving the loss of her mother at that time J's heartfelt confession touched everyone and they all rallied behind her to support her in her journey to become a successful singer as the time goes by JTA achieved her dream of becoming a singer she also found love with Ander meanwhile Eva transitioned from being a singer to becoming a YouTuber creating content about life on the street unfortunately she got into trouble with the authorities and was caught by the police and the film ends the moral lesson from this film is if you're going to crash a party and reveal your true identity make sure you bring your dancing dad with you for an unforgettable [Music] performance [Music]
Channel: Storyflix Movie Recap
Views: 735,006
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: movie review, movie recap, story recap, ending explained, storyflix, movie recaps korean, romance movie recap, romance movie review, n recap romance, n recap love story, n recap billionaire, n recap shy girl, n recap shy boy, n recap love, n recaps romantic, n recap love and romance, n recap love, romantic movie recap, romantic movie recap korean, love movie recap, romantic movie review, storyflix love story, storyflix recapped, story flix recap love, story film japanese
Id: 861Z_ANOijc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 5sec (1205 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 13 2023
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