They Bought it! We Haul it!

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so here's how we're sitting this is our spray  trailer we call it spray trailer something   called spray tenders it's set up with two  really nice enduro plus black tanks so no   algae and stuff going to grow inside i think this  one holds a little over 3 200 gallons that holds   a little over uh 1800 gallons so between the two  we definitely have over 5000 which is really nice   it's set up with this awesome mix made system  really like it i'm going to show you guys a   little more detail of how i use that i mean kind  of get the feel of it it's been a learning process   definitely it's a little bit of a learning curve  but once you get it figured out it's pretty slick   we got to get a tractor hooked up to that which  is the volvo and the volvo we unhooked from that   because we used that to pull the rocket trailer  which is what we used to get those hopper bottom   bins that you guys saw in the previous videos so  you can watch maybe up here and that uh awesome   three-wheeled donor sprayer that's gonna give its  tank to big brood and then we might put a school   bus on top of that thing i don't know we'll see  so let's unhook this truck which is hanging out   over here from the rocket trailer which is  right there which was used to haul combines   and hook up the spray shower get a  load of water and start the process of   getting the mix mate prescriptions figured  out get the chemicals on the trailer get   everything lined up clean the apache tank  out get it prepped and start crop spraying   and if you wonder what the guys are  doing right now they're hauling grain so   another iron in the fire let's start getting this  thing unhooked oh boy this part's a little harder i'm going to bring the side-by-side  over here oh man start this truck up so guess what wiggles is back i'm back he's back and  he's trucking how come you always get the nice   truck somebody gave it to me and that's how it  has to be i kind of gave it to him actually guys okay just gonna log on real quick throw  a prescription together for the mix mate   and then i gotta get this uh sprayer  ready and then we're really close to   doing some crop spraying okay this prescription is  gonna be called cereal crop broadleaf slash oats crop let's go spring wait field of operation   done and done prescriptions are in got them synced  with my tablet here so now i just gotta go get the   apache i got a little bit of project in there i'm  gonna spray on some chem follow acres that we have   because i don't want that for the crop spraying  clean that out get it set up get it ready   do some tests with the nozzles make  sure everything's right on the money and we're off first acres of spring  wheat crop 2021 being sprayed   i think everything's set filters  on the sprayer are all cleaned   everything's greased it's going down right  now we're taking care of some wheat problems   definitely some wheat problems so it's a good  feeling just gotta knock out a few acres just   a few now i don't know if you can see the color  difference there's kind of a light green in this   draw right here that's all wild oats all this  little kind of color difference here that's what   i'm trying to take care of right now is these wild  oats this would outgrow the wheat in a heartbeat   it'll choke it out and then we'll have a ton of  wild oat seeds you can see some swales right there   there's some over here this whole field needed it  it's really bad and on that side there is a ton of   broadleafs so i'm glad i'm in here we had a pretty  good day of hauling grain um if i had a guess it   would be like the high teens so maybe 17 19 000  bushels haul today which is doing pretty good   they're talking rain tonight which i'm hopeful and  tomorrow which means we might not haul tomorrow   if it rains but you know what that's okay i'd  definitely take any rain we can get right now   but we still have work to do so wiggles and i  are removing all this dirt and uh concrete pads   that are all the bins that we ripped up and we're  hauling out of here so he's having fun in the case   here running like a boss we're using the front end  loader so what we're doing here is we're taking   the case steer picking out all the little pieces  here throwing it in the bucket of loader and the   bucket loader goes in the truck and then the truck  takes it out of here kind of a weird little monkey   around deal but uh it's a lot easier than trying  to pick that forks and put it up above the truck   and dump it and if something falls in the cab  that would suck so we're just playing it safe   but it's easy for him to pick it up and out yeah  getting work done it's good stuff good stuff guys when we brought the spill in all this shale  here when we mashed it it had a lot of moisture   in it and it was fantastic too because two  days after we got it all leveled and packed   it got like 90 degree weather for like two days  and uh the wind came up and it baked it so this is   really really hard and that's fantastic because  i don't want the ground to really settle   and i ordered phil road mix and it's got like a  gravel sand mix to it uh it should be here this   week sometime i don't know if we're gonna be  able to start forming these and getting these   ready because we don't have the bin rings yet but  it will be available so we when we can get the   chance we'll get this done and this is exciting  guys because this whole farm wasn't necessarily   a disaster um but it has been ongoing progress  or progress project for me i can't even talk   and uh i've been trying to get this farm cleaned  up for many many years and slowly i keep getting   more organized and cleaned up and so luckily my  dad and my brother are all okay with helping me   and and uh we worked together and this is  exciting this is awesome so we're making progress guys and just like that the pile's gone and that's last  last load right there well it's not completely   gone i got to take the load of the dome but  it's clean and it's uh it's not an eyesore   i guess we could thank wiggles for helping  out i mean he's been doing pretty good job hey kobe want to go with me i'm just going to  see if he wants to climb the corporate ladder   it's easy to climb the corporate ladder when you  own it do you own it kobe huh you want to come   you want to come up here huh i guess that was  an answer all right let's see how we're doing all right i think we're getting close to the top  of the door i'm supposed to be hauling out the 21   000 at this stage so yeah we'll have uh we'll  have this hauled out by close to noon and then   we move to another bin well actually a couple  more bins and that should finish the contract   and leave us down to a couple bins one that  uh we'll save for seed in case it turns out   be a dry year quality is not good we'll go ahead  and use it so i'm down off the corporate ladder   feels good making pretty good progress today  this is great guys um i've got see this is my   fifth load in this morning and my dad's  got five loads brad is on his fifth load   uh we're sitting at under two and a half frames on  that 3609 bin when i say 3609 that's 36 diameter   and then nine rings tall so yeah it's uh we're  getting close to the bottom so what i'm gonna do   is when we start to start turn the clean out  sweep on i'll stop hauling go get the tractor   grab the grain back and get set up on the  other bin and then i'll help finish hauling   over there or i'll just start backing out of  the next bid because we still need to have uh   a few thousand bushels more to finish out the  contract after we clean the spin out so yeah   getting things going this is fantastic guys  feels good to get stuff done it really does so so i hooked the vr 12 up to the john deere  made sure that everything's good to go   i think we're ready to suck some wheat well we got this cleaned out for the first time a  mini coming went fairly well uh there was a couple   of bolts all probably about six bolts or more  on that side six more bolts on that side that   they've sucked it through and put the nuts on the  inside so there's a little bit of the stub of the   bolt sticking through and uh so what we'll do is  before we use this again we're going to run that   thing around the sweep auger around and then we'll  go ahead and put a carriage bolt around it head on   those areas where it gets close and sticks and  then that way that should solve it the bin is   actually not quite a full circle a complete circle  it's a little bit oblong that was an issue when   this was being put up during harvest had a just  a really small thunderstorm kind of come through   and the winds kicked up to 50 miles an hour and  they were they're putting on the last two rings   of this bin and they barely got it secured down  uh with uh chains and cables and that otherwise   this thing would have been off into the distance  so fortunately it was saved but i think through   that process it probably got tweaked a little bit  but that's nothing that we can't fix because we   can uh just make sure that there's rounded heads  and when that wheel comes around it will slide   right by all right good so off to the next bin  and i'll meet you guys there if you guys take   the short route um why don't you go ahead and  get the coffee going and then we'll catch up so do you
Channel: Welker Farms
Views: 109,200
Rating: 4.9887438 out of 5
Keywords: big bud tractors, case, john deere, international, peterbilt, dodge, big bud, truck, tractor, farm, huge farms, welker farms, welker farms inc, montana, wheat harvest, wheat, harvest, sunset, drone, dji, kids content, epic, epic music, cinematic music, corn, usa, america, new holland, big brute, farmer, power, american dream, legarms, fummins, case ih, fs19, big bud 747, walker, walker farms, buck, animals, wildlife, country, family friendly, demco, wagner, vlog, facebook, amazon, youtube, gmail, ford
Id: fvprQ_k4IGg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 42sec (942 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 21 2021
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