TheViper vs Liereyy again the best show to watch - Amazing Showmatch

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ladies and gentlemen there you go the viper versus leery hands and the vikings is the first one and oh boy oh boy let's go because this is going to be amazing i believe and here we are we still need to put well some stuff here like capture h because it's not connected there you go we are starting and where's the sound let's put the sound here guys let's put the sound leery with the vikings the viper with the hands i don't know what you think but now i really feel like uh where's where is this here it is what is this okay let me just see give me a moment versus vikings can you hear me and let's think about the two players sieves and their maps no he can't one moment okay we're we're going to check right now viper and leery i need to put the the cast in this is so much best of five because the sound is not working just a moment and now it'll be better man power you man i'm fine man and you you are through for so many hours i'm doing great i got at least like another two or three minutes in me here okay okay so now you have even more time because i'm going to be casting with you thank you for inviting me thank you for for bringing this so much and congratulations well congratulations who the hell want to make 24 hours straight so good luck for you i appreciate it babe it means a lot of means a lot getting the quick house with you and i appreciate it okay well i don't know i'm just catching up in the game because i'm not live and i don't know if you are live already so let me know i am i'm catching up as well i'm still fast forwarding to catch up what do you think we got we got leary playing as the vikings in the northeast and we've got viper in the southwest in red playing as the huns so uh i'm you you definitely have a lot more gate depth of game knowledge so what do you think about the sit match up here man well this matchup i will say not so long ago that the bike is well going to be super fabric i don't think that is happening anymore because after the last balance also the knights are working better and then now how strong are the cab archers well hans hansard has again yeah the back of back in the day i mean one of the things that i remember when i played as a kid was just pun war on warhammer constantly with with spam and the cavalry archers at each other and so i'm excited i'm excited to see what the viper is going to do with the lens here one thing that i'm thinking about is you know viper actually i i kind of wish viper wasn't the huns because he has such a i feel like he could close this map up much easier if he uh had some houses and stuff but he's gonna be forced to play this open because the huns of course don't get those houses well he's getting a viper map goal at the back stone at the behalf with at the back everything at the back like he can roll easily on the left super easily the only expose a little bit is the berries but other than that it's a perfect map to dominate yeah absolutely larry's got uh not as nice as a map he's got his gold up front uh he looks like he's going to try and close that up there's an archery range that's going to go out in front of that gold as the man at arms and scouts uh scout from larry are tickling the edge of that town center range there loses a bit of hp on one of those well i'm still on 11 minutes on 10. i don't know if what is the the live game right now because i'm just going in fast speed but no okay now it's live uh 11 30. so we are live completely same time nice amazing well he's going with the amount of times you can see that already the viper with a smooth economy good amount of farms stable larger range so he's gonna be holding he's gonna send the scout to counter attack that's the best he can do so lee need to put asa uh a spear at home okay yes okay larry's got his base uh somewhat close up on that left-hand side of his face uh if he keeps extending those walls he'll be a lot safer from uh future age but it's not gonna do much against the scouts that are coming from now scout's getting in and chipping away at these archers that's not good this early your every unit counts so much the earlier in the game uh you are the the more important those units are and losing those even that single archer there is is huge for the viper uh he's gonna have a much easier time uh roaming around with the five scouts that he has out now and the one skirmisher that's going to come forwards too there's actually some exposed villagers on the right there mem from leary gathering a long distance milling a deer over there he always do that i mean if you check it out when i was casting hitting a cap and i saw these kind of things leery always do that going with three four villas and i wanted to ask to my to my viewers if the sound is good now with grataran because you know i i was a little bit more quiet because i was selecting that the sound was fine hopefully for you is fine and they were you were a little bit too low but i think i have increased you and now all great i was telling that yeah he's always doing that with uh with those villains but you can see how the vipers still have well one villain behind and scout and skirmishes all together going to counter attack but he's still not wall they are not walling did any rules about walling or something no right they want to play oh no no oh yeah absolutely i yeah absolutely that's you can even tell by the map that we selected we've got atacama and acropolis both in the back pool trying to encourage aggressive open play exciting play that's what we want what we want to see push the players skills to their limits the quick walls from leary here at the front trying to wall out these uh these scouts and skirms aren't going to work and i like the the composition here from viper much more than larry early on well but he has to be careful because both players got uh no but leo got uh sorry viper got fletching that's that's important that's really important well leary doesn't have the fletching yet and that's definitely not good uh if i was leery lee is also a player that never make a tower and i will make a tower in that goal because oh my god look at the tower mestradamus is still on point i'm sorry mister but the tower is there that is i don't know if that well that's how i go up there's five skirms there skirms don't have a lot of uh damage output and there's three villagers that are gonna be able to pound that up and it doesn't look like larry's too concerned because he's not like sending a bunch of villagers to make sure it goes up he's just kind of taking shots with the one weak villager and he's gonna walk her back and he's this tower is gonna go up in a second and be really nice yeah this is a that's a really good getting this tower down on this forward gold we also see in the back of uh of larry's base he's got some some long kind of palisades going up around that stone so he's got a little funnel set up and he's gonna be closed up on the north side of the base as well yeah well he need to wall absolutely everything because with the mobility you need to have wall because the viper with this scout can do some damage but the good thing with the vikings is the economy you can see how the score looks like viper is dominated but then you check the the resources and you see that he sit down already in 500 foot but the problem now is that this is ideal situation for the hands the mobility they have you want to make some damage and now what damage you can do with the vikings against the hands in this situation you can't you really can't do any damage right now so i think this is a really important and big advantage for the viper absolutely uh just the map control the the you have so many more so much more options when you have map control like this like leading into feudal age as as looks like the viper i also like the the scouts to uh the skirms build in terms of setting up your economy for uh for early castleage much i just feel like it going into the the middle section of castle age you have such a strong push coming out of scouts to skirms compared to uh the archer's build that leary's using here but uh he is he is the vikings of course they get free hand cart they get free wheelbarrow and uh right now leary actually has a three villager lead as well i think that's i think i saw wheelbarrow come in for viper though yeah he will borrow and that's that's why he's leading but he's on the way to castle is that really good but he'll need something else i wouldn't be surprised if lily now make a stable because i don't know if he's gonna be an old well he got good amount of arches now no no no stable needed no stable needed oh he's doing man he's doing the stable so i mean i'm telling about this table because he got so much units and so many skirmishes so all the artists is not the right choice in my opinion he's adding the stable i presumably data uh a nights nights in order to take out the skirmishers of uh the viper and uh i i just i feel like that's kind of an over investment because it's gonna be you're not gonna be going i just would i prefer to just uh get up to castle age and get manganellzo to deal with the scrimmage instead i feel like the knights is a bit of maybe he wants them to snipe megan ells as well i don't know but the good thing with the knights that do have the mobility the with the situation you will still a little bit stuck at home you know with the knights you can deal with the with the skirmishes and imagine that viper is coming with siege as well i think it's fine seems you have a great economy and if you check he has a good amount of farms he's okay he's not gonna make many many nice you know and well you can move on and try to make some damage now doing the horse collar it's still equal in a little bit more but man who is this viper rather than going for aggressive i mean this is what i mean is viper has been for archery ranges archery range is mem look at this that's crazy club arches man the all hands is styled back in in de man i like it ooh i like it but still i mean but he's that is a lot of production to try and maintain this early in castle age and viper only has eight on goal too so he's gonna be banking on that uh that banked up gold in order to maintain the production until he can you like this is one tc play for sure from the viper right probably i'm more worried about the woodland because if you check i mean he has so many farms you know when you have that many farms you usually go more for the nice production while he has 17 farmers 11 on wood that obviously is going to struggle a little bit to to produce cab arches and he's not doing he's doing his skirmishers and now the knights are coming so leary is gonna be in a good position right now yeah i'm not sure if uh i think what the if i mean what the viper is going to need to do is going to be to add uh monasteries asap as soon as he sees one of those first viking knights but that's i feel like that's so unintuitive against the vikings to add monasteries this early you expect to see archers and not knights coming out and yet the viper has kind of maneuvered this i don't know i feel like and yet okay now we see the cav archers coming out man yeah but look at those archers well i don't know what leary's doing here you need to go back he's gonna lose a lot of arches oh my goodness well the scouts are coming and now he lost half of those archers so leo is gonna be kinda naked if you ask me because he's gonna have almost no army at all even more when now he's gonna produce more and more cap arches he's gonna be deadly for him and don't forget that larry's base both of his golds are exposed at the front so if uh the viper comes forward with any kind of range even these skirmishers and like in these limited number of cav archers he can do a lot of damage and force lyria off of this gold right now there is a there is that tower on the right hand side that's really going to help larry out uh here in the middle parts of castle yeah well lyric is still not binding stone also because he needs the stone to make an a second tc he doesn't have yet well he has 95 and let's see if he can deal remember that the knights from uh from vikings guys don't have bloodlines they don't have husbandry i mean they are some of the most trash units and that's why you don't pick the vikings ever because you love the cavalry man come on oh yeah i'm definitely i'm a nice guy and uh it's just that's the i wish i almost kind of feel like going as the vikings and just just because of the the wheelbarrow and the the hand card i might be able to squeeze out a decent night's build out of them but that's not what larry's doing larry's although the number of nights that larry's making maybe he is as he's he's not really he's not making any archers he's full production on knights at the moment both are coming in as well but he will need yeah but he's doing seats also he needs some seat but those nights i mean when he's spamming this amount of cab arches lee won't be able to do anything but leery is still ahead in village which is incredible he got he lost some value at home he's true that now the hand card is real really doing the impact on the vikings economy but he will need something else with only this this table and the knights it won't be a note because really the viper is going to have crazy amount of calvars is now doing the bloodlines it's going to be a problem that pc is in danger that this is in real danger oh my god he's going to catch up with the viper there's no way that's going up there's not enough army even all of if even if all of larry's army was in position it wouldn't be able to prevent these cavaliers from from denying the cc although right now the viper isn't microing against the villagers he needs to be going there we go attacking the villagers otherwise that uh and while hillary wow leary's gonna call it there and i guess that cap those cab archers on the town center was just the the line for larry there ma'am is is the mobility is the mobility and we have to say that um i expected him to to keep going but he feel like because you see the numbers and you see 47 bullies for both but to be honest that was going to drop dramatically now he got the skirmishes in that hill those existences were dealing with the crops and those cabarets that were we're going to kill all the villas on the tc absolutely and at this level is a snowball game yeah that's that town center being denied is just so huge just not only this like you said not only the slug resources all those villagers are exposed there's only like five archers there from from leary this was it was not only that all look at the woodline to the south even the gold around that tower all of it was going to be exposed just because that town center didn't go up in time so that's that's the gg not an early gg at all that was a good game man yeah and what i really like it is that pepper was looking no offense to him obviously was looking leery and i mean because most of the time people say no leary is super aggressive he's going all the time aggro piper was going aggressive from the start and no absolutely lovely man look at the kills then and losses 32 19 and uh well he dominated from from the start honestly i said in the start now it's easy to say because of course viper one i prefer the hands now i mean hans has recorded a power grab yes yeah no i i've i've been playing the huns way more ever since one of the most recent patches ma'am do you know what time it is though we gotta figure out what map these guys are going to next so i'm gonna have to spin my giant wheel and uh and that's gonna tell us where these guys are going let me just make sure i'm cross reference this with the uh in the you want me can i introduce the sieves i want to drink absolutely man let's go all right here we go in the southwest the viper in red is going to be playing as the cubits and in the northeast leary is going to be in yellow playing as the chinese and we are on here fortress and it is regicide i believe did they play it did they wait did they put red aside or is it just fortress i think it's it's not race site i just may not have set it to register it's supposed to be registered honestly i in my opinion doesn't makes a real big difference not and honestly the the race side can only bring uh uh that the game accidentally is get over when you don't want you know well it is it is registered i'm sorry they were just both players were so quick men getting their kings out and using them as scouting i think really yeah yes they are yeah yeah yeah yeah i'm gonna quickly uh control group both the kings here honestly that scares the cr that scares the heck out of me i mean you you run the wrong way with your king and you bump into a scout in the games yeah and you don't want that the game finish but uh this match up um it's kinda tricky it depends how the game is goes because what you prefer here kumas or chinese i would i prefer the cumin i think the cumin boom will pay off uh in on fortress over the the chinese uh eco i think i feel like just longer term having that extra town center earlier just it's so hard to counter even with having an extra villager and what's the other bonus that the chinese get uh i don't think i don't think rather is just oh look at the king viper is chasing now but this is too fast i don't really think that the most important is well the boom is very solid but i can tell you that china if he's just going three tc's right away it's gonna catch up the problem is that in late game the the the cassar's impact and also the kipchat can be very very dangerous because if they can go for a long long game um how do you counter the the hazards i mean you need to to have a lot of chickens sugars are great they get the plus three extra but we are again with the no mobility and the no mobility in this kind of of games because with what's your rate with chinese with light cavs they are crap yeah no the uh and they also i mean chinese are our goal dependent sort of civilization right so once the gold runs out for the chinese they really start to struggle um yeah like you said kipchak versus chuko knew the kipchaks are going to win because they have extra hp and extra damage i think right compared to uh well honestly i don't know in that the two gurus are great you know but the product i insist is the mobility like how many castles you need with the chickens and also to push well with the hazards and the kids combined they are so fast they are really really so fast so i don't know i really think that uh china should win earlier earlier game if they can go for a really long game it's gonna be told for leery in my opinion i i gotta i gotta ask a question because i i have no idea here howard how are the chinese cav archers because i feel like in this case you might actually be thinking about cav archers if you're leery in that if you're looking at uh china castle i i'm not sure if they have parthian tactics because i have never seen the cavaliers from china and if they if we don't see them it's because probably they don't have party and tactics if you don't have part and taxes they don't get the plus four so that's makes the the armor is not gonna be the greatest because you usually want to have plus six in total the blast before the for china got is full you know so they don't have parts and tactics they are confirming in in my chat as well and that's the reason yeah so they just don't have mobility late game then and that's on a map like this where you're you're going to be trying to branch out and attack likely multiple places that your opponents branched out from their their main base that's gonna plus register just seems like kind of a large spawn generally i'm not sure that it's actually any larger than any of the other maps but it just feels big uh and and open with all the the wood lines kind of scattered yeah i mean they they can go cavaliers and camels fully abraded you know but uh well then viper can go help simple so i don't know i don't know it's it's complicated my job obviously the timing is so important but what happened that at this level the timing shouldn't be a big difference for the players i mean how they are going to make mistakes if they go for example for a full boom we can analyze for example right now the ability distribution four bill is on goal for leary and one lumber camp with how many evolution with six and then if you go check around red you can see that he has already the viper four wheels on gold but two tcs obviously he's ahead in village but he's gonna be in castle is very fast look at the timing castle and he will go for two extra tc's probably so he will catch up i believe fairly soon so so then it seems to me that the viper should have the advantage in like mid to late castle age as the like the boom the human boom pays off and then as we get into the amp it should swing back in favor of leary at least in terms of like economic production and that's assuming there's no like attacking or any like damage done by other players eco just like if they sat past stuff the whole time so taking that into consideration i feel like the onus is going to be on leary in castle h to try and do some damage because he knows that the human player is going to be ahead of him in eco for at least a little bit the alternative again is as you said just try and wait that out so it could be a waiting game we see from leary but i just i don't feel like that's uh that's what we're good i don't feel i think that's that's not like leary's style but i can try and like yeah you can't you can't make damage to the commands it's the opposite like the humans can't make damage to you you know because in mind we we forgot to take in consideration that what about if the cummins if viper go for a fast imp it's possible to go for a fashion with two tcs he can instead of going super fast castle h try to to get more more economy maybe even minus stone look at how the tc is located he has one tc on the stone he don't even need to know the mining camp and what about a fast imp for him or a cab rams attack cab run with full knight it could be and that can be deadly so the if you're not aware guys humans get that those capped rams in uh they get they can actually drop that siege workshop in futile age and and get their example and prep for under super early castle age push i don't know like you could do that too right but i don't think that like what do you think the viper's plan coming into this was like if like just what he felt like he was gonna like obviously the two tc boom was in his head because that's just so strong on our closed in map like this but beyond that is it gonna i'm interested to see if it's gonna be 2tc boom into eco or 2tc boom into some kind of push right now it's looking like it's going to be eco though because he's picking up uh he only has one stable and they don't yeah but i'm not sure he's not sure because not sure because he's minding a lot of a stone so i wouldn't be surprised to see a second cast of forward you know and from there try to make the transition to imp like he has this table just to explore with the scout to get more and also probably to deny the a potential relic the potential monks are trying to to pick up their relics and yes i'm not sure man i feel that could be just a 2tc he is doing that the viper is just did they stole mine and upgrade you know so he's just gonna go for probably a second castle forward and try to push from there and honestly if you check his point of view fall of war he can see one goal and a stone but if you put a forward war he didn't see it yet that goal in mind if the viper explored that and drop a castle there is taking all leery's resources yes yeah that that the the resource pile at the front of leery's base where he just dropped he just deleted all of his walls man did you see that in front of that tc well his daily viper come to me baby come to me and you'll see if he's coming you'll see what's gonna happen why why do that without dropping being ready to drop a castle or like he doesn't even have army it's like you said he's like come on fight but i'm right here there's a big open hole for you to come in and do a dancing like what are you what are you doing blurry and lou what's happening he's taking with the scout like i told you going for the monks he's taking the monks picking up the monks gonna kill it viper is playing this excellent he just missing explore that area if he explore that but piper is going for the second castle and gonna go for a second castle forward piper has an amazing position to dominate here in my opinion yep and everything all else being equal other than the the monks going down it's it's yeah this is kick checks wow the kick check's already out from viper it's that's just i can't believe that larry would delete the walls on that he's just begging for a castle to get dropped in his face and for and for some something come forward and start pressuring him in through that that opening i don't know to be honest it's crazy to me to be honest doesn't make a really big difference you know because since he delete that that one he's like if he's bringing the keeps out there he will lose them because he's gonna drive into the tc and the arrows will take absolutely everything the problem will be if if he's gonna make knight but look at the viper the piper was doing a a great stuff till now he never explore and he's doing a castle on the right side i'm i hate those castles because i mean yeah they are trying to go for the hills but man explore the map and if you if you explore and go to the left he was going to destroy lyria look at the cassette he's doing now titanic castle in my opinion i mean like it's not like very it's not like the viper doesn't have the knowledge that that that res pile is there for lyrius so i think you just want i really think he just wants a hill to push from and he was looking for any hill but again why not come forwards and drop that on on leary's forward tc let's just begin because he didn't see he didn't see the goal now he's gonna discover look when he discovered now he's gonna feel like oh my god that castle forward there will be lovely right lovely yeah i mean it's fine rather than because like i was telling you and it's happening he's on the way to imperial with only four villas behind and now he has two castles and he's gonna try to go with traps and and the kipchats and how do you stop that now well leery is getting the resources to go up but i don't know the timing in this kind of maps is just insane it's really important yeah and uh the the early amp timing here it's gonna be uh really i mean viper's just going to be able to get trebs out he's going to be able to get uh humans of course don't have a bracer but uh they he will be able to get like elite kick check and he's picking up what's he going to eat bloodlines yeah he's doing he's going to be going into kickjacks and trebuchets and pushing it doesn't even matter what angle he pushes from at that point because like you said there's not going to be a lot that uh larry's going to be able to do military accounts a little worrying for me regardless i could wait now do chinese get block printing on their mugs because leary did just click up to imp yeah yeah yeah they get they get blood printed they use the room so god remove red redemption they have the the the monks with the plus 12 so when the queen could reach him he could try and go for like a monk defense on the kick jacks then right but for me the problem is is that the only pressure with the traps and i'm telling you something we can't feel lucky that he did that castle on the right side because if he was doing the castle like uh we were suggesting it would be game already because uh how you will stop that he will take all the gold and stone it will take all the farmers and yeah i mean i like the castle now a little bit more for viper because it's true that he's sticking the stone that supposed to belong to leery and now i believe that he'll do traps also 13 values ahead is still for for leary but the momentum here is just so important but now with that castle we have leery probably should be fine we will see that's a that's a great castle from leary the only issue that i have with it is that it's still like there's there's a hill just outside of viper's base just a little bit to the southwest i don't mean the small hill i mean the bigger hill just further to the south oh look at the micro oh look at the microphone getting all the monks killing all the monks and now taking absolutely everything yeah well blood print it doesn't matter anymore because the bongs are bye-bye yeah dead dead monks aren't going to be converting a whole lot there man that uh that castle going up though is is going to solidify larry's hold on the front that's going to force viper to get trebs out and come across here and that's actually what he's going to do i have a feeling viper's plan was to maybe push to the northeast from where his castle went down is and not come across the way he's going to because that's such a long travel time to get the trebs in position to push that castle he has to have been thinking maybe maybe drop uh siege workshops and and try and push in uh from that that eastern direction but instead now he's he's so focused now like you said as soon as he realized that gold was there yeah but but now with that hill he's doing the loom now disrespect that he's going to send those chickens back but you can see now the traps coming one two three which castle in top of that hill how you kill that castle now in that hill the timing the momentum is here gonna be really important but leo will have the plus three and the flush three with the chukunus oh boy and the boom for leaving now seems to be much stronger it's true that he's getting ready on the right side as you can see there but uh lee has right now 16 valleys more but the problem is that the threat which are going to be hitting those castles yep uh uh viper has had so much longer here in uh in imperial age he already has such a a trebuchet lead a tech lead and although the chinese do get uh cheaper technologies from the university if i'm recalling correctly it doesn't account for the time it takes to research those and viper is using that pretty effectively right now if you can get this castle at the front of larry's base this this will be over and it's just like you said if this if that castle had just been in a better position for viper to begin with we wouldn't be having this trevor right now man yeah well i think he's gonna still be fine because he did another castle on the hill and he has a good amount of tigers but he's having a great time in here he's fortress which is man fourth round with it he has now two well he's holding we see the numbers and leo has the same army the same amount of army you know how is those keepers it still plus two plus but that's the problem with the with the with the cumins their transition to him is kinda awkward because he's getting dressed but that's it uh rathran like he's not getting any of the upgrade from imp nothing else just the traps yeah well the chassis is much better in that regard i mean the the big thing now is that the chu canoes actually outrange the kick tracks so even though the kick jacks can take take a bit more shots they have more hp they're just gonna now they should get eaten by the chuko new at this point in the game and viper i feel like now viper might be on his uh his back heel a little bit them as he's gonna struggle to hold this position with these four traps that might get eaten by the chukes right here he's doing man and they are great they are great against the siege look at this he's trying to kill the trap which and now i'm gonna tell you something i really want to see leery going for transition to siege he has the resources look at the foot i don't know if he's going to make now the elite cucumbers he should do it he has a great economy but the lead chukunus is great there you go elite chicken is on the way but the rams combined with tray wizard and elite chukunus gonna be a toth toad game more than i expected for the viper because vipre has still not much my army anymore and well the problem is you need to push because if they can go longer viper will span more will get more economy and then the hazard will appear in the game i think one thing that's kind of hurting the humans here is like i feel like normally at this stage of the game you try you would try to get siege ram out if you're the humans but you can't because choo choo actually eats siege ram they'll just they'll just devour it uh in a moment actually and i feel like that's kind of being denied from both players because the the kip checks sort of do the same thing so we've got a really interesting just treb war with unique units here from both players it's almost like a bit of a bit of a fantasy uh fight here with chip jacks versus chicka news and a full-on trib war but those two canoes amigo those two crews dominate because those are fully upgraded now doing the rocketry he's still without ballistica come on leary i mean ballistic you need to be there i mean he's due to the micro but ballistic amigo need to happen even more against the mobility look at how he is unable to pick up any keepsake because of those mobility but now piper can't deal with those two kuns the travertine war is insane but i insist uh mr rath rams man rams from uh from leery still happening and now look how he's taking all those kids in yeah the ballistics did come in for larry partway through that fight man he's gonna lose uh one of those two of those four trebuchets he has more coming out but larry's doing our apartment viper is doing a really good job of holding that hill this hills all of a sudden seems super critical there's no resources around it but it's just such a good launching point and now we see what's happening as the chukka door caught out of position the kipchaks are hitting the stone and gold on the front of leary's base here because of the mobility we were talking before like the units are better probably chicken is high perfect yes but in a in a static point in a position that you are going to be like pushing completely you know in a closed map but in an open map the chinese here is missing that mobility and even in being annoying you can't see you can see how now leo is doing another castle but then the viper is going to be there and those kitchens are going to take how many six villas already for leary and another cast of the night that's the castle is gonna get shut down and it's just gonna be a matter of time until some trebuchets come across from viper even just one or two trebs out of that castle he's already got one coming out too it's at thirty percent two or three shots are gonna take that castle down without any of the uh the foundation army armor larry's coming out with five more bills and the canoes are in position with four trebs as well from leary and but i think viper is gonna try and sneak in and snipe some more villagers and delay this castle going up larry doesn't i think this is a terrible castle from larry i understand why he's putting it up but the fact that it's in trembling range of another castle isn't great yeah but he want to kill that castle the problem is that if he's not doing the castle there he is not gonna be able to to kill that one and now he's gonna take it and that's really good because if you check now if you check now the viper will have only two casters to produce with the keep check and that castle is down he's taking the goal he's gonna take the goal there safe and he can move then to the left but now he's losing a castle that is even more important for leery so would you prefer to to to lose that castle close to your base or to kill that castle that it was useless definitely better trade for the viper yeah the viper definitely being able to deny both stone and gold you can see just how oversaturated leary really needing that gold whereas on the right hand side it's just there's just less there and it's just less strategic of a position generally like on on top the viper owning this the left side of this it's gonna open up larry's base these kick checks they could dive this tc and go right into leary's base there's a ton of villagers at the back of larry's base that are completely unprotected i think the play here from the viper may be to dive with the kick checks but i don't know if he will that's a little scary it's on it's on oh yeah look how leery is chasing shadows all the time like well he's chasing that they keep but he can't even attack now he's trying to go oh it's the first time he's going forward but he has to be careful look at the two castles he's doing the same spot need to go to yeah he need to avoid the middle like he can't take that kill so i think leary is doing the right call like okay i can't take that kill let's just go didn't get to his base and now he's getting there and he's gonna make a castle look at the castle he's doing on the right side brother taking the goal and maybe maybe now leo is starting to get some up control here but he need to kill those trapezes and now viper is not doing the best micro with those traps getting those troubleshoot down and i don't know for really wait for the viper bye bye too man the key the key here for the leary is this is all he's doing this all so quickly those five trebuchets took that castle down so quick on the right he moves him up immediately he's just getting his units he's he's making up for the lack of mobility by trying to have a bit of forethought about where his units are gonna have to be and he's just all of a sudden doing such a better job of it than he was a minute ago down goes the monastery from the viper who's gonna lose access to those three relics at least for a little bit that's gonna slow his goal didn't come a little he still has 19 on goal where's viper taking gold right now on the left-hand side of his base wow that actually looks a little exposed over there and a little bit of uh it's too bad again that lack of mobility from larry there's no way he'd be able to get units over there to take the viper off of the gold on the left-hand side of his base and but the problem is pushing on the right hand look look at this push from the right-hand side there's two trips that are exposed to these kick jacks that might go down and there's three that are coming forward to try and take oh my goodness on the right look at those two trips also on the left with the with the trail which is the mobility man i think both are doing the right call leo is trying all the time to attack but he really can't seriously he has good foot i don't know some light cats now would be good to rate you know to distract a little bit the opponent he's not doing for now with those three threat which is the castle is going to go down he can go in and now he can kill a lot of economy those two canoes are really hard to deal with and if you check the numbers leary has 134 values and 58 army that's a lot more army but those kips that are so dangerous and they are taking all their reinforcement the problem is i mean we're just talking about i was just talking about how quick this push from leery was well it's slowed down it feels like he's been in this section of viper's uh the corner of viper's base just forever and isn't achieving anything with this push other than losing now four of the five trebuchets that he came forward with so larry's stall larry's uh push is gonna stall out here i just saw uh chain barton coming in for he did the plus four so i think that he's gonna make start to make the stables he need light cast i mean he needs to use mobility even more now that the owners appear you need to definitely definitely think no no no no no look at this well good but it could be there it could be terrible for him it could be terrible wasn't that terrible mr mr wrath no it could have been a lot worse uh he he only like considering that there's a bunch of injured he still has a mass of 40 chuka news like that's that's not going anywhere the thing is though uh mem the viper has 32 kip checks and i think 32 kip tracks beats 40 chooks if they get in range because of the extra hp i could be wrong there's with rocketry and everything eight plus six attack versus five plus three but i think the kick checks fire fast i don't know man this is look at this the larry trying to save some of these light cav uh that are just feeding into this hip check match keep track mass pardon me and uh the chooks are coming back to defend that lack of mobility man over and over and over again larry really struggling to uh to deal with not having any kind of mobility and the light cavs are just they're just getting eaten they're just looking on the right side look at on the right side lovely i know they own a shot let's see if lee are gonna take it oh he's dancing with the chokers lobby then that castle is going to go down he's now fight through with it you need to kill the castles if he's taking those chassis he has freeway to kill farmers and and good amount of economy honestly this is an amazing game to watch this is yeah this is this this is where you can hope look at the kd and uh the vipers actually got twice the kd but i don't feel like leary's out of it despite all of that i feel like that's that was a result of uh of larry just forcing so much solid play to the viper look at the snipes on the trips from leery on the right side again ma'am and the auditors are creeping in on what's left of those those uh choking views but the trips are gonna get bigger the owners as well they are both micro like crazy trying to micro as much as possible honestly i love how both are playing but seriously without the mobility i think leery and now you're going to tell me that you are a fun boy man i do i am a fanboy i know i am oh well look at the honest child now look at the viper coming with the four honest and all the kids he's gonna think absolutely everything no they're micro with those and you can see this is an amazing game mr wrap look at the left okay i don't want to take attention away from it you don't have to look away from the fight but on the far left side if you look at the mini map there's a bunch of yellow dots that is put down those are a whole bunch of stables that he's intending to raid with from the left-hand side the thing is i don't know how much damage they're going to do because i don't know that there's that much exposed eco on the left here there's a there's a town center and uh also viper already has a bunch of stables to respond and hustler are out from the viper now as well yeah but but vibrates is having a problem here 36 farmers is not to know 36 farmers is not an oath he does have a great economy three villages on goal 35 farmers if now lily keep pushing even if the score is is lower for him and then he's sending with those stables on the left like us in the in those farmers this is what canadians will dominate look at leery at home he just wall in the last second because he was going to be inside he's trying to raid but he can't he can't read because leary is paying attention he is focusing on the spot lovely now let's see if he's taking those skips but leery need to rate farm economy for the viper otherwise it's almost impossible to beat him really how is there not an over chop on this section of wall that the viper was just outside with his i cannot believe that the the larry is able to look at that and figure out where everything is look at the push to the middle now though man we have seven pushing it on these dual castles in the center that's seven trebuchets in a tiny little pile seven that's 1400 gold in like five tiles look at he's dancing with the two let's see look at look at the micro he's micro like you and me but together you know what i mean but together but together man together and with an extra hand that probably we need the micro was insane the castle is going to go down and look at those even with the kipchat with the kill the three witches are going to take over right now and if he's losing that castle he's gonna be only one castle and leery score it taking the lead and the lightness are coming also from the left yes the light cavs are gonna come in and raid there's a bunch of i mean now there wasn't before now look at how many exposed farms there are on the left from viper and this could shut down the hussar production from viper in a minute who only just now got up to 59 farms looking at uh over at deleri though larry has 58 farms larry's on light cavity has almost as many farms look at all the gold that he still is floating to it looks like we're gonna have a pause here from larry honestly i don't i don't blame him this game is insane hold on you don't mind if you don't mind the pause even for you and for me right take a take a beer man well the position the game is amazing i'm not a real fan for those uh slow games but when it's not mirror and you see these kind of matchups in late game and this kind of controlling all the time like they are doing is beautiful to watch but honestly and the game keep going leary has 79 army right now of 60 farmers eight will is on goal he's almost not losing two kilos and he's trying to keep alive those but seriously viper has right now cedarville is on wood i like i like the viper's composition better i actually i really do i feel like i feel like once he gets to the critical mass of hustler it's gonna look it's gonna be really bad for leary because he's just gonna be able to spam those hustler leery the raids on the left from leary are doing some damage but not enough as uh viper has his own hustlers to defend already his micronic against the owners i mean leary lyrics migraine constantly against the owners but the honest won't be there forever ceto billy so good for the viper seriously xeno now he put more and those is crazy hell man we were reading the game in the start those casars are so deadly but man look at the viper casars you know what we might become an issue here no you know what i have is look at the wood wood access for the viper he's only got like one one solid wood pile left that he can take and the rest is kind of being controlled by larry larry with the late game map control here he's gay man i mean it is oh be careful with ozone i guess he need to keep the push he's doing a crazy rating he's 200 population for leary 160 for the viper it's an amazing game towards the lighthouse are going in now he's gonna add even halves because he feel like the casars are gonna make the damage do you see those seven trebuchets for how long he got alive he didn't lose a single trail with it in the last ten minutes amazing they took those they took that two i think they've taken two castles of that group of traps yeah and now he's trying to but he has to be careful look look look he's going with the children with the traps he's going to the middle but there's three on again those three honors and let's remind the viewers they don't have sich engineers that's a problem but leary notice and he's sending the live cast if he's taking that castle he's taking the game right the viper also is uh raiding actually uh i think he did he get in no that's still not over i can't believe that that like look i can't believe these over chops are like they're like half dead trees quarter dead like 20 wood left on some of these like when does the viper send like a group of villagers forward and just chop that with a group of hills just to get into the stupid base like there's less there's no tree there them that has 59 wood on it that's that's like six trips with a bill send six bills and just go and nail that tree and get into the base already with all these hussar yeah well let's see what is gonna happen because really the game is in that hill in the middle but man the viper has now what the hell 78th army yeah lyrical 93 but like you say this is how many castles coming in 53 castles are he's on 40 farms man he can crank these all day like this this is the way to go look at the dance from leery with the leg cap trying to take some of those oh this is over the hustle are just going to eat the trebs they're going to eat the this is over this is it viper is going to win this in one big fight ma'am all these tusks are going to come in they're going to kill 1400 gold in trebuchets and a thousand gold of true in one push the helps do you need the house i mean somehow it's there to counter a little is true that the kids are taking the house but man we were talking the crazy the crazy composition with the kitchen and and the casters is insane but still nearly still with the same army man the halves are now coming he's insane he's really insane finally with cassandra inside leery on the left walling man but leader is ready in the left with the with with the lightguard leader is still two hours that is a lot of light cap but guess what in the north viper actually got in and killed a bunch of larry's uh villagers on that wood line man look larry's down or was down under 100 villagers there for a moment siege ram coming in from leary now and that could be a really important late game add is that's going to add a lot of teeth and look at the map i think the map is telling the story more than anything as the viper is just completely cut off from so much wood he he's got he's got that tc down in the south i don't know if either player realizes how critical that southern tc for the viper is that's all of his wood is in one tc and if that's pushed and taken out the viper is going to be out of this game really shortly big map control b map control for you which is incredible with the civilization he's trying to come there but don't leave those rams alone the lights are still coming now those ramps i think he's trying to distract but the guy in so many he need to send the half the however these are plus four yes they are the kitchens the kitchen and the casarta are gonna try to take over those those two crews look at that one but he's gonna make him house he's taking a lot of farms viper is at the limit viper is it really at the limit and this is gonna be a game for leader is incredible it was looking that he could take over but look at on the left oscar raiden is just brutal game by the kid mister with iran really yeah absolutely the the the combination of the halves he just constantly is just poking at all the sides there's there's light cab on the right that cleared up all those fire farms now there's light calf coming in the left and clearing up the farms on that side and the viper struggling he's back down to 38 farms he only has a single onager in the queue and this is looking bad larry's done such a good job of keeping this chuka new mask together and with the albs that just barely came out in time quite frankly from stopping that full hust around and you know what lyria re-walled in the north there that there was an over chop there and larry we agree with it in the middle of all this insanity he can't let he can't let the viper recover like he has the momentum now only 92 village obviously he doesn't know but now the problem for for leary is that he lost all the trebuchet he want to push he want to make some some siege and dominion look at the walls on the right side look at the stone walls he's gonna make a new arena base a new race a fortress here lyric doing his two walls to defend all the woodland there in the top right yeah man and now he's getting raided a lot well it's only four hazards but those four cassettes are gonna kill 20 farmers from the cave and is larry even going to notice they're not garrisoning there there's just there's a whole lot of nothing going on at the back you know the king we haven't talked about the kings in quite a while uh mem but the king is in that tower where those hustlers are yeah and that that may can you imagine if the viper squeezes out a a uh a snipe of that king inside of that tower and i wonder if he'll even notice and i'm sure at some point it'll kick into someone's brain that hey there might be a building with a king kicking around somewhere around here in fact they are not even thinking they are not even thinking about that but look at those two crews now on the left he can't lose the two crews what the hell population now almost the same 150 750 is crazy he's really crazy look at those casars those casars and and keeps that's coming again was looking for a while that leo will take the game and now he doesn't lose any more he got 70 farmers two minutes ago now only 50 he lost 20 farmers if he's losing those two girls now he's gonna be again for the viper game but we need the equalizer we want sadius do i want five games best of five yes great but i want the one one come on yes absolutely larry is down to 87 villagers already and uh i i i want to root for larry too man you want the kid to do it you but uh with the oniger hussar kick check combo and an a dwindling number of uh quick checks here and and it doesn't look like larry is too eager to replace them either as he's just going we only see a hal two halves three albs and a uh is the only how many barracks does larry have there we go why is he only have like four oh you're screwed up at this point yes there's productions falling off a little bit here man that's a lot but i don't know okay build these numbers again 91 they have the same village but the problem is that now uh with uh china you probably will need a little bit more economy because you will need to constantly push more army because the army from the viper is just better it's just better than mobility those honors oh my goodness but on the right side also he's attacking the gate the stone gate i mean i don't know but uh yeah it looks like i don't know like look at the score now like impossible now for the game yeah there's just there's such a mass on this left hand side from the viper although like what's in this how many light cap does it take to kill uh 40 fully upgraded kickjack probably not enough probably not not enough that lyric can make it right now yeah you don't you really don't and then there is not a possibility to go skirmishes cameras is a guy in the slalo they can't deal with it and a few assad will destroy this is now impossible look at the viper viper 97 though is 85 army at the maximum completely almost 200 population and now the kitties will have to surrender that's crazy man but the movie has become so crucial in this game right now absolutely with the last patches it was honestly it's it's been this and this game in particular but it's been crucial for the entire game think about how much leery how much better larry started doing just by adding like even though they're horribly outclassed in this matchup in every way they helped clearly so much just simply because of their mobility and being able to raid fortify wall came in for larry while we were talking by the way and now he's he's good and walled up man he's trying to find the king leary's trying to find the king i think let's see because he's going with like come on find the kid if someone killed the king well super hype honestly like i should have what i should have done is added extra bounty to fortress registered now that i'm thinking about it like just for sniping the king i would i would have i would love to see that it could happen it could happen if if uh siege units get in the right way but both players look at leery he's doing a castle juice to avoid that topic that we were talking uh right he's doing the castle there to defend that tower that is the king also he's gonna defend a lot with that castle he's gonna defend a lot of the farming so he's not giving up no lyrics he's bounced no as a matter of fact he he was down around where viper's villager count is now around 80. and he's bounced back up over 105 meanwhile the vipers dropped down again to 86 i think the helps from larry are really helping out i think he needs more helps man i think he needs to to get a big help mass together he doesn't even need maybe he doesn't even need uh uh chew canoes anymore and just the alps could do it uh although against the kip tracks what's the uh viper's kipcheck mass looking like he's only got about 20 kip jacks left no he got stuck in the props there's another 20 of them down south i missed them i apologize the big the reason i i didn't realize viper has four relics right now so he can just continuously produce hip tracks if he feels like it dude you know the game has been with the four relics which is crazy and you can see the numbers 82 army lily has recovered he's rebooming again but the problem is that oh look at the ability the radio kill that is gonna be just insane viper has right now 655 unit kills 488 losses and if they can keep going longer it will just increase more and more it will just increase more and more is crazy i mean the problem is that these players are so fast right and even if he's attacking and trying to to to push the player will recover all the time and when when the units are that fast it's impossible to beat i i gotta i gotta i got a feeling we're we're seeing looking at the end here because the viper is about to run into larry's base with 40 hussar oh oh but the same happens the same happens on on viper base he's trying to go wow ah but he moved akin to the castle instantly when he was going with the light caps he sent the kid he was in that tower at the back and he sent me to the to the castle there you go i wonder if the viper can snipe it the symbol you know larry hasn't done the same thing his king's in the castle though it is right next to a or his king's in a tower it is right next to a castle though i think viper is just going to be content with sending these yeah he's just going to raid with these hussar there's and he's going to there's so many hustler out on the field right now military is 98 for the viper to 50 from larry double the army right now it's impossible for the arena like i mean he keep trying i mean i love it how he's trying you know he's not even and you know i really like it because then you can only read that in the first game maybe you can think oh why he doesn't try more because he really thought that was over now at some point it will it's looking like oh he can't anymore but he keep trying and now and now the vibrant has 73 villages 73 villas i mean you need some minimum economy and leery a handed four and getting more and more army well he he just tried to kill the owners and they keeps it but that's the problem look at them out of framing on the left a lot of lighting but man his turn is trash seriously this game would be so over and he just he can't like the light cab just gets melted by everything that the viper can make here in post template like his hustler will beat it his help will be i'm pretty sure that even at this point a giant pile of skirmishers if the viper somehow gets to that point would eat these light cavs because they're just they're just not there's so little hp on them they're just getting absolutely melted i don't know what the what larry can do about that like what is what is the chinese option against this like what is their best play is it it's got to be halb and light cave and maybe skirms honestly i'm starting to think i i know skirvishers are just you look up and you see me hustling but what what the hell else do you do viper is doing blasphemous now has been for the whole game and even like that he is still dominating well what leo is trying he's like like get viper out of the economy because he's with athletes and keep trying to push and said army helps light cats he's again with a hundred six billion is now leading population against close to two hundred but those kids just never die did they never die oh no they just don't die against the army he has right now and well what kills 47 what do you think kills 47 kick jacks really what what unit is there in the game that's going to kill that massive kick checks and other than like like a ton of like a lot of skirts yeah a bunch of siege is in the right spot at the right time and even then oh this light cav raid though this light cap raid is going to do a ton of damage vipers what if fighter drops down under 50 bills here from this raid there's so many exposed villagers he's gonna lose a lot and now really yeah but he's gonna make vipre has a hundred ten army and bible will have no no no villains at all 70 village is still killing more and more what the hell is this game and now coming with elena from the right side runs with the seat ramps and and and to make a counter attack i don't know what's going on i mean he's losing so many beliefs but the most release he's losing the most army viper is getting what the heck yeah this at this point you're just making population room for the viper at least until those resources catch up uh and and come back to bite how is the viper already back on 43 farmers after that raid instantly back with 70 what is how he took everything off of wood and put it on farms right now yeah because he has his beliefs are all in farms right now yeah that's all in fact but you know why i mean because he never lose the kipchip i mean those kids are alive for the whole game he's never losing those but now he's coming again oh my god he's coming again with with light caps again leery with a lot 200 population gonna take so many bellies again well no because the tc is there but all the villas are idle for for 445 he got 82 willys but now there's a this is a push it's a yin and yang push mem we've got a look at all the halves on the left from leary now and i think that's what he needed on the left-hand side to give this uh push the teeth that's needed meanwhile all those siege ramps checks and hustlers on the right this is crazy how do you stop that how you stop that look at those helps they disappear they literally disappear he got the castle that counts he's going to go down and then he can clean all the buildings he's gonna clean all the buildings but then he's focusing on the left and on the left he's killing quite a lot of villains but it's just impossible i love that leo is trying but i don't know 77 farmers he's still trying to kill i think he's just trying to get viper out of economy but where does where does viper take wood then there's no wood left for viper to take anymore he's actually gonna get choked out in a minute here if he doesn't if this push on the right is super important now because the viper needs this push to work in order to get wood back or the game will be over look he's already look at the farms he's already running out of farms man this is falling apart for the viper honestly he's down under down under 70 villagers again look at the population oh my goodness oh my god they're leaving now 95 army but still the kitchens are coming and and they will clean all or not oh he's going to take the castle the one castle is going to be down finally three three which this is incredible if leo is taking the game i will do nothing but this will be amazing if the viper manages to lose the game with a massive 50 kip tracks i'm gonna be stunned and absolutely in awe look at this mess i think that i honestly think that this light cav and and how mass could do it larry's gonna save his trebuchets and viper's finally gonna lose that super pivot pivotal castle that's been there for so long and this might be it i wonder if the viper will call gg once this castle goes down then i don't know those pictures are in such a tight let's go yes let's go let's get to two hours with this how many hours left for your stream how many hours what are we i got 10 hours left i got lots of times let's go oh man we can work together with this so much man my wife's going to be so happy you know but anyway lifeguards helps now he take the caster but they need to go back because look at those skips it's gonna be just just insane man really insane come on siege rams on the right are getting cleared up from uh by some helps by leary although they they did do their damage uh mem the viper hasn't expanded outwards and added any kind of like lumber or or castles or anything on that right-hand side to try and get some more wood back pepper pop five percent oh man 6 devil is 60 army he is losing the game he is incredible the score is still ahead for him but but leo is still 200 pop and now viper 120 just raid keep reading only the kip just can't save him the viper but he can't attack anymore now he need to reboom he's doing a lamborghini look at the lamborghini he's doing you know i think the viper needs to keep his kick jacks with those siege rams in the east member he still has two siege rams and they're actually gonna go down look in the very very southeast corner of the map the relics where he's gonna take it uh he's gonna lose all through the relics wow we laid cats just look at this smart move here there well it's only one relic oh come on well there's only one point where's there's three where's the other hold on the other the other monastery is to the west yeah yeah yeah yeah there you go okay i know the castle he's taking the castle with the light caps he wants to kill the castle and then the kills not gonna happen it's not gonna happen obviously but well he's trying this is a troll game now guys it's a troll game brother you gave beers i mean if you're trying to take a light uh castle down with light cap there's uh you're gonna be chuckling at yourself a little bit there but i have never seen i have never seen elite skirmishes research after one hour 16 minutes leery has researched elite skirmishers and honestly but honestly at least kim is just here is the way to go he's the only one to to kill this they keep just slowly yeah he well it's just it's the only that's exactly what it is is the viper is not gonna be able to keep the uh that man he needs to get that second monastery the viper can keep making kick checks for forever as long as he has wood with four relics in the back man it's just it's gonna it'll go on forever infinite tracks he keeps the mass up but he has one castle so he cannot make a lot of them he has all this only one castle so if he make some good damage it can be domination it's still raining all the time it's crazy 70 village 70 military cap and the lake have at the southwest from larry yeah like having the southwesterly yeah over light gas more light but now don't lose there they'll lose that those kids just never die those kids are now coming with some scammers let's see let's see graph how those skills are going to work against those keep check he's trying to go but obviously we need to see some traps and he's bringing amigo he's bringing a lot more trebuchets from his base mr kid with 190 population nah he's winning the game he has no i'm telling you what i'm here here's here's what's going through leary's mind for the past 10 minutes i got to take the viper off of farms so i can get skirms out because he doesn't want his opponent spamming uh custard so he figures he exactly he gets the viper off of farms he gets the skirms out he clears up the kick jacks and he wins and that's just the high level thinking that they're doing this while they're microing while they're trying to set their eco up it's just absolutely insane it's taking me 10 minutes to unravel what the heck's been happening here and that is a 100 what we've been looking at look at all the skirmishers in queue for larry now now he has a lot now he has a lot with those traps just take the tc and if he's sticking that tc there's no values on wood oh on the right side is also getting ready by the castles and keeps it but that this is going to go down by perceived villains so would literally sit over some wood 50 village 70 army come on come on come on well i believe that both players are enjoying with this game a lot a lot because he's insane and this is competition you know this is a pure competition so much or not rated game big tournament whatever this is an amazing game to watch guys and wrath it's that's what we want game i mean population is almost double he's almost double and with the with the skirmishes migrating with the skirmishes and getting those three witches alive how piper is going to be able to poo poo push back look at the biker with the cape chat i can't even i can't even absorb this i love that we're finally i love that we're finally at a stage where there's one big fight that's happening after everything there's some light raiding in the in the right i think maybe with some light cap here but this main fight and we've got this giant pile of skirmishers and two honors and a couple good honor shots could flip this back in favor of the viper uh but at the same time what else can larry really do but i think those need to push up a little bit faster but the good thing now for leo is he can now expand house light caps and and his skirmishes forever [Laughter] that was amazing he's doing the job but this is what i was telling you like except those three which the army that leader is now doing he can't spawn forever because doesn't need any gold look at those traps he's gonna take it or not going with the skirmishes go go go come on push you need to go and send it now light gets on the right side need to kill those skip chat but with those skirmishes he will i mean sooner or later he definitely will i believe piper 53 village 53 billions man i mean i don't understand why leary's backing off he needs to be pouring this on right now and he's he's literally going right back into his base why why are you doing this lyric push attack yeah but remember one thing right remember one thing he doesn't see everything like we do he doesn't know exactly how the game is going he see that vibrates almost two thousand score ahead that so he's being careful he don't want to get a big shot because if he's getting a big shot then he's going to drop all those units very easily but if he's dealing with those honors and now look at this army composition now light gives a lot of light because a lot of skirmishes he's going to be able to take it or not he's going to detain able to take it or not come on take the damn tips that i want to see the end of this game unbelievable it's it's i feel like we're just we're constantly getting teased waiting for these two armies to smash into each other and they both just keep kind of like tickling each other it's a war game yeah but look on the right side now viper is doing another tc trying to get any wood but leonardo's on that pc is going to be up no no no no no no he's rolling look at the quick wall by the viper trying to defend but the kitchens are going to be there i'll look it down with the light yes he can oh and cassar's no no he need to go back look how they are controlling the units in the last second and those skirmishes are not shooting now the skirmishes are not shooting he put in a stand around dammit just get this and that's how it setters going to go up in a second it's only like 10 or 15 hammer hits away from getting up and that'll actually add quite a bit of teeth to this uh attack from the viper on larry larry's mask kind of get hurt i think this is this is any fight that larry takes here isn't going to be as bad check on this he's getting killed check on the left at the same time lyrics and kill all the farmers 50 villas again i mean it's not only the good thing is attacking in all the spot all the time and now he's coming with the traps and he's taking everything this is now a hundred he got 50 the least 49 army this has to be a population leary 200 it has to be the game this has to be the game the trebuchet is on the right taking out the last wood tc for the viper the viper has no wood anywhere he does still have to keep jack mask but he doesn't have any you know he could expand on the left-hand side of viper's base he could go north and start and grab some start to grab some of that wood because it's currently uncontested there's no reason he couldn't go and maybe try and and sneak a team but he's not gonna be looking at town center down over there he might be able to squeeze out a lumber camp on that left-hand side but it's gonna be awfully exposed that town center is dead on the right and uh larry hanging on to this map control the center fight ma'am the setter fight yes look at that with those skirmishes getting the hill it's the population this this game is just for the people that say lyrics is weaker in imperial you know leery in imperial in lone battle is not that great what do you think rath he's not that great in late games i don't know that i've i've watched this is some of the highest skill level game that i've game player that i've watched i'm not i'm not trying to this is insane what we've watched this game the the amount of micro that fight just before on that right hand side when it looked like that they might have had five or six control groups going at once honestly i have no just the amount of control like five different six different groups of units and you're migrating them all effectively within a couple seconds span is just absolutely ridiculous and it's been like that for like 20 minutes now like it's just constant we have to point out something really crucial leery has been walling to avoid those raiding viper has been plain open you know yes yeah if viper was walling uh i don't know if the game will be like this oh you know the game is over you want to i can look at the queue and uh resource pile for larry here and the game is there's no way that mary loses it at this point it's just a matter of time you know he's shooting he's he's now with a hundred seven ellis 83 army and those are a lot of cassava light kits as well those skirmishes will take those those kitchens as well he's doing the hell over the years well i mean he has been walling but he has been i don't know his wall but has been open several times too but he's doing the army and he was really down in village but now this might be the last battle of the game well we have saved this several times already and now with those likes and and his skirmishes population the viper needs trash to to replace the kick jacks he needs to transition to trash himself with what the car but exactly he has no economy he has no wood he has there's no farms work he has 22 farmers he's got six kip tracks queued up in his castle and one hustler coming in like the game the game is i think he's just seconds away from being yeah he's just like you said we've called him so many times and he's keeping these kick checks alive for so long man just bought it followed because he doesn't have any food man he bought it food he's crazy and i don't know population below a handed population the viper is more than double the population those kids have never never ever die incredible and radio kill that is insane 300 units more for the viper but the amount of army leader is doing in this game is just epic really really epic development the kill death ratio is insane like this is pure this has been viper or pardon me uh leary just wearing the viper away with trash slowly and surely and it's it's honestly it's amazing to watch these uh these kick checks are gonna die i weak this has to be it the skirm push and help push here from larry this has to be the game man there's no way this continues well it has to be the game 20 minutes ago we said several times you say it i say it but it's not working like this because they don't resign but now but now dtc he's repairing the town center he's gonna be by by 30 army 77 now come on 80 population genji call mr wrath and everyone watch a game that lives with china took it against the cummins and we are going to be going to at least four games now that is the best thing that could have come out of that game that was absolutely ridiculous holy moly but i think my favorite part of the game was that's just like five minutes ago that sequence on the right with both players entire armies fighting around that last town center from the vipers on wood on the right-hand side that was my favorite part of the game because there was just so much going on in the span of like four or five seconds man this is good this is these kind of games is why i don't care that i was casting before or you are also with the 20 hours stream or whatever this is the game that makes that i can't stop watching casting and this game is amazing it's really gold for the viper look at the stats for the relic goal for the viper man 7 700 gold and how how much much of a difference did that make how many how long was he kept like i'd be curious to see how he is that is more important leery got almost 40 000 more food than the viper yeah yeah 40 000 more food than the viper that's why he won the game you know because in military the vibrant hundred thirteen louis handed five the rate you killed that well you people can't see it there but the economy really got almost 40k more food which is it's it's insane and vibra got 4k more gold that according to to the really goal he got it means that lee got a really good map control mr mr yeah because exactly because at least a thousand of that gold that is is exactly that's that's crazy i mean leary if the amount of time i was pointing at pointing out that larry had control of the map and then just it didn't feel like he was getting anything it took so long for that to pay off for leary so props to him for hanging on like look at around the the hour mark on the timeline and look how bad that was looking for larry and there and there and there it's crazy has been crazy but lit but he stayed in the game and he was patient and he was there in the game keep fighting with the worst units but he won because of the macro and guys now mr rand game number three amazing and this is why i i prefer the maps because since this hidden pick i was afraid that will happen that there is a mirror game and it is normal because lithuanians mr rand is just amazing for this map yeah yeah they make so much sense on four lakes so we do have uh here in here i'm gonna i i was gonna do my big fancy civ intro but uh we got viper versus leery for game three guys and uh viper is gonna be in the south in blue as lithuanians and of course you just heard me mention it is going to be a mirror both of these uh fine players gonna be lithuanians here and the reason where they are such a strong pick is lithuanians get that extra food at the beginning it's 150 extra food i believe uh and that allows them to instantly go to wood and drop a dock much earlier than a normal civilization without hurting their early villager production and it looks like both players are going to be doing that i think uh maybe larry well larry's gone to what he's pushed to deer in and he's only going two to wood so maybe he's not doing that man well let's see because this map is is kinda predictable like you need to go for the water that's that's yes or yes you know because you need the pawns but then what they are going to do um in early game are they gonna wall are they going to go for for barracks stable archie range seems his mirror exploration is crucial here you need to spot it your opponent as soon as possible and uh after that you have to decide obviously walls are gonna be needed but i believe that with this kind of map i don't know if we're gonna see a lot of fuel aggression i will i would love to see it but i think castle integration is is safer on four lakes the reason i i think the reason you're saying that and correct me if i'm wrong is that that's around when your food production starts to run out in the lakes at least your first lake uh yeah and it can be a little bit awkward transitioning to the second lake or just adding enough fishing ships to maintain the food production you were getting uh from the the first lake that you had set up on and so that and that that's the reason why and with the lithuanian again the lithuanian bonus the castle aggression pays off because if you're able to grab even one or two relics in a mirror match like this it's uh it can snowball so quickly uh against like a lithuanian lithuanian mirror and it comes down to who gets more relics and you get four and your opponent gets one what do you do like what what is really the solution in that case there isn't one you spam help and hope for the best and and then try and go for your opponent's monastery and that's just not a great strategy yeah and according to that if you check the rally distribution i felt that lee got a better position he got one two rolex in front but close to to his tc or closer than the viper there's one at the back where piper is now with the scout more or less so he got pretty much three under the rudder well piper got one on the right side and the other way is really far out of position you know they have to explore i don't know let's see i hope that they are going to play aggressive would be nice to see fuel aggression i wouldn't be surprised to see if you like russian because with these players and lyrida love to go aggressive why not and hopefully they will look did that look at the viper's map man look look at his main gold his secondary gold and secondary stone in the south of the map that's so ridiculous that is the ultimate right i don't know that you could have a better map than that on four links it is not this is not a secondary anything all that is main resources because all in the same spot at the back and safe oh look at the wood he's just wall on the left till the edge of the map and he's complete piper map man viper maps yeah and it's it's you can't even get close to doing anything like that as larry's gonna have to be playing this super aggressive and open and i wonder do you think we're going to see scouts or straight castle we're going to be it's going to be scouts i don't know if we'll see man at arms from one of the the two players here no mana times no no not going to happen many times i don't think this is going to happen many times where he's going leo is going to make a lumber i mean the north it seems yes i'm going to make a second lumbrican you can see how piper is already piper is already walling his foot his map full like this and look also he can wall with two houses look what he did and now he's gonna sneak a dog i mean this is terrible like terrible perfect for viper and in a mirror matchup this kind of advantage is crucial uh mr mr roth i love i love the sneak dock that viper is dropping here and uh i think it's a bit of a mistake earlier i had i was i believe it was uh the slam and back set that i casted uh and we had a game on going cross and i s i watched one of the players like take take their starting villager and rather than uh do the the uh fishing the shore fishing they walked all around the edge of their of their they just walked the villager back and forth three or four times around the time that the opponent would be sneaking out of dockville and then once they were satisfied that there wasn't gonna be steep talk they just sent the villager back that might actually have been a much better use for leary here because now he's going to lose access to this lake and if he had just sent this villager on a little stroll maybe even built a house on the southern end of that lake to get a little bit of visibility and maybe see your opponent walk past it by accident but they're not aware of that host being there uh instead uh he's gonna lose access to that almost assuredly gonna lose access to that pond as viper is gonna get that fire galley out first oh yeah a sneak look at look at look at viper's uh pond in the south though as right as larry has the same idea he's there but piper can see it piper is sending a pillar i don't know if he if he spotted no no no no no he's city and you have the full war and there you go nothing happens but there is something that i like from from leo lee has already the barrack okay which is not doing anything else leo is also doing a fire galley he's being careful and he has the dark already there well viper it's gonna have the galley slower than leery so both are gonna be in similar position yeah but he has to be careful he's starting to lose the fishing ships it is very difficult this is like a lot of chess gameplay absolutely well especially yeah especially given that it's mirror and the slightest little slip-up get can can very easily be snowballed because it's not like you have some sieve advantage or uh a bonus that your opponent doesn't you have the exact same thing going on in this mirror match look at the uh the extra doctor viper i don't like this dock that viper is trying to add i don't know okay well not he will not because the leader is chasing he's gonna make he's gonna make a what what is he doing with that villain what what if he left that ability to go okay i don't know what's good i mean now you do just build it because leary just walked away so just build the dock yeah yeah but i would have just tried to put it down to the other i don't know why you wouldn't just put it down next to the other dock we already have and viper is going to repair that uh that fire galley in the south in the western uh pond larry is actually doing a pretty good job of defending he's managed to keep his fishing ships working for at least for now scout he's gonna lose the scout leary multitasking he not this okay he'd take it he's gonna be yes he's very close he has to be killed for need to repair he can lose that pawn and the lea is now trying to hold in the south as well okay but i want to see army land you know i mean water i i get like um i don't know no scout i'm i'm sad we haven't seen a single scout from either player yet there is a spear coming forward from leary and that'll that'll poke it sometimes he's doing a good job he's repairing and now he's gonna think that he's gonna take the pond with this is massive for leery this is massive because killing the fish when the opponent has two dogs in that spot it's absolutely massive and now lear is sticking the fish he's doing a demo but that demo is gonna take a a a galley that was four hp that that's yeah exactly not worth it man what the hell meanwhile in the other that western pond it's going back to yeah viper's gonna clear that up and he's gonna own both pawns maybe if if he manages to actually start making fire galleys out of this these two docks in the south although now leary's got a second dock up in that southern guys and guess what you know what uh both players are adding additional docks viper added one in the east and larry's adding one up in the north at the same time like almost the same time nearly identical times they are doing the same but nobody has one advantage he has a stable i'm doing a scout already well i don't see a stable yet for leary and he doesn't have any spear at home so we're gonna see some some aggression for the vibrant to the woodland he's exploring he has only to a scout disappear he has no spear he has to be careful and uh mr leary i think didn't see yeah he did no no he has he has seen the the stable so he need to be careful because now the woodland is gonna be in well in some troubles all those lamborghs so ma'am someone in my chat writes these guys are so good it's the viper and leery what are you expecting they're okay they're all right all right they're decent they're decent they're decent yeah well maybe i mean there's many people that they really don't know these players like they people that is new in the scene coming every time on twitch so we can't understand that there's many casual players or viewers as well that they don't know they don't know that they're heroes because they are heroes but now but now leo is in big problems like he didn't notice there's a lot multitasking even for them he's losing quite a lot of villas on the wood he's gonna save one in the in the woodland but he's losing three four bellies in that one because he was paying attention too much into the water uh ma'am some people just you know some people are trying to say i'm i'm a little loud on your on your head yeah i don't know it's loud i don't know okay i might i might have gotten louder over time things have been getting more exciting as we've gone so i think he's just screaming exactly yeah i'm sorry guys i'll try and be i'll try and be more volume consistent my bad it's better now guys okay hopefully it's fine here but uh i don't know how it is in your in your channel hopefully this sounds you're beautiful man of course well that's thank you man i mean i know but thank you for also telling me troller man troller but the sound is really important if there's some problems just let us know because do you know that the levels are usually different so we can balance but guys i never understand how these kind of things can happen like really was looking bad there losing values and then you check his resources he's up to castle or about to click up what the hell how did i mean economy man larry could have already been up to castle age for quite a while man if you look he's floating like 400 gold and so he could have bought his way up like a long long time ago or even just a little bit honestly both players i i don't know that i would have expected to to come into a game and looked at two players floating 500 gold at the 19 minute mark it's kind of crazy that neither one's clicked up yet well he he can click up now he has 900 foot 500 gold i don't know if he has the plasmid because yeah lyric is not going up because i think he doesn't have the buildings no no no he has the blood there's no yes yes yeah he has a smith still now he's clicked up yeah didn't i don't even know if he realized they're so pretty there's so much going on man between like four lakes that they're look because now leary and viper are both in that northern lake as well and i'm wondering when larry's gonna send a villager over to that eastern lake and i think he is now look he's actually gonna send a bill over to drop a dock in that eastern lake so he's going to contest that with the viper as well so all four lakes being contested by both players here at least oh well now that western lake is owned by the viper at this point and it looks like the southern lakes owned by leary the players have lake treated is that even a phrase that have that has been used before i don't know but viper has a big advantage now i'm telling you why i am checking the farmers or better say the values on food or the common food because there is no farmers there's most of fish 26 village on wood for larry six on foot six on foot right now he might do some farms of some fishy 17 on food for for the viper and he has two stables already well only one is stable for for the kid i really think that the viper is just going to dominate encapsulate yeah we'll see a nightmare yeah maybe maybe a monastery and monk maybe you don't even need it honestly just just get the knights out into your opponent's base and the game won't go on too much longer there's so much exposed resources from larry uh and let's see they're gonna have identical castle times i think that's absolutely insane but he's nine villains uh wrath is nine villains more for yeah that's significant is that hold on is that land villagers or is that fishing ships man i don't know he's in total i'm just checking in capture h and he's i just see the total so i believe that this is just the total type viper's got three more land villagers but it's the rest will be like it'll be like seven extra fishing ships compared to larry yeah he has farmers also i mean piper has six farmers already well leader doesn't have a single farm he has three three on food right now it's well he's doing the monastery he's doing at night but he doesn't have economy to keep the production he has no economy at all leary is in big big problems it's true that he's doing the work hallelujah but the world valuable as well from from the viper and right now uh i don't know he can raid completely he didn't wall anything this time leery and that's sadly in my opinion gonna be the game in couple of minutes i can't i can't see that uh larry is gonna be able to defend the knights and look there actually are nights in uh yeah yes that's not good the knights are lacking any armor but doesn't matter they're just going to be able to prevent larry from taking the resources that he needs to take he does have some more wood to the north so it's not like he's completely cut off from wood quick walls around the gold for larry gonna keep his gold miners working here man yeah but you know what i don't understand where's this couple of knives that now he's gonna try to wall know is he converted also one of the knights here at home what i don't understand is why in one game the players for example in this case leery wallet everything even with fortified walls and now he's not dwelling anything i don't understand that i never understand why the players sometimes while everything and all the games don't wall at all and in this situation when you know that you are behind because the players know when they are behind and leaves knows that he's behind even if this course looks this pretty much the same you need to wall because if not you're gonna get destroyed look at those two knights going to the woodland you know again he has the monk yes but he's going to convert well if he convert one okay he's defending thanks to the monks so the monks are giving him an extra life yeah monks uh they're not only healing those where are you looking at where are you looking here on the left no those the knights on that workshop how many times why did like larry you're gonna throw all these quick walls down around your gold and then you're gonna leave your wood open like that yeah this game is done before dinner well i don't like four legs i mean it's okay map but in general we see many things like this like uh the pawns fighting a lot we barely see crazy games like we saw in in the hidden cap you know because the the pawns are so important and when some players just get the control it gets a huge boost and if it's mirror then it's impossible to come back because if there is all the civilization you can try to make something different but with the same sieve if you lose the pawn control how you go how you can come back aggress yeah you're hoping your opponent makes mistakes at that point it just doesn't happen at this level you're basically you're basically hoping like a professional like 100 meter sprinter trips over at the starting line at that but it's just not going to happen no it's not going to happen okay well again number four but we can take this tax this taste is quite fast here and we might see that in everything the viper was ahead in terms of economy in it by far literally literally everything the only thing that larry beat him up on was the up times and that was two seconds to futile and one second to castle definitely not enough time to make any kind of significant difference there well quick game right now quick frank's on acropolis both these make a lot of sense on this map uh they're both going to be two civs that are really inclined to ghost scouts and uh i feel like overall that i i favor the like the frank should be able to do a faster up but the magyars will have the stronger scouts once they get there so i think i actually favor the magiars here uh if the viper can hold out for like the first minute or so of early feudal age well it's kind of tricky you know maher's got 40 like you say but the scout from france also got uh the extra hp so that kind of get uh more or less similar obviously fortune is great in incense the two to snipe snipe well not only scout but also villas the map is tricky and uh and let's see i wouldn't be surprised that we see instead of a scout maybe many times from some of the player remember that the metadata for example for machias can can be with fortune as well plus one and that can be deadly you know so let's see what is going to happen but overall both civilizations are great and depend how they played you know how they played it's difficult to analyze but the hills also with great hills and going full cup arches can be solid as well and we do see a little bit of an early scorelead here uh score lead here for the viper as larry's decided to push in some deer super early here and looking at the look at the fog of war leary is uh is going to be using the sheep to to kind of investigate he's got he's got most of his resources already so it makes sense that he's going to push this right away whereas we see the vip the viper's using it look how far out the viper has gone with his sheep to explore memphis yeah he's gone all the way out to those external wood lines i think he wanted to know where his wood was and to give himself as much of an option as possible and just man look at the size of the uh plateau that viper is set up on to his like the plateau to his northeast that's almost like begging for like a sneak something or other from uh from leery yeah i i really that's one of my least favorite things about acropolis is when you have a big long base like this what do you think yeah i mean it's a map that is kind of tricky because the map generation i just say it here now i prefer for example leery like you say this is a problem here for the viper or can be but seems thinking will have mobility units this will be okay and also the spears uh with my hair with the blues one can help a lot against the scouts and i think it's gonna be a scout because both are with uh three billion wood so let's see he got already the two bores under the dc quite quite fast and i will say both players so i guess that 1920 population is going to be up for frank's maybe makiar's a little bit slower because he didn't push the deers let's see a scout will happen but uh let's just say they forgot that the spears got also plus one machias can be very dangerous here yeah i mean even even i again i i think it's very likely given how open the map is about man at arms as well even if uh just every melee unit gets that extra attack early on part of what i like about the magiars uh memphis is that they have so much flexibility like they can go herbs can they not they get full arms do they not yeah they do yeah but usually nobody go around they will go he will go knights or cav archers don't think he will go arches but um the gold location for viper is again very nice like at the back look how safe it is super easy to wall oh come on well do you take the goal for for leary and did you want to cry that especially that southern and look at the stone down there too the only thing that he really has that's safe i mean the northern gold isn't too bad but it's gonna be really hard it's gonna force him to wall further out than he probably wants to and it's looking super exposed especially compared to the viper who could just funnel that like every every map so far viper has had a uh he's got the viper map hacks uh mod running i guess that's kappa it's a big cap viper map hack amigos piper well i mean it's just okay but it's just a small difference with the goal the rest of the map is that definitely not not really great for viper also the stone is really far but he's doing a barrack in front both players in front of the tc very similar lyric has got a much better i would say a better economy approach because he pushes all the deers and that's very nice but now he did the late push dear viper as well so he's very similar very similar and leaving 18 population up we didn't mention that he's super fast viper is 20 but leery 18 population up what that means he want to go really really aggressive but he's very crucial in my opinion that he find the wood in the outside you know that would in the south there he need to find it leery is so important that he find it and i really like how viper has a lumber cam there lee only on his main base and one lumber cam obviously with a team population how to get two look at leary's okay one thing i do like about larry's map though is if you look where he did choose to drop that lumber cap that's that's a lot of wood uh for acropolis to be around one lumber camp that's really nice for for larry and he's lucky one one one thing that's kind of bothering me is i'm looking okay and there it is now is the viper hadn't pre-walled his res uh his his uh lumber camp in the south and like i do full like small walls around my my wood on acropolis i don't know if that's that's the best thing obviously looking at this it's that's not what i should be doing based on if i'm gonna be trying to play like the best and you're trying to imitate viper then you don't do those small walls but i still feel like that would be a better choice just keeping maintaining the efficiency and uh i i don't know i like that better i also like that the viper is expanded out further but normally you don't just you just don't normally don't get that wood pile like larry has at the back of his map no that's that's really that's really lucky for him seriously and about the walls well you have to do it quick but the most important efficient like you said the efficiency is so crucial but here it's going to be very difficult for lee to make damage why because those sps are close as you can see with the blues one is trying to do the damage and he cannot right now only one scout has been down he's sending the spears but do you really want to keep him on his base if he's doing that that's gonna be that's gonna be lovely but i don't know if he's gonna make charges as well or he will go all his scout and his spears because if he's going all the scout and his peers as you said in the start uh machiars will have a small advantage because of the fortune for sure oh but he need to find that wood he need to find out what he's gonna find it uh now he's not finding that so close to it just a couple tiles away with those scouts okay he's not looking i i think what's he the thing is he's gonna find viper's wood at the back of his base and he's probably will assume that that's the wood that viper is taking i don't know if he'll we'll see we'll see if because he may notice that there's only five villagers on that you know that your opponent's probably got at least 10 on bill he could see the four stragglers under uh viper's cc that's the only one he find the wood but he find the wood the other wood he take one billion now i'm gonna take another well by prince whoa piper walls quick walls and well he took one one one one wall and someone just bring me the the dinner and i say shh you know and the people saw it rat and people is just spamming did you say to your wife was my daughter guys it was my daughter if i say that to my wife what do you got for dinner igg you know iggy if i do that anyway um mr rath um i think leo is gonna make a great transition to castle look at his foot yeah 400 he's already got 400 food if we contrast that to like viper as 400 less food than vipe than leary does in the bank on the other hand viper is coming forwards and i looked like he was going to get a clean engagement on the scouts with his pikeman but he decided to back off and he has lots of i think viper may have over invested in spears here uh man i don't think he needed four spears and it's gonna be pretty tough to be aggressive with them too is it not well we can sit on the left though with the scouts look at that uh but with those those spits can help him to dominate you know and maybe he want to to make some early aggression now because frank's economy is always incredibly smooth and as you can see he has three villas on goal 500 on foot i mean he only need the blast beat and really in a couple of minutes he can go up to castle age well viper is far from going up frank's economy remember we forgot to mention i don't know if we did but if not we do it again uh bonus from the berries as well help a lot it's uh 25 faster well now he's 15 i think and there is no there's no corresponding eco bonus for the magiars all they get is that uh free foraging free iron casting whatever they don't get anything else that's gonna they're not gonna gather berries faster they don't have free well they're the scouts nothing the scouts are cheaper you know 15 that's something because you are saving you are saving food at the end of the day but still it's it's bad because you get horse collar for free as well for the farm for friday there's a lot of his pizza look at the economy for leery also i don't know why this happens sometimes in acropolis look on the left how he walked to the edge of the map it's not supposed to be that rocks unvoilable oh yeah no it's like i think it's supposed to be on wobble at the back for both players right yeah but but but then he can't wall so i don't understand that they'll fix the hopefully they'll fix the janet one i'll actually really like acropolis for for competitive play just uh it feels like it's so hard to do uh fair open maps you know what i mean yeah okay now this is a smooth transition i mean it's not gonna be super late viper because he has 17 on foot but leery is already up to castle h and then with a secret stable france has a really smooth transition oh i was sure about this cab arches for for the viper but the problem here is this is great if you are gonna be able to be faster than your opponent if you don't then the knight will really dominate even more in a mob like this i just because uh in this case you know you're you're like your opponent's frank's they're almost definitely gonna be going into nights like at any level they're gonna be that's their strongest unit like there's it makes the most sense economically for for the way their bonuses they're set up cav archers takes so long to mess up that i think even if he had four ranges like we saw with the huns earlier i don't think that he'd be able to get the the numbers out that he needs to get out with the eco that he has compared to larry like he's two villagers back and he's clicking up later oh wow well uh vipre has the wheelbarrow you know so that's that makes that he's okay he has the wheelbarrow but but another thing that is really important in my opinion is that with machiars you get blues to attack for free in the nights so you also will have that advantage you know so i and a lot it's not only vibra i mean i have seen many many players going with the cap arches with machiars which i don't understand because they are not like the hands the hands are cheaper cup arches but the machiars they're expensive they don't get anything you know so yeah they're upgrades like they get a unique tech uh what's it called i think it's recurved though yeah but it's like 900 gold and 500 or 900 food and 500 gold or something in imp like it's just just because you get a really nice tech for your your cavalry archers and it doesn't mean they're great in castles yeah well anyway this is all uh well a good debate that we are getting but then if you now for example leo is unable to attack then the scouts are inside you have to be careful but there is a lot of speeds now he wants to send villas forward to make a tc outside this is what he really need to make a town center there on the wood but he has to be careful and the knights are all really well scout he's raiding and taking one valley on the farms but the knights need to be going to to viper base the pc is gonna be there perfect now where's the knights oh three tc's already i love the tone centers location one at home in the wood and also stone and then one in the wood outside so perfect for the area yeah getting it down on that external wood is really really nice because that's not going to dry up like the wood is on your on your main plateau plus it's giving you it's it's also giving you a place to expand there's actually gold just in front of larry's tc that he's going to be able to expand into that being said the viper i mean i don't know that the viper shouldn't be letting this happen as easily as he is he's kind of i almost want to say he gave up map control with the number of scouts that he had he didn't get he got almost no value out of making all those extra skills uh cheaper or not making lots of them just and not getting ville picks or maintaining map control the way he needed to it will be nice because he will have a bit of a meat shield behind his cavalry archers while he attacks these knights but he doesn't even have there's not even bodkin on these uh yet ma'am now he's doing now he's doing about king sorry botkin husbandry and boso there's a problem that can happen to leary now that i check if if viper is going to the goal leo will be exposed and out of goal and then he can he's not protecting anything at all in his goal so maybe the second dc should have been on the main goal to really protect anyway he's trying to keep the pressure and he's starting to have some good amount of numbers here mr mr viper but uh obviously he's on one tc so he need to make some damage otherwise leary boom is going to explode he's already mr wrath nine villains ahead that's kind of at this stage of the game and given that both players are like there's no reason for that beyond villager picks and yet have we even seen any larry just getting those town centers down has just done so much damage the onus is now on viper to out produce in military with the one town center and uh is this so this is gonna be like a one tc maybe fast and play one dc three ranges no i don't think so right i think i mean the the thing is that with what he chooses is he has to do this because if he's doing more tone sentence how he may have arches you know that's the problem with the cavalry transition you you cannot have economy for both either you go full cap arches in the early game or you can't do anything and then if you don't outmaster the franks you're not gonna do any damage and the knights will take hold oh my goodness he's in the wood and he didn't notice viper whoa in the woodland in the outside he's taking all the villas well that's pretty much the game honestly because right now look at larry's base though we do have viper coming forward with a massive cav archers and some scouts behind it he's gonna try and break in to make up for the damage that uh these knights have done back at his base there were some nights from leary in on the gold as well at the same time them and now that 17 bills up for leary this is looking pretty bad and there's knights coming back from larry to clear up this cav archer scout push from the viper and this is uh snowballing out of control real quick yeah i'm very sad that we're going to see the atacamas decider you know i'm very very sad i want to see at the camera man i really want to see atacama but honestly if frank's is so smooth transition really really smooth man he got 28 farmers right now i mean i mean the economy the economy for leaving just can't explode at the moment he does have so many values of gold but he doesn't really even need he got a huge advantage right now similar amount of army and 20 village more so should make a terrible terrible decision now leery to lose this game honestly do 20 cap archers beat 20 knights though that's the question and did the knights have the knights do not have plus two yet i mean viper could if viper can find a way to kill larry's army and then go but it's just it's just so implausible obviously viper does see a way he can fix this one way or another i don't know what that might be does he have ballistics it looks like he has no he doesn't have ballistics and he also have the pikeman upgrade so i know what the viper is going to try piper is just gonna try to make a full push like situation forward because you know that he's behind but honestly lee only need a situation his own to defend a couple of scorpios and that's it in my opinion because he got nice he's doing the plus two he got right now 25 army he has the same i mean those knights blues two will take absolutely everything look at this oh these guys are in the middle he's disastrous are doing some work the pikes there's this is bad honestly i can't even believe i'm saying this sentence right now that was some pretty bad a micro from the viper there as he threw away all of his pikes and his cavalry he's actually gonna call the game after that yeah he could you know he might have been able to win that fight if all of his army was together and fighting in the white right uh right fashion but not like that that was uh that is about as bad of a fight as viper could have taken right there and i do not i'm not surprised at all seeing the gp and wrath tick check check viper bass he was also inside with three knights he broke it in and got inside with three knives as well at the same time again yeah this is just how he just like viper literally just cleared this out from like two minutes before too and they'd gone and sniped villagers off that gold and delayed uh a bit of viper's uh cavalry archer production because he was forced off of gold and there you have it i mean we're going to game five you're getting atacama i think what i'm most excited is there's not going to be franks or magiars or vikings or what else is is is no longer available for this hold on here what other sieves are we're gonna see we're gonna see teutons i believe uh we could see twons yeah we have no bike no huns no lith uh that's kind of crazy this uh really interesting game fight he's gonna be two i mean teutons or bulgarians remember my words i think tutors or bulgarians would be the way to go in that one do we want to look at this in the east playing in red as the teutons and leary in the northwest in green playing as the japanese and we are on mem's atacama coveted atacama map and uh it's it's absolutely it's a recipe for open play aggressive play and uh should make for an exciting conclusion to game five you couldn't ask for a more open game fight this is this is what you want man what do you want out of age of empires to then two of the absolute finest playing in apps this is gonna be an absolutely crazy game i'm calling it right now if it lasts 20 minutes or an hour and 20 minutes there's no way that this isn't gonna deliver just because you look at two high-skilled players on such an open map and the potential for micro and everything is just so high here yes it's it's amazing in theory is amazing but i want to debate a little bit about the civilizations japanese i like it but i don't know tutors in this map is so deadly why because only with the use of those crazy towers that you can put 10 units inside can give you huge advantage imagine that vibrate want to go really aggressive with the towers or just defend it you can defend with them cheaper farmers as well i mean japanese don't take me wrong they are great i mean if you go many times that probably is what it's going to do they also hit faster in the start they have bloodlines with the scout as well but of course the gameplay is crucial i mean if he's doing a i don't know eight minute also up now super quick and make like in the previous game and get villa's fast to the viper then you win with any safe but in theory for this map i prefer tutors really yeah so the the tutans of course the one thing that i'm i've never been crazy about the tunes is the lack of husband you know so wait do japanese actually technically have better nights early on here other wait so the tunes okay hold on let me take a deep breath because i'm getting a little worked up i like the japanese because they have bloodlines they have uh plus two uh in castle age like they're basically fully upgraded castle age knights so they're super versatile early in the game and you mix in their faster attacking pikes and you can knights and pipes but an opponent yeah but you really can't go knights against utah it's impossible i mean there's for melee damage exactly the extra melee armor pardon me yeah you really can't i mean leo is forced to in my opinion is forced to go uh archers and pikes you know because otherwise the the knights versus knight will will just dominate and the infantry for for for japanese is amazing because they they hit fast so it's good i really think it's very important that they would control though i think mem i think i'm sorry to interrupt but i think uh viper may have lost his sheep to leary here let me confirm that i think i don't know i i don't see it i don't see lyrics a ship at any point no no no i don't see anything no no no we made it 450 and there's four ships there that he's not taking yeah they're 450 you're not so you're like a minute behind them really so i'm not i'm not live i'm about to hit six minutes now okay then maybe maybe you are right so that was because oh no viper no viper didn't he didn't i'm sorry viper's missing his sheep member when you caught him four sheeps i mean yeah and they're yeah i thought that larry had taken them but they're just sitting there yeah they're there he didn't explore yet in the minute that i am yes but look at this he has explored almost all the map and they still didn't explode that that he's very close to the woodland actually he's gonna find these sheep larry's gonna find the sheep before viper does and that's that's a lot of sheep to be missing in a game five holy moly 400 being down 400 food oh there he's going to go he's finding those oh my goodness yeah that's really unfortunate for viper and it's going to be and larry actually has clicked up the fetal age already and viper's been struggling he has lune coming in he hasn't even he's actually milling the deer on the right and he only finds one of his four sheep yeah that's crazy well 300 foot is a lot it's not only what you take from your opponent it's also you also get for yourself so it's kind of crazy and i'm just checking to see look at the lamborghini but he has no barrack yet no oh i think leo is gonna go probably straight archers straight archers really i mean just look at the timing right now i mean he's on he's on gold right there's not a lot of reasons to be on goal this early even if uh if he was men at arms he would have already had the the barracks up if he was uh scouts then he would have had the barracks up already again he would already have the barracks up so it's got to be uh absolutely you're right it's good he's going arches because if he wanted to go malicious he will have the barrack long time ago now he's not make sense to make and he's gonna go with straight archers super quick with 19 population up that's pretty sick and he's gonna get away with this he'd get away with this because of the stolen sheep and he's gonna be able to keep yeah without having to worry about the villagers dropping farms he can be able to afford the range probably even a smith uh shortly after without having to drop any farms and it's gonna be this is gonna be really ugly early on for the viper uh who's going to struggle if he i mean we might have the first archer out before viper's second scout comes out potentially well the before he's doing futile yeah because he's still not up to feudally so he's doing the archer like you said i mean in this kind of situation he has one spear coming but in this kind of situation if he's doing really the blasphemy it's really quick and going with the plus one sadly it could be a quick game because the the transition to fetal is from from leader is just amazing really really quick he has the rt range already there with already arches outside he has to be kept and that's really unfortunate for leary if piper not this viper didn't notice and well he noticed now he's gonna try to take that one and leo is coming back with his scout yeah he's fine lee is fine he's gonna hit one or two times but now the scout is here and then lear will take that scout because he has now the the fastest speed because he's infused and plasmid is happening this is really really big for for leary uh i think yeah he's he forced his opponent to make an archery race look not the scouts so yeah rather than going into scouts as would have been the plan from the uh the tootin viper he's gonna be forced to make defensive skirmishers here to try and clear up the offense it's going to have to be skirms too because it's like there's no way that he would be able to go into archers we have fletching coming in this is such a strong push from leary what it's the this need that's what viper do what can i do it's gonna take him so long to get the the uh the skirms out and he's not getting the tower he's gonna have to delete a he's gonna have to delete the second house man and he's still gonna lose maybe two or three villagers he's gonna lose one now the skirmish is there i'm afraid to see a quick game man really because leery this is the this is the best gameplay that he likes to to to do leon taking second billy taking the kill taking this game oh my god this is gonna be a quick game man i'm afraid that is gonna happen because we want a really crazy games in the last one but this is absolutely amazing game play by the kid honestly this is crazy i mean for the viper's credit he fought off us a spear he's using his bills to fight off these this early archer push and he needs to get a he needs to get a tower down if the viper can get a tower down on the wood he'll be a lot a lot better off and he doesn't have the wood for it the problem is he would have to cut off spear and or skirt production in order to get that tower down and he needs to get these villagers back to work why is i think i could can the viper or apartment can literally not push this he has fletching there's no fletching on these skirms i guess that's a little tough to micro yeah look let's get a snowball quick for the viper viper barely that was honestly being saved by the skin of his teeth there ma'am about what he's doing now larry stable already he's doing already scouts because he has done the damage already he put his his opponent behind he's forcing him to make a skirmishes and then you make two three scouts and what the viper can do to counter exactly what he's doing he is doing a tower on the wood he need it and now he's trying to establish but he's still surrounding his his berries with the arches the skirmishes are coming but now the scouts will come as well need to micro perfectly finally because these arches but the tower is also up already forging what the hell lyrics going all in plus one attack forging at this stage of the game is that's just for his scouts to deal with the skirmishers too so he's he's uh he's gonna try and just all in and futile in atacama is not the craziest call but i think to try and snowball in game five of a match of a show match like this it certainly is and uh yeah i i just want to take a quick second to thank everybody around the age of empires 2 community for coming together to support this show match uh prize pool was originally 250 and people literally like told me put up a donation goal we want to support the show match we want to support the players so i just thought that was really cool and i wanted to shout out everybody from around the age of empires community that uh donated to make this chill match double the price point you can see that obviously i honestly i feel like 250 versus 500 is pretty substantial even for uh for like the viper and larry you know i noticed that that's a nintendo that's a nintendo switch map and honestly yeah but honestly we have to to agree right and say thank you for everyone that supported you for that that vibra lyric is it's not that all the players don't deserve you know but by believing 500 it looks like fancy it's look like come on he's by pro lyrics he's great to have then and 500 is is very nice for for this players top quality games as well and he has plus one plus one of those scouts blues one plus one of those scouts but crazy man crazy how aggressive he's trying to go honestly what if leery will put a tower behind that woodland because he can do it man and he's coming oh my goodness okay okay over here and those two villagers are gonna you just know that that's just gonna go like a tile out of range of what the viper although look the viper is tower no viper's gonna know that this tower is going up the yeah this is going to be the throw from from larry why because think about the the tootin tower bonus a and i know he doesn't have stone but it's not like there's anything pressuring the stone from viper right now at the back and i i don't know i i honestly i don't know what i feel like this is but but rather what leo want is just to put him out of that woodland you know because he know that he's in a really such a great position there you know he has the fletching that's how he's gonna be there he's forcing him to move to make another lumber camp he has the wood used to make the lumbrican then his economy is definitely not on point not even mining goal here the viper of course he could kill more villains but now he has arches the scouts from from uh lee are already full up even with bloodlines you know full-outs in the southwest one everything in the south of uh viper's base they're running around and viper doing a good job of chasing the back with those three spears but i feel like they're being drawn out by leary maybe intentionally because larry could maybe circle around these and get back to that stone viper is on that rear stone and oh archer's on the front on that wood line going to pick off at least one villager here from the viper yeah 41. he's killing villains to leary now in the woodland look so action all over he's taking two on one side now he's taking but he still have army the problem is that the advantage is already massive for leary is not only the the amount of policies the is the timing the momentum here and with only two values more look at the military numbers fully upgraded coming with the artisans those are gonna think absolutely everything they're gonna kill all viper can't do anything to counter now mr leary and leery won this so much because he did uh incredible up time here mr mr rand crazy stuff that was yeah this was uh this is really well played by larry who came in with uh with a clear game plan in mind and he is going to take this show match deservedly so across the both players what uh what a series what a set uh that was that was some that's even this game as short as it was just under just over 20 minutes absolutely packed with action right from the start of military production that was uh that was a great dude thank you so much for casting this set with me man don't worry i wanted to point out that the games are not better because they are longer you know i mean the reassight fortress was a great one not because it was too long it's because they control they were doing during all the game was insane here the game was good for lear because he did take three ships in the right moment but remember that he didn't lame early viper didn't explore them and then lily got already a plan that it will work exactly the same without those ships you know the problem is that the viper did a really late uptime if you check here in technology it was almost 11 minutes again supplier like lyra that did not even nine-minute futile it was pretty crazy and that was this so much about the casting um i it was fun man and i just really hope that people have a joy in my channel people have enjoyed a lot i mean i was checking your channel as well and i was i could feel the hype also i'm people very positive in the chat so for me very happy congratulations for the so much and good luck a lot with the with the 24 hours mr wrath was a pleasure i have freedom dude thank you so much man i i hope we get to do this again sometime uh i really enjoyed it okay what's a pleasure man i leave you with your viewers and with your with your stream take care man cheers take care okay guys this has been the so much if you watch it on youtube thumb up amigos always
Channel: MembTV - Age of Empires 2
Views: 9,515
Rating: 4.9838057 out of 5
Keywords: TheViper, Liereyy, Again, the, best, show, to watch, amazing showmatch, grathwrang, membtv, twitch, age of empires 2 definitive edition
Id: HAu2H2Iwp6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 15sec (7275 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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