These Tiktok Art Challenges Are NOT For the Weak...

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there's pretty much a tiktok challenge for  literally anything you can want from the more   popular ones like dancing all the way down  to more obscure ones that i'm not honestly   quite sure what they are but they're there  so naturally as an artist on the internet i   decided to check out tiktok's art challenges  and boy there's a lot. I found some of the   most interesting art challenges that i could  find and today i'm going to try them out and   see what art challenges tiktok has to offer  this should be fun and not hopefully stressful   so for this very first art challenge i  just gotta say that i am obsessed with   this tiktoker's page i recently just found them  this is @stainedhands and all of their art videos   they slap! they have a bunch of different  art challenges on their page but this one   in particular stood out to me so here it is had  a weird idea for a painting water-based paints leave outside overnight draw what you see  through all the wrinkles dirt and paint so if you didn't catch that basically you get some  watercolor put it on a paper put it outside smear   a bunch of dirt all over it leave it outside  overnight and then the next day whatever stains   are on the page you try to draw whatever you can  see out of those shapes i've seen variations of   this one but i've never seen one this.. like out  there and i like it i like this person's style! so   let's do it now. for this art challenge literally  all you need is watercolor and watercolor paper don't think about it just do it just put  random blobs literally wherever you want   here's my finished blobs i feel like  there's a lot of potential inside of these   so here's my thing of dirt so i guess i'm just gonna go ahead and put  the water hose on top of it i don't know how   else to like anchor it down because there's no  rocks around me i'll have to see if the dang   rabbits don't get it so i'll see you tomorrow  all right let's see how this thing worked out that dirt really really really stuck to the page  uh okay i guess we'll just try to work some magic okay so here's the final result of my blob art  i thought i was gonna flop on this one because   i have such a traditional style but no i feel like  everything came out much cooler than i expected!   this challenge would be really good if you're  like myself and you just have to have everything   perfect at all times i feel like this challenge  would be perfect for you because it makes you step   out of your comfort zone and it forces you  to make things that are weird and crazy. for   somebody who struggles a lot with perfectionism  i'm going to give this exercise a solid 10 out   of 10. all right so for this next art hack oh  wait i'm not doing art hacks for this next art   challenge this is from the tiktoker  and this video has literally 10 million views   but in my opinion it's well deserved  because the artists in this video   they absolutely killed it they did such a good  job trying to draw with fingers for the first time the artwork just absolutely beautiful just  gorgeous but for me i can't guarantee that   i'll be any good at it so here goes nothing  i'm not gonna lie i'm kind of scared because   it's been a very very long time since  i've done any kind of finger painting   except maybe when i was like a toddler but  other than that i've literally never done it   by the way i am using water i don't  know if that's cheating or not   but i'm going to do it anyway so the first thing  i want to do is like create like a little base   of water and.. just oh god it's.. it's already  dripping and just start carving out my outline oh god i'm already messing up it's only been  like 0.2 seconds and i'm already messing up   sorry that i'm like flipping you guys off right  now it's just that this is like the best finger   for me to to like make artwork with  you know and so it's nothing personal so it's been about an hour and a half since i  completed the drawing my hands are still very much   covered in paint but as far as like the actual  artwork itself goes i'm actually very happy with   it i think it came out pretty decent for what  limited tools i had my thoughts for this art   challenge is that it was surprisingly very very  difficult between my fingernail cutting the page   between my fingers just blobbing water  everywhere where water's not supposed to be   i think this art challenge would be  really good if you want to learn how   to improve your shadows and control  but i mean other than that this art   challenge was so incredibly difficult  so if i had to rate this challenge on   how much it helped me and how difficult it  was i would say it's like a 7 out of 10.   this next art challenge is one of  my favorites so far. again this is   from the same artist that i mentioned earlier  @stainedhands i told you their stuff was good.   so good i'm featuring them two different  times just thought of a new art challenge start one side with your style   and make the other side realistic   boom so if you didn't catch  that on one side of the paper   you draw in whatever style you have and  on the other side of the page you draw   realistically and for me that's kind  of a problem because as you guys know   realistic drawing is kind of my thing so for  this art challenge i'm gonna have to tweak it   a little bit and basically do the opposite my  side realistic and the other side not realistic the results of this exercise kind of scare me  a little bit but i mean that's the point right   to physically force yourself to try new things  this exercise completely flips you upside down   and forces your brain to do the exact opposite  of what you would normally do if you do any   kind of illustration or cartoon or realism  try this one now this is such an interesting   art exercise that's gonna blow your mind i  would rate this exercise a solid 8 out of 10.   for this next art challenge i've seen this  one quite a few times on tiktok and each   time the results are just absolutely the  coolest thing ever i'm sure a lot of you   guys have seen a variation of this somewhere  on the internet this specific video comes from   @thisartperson painting with only blue light what color black hair fingers crossed final result just the coolest thing like the final result the  whole concept i love this one it's just so cool   and it just so happens that i have an led light  that can change any color. in the original video   the artist covers up all of her paint names with  tape so she can't see what colors they are but   for me all my paints are in different sizes and  they're different brands so it doesn't matter what   color light is shining on them regardless i'm  going to be able to tell the difference because   the packaging is different so to remedy that  i have my wonderful cameraman he's currently   making me a palette and once all the lights  are blue he's going to bring it in here and   i'm not going to be able to tell because  it's all just going to be blobs of paint oh no oh my god it exploded all over me!! awe! he got white paint everywhere  poor guy i'm so sorry that   sucks oh my god i am so sorry that sucks okay go  ahead my eyes are closed go ahead and come on in   uh just place it anywhere and  i'll set it up all. thank you! *music* all right so it's about 30 minutes  since i finished the painting i'm   really worried it's gonna be absolutely hideous   you know like i spent an hour just making  the ugliest thing in the world well let's see bro oh my god this came out so good i literally  thought it was going to be the worst thing i've   ever created but this looks straight fire i  think this art challenge would be best for   people who have art block because you're doing  this art challenge not for the final result you   have no idea what the final result's going to  look like this challenge is perfect if you just   want to make some artwork and have a good time  it's a good way to let go of all that stress and   have a zen moment. this one was so fun i'm  giving it a solid one thousand out of ten!   well there you guys go that was tiktok's most  interesting art challenges i hope you guys liked   and enjoyed as always and if you're an artist  i really do recommend you try out some of these   art challenges on your own because they really  like expanded my mind and while you're working on   those art challenges i'll leave my entire tiktok  playlist down below so you can check those out   and yeah with that being said happy drawing  and i'll see you guys next video bye!
Channel: SuperRaeDizzle
Views: 563,923
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drawing, art, superraedizzle, rae dizzle, tiktok, tiktok drawing, art hacks, painting, rea dizzle, ray dizzle, watercolor, acrylic, tutorial, art challenges
Id: 6t11yuk5bkI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 43sec (703 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 25 2022
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