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Hey guys, it's Rae here! Welcome back to my channel. So as you guys know, I did a video where I picked out all of my art supplies completely blindfolded and I made a drawing from that. I have a feeling this one is green. So I'm gonna throw this one in. And since I made that video it's been so highly requested that I do that exact same thing, except buy my supplies. So yeah as the title states, we're gonna go in. I have my buddy here. *Vintage video game music* And yeah, I'm gonna buy my art supplies completely blindfolded so yeah, without further ado let's get into it. Okay, guys, so here we are. We're at I'm really nervous because there's so many people here and like, at any point in time somebody could just like walk by so I'm gonna go ahead and pick out, I'm gonna pick out one of these sketchbooks completely blindfolded and yeah, we'll just see how it goes. Okay, so sketchbooks, okay, so I kind of know the layout but not really. Oh, this one feels nice. I feel like this one's watercolor. *bursts out laughing* Is this watercolor? Ooh, this one feels nice. I feel like this one is the same one. (Jessie): No, it's not and the cover came off. -Oh! The cover? -Yeah. Why does it have a cover? Well - and by the way guys, we're gonna clean up afterwards. *Exhales deeply* Strathmore. Look at this one! Cool. which is, if you could please pan over to the Maybe I'll do some other stuff too, but uh, yeah. And by the way, I haven't looked at the colored pencils, like I haven't studied them or anything like that. So, yeah. I kind of haven't memorized. This one. Maybe like an orange! You know, let's just, like, get the whole rainbow. So got a white. *laughs* (Jessie): No. Okay. Okay, I gotta use like my spidey senses, you know, -Jessie, where are you? -Right here. Okay, so we're gonna... right in this general area. All pencils. Pencils? AND IT'S SWEET, SWEET, SWEET VICTORY, YEAH (Jessie): Okay, and I'll move you over to the colored pencils. This whole area, colored pencils. Okay, thank you. *ding* These probably feel good. (Jessie): Mm-hmm. (Jessie): Right there. -These are erasers? -Yep. Erasers. Umm... Oh! (Jessie): Go back, down, to the right. -To the right? -No, your left. (Jessie): Highlight, as in the white. -Is there a white mark, uh, white pen? -White pen, let me look. -White section? -Okay, white pens. *Rae laughing* -Are they just in a -? -That, that three right there, no, yes. What else do we need? Are there regular pencils anywhere? (Jessie): Like drying or regular? -No, just regular. -Okay great, give me your hand. -You can please lead me to the regular pencils. -Okay, and I'm gonna...right there. -Okay, in this general region? -Yeah, right there. -Is this one? -No. (Jessie): Down to your left. -Yes. -These are regular pencils? -Yeah. -I'm gonna be spending so much money! -I think we got everything we need. I got colored pencils, right? -Yes. Ha! *sighs in relief* Oh! Oh, wow, I'm gonna be spending so much money, more money than I ever thought. Hey, what's up, how's it going? So in case you guys did not pick up on that hot mess that was me at Hobby Lobby, *sips* Ah! we'll go ahead and review everything right now. And to be quite frank here, I didn't see all what I got either because I get so awkward in public. Like first of all, I hate people. Second of all, I don't like people staring at me. So as soon as I got the supplies, I was out of there man. So this first product it probably is gonna be very hard to see because it's literally white on white paper. And it looks so fancy, like the paper is super-thick which I'm very excited for, you know, we like it thicc here. And the total price on this baby was $14.99. Next up in the game is a product I have never used before, I feel like I'm the only artist here on YouTube who has never used these before. And I guess you could say these are like a cult classic here on YouTube. These are the white Gelly Roll gel pens. Oh sorry, my dog hair. I've never gotten around to using these because I used the ones from Amazon that are just a little bit cheaper and from what I can see on the reviews, these are a little bit less white than the ones that I use, so yeah, why don't we test these babies out for right now? So we'll go ahead and do a swatchity swatchity. Which I mean, right off the bat, that swatch - ooh! She is not looking good. And I don't mean to be rude, I use this from Dollar Tree, you can get two of them for one dollar, and right off the bat you can definitely, definitely tell a difference between the two pens. *Guitar music* Oh god, what are these? Man, these are expensive! I got these Faber-Castell graphite pencils, which are very pricey, these are $6.99 for three. Now the reason they are so expensive and so pricey is because these are specialty pencils. They're not no basic pencil. So for example, whenever you compare this 8B pencil to just like a regular everyday pencil, the Faber-Castell ones are MUCH darker in comparison as you can see so, you know, I was a little shook at the price but you know, for specialty pencils that work like this all the time, I can see it. Uh, let's see. Why did I get multiple pencils? Apparently I got not - I honestly have no recollection of getting these but apparently I got these AND these. And these are just like the regular Hobby Lobby pencils. So of course, these are gonna be hella cheap at a whopping $3.99. So yeah, that's cool. I could always use some more pencils. Uh, okay, so next up - oh. Oh, oh oh oh, okay so next up, apparently I got a kneaded eraser at some point. And for me personally, I'm not a fan of kneaded erasers. Like, I like a nice hardcore sturdy eraser, you know what I'm sayin'? To give you guys an example, the last time I used a kneaded eraser was I think in college sometime, you know, so it's been a few years. I got a bunch of random Prismacolors which I mean, can we appreciate this color? Oh, she is fine. Who is she though? Who is she? This color is hot pink and ooh, she is so pretty! And yeah, it looks like I got some pretty interesting colors. This was $2.00? Oh my god. This one single Prismacolor was $2.00. Why did I buy single? I should have just bought this - *inhales* Girl, okay. And then lastly, for the grand finale if you will, is a product that I have been very much putting off. In fact, I was gonna make a whole entire video based on this product alone, and these are... Oh! These are watercolor pencils. Oh, I thought these were just the regular pencils. Just see, I'm telling you guys, like I didn't get a good chance to look at everything, I'm just now finding out these are watercolor pencils. So as you guys know, Fine Touch, Master's Touch, it's basically like the equivalent to Great Value except for Hobby Lobby. Fine Touch and Master's Touch are basically the brands that are supposed to be cheaper than the name-brand, but I mean, girl?! $60 for the Hobby Lobby brands? It's more than the actual name-brand! *Pac-man "ghost" sound effect* You know what I'm saying? That's like if these were more expensive than the actual Clorox. You know what I'm saying, like something doesn't add up. But yeah, for all of these supplies that I got here we spent a total of $80.70, which is a little bit pricey, you know, I'm not gonna lie, but we got all this stuff. So yeah, with that being said, let's go ahead and get started shall we? Okay, so first things first, I'm gonna start off with a sketch, of course using just the regular Hobby Lobby brand #2 pencils. And those pencils, by the way, they are so good. I was so surprised with how good they were! If you have a Hobby Lobby I highly recommend picking them up because man, they're GOOD! *Background music* So yeah, the next part of the process is drawing with the colored pencils, specifically the watercolor pencils that I got. *Music continues* And pretty much immediately, you're probably thinking the same thing I'm thinking: where's the pigment though? Yeah, it's like really weird. These pencils have no pigment in them unless you press really hard, pretty much like breaking the pencil trying to get color out of these. But the good thing is, is that they're watercolor pencils so I can just melt them down. Right? Well, not really because once I started to actually wet them down, I started getting this like really weird, I don't know what paint it was, but it sure ain't watercolor. It was like this weird Tempera thick paint that just was not melting whatsoever. So I was really frustrated. About an hour in, I'm looking at this thing and I'm like wow, this thing is looking NA-STY! Like, I can't show this to you guys, like, I can't. Like, this art is just not gonna work out, like, I'm not gonna put this on my channel with 800,000 subscribers. So it's time to scrap it. *60s Batman music* Okay, so we are ready for round 2. You know, just because the first time it didn't work out, that's okay. I'm not gonna give up. So thus, round 2 baby! This time I know not to use the water, I know I'm gonna have to press hard and I'm gonna keep it simple. So I'm just gonna draw a hummingbird. *Classical music* Okay, so now that the colored pencil portion is done as much as it could be, you guys thought I forgot about the Gelly Roll but I did not forget about the Gelly Roll. Since there's not that much pigment in these watercolor pencils, the white's not going to do much for highlights so that's where the Gelly Roll comes in. Oh no, it's not going over. Oh no! Okay, never mind. Just kidding. This is not gonna work over the - it usually does work over wax, I mean you have to be really careful but I mean, I don't know, these pencils man. I don't know what's up with them. So anyway, this is what I have managed to come up with. Just like a little simple drawing of a honeybird, huh, honey. Hummingbird. And even though this one's cute, as you guessed I'm not happy with it. Like, the pigment just isn't there. It looks like a washed out version of one. So thus, we're gonna do one last one. *SpongeBob music* Yeah, no. Just kidding, I hate it, I hate these pencils, I hate everything about them, I hate the fact that they can't blend, I hate the fact that they cannot layer with each other and the fact they're $60, so... yeah, it's time to do one last and final drawing WITHOUT the terrible watercolor, for the FOURTH time by the way. But you know, that's what you get for buying your art supplies completely blindfolded, you get something that's just terrible. So with that being said guys, thank you so much again for watching and I will see you guys next video. Bye! *End music*
Channel: SuperRaeDizzle
Views: 6,886,248
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drawing, art, art supplies, hobby lobby, michaels, watercolor, pencil, illustration, artist, sketch, painting, draw with, me, rae, superraedizzle, how to draw, art tutorial, painting tutorial, drawing portraits, artist draws, art channel, art video, drawing videos, hobby lobby haul, drawing channel, cheap art supplies, prismacolor, faber castell, watercolor pencil, crayola
Id: AMUpYqKwu3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 27sec (927 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 01 2019
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