Letting Instagram Shop Pick My Art Supplies...WHAT A MESS!!

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on july 7th 2021 the head of instagram announced  that it will no longer be a photo sharing app   and i want to start by saying we're no longer  a photo sharing app or square footage instead   instagram is now focusing on four key areas  specifically with an emphasis in shopping   and as somebody who has never shopped on  instagram in my entire life today i'm gonna   let the almighty instagram shop algorithm take  the rails and whatever it suggests that i buy   i'm gonna buy it hopefully it's not a disaster  and i'm able to make some artwork out of it but   if not and everything turns out to be a total  dumpster fire i mean i'm okay with that too   there's only one way to find out so without  further ado let's find out alright so it is   currently tuesday february 15th and the reason  i'm telling you this is because i want to see   just how long these items take to ship to my  house ooh look at robert pattinson doesn't he   look so good right here oh my lord the first  thing that i'm going to need is obviously   paper so let's go ahead and see what they suggest  for art paper oh okay the first result is from   art snacks you might recognize them from art  snacks and apparently they now sell art supplies   individually so i'll go ahead and add this art  snack plum chester square sketchbook to my cart   the second thing that i'm going to need when it  comes to art supplies is pencils i always need   a good pencil i mean like how could i do anything  else without a pencil oh my god art snacks again   really they must be paying for like the top spot  because girl ooh tombow usa i know about them   they're a pretty well-known brand and lastly  there's also this one it's a mini mechanical   pencil for seven dollars and there's only three  left that's really cute a mini pencil like just   how mini is mini so i'll go ahead and add  this one to the cart because i want to find out   i have the paper i have the pencil the  next thing i'm gonna need is an eraser   what is this what is this uncanny cocktail weiner  erasers okay oh that is vile i'm gonna add it to   the cart all right so looking through the art  supplies these milo brush tips in the suggestion   box these alcohol-based markers in this like  10 seconds of scrolling alone they showed   up three different times it has free shipping  and apparently it's on sale right now from 30   down to 24.50 i've never heard of milo's art  supplies before so let's go ahead and see what   the brand is all about see what their instagram  looks like uh it looks like their last post was   october 27th last year so i don't know what's  the situation with them i don't know if they're   an active shop but since instagram suggested  them to me i'll go ahead and add them to my cart   since instagram decided that i'm going to be  using alcohol-based markers this means that   i'm going to need a white ink pen looks like we  got a glue pen not really in the market for that   it's suggesting eyeliner definitely not in the  market for that and it looks like the only result   that i'm getting that's accurate is this brush pen  by art snacks it's only 8.65 so we'll go ahead and   add this one to the cart here and lastly this one  is so unnecessary and so extra but i just saw this   casually when i was scrolling through everything  uh this literally has nothing to do with artwork   but i just want it really bad this is a tortilla  art roll pencil holder for only seven dollars   fifty cents and this warms my little mexican heart  okay like i really really like it looks like the   tortillas that my mom makes loved it adding it  to cart and it looks like i'm ready to check out   and i will see you guys in the future hi so it's  about two weeks later everything i think came in   i'm pretty sure everything's in so let's start  off with the biggest one and see what's inside   so this first package is from art snacks now if  you don't know about art snacks and who they are   and what the vibe is they're basically like  a monthly subscription art box type thing i   think i ordered from them one time it  was during inktober whenever they had   like that special inktober box which was very  expensive but i mean i kind of vibe with it   she indeed did not vibe with it hopefully there's  two things inside of this because i ordered two   things from art snacks and there's only one  package but i don't know so let's find out the answer is yes they did put two items  in the box we stan an eco-friendly queen oh i almost just had a heart attack look at the  packaging do you see that white blob right there   that white blob is actually a sticker but because  the ink inside of this pen is also white i thought   that it spilled out into the packaging i was  about to freak out and be so sad but crisis   averted everybody we'll get back to this one  in a second right off the bat this seems to be   worth the 18 like this feels like a fancy kind of  sketchbook and not to mention this texture is made   out of like a faux vegan leather type deal you  know isn't there a harry potter house that's like   yellow and purple hey zach can you come in here  for a second i'm recording right now but isn't   there a harry potter house that's purple and  yellow like this hufflepuff or something or no   well i think ravenclaw is purple i don't think  they're purple and yellow oh they're just purple   okay never mind i thought this was like harry  potter but apparently not oh wow there's a lot of pages in this i was  not expecting there to be this many pages   and i'm not gonna lie the pages themselves  they're pretty big this is a really good size   can you imagine doing like a whole entire  artwork from like this side to this side   so on a random page i'm just gonna  blend two markers and we'll see if it   bleeds through the other side because that's  kind of a big deal to me so let's find out obviously it bled through the other side but it  didn't soak through the next page which is kind   of nice and i kind of had a feeling it wasn't  going to because this is some very thick paper   my very first impression of this is that instagram  did not disappoint with this very first one   usually with these kind of videos they usually  don't come off to a good start this seems that   it's surprisingly well worth the money  for this first item i'm gonna approve it   top 10 favorite things of all time  that i could literally do until i die   pop bubble wrap this next art snack item  is called cure take zig cartoonist white   brush pen according to the instagram post it  looks like it can show up on pretty much any   black paper if that's the case that sounds  like something i would really vibe with look on camera it's like perfectly white  i'm gonna be completely honest here usually   with water-based inks specifically colors like  this one which are really light they usually   aren't very pigmented and they're usually like  transparent it's kind of hard to work with them   you know but this one is like look how much  brighter it is compared to this white gel pen   what in tarnation is going on i don't think  i would have been able to find this without   instagram shop and i'm obviously i'm not getting  paid or anything but i mean if instagram you want   to pay me that would be fine but i don't  think i would have found this otherwise   i'm going to give it the stamp of approval  tenfold so for these markers i'm very hopeful   because this marker set that i ordered is pretty  much the main art supply of this whole entire   gig if the notebook doesn't work out that's  fine if the pencil if the pouch doesn't work   out all of that's fine but if these markers  don't work out then i'm pretty much sol this packaging is very very very minimalistic  which is something you don't really see at   all when it comes to art supplies kind of  looks like there would be like a deodorant   or something inside of this it just looks  fun and fresh and even though i know for a   fact that this is indeed 24 markers in my mind  it doesn't really look like it i wonder what   could be the reason why i think those markers  look small no clue the color selection seems   pretty standard nothing really stands out  and these markers are also drum roll please brush nib which is good because brush nib seems  to be in general the more preferred for a lot of   artists so i think that's cool i think that's a  good choice that they pick to use the brush nib i might have spoken a little bit too soon my  very first impression is that these markers   are a lot more streakier than what i'm  used to in fact while i was swatching   these markers i actually had to smell it  to like double check that these actually   are alcohol based markers and i wouldn't say  that every single marker is streaky because if   you look there are some good ones there's some  good ones in here i don't know i think for my   first impressions i can't really say that i'm  digging digging these markers very much is it   janara or ganera i feel like ganera sounds a  lot more like panera as in panera bread but   anyway that's what's in the pencil case right  now is the little tiny pencil that i ordered it is so small look at this look how  tiny this little pencil is i don't even   know if i'm gonna be able to hold this it's so  small here's a regular size pencil right here   as you can see and this this little guy  is the pencil that i ordered he is so   incredibly small once the eraser runs out i  don't even know where i'd get another one and   it makes me wonder like what a weird item to be  featured on the algorithm because what it means   is that so many people are buying miniature  pencils that it somehow got picked up by   the algorithm enough to be promoted to be the  first top slot for somebody searching pencils that was a weird experience this pencil because  it's so thin and so small it's actually kind   of difficult to have control with what you're  writing i feel like at any moment because it's so   thin and fragile i can like break it in half  and not only do not have any control over your   pencil but also because it has like this  little notch that you like clip it to your   your thing as i was drawing with the pencil  it just kind of like kept naturally rotating   and the little clip kept hitting my hand i'm  sure there's a reason for this and like why   they specifically made these and if you  know i would love to hear it down in the   comments down below or if you have a  guess i would love to hear it i don't   know how i would rate this i would say i'm  not positive not negative more indifferent all right so for these last two items these   are the ones as you guys saw  that i am most excited about little wiener erasers love that and  then this one should be the tortilla   i have never been happier than i am in this moment i don't know if this is just like a  mexican thing or what but i have eaten   a toasted tortilla with like a cooked  hot dog with some mustard on there   it's so good once you put your pencils in all  you do is literally just like fold it over   and that's another thing it's like my habit for a  tortilla this is how i fold them this is the true   the true mexican way right here but we're gonna  ignore it they work okay just like a basic eraser   they're not bad but it's not really amazing to  where it completely erases everything off the page   but i think that's exactly what instagram shop  is for is to find cool stuff so you can buy it   so i of course am definitely going to give  these a thumbs up so now that i've tested   everything i bought everything we've got to see  what everything is up close and personal i'm   gonna challenge myself to use every single  thing that i bought in one single drawing so my final advice if you are seriously  considering buying something off   instagram is good luck and with that  being said you guys know the drill like   subscribe turn on notifications all that  good stuff i hope you guys have a good   day happy drawing and with that being  said i will see you guys next video bye
Channel: SuperRaeDizzle
Views: 802,882
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drawing, art, superraedizzle, rae dizzle, INSTAGRAM, iG, shop, instagram haul, art supplies, markers, ray dizzle, 2022, instagram suggest, pick
Id: vJhMxmnmIUE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 1sec (841 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 12 2022
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