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this video is proudly brought to you by Squarespace whether you need a domain website or online store make it with Squarespace what's up guys it's ray here welcome back to another video now today's video let me stand up Strix I'm like but yeah today's video is gonna be something a little different than what I normally do this type of video is popular in the make up community like a lot of them will do a full face of makeup using only products that they absolutely hate and today I thought I would do the same thing again yes this is kind of a part two because I did one like way way way back in the day but since the past year or so there's been products that I've tested that I don't personally like there's been other techniques that I've learned that make other products not look so good and just all around hopefully this video will save you some money or save you some time or frustration in the future now one thing I would like to say if there's a product that I say that I personally don't like or doesn't work for me if it works for you that is awesome you do you boo boo the best thing about art is that there's not one single way to do art although another thing I would like to say is that oh that's not what I wanted to say that is not what I wanted to say as always if you guys want to check out my art Instagram here it is there you guys can check out all my new artwork all my old part work literally all the way back from like 2012 and also of course all my stories get notifications for new videos because you know sometimes YouTube is broken and you don't even get the notification so guys be sure to check that out so anyway without further interruption here are the products that did not work for me products that I don't like jesus take the wheel okay bring on the first victim I'm not kidding you if I need a pencil and somebody hands me these I'm gonna hand that pencil right tack because I hate these pencils and these are the Paper Mate sharp Ryder mechanical pencils I hate these pencils so much now these pencils let me tell you they are a terrible deal first of all these pencils they are very expensive because they're Paper Mate and don't get me wrong I love Paper Mate a lot I love their regular pens I love their pencils but these mechanical pencils are terrible first of all why are they so loud like what's the deal with that the barrel of the pencil itself is so flimsy in fact I'm not even kidding you already broke one just trying to like show you guys like display that's why I'm using a second one cuz this one literally already broke off and I'm not too sure how to fix it I spent about two minutes trying to fix it trying to put back on the thing but I I can't put it back on the erasers seem to have improved since I last use these but the general design is still very flimsy it's very I don't think you can even change out the lead yeah no okay I just broke another one okay that rest my case now a great comparison to it is the Dollar Tree mechanical pencil that I think I get like a six pack for a dollar in these pencils I have use these for so many drawings they have the squishy they have an incredible eraser you can pop it right off if you want to replace the lead the ink soft mechanical pencils that's where it's at now this next product isn't necessarily a brand it's a style of paper and that paper is construction paper I cannot tell you how many times growing up somebody would be like hey you want to draw well here's some construction paper and it's just oh my god I hate construction paper to draw with and basically this is activity paper so it's designed for you to like cut up and be kind of thick but but in elementary school they made us use this so much for drawing and it just triggers me this paper somehow manages to be thinner and worse than printer paper like I can't even explain how much I hate construction paper but I'm gonna suck it up and use it today for my drawing so mechanical pencil construction paper and as far as the medium goes I'm just gonna draw this reference photo that I got from I stock [Music] okay so I've finished up the sketch and the medium that I'm about to show you is so horrendous so expensive so terrible to blend terrible and pigment packaging terrible I have used these before on my channel and I honestly if I wasn't gonna use these pencils I would take them back to Walmart that's out there but these pencils are and these colored pencils are the Leisure Arts 48-count colored pencils now how these pencils came to my attention was a few months back I did a video where I tested out the lowest rated supplies on Amazon and these babies were on it dude these pencils they're straight-up busted like what happened to these like who hurt you and now Walmart recently started selling these for about $8 I just like show you guys some comparisons this head right here is Crayola with how well you you can achieve a nice beautiful smooth swatch I forgot that these completely I was looking for the color to make sure they're exact but yeah that's one thing I hate about these is they don't have the color on them so I have to assume that this color here is very similar to this color nope not even close it looks very similar but this color is very vibrant blue let's try this dark color they seem very similar no it's a light purple okay even when you do this side very light it's still so much darker than this original swatch pressing hard pressing hard look at that that is a terrible comparison between the actual color on the barrel versus what comes out [Music] [Music] so as of right now I'm trying to add in the darker shades but there is no darker shade these don't really go that dark at all so it's hard to add in death or anything because there's no dark shades [Music] the amount of pressure I have to put to even get this pigment payout is a lot you know so even if you were to say well these pencils are great for coloring but I disagree they're not even great for coloring even though it says they're heavily pigmented in my opinion they ate so because I'm not getting any pigment I'm gonna try to do this black to add in some kind of depth just to get a little bit in there [Music] whoo okay yeah that was absolutely rough now this only took me about what 30 ish minutes to do because I wasn't able to lair I wasn't able to blend I wasn't able to add highlights and shadows and dimensions and erase and I wasn't able to do any of that and I think one of the big things is just not being able to blend with these colored pencils which brings us to the next product now this next product is very very expensive and this is the prismacolor blending colorless blender now just this 2-pack alone was $4.99 which is very pricey for two colored pencils for example right here we have a perfect blend of literally just two Prisma colors and according to the directions if you follow it exactly we get this terribly uneven blend it even makes the texture all messed up and I just feel that this pencil is so unnecessary compared to just regular to Prisma colored pencils okay so now that we have got any coloring down we got the paper down we got all that down it's time for the next step in the process which is highlights I'm really gonna have to prepare myself for this next one because it is something that I used to use in college when I was super super poor because I couldn't afford anything I didn't know what was good I didn't know what was bad and I saw how cheap this product was and I just used it all the time and that product is tempura you have to give you a little lesson on tempura way back in the day it used to be a key paint in Renaissance dark ages paintings but now in modern times it's just turned into this like gelatinous terrible quality paint that I just accidentally spilled all over myself and on the painting oh God hold on now in modern day I don't really know the appeal of tempera pretty much about $2 per bottle for a size like this but the thing is is that it's not opaque it flakes off when it's dry it leaves a grainy texture and you can't layer it's washed out there's no pigment just all around this paint is so terrible this Apple barrel paint from Walmart which is only a dollar it works wonderful so I don't understand like why is this what is the point of tempera when you can just use something that's so much superior for a better price I don't get it now in order to apply said paint we're gonna need some paint brushes now these paint brushes that I'm about to show you I'm sure every single one of you watching this has used this paintbrush before and these paint brushes are the value paint brushes that you can pretty much get at any dollar store for about $3 for a whole pack my issue with these paint brushes is a lot first of all I don't understand why are they so bendy just messing around with it a few times completely completely ruins the thing it's made out of plastic so it's super hard you can't get into tight spaces yeah I don't even think you could make a straight line with this brush because the bristles are gonna mess up because the paint's gonna get everywhere because it's just a piece of crap and it's just like really bad supplies like this makes a lot of people think that they're not good at artwork because they're not able to use semi good supplies you know [Music] oh my god this looks like straight-up snot like all over my painting just like I was like you know what I mean oh gosh so this my friends is what the highlights would look like with tempera paint now on to the good stuff now first thing get rid of the bad supplies and bring in the good stuff which in this case is the Strathmore toned gray 50 sheets paper literally every other week Hobby Lobby does a 50% off so I got this sketchbook for six dollars instead of twelve which is not bad for the quality and as previously mentioned my favorite Dollar Tree mechanical pencil oh this thing is a based and I'm gonna do the exact same drawing under the exact same circumstances and everything is going to be the exact same just so you guys can see the side-by-side comparison and you guys are going to be blown away from the difference moving on to color you guys already know my absolute favorite colored pencils in the whole wide world prismacolor and these pencils they're so smooth they're so creamy and they are so pigmented which I just absolutely love and of course unlike the other drawing I'm able to blend I'm able to add colors and layers and I'm able to get like a full opacity which compared to the previous one I just was not able to do at all and I'm even able to put a straight bright pure titanium heart on top of brown and for me I like to do realism and that's a huge huge factor in it is shadows/highlights blending mid-tones so that's why it's so important for me that I'm able to layer I'm able to get full opacity I'm able to do those things now the very last step to this is adding highlights of course and what I'm going to be using today is my current favorite of all time uniball signo white pens oh gosh these are so amazing you can get six of these for $3 on Amazon Free Shipping with Prime so good so yeah I actually had a few highlights on there but the file corrupted so I'm just gonna pretend like I'm adding more highlights as you guys can see this just has some beautiful beautiful ink coming out of it and I love it now if $6 is too much maybe you don't like to use Amazon another one I like to use that you can get for $0.50 is the white color corrector pen that I got at Dollar Tree this also gives a lot of really really nice paint but you do have to be a little bit careful with it because it does come out fast now what you all have been waiting for the final side-by-side between the products I love and the products I just can't stand as you guys can see there is a clear difference on what I was able to do with just some better products that in my opinion work better look how pretty my Christmas tree is oh my god you would have never guessed that that tree is straight up from Dollar General for like 30 bucks and one big takeaway that I want to have for this video is just because something is more expensive does not necessarily mean that it's better quality and vice versa to that just because something is really cheap does it mean that it's gonna be terrible quality so guys I would really like to turn this into a series so if there's a product that you just absolutely cannot use or just absolutely cannot stand please type it down below that way I can try it on this channel so with that being said guys if you haven't already and I will see you guys next video bye and now a little bit about Squarespace Squarespace makes making a website super easy you start off with their customizable templates which they have a huge variety of and recently added even more for you guys to choose it's an all-in-one platform with nothing to install patch or upgrade ever in fact I made this whole entire website last night in about an hour that's how easy it was they have an award-winning customer service that's 24/7 you can set up or even transfer an old domain and manage them all with their DNS interface and of course manage your online store products inventory all of that easily I'm telling you guys if you're an artist you want to make a portfolio you want to sell your artwork online head to squarespace.com for a free trial and when you're ready to launch that website go to Squarespace comm slash super raid dizzle to save 10% off your first purchase ready to start your business make it with Squarespace
Channel: SuperRaeDizzle
Views: 4,232,430
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drawing, art, sketch, youtube, cheap art supplies, art challenge, draw with, me, rae dizzle, superraedizzle, supplies, good art supplies, art supplies for beginners, art tutorial, how to draw, prismacolor pencils, strathmore, crafts, testing art, testing art supplies, realism, art hacks, painting, how to, drawing challenge, drawing illusion
Id: h1oQPcheHJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 38sec (938 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 19 2018
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