The Wild History of Handheld Sonic Games | Portable Sonic By Any Means Necessary

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foreign [Music] day retro video game compilation Sonic Origins plus really fascinates me you say I wouldn't be a typical Sonic fan on the internet if this release specifically didn't leave me with a million thoughts new Knuckles content for CD cool Amy AKA Rosie the Rascal officially playable for all the games that's pretty sick these are things that should have been in the original release and it's kind of scummy their paved DLC on top of the base game that's already suffered a bunch of problems but hey Amy and we got a box this time the new music for Sonic 3 is still pretty bad though oh no the most curious addition though are the addition of The Game Gear games uh hooray now this isn't the first time sega's use these Game Gear games as some sort of big old hype bonus oh hey they're unlockable in Sonic Adventure DX we put six of them in Gems Collection oh we apologize for not putting them in Mega Collection but their Mega Collection plus now buy the collection again [Music] I feel like Sega is gaslighting us who cares about these games that much Mega Collection still clears Origins by the way for Sonic Origins though then yeah you know I guess these titles still hold some relevance I mean it's kind of weird that we now have access to Game Gear spinball and not Genesis spinball but huh it's kind of crazy to think that Sonic's very first handheld Adventure was released only a few months after the console game that started it all and that little handheld The Game Gear ended up being home to a whopping 12 games and considering the Genesis had a handful of games to call its own all obviously releasing around the same time Sega was really firing on all cylinders pumping out Sonic content as much as humanly possible right from the very beginning and my God he was just a little boy does this not violate child labor laws also worth considering the Master System sega's console before the Genesis had some of the same games as well it's like if Nintendo made Super Mario World for the Super Nintendo and then kept making Mario games for the NES it's really strange when you think about it that way although I guess we did get Mario as missing for the NES does that does does that count I feel like in the entire lineage of Sonic's handheld history most people are aware of the Game Gear games for sure and then we just kind of jump forward to Nintendo's handhelds you know the Game Boy Advance the Des maybe the PSP there was a game there uh but no no in actuality Sega got away with so so much more so today let's take a look at every handheld Sonic game there ever was you know except for the DS and 3DS stuff I did that already and of course we're going to be talking about pure handheld consoles here now like oh wow every single Sonic game is available for a steam deck that's a handheld let's take a look at all of them no we're not doing that but there is this weird murder of Sonic the Hedgehog visual novel that's only on Steam what the hell was this all about and also that would technically make Sonic 4 a handheld game and I don't want to play that game ever again but first a message from today's sponsor bye and hey check it this is a Sonic video there's Sonic stuff in the ad read I got you I promise bye is easily the best way for someone like you someone likely not in Japan at the moment to order something from Japan via a Japanese website Japanese Yahoo Amazon murkari rockerton Bai Aggregates all of the different online big shopping sites into one convenient location and I'm telling you just spend some time here type some names into the search bar and I guarantee you'll find something cool I mean we're talking about Sonic today right just type in Sonic into the bar and then a couple minutes later I found a nice cheap cartridge manual combo back for Sonic 1 on The Game Gear a cool looking coin Bank this vintage Sonic plush a prepaid phone card with the sixth Sonic render on it that I've never seen before an old official shirt of Sonic and Knuckles that says the best on it I mean they're not wrong so to get good stuff like this and a whole lot more all you gotta do is purchase the item that you want and then buy you will order the item on your behalf and then they will prepare for international shipping straight to you no matter where in the world you're located and I love being able to use this airplane b-roll multiple times and yes the best part of all just for you I got some savings click on the link down in the description below make a brand new account and you will get a get a coupon for your very first purchase dude that's free money now like come on thank you again to Bai for sponsoring this video and now Sanic The Game Gear is quite the interesting beast when it comes to one Sonic Maurice Hedgehog of the 12 titles that released onto this umbrella five of them are the tried and true side-scrolling Platformers that you know are what Sonic was most known for at the time the rest of them are also there you got spin ball and mean bean machine these are like the Genesis games but less drift one and drift 2 are pretty decent racing games given the hardware that they're on and they really don't deserve the hate that they at least used to get I actually do enjoy these from time to time outside of the ear bleeding Screech once you finish a race the same thing goes for Labyrinth actually dumbest idea in the world okay Robotnik gave Sonic slow down boots so now you gotta go through a labyrinth got it the controls are pretty frustrating at times there's a lot of flashing lights so you got to be careful about that and yeah it's pretty damn slow if you're not spin dashing all over the place but damn it I don't know something about this game is telling me not to hate it even though it's the dumbest thing ever and it was also the Game Gear that got Tales of Spotlight here that's pretty interesting we got the rkd auto scroller with Sky Patrol and the pseudo metroidvania with Adventure one game takes advantage of Tail's ability to fly and the other one takes advantage of Tail's ability to be a nerd and make gadgets look at him what a what a nerd both games also introduce a brand new slate of villains that we haven't seen since like this witch in Sky Patrol and this Army of bird people and Adventure come on now you mean to tell me that you don't remember doctor [Music] and bear anger some Sonic fan you are I do get the feeling that a lot of people actually kind of like Tails Adventure as a bit of a Hidden Gem but admittedly I was never really a fan something about the slower pace and the Reliance on gadgets I just never liked how this game played I mean if Tails had a game to call his own this is basically what I would expect and something I would love to see return to one day but as it currently stands yeah sadly can't play this one for too long sorry about that I actually like Skypatrol more it's not better I just enjoy playing it more I don't know why Tails can't stop Flying and he always looks sad and stressed out in this game I just kind of want to cure his anxiety man I've been there I want to help him out but then of course the games you probably care a lot more about the actual Platformers Sonic moving left to right and moderately quick speeds baby the problem that I used to have with these Game Gear games was always expecting more than what this console was able to provide well these games could never be as good as the Genesis games right why even bother I was just never able to see these games for what they were and not for what they weren't you fast forward to just a few years ago all of these games are finally out of my backlog and uh man we really range the entire Spectrum with these five games you look at triple trouble and you look at stupid blast same console and it's proof there's a higher power out there that hates us Sonic 1 and 2 on The Game Gear may seem like just ports of the console games based on their incredibly original titles but no they're actually entirely unique Adventures like in Sonic 2 if you don't fully complete this one Tails dies that's not that's not how the console game goes come on really Tails in Sonic 2 GG is just kind of weird no matter how you slice it like the plot is about saving him from Robotnik yet he appears on all of the Zone title cards like he's with you the whole time like what what and in Sonic one dear God where'd his nose go ultimately these games are fine Sonic 2 definitely strives to be a lot more original than Sonic 1 throwing in entirely new zones filled with brand new enemies boss fights and gimmicks while Sonic 1 maintains a lot of aesthetic similarities with the console version but hey bridge in Jungle zones are pretty cool those are new really good theme songs too in fact both games have great soundtracks from top to bottom many of these songs you do not see in the console games the problems with these Adventures though come down mostly to the Game Gear screen size like it's just far too small there are too many platforming frustrations that are there because you just can't see what's right in front of you now luckily both do have Master System ports the hardware for both were pretty similar so the transition is actually pretty seamless if you are sewing to play these games then yeah the Master System versions are the ones to load up they make the Game Gear versions just seem like a neat little novelty and that's about it they still don't compare to the Genesis games like for God's sakes Sonic 1's got all the scrolling sections and I feel pain but in their own little bubble they're decent 8-bit Sonic games and also special shout out to the fan made remakes of these games too not many people know about these but some fans out there made these great remakes of these two games that aren't necessarily faithful but I'll be damned if they're not really fun we got a wide screen for both of them so you can actually see what you're doing that's a godsend Sonic 1 has newly added zones from the Genesis games like marble zone Sonic 2 has the Buddy mechanic that's pretty cool their extra characters are plenty for both of these games like Rey and Sonic 1 that's pretty surreal the gimmicks that were already there got some Polish and hey some new ones too what is this surfing nonsense in oil ocean okay this isn't faithful in the slightest cause like also look at that it's supersonic what damn it it's not authentic but it's still pretty cool these fan games are getting updated all the time if you're looking for a Sonic experience you likely haven't checked out before definitely give these a go and hey while we're at it check out this hack of Sonic 1 on The Game Gear that changes all the Aesthetics and music to be that of the Genesis games really gotten older options when it comes to interesting ROM hacks for the Game Gear titles but uh hey pretty impressive how they got this game to look while still being a Game Gear Game need to remind you Sonic Blast exists let's move on to Sonic chaos and triple trouble now these are where the Game Gear shines for me two Adventures that completely stand out on their own no confusion with names that match the console versions We got level designs and gimmicks that feel like they were more naturally built with the Game Gear in mind to limit frustration these are pretty good I mean yeah chaos did drop on the Master System too but listen I mean what I said I can play the game gear game and not want to die okay that's a positive of the two I do give the notch to Triple trouble because chaos it doesn't really matter what console you play this on it almost feels like an over correction at times so the frustration of the earlier titles this one is almost too easy the levels are really straightforward forward in short the bosses are a joke finding the chaos emerald in the stages is the only real challenge like listen I didn't say this game is great I just didn't hate myself while playing it triple trouble is the absolute star though there's an actual plot this time around pinning you against Robotnik Knuckles and a brand new character Fang the sniper or Knack the weasel if you like getting into internet arguments levels are a lot more complex gimmicks are actually functional and fun the game looks and sounds super good triple trouble is just a really solid time from start to finish and easily the game gears best but you know I would of course be remiss if I didn't mention the incredible 16-bit remake as well by Noah Copeland taking everything that game had and making it feel like the Sonic 4 that we never got the Sonic 4 that we never got a Sonic chaos remake was in the works as well to make things look and sound a lot like Mania but unlike triple trouble this one isn't complete what's out there though shows a lot of great promise that demo is really fun remix and reimaginings of the past four Game Gear Adventures existing and all represent their Source material in different ways is super cool and it shows that the Game Gear truly did provide something that all Sonic fans should Experience One Way or Another unlike oh oh God I'm gonna vomit oh God oh God what is this okay let's let's take a step back here and try to be logical I think they were trying to make a Sonic game that looks like Donkey Kong Country yeah that's the only praise I got for Sonic Blast you may say that that wasn't praise yes all right uh so yeah cat's out of the bag on this one Sonic Blast is one of the worst looking games I've ever seen in my life but more importantly how does it play oh well let me tell you nothing quite beats the feeling of playing this game for a bit and then turning the Game Gear off it just feels bad too man like none of the levels feel special controlling the characters feels bad the bosses are badly designed yeah sonic one and two we're frustrating at times but this just feels completely lazy maybe this was just the product of trying to wow people with the graphics oh look what's possible on The Game Gear I mean 3D Blast on Console was full 3d maybe we can get something similar on the handheld but no atrocity it goes triple trouble chaos one two literally anything else and then maybe Sonic Blast if there's alcohol involved but even then I'm gonna I'm gonna just stick to the alcohol preferably rubbing alcohol I'll drink that instead of playing this looking at the Game Gear lineup as a whole it's definitely there am I being too harsh from this point forward Sega would jump around to as many different devices as possible you know they would stay in the console market for a few more years but the Game Gear died in 1997. that's not going to stop him from making a handheld Sonic game anyway Sonic pocket adventure for the Neo Geo Pocket color a classic Sonic game but with the modern green eye Sonic because we want fans in 10 or 20 years to have arguments on the internet about eye color [Music] the NG PC this is another fascinating handheld only lasted a couple of years on the market it had less than 100 games available to it and most of them were just pushed out by SNK the team who put out the console itself and hey it's got a cool clicky Circle pad this device is just fun and Sonic has a game on here yeah it's still kind of odd developed by the people who would go on to form dimps the team behind the advanced trilogy The Rush trilogy yeah that's where it ends while pocket Adventures existence is certainly strange the game itself I mean yeah it's it it's a Sonic game all right like it's almost a note for note reimagining of Sonic 2 with music from Sonic 3 and that's about it the Sonic 2 half pipe special stages are here uh the bosses are new I appreciate that part way through we mess with the entire idea of this being Sonic 2 and throw Knuckles into the mix and probably the neatest Little Nugget of information of all robotic starts off in his classic outfit and by the end he's full-blown egg gentleman you throw in the classic looking Sonic the Hedgehog with the modern green eyes and this game almost acts like a transition between the two distinct eras of this franchise and besides I know we're all thinking the same thing here there simply Aren't Enough versions of Sonic 2 out there what's another one to throw into the mix that Sega decided to not throw into the Neo Geo Pocket color selection Volume 2 even though the Mega Man fighting game is in there and we could have had artwork of Mega Man and Sonic on the same box art and that would have been so cool why do you hate money Sega clearly this team did a good enough job the first time around so when Sega exited the console Market alongside the GameCube reading release of Sonic Adventure 2 known as sa2 battle which is still an all-timer Sonic game I'm tired of these arguments saying otherwise the Game Boy Advance would now be the home for more traditional 2D Sonic with the advanced Trilogy from dimps AKA Sonic 4 5 and 6. yeah I'm one of those people yo check out this sick strategy guide by the way for both Adventure 2 and advanced one yeah you flip it and then it turns into the other game this is this is so cool you know Sonic Advance 1 right brought To Us by THQ these games sometimes get a lot of criticism for a multitude of reasons usually stemming from dimp's tendency to fill their level designs with Bottomless Pits and they're pretty obvious ways of obtaining each game's Chaos Emeralds definitely not a fan of that part both of those statements are valid these games are far from perfect like Angel Island from Advance 1 is one of the most painful levels you could ever experience when it comes to screwing up your jumps there are Bottomless Pits then you know what the entire level the entire level is basically a bottomless pit but call it blind and Nostalgia if you want I love all three of these games I always appreciated it when a long-running franchise took their opportunity is on handhelds to try something a bit different and with each entry in this trilogy The Core gameplay Loop pun entirely intended is as Sonic as you could expect but while one mimics the traditional flow of the games that preceded it two would go for Pure unadulterated speed a lot of actual platforming challenge goes out the window for sure but this was one of the first times I ever played a Sonic game and really felt like going fast was the primary goal something dims would very clearly continue with when it comes to the rush games later on and then Advance 3 well this is almost a combination of both being super fast but bringing in more intricate level design that can be traversed in a plethora of ways due to the new buddy mechanic where you can partner any two characters together usually offering slightly modified movesets and hey different playable characters in general I mean yeah we had Sonic Tails and Knuckles before that makes sense but playable Amy I'm down with that and we got newcomer Cream the Rabbit in advance 2 where their evil Chao of Doom cheese that can kill anything in sight with the Press of a button watch out for cheese is very dangerous dangerous cheese cream is adorable and deadly I love it man the soundtracks are really good I've always loved the Sprites and the overall Aesthetics like yeah if we want to pull out the old analysis machine a lot of flaws will start to show again these games ain't perfect getting all the Chaos Emerald sometimes is very very annoying and finding all the Chow in advance 3 that sucks okay you know what I'll say it that sucks it sucks a whole lot not a not a fan but coming from the games on the game gear which mostly felt like Yep this is Sonic alright it's the advanced games that for the first time in this video I feel like we're really trying something a little bit different to stand out and considering what would happen soon after we need to appreciate this era before the nuclear bomb went off also the mini Chow Gardens that was pretty cool you can raise a bunch of Chow in a console game like Adventure 2 battle and throw one of them into your GBA to raise it on the go even play a little mini game if you're feeling up to it certainly not deep At All by any stretch but quite frankly any title with Gamecube GBA connectivity are inherently interesting to me and also the fact that of Sonic Generations didn't show respect to any of the handheld Sonic games outside of Russia and I guess Colors DS is still a disgusting crime and I'm still mad okay a modern form of Music plant and a boss battle against General in 3D would have been so sick you can tell I'm a Sonic fan because I keep giving the multi-million dollar company ideas on how to make money but of course the GBA wasn't just the advanced Trilogy can't forget about Sonic pinball party baby it's a party now it's a video game with a story where your friends are evil and you got a pinball in order to rescue them video games are stupid but look Knights Sonic battle though now this is an underappreciated gem listen alright a fighting game on the GBA you're already going into this with limited expectations look at Dragon Ball Z taikatsu what why what on Earth is this what they managed to achieve here is actually pretty good because they went away from the typical 1v1 formula you got nearly a dozen characters to choose from with this interesting choose your attack Loadout before you spawn in mechanic one character allows for full customization with a ton of unlockable attack pieces and it all takes place in 3D environments that look pretty solid for the hardware there's even a story mode that okay now this is where the game flounders I'm not gonna lie the interactions are pretty spot on for how the characters were portrayed at the time with a lot of the plot focused around this new mysterious robot and Merle but gameplay wise the difficulty is pretty inconsistent randomly getting into matches that are either surprisingly difficult or take shockingly long for no real reason and things begin to drag pretty quickly when it comes to the plot especially since there's this whole world's traversal thing too that really doesn't add much to the overall experience it's just kind of there and now you can run around yeah cool but hey the core mechanics are fun find some friends with multiple gbas and Link cables in the 2020s and you're in for a good time good luck hell at the very least I can appreciate the extra Emerald lore to amplify General in advance 3. the long continuous lore is when I play these Sonic games for after all okay okay fine did you know that Sonic Genesis released at the same time as Sonic 06 vote to wipe November 2006 from history God what a what a disgusting Abomination this is how could Sega fail a simple Port this badly like okay I get it we all make fun of Sonic games here it's annoying to see the same bad sign a game over and over again but it still blows my mind the mechanics are terrible the music is horrendous they're slowed down at every single frame it's quite frankly impressive oh dear God and good luck in the special stages ooh anniversary mode it's just the same game with the spin dash you mean you don't normally take out the first boss this way listen for all the slack I give Sonic 4 maybe I'm being too harsh you know it certainly doesn't control very well but it plays a lot better than this rise a lyric Black Knight forces hell let's throw Schoolhouse into the mix for my money Sonic Genesis is the worst game in this entire franchise at least some level of effort went into the other bad games this is just the lowest of the low and even further proof there's a higher power out there smiting us for even liking this blue Hedgehog in the first place like dude Sonic's spinball and the Sega smash pack for the same console plays a lot better than this oh my God how embarrassing massive massive shout outs to the ROM hacker stealth that managed to do which Sega don't I don't that didn't sound right and not only get Sonic 1 fully functional on this console but even throw in Tails and Knuckles just to show off now granted this is a tech demo it's just Green Hill Zone and a couple of special stages but hey just to show off that this was actually possible if Sega cared at the time it's impressive it's no surprise that stealth would go on to work on Sonic Mania dude knows his stuff Game Gear Neo Geo Pocket color Game Boy Advance the next logical step would be the DS and the 3DS home to plenty of Sonic games well like I said I already did those and you should watch those videos if you haven't already after this one of course but to quickly recap oh ah Nice kill me oh man oh god oh man you know what not the worst thing and now as we all know around the same time as the DS another handheld enter the scene that had a Sonic game to call its very own a competitor with another Sonic game that's crazy of course I'm I'm talking about the engage you remember Sonic and right Sonic n huh what a what a title if you don't remember the engage then I'm envious of you though you didn't miss this hilarious Saga where everyone called this thing a taco it was a that was a good time what a meme all you really need to know about this thing is that to swap out cartridges you have to take off the back and remove the battery first name a worse idea as for the game Sonic n well it's just Sonic Advance I mean the resolution is destroyed because you're forcing a landscape resolution into a portrait frame but hey if you wanted to control Sonic with a number pad and not a d-pad hopefully not have a chow Garden since that's been removed also then this is the game for you but okay fine on a serious note can't forget about the PSP two little Sonic games Grace is handheld the Sonic Rivals Duo and uh I'll be honest I don't really have much to say on these we have two Adventures each with multiple characters to choose from but really the gameplay remains identical the entire way through which yes is very much a Sonic thing but here I I don't know it's missing something this game is missing a little something the primary concept here is it's a race against another character and you just keep pushing forward hopefully faster than your opponent and that's it like levels do occasionally have some gimmicks and you can actively affect set opponent if you run into them and when there's a boss fight you'll go against them with your rival so like there is some thought put into this whole idea but both of these just really feel underwhelming to me the perfect type of game where I see people go oh man I used to play this all the time as a kid and then you go back to it and you say oh well you know at least I'm nostalgic credit to Rivals too adding more abilities for each character to stand out from the others that's nice and even having full voice acting for the cutscenes I like that but it's clear that the DS had the much better treatment between the two though I do love race to win the theme song for Rivals 2 one of the cheesiest songs I've ever heard in my life but damn it if it isn't Fun to load up on my millionth replay of generations and hey the PSP at least had a better version of Sonic 1 courtesy of the Sega Genesis collection so hey coin over the GBA that collection also has rystar included and that game's sick alright what's next uh oh what you thought I was gonna forget to mention Sonic Jam on the game com 2 this thing they tried to get Sonic 3 running on a damn calculator and I don't know what's worse this game's frame rate or the fact Resident Evil 2 is also on this device ooh Sonic X on the Leapster oh my God there's an actual game based on the Sonic anime what and it's it's it's an educational game God what's crazy though is they added more animations to the Sonic 3 Sprites listen I gotta give this game something oh man Sonic on the LeapFrog ditch what what what's a dig yeah it turns out that LeapFrog a company known for releasing educational products and software released a handheld called the ditch which housed educational software why did more than one person look at Sonic the Hedgehog and think yeah he should teach my kid English and yeah it's bad and also it's Sonic 3 Sonic running through the zones of Sonic 1 and 2 and damn it the lack of consistency is tearing me apart Sonic's handheld history much like his history in general is like just it's crazy and all over the place and you never know what to expect with every individual game and I wouldn't have it any other way looking at all of these handhelds Sega managed to release well over 20 different titles we had platforms based off of console games we had platforms that were totally original a bunch of spin-offs Sonic Genesis but hey hold on now it's time for the really fun part look at the time bar down there we ain't even close to done Sega is beholden to no company so of course this entire time they've also been making Sonic games for phones oh God yo they got ghost Sanic goo MLG on this the fact this has over 6 000 positive ratings is honestly alarming just like the proper handheld console Sonic has had quite the prolific career on mobile I mean nowadays we got a few notable titles that are actually pretty solid for what they set out to do Sonic Dash is definitely the most notable one one of those Auto scrollers that are everywhere on mobile devices hell but at least for Sonic this format makes sense definitely more so than when crash gave it a shot especially considering Sonic managed to outlive that Bandicoot since that game already got delisted so rest in peace I hate Mobile gaming and yeah it's it's it's fine whenever you're on the toilet and don't feel like reading the back of the shampoo bottle Sonic Dash has you covered and the events that they roll out for this are crazy like they had a Pac-Man event a Sonic movie event so many costumes it's insane like including references to Unleashed Black Knight Sonic Prime tangle and Whisper from the comics Bongo the monkey from Danimals oh there's even a Sonic Dash too fully dedicated to Sonic Boom where they're so embarrass first by boom that they had to push it off to the side instead of just making additional skins for the first game Sonic with bandages get that away from me I want Bongo instead we can't have boom Knuckles and Bongo in the same game that's too much power and there's yet another one Sonic forces speed battle where it's almost the same exact concept except now you're racing other players many of the costumes and the characters overlap too so why not just have a multiplayer mode for Sonic Dash I'm so confused it's money isn't it it's just about the money so Sega can get money from multiple apps instead of just one it's Mobile gaming I got it shout out to punk says Sonic jump and endless jumper Sonic Jump Fever the same thing but with some competitive multiplayer elements that's now delisted cool Sonic Runners Adventure a level based Auto Runner that lacks a unique art style and features a modern Sonic with oddly short quills that'll get people mad in the comments the original Sonic Runners and endless Runner with an infinitely better art style but this one is also delisted God I feel so much pain man come on now let's not act like mobile games aren't still their own breed compared to proper console and handheld games rather than providing anything meaningful these are meant to act as an incredibly simple and accessible way to keep you from being distracted and to keep a brand active in your mind while also squeezing out some money from you pennies at a time if you look at me dead in the eyes and tell me that one of your favorite Mario Karts is tour I'm going to think you're a cop I'm sorry that's just how it is there are a few other Sonic games on mobile like the remasters of Sonic 1 and 2 that people were begging for console ports for years before they finally gave them to us with Sonic Origins which is right after those mobile games got decompiled so we got better PC versions with Mod support because life is funny that way sorry Sega Sonic racing yeah that's the whole title an entirely unique entry in this racing series that's Apple arcade exclusive for no good reason being a super simplified version of Team Sonic racing which not enough people played Sonic 4 Episode 1 got a mobile port with exclusive levels that are total garbage and that's all the time I'm gonna give this game and arguably the most interesting of all a few Sonic at the Olympic Games titles uh yeah Noah no plumbers allowed I guess for what it's worth Tokyo 2020 it ain't all that bad converting a bunch of Olympic based minigames to touch controls it works pretty well hey look at that Sonic Jump yeah I'm convinced Sega just wants me to know pain now this was released alongside the actual console game that featured another certain character that should not be named so a mobile version is the epitome of a Shameless cash grab this isn't like the DS and 3DS versions of the other games they actually put some effort into those this it just it just kind of is and it's fine the same can be said for the Winter Olympics back in 2010 and even further back with the original 2008 Summer Olympics back before phones had a brain seeing the advanced Sprites thrown into an official Java based minigame collection it's kind of surreal in not a good way it's weird there was once a time where Sega looked at this and went yeah that'll work the thing is though this Hedgehog hole goes deep it's easy to forget that all mobile gaming before smartphones was kind of like this having anything run running on the same machine they gave us [Music] is a miracle like there was this weird Port of Sonic 1 right it had to be split into two parts like you would finish springyard Zone in part one and then the game would just end God what a time and throughout the 2000s Sega actually released a shocking amount of phone games some of them did get worldwide releases but a majority of them were part of a Japanese exclusive service known as Sonic Cafe where players would pay a small monthly fee to gain access to the entire library of available games and now we know where Xbox got the Game Pass idea from Sonic Cricket Sonic darts the original Sonic Jump can't forget about Sonic golf definitely not forgetting Shadow shoot I could say that you just had to be there but you know what no I don't think you did I think I would much rather play those crazy McDonald's Sonic games remember those from back in the day of course you do there was that one Pakistan commercial where the guy went Sonic iconic absolutely iconic thank you Pakistan oh my oh my God who is who is that oh yeah now we're really getting into it in case you didn't think having two versions of Sonic Unleashed was enough Gameloft gave us a third exclusive for Java phones can't get much more morbidly curious than this because you know what I'll I'll be totally honest and I can't believe I'm saying this but this ain't this ain't the worst thing I've ever played you got original Sprite work original level designs both a hedgehog and Werehog mechanics have been adapted to the side-scrolling style in not the worst way you know I'm not about to say this is a crazy Sonic Hidden Gem locked behind old phones and gosh if only game preservation were more important and we had a modern Port of this on Steam but hey look at all these credits here these people are responsible for making the not worst Sonic game ever made so credit where it's due thank you guys you did a not terrible job which is impressive for Gameloft because terrible is all they really know if there's one major takeaway from all this is that for Sonic on handhelds Sega knew no bounds man they would go into their board meetings and go uh hey can we put this Hedgehog in some software real quick that'd be that'd be really cool and they would go oh wait a minute we just shipped 30 different games you should have asked us sooner dude some of these old mobile games they just like they look like these cheap bootlegs and it's just oh oh I forgot the handheld bootlegs ah dude of course the Game Boy Classic Sonic Adventure 7. what happened to three through six it's it's terrible you see you're the fool here you may have gone your entire life not thinking that even the game boy had some Sonic games because Sega had its own console why would they put him on the Nintendo console well oh boy would you ever be wrong here buddy I mean hell if we're throwing fan games into this conversation why not include these two they may have been fans when they made these games in their Chinese sweatshops I don't know I'm still waiting on the developer documentary gaming bootlegs is an entire other world that we can get into and it's just a freaking Minefield as far as the eye could see but it will always be interesting back when I was first checking out this magical thing called the internet when I was a wee little kid I saw this title screen for something called Sonic the Hedgehog 4 on the Super Nintendo my young mind was blown I didn't know there was a Sonic 4 just to find out it's a garbage Sprite swap of Speedy Gonzalez Los Gatos Banditos my young mind was then pissed ooh Sonic 3D Blast 5 back where it all started let's look at the technological leap between 3D Blast 5 and Adventure 7 simply going from five to six was gonna undersell just how big of a jump this was dude and do not get me started on Sonic Adventure 8. holy do you know there was also a fan game called Sonic blasting Adventure that's a remake of all three of these games God life really is funny sometimes as if Sonic's history isn't already this crazy mass of spaghetti just thrown up against the wall re-experiencing every one of these mobile games just really reconfirms that Sega had no idea what they were doing with this hedgehog from the very beginning and I gotta tell you I love him as a result for better for worse every Sonic game provided a unique experience it wasn't like Mario where they would compile all these great ideas into one groundbreaking platformer that they can ride off of for years to come if someone had an idea for this blue Hedgehog damn it they made a game about it now certainly smaller more unique Sonic titles will continue to release until the end of time we still got some similar to that right here that ain't stopping anytime soon and I'm very excited for Sonic Superstars but you know what at the end of the day thanks to Sonic Origins plus releasing on all major consoles a whole new generation can experience Sonic Blast for the first time thank God [Music]
Channel: AntDude
Views: 286,332
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AntDude, Handheld Sonic Games, Portable Sonic Games, Sonic handheld games, Sonic portable games, Sonic game boy advance, Sonic game boy color, Sonic game boy, Sonic game boy games, Sonic PSP, Sonic PSP games, Sonic mobile games, Sonic on mobile, old sonic phone games, sonic game gear, sonic on game gear
Id: zxE9EL0w0UI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 28sec (2068 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 24 2023
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