These Hero Dads Saved Their Children’s Lives

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When it came to protecting their kids from danger, these dads turned into superheroes. (dramatic music) As I look to the right, I see this car coming at a high rate of speed. This dad saved his daughter from an oncoming car. Michael Devore was crossing the street in Los Angeles with his daughter, Ryan, when he noticed the car speeding toward them with no signs of stopping. He was able to push Ryan out of the vehicle's path, but he wasn't so lucky, getting hit himself. That was my main objective, was to get her out of the way. And if I had to take the hit, I had to take the hit. Kind of scary, so I started crying. While many would disagree, Michael says he doesn't consider himself a hero. No, I mean, like I said previously, I'm just a dad. This dad made a lifesaving kidney donation to his little girl, who was born with severe kidney disease. When I found out that she had the disease before she was born, I already decided I was gonna give her the kidney. Mia Orechhio, spent the first few years of her life unable to do many things other kids do, like play soccer or ride a bike. But after her transplant. This is so fun. She was able to reclaim her childhood, all thanks to a giving father who's just grateful for his daughter's good health. Anytime that she does things that she definitely couldn't do before is when you realize what you did. These dads all saved their kids from wild animals. During a family hike, Ian O'Reilly jumped into action when a coyote grabbed his two-year-old son's snowsuit and started to drag the child away. It just kept attacking and lunging, so then I had to straddle it. I put my legs around it and then I put him into a scissor lock by crossing my feet and then just squeezed as hard as I could. Ian ended up killing the rabid coyote with his own hands and feet, getting bitten in the struggle. He had to be treated for rabies, but he and his family all survived. Right. Those are all teeth marks, right there. Dad, Matt Rispoli, fought off a wolf to protect his wife and sons while they were camping. It happened in the middle of the night when they heard an animal outside their tent. The whole tent wall came in at us. We couldn't see anything. We, pretty violently, Yeah. like kinda... I remember the whole tent kind of shaking because, oh my gosh, I thought black bear. it's a bear. Yeah. Yeah 100%. So I yelled, "Get back." I tried to just hit and basically push back. I don't know if I hit it or if I pushed back, but either way, when my hand hit the tent, something snapped down on my hand. Matt says when he realized it was a wolf, he fought as hard as he could to get it to run off while his wife protected the children. It bit down, basically grabbing my entire arm. I tried punching it twice with my left hand and I was trying to hit it closer to the neck. It felt completely useless. He pulled me right through the opening that it made in the tent wall. I grabbed his ankle or his calf And I didn't even feel it. And felt him get pulled and I pulled, well I was just holding on for dear life. Matt says the wolf released him from its teeth and the family ran to take shelter in their car. They called the incident a nightmare, but one they survived thanks to this brave dad. He's always been my hero, but more now than ever, for sure. Another dad's quick thinking saved his child from the grip of a mountain lion when he threw a backpack at the animal, and it actually worked. There was a mountain lion attack. My three-year-old child, it, like, knocked him over and got him by the neck. And he's okay, but he's got a pretty good cut on his neck. The mountain lion dropped the kid and grabbed the backpack, then ran up this tree. A witness took this picture of the lion still clutching the bag. It was a little shocking right at first because it's just staring down at me motionless with what looked like a kid's backpack. I've gotta get my daughter. This dad rushed toward danger to save his daughter, who called him from the Route 91 Harvest Festival in Las Vegas after a gunman opened fire on a crowd. Hurry up, there's a shooting going on there. Somebody's shooting? Yes. Please, get me there as fast as you can. My daughter's calling me. The cab driver, a father himself, was eager to help, even after the worried father offered to reward him. Listen, I'm gonna give you more money, pal. No, no, no, man. I'm a father too. I can do that for free. The whole way there, this father just kept talking to his daughter. Hey Ashley, listen to me. Stay calm. Okay, stay calm. She tells him that she and her husband ran to a nearby Motel 6. That's where the driver heads to pick them up. Yes, hurry up. Get in, that's us. Hurry up. As Ashley gets in, so do others who fled the gunfire, cramming into the back of the minivan. Just get in here. Thank you. I don't know you, Listen, listen. but I love you (sobs). They all got home safely thanks to these two determined dads. For, I'm Mara Montalbano.
Channel: Inside Edition
Views: 3,456,909
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: heroes, father's day, Inside Edition, Inside_Edition, IE Heartwarming, mara montalbano, hero dads, dads, fathers, fathers day, save life, children, parents, parenting, camping, oncoming car, wild animals, fathers love
Id: 63-mb5Fsp1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 56sec (296 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 21 2020
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