These Things Weren't as Safe as They Seemed

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here are our most memorable stories of things that weren't as safe as people thought first up hang gliding thousands of people do it every year no problem but this passenger in switzerland wasn't fully attached to the hang glider the unfortunate man holds onto the craft with one hand and the pilot with his other hand the passenger's name was chris gursky and he's from florida chris told abc news i was just trying to stay calm just trying to hold on for dear life i looked down once and i thought to myself this is it i'm going to fall to my dad i'm i'm a goner chris's grip was slipping and he didn't have much time left fortunately after two white knuckle minutes they got close enough to the ground that he let go he broke his wrist and tore his bicep you'd think that after that experience chris would be done with hang gliding but no all right chris if you go ready to fly and have some fun ready to go less than a year later chris returned to the same location to tempt fate again this time he was fully strapped in and could enjoy the breathtaking scenery all right chris actually hang gliding now how are you feeling awesome this is beautiful the landing was a lot smoother too no injuries this time so what was it like the second time around it was fantastic here's something that looks fantastic dragon's breath it's an icy treat that consists of cheese puffs or cereal that's instantly frozen using liquid nitrogen then it's put on a skewer dipped in some sauce and popped in your mouth out comes something that looks like smoke thus the name this man tried the snack after his second piece i stuck my finger like in my mouth and did that and there's blood on my hands he burned the inside of his mouth and said the pain was almost unbearable for about three weeks i was limited on what i could eat this florida boy tried dragon's breath and his mom said the smoke triggered an asthma attack she posted a warning to other parents around 20 minutes the cough became really consistent he was coughing so bad that he was having trouble catching his breath he ended up in the hospital dr rashini raj said it could be dangerous to try dragon's breath before the liquid nitrogen has completely dried any part of your body that's coming in contact with liquid nitrogen can be damaged because it's very destructive to the tissues of your body so that could be the skin on your fingers it could be the lining of your mouth your esophagus dr raj has some simple advice i think the safest thing to do is to avoid any sort of food or beverage that's been prepared with liquid nitrogen this man thought a flaming shot of alcohol would be safe it wasn't blending shots were designed to attract people customers to the bar it looks cool a blue flame and a dark bar really illuminates greg lewis runs a bartender school in new york he says flaming drinks are for show and should be extinguished before drinking there's absolutely no safe way to consume a flaming food or beverage this fire marshal showed stephen fabian what happens when a flaming shot is spilled there is massive injury occurring to him at this point his clothes are saturated with alcohol right it's continually burning and it's continually damaging all that skin underneath we're causing second and third degree burns here right now the moral here if you're drinking enjoy the cocktail without the fire another popular activity that may not be super safe axe throwing check out this near miss oh my gosh i'm so glad i didn't get hit in the head ainsley from arizona shared her experience with steven fabian is it hard for you to watch yes now looking back at it i do realize it was really close matthew sylvester runs an axe throwing business in brooklyn that was crazy it was a one in a million shot it was literally just a simple slip up but still very dangerous it was a little too much power and a little late in her release otherwise she would have done fine we have impact boards at the bottom they don't have an impact board in there so it's that last little bit to stop it from bouncing up just in case they do hit the floor inside edition producer allison hall gave axe throwing a try whenever we're ready all the way above our heads touch our backs like a nice shark fin now we're going to take a full step with our left foot and throw at the same time we step and throw one motion perfect and will ainsley ever do it again yes oh absolutely oh yeah finally raw chicken you wash it before cooking right that's not safe according to the cdc which says don't wash your raw chicken washing can spread germs from the chicken to other food or utensils in the kitchen the government body continues it's true kill germs by cooking chicken thoroughly not washing it so how many of you guys think you have to wash a chicken before you cook it oh that's not right alison hall got some advice from new york's institute for culinary education i have a chicken and it has all this gross stuff on it i'm not supposed to wash it why so most people want to wash their chickens because they want to get rid of the bacteria and unfortunately the opposite that is true when you wash the chickens you're just actually spreading the bacteria around cooking is the only thing that's going to get rid of it inside edition decided to test out the premise with a fluorescent gel and a black light turn on the black light and see what's there okay oh my gosh it's everywhere you see it's already on the handles where you touch all around the counters and the single ripping down the sink inside of the sink here yikes some more tips any juices that remain on the cutting board if i'm going to be cutting up the chicken then i would simply go ahead and continue using it and wash it after but if i'm done using the cutting board i want to make sure that i thoroughly wash it hot soapy water even a little beach if i have it to make sure to kill any of the bacteria stay safe this is you
Channel: Inside Edition
Views: 7,165,043
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: offbeat, switzerland, inside edition, inside_edition, ie offbeat, safe, not safe, danger, hang gliding, dragon’s breath, chicken, axe throwing, flaming drink, snack, bar, raw, alison hall, steven fabian, roshini raj, hold on
Id: CqpVu6oqjXg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 22sec (382 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2020
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