These Police Officers Came to the Rescue in 2020

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in a year when police officers have faced a lot of criticism these officers came to the rescue please hurry when police in Florida responded to a possible drowning situation it seemed like it was too late the three-year-old girl pulled from the backyard pool looked blue and she wasn't breathing Pensacola police officers worked together to try to revive the child one Pats her on the back while the other prepares a defibrillator then they see signs of life she's moving tell him we gotta pulse but the job wasn't done they still had to try to get the water out of her lungs oh okay okay breathe for me breathe for me come on baby the officers worked on the child until an ambulance could come take her to a hospital but police say the child has made a full recovery hey what's going on with the baby a Michigan Family called for help after their three-week-old baby stopped breathing the infant was choking and officer Cameron masajewski arrived just in time he started performing back blows as the child's mother was panicking yes there you go okay he's crying he's crying okay he's crying hey it's okay he's crying when the baby started crying they knew everything was going to be all right despite the chaotic scene this cop kept his cool I attribute all that to all the training that I received if I start freaking out or if I can't handle myself or maintain my cool then that just escalates everything for the family is anybody in there who's in there who's in there when a police officer Came Upon an overturned car on fire with the driver inside he knew he had to act quickly officer Fang lie's body camera captured the whole scary encounter in Davis California when he sees the woman he calls for her to get out get out right now hurry get out when lye was able to get a hold of her he grabbed the woman by her wrists and dragged her to safety no one was seriously injured body cameras show how officers saved a man from a burning house in California it gets super bad super bad when they arrived on scene in Grass Valley cops were told a person was trapped inside and the fire was spreading officers started calling out to the man from the outside Police Department anyone in here Corey but no response the smoke was too thick inside for cops to see anything an officer decided to go around to another door of the house foreign he heard nothing but this time he saw something Corey go get the Medics the man was unconscious because of smoke exposure he was treated at a local hospital and recovered you have a jack when cops in Mesa Arizona responded to help a man trapped under his car they knew time was of the essence Devin haycock says the Jack collapsed while he was fixing his wife's car in their driveway the car sitting there crushing my chest I had just enough room to get small little breaths without a Jack the officers used all of their Force to lift the car up just enough so Devin could roll out from under it it was the first time for both of us to be in anything like that so we just knew we had to act fast and basically solve this problem pull him out their effort paid off and Devin was able to escape and his wife set a new ground rule I told him he's not allowed to get underneath the car ever again never never again I'll be out with the Bell stack on the tracks trying to get them out come on can you get up a police officer in California had only seconds to save a man from an oncoming train after his wheelchair got stuck in the tracks body cam from Lodi police officer Erica orea shows her arriving at the scene and running from her patrol car she asks him if he can get up but with the train approaching fast the officer pulled him from the wheelchair out of the Train's path they both fell to the ground just as the train came barreling through they were both safe but she called for an ambulance to treat the man for minor leg injuries this is Inside Edition digital
Channel: Inside Edition
Views: 6,522,582
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cops, police, Inside Edition, Inside_Edition, IE Newsdesk, heroes, police officers, rescuers, cop rescues, good cops, saved lives, drowning, fire, cop saves baby, oncoming train, hero cops
Id: 9xuw_abLkf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 57sec (297 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 27 2020
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