These Bot Commands can Raid your Discord Server!

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there are three types of commands that are in a ton of Discord Bots that all contribute to being a tool that people use to raid your Discord server but there's a bit of a catch as you will see now the first type of bot command is the tag command and it's at a ton of bots like Dyno and also in carlbot and typically this command is enabled by default which is pretty dangerous however carlbot props to them this is only for moderators only and just for contacts carlbot and Dino are one of the most popular Discord bots on the platform this is a list of the top Discord Bots and as you can see in sixth place you have Dino and in seventh place you have carlbot these are in millions of Discord servers so what does this tag command allow you to do well it allows you to create text shortcuts so if someone keeps on asking why is your Discord server called anti-garfield Club then you can create a tag and you can call it the answer to this question and the content is wait a God damn second you impatient little and once you create a tag and someone asks that question you can just quickly pull up the tag by doing tag get and putting in the name the answer to your question now since this is YouTube and I can't swear or else the fake Mr B scam ads won't show up on my channel and I won't get money in my anti-garfield club there is a slur that you cannot say lasagna I'm just doing this so I don't have to censor anything because I'm goddamn lazy but with these tag commands what if I try to bypass Auto mod by creating a tag so I have two Bots I'm gonna try this on I'm gonna try it on this assist bot which is one of these Bots where you don't actually have slash commands instead the assist bot uses normal text command so I need to do Dash t for my tag create I'm going to call it answer and inside of the content of the tag I'm going to put lasagna and that doesn't work because I put lasagna in plain text and according to my Auto mod setup it doesn't matter what you say if there's the word lasagna in it it will automatically get blocked but let me try out Dino because Dino's a little bit different and uses slash command so I'm going to do slash tag create I'm going to call this the slur and the content is lasagna and if I press the enter key it should be blocked but it's not and since this tag is created all I need to do is get me and a couple of friends to just keep on spam Dino with command and lasagna will be spammed across my server rating the whole entire thing and ruining my day now to be honest sending these rude messages isn't the only damage I can do by the way let's move on to the AFK command now the AFK command allows you to set a custom little status so in this case if you're going outside once in a while then you can set this little message press enter And now when anyone pings you then Dinah will tell them that you are going outside now of course Nothing is Stopping You from putting the very bad word as your AFK status but it gets even worse I haven't used the full range of my Discord moderator IQ now I cleaned up the server a little bit but what if instead of putting a message I put a link to an image the tragedy of us seeing this beef lasagna on this very specific day now of course in the real world this would actually be a photo of someone's beef lasagna or maybe someone's sausage roll or just Gore people will use the AFK command to bypass any embed perms that you have so they can spam whatever images they want and once that AFK stand miss a set all you have to do is just go on an ALT account and spam ping your AFK accounts just over and over again so it keeps on showing up that beef lasagna or you could get your friends to do it just kidding you don't have any friends now finally the third type of command that I want to talk about is the reminders command which allows you to remind yourself to say good night to your e-girl Now reminders are available on a ton of Discord Bots we have dank memer it has a reminder Dino has reminder and carlbot has reminders and with this final command type I need to unlock my final true potential what I'm gonna do is I am going to get dank memers remind me command I am going to make a reminder when one minute from now and what is it gonna do well it's going to Ping everyone let's give it a whirl it just it doesn't ping everyone okay you know what maybe dank memer isn't the way to go with this one I could use dinos remind me command I want in one minute I want you to Ping everyone and Dino should be able to because it has administrator permissions so I press enter and it's in a hidden message it's an imperial messenger however the heck you pronounce that word that's on screen right now okay that's not gonna work but we do have a Saving Grace Carl bought if I look at Carl Bob's permission it does have the permission to mention everyone at here and all roles ladies and gentlemen I have an idea with Carl bought I do slash reminder reminds me at everyone pick I wanted to Ping everyone and win in one minute see where it goes and it doesn't work at all even though it should be able to Ping everyone it does not and the catch that I alluded to at the very beginning of this video is that most good Discord Bots will block people from pinging everyone and I've tried every single command whether it be reminders AFK or tags on every single Discord bot I have in here and the closest I ever got was using Dino's AFK command to ping someone just by copying their ID using my fancy little technique and once I set that as my AFK message if I go to my uh where where's that there it is the main owner's account and I go back to the channel you can see that Dino did in fact ping me now the only time that this would actually be important is if you're on a Discord Server Like Mine where we have an Auto mod rule where if you try pinging staff it won't let you but here's the thing if you scroll down a little bit more in this Auto mod rule Discord tells you that members with admin and manage server permissions are always excluded from the filter rules and guess which Discord bot has admin permissions yes Dino here if you look at this it has administrator it can bypass Auto mod and that's the only trolling you could do pinging the owner if you can't ping them normally and I'll be honest I tried absolutely everything I tried the nerdiest thing like doing this at Ampersand pasting in the guild ID and closing it off with this angled bracket but removing the space and it pinged at everyone that didn't work I tried doing at everyone in closed brackets it didn't work and I even tried doing at here and it also didn't work with any of these Discord Bots and I have a little bonus thing for you but every single Discord bot is going to have their little niche commands for example Probot here has a command called slash title which allows you to set a title on your profile and you can set it once again to the worst word on the planet lasagna and it'll work like normal and all you have to do is convince people to run the slash profile commands for your account that's actually the wrong bot profile on Probot and once you run that command you will see my profile has the worst word on the planet lasagna in the worst resolution on the planet as well now despite these everyone pings not working at all there are going to be Discord servers that have these commands that I've showed you enabled people are going to abuse those commands to send whatever the heck they want whether it be using tags to bypass Auto mod or using AFK to post images of beef lasagna people are going to abuse this and it's not going to be as friendly as a photo of meat pasta and cheese in repeated layers it's just gonna be a photo of meat spinning on your screen that was a sick joke now what I've done is I've actually checked out a lot of my local content creators you know people in the Discord space like Beluga Beluga has AFK disabled and everything else custom has everything disabled and sounds World also has everything disabled everything is disabled on big creators Discord servers because they've been rated before because that's what happened to me however if you're just cruising around on Discord servers and you managed to stumble across a server that has these commands enabled don't be an instead just DM the staff team open a ticket or just let an admin know now if you own a Discord server you have a lot of homework to do what you need to do is you need to check every single command on every single one of your Discord Bots and you can't just run slash commands and look for tags because remember there was the assist bot that required just plain text but once you figure out the commands that allow people to display whatever text they want you need to turn them off and whether it be through the Bots dashboard or you might have to do something a little bit fancy like going to your server settings going to Integrations clicking on the bot and disabling the permissions by going through this big long menu it's annoying but you gotta do the work you know that's the whole point of owning a Discord server and you don't have to disable the command outright you can make it so that only specific people can use it by adding roles or channels don't do channels that's dumb do roles anyways uh somehow coincidentally I'm craving some lasagna right now so I might go buy a frozen bun from the grocery store because there's no way I'm making that bad boy from scratch any gamer bye bye I love you mwah
Channel: No Text To Speech
Views: 166,465
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: discord, discord no text to speech, discord bot, discord server, discord bot commands, discord raid, discord raid commands, discord server raid, discord memes, discord mod, These Bot Commands can Raid your Discord Server!, discord moderator, discord raid server, discord dyno bot, discord bot raid, discord nuke bot, discord nuke, discord bots, best discord bots, discord ping
Id: GynulDUOgDE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 9sec (489 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 13 2023
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