The Discord Nuke Bots Rabbit Hole

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within seconds my Discord server just got completely obliterated which is honestly a blessing in disguise all because of this stupid little Discord bot but this Discord bot led me down a rabbit hole to a subculture of mind-numbingly stupid Discord gangsters you're in for some cringe today now my investigation started when I wanted to remake an old video mine about Discord nukingbots way back then I sound super depressed and right now I'm really good at faking happiness so I needed to do a little bit of research and here's the thing with these Discord nuke Bots they need to be in your Discord server for them to work so how do they get added to your Discord server it's time for some research so I went to the most information dense website on the internet tiktok the best scholarly Source on the planet and I started digging we have this fella here advertising their Discord nuke bot but as you can see it is supposed to be a security bot but it doesn't stop there because there are some nuke mods that imitate WIC but the most common technique that I see personally are people asking to make you a custom Discord bot if you look at a lot of big Discord servers they will have a custom moderate bot so someone will offer to make you a custom bot and if you add that custom bot and the person that's making the bot has uh malicious intentions then your Discord server could blow up in a nuke another way that Discord nuke Bots could end up on your server is if your staff don't like you anymore now in my next phase of research I needed to figure out how often do these Discord server nukes happen and it turns out while I was browsing our slash Discord app today uh conveniently there's someone who made a post saying what happened to my server and in the image we can see that it says nuked by the most edgiest name on planet Earth that sounds so cool to a 14 year old dead destroyers I'm doing a lot of mental gymnastics right now and I can't see how this is cool at all so I dug a little bit deeper now in the comments of this Reddit post you have people clowning on the name you've missed with the dead destroyers but I did manage to stumble across a lead that these people are 12 oh nope that's a spoiler I managed to stumble across another lead where someone says that they're pretty sure this is the DD security bot now DD could mean a lot of things but thankfully for us these kids are too young we're DD means dead destroyers and not size so I have my league dead destroyers and it's time for me to go back to the research institute platform of all time Tick Tock and I came across this video testing raidbot from dead destroyers now we know the name dead destroyers is absolutely ridiculous moronic it's it's straight up brain damaging and we also get a little hint that this video is going to be brain damaging because it's by someone that has blocks in their username they play Roblox maybe in fact they are 12. these are just hints at the stupidity you're about to see in this video Tick Tock it is made for your phone it is supposed to be easy my mom can upload on Tick Tock and this person managed to upload a video of their phone in the wrong orientation they don't know how to use their phone you know the conspiracy theory of these people being 12 is starting to ring a lot more true than I thought now after seeing this I knew 100 that anything in the comments would be completely useless and I actually stumbled across this person here that says DD on top which is a very common phrase of low intelligence but they have this little icon on here which will be very important later because you might see it God I'm awful at foreshadowing but I decided to move on to a different platform of knowledge and I came across this tutorial how to rate a Discord server and uh I'm 16 years old I have no friends in high school I sit at home all day on my computer on Discord and make edgy cool names of Discord rating tools like dead destroyers and faxter damn led to the back of my throat would sound perfect right now let's watch this video it's a work of art but this video is honestly a masterpiece in itself you can see that they're trying to appeal to a certain crowd cars are cool rating on Discord servers also cool I'm a chronically online loser I make Discord videos as my job these people are more of a loser than I am I actually feel good about myself right now but what's that at the bottom right that symbol looks very familiar this is the same symbol from before in this Tick Tock profile I have so many questions and thankfully I have one answer right in front of my face a Discord invite link so going to this Discord invite link I actually stumble across this Discord server dead destroyers with the symbol I have finally done it I have fully dived into the Cesspool of degeneracy and edgy 16 year old and it's time for me to go absolutely Buck Wild the only announcements it tells me to run this command DD exclamation mark bot in the commands so let me run that command and I get a DM from the dead destroyer's bot now this bot sends me a message that I need to join this Discord server so I click on this link here and I have to authorize a Discord bot with the join servers for you permission wow Discord remember me complaining about this anyways I click on authorize and when I do this I actually get added to another Discord server and this is finally where I get the bot that I get to invite this is the raid bot the DD security bot if I add this to a Discord server assuming it has more than five real users it will nuke and annihilate the whole entire thing but I skipped over something if I go back to the Bots DMS and I click on that join button again we'll notice that there is a website dead destroyers dot rip the name is edgy in the top level domain is Rip this stupid edgy teenager just it just doesn't give up it just keeps on giving and when I go to this website you can see that once again edgelord stuff because there's Grim Reaper but this has a login and a dashboard and when I click on dashboard it takes me to oh oh what's that join servers for you permission again but when I click on authorize I get brought to the dead dashboard and there's one thing I want to point out right from the get-go premium we're gonna be talking about about that however on this website there are a whole bunch of tabs you can go through there's a warnings tab there's a custom tab where you can have a custom raid bot there's the index tab which is just the home screen and then there's the stats Tab and this is really where things start to take a turn for the worst or for the better in terms of content when you usually think of people nuking a Discord server you think it's some sort of petty Revenge however in this case of the Dead destroyers Edge Lord 16 year olds that never go outside and have no friends in high school the whole point of nuking a Discord server is just to increase a number on a website yes for stats and why would they even care about their stats well it's because the website has a leaderboard God here we go the whole incentive for these guys to raid a Discord server is just to have their name on the top of the leaderboard as you can see the blocks fruit trading Discord server that had 185 000 members was rated by some random nobody and you want to know what that random nobody thinks everyone at school hates me I'm alone forever but only if they knew oh if they knew that if they went to dead oh God the nerd Voice is coming out only if they knew that I was the second top person on the top raids on this website that no one actually cares about only if they knew I am online all the time I make Discord videos as my job I am the definition of a chronically online loser when I go outside I am a nobody but these guys put me to shame now I don't know whether to call this a Discord gang or a Discord Cult of morons but I can assure you that it is filled with kids of all the same mindset unemployment checks but I do want to point out that this is just one Community here's a community here it's the nebula Community they are the number one security bot publicly available and if I run the help command in the commands Channel I get a DM from the bot saying this is a nuking Discord bot these guys in this nebula Discord server are cut from the same cloth and it's really easy to tell because they have profile pictures of people holding money which apparently that's cool now despite both of these Discord servers being filled with absolute losers they have another thing in common some sort of Premium feature on their nukebot and with premiums like Nuke and set message I mean this is a fantastic deal right no this is a waste of your parents money because you probably don't have money yourself because you're nuking a Discord server but regardless you could just code your own and it's not really hard and I'll show you the code later on now for my next phase of research I actually need to test one of these Discord Bots and I have two options I have the death destroyers or I have nebula and I think nebula's uh what I'm gonna go with 20 minutes later I finally get a bot invite link so now that I have a bot I can use I am going to uh send it to someone that I think their server needs to get nuked oh goodness gracious me I got someone who wants me to add their Discord bot to my Discord server oh goodness I'm gonna do that and before I do irreparable damage I want to show you it looks something like this but when I click continue on this Discord bot it tells me to give it administrator permissions and what happens when I authorize this Discord bot I kind of do a captcha again bro come on God that was really a Vibe killer but now if I go to the don't nuke me please Discord server oh nebula oh my God I gotta this Discord nukingbot is so bad that if you manage to convince someone to add it to their Discord word server it tells you you must be in this server to use the Bots okay so change of plans instead I'm going to invite the bot to my own server so anyways I'm going to add this bot to my Discord server oh there we go when I add the bot it'll start rating my Discord server spam creating channels deleting everything this nuke bot is a solid two out of ten it's pretty bad especially this only fans grift like that that's pretty brutal is this a fishing link is this an actual website you know what boys you did get me good I'm leaving that in the video because I just get the just get the out of me all right I'm upgrading that to a 5 out of 10. now that I'm in a really good mood because of that my heart rate is through the roof it's time for me to tell you how to prevent your Discord server from being nuked and it's really simple stop giving Discord Bots random Discord Bots the administrator permission and while you're at it it might be a good idea to get WIC on your Discord server and just turn on the join gate now Wick does have other features like bot additions and an anti-nuke system that are good things to have and you might be asking can I undo all this damage and get all my channels back not really there are some Discord Bots that do have a backup system but it might be premium might be free it might not work might be crap and even if you try clicking on the server and reporting a raid it'll only do so much Discord isn't going to undo all of this and roll back my Discord server it is completely broken and I need to fix it myself now if you don't know already Discord nuke Bots break both the community guidelines and discord's developer policy so what you can do is you could go to discord's little trust and safety Doom and Gloom page and go through developer compliance but I'm going to be honest with you it literally takes these people two seconds to just make a new Discord bot and then change the token and since we're talking about bot tokens I think it's time to talk about nuking Bots and the code behind them so this bot that I'm looking at has a nuke command and it has different modes and we're going to be looking at the all mode what the bot does is it checks if it has administrator permissions and if it does it will go through every single channel in your Discord server in a for Loop and it will try to delete it now next up are roles this bot will go through every single role in your Discord server and try to delete it assuming of course it is actually able to delete the role once it does that it will go through another loop looking at every single member in your Discord server and what it'll try to do is it will try to ban every single person on your Discord server but finally once it deletes all your channels tries to delete every single role and tries to ban everyone it is then going to start spamming everyone so this bot will go through a loop of a specified amount where it will create a text channel of whatever name you want it'll do that over and over and once it's done then it will change the name of the Discord server to nuked Hydra Riot admit God these names are so edgy I'm actually getting sick and tired of saying them anyways once it changes the server's name then the bot will just go to bed this is not complicated which makes it even more funny that these degenerate kids have the goal to ask for a premium with these Trident people oh you want a premium bot oh well you gotta boost our Discord server if you want to set the message or the channel or the name of the Discord server even though it's all code that's definitely been stolen from this bot or at least inspired by it it's the same function it does exactly the same thing you don't need to be a rocket scientist to do this I should make it clear that rating someone's Discord server just puts you in the same ballpark as these absolute losers any hoot hollering and a half that's uh been uh one hour and 40 minutes of me trying to make fun of these people and trimming it up to however long it is hope you enjoyed it bye bye love you
Channel: No Text To Speech
Views: 689,931
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: discord, discord server, discord nuke bot, discord raid bot, discord memes, discord mod, discord bot, discord raid, discord nuke, discord nuke community, discord com, discord community, ntts, discord ntts, no text to speech, discord no text to speech, no text to speech discord, discord scams, discord scam bot, discord nuking, discord raiding
Id: WIQAu0Sd5s0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 7sec (727 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 20 2023
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