These are the Features you NEED in your PC!

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computer i mean it'll be a computer for all ten seconds until it melts or shuts off okay all right are you ready because i'm ready i'm ready to make video all right i'm rolling what's up guys js2 cents here and today we're gonna do somewhat of a talking head but maybe actually look because i have props i have props to show you i got props bro props i take that back i apologize today we're going to talk about features that you actually need in your computer this is for those that are like building computers and stuff you already have a computer that's built up doesn't have these features well you should go buy new stuff so you have these features with no parts markup and only a 75 build fee redux gaming pcs are the obvious choice for gamers who demand the best without paying extra with as little as a few clicks you'll get a pc optimized for you and the games you play at a price that fits your budget and all redux pcs are backed by two year warranty to see all that redux has to offer and to start configuring your next pc head to the link in the description below so i got my notes here because i actually took notes on this one i want this to kind of seem like structured in some way but anyway we're gonna start with the motherboard because here's the thing motherboards although you put all the cool stuff on there right you put your cool cooler on there you put your gpu on there you put your nvmes and your capture cards and your sound card maybe and all your fun stuff but the motherboard gets forgotten all the time but it's a motherboard for a reason it controls everything and it's kind of the unsung hero and also in terms of control it has a lot of the feature sets that we're going to talk about on it it provides a lot of the features that we're talking about today so first and foremost something you absolutely need is some sort of a diagnostic now there's three different ways that you'll find diagnostics implemented onto a motherboard the most basic being an led readout which is where you'll often find on the side usually it's on the side sometimes more in the middle or towards the very bottom it will have a tri-color led where it will either be red yellow or amber or white and what that does is it will have a section for gpu it'll have a section for cpu a section for ram and then usually an okay light under that so when your computer is booting it goes through a post which stands for power on self test and what it's doing is it's saying okay do you have a cpu is it talking back sweet now all this is controlled by the bios of the motherboard and it's communicating with everything attached to it so it goes hey cpu you there the cpu goes yeah i'm here and it goes what kind are you i'm this kind okay cool we're talking we're working so then it will go from a yellow led as it's testing to a white led maybe to a green led saying okay we're working if it doesn't pass that portion of the self-test and it turns red it's like hey cpu you there which happens sometimes like for instance if you have a uh a motherboard that has that's newer than say or older than say a new cpu like 5000 series amd and it's the early versions of the x570 it might have been like hey cpu you there and it's like i'm a computer what kind of computer are you yeah then it will turn red and you'll know like we're not getting past cpu the same thing happens with the ram the same thing happens with the graphics uh and then once it goes we got cpu we've got ram we've got graphics that's the order they actually do it then it will everything will turn green and you know you're good now one step beyond that is the little cute code reader which is the little uh where it has the two numbers on the top usually in red sometimes orange depending on the brand or white and some brand that will actually correspond with an actual number because when it's doing a power on self-test with the cpu or the ram it's checking multiple things like i said hey you there yeah what kind are you cool is this cool yep that's good okay we got your micro code we're good to go it tests a bunch of things during that process and the q code readout if it fails or stops on something it'll pause and it will just show that number unless you're getting into a boot loop and you can see where it's boot looping what number it hits last you can correlate that with the manual which will tell you exactly what failed so that becomes extra helpful the most helpful that takes all the guesswork out of it honestly is the oled style and those are those will be found on the more expensive motherboards the types of diagnostic we're talking about here kind of come in a small medium large in terms of price sets the more expensive motherboards typically have an oled screen on them somewhere um asus kind of pioneered this and a lot of brands are doing it now where it will physically tell you on the motherboard you know low gpu uh bios like sometimes the gpu isn't loading the bios into the motherboard and so it's not communicating you know you have a gpu problem or it'll say cpu detect or memory detect and you'll know exactly what's failing so diagnostic tools especially for a beginner are a must-have in my opinion even as a power user because sometimes you just you want to know what the heck is failing because in the old days yeah back in like the 1900s as my daughter likes to say dad did they have color tv back in the 1900s she actually asked me that in fact my youngest daughter asked my my wife the other day if when she was a kid if she had to write a letter by dipping in ink or feather in ink okay anyway moving on i'm not that old guys these are just nice features to have if you're trying to troubleshoot what's wrong especially if you have a first post that won't work then at least you'll know exactly where you're getting stuck something else that i think is very important which kind of is segwayed from that diagnostic is a clear cmos uh button on cheap motherboards you see how they have all these pins standing up these are for things like usb or front side connector you got your fans you would also have one called clear cmos which was just two uh prongs sticking up with no jumper you had a little plastic jumper you'd put on there turning off power to the power supply putting the jumper on there holding it for 10 seconds is how you would clear your cmos but more modern motherboards now will actually have buttons on the back side like we see right here on this asus maximus motherboard which gives you a clear cmos button and it's actually lit up green so it's easy to see you just push and hold that even with the system powered on because the motherboard knows when it's being cleared so when you push that it will actually remove the the battery from the power loop that way you can clear the cmos which will allow you to just reset everything to factory settings this is really useful if you're trying to play around with overclocking if you're trying to maybe play around with ram timings or ram speed and you get to a point to where you can't get back to your bios simply because you can't make it past the actual cpu or memory initialization which means you can't get into your bios because it's not you only get into bios once you have a good post and if you can't post you can't get to bios that's just a quick easy convenient way to reset everything without having to take the side panel off get a flashlight get the manual because sometimes it's not labeled cmos it's like jp02 or something like that and you're like what the heck is jpo2 and you're looking for it or jf01 right so you have to get the manual out and you're like crap i lost the manual you have to go online and hopefully you have another computer or a phone or something to find the manual to look it up just push the button it's super easy and it's on the back side at the very least i would like one on the actual surface of the motherboard this one down here at the bottom has not only a safe boot button which basically puts everything into like a known configuration that will boot and also a clear cmos button in red makes things nice and easy to just push it hold it for a few seconds let go everything will probably boot after that if it's something you messed up in bios when playing around with overclocking speaking of surface mounted buttons as we're talking about it's like flow to this right see that's why i have notes people surface mounted power and reset button is a really nice feature to have because when you build a computer we recommend you bench test everything set it on the box plug in the basics put in the graphics card cpu cooler and that's it just you can own ram and you can get the system to boot up that way by making sure everything works before you go through the trouble of building your system and then go uh oh it's not working but if you don't have a surface mounted power button and you're a beginner you're gonna feel awfully skittish trying to take a piece of metal or a nail or a screwdriver to jumper the two front pin connectors that say power to bridge that connection to actually force the motherboard to turn on so it's nice to just know you could push power or in this case it says start and then reset if you want to be able to get it up and going it also means if you want to do some sort of a custom build or a test bench or something like we do here where it's not in a case and you don't want a power button on you know wired somewhere it's right here on the motherboard it's also a really quick way to diagnose if you have something wrong with your front panel connectors if you're pushing power on the case and it's not turning on but you push power here and it does turn on then you know something's wrong with either where you stuck the front panel connector pin itself or the button or the wire in between so again just really useful feature that makes things really easy to kind of take a lot of the guesswork out of the troubleshooting now speaking of the clear cmos button like we were talking about a second ago one thing that's really nice to have that again i know this sounds like an asus sponsored video it's truly not it's just i feel like asu's kind of pioneered a lot of this stuff and that is going to be bios flashback now here's the thing one of the sketchiest scariest things for a newbie to do is to flash your bios you got to go online get the file plug it into you or put on usb plug it into the motherboard go into the bios go into the flash rack utility that's built in load the bios and then while it's writing which depending on the motherboard and the complexity of the board can take either 20 seconds to two minutes that's that vulnerable window that's where a sudden random brown out happens and power goes off or your your dog or your little brother or whatever accidentally pushes the button on the power strip and turns off your system if you shut down your system while you're writing to the eprom which is what the chip is that contains the bios nine times out of ten you just brick the computer and if you can't get back to with the e-prompt not having or having incomplete data on it the system will not post now we're way past the days of having removable chips to just plug in new ones that's that was something you used to be able to do actually with asus motherboards like my crosshair uh formula back in the day i bricked the bios my cousin had the exact same motherboard so i used his chip put it in the motherboard fired it up while we were running it no longer accesses the e prompt only does it while it's booting physically took tweezers took the eprom out took my bad one put it back in did it flash and it was up and running you can't do that anymore however with many motherboards now having single bios and not dual bios bios flashback utility is awesome you don't need a cpu into the into the motherboard you don't even need ram everything is handled just through the e problem on the motherboard as long as you have the 24 pin plugged in you can put the bios flashback uh bios on a usb into the bios flashback hole on the it's labeled on the back of the usb shut up filter it's a hole it's a usb hole your usb hole phil there's one on here that has a square around it that says bios that's your flashback utility all you have to do is put the flash drive in there hold the bios flash button on here until it starts flashing and guess what it will then just read the bios it will start flashing itself and you're up and running that is a very useful feature to have when we're talking about motherboards uh just kind of an honorable mention here which i feel like is features that you need is plenty of fan headers the cheaper motherboards they save money everywhere they can not just in the pcb layers and the features built in but also the amount of headers that are on the motherboard anything that has to be soldered in somewhere is extra cost in terms of manufacturing a lot of times you'll find some of the cheap motherboards may have a cpu fan header and maybe one or two chassis headers and you've got a case it's got six fans what are you gonna do well you're gonna use splitters everywhere well if it's a cheap motherboard it probably isn't gonna last very long because they use uh low quality components on those headers which means they'll burn out over time because the amps are too high or if you run them to near their amp limit so having plenty of fan headers on a motherboard it's definitely going to be useful if you want to run a lot of fans in your case and be able to control them let's talk about graphics cards not a whole lot of features to really talk about here but there are some things to talk about having a cooler is usually a good one i just thought of that right now because there's no cooler on this this is one of our 30 this is one of our 3090s that we just kind of test with you know and i like to stand the die and play around flapping and stuff um no high power limits are nice when it comes to gpus um i'm the kind of person that likes to push them as hard as i can moving the sliders in msi afterburners never going to hurt the card but it allows you to pull some extra performance out of it if you are hitting power limits and you can't move the power limit slider very far or it's locked entirely then you're going to be very limited on how far you can push it so a nice feature to have are the overclocking based graphics cards which allow you to have a higher power limit slider the other thing is going to be multi-fan for whether it be two fans or three fans rather than the old-school blower style or real basic fan design because you want to get as much cooling to your graphics card as possible if you're the kind of person that's like i don't care about noise i want maximum cooling then you'll want the big beefy try you know triple fan axial coolers that way you can get as much air flow over the die as possible which will give you more overclocking headroom but also those cards usually have a feature that's very important to many people for silence which is a zero db function which means when the card is not under load the fans turn off entirely which helps with a couple of things one less dust build up in the in the graphics card when it's not doing anything two it also means absolute silent operation again when it's not doing anything so zero db is usually something you'll find on modern coolers that are that are multiple axial fans um but i feel like that's a function that is important if sound is something that's important to you the other thing is again when it talks about bios a lot of custom cards these days have dual bios on them or dual bios switch some even have three now that's a must have to anyone that's interested in getting into bios flashing for obvious reasons if you flash a bios and then it bricks the card you can get it up and running by jumping onto one of the other bios load this the card get it running flip the switch back to the bricked bios and then flash it again like i just said i did with the motherboard it will always bring it back this is also for people with 30 series cards that are playing around with grabby other manufacturer bios that have higher power limits and such sometimes you'll find one that is not compatible and it might brick your card if you don't have a multiple bios graphics card don't flash the bios period that is just a smart move because if you have a single bios card and you brick it you more often than not will not be able to get it back all right so a couple other honorable mentions here things that are nice features to have uh for your storage let's talk about storage an absolute must these days is having at least a sata ssd for your operating system look i know a lot of people are going to argue and be like i don't want to run ssds they're too expensive i want to run a big hard drive those are people who've never experienced an ssd because trust me once you've experienced even a sata ssd even an old one on your operating system you are never going to go back to a hard drive just the boot times alone the snappiness of the system on a sata ssd and the fact that you can get like a 500 gig sata ssd now for like 70 60 something like that 480 kingston for 55. there you go a 480 gigabyte kingston for 55 bucks right in the target range where i was thinking and your system will be much faster than faster than you've ever experienced if you've never had an ssd even if you have an old system that you feel is really slow you'd be surprised how much of that speed or lack thereof is actually happening because of the hard drive itself if you're talking about getting ssds then a real nice thing to look at obviously is nvme ssds one there's no cables running to them you have to run a sata power you don't have to run a sata cable that means less clutter in your system and less failure points they're mounted right to the motherboard every modern motherboard ever since the well i get about ever since ryzen came out has nvme slots built into them you'll be able to mount it no problem you can set it and forget it your system will be faster than you've ever experienced game load times are absolutely insane we're talking sata drives capping out at about 550 megabytes per second and gen 4 pcies capping out at almost 6 000 megabytes per second read write speed so you can do the math on what 10 times faster than a sata drive when it comes to modern nvmes the best hard drive i ever had was actually the western digital black that was doing nothing it was sitting as a secondary drive that i ran like crystal disks and stuff on and i saw about 190 megabytes per second read write which is really fast for a hard drive typically they're anywhere between like 80 to 110 at the most all right last but not least let's talk about power supplies another area where i feel like an absolute must-have feature set is a modular design a lot of these features you guys might have noticed add cost but you'd be surprised what the extra cost can do for the aesthetics of your build just the the cleanliness of your build and the pride you feel on that build when you're not looking at ketchup and mustard cables you can remove cables you're not using set them in the box put them in the garage or whatever that way you don't have extra sata plugs running around molex plugs which are gonna non-modular power supplies have to have every single plug that you could potentially need so you're gonna have probably two strands of molex cables sitting there all stuffed in the bottom of your case you're gonna have long cables that aren't needed so you can unplug what you don't need which makes it very very nice not to mention modular cables are always black either they're slaved black or they are just a a solid black flat cable they look better than ketchup and mustard with the nasty dominatrix fishnet looking mesh on there yeah it's important the other thing that may be important to you if you're that person that was also like i want zero db fans for your graphics card would be a zero db fan mode for your power supply when the power supply is not under load it's not generating very much heat it's really not when your system sitting there may be pulling 120 watts at idle the graphics are the the power supply fan doesn't need to be running so just like your graphics card when it goes under load it starts noticing an increased amp draw then it will ramp the fan up and down based on its own internal temperature or thermostat that will control the fan not to mention any fan that's not turning when not needed is not moving dust into your system so another must-have feature obviously 0db will help keep things nice and clean so that's pretty much where my list caps out on when i'm building a system especially for someone else feature sets that i think are must-haves what i want to know now is what is your must-have feature for your computer what can you not live without when it comes to building your computer put it down in the comments below guys check out other people's recommendations maybe they put something cool down there that i didn't think of and uh maybe it's worth noticing so upvote your favorite ones and we'll see who gets the top pick there as always guys thanks for watching we will see you in the next one
Channel: JayzTwoCents
Views: 604,051
Rating: 4.9196978 out of 5
Keywords: Jayztwocents, jays two cents, jay2cents, jayztwocents post malone, pc building simulator, jay z two cents, budget build, water cooling, pc build, pc, overclock, pc gimmicks, pc features, what pc features do you need, what pc features do I need, important pc features, computers, computer gimmicks, computer features, evga preroll, best pc features, best features on a pc, what features do you need on a pc, gaming pc, motherboard features, gimmicks, worst pc features, pc fail
Id: ii8uMisrX0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 44sec (1064 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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