These Air Rifles are as Powerful As A 22, Will it Replace Rimfire?

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oh hey didn't see you there today on Grantham we have a very important question that question is can a air rifle be as powerful as a 22 rifle probably not today we're going to find out pushing boundaries as always on Grantham with eco-friendly guns but before we get into that we of course have to talk about the sponsors the biggest sponsor of the channel is the Sonoran Desert Institute if you're looking to get your start in Gunsmithing they are the people to go to we cannot thank them enough they absolutely Rock and of course who can we not forget Micah primary arms and they uh make Optics deep inside the minds of Rohan I would say Moria Rohan is also okay is that because we're in Rohan right now fair enough primary arms a big thank you to them they make awesome Optics at a great price and they absolutely Rock and of course unlike the camera that this is filmed on the TV that you're watching this on AAC ammunition is made in the US of a we cannot thank them enough for sponsoring the mo obviously they don't make air gun ammo however they do sponsor all of our other ammos so a big thank you to them and of course save your equipment if you're looking to have a bag that has a multicam pattern specifically MultiCam Black that you want to make your personality even though it doesn't work anywhere then you can use save your equipment they also make really awesome bags to be honest right we love them they're very good bags but without further Ado talk is cheap ammunition is actually not that expensive at all so let's go let's get into it pretty neat and very quiet and actually not a firearm at all in fact you can get these delivered directly to your house air rifles are very interesting concept especially as we get into really high grade air rifles like the one we're looking at right here they deliver a lot of power and they're fairly economical in use and they're extremely quiet in fact because they're not regulated as a firearm the moderators everything that goes into this can be shipped directly to your door and air rifles have a proud history of going back through the Lewis and Clark Expeditions all the way up through the Napoleonic ERA with many different militaries Fielding them to some extent or another but I'm not going to take the wind out of the sails of a very special guest so come on in here and let's have you talk a little bit about your rifles here nice thanks for having me hey no problem will you introduce yourself to my audience they've never seen you before hi I'm Kevin Skipper I'm the director of sales for FX Outdoors can you tell me a little bit about this rifle how did it come about what what are we looking at here so how this particular rifle came about is we started using air rifles in 22 NRL and PRS matches will you explain what NRL and PRS matches are yeah so their their rifle competitions so it's long range rifle competitions typically and they're different stages so this rifle was created specifically so that it could fit inside of any of the obstacles that they make you shoot from or anything like that so it's actually a beautiful thing because we can control how much air goes through a valve we're controlling the rate at which gunpowder Burns is not quite as easy so we get very very consistent velocities so we shoot a lot more accurately interesting so you're you're telling me that the amount of air that you're pushing the projectile with can be measured so precisely that you're actually you know because when you measure like around when you're hand loading around you're putting in grains of gunpowder you can actually be more precise than that with air with the technologies that we currently have yes exponentially more precise like when we were setting this one up the experience the extreme spread was three could you explain what the typical extreme spread on a uh yeah can you explain that so the extreme spread is the the difference between your highest and lowest velocities in a string of shots so um we had velocities that the difference was three feet per second and typically like if we're looking at m855 out of like a 55 uh you know a 556 rifle you're looking at extreme spread on even military rounds well over 20. oh I've seen 50 to 60. that's very uh common and with hand-loaded ammunition um five and six is considered very good three is psychotic so three this particular case he has three I mean I've seen I've run 16 round sets where the extreme spread was zero and how I actually unplugged the chronograph how interesting how interesting can you show us the ammunition for it and everything yes absolutely uh so can you explain to us what the ammunition looks like for this particular rifle and the great thing about these is these are gyroscopically stabilized like any other rifle round whereas the old style Diablo style pellets kind of like a badminton shuttlecock yeah and it's drag stabilized so it's bleeding off energy to stabilize it so because of these particular pellets or rounds better yet we're getting ballistic coefficients at around 1.16 which is exceptional considering you know you start getting into like the pellets and things like that the Diablo style you're in like 0.4 I had a pellet gun growing up I was lucky to make shots past like 15. they were like the 0.1 they had the Little Cobra on the side yeah like shot my cousin with one yeah um how fast are these slugs traveling these are traveling at uh 983 feet per second within Plus or three a couple oh so subsonic yeah absolutely so that's why can they be made to break the sound barrier it absolutely can the problem with it breaking the sound barrier is you have to go back through the sound barrier which is that magical stuff that happens called trans Sonic so let's shoot it here all right now the question is do I have one loaded let's find out I got it so I'm going to pull back on the charging handle Push It Forward we have a safety right here and uh we'll take our first shot here at about 50 right here very satisfying that's uh psychotically quiet oh just over it that's actually really fun that's ridiculous okay that one's a tougher one out there uh let's see if I can get it no wait that felt really just guess I felt really good that felt super good um this thing is extremely consistent and accurate and it obviously zero recoil and zero sound let's group it all right so we're gonna go ahead we're gonna group this um these are made for 22 competitions we do have crazy win but uh you know what that's uh 22 man dealt with it so I'm pretty sure I can too soon foreign that's a pretty small group dude so we have our group right here uh high wind I definitely pulled that guy right there but uh I would say a pretty good group yeah it's all right for the win just blowing like like crazy full value that thing is crazy consistent so we got an inch dot right here for uh scale um so we're looking at uh I would say with that wind just over an inch but uh if I was a better shot and we had no wind I would say well under an inch for sure yeah the wind was absolutely hellacious so it's it's our it's the mountains the Stormbreaker right there the big one okay we call it Stormbreaker awesome yeah he's like yeah I don't care wow cool all right we have this thing cranked up to uh a pretty high velocity we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna Chrono it and see uh see what kind of speeds we're getting here so we'll do that and then we'll shoot ballistic gel after you ready 10 35 nice Jesus 10 35. okay we're gonna fire into uh ballistic skeleton uh this is the approximate damage that I'm going to be doing to a Whistle Pig which I hate Allen here we go oh I could see that did you hear that yeah kind of gross sounding actually [Music] not bad at all about halfway through the Bliss gel that's all that I need to kill a Whistle Pig um in other news this would also really hurt if it hit your skull this is a not a a you know the uh self-defense weapon of choice but with the correct placement I think we I think we have some good stuff happen if you come take a look we did it looks like we got some initial expansion at the entry point right there and then again tumble and then it broke apart completely at the end where it uh where it ended right there so a solid performance we're gonna do a little bit of uh quote unquote longer range shooting we're gonna do 160 on this target straight out there and then we have a Target down in the Ravine over there that's about 300. um it is very windy but uh you know there can be Miracles when you believe this is actually part of the dirty civilian um uh you know mobile uh dirt bike task force oh let's go that was a good win hold but we got it 300 what's up that was 300 yards to the BB gun men fear me woman avert their eyes I Walk Alone on this Baron Earth 3.45 Million Dead whistle picks marmots right Micah competition we're gonna be firing at uh those four targets right there so we have the one on the left going to the base of the Hill mid Hill and then far and I think it goes out to about 225 so uh yeah we're gonna see who's the better bb bb Wars BB wars BB wars dude all right go You Gotta Give me enough all right yeah standby foreign [Music] that was impressive so Mike I was definitely on a holding left on those targets the wind was blowing pretty good yeah so it's left to right right now so I was left Edge pretty much all the way um up until the top I was about half the Target off left okay um holding about four on the hill and then about six on top it's incredible more time in Flight Mica will now be uh going and uh probably beat him he's a pretty spicy shooter I had a Red Rider when I was a kid and I feel like this is like the adult version of that maybe shooter are you ready yeah semi beep in fact oh hold on in fact all right drop yeah impact come on baby come on you got some Halloween dude hold like half Target left [Music] I've got that desperate I dang it I declare myself the winner wait wait hey get down on me Michael Jones yeah I dubbed the air gun master this is so stupid so we've done a lot of shooting uh pretty fun we have a terribly windy day today which is terrible for 22 caliber rounds that are lights but it did pretty awesome I bet without win we probably would have hit 500. would have been definitely doable but uh we are now suffering the fate of 22 man which is we flew too close to the idahoan Sun and we were dying in the wind but it's a super fun gun we're easily able to make hits at the 300. uh really fun no recoil this is um I know you guys have a couple different models do you want to talk a little bit about um you know how this is set up how it works um all that all that goodness and about some of the other models that you guys have okay yeah so this is the competition version of our gun so it's literally made to shoot through one stage of a PRS or NRL match so this small Tank's only going to get you about 13 or so shots which is perfect for that but the beauty in this gun is an over Barrel plenum so pressurizing this area is going to control any Barrel whip that there may be but it's going to give a lot of gas and then it's just like any other firearm the amount of volume of air you get through is going to be increased so this is a larger volume of air with this design so it can push the rounds a little bit faster we do have model though that will do essentially what this will they're just not as Sleek in this area because the bottle's in the front yeah and it's our absolute Workhorse it's called the impact M3 is that what your buddy was uh killing all the all the birds with yes yeah well Rats of the sky man pigeons by the way yes they are however it's going to be able to do almost exactly the same thing it's just not a Sleek in the front which is why people would go with this rifle only if they're competing it's going to give you a lot larger shot volume up into the depending on caliber close to 100 shots on a fill okay and now I'm tracking so we have a 22 caliber here but you also have um 30 caliber projectiles as well so that's for you said that people take like like Hogs with them and not not the 30 the third we have 35 caliber even though yes and that was good medicine for anything in North you know in the South America so like Whitetail Hogs coyotes I mean even the 30 cows good for coyotes wonderful now so on the left side if you could rotate this rifle around here I'll hold it for you for one sec Mike if you want to get kind of a zoomed in can you explain to everybody what all this stuff is right here it looks like I'm like driving a race car or something so these are going to be your pressure gauges so this is going to tell you what the pressure is in the plenum and then the the bottom one's going to tell you what the pressure is the tank back here and you can see we're actually a little bit low and then this actually is going to just tune you can literally adjust every single aspect of this gun from how hard the hammer is hitting the valve to I mean all the way through what pressure you're setting which gives us a real big advantage over anything in the 22LR World Because unless you have a reloading bench at the competition you're shooting you're not going to be able to compete with this rifle just because of how much you can manipulate it on site to your current conditions you can't beat Pure fresh air not the Idaho variety we gotta stop so that this is a part of that as well okay Power Wheel that's what it's called right power wheel bike what kind of power so that's going to control how how fast or how hot the round is essentially okay and then uh here let's pop out that mag really quick if you want to grab that little guy out um so right here we have the feeding mechanism um it's very smooth very smooth you can see it just pushes that projectile right into the barrel right there um and then uh it you want to show the magazine really quickly and they're fairly can you take it apart so they can see how they're loaded you just rotate and once you put the first round in it locks itself and it rotates on its own 18 rounds and 22. very cool and I noticed you guys have safety same side because long range shooting all that all that goodness the people who don't understand um a really comfortable rifle just no recoil no noise um a very a very it'd be a really nice rifle for somebody who hasn't shot before to get Hands-On time with because like you could really train Marksmanship fundamentals for not a whole lot of costs so like how much does how much does do the projectiles cost um you know what are we looking at there so that's the thing with air gun ownership it's the reverse of traditional rifle ownership because the bulk of the cost is in the beginning and then you're not going to spend much money on air and ammo so a a thing of slugs for it a ton of slugs a hundred slugs gonna run you about 16 bucks once you buy the tank you got air air free right especially the Idaho variety or is for now it's free at least it better stay that way well this is a a really sick rifle I know I'm impressed especially with the power that this guy is delivering just overall a very cool design I can't thank you enough for coming out here man that's awesome thank you for showing my audience all this uh the biggest thing guys is um school's rifles like this are get training on them right this is an excellent tool to train Marksmanship to take small game and to do all that fun stuff so get out there train have a good time with the boys this is 100 a really good time with the boys or if you're uh if you're a competition shooter this is a wonderful wonderful rifle yeah more protection yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna certainly take my kids out shooting this thing because that is super awesome um now we usually end with Dad advice so of course you're gonna have to give my audience a little bit of dad advice so you can do anything you want on your last day there you go
Channel: Garand Thumb
Views: 2,915,859
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: air rifle, bb gun, air rifle powerful, most powerful air rifle, air rifle for hunting, survival air rifle, best air rifle, pellet rifle, .22 air rifle, most powerful pellet rifle, powerful air rifle, air rifles
Id: HDy4Gkbzx_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 55sec (1075 seconds)
Published: Sun May 14 2023
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