There's a SPIDER ANIMATRONIC?! (FNAF Security Breach Part 5)

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driver assist freddie i got some new things for you we're going to be slapping people with these let us head to the theater the theater of dreams i think if i go on here claus upgrades please select your desired procedure and then we have two more that we can do as well oh this is one of those moments where freddie can betray us it happened at the beginning it's not gonna happen now right i trust him let's begin by opening the arm casing let's do that click on an arm to open the casing that seems easy enough click disconnect the colored cables to remove this does not seem as nice it is important that you match the pattern correctly what do you mean by that oh that's not nice [Music] i misclicked i missed big freddy come on you know i was supposed to click i i missed the bun so dumb okay i've got this this time it's going to be fine let me concentrate i don't need to do it fast just accurately [Music] that's it [Music] i suck third time lucky ultimate concentration mode correctly [Music] okay [Music] yes click on the clause to pull them out of the casing i made it to the second part clause great now place the new armature into the forearm casing okay with the new armature inserted oh no we oh no okay yes great job we did it i just wanted to close the case that's all i wanted to do me and you're gonna fall out freddy if this keeps occurring i didn't do anything wrong there okay what do i click for this freddy what do i click here here okay there use the testing oh no [Music] concentration mode come on [Music] is that it oh no my brain oh yes finish the procedure by accessing the computer yes well done there is no need to perform the procedure on the other side oh man freddie freddie came in for a pedicure and he got something much better let's use this dang machine to finish the upgrade monty's claws can open special gates scattered through the pisaplex oh really my arms are different where did you get these parts oh you don't want to know about it how fortunate i should now be able to smash through the cyclone fences around the building the way monty does freddy's got hulk mode like he did oh no oh no oh no let's go i am protected in this maybe i should have done this before oh wait i need to go this way i think there's a recharge machine right here roxy find out how to stop roxy and roxy's raceway so where are we now what time five a.m church station gregory now that i have been upgraded i should be able to access the roxy raceway i have not been there for a very long time but perhaps you can find some clues on how to deal with roxy while you are there yeah maybe roxy raceway next on my hit list but i don't actually know how i get in i've been here before but i'm looking for those what does they say hurricane gates i'm pretty sure that's what they said i'm looking for certain gates that i can bust through now with freddy's brand's new upgrade i don't think there's any here unless this is them i could call freddy freddy freddy uh i can hear you but i can't see you freddy's left me all alone i don't believe it let me go to a recharge station i think that works too oh there he is oh we made it here he comes here he comes here he comes my hero my absolute hero what's good buddy look at those claws they look insane right let's um let's get in and let's see what we can smash i need to remember that you have awful battery life is there any in here we haven't done a lot of exploring as freddy actually so i don't know how this is gonna go we've mostly been doing it by us even the regular activities look you've blasted this gate into the shadow realm why have you done this freddy so we're looking for i'm gonna get our freddie so it doesn't waste his battery so we can smash through gates that have that lock on that's actually really cool but we're in phaser blast now oh there's another one down here freddy freddy come down here defeat your hunger there's a poke ball up there is there any you know wha i want gifts and my flashlight back i've got the glitch again freddie we need to go in there but it's very dark that's a level 10 we can get to level 10 on the security pass i'm only level five right now i'm just seeing if there's all gifts give me a gift how can i not there we go i was gonna say how could i not collect that freddie pinata what did i say in the previous video i said we should have got a freddie shaped pinata and my wishes have been granted this is the great day oh there's another present up there let's see what we get it's a golden present i don't know what that means i haven't actually been paying attention to see space freddy keychain that's the worst one so far but i haven't been paying attention to see if the different colors mean different things maybe i should have been paying attention to that who knows what's through here can i get back in when i walk out or if i just ruin the whole thing could we get in there anyway actually we could get in here anyway freddie we need to go and smash this guy open quick quick quick come here why does it sound like he's running from random directions it's so weird there he is it makes it sound so difficult every time he runs towards me i think of that foo fighters song where it's like there goes my hero watch him as he runs we're gonna say runs for this one right here we go get those claws ready bam that's what i'm talking about not as powerful as last time but still still intimidating oh we're literally right here this is this was not the plan i've gone into an area that i'm already i've already explored this is where freddie almost passed away okay this way i haven't been this way i've only been down there and across the cardboard boxes almost got caught already by the guard bots my goal today is to not get caught by a guard bar at all what's down i've been down here is this it yeah i've not been in here yet oh it's it's dark now in the missions it says i need to find out how to decommission chica which i haven't done yet so i need another party pass but my top one is find out how to stop roxy in roxy raceway and i think roxy has like special eyes because i need the eyes and the voice box to upgrade freddie so that's what we're gonna try and do also roxy if your mini game is racing you're done for i am so good at mario kart it's insane so it's over for you all right oh it's you you made me feel so much more comfortable where i freddie get here i need your smashing abilities where did you even come from he just like comes over at you with his chest cavity to swallow you up it's so strange i need your power good work friend actually i can hold out this now can't i i don't need the torch power anymore there's another bag oh oh wait this is a door i just saw a guard bob behind there no joke and there's there's things moving behind there that's where we've got to go okay huge trophy this is going to be mine soon a hundred percent right let's see what's in here this will give us some explanation hopefully sinkhole construction update every day there's a new problem we pour a new section of track and as soon as it dries we start to see cracks i'm worried we are building over a sinkhole here before construction was approved there was a site evaluation right freddie five nights at freddy's corporations do not care about health and safety protocols that's for noobs oh wait wait we're upstairs oh no we're not hey i'm roxanne wolfe hello if you're looking for high-speed motor maintenance stay away from me sign up today and be a winner okay nobody likes something that's facts and the only loser around here is you didn't i tell you i'm really good at mario kart look at this this is awesome that's a golden statue of herself now that's when you have a golden statue of yourself you know you've made it why is she still talking to me i have i actually have no idea i think i'm going the wrong way as well no we're good i don't know if i need freddie down here but the claws have already done their job i think i'm cool and there's not a ton of guardbots here i said i wasn't gonna get caught by one today not today what do we say to godbots not today there's another bag over here let's go and grab that there's a door here too restricted area oh this is this is a mysterious bag let's grab this one first why is this one locked in a restricted section that's creepy in itself old elevator today we broke through the foundation and found what looks like an old elevator shaft someone must have known about this right there's something down there pulling power i'm taking the team down in the morning to check it out so there could be a sinkhole but there is also an elevator wait which side are we on we can actually go down there i don't want to do that just yet i feel like i'm getting ahead of myself there's so much to explore i feel like i've missed out loads so we could definitely come back and explore later on let's grab this bag first but i think it's hinting towards maybe plummeting roxy down a giant hole we'll see saw winner roxy did it again another brain dead staff bot decapitated because it got in her way on the racetrack i'm getting really sick of her trudging over to west arcade to fix these things why isn't there a staff repair station any closer i used to have an extra dance pass so i won't get locked out again okay so that's hinting that we need a dance pass great driver assist okay that one was good that one's up there that might be in my top three holy oh i can grab it wait good job you have found a driver assistant i do not believe it will work in that condition okay here we go there is a staff repair station in the during emergency situations okay that jump scare got me so bad technically didn't get attacked by a guard bot just jump scared for now i'm gonna have to go back here now it said something about i don't usually pay attention to freddie which is really bad because he says some really interesting things that help you for the mission but i'm gonna go down here and have a look down the rickety stairs where is this gonna lead us you know i'm gonna have to switch oh it's another one of these can we get over here i don't think i want no what would make you think that hey buddy i'm gonna need your help falcon punch this puppy here we go did that work it looks like you've looks like you've broken it but not in the way i intended ah this is dusty so very dusty so i'm hoping that there's something in here for the dance pass looks so creepy though it's ridiculous does anyone leave a dance pass down here i would greatly appreciate it if you did i don't think i'm going to find a dance party down here though what is this can i get through there's an elevator and a button on the other side and loads of cans that's that's weird this place is kind of cool even though it's really strange i don't think this is where i'm gonna get the dance the dance pass it's kind of cool i guess i'm getting out here let's try and find a dance pass we need to think like someone is evacuating because that's what freddy alluded to so maybe up there let's run oh okay i did not expect you to stop there let's go no no no not getting caught by you today i have my finger ready trigger finger ready to snap a picture of you if you even think about coming near me my camera will capture the moment and post it on snapchat there any extra doors and stuff up here let's have a look let's see if you find any extra presents roxy come on now you're just uh you're just gonna be embarrassed that i'm gonna destroy you any second though there's a save point there usually if there's a save point you're in the right direction what save point i said save point i didn't mean it i didn't mean it oh my god i didn't even see her there can i snap her i can snap her with a camera what the okay i'm blue where are you you're there no go away i just want to quickly save let me save real quick was this a bad place to save i feel like it was i can't see anything help me out getting the i can't even get in the pink stroller please oh man i don't even see her there what are you doing hanging around there are you still here okay i'm guessing this is the right way if she's chasing us down like that oh yeah this definitely looks like the right way to go oh why is she down there do i have a charge oh i do you idiots see you later punks i'm out of here oh that was so clean no you can't help i'm just you're just jealous you're trying to get to me before i beat you at racing that's what it is this place is huge actually what another save point information center here's the go-kart wait are we actually going to race that sounds like so sorry gregory it appears you will need a working driver assist pod in order to use this card oh man the robot's missing its head i think i've got what i need i just got tall shamed short shamed either freddie come on now i know you're absolutely huge but you don't have to say that to me test drive is wanted we are running out of test spots for the raceway at this point we are down to a single driver assist bot for safe keeping we are storing it at the back the raceway near the northwest stairs so i've kind of done this backwards which i guess is okay because it means i don't have to go all the way back again so without further ado i'm guessing we're going into another boss fight we need to put the head on here but how do i do that oh this is literally a driver assist that's a cool design i can get to my inventory by doing this i've already got that oh i need to repair it don't i oh man where is west arcade staff repair station oh that completely skipped my mind i need a dance pass though don't i that's what i need from here okay my mind is back on track oh secret present at the top of the stairs fizz fast oh yeah we need to keep finding those i think that's my second one now what we got on the canyon side hopefully oh this is looking sus why are you protecting that huh what's in there that needs protecting oh never stop smiling i want that as a poster that's super wholesome no no stay away stop that this is the same guy it is okay sweet we need to go not here this is not the place we needed to go but is there a present hidden on these shelves there's a racing helmet do i need that e to collect oh no it's a present right here i thought i was actually getting the racing helmet space monty keychain ah rest in peace monty rest in peace is there anything else around here there's a lock we can hide in flashlight okay let's oh we can't go in there jeez where do i go why is the bag let me collect that real quick don't come around the corner okay he's coming around the corner oh find a working race car to run over roxy why is that cropped up now that seems like weird timing right let me hide right here and read what that says because that seems important chasing cars errant behavior report roxy never misses a race she must be frying her circuits waiting for the raceway to open every time there's a test run on the track she gets in the way if she keeps getting in the way the track will never get fixed so we need the dance pass to bring the robot head to the west arcade i need to repair this robot head and then we need to run her over that sounds so extreme but hey i'm down down to do it right now roxy i'm gonna need you to not come and get me right now wait that just opened by itself oh it's the guard oh i see what's going on here oh i thought that was a present i got absolutely click-baited look at that i guess i'm gonna have to go through here to see if i can find the pass let me guess it's being guarded by the guard bot oh wait wait wait never mind i'll keep my predictions to myself next time you must be guarding something though what are you guarding sir a car oh he is oh we actually got a race you actually don't understand how excited i am to do that also we're getting so close to 6am it's crazy i think we've got 45 minutes to go so let's get to that west wing let's repair this head and then run roxy over seems a little bit extreme probably shouldn't shout out my plan though she's around here somewhere ah she's right there right you're getting flashed oh that flash is so good run run get out of there quick quick quick quick oh this is the wrong way she won't chase me down here right west wing of the arcade we need to go to the left side but i'm not quite sure what i'm looking for freddie needed to be more specific he forgot that i'm not that bright oh wait i have found another door maybe it's this side quick recharge i'm finding so many new places i think as well you can do this game in loads of different timelines look at this whoa this is actually really cool am i getting distracted or am i supposed to be here this is dog though this are they racing this is the worst race i've ever seen can i cross the road is it safe not from you i said i'm not gonna got caught by godbots today oh man i feel like this isn't where i'm supposed to be but i'm gonna explore it let's go inside so i'm gonna have my camera out just in case and it gives a nice filtered orange glow to everything is there anything we need in here oh i thought that was like her head or something it's just a plush so maybe we are in the right place this is cool but also very narrow there's a gift up there go go technically didn't get caught all right did not get caught roxy magnet that is not what i thought i was gonna get oh she's in here she's in here let's just go let's get out of here let's get that let's see what's in this bag and maybe we'll give us more of a hint i'm definitely gonna need to hide though i need to hide oh you can play these oh wait oh i need to go back and play those is this toilets yes never been so happy to see a toilet right now oh and there's a gift in here as well toilet gifts are the best gimme shoes oh we can run fast watch out sonic look at this i'm so forced oh my god and i swear my stamina bar is way longer as well that's dope remind me i'm gonna come back and play these machines unless it's just that machine i need to check that out actually the best stories are told in the toilets so let's quickly get this red flag i did it i did what you planned i beat parts one and two why won't you turn on what else is there tell me okay that that one's pretty cryptic i'm not sure what that is talking about they must maybe the games i don't know if there's anything else here to check out oh wait is rocky still here hopefully she's just um she's just left there's a lot of places to go in here i'm hoping this is the right way because i'm not actually sure where else i need to go look at these stairs oh these are amazing i want these in my house oh what we got another present dude we are getting so many presents today it's crazy roxy pinata that doesn't even look like her oh this is the top of the raceway that's the raceway i guess that makes sense and this is yeah this comes out the other side all right let's keep her going where do i use this dance pass oh there's so many doors more toilets any more toilet gifts no disappointing there is a second toilet though green toilets those are probably my favorite ones so far watch your paws or else you heard the man nobody wants to get sick around here maybe this way they've got charging points that's kind of weird can we charge freddy here that would actually be kind of cool oh there's a ball pit as well i've got the horrible flashbacks from bull pits but these balls aren't even real i think we might have found everything from this area so i still need to find where on earth this dance pass is used wait i haven't seen this door either this is taking a long time to oh it's here oh that's exciting to find after tonight's stage head to the security office you'll find the staff repair machine there okay you see the dj say hello here's such a nice fellow okay that doesn't sound promising if you're looking for this and you're playing the game third floor fascade of the main like pizza plex area this was a pain in the butt to find let's go oh this is cool how have we not been here before maybe we just weren't able to i was saying i wanted a gold statue these guys have multiple statues of themselves it's quite it's making me pretty jealous oh my oh is that the dj what the heck is that i kind of recognize him but wait he kind of looks like the spider-man right the guy in the vent pretty is this your friend oh my god is this the guy you wanted me to say hi to he's so ugly oh no i didn't mean that i didn't mean that that was so mean can we turn this on i cannot turn this on right now maybe that's not what i need i need to go to the security thing oh we're gonna get a new pass let's go we're getting distracted oh there's more toilets why have you been in so many toilets oh god these are the best ones i'm gonna have to make an extra video rating all of the bathrooms in security breach isn't that weird and another one yeah these are the best sets of toilets no questions asked nothing else in here though got the green toilets which i like oh hello oh there's another oh okay we need to make a note of that there's another power switch in here this has got to be part of a different mission surely we found two of them bathroom and main stage oh this arcade is sick look at this place this is great oh there's more up here as well and another floor this is crazy none of these are the security office though you can't get downstairs you've got wheels a quick hide in here just because there's not enough room to get past and remember i'm keeping up my not getting caught by the godbots record today i swear it can we play all these we can't play any of them maybe i should have played that arcade machine we should be able to get back there though to remind me at some point to go back this place is huge whoa almost ruined that didn't i is this this isn't the security desk is it this is something else oh maybe that no that's like a performance stage who's rocking in here this looks cozy look at this i'm so short i don't believe it ever since freddie shortshamed me i've been really self-conscious where's the security at is that it i'm kind of looking for a security door i think that's what they all are before i think these are like little stages let's have a look oh this one's trashed where it's a spare one oh this is weird actually it's static and everything no presents sure do with one right now to make me feel a little bit better oh wait oh out of water no i thought that was gonna be it go go go go go go go go go anything in here oh that's epic the anime the anime i've been asking for as a gift what you gonna give me chica magnet my fridge is gonna look insane [Music] is this it it is right at the end of course they put it right at the end this is it we're gonna go up to level six now which is kind of crazy hopefully there's a save space in here oh this one's massive this is the biggest one so far and it has an arcade machine as well i really should have played the arcade machine before i feel dumb for not doing it what is this oh my oh wait this is a repair station we made a hangry fredbear oh the west arcade was not shut down properly some data may be corrupted initializing startup sequence before proceeding reset the audio manager circuit breaker located next to the dance floor okay we found that the security system knows you are here and has locked you out reset the breakers and restore power to the west arcade then you can repair the staff pod okay uh let's do that then so i'm gonna open this and quickly see what it says ultimate party host congratulations on your installation of the new and improved dj m i'm guessing that's the big ugly not not ugly guy the big guy the the dj mm features eons of musical enjoyment using a patented technique called improv no two songs are ever the same save a fortune on cleanup using a series of connected tubes the dj mm can run cleaning routines between setlists if the need ever arises activate the new bouncer mode the bouncer mode is still under development oh god you saw the bouncer mode will void your warranty that sounds horrific good job we saved before we did that as well otherwise this would have been not nice we actually know where these breakers are gonna be i thought that was another one then i'm gonna go this way and see if there's another one i don't know how many there are we found two but all good things come in threes so you never know all fours or fives oh chica's here man imagine working here all these crusty arcade machines there's nothing back here i don't think there's not even animatronics i can hear walking though it's a little bit strange there better be something good at the end of this well there is there's a bag oh i told you oh there's another one princess quest two way i need to play these don't i i'll show i'll do it in the next one i kind of wanna i have a plan for today and we're gonna have to come back in here so there's two of those you can play right there was level one and level two and i can't play this one yes i haven't done level two level one pq two maintenance log princess quest two won't boot properly no idea why shuts down when i try to play like it's personal doesn't matter anyway still haven't found princess quest one and here's the other reference to it i did what you wanted beat parts one and two so i definitely need to do that let's see what happens oh that's a throwback as well i love that can we do this this is not the circuit breaker we need oh do we need to do the one at the main stage first i completely forgot i said that and there's no door back here right get them speedy shoes on let's go i'm so fast that upgrades incredible and i have so much more stamina too nobody's going to be catching me now no i just ruined my records oh no oh no at least i'm super quick now is anyone even here i can't believe i ruined it i was running too fast i'm just doing it i'm going i am so much better than all of you okay i kind of got away with that one i think let's go down these stairs the spiral stairs of doom could have been the spiral stairs of doom i've got my camera ready to go let's go down here i need to go to the dance stage as quickly as possible oh hey buddy how's it going dj mama if that's your real name i would like to turn on your system let's see if this works well there's three and that one doesn't count as one safety protocol okay there's two in the arcade we know where the janitorial service one is there's one in the bathroom oh he's disappeared and the music's got a little bit intense i am worried should be in here right yeah there we go what's that no what was that what what the heck is that what the oh my god what is that hey this camera is not going to save me from that is it what the let's go oh my god no i kind of want to look here though he's crawling through the tubes he's a spider now leave me alone i don't even care about you right now okay we need to find some more breakers oh my what what are you i thought i killed you oh man even if you kill them they come back i don't believe it i actually can't believe it he's just half of himself chasing after me he wants revenge oh hello no no no no no no no no back off oh that's really annoying how to use that but i've gotta i've gotta go i need to find this switch so the other one was in a bathroom though i know where the janitor's one is oh where is this one gonna be oh this is the music's making me on edge actually maybe it's not even up here the other one was on the ground floor so maybe it's on the ground floor i've been spotted again this is bad news and i've gone into a room with no exits hello sir can you just watch the door for me please i messed up oh she's there she's there she's there leave me alone leave me alone no i'm not here i'm definitely not here but i can go this way though i need to get this one anyway oh man there's another one in the arcade but i don't know where okay that's uh hey why can't i do this one why can't i hello why can't i ding this one no this is not okay what do i have to do them in a certain order i have a feeling it's not going to be up here i think it might just be on the bottom floor oh there is as well it's over there but i know my boy my boy half monty is over here i can't believe he's actually down here just chilling how can he even run after me he's got no legs right let's uh smack this one and it said janitor's closet right one console left hey back off son see you later oh oh what the what's on earth that is creepy no you leave me alone this isn't the time for this this camera is coming in clutch though i'm just gonna speed it i need to go to the other one go away my record is ruined so ruined i'm just gonna keep going i don't care how many times i get caught by you i'm gonna try this one again and now that i've done the other two holy that spider thing is ridiculous it has to be this one right it has to be no how is it not this why does he have to no no that was not the time to do that buddy i still can't find this extra breaker oh it's here i did it reset the last break at the end of the maintenance [Music] okay i think i know where that is oh that's the one that i've been trying to flick how did it not be like a different color or something i'm going back run chica's right there i'm just gonna no no no no no that was too close i'm getting way too casual with my new speed boots holy this was terrifying i've got this oh look at me run look at me go that camera has been ridiculously good for me like soul clutch but reminds me again why we are summoning this uh giant spider guy is there a reason just because freddy wanted to say hi to him is that the only reason no that's that's not fair don't do that oh my god look at this guy that's insane and really cool look at him oh he would scratch me let's go in here this is where i need to go right repair the robot head oh that was pretty intense not gonna lie i've never seen that animatronic in my life it's huge that was fun though i um i thoroughly enjoyed it can i save before anything terrible happens i would love to do that thank you here we go head deposit pop it in there let's see what happens are we gonna be able to see the magic happen oh i wanted to see what happened all this so we have an opportunity to run over roxy 5 30. that's really annoying do we have to go that far for you freddie though i'll do anything i'm out see you later i'm going in here chica if you're behind me i don't care push the button push the button let's go what was an achievement oh my god that was crazy here we are back at roxy's place now all we need to do is find that go-kart what's the best way to get there it's this way isn't it oh she's right there um i'm gonna have to flash i've got big plans for you that's right you didn't hear it from me though let's go this way the go-kart is this way quick here it is yes get roxy's eyes oh my god it's about to happen what is going on this is me going is this the boss fight what do i do though don't get out my way no you're going to run her over oh you idiot never mind you're good oh that was epic oh my god that was sick i thought that was gonna be a boss fight but no we just destroyed our life the mannequin was like the hero we all needed where is she gonna attack us now oh man that's actually crazy that's all again for now like if you enjoyed and you better subscribe because it's finale time tomorrow that's right we're exploring the endings see you then bye
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 3,577,770
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, dan tdm, gaming, video games, funny, fnaf
Id: eK8cDYQfUEc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 0sec (2340 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 21 2021
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