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[Music] hey guys down here welcome to a brand new of five nights at Freddy's game I had no idea this was coming out but it literally drops a few days ago and look at it it looks insane this game is called ultimate custom night because you can literally like pick and choose which animatronics you want inside your game we've got everyone from freddy fazbear's to withered chica golden freddy or after the phone guy apparently he's now an animatronic which is interesting Orville's in here molten freddy music man we've got an absolute ton of characters here now the ultimate challenge is obviously this every single character introduced at level 20 level 20 is basically the difficulty goes from zero which means they know in the game all the way up to 20 which is the hardest if anyone can complete this they're a madman a magician a wizard just notice this beautiful frog as well so I'm not quite sure what to even start with because there's so many it's kind of blowing my mind oh you can change offices as well requires a high score of two thousand five thousand then eight thousands power-ups the office starts at 50 degrees coins battery and DD rappel I don't know how you unlock these challenges oh okay so you can set your very own challenges this is like in the most recent game especially of ladies night and stuff they kind of did this before with these old friends chaos one two and three oh my goodness I don't even know what to start with so every single animatronic and character has their very own behavior and very only thing that they have to do so you know I'm just gonna start one two three four five I don't know how many to do let's do five press go Oh No how what how many controls one two three four five six X is all off Zen is the flashlight catch fish I mean what is that about cause I've been closed right door closed left door let's just hit go let's see what happens oh man I've got a little one which is the easiest but I just wanted to see okay this this is kind of cool it's kind of creepy though because you've got you've got all of the other animatronics it's kind of staring you in the face we've got the moths we've got temperatures this is like old school this is very old school jeez what is going on oh okay there's foxy how's it going buddy oh you can buy things here with coins reset ventilation why would I want to do that why would I want to reset ventilation huh we've got a flashlight as well I can't even remember the controls dude I have no idea cam system vent system oh my brain oh my brain and some dead what a minute yeah Hagi I'm sorry I'm sorry I didn't mean it oh my goodness is so much so much my point value is 50s if you pass it do you get score and then you have to get more score to unlock the offices oh dude this is gonna be horrible you scared us then I think it was toy Freddy he sits in the parts and service room playing five nights with mr. hugs on his big-screen TV kick the cameras on toy Freddy's monitor then be sure that the appropriate door is closed to prevent mr. hugs from junk scaring him what this is in the same look while chica doesn't care if the music box is wound up she can grow tired of the selection playing when you hear the pots and pans chica is content if she stops making noise however a short amount of time to change the music this is just unreal Bonnie shares the Pirates Cove with foxy Bonnie will do the opposite and become more agitated view the figurine on the desk to see who is active in Pirates Cove he approaches the left who'll keep track of him on the monitor and shut the door when he's standing in the doorway he moves faster as the building gets warmer what what is this challenge 10 on Freddy fazbear he will occasionally appear in your office throwing your Freddy mask to pull your all in pull your monitor up quickly okay that's fair enough phantom Freddy shine your flashlight on him to cause him to fade away if you don't he'll jump scare you giving your time for enemies in the beds sneak into your office heat causes him to appear faster he's invisible on the cameras have no me scene when he reaches your left doorway close the door in his face close the door in his face their nightmare and nightmare fredbear are the same he'll pee when you see him sitting on your office click on him quickly otherwise he will get in your face with an air horn agitated a sound sensitive animatronics Ned bear he climbs through the duct system used the audio lure the heater to keep him at bay he will occasionally activate and ask for five fast planes you can alternatively use the heater to cause him to malfunction he becomes active from noise and heat it says lefty he is too far away from the music box to be sued but the global music pots can calm him down oh my goodness listen for his voice to shut the vent door let's try it let's see what happens Freddy's at ten though which is half maximum difficulty we are going to destroy so we can look at these the duct system open duct oh you can only open the opposite ones okay so let's open this one look click unknowns to set prevent snare oh nice are ok this makes sense this makes sense this makes a little bit of sense oh jeez both I use for they're both eyes were there did you see them oh wait there's did you some one staring me in the face away go away go away please this is like oh geez why is there I talk to you this afternoon I'm so I'm so scared I'm so afraid I don't know what's happening Thanks I already got to what I am literally one minute per hour in the a.m. oh my goodness my brain this is unreal who was that when you see him sitting on your office quicken even quickly otherwise he'll get in your face was that him though never liked it different dude who got me it was you it was you that was the best now I don't know why the UM the mouth and the teeth came down that was a little bit upsetting for me I didn't enjoy that so me to look out for so many different things because you can change all of this stuff as well I'm gonna close off if I could solve this does it increase the usage I don't think it does I'm pretty sure it doesn't actually okay let's calm down and do this properly I just need to listen right so what about the sound how do I get rid of you how do I get rid of you I was a tall flashlight hahaha get out of here Punk how's this going huh how's this going I'm gonna yeah oh jeez go away you hit the door what are these alarms mean reset of insulation Oh why do we need to reset it oh that's the only thing I don't quite understand oh I've locked into sweet you can go thank you goodbye chao-li bird likes you why do he a favor there we go okay we did a favor for someone and now he's he's healthier chorus how do I close how do I close how do I close heater I kind of know that's the best time so far though 1 minute and 20 seconds take this item for your troubles Deenie repel prevent dee dee from appearing sweet okay so that's in Paris right we could only use one though we're gonna use one a time oh you know what so I clicked the parrot so there's other things that can appear even if you aren't even if they aren't in your challenges so Foxy's power appeared I clicked him and he gave me a powerup if I need even click the parrot I think I missed him I would have missed out there's so many things to think about he coins through the vents shut the bent door before he gets through oh he can avoid the vent snare I need to look at the controls it needs to show you the controls every time I can't remember how to close the vents I need to close this door up why are you moving I closed something something's changing but I don't know what it is oh the fan Oh what about the fan it just cuz it looks different from the previous games okay that's fine Eric and I can do this wait how do I get rid of you how do I get rid of you please just be gone thank you Almighty ja yeah like you so how do he a favor okay okay I'm gonna get [Laughter] soundproof definitely soundproof right he's coming in how do I block this how do we turn it off I don't know Jeff I've got another DD rappel I need the controls now after custom nights so you can't see this but literally got the controls on by left hand side which one is the fence W is that it that's all I had to press was W I can do this I think I can do this so W is couldn't we go there we go okay I think you can do this now okay close you out thank you so when that little knock happens that means that he's hit the hit the door and I've saved my life I'm pretty sure I do like that when you get killed by something the it you can kind of find out what you J okay I need you to put my mask on I didn't know he was just gonna be there chump so go to pretty literally appears here I didn't even notice dude I had no idea you can get out of here please I'm gonna leave the fan on for now because I think it's fine it's just the heat that makes him move faster I'm gonna turn it up as well which could be an idea I'm we gonna cease not even a jump-scare I was like who are you I think I had to click him I'm pretty sure I had to click him no one's there reset ventilation I still am a little bit confused about resetting the ventilation one wants your boo-boo second is up in here and you're here as well these are just distractions I'm ignoring you I'm blocking you out the way no no what did you put in here okay Freddie's here I missed that why did you add him of all the people why did you add him you're a nasty nasty individual go away go away I don't know how to get rid of you baby Balloon Boy wherever his name is he's a punk he added a new person but that new person isn't even on here you kind of have to figure out what to do maybe it just turns out all the lights I'm not too sure going back in goodbye for any see you later where is that guy that keeps popping up because you meant to click him first I don't know when he appears though okay Freddie's arriving I can literally see him there so I need to keep an eye on him and see how close he's getting I saw at the last moment at the very last moment okay he's close you're close you be gone he's only just visible she's crazy made it to what I am I just need to listen I don't think I'm even later yeah I haven't made a cashew am yet still yeah soundproof okay he's coming how close does he need to get though I'll see check this van at the top yeah get out of here you start again okay this is making more sense I dunno how close friend you can get though that's the only problem I don't know how close you can get that's pretty close though really close I'm down to 56% already ok he's there yes get out of here you're gone as well oh man here we go this is the stuff we're doing it we do now I think we should just go through all the challenges you know I'm at 2 a.m. I'm not even halfway through yet yeah hard code how do I want from you what do I want from you I want plus percent power I just need to use this as little as possible then okay we're good in the vents why do you keep the stood keeps glitching okay he's getting closer I got him haha hope you punk Venice's soon I just need sir I don't even need to look him I just need to listen for the laugh for him we should be okay 30% though I'm at 3 a.m. I just need to listen there we go now he should be gone yes Freddie's not even that close why together I don't resent Palace sir I need your power give me power give me power thank you Oh Freddie's close I almost forgot about him you can go away as well golden freddy can appear at any moment as well how do we turn I can't turn these lights off can i yes oh man this is gonna be close this is gonna be really close seven percent my usage is so low I think I need to flick the the top it up that the screen up way less and just listen we're at 5 a.m. come on come on no no er what can I do for you I don't know I can't see I can't see oh my goodness the vendor guy is gonna get me can I click 1 percent power no I'm so close start the game with 102 percent power I might do that because I think we were pretty close then bears attack oh no I didn't press it I didn't use the power up but let's see how this goes I just need to listen I don't think you need to use the camera that much apart from Freddy and he isn't gonna peer that often see I'm already down to 5 percent oh it's the fan the fan is using up my power ok I've definitely got this now a hundred percent on this game is so good this is really good this might be one of my favorites already seriously Oh someone else has appeared and it's you but how do I get you out of my life please deposit five coins five points I don't have five coins please deposit five coins coins must deposit five coins Leah quince please deposit 25 coins he's going use deposit my coins deposit please deposit please deposit no coin okay you just messed me up then that's not fair let's go into power-ups mind you if that happens I can do without a powerup definitely lets go bears attack go we just need to make our way through these challenges there's no way someone could do the 50-50 surely that would be insane actually insane I love this office so this is like classic office and there's some animatronics that are put off by heat but there's also some that are drawn in with heat so we need to be super careful with that I can't remember how high you can let the temperature get but I guess we're about to find out man I am I'm excited to play this game more hopefully you guys enjoy this as much as I am even though I'm getting scared out of my wits right now look how much I'm saving power let's just not let it get to a hundred something else could happen so I feel like there's more animatronics here than meets the eye he's gonna close read listen for the knocks let's get it down to sixty and then we'll be good actually if you get Freddy know if you get Foxy's power it he can send you all the way down to sixty Carly that would be pretty good Oh No please deposit five coins please I need folksy fine coins there's no other way to get the part of him my points how do I earn coins please deposit fine it's just gonna scare me five coins I can't even ignore it please deposit five coins so I said oh how to get coins please deposit please deposit please deposit dollars for the roses why I'm sorry I couldn't give you the money Oh start the match for three faz coins fantastic that could work how do I get more though rock star Freddy he will occasionally activate it ask for five fast Queens you can alternatively use the heater to cause him to malfunction is there a three is the heater okay three is the heater I need to get Ned bear out of here as well of the heater let's go we were so close to completing it before man the thing is it doesn't tell you oh it's just done by audio cues like if I put the heater on it really really puts the heat up as well by a lot I'm already like a 10 10 above what we started at I think we should be fine I just need you to be quiet and I don't want any more challenges added to the mix either this isn't five nights at Freddy's world which is also one of my favourite games as well this is the ultimate custom night and I will beat this first challenge I will definitely beat this first challenge rookies 100 degrees hundred degrees be gone at least if it's warm he's not gonna be no no no how do I push you in the face is there a punched one I don't think that's a punch button you're such an idiot yeah we won't win some you lose no I was too distracted by the stupid Balloon Boy oh wait it's didi prevent didi from appearing yeah let's go get out of here goodbye thank you sir I would never see you again hey other men don't realize his name is didi I call him baby Balloon Boy for ages cuz I haven't played these games for so long I'm really not I'm not that familiar of all their names and there's what like 50 characters insane okay so there's also a power AC which can bring the heat down really quickly which is quite cool actually where I end up pay five coins no I am going to leave you are right you right thank you for depositing five coins I tricked you I tricked you it was okay good let's put the fan on yeah there's a power AC that brings the heat down quite quickly which is good so I need to remember that ghostly to remember to keep watching Freddie because the rest are done an audio cues so I should be okay hit that door punk hit that door so Freddie's on ten but I don't feel like he's I don't feel like he's too powerful I like to imagine when they get that arm that hitting sound I like to imagine they literally just smacked their head into the door amazing stay away Freddie how did I miss you how did I miss you you were right there it's like that thing where there's this video where someone you have to count how many times they passed the wall and as you're counting passing the ball a gorilla walks past if I find the video I put it up now and because you're focusing so hard on counting you don't know it's the gorilla golden freddie is the gorilla right now I also got a new powerup as well I got frigid office starts at a cool 50 degrees i I need you TV repels though man I don't to waste all these repels because it's Hadley get rid of that dude man we were so close before so close so how do here posit oh no that's going sixty degrees you thank you for five coins yes okay I knew he was gonna get me that was a difficult bit that was really difficult or eighty five degrees though we're feeling good I think you're gonna hit your head as well perfect avoid it that it was like three things at once that was tricky but I think we good yeah our coat actually buried what do I want soundproof plus ten coins let's go ten coins so we can pay in deposit thank you for those five coins another thing we need coins for anything else so we can let you just use them if we don't need the degrees two things hit then what was the second thing something else hit them and I don't know what it was oh it was the ultimate one it was the the crazy teeth guy you know who I mean 5 a.m. 5 members here I think we're good even if we leave the fat off we're like 50% now see it's just like learning it's learning as much as you can in a short amount of time and using the power-ups to help you just a little bit oh geez don't lose it now do not lose it now good luck guys I think we're OK come on when do we hit by the end yeah 6 a.m. 4 minutes and 30 seconds let's go 450 school let's go you see that you see that we did it oh my goodness challenge one complete it only took me well 35 minutes ready and we got a little item for our troubles as well sweet okay so that's bears attack complete bears attack 2 introduces toy Freddy nightmare Freddy and that's it and then bumps up the difficulty of all the other ones so toy Freddy sits in the parts and service room at the big screen apparently you have to notice his screen as well as yours which is nuts and then I met Freddy when the fretwell's begins to accumulate in your office shine your flashlight on them before Freddy appears that one's not too bad it's just the toy Freddy one that a little bit worried about but we did it bears attack one complete so guys I actually really really like this game I've been playing it for a little bit but could be one of my favorites so far because it's got all the challenges so guys if you enjoyed this video I would like to see me take on some more five nights at Freddy's ultimate custom night challenges then please leave a quite like that we greatly appreciate it also leave a like if you enjoyed this video - I think you feel like sticking around and watching new videos by me every single day then please do consider subscribing to join team TDM today for daily videos but from that guy thank you so much for hanging out with me today have an amazing day you're awesome and I'll see you soon goodbye [Music]
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 7,740,047
Rating: 4.9106321 out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, ultimate custom night, dantdm ultimate custom night, fnaf, five nights at freddys, fnaf ultimate custom nights, cutscene, ucn, animoji, thediamondminecart, minecart, no swearing, no cursing, dr trayaurus, tdm, the diamond minecart, trayaurus, grim, app
Id: j-rl-u-qULI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 55sec (1615 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 01 2018
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