There's a Reason I NEVER Posted These - Sketchbook Tour

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hi so today's video is going to be a sketchbook tour but with my digital art would you call that a digital art tour whatever you'd call it in my last sketchbook tour i said that i would look over the digital art that i did and then i didn't so this is a part two continuation of that video if you care to watch it before this one so in today's video i go over the art that i have saved on my computer from 2017 and 2018 i believe in 2018 i suffered from a stroke and no that's not a joke if you're curious i did make a small little series about like what happened and all that if you're curious so i got to look at what my art looked at before and what it looked like afterwards so if you want to look at all that with me continue watching this video but first i'd like to thank today's sponsor which is skillshare skillshare is an online learning community with thousands of inspiring classes for creative and curious people explore new skills develop existing interests and get lost in creativity as an artist sometimes i struggle with things like art block or procrastination thomas frank has a two hour course on skillshare specifically meant to help guide creative people much like myself on how to be productive and create a professional mindset catered to you it's something i've struggled with in this class gave me some great pointers and templates to use on skillshare there are thousands of other classes to check out and whether you're looking to fend off boredom and focus on self-care through creativity or join a similar creative community skillshare is a place to keep you learning the first 1000 people to use the link in my description will get a free trial of skillshare premium membership at forward slash kelseyanimated and after that it's only around 10 a month so if you want go check out skillshare thank you skillshare for sponsoring this video and let's get on with looking at all of my old digital art looking through my files and i have saved digital art all the way back from 2017 so that is what i'm going to look at so i'm just going to start going through these one by one and uh i guess you'll you guys are going to join me so this is at the vive oh my god so this is at the very beginning this is i talked a little about her a little bit uh in my last video this is um a magma girl and they're basically i made like uh elementals and stuff for like cheese magma i have a water one uh i think i drew up like a ton but there's also this universe lady and this is a short little comic i did it says universe please i need answers advice nope i thought that was gonna be the rest of the comic but never mind uh self-portrait oh here's the universe she's very silent another self-portrait no another self-portrait jesus christ all the super beings creatures and other gods of the universe um this is a self-portrait i think it was my profile picture for something for a long time uh you fall in love with a rock yeah uh i made the universe lady fall in love with the moon because why not that's cute oh do you remember the one girls who was like oh this one's popular and this one's shy this is lisa you got tammy partly zap hey new girl i'm kate um i've been here for weeks but hey i'm lisa want to sit with us at lunch uh yeah thanks hey guys this is lisa lisa these are my friends tia and andy reverse the elements are fighting uh huh do you care nuh uh man i have a good friend group they're so nice and cool and she's thinking about kate ah go away gay thoughts hey lisa hey kate what's up you okay yup ha ha uh more universe this is very much out of order am i gonna fix it no hey lisa what's going on i know the way you look at me what i'm sorry you still haven't made a move yet what you've been into me since day one but you haven't made a move yet so i am omg you think i can turn this rock into someone i can love on universe are you serious [Music] psych um it worked she turned the rock into a human uh another self portrait i probably used for something stars my name is stars an art trade a thumbnail for video stars only moon can call me that you're calling the rock moon yes this is kate uh this is i drew this for when i hit 50k uh i don't remember if it was 50k subscribers on youtube or 50k followers on instagram i'm beginning to think youtube uh yeah probably youtube um another profile picture a picture joey and i angry an art trade a logo um joey and i thumbnail oh i did a speed painted this a long time ago says uh what was her name naomi and her demon girlfriend her dragon girlfriend joey's old like um what is it i made him a banner for twitch or something and uh that was his old username a profile picture in us that's really cute um this is yellow barrel uh i am assuming facing the cluster i can like see like an outline of like the pen thing and then like things that aren't colored all the way in you uh sarah and beth beth with no nose so it looks a little weird uh rick and morty brennan again again as a picture for him uh some birds uh don't know what this is it's abstract art by my brother um a banner i made a small doodle uh i drew this for when i went on vacation to california it was fun um i made this into a speed paint on my channel as well uh i thought she would be a recurring character because she was really fun to draw but i literally only drew her for that one speed paint and then i was done with her self-portrait another self-portrait uh because i got i bought david doberg merch uh let's just move on a collaboration thing i did with somebody uh oh here's a comic of joey and i baby what's wrong i i'm thinking about how much i'm in love with you baby don't cry you're driving are you pulling over i love you so much baby i love you shut the [ __ ] oh so um in the sarah and beth comics uh i really wanted to like make it digital and like maybe start making a comic like making it an actual webcomic or something um but i think i only did like the first few pages really beth a party why did you even try and go out oh gosh i'm so weird and awkward don't be weird go out there and do something maybe i should get a drink hey uh you alright i'm fine i'm fine maybe i should just go home and we have a cameo from jeff god i have to talk to her no what are you you're walking to her stop you're an idiot what are you even gonna say to her great you did it now what shoot say something a commission commission commission commission commission commission commission commission commission oh that's really cute commission permission permission commission commission commission commission commission oh my god i did commissions for a while uh obviously i did not keep up with that damien oh this is from oh god this is from the daddy dating simulator and i i loved damien the most so i made myself i made myself as a dad uh look oh here's desmond hey guys look it's desmond let's talk about that um oh wow this is really old i remember i had this as my wallpaper for a long time because i was that in love with my own character uh another one of him oh wow another one of desmond devin this is the demon that possesses sophie apparently his name is devin i don't understand what this is um oh okay so it's dragon maid but an alternate universe where i'm toru and joey is miss kobayashi oh my god oh a full colored one that's lovely um gender swapped version of me oh here are the elementals this is fire and water magma i i talked about it before but i kind of wanted to change waters like uh character design just because she reminds me so much of lapis and i don't want that um we did an error in an earth i love the earth's hair that's so cute um the universe and the moon which i think i based off of joey and i as if you can tell already um and then i was like oh maybe there's more like mammals and plants and then sea creatures and amphibians thunder and lightning but uh yeah kind of like a steven universe thing that i tried to make but um this is a finished product from that speed paint that i did um here are my little elves that i draw every christmas um oh this is so my little sister and i uh we made i had a video idea where my little sister would design um a character and then i would draw it but i never went through with it or i never finished it so like we created a charac these characters together um but i never uh turned into like an actual video but i kind of like how it turned out this was another one i don't remember what the backstory was for her but um that was another one and this was me messing with things i guess um expressions probably for youtube oh this was a profile picture i made for joey joey and i had a little marshmallow pillow thing that we named and he was our son for a while that was a fun bit you didn't see that one more character expressions um and then this is magma oh she can regenerate her arms so i think from what i remember magma was like a character from like a draw to adopt kind of thing and then i think these were the yeah this is what i submitted that was like her original design i drew to adopt her and then i won her so now she's mine i don't remember who exactly i got them from but yeah that's not cheesy at all um i don't know what the concept behind this was i think someone had a story or something that they wanted to feature joey and i into so i drew these character designs i don't quite remember but it's titled future so i'm thinking maybe it was like a futuristic kind of sci-fi idea where it was like uh humans and demons not really sure but the concept looks cool uh thumbnail a self-portrait this is a gemsona that i made labrador right because my dad gave me a labradorite sphere and i was like cool time to make this into a character she's cool um here's just like a some girl she's cool oh i like this one more oh i colored her too um cute girls is that dragon character and then uh naomi the cowgirl uh oh this was my first drawing concept uh for glass man i was like oh we'll keep him shy and have his hair in his face oh look at that little swoop but then later as i talked uh more with scotty he kind of wanted it to be like a younger version of him so that's what i did instead so this is when i was kind of torn between like cutting my hair like shorter or longer but i prefer it longer now but i'm glad that i did cut my hair short just so i know that i don't like it that much are you an artist if you didn't do one of these like split in the half face drawings like i feel like everyone did them will i make something good no what the [ __ ] is that uh i think this was an inside joke with turtle and then i made it holiday themed i'm not sure um here's me struggling with daily things um [Music] how to say something stupid that's funny but not just stupid girl i couldn't tell you how to be relatable how i really look and how i draw myself yeah fair enough this was an icon i think i had it as my youtube profile picture for a while or something oh i know this one this one and this was joey's icon but this was uh my channel's old profile picture i think this was also a youtube like uh profile picture as well um i think i tried to put this on merch and it oh okay this is jacksepticeye and he was playing dream daddy so i drew him in a okay you get it um a picture of joey and i it is so goddamn pixelated jesus uh here's kana from miss kobayashi's dragon maid oh i was it took me so long to figure out what this was it's titled kels gay and uh this is speechy so even in 2017 i looked up to her hey speech if you're watching this tried to perspective but i know it obviously looks like i drew myself regularly kicking and then i just like uh transformed the image to make it look like the foot was closer like that's i mean it didn't work that well but okay oh oc speed paint i guess i did do a speed paint of magma these are in real life and online shut up oh god this looks um i think i sketched this out in my previous like sketchbook tour but it did not translate well into digital and i'm only saying that because of the lines how they're doing that thing with the colors you you know what i mean uh joey and i again joey and i is freeze speed paint thumbnail the speed paint that i did um hamilton art uh here's max i love i love how um you can still see like the stamp tool that i used for clip studio paint like you could tell if you use clip studio paint you're like oh yeah i know [Music] this was my icon for youtube for a while and again with the stamp tool with all those roses oh this is a gemsona which is supposed to be me but i made it a jasper i think or an emerald um yeah i'm a jasper and i made a list this little comic you aren't how you should be what you have poor vision can't summon a weapon aren't built right so what i'm not good enough no pearl yes my diamond what where am i going away i'm not good enough i'm a mistake ah come on who said that a diamond yes oh so i guess uh kind of like amethyst story where she's like kind of a run and she's not the way that she's supposed to be but you love her anyway and there there's her again um the speed paint of myself that i did um me sarah beth edgy art because beth is crying as sarah's grave oh and here's my little mermaid i draw her with her witch like every halloween cute not as cute but good effort this is an icon for somebody happy holidays um oh more mr glassman drawing this is more um ideas for glass man before i did it so before the swoop i guess maybe curly hair but yeah i ended up doing just like a younger version of scott so rip that design uh here's the universe lady her and her moon which is basically joey and i and then the moon sarah and beth yo nadia name is nadia then which one's naomi have i been getting it wrong this entire time i thought her name was naomi maybe i changed it to naomi there's kate and lisa that is literally a stamp of like an actual pearl the why did you think that would be good happy new year obviously i don't think i was feeling very well when i drew this this one is naomi oh my god so this one's naomi and then nadia and oh my god i had to mix up the entire time whatever this drawing's cute i love her hair oh my god i can't believe i messed them up it's naomi and nadia god damn it anyway here's a drawing of me me again um an old oc [Music] don't remember her name but i feel like you guys have seen her before uh probably seen her before too uh i think her name was like doll face or something i don't know kind of gives me creepypasta vibes uh same with this one don't know about her this is starting with a v she was in some of my previous videos uh she's the one that got her arms cut off with the and then replaced with bird wings and then here's a ryan and estella and then oh god the the stamp tool like these don't look good girl they don't look good like i don't know what whatever i did a speed paint of it um hear me in some different outfits panic at the disco we're all oh it looks horrible dick over egg pickle [Laughter] uh okay uh here's pink lars uh me crying on the floor post malone here's some pride stuff everybody's having a great pride month shout out to the gays this was for the 50k subscribers so uh i did a raffle apparently uh rainbow furry oh god oh god thank you sad sad sad sad oh my god there's so much sad oh another santa never mind combat your depression with holidays here's sarah oh look at that hand uh here's sarah again i think i did a speed paint of that one uh sarah again here's dick and ronnie um this is scott i guess here's my transition from nose styles i guess i had a very hard time figuring out what to do for noses because i either did this one two three thing or i did like just a line like a muppet or i did like an actual nose very confusing i did like the the three dashes for like the bridges though some 50s couple naomi naomi again i kind of like the sketch better yeah i like the sketch better i had more texture to it on there's a little kiss animation they're so cute pardon there's a kiss um oh i did a i did like a challenge on instagram where i was like give me some songs and i'll make a character based off that song uh will not remember what any of these songs are it's probably on my instagram but these were all um the songs that i that i picked oh this is another song one i was like oh this is a little questionable and it looks bad here's another song another song another song oh my god how many songs i do this looks like a kid was playing on ms paint this is so bad oh okay this one makes up for it i like this one uh lars and sadie which i feel like every other person is upset that they never got together including me oh here's another song this one's not bad this is a stella i like the lighting that's cool looking uh this is sophie oh god oh god it just there's more this speed paint oh sorry this speed paint of sophie that i did is probably one of my favorite pieces of art that i still to this day cannot recreate and it makes me so upset uh sophie again selfie [Music] selfie like yeah some of the proportions are wrong but like i i still love it like all the lighting and stuff i took forever drawing this too i was so proud like the lighting in her hair is so speechy um joey and i said oh man that was when my username so before i was kelsey animated i used to be art cast um so i think this was my banner for youtube oh god what maybe it was this one i don't know uh it was this for forever but then i changed instead of artcast i rebranded and here's a twitch banner for joseph uh here i am i rebranded sudden urge to cry a lot uh here's a beach photo uh don't know what that was supposed to be more dragon made this was a tracing of one of the dragon made like scenes so i traced this one uh the speed paint thumbnail thumbnail sleepy me oh i like this one that's cute uh joey and i wearing merch speed paint uh me very concerned concerned worried more dragon maid this is a video that was not done very well but good job uh here's water girl angry me very very angry uh oh this is for the raffle i think uh oh and here's my little witch character that goes with her mermaid cute the background is god-awful to look at but thank you uh yellow barrel uh here's like a a reference sheet for yellow barrel and it looks like that's the last one in 2017 so that was kind of a lot so i think i'm gonna cut it short here and then maybe next time we could look at the digital art i did in 2018. um if you watched all the way to the end of this video oh my god thank you so much i know it was a lot uh make sure to stand up take a stretch drink some water take care of yourself and i want to say thank you to my patrons real quick thank you air carlos artist 580 and officially cute for being my patrons and thank you so much for watching this video and i will see you next time bye
Channel: Kelsey Animated
Views: 211,641
Rating: 4.9785538 out of 5
Keywords: art, animation, drawing, storytime, comedy, sketchbook, artist, sketchbook tour, speedpaint, digital art, traditional art
Id: jyN_sbID5ys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 10sec (1870 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 01 2021
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