2020 - 2021 SKETCHBOOK TOUR!! finally. stan loona.

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[Music] okay it's time for a sketchbook tour are we ready here it is this sketchbook details about it so the brand is denick founded at michael's for about ten dollars the paper is really thick so it was really good and also they helped build schools with the funds this inside cover i have a bunch of random stickers like fruit stickers anything that has like a sticky back and would otherwise be thrown away i have it in here but also a sticker from eggpig on instagram and then my pride and joy a sticky note from lee ellison first page i have a video on this if you want to see it still like her she looks very happy you know she is vibing except for it looks like her head is kind of broken because i like i think i put it at the wrong angle or something but very fun lee ellison inspired as you can see like around here mixed media gouache and colored pencil so this was my first official spread i remember being very scared to do this actually because i'd never kept a real sketchbook before that i was like taking super seriously so we have photo studies that's joseph gordon-levitt some strawberries probably don't need me to like read these aloud to you i guess but yeah just some practice like cute doodles these are cute you know with sketchbooks i was like always afraid of wasting paper so you'll see that this sketchbook is very crammed full of stuff like in every corner this was a draw this in your style challenge and that is the instagram username of the host this is a gouache portrait of heejin from luna drew this using 0.5 muji gel pens that is the color palette let me grab them real quick here they are in their little container i was just doing some photo studies i found out i really like to do freehand like gel pen doodles so that's what these are some apples yarrow clover mushrooms mushrooms are actually super fun to draw so stan luna of course here we have an assignment i did for fashion illustration one we had to draw five heads five female and five male but as you can see i suck at drawing men and that is the scariest dude i've ever seen in my life he looks pretty nice though anyway here's just some doodles i did i was trying to come up with a design for like a really cute dress i don't have the sewing skills for that though so this never came to fruition but i think the designs are very cute this is some merch i wanted to make next moving on this is a picture i took myself at my university campus that same day i was doing an assignment for my film photography class and i took a picture of this on film but i was like let me just snap a picture of this on my phone so i ended up painting it because it looked really beautiful and then i did these during during an online class just like some more freehand doodles another one i really like these actually i think this would be cute as a sticker so this is when i started like really trying to practice my gestural movements and they're really rough here and they almost seem a little too calculated but they get better um you'll see you'll see please stay for the video um this is my friend's plant a pelia plant and then this is from the same plant from a sorry girls youtube video that i studied more of this more soon me we have chungha april the k-pop group and then red flavor by red velvet and then i did some bigger studies of etsy mainly riojin they like this though i feel like this really helped me i really like the way this instagram user potato draws hands so i tried to study the way they drew their hands but obviously i never posted this because that is not my style i'm not about to steal their art again with the sideways this is the next spread i was just listening to an audiobook i remember it was the lunar chronicles i was re re-reading slash re-listening to that and i was just doodling whatever i felt like and this is true this is like i feel like this is the best i've ever drawn like look at this i also um made this into a digital collage for my instagram but this is just like yeah she she is the cutest truly here mostly gouache a little bit of colored pencil and gel pen am i going too fast let me know if i'm going too fast i got a new gel pen around this time it's purple um i wrote p and people always love to point that out here is oh okay among us this was like the among us era so i made an among a sona like a character um that i would play in among us i was always yellow and then i would switch between the cherry thing and the egg hat so this is a fan art of my oc 20 she's a cyborg girl and i drew a fan art of her where it kind of implied that she was abandoned somewhere and i thought it would be cool to develop that story but then i never did also this cute girl hi okay so my fashion illustration one class was actually online so i did all the assignments in my sketchbook but they were actually supposed to be like 11 by 14. so this is definitely not it but i think this is cute more testing out of new pens i got the mermaid felt tip pens like the ones that kids would flex in elementary school and be like i'm writing my notes with these well like 10 years later i got them too so don't even come for me so just some doodles i also did some studies of the chanel fall winter 2020. these are my inktober pieces i started following a few prompts in october of 2020 so we have these here this one is so cute i really like this bunny and this sunfish wait let me tell you about the story so basically it's like this scene with the witch and you can see her purse is a sunfish so that's like a close-up of it and then here there's like bunny ears sticking out of the bag so that's the bag and then that's the bridge she's standing on so that's what i wanted to portray here's another one here's this one i really love this dress i think i did a good job on the details that sounds kind of arrogant i'm sorry oh i showed this to my dad and he was like why is she wearing a pancake on on our head i was like please why would you say that the royal tenenbaums i found two screen caps that i thought went really well together love the way i drew these hands i don't think i ever drew hands as good as these afterward also this telephone cord that reminds me of the macaroni and cheese that you find at suburban buffets you know if you know you know okay now i'm drawing upside down look at the the range i have this is vivi from luna and then these are figs not much to say about that i guess another fashion illustration assignment i love her hair she's an icon okay here is more of that study page i studied the runway looks for chanel this girl has seen some stuff cowboy eve from luna and then also e from luna these promo pictures are so beautiful and i was like i need to draw them and so i have this i also made i put this into that same collage i mentioned yeah her oh i posted this spread i thought it was cool that like it went like this like whoo this is a study of this instagram user i want to say jewel vc they were doing some amazing things during inktober and i wanted to just kind of study their style because i thought it was so interesting how they used line work to convey such dimension in their works so i'll put some of it here just so you can see it or maybe i won't is that illegal to put someone else's art up well anyway you can go check them out this i guess i drew on january 29th these are some of the students in i want to say in my class but i'm not the teacher i work at a high school and i'm the bio tech lab assistant there and sometimes i have some free time where i sit at my desk and if i'm not grading or anything i like to look around so i just drew some of the kids in class that day this spread is i would say extremely chaotic actually so i was in the midst of my lunar chronicles revival so i was drawing all these characters that's scarlet this is winter i love winter so much this is actually digital i printed it out because i liked it so much because i wanted to like keep it in my sketchbook because i like her so much and i just think that this is exactly how i pictured her in the book so i was really like extremely proud of this drawing here we have some random stuff that's on my story and my friend was like she looks extremely terrifying and i'm like she does but also it was supposed to be very cute i have econ notes operating profit looking at profit without looking at the fixed cost okay whatever that means oh you can see the ghost of me trying to draw chew twice in here or maybe three times this is a drawing i never finished but i wish i had because i think this looks really cool here is the end of the semester stuff so my fashion illustration won final rough drafts i was really going through it i was trying to come up with a good concept and interesting and unique clothes and now that i look back at my illustrations i'm like these are not cohesive at all and you know what about it at least i've improved i guess oh i love i love this spread here let me peel it up for you guys just for you guys my gosh am i gonna rip this okay so i almost ripped my sketchbook wide open but these are two doodles i did at work i don't know who they are but they are very beautiful a chew because i'm always drawing chew and then another photo study and a sticker so this was november 20th okay we're going to put this back and i'm never going to open that again this is another photo study i was very into doing photo studies with colored pencil and trying to make dimension with just one color so that's some good training good training this is cher from clueless looking extremely disgusted and then this tooth doodle because i was getting my wisdom teeth out like the next day or something and then this is i just forgot her name the girl the girl from 10 things i hate about you oh cat stratford is that her name someone tell me i'll look it up don't worry november 26th i was outside weather was getting good as in arizona resident the weather is usually like three digits fahrenheit so it's usually not a good time to be outside we have this like really old playset in our backyard and my little sister was on it so decided to draw that and then i went down there and drew my dog and my little sister just the things around our backyard that day my dog's name is pom-pom she actually looks like that and i was like can you please turn to the camera and she was like no draw my butthole so i did i did draw her butthole okay you guys i have a story about this page i took a bio class and they were like extra credit do something artsy and then write a write-up about why you did that topic so i was like let's do something with plants photosynthesis like cellular respiration um so i did that but guess what i forgot i forgot to do the right up so i got a 50 on this but i still like it especially these i really like these it's very cool this is from knives meow knives meows video that's a to-do list izolkin some doodles my december update what does that say i'm in love with katya okay okay um it's keeping me sane explosion at work made me fear for my life and i'm unhinged and truly gone remember i was fully in my drag queen phase just because they're like so beautiful you know and it's such an art form and they can create whoever they want i just think that is so cool [Music] that and i was like sis i am not getting paid enough for this and everything went downhill from there a spread this is twice and then this is jenny from blackpink this trixie that i really want to finish but i don't think i will finish but the hair looks really nice i really like this one photo shoot that she did the flowers in her hair and everything so i was like gotta draw that um but i ran out of steam halfway through and i also even put glitter down in the flowers which is why i have this paper here a doodle that i drew on some notebook paper these are the snapdragons also another photo that i took more fruit stickers this sticker we bought some beef to celebrate something like the thin kind of beef anyway you didn't need to know that none of the stuff i'm saying is like related to my sketchbook here's a whole spread with katya and some like warrior woman i drew on christmas so katya really sustained me for an era there i don't know her features are so beautiful and also her hair and her outfits so she really got the whole package bang more of this y'all are like we are tired of seeing this and then i broke out my brush pens and drew some random stuff i hate this especially because like her arms are so weird this woman is cool though she giving you the side eye i was creating ocs around this time so this is blanc apparently her name is white here's juno birch and licorice black more drag queens they actually both saw this is that cool or what licorice black saw and put it on her story and then juno burst but on her story i was like you guys my flop era is over but my flop arrow was not over actually i really like this i love how it turned out i'm glad i could get like all the shading correct even traditionally let's see what's going on here my spreads for the mama mousing that i was part of which i don't think i can show that i was in charge of a dance spread so i had to do various drawings of the dance choreography taking notes for my fashion illustration 2 class also she had a lesson that day about draw profile so i was like okay take some notes more leftover collages they are extremely hard for me to draw so i finished drawing these and i was like these suck but then my teacher was like these are sick i was like oh okay she didn't actually say that she just said they were good these were the two girls sitting in front of me in class my friends asked me if these were lips i'm like that is cheetah print maybe i just suck at drawing cheetah print okay here is a big spread i remember the audiobook i was listening to when i drew these pretty things this is a really good audiobook these are my characters her name is cherry blanc actually that was the girl from earlier i just redesigned her and these were their full bodies that i never got around to coloring but i do like the liner on them so that is cool here we have the first project for fashion illustration two the basquiat project so basquiat was this artist you probably know him i didn't but i had seen his work around like not knowing that he had done it we had to make outfits inspired from it like menswear's outfit and i was like men i don't know how to draw men and these ladies these are also photo studies this is amber alexander i just laid down marker first and then i drew over it with colored pencil and i think that was a good exercise next is more stuff about the basquiat project my teacher she is extremely pretty i saw her face and it was like wow she is so pretty so i drew her when she was talking and then okay here's a story so i drew her and i was like she's never gonna see this right but then she was like leanne i wanna take your sketchbook and then show the students in my capstone class and i was like sure go for it and then one of her students was like this girl drew you and i was like oh my gosh so she found out but it was fine because she said they were cute yeah it was such an honor though because she was like your sketchbook is so full of soul and i was like soul i wrote pee and purple gel pen but yeah she really liked it so that made me feel very validated shout out to you queen this is practicing with mediums this paint pen alcohol markers shading and such these are my friends we had like a sketchbook day so we were all drawing each other these are actually kind of messy sorry to you guys don't worry i draw them better later on my side view mirrors and then a car this is a kid from my work like one of the students i used him as a model for my basquiat project and here is the lingerie project i did a lot of studies on this that's all i can say about that i guess well i really like doing the lace details on these i also did these with gel pen and then i studied different kinds of undergarments these are actually stamps that my friend made for me for my birthday she hand carved them herself i was like this is so cool i really like this one don't know about her though oh here i watched earwig and the witch this earwig is great these two drawings are a little suspicious but her mom was such a cool character more photo studies here another katya on my salad receipt and her and then i just drew flowers in the background so here is the rest of my lingerie rough drafts i'm in some life studies that we did from photos in class i should put up the results of my project this is just doodles and words and more of my oc stuff so cherry and and white that's me don't know why i drew myself i was in class at this time i think i went into class and we drew the knitwear that professor placed on the mannequins did a lot of studies with those also drew my little cat creatures and ta-da i have videos on these as well these are my friends we did a photo shoot they had the most beautiful close-up shots and i had the worst close-up shots but i painted them with gouache and then the background is copic so here i was doing some notes on indigenous people because i thought i wanted to do something inspired for my network collection but i ended up doing something more modern instead so this is the color palette i went for plus purple cream and this washi tape pattern these are the studies that we did in class for the knitwear project this is a compilation of the luna request i received on my instagram so vivian hasul this was vivi solo era and then hustle go on from the mafia video which is really really funny another go on more in my style olivia olivia ginsel and yojin in the suitcase which i had never seen before but it was so funny and then i was watching parks and rec kind of leslie knope and then kind of april more random people more random people and here we are you guys might have seen this in my studio vlog my final project which i don't need to share my thoughts on it again because it was somewhat of a painful experience for me while also being like fulfilling i have no idea notes rough drafts you know the drill you know the drill i was looking at colors to use cool silhouettes sorry i'm gonna repeat myself but this was sort of like a flower inspired collection each of these were inspired by a specific flower and same here and i had like tape my to-do list on here these i ended up using these two and this one this is a spread of like iconic blondes that i wanted to do iconic blondes in my eyes that i wanted to do um and then i never finished it which is really sad because i got like 90 percent of it done but then not this and i guess i'm never going back final project stuff i was doing test prints on vellum which is like this translucent paper but it was getting smudged so i let it dry overnight and then this is my rough idea for how i wanted the graphics to look and this is actually a misprint because it printed the margins way too small and also like kind of tilted the graph paper but this is my line brochure and we are really not ending with a bang because this is just a mess some of these are are things i did at work and just random doodles luna 1 3 is the best sub unit yeah so this is my first complete sketchbook i will miss its foolery this is actually a gel electrophoresis picture anyway i drew on it started it in september of 2020 and i ended in may 2021 which is nine months exactly i don't know how i managed that oh and here is a study of a screen cap from portrait of a lady on fire and something cursed my friend drew and my other friend was supposed to draw in here but she did not more stuff in the back this is karen the friends i did the portraits of we hung out this one summer and one of them had a huge huge flamingo in inflatable flamingo so we had a good time in the pool it filled up the whole pool though these are just papers i did more knitwear i was supposed to design the biotech club shirts but the club never really took off this is for work and then i have an early assignment this is the musical instrument project rough drafts i did on separate paper because my teacher had my sketchbook at that time i think i like this project the best and then i have this little folder full of random oh i just showed my whole address okay i have this folder full of like letters and random papers that i will not show because apparently i have personal information on there so that is my whole sketchbook i'll flip through it once more while i speak about my experience i think keeping a sketchbook was really helpful for me to grow as an artist because it allowed me a space where i could do whatever i wanted to do and i didn't really have an obligation to show people like obviously i'm showing you now because i'm totally fine with that but like in the moment i didn't feel like it had to be a complete piece or anything i could just do little doodles or little photo studies and it would totally be okay if i messed up because i could just like slap a piece of paper over it and continue on and i thought it was really really fun to like look at my progress throughout nine months kind of see how i've grown and how my style has changed it was a great way for me to you know establish more confidence in drawing loosely you know and people always tell me this also sounds like a brag but people really like how i arrange the layouts of my sketchbook extremely aesthetically but a lot of times i'm consciously trying when i do interesting spreads like this other times it just looks like this so i'm only showing you guys on instagram the cream of the crop so don't even worry about it my sketchbook is actually like a mess but there are times when i want it to be aesthetic and that is mainly for myself because i really like looking at interesting layouts that combine different images and colors and layers as well as text sometimes so do what you want and if what you want is an aesthetic layout then do it you know and if you want chaos then also do that the moral of the story is start your sketchbook today because it's actually really fun and you don't have an obligation to show it to anyone okay so at that point i had started rambling but i just wanted to say thank you to everyone who's supported my art and seen parts of my sketchbook on social media in these past nine months it's been very encouraging and i'm also glad i got to show my sketchbook to people in my real life because it is so cool to see people reacting to the art that you make and you know like putting in their own interpretation and giving their feedback so i hope you will look forward to the next sketchbook and thank you for watching in advance i think i also say it again at the end bye [Music] and that's the end thank you for watching and stick around for some more art content [Music] bye
Channel: lemongacha
Views: 25,066
Rating: 4.985167 out of 5
Keywords: sketchbook tour, sketchbook video, art tour
Id: Gc3fGN1g8Oc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 43sec (1903 seconds)
Published: Mon May 31 2021
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