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[Music] look at this guy he's picking up my truck look at what he's doing he's dragging it out friends good morning good to see you welcome to you if you're new here welcome to Buck and Billy Ray Smith's YouTube channel I won't go in to the the meaning of this truck uh and the journey there there was just too many too many memories excuse me too too it's got it runs too deep and uh I was this close to to calling the the wrecker and and that would have hurt but is it runs too too deep it runs too deep I'm so glad I'm doing this friends I'm going to bring you along the journey so we'll have some of this footage now and again on the channel when I go down to help Morgan Morgan's going to film some of it but not much he's just going to work so we went down yesterday and we stripped the seats the freaking rusted out nuts and bolts and the trim and the roof and everything we stripped her and I'm going to share that with you right now people like Morgan men like Morgan women like Morgan anybody folks like Morgan they're rare now they used to be around every corner somebody willing to take your vehicle in and do all the metal work and do this they're they're just rare now friends they are trust me they're rare lots of love for Morgan on this one friends look at Morgan go what do you think you're doing friends remember this journey Morgan and I went on to Regina to get this cab ah I see so friends here she is and it is Moly all right I'm going to share this journey we have a quite a story for the Ford guys here and people who like old trucks I've had a 70s crew cab for my whole career almost rais my family and Drug them around in the back um so we drove to Regina friends to grab this cab and uh trust me we're way ahead now if you're a metal worker um I'm I'm so excited friends about this right now like I I I almost threw my truck away I almost threw my green and white crew cab away it's my crew cab you guys know the one but I I just couldn't do it I couldn't do it so we're getting started I Morgan has been gracious enough to let me put it here and he's going to do all the metal work on the cab there's no not much to be done friends honestly I'm not kidding you like look at this you know that sound this is going to be fun yeah he's got her we're coming in Easy Desert you can see right there so that corner gets cut out right there that gets cut out that's nothing the the roof is what we're talking about and the doors friends I'm not joking you this is in really good shap we're at Morgan's we're starting I want to thank the kookies again one more [Music] time yeah I like Morgan Morgan is Morgan is the man he is the man we're not we're not playing around it's on this C right [Music] now this is this is very exciting to me look at it would you look at it brother what's that brother O Brother what's that there you go good look at this so moving the the vehicle from across Canada we we've now had it on a forklift a couple times so what we would have done is this you see we bent the floor there a little bit right there but we're putting new cab mounts which really almost doesn't need it but it does look so these are getting replaced anyhow this side is surprisingly solid um there's my clutch Fork thing but you can see where we you kind of but we're putting floor pans in her anyway so this is incredible steering look it friends all right well open up here and see what we got what what now that goes back a few years Morgan you ready for a dart Bud hey you want a dart Bud like I I I I oh it's even in French well I guess it's Canadian so it's got to be in French right PL PL yeah that's as plain so those are that's as plain as it gets man is there any in there there's [Music] the gloriousness of you Fanta Fanta that is Fanta show that again morg look at this friends this is where we're going this is where we've come from I'm actually really pleased I got this cab there's seven up there's you name it but this thing's been sitting and and I don't know it's been sitting outside hasn't it work I think so yeah this is what you're after I I'm going to be straight with you I none none of this means anything to that that means nothing to me nor Morgan I cut that out and put that right in that's that's but again this is a look look it friends Ford guys talk to me I mean look it this is nothing it's nothing these doors so when you come across stuff like this friends it's uh th this Cab's Min I I I did this years ago I I remember doing this in my old green and white cab I completely uh rebuilt my crew cab like stitched it back together with a welder friend of mine like what is that thing big hunk of copper wire copper wire for electric fence or something interesting what else is in here what's this oh there's some rat poop chalk line chalk line bit oh a wrench we bonus up oh boy yeah oh looks like good quality brother oh brother what is that oh brother brother what is it that's Saskatchewan prairie soil right there brother compost o Here Comes friends I'm 55 I've had my green and white crew cab it was blue when I bought it I've had it for I could figure it out let's just say 20 years and I've redone it once and it's rotten and I've got so many memories that I've jumped that truck with cords of wood on it it it it I'm very excited this is a huge project for me and I'm excited you see this one here coming up so you know what I'm talking about this game right you know the deal I know you do and if you don't you don't um this is where a little back and forth in and out you get to know these vehicles over the years what you can looks like we're here on this one no just when you think there we go got it this little guy and then what happens friends is you you completely roast you know what I mean you you it's a square uh Phillips sorry it and it just rusts away and it's the kick panel right friends these things right so believe it or not friends this is the tedious most most tedious work you ever can do but when you get it to this stage friends you go all the way home with it you you do you go all the way home to it see this just take there it is nice nice proof look at this friends wow Morgan got it oh yeah look at this here here it is this is all going to be new this is all going to be new here we are friends I wonder what that is that wiring is right there it was it came here oh there it goes friends that thing that went back here who knows what this is there's an actual grommet for it Factory grommet we got to keep that Morgan this is interesting I don't even know what this is for goes back somewhere or maybe it doesn't so there's a plug on the end I'm not going to use all of this probably cut it off right here but that's how much they give you when you buy a cab Corner yeah look at that friends so cuz I don't need to go I don't I don't need to get up into this here no all right it just cut it straight across there yeah so you're just going to blast that out there clean up all the rotten stuff and look at that friends cab corner cuz this is uh this is solid in here yes it is inside it totally is is it galvanized yeah these are galvanized see that yeah galvanized interesting smart move forward I guess that extends into here right y yeah so it does that's galvy and that's even galvanized y I'll bet you that's why it's still there I wonder if they did that in all years in these trucks I don't know I don't know I think it was an afterthought come and gone right now over the years y cuz they did the inner fenders like that too remember those galvinized inner fenders yeah but there she is friends she's stripped and then Morgan we've got two floor pans in there here's the uh oh the cab mounts this the cab Mount they're they're oh yeah look at that so yeah I know I made these for your other trucks right you actually made them but you know I mean this is yeah for the money I mean look at that oh no it's oh it's quite solid yeah it's good thick stuff look at that so so I don't care where it's made I saw a really interesting bring that out mark for a sec saw really interesting video on these guys so it goes here or is that that oh yeah that's that side yeah this is the passenger side it is and there's the hole right there yeah so look at this friends so it makes it pretty easy just you know they they do a good job yeah it's amazing and that that wraps right over top of the floor Morgan or or underneath it yeah yeah oh yeah right there you can see the separation right there y looks like a forklift went into it here Morgan hit it with the forklift yeah sure I did yeah don't matter it's all gone so I am excited now Morgan let's be honest our worst things are the parts we got exactly the floor pan that's why we got them the cab mounts and that back corner yeah and Friends little bit of work here and a little patch here and there but look at that talk to me about those apples and grapefruits never really did poke it this much up here here like really good good just you just cut that out with a zip cut and just patch it up yeah okay friends cab stripped seats out the back of this cab is mint mint up there not so much we've got all the metal floor pens cab mounts this truck is going to be amazing when it's done running right looks so crude back there how they put these together yeah [Music] [Music] mhm I use a word once in a while friends it's called exci I have what's called exci this is a long process it's can be grueling but it can also be very enjoyable I've done this a few times now in my life this will be the second time this crew Cab's got its super love but this time I think it's going to be its best thanks for watching thanks for being here welcome to the newcomers and to my True Blues and to my messengers of kindness and everybody who comes here on the live feeds and hangs around on Sundays with us and just people that have been here watching me evolve I'm glad you're here talk to you on the next video work hard be honest and be kind over out
Channel: Buckin' Billy Ray Smith
Views: 15,222
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -yBD1rDy6xA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 42sec (1122 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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