Every Man needs to know this trick

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who wants to see something very interesting okay can anybody tell me why there's checks in [Music] this and and that that has never scared me it's Heartwood friend see it's not on the other side why is it it not on the other side probably because there's some sapwood over there like almost looked like he tried to sand it out see how it's flatter there see that look it there's the check right there well what that tells you is that it's dry real dry so could this possibly bust off yep it could but if you want look look at the Grain Drive dolls right through there to to two of them I'm talking long ways friends you know what I mean this way don't be afraid if you like the looks of a handle and you're afraid that there just no way I I'll I'll run this sucker look at that so again tell me what you think would happen if we went like this what's this stuff it matters not to me what you use you want to use your your Lind seed Giver it does not matter use oil use use this has got cracks and checks in it all the way all the way down it's a it's a very interesting handle friends so I happen to have some watka on me here and I'm going to show you a little something you can watch with me what what this is a beautiful beautiful handle so this now will completely stain this watch because we didn't wipe it see see that a gentleman got some suspenders from me and I said if they're too light for you hit it with the hit it with the uh the leather treatment we sent you see that look at this this is going to come up gloriousness yeah see this this is crazy it's only on one side this is a glorious handle oh it's nice but I'm soaking oh look what's happening that's just going to drink that I mean I've got I've got a better uh way to do this I got this thing here friends watka I just call it watka it's Watco Okay so it'll a guy could oh they're already closing up they're actually already closing up a guy could literally soak this in in there soak it drop it in there but even still if you're afraid that that this is going to bust my gosh that's beautiful I uh I really like the uh look at this friends if you're afraid that that's going to break off there just Dow and you like it I'm only talking if you're trying to salvage a really nice handle just hit it with the dowel and and that's it's game over you you got you got to fix right now and it'll be stronger than than probably even before wood and wood glue and dowel it's a it's a good fix for these types of things gosh this is a nice handle I I would probably do that here because you can see it it starts to creep around see that so I can show you if you want and how that would get fixed good afternoon friends we're uh we're off to a funeral actually excuse me we've got the the the F-150 and me and my wife are we're off to a funeral we lost a a cousin of ours cousin of Wendy's it's her cousins was her cousin's wife she was 51 years old friends okay 51 I believe and and and cancer got her and happen fast real fast so anyways we're on a little journey here we so we're going to put the 150 to work and just me and my wife in the cab and uh going to just enjoy one another's company but this handle friends this dowel I've showed it before but as people go along life They Don't Really search for stuff they they hopefully maybe it's just going to come up again so I'm going to show this process and it I've done it and I've left it there for 12 hours in the vice like I've done before and come back and friends I I've I've got access that that I use that have been dowed all over the place different places if I like a handle enough like Heartwood usually I will Dow it enjoy this process and don't be afraid to to do this to your stuff any tool I I'll just show you real quick let's wipe up this watka but not a lot we'll just let it sink into the oak here the English Oak that I got off of bow and road now if I'm not mistaken that's too big of a drill bit right let's put that there now I've got a I've got dowel here and I like this I got a couple different sizes of dowel I like this one it's good size it's it's actually really good size but do I need it this big and I would even go on a 45 here like this I'll show you what I mean by this friends and I'll encapsulate so what you do is you look at your cracks you got there well there they are there they are can you guys see that which way they're going so you can encapsulate both of them this one I think I would go on a 45 that one I would probably go down there and then I would squeeze them together like this because I'll bet you I'll bet you nine times out of 10 we're going to we're going to close this up by squeezing it yeah indeed we are look look what happens watch see this Watch What Happens here when I squeeze this together and there you go see it it's squeezing the watka right out of it there it goes so that is is now closed see isn't that crazy friends so there's always a fix okay there's a piece of wood right there test it first friends right so okay there we go this looks a little small but actually you know what it's not it's absolutely perfect boom it's in there I'm going to put one right here okay one there I might even put three in this sucker okay this smells like it's an old familiar smell to me and I'm going to put one right [Music] here okay there we go check this out friends this is no joke here's your three holes I'll actually show you okay you put her down there it's down you break it off you you can do at this stage you can do whatever you like friends this to me is not about how pretty this can look this is about how functional this can be for me okay it's about fixing a handle I will sand it you know what I'm saying I'll sand this off now so I know this fits beautifully look look at this one two let's get that one going there it is three it's perfect friends it's perfect so I'm going to do these three and I'm going to actually clamp it and close it and call it done then I'm going to do the backs side I can't believe how this is crazy this is this is very nice now so I'm just going to put this right down but we're going to get glue in it first this is how this goes there it goes okay get glue in there get glue in there just say this it goes in there it gets all over the dowel this one there it goes okay so here's what I do when I get to this stage friends just so you know this is what I do it's in right xacto knife give it a little top make sure we're down to the bottom I do a snap cut snap there's glue coming out the other side snap snap here we go tap tap snap cut done now this is what you have just so you're you're you're seeing what I'm doing here okay this isn't the where the magic happens so this is where the magic happens so so there you go it's actually closed it up it's already closed it up are you seeing this okay so that's how that goes now what I do is I'm not going to do both because I'm putting them in on different angles and I want this to dry so I'm going to pick my angle I'm going to put it in here and I'm going to squeeze it together like this and you'll probably see glue come out of the edges which as a matter of fact you are and I'm going to show you this see that see the glue it's squeaking out of the edges and that doll is going to take care of that end end grain right there you can barely see it look at that one it's wide open this one is not so that's it that just sits there now for about 12 hours I'll come back tomorrow I'll do the other one well friends here we are look at this Dad I put a I'll show you what we done friends so you you saw the first of this but you didn't see the end of it friends so we're back on this handle right the one I I put uh dowels in friends I got Dad here how you doing pop I'm doing great good going to Mama's for supper yep nice here okay friends so I'm over at hi now mama buckins mama buckins all right let's do it so friends this is a a a an old it's not a trick this is actually a woodworking craft that many wood workers do and it actually believe it or not I've done it quite a few times on axis that I still use to this day and this is this is surprising to me because you think you you you've got a crack you think to yourself well that's it it's never going to be strong again it's the opposite friends it is it's the opposite look at this I'll just show you so you guys saw what I done look at that that is absolutely phenomenal is there a crack in it there was Dad just like that oh okay but it was right there see it so I put I put doll in it yeah drilled holes and put doll in it that'll be stronger now well that's what they say yeah there it is there she be D beautiful yeah solid and and you can see friends if you look in the light see the check it's almost gone look at that so don't be afraid to use your doll I may do one there I may not not sure friends good morning afternoon good evening wherever you are in the world glad you're here as you can see we're Lots on the go right now Springs here we got projects in the house we got all kinds of stuff on the go but that handle I've had for a while and want it to fix up and I urge you use that that technique you'll love it I think I can ah okay I got to move some yeah you see what I'm doing yeah I see okay go uh yeah right right there let's see if it'll work watch your hands well don't forget about that little trick friends if you snap a handle even like like you know like crack it all the way up to shaft you can put you can totally fix it so don't forget about that one that's a good one I'm glad you're here thanks for watching we're going to this celebration of life and I've took this Ford F-150 that I purchased a couple months ago I'm putting it to the test and I got to tell you friends Ford's done a good thing there but I will tell you this I'm going to have some some good information on this truck this is the first kind of long journey I've I've had it on and uh where you're you're sitting in the truck for a long time which isn't really good for me to begin with but I'll have some interesting information on the and what modes work better I think on like long upgrades and stuff like that I'm really figuring this truck out they've they've done a good thing here friends honestly I mean you know what I'm used to driving so when me and me and Morgan took that old Myrtle across I mean it's just a different world completely but anyways if you you're if you're going through a time in your life right now friends where you think you might have been handed the short end of The Stick or or things aren't maybe where you think they should be I just want to remind you at the end of this video that they are right where they're supposed to be I know it's difficult sometimes I know it is but it's the the resilience that that the human Spirit has and it was born born with we were born to survive we're survivors so it's these times you will look back on and that's where gratitude comes from when you can look back on a on a war so to speak or a or a trench you came through and you'll look back on it and you'll think yeah we done that so that means we can do it again so you young fellas out there in your 20s and 30s 40s even there's lots to come and there's lots behind you keep going look for gratitude in every situation you can it helps me catch you on the next one work hard be honest and be kind friends thanks for being here
Channel: Buckin' Billy Ray Smith
Views: 141,446
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 41sec (1001 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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