Theo Von and Caleb Pressley Can't Stop Laughing

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yeah what's going on man oh dude I'm your neighbor yeah that's true for a while you moved out here to Nashville how's that been for you it's been good so far I haven't been here that much uh Falls like the busiest time of year for me so I'm traveling but uh I've liked it so far it's a lot of like they try to I notice if you go downtown you see a lot of fat stuffed in the boots dude I told you that I was like this is the it's way fatter than I thought it was gonna be yeah and I mean it's all love but it's there's a lot of there's a lot of fats out here oh it there is and most on the female side and I'm not even saying not even looking from a sexual perspective yeah they're just a lot of girls who are they're on Broadway oh yeah and they're fat big baby they're thick now they're thick yeah they change it man but it because it is you know they definitely fat has become more designer yeah I think the Kardashians did that because they had that kind of desert fat that ass did you see the story that uh Kim apparently like cut her ass off it's off now wow and did they do anything with the meat or whatever I think they had to if I don't know what they did with it what would you have done with it oh I'm sure she gave it to blacks man if you've seen like a lot of her history you know yeah she does a lot of stuff for like the African-American community and you think they would reappropriate or just eat it I don't know dude look I'll tell you this if I got a half pound of uh dashian ass in the mail bro yeah I might see it but I might not cook the whole thing yeah I mean look I'm leaving the middle rare I am bro and I think I'm eating it alone yeah yeah you might have to dude honestly candlelight dinner and and you're gonna be hungry afterwards too for dessert it has to be a hard meal to follow up with oh that's gonna be a hard little follow-up yeah so this is my whole thing with so during covet I played golf for the very first time okay and I was hooked immediately I was like this is the best sport I've ever played my life and then I was like looking around I was like looking into it I was like these guys are professional golfers are not even that good of athletes they don't seem to be yeah because there's a lot of fats yeah a lot of fats we've seen a couple of them on Broadway oh dude I saw John Bailey one night overdose on I don't even know what it was Gin I think and get carried out of a ball like get carried out of a restaurant yeah not even a bar what restaurant was it um it was 12 30 club downtown yeah now look it's a great establishment it's the kind of place where you could have so much fun that you gotta have it you know it's they gotta send an ambulance for you because you know your whole vibe is on fire but yeah they had it had some dudes carrying them out I keep on waiting for this to like have like a joke in it but so far it seems seems pretty accurate to what happened yeah and I I just turned it on one of those people it's just kind of like video on them I didn't put it up because it felt kind of embarrassing but yeah and but the crazy thing was I saw it happen again Where They Carried John Daly out of a ball out of a place I mean it probably happens to him pretty often yeah I think he's definitely become kind of like the cat like he's like the bat you know he's the bag of clubs someone made a rumor first of all if I'm a cult leader good for me I feel like right yeah I hate how they're always like oh this [ __ ] cult leader you know or whoever you know or like whoever it is Billy Graham or like Mike Lindell or whoever these people are you know like uh who the guy that did the XFL you know all that [ __ ] but it's like if I'm a co-leader I'm [ __ ] let's do it yeah what would you do for your cold what would you have them do I think sex mostly yeah you're right on the same page as pretty much everyone else I think I mean the only reason you get into a cold I feel like is probably for some kind of light sex you know I don't know we had a guy one time on here who beat what's that does he has like a disease or something where you can't talk uh uh he had a stutter 69 is for children I think it's hard as you the older you get it's harder to do yeah you know I've always thought that 69 is more for chill not children but you know what I'm saying like of hate people who want to [ __ ] that or whatever age as long as they're both cool with it 18 yeah in Most states yeah yeah um dude oh dude I was on a I was on a we shot a TV show one time and they had it was like a there was this party scene remember that song it was like climbing the stairway to heaven so we're there's a party at that there's like a we shooting at that guy's house right and um they had people like [ __ ] doing sex at the party they hired them right so they were supposed to be in the background having fun just having sex right so we're just been doing this acting all day this scene and stuff and finally it gets on in the evening and those those actors get there and they're just like they just started yeah I'd be like all right move over here here [ __ ] and balloons the last person some guy was supposed to be blowing up balloons so you're like okay one here yep [ __ ] balloons and these reporters and the the one of them have been like I just came from [ __ ] somewhere else and I was like damn I mean you're getting into acting a little bit aren't you a little thinking about it or yeah so do you think that you'd be able to do that you think you'd be able to no what would you what would you say if they had that was a big part of your script I would say look man I'm gonna try I'm not gonna make any promises and I think we should have an alternate ending to this scene yeah because I just my whole life I've never been a great um you know that's not been like I'm good I'm good at say I'm good like I'm good like the pre you know when they've got walks to the ring yeah and the music's playing dude and they're checking them down in the big black guy shows up and Pats them down or whatever that's before foreplay yeah but I'm good at that I'm good at [ __ ] let's you know let's be ready yeah we ready I'm good at all the intro music and everything it's just once it starts I think sometimes it's just too much I don't know if it's the viscosity or what it is and then some so but I'm yeah I'm just not a distance Runner I'm more of a shot put yeah hey you know but I mean that that's in the Olympics and people can make careers off that they're not I don't think it's good ones yeah I think you probably have another one as well that's true but still you're lucky to have background on like a Campbell's Chunky Soup bad I think a year you might actually be in that scene yeah that we were talking about earlier if you're you're sexual finesse yeah if you had to put that in an Olympic sport this is good yeah what would yours be you think Olympic sport wrestling oh really so it's a lot of like all like chair out of the ring type of stuff both people have their clothes on oh okay I'm gonna try you know but trying dude the person has a boner thank you dude I remember one time we met this Chinese kid and he'd never seen wrestling before and then we told him it was two guys trying to [ __ ] each other he believed it yeah oh he believed it totally but the whole time he's like he's just like wondering why they couldn't both do it you know he's like this seems so crazy yeah I mean I was bad Reno's growing Reno's growing Reno's growing okay and uh Reno is the only city I wouldn't donate blood in dude honestly because I felt bad about leaving it there really yeah we got stuck in a casino one night there and they thought they found a body behind some of the machines in there me and um a wife you know not alive they found a not alive guy behind some of the machines today and pick it up yeah they got him out of there dude um we had Chris nikich on and he's the Down Syndrome guy who won the uh who finished the Iron Man and so that was like unbelievable talking to him did he Flex On You oh no he like he like likes [ __ ] he you know he talked a lot about trying to get with some hot blonde you know yeah which I get you know I totally understood that part of it yeah actually that part I couldn't relate to was a lot of like the physical thing that's what I'm supposed to say like his like achievements yeah man he loves smoking hot Vines that's what he's called he's like let's get some smoking hot Bloods that's what he kept saying over and over again man but he that dude yeah he ran like 250 miles but this place they have everybody that works here has Down syndrome so that's like and people were giving them a problem but I think it's kind of cool what could you give them a problem about I think people are saying oh this is wrong you know but I think it's like at least now you can embrace it like welcome to this place we have Down syndrome because what I don't like is when people pretend somebody doesn't have Down syndrome yeah you know so many people doing that well in our town growing up they would do that a lot and it'd be like Eric has Down syndrome you know and like no he doesn't you know like all right he's not doing great today you know his service is just slow pretty crazy I wonder what other afflictions you could have and also have like a cool place you know it oh establishment be incorporated yeah yeah like if they had what if there was this where if there was a spot where every every single person had like herpes I mean like everyone in here has genital herpes a hamburger bro what about eggs and eczema you just go the guy's like oh you want some assault on that and he just rubs get off like that dude what about Pepsi no and Hep C he's like hey you want something to drink check your cross I know sometimes I think about like just those names like this the strip clubs that serve food yeah tits and grits eggs and legs yeah you get like hangers and bangers old saggy saggy saggy boobs no bras and there's every potatoes oh do when I see a horrible tit it [ __ ] makes my whole body hurt what you know what I'm talking about they had a lady big breast lady um type that in actually I think we have a Blocker on this computer and I gotta get a new one dude I've ended up masturbating the past four days oh really because when we were at that camp with Jimmy John you were on a no masturbation uh I think you're like 35 days in or something I was doing good and I was trying to convince you to jerk it off I was like where you going you're like dude why you keep wanting me to jerk off when I started feeling bad about myself I don't know why I wanted to jerk off yeah bro that was a weird Flex from you bro I will say that they had a lady with big boobs who uh it was trans person who had big boobs and the kids were loving it at school this lady has got those freaking damn rib bonnets dude she's got some bangers there's a place for her at hangers and bangers so bro there's no way you you can you can't there's no way you can park in front of those and not get a ticket huh do you think there could be a place where this is kind of a good look at that one oh my God what what do you think what what is she teaching dude is she in white face go up oh she probably is like Lester Holt bro I bet a bait I bet wait she teaches a wood chopping class yes of course she does there's a lot of wood in there dog but see this is how they're gonna get everybody me and will so I've been working out with will it's this place called uh boost fit in Nashville it's just like a a big facility they have a lot of athletic stuff in there but there's also a school for hockey kids who don't want to go to real school and it's awesome they literally just don't go to real school they do online classes and they play hockey all day in Nashville in Nashville wow and they have every age so we'll go in there as we work out and we'll like jump into the sauna showers and then we're just showering there's a bunch of middle schoolers running around making fun of each other's meets and stuff like that why is he not getting naked you know so we're just in there listening to it yeah dog look I've been through some [ __ ] man we've all been through some [ __ ] dude that's crazy bro I never uh like we're sitting there and we'll be in the sauna and they'll all be like waiting in line to get in the showers and stuff and it's ruthless yeah they're so mean dude I'm like God he's getting roasted right you want to step in be like I'm not stepping it's dangerous over there and you don't know the lingo stepping down and we got race bracket is way scary dude kids nowadays it's like they're so on their iPad they don't even notice if they get molested I feel like well you know like a lot of kids wouldn't even yeah true you know I don't know that's insane we might just take that out dude by the time we get but I mean I mean like when I was young you weren't looking at your iPad so like you know you noticed if so you really noticed you were somebody's iPad you noticed yeah but nowadays you can't even get the kids attention probably probably yeah so I had a uh bobon you know who's like the tallest guy in the NBA oh he played for the Mavs he's got traded to the rockets and uh I asked him I was like dude when you get like how long does it take you to get a boner do they get that signal down to your dick you get horny in like 25 minutes later yeah you got bad sci-fi [ __ ] ain't going up dog I wouldn't want to be I mean I think they I think they mean you probably got pretty good Heights yeah well I like uh you know I I do get admirable of your height well I'm six one I went to I moved to Florida and I had to get a new ID and I always said I was six two when I was playing football oh yeah because you always go an inch an inch more but then uh once I finally submitted I'm like I'm six one that's what it what it is so I go to the DMV and I had covet I think by the time I went to DMV I didn't know but it turned out later so by the way you see what the xanthus did I don't know we already talked about it the other day on here it's so awesome hilarious but so cool I read some of the rich people were showing up to pet the [ __ ] people and [ __ ] but I went to the DMV and I was like she's like how tall are you I said six one and just let me give me my ID print yeah they print it out right there it says six three oh really I said six three she said kind of like who gives a [ __ ] dude you're gonna take it or not I'm gonna get it back it'll be five nine I was like welcome to Florida this [ __ ] is over there just changing people's lives up
Channel: PeterLarker
Views: 1,768,578
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3tmIn2w-kxM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 9sec (969 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 02 2023
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