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celebrate Jesus how many people believe that is power in the name of Jesus there's so much power that name hallelujah hallelujah so this next song we're going to bail it out and we gonna tell them just how much we love them come on y'all hey come on y'all come here princess [Music] come through danger see [Music] [Music] [Music] but you came lazy made me but everything okay see everything with Jesus is summertime feel like I'm on the beach in the Sun - I feel like I'm in the air walking on the clouds made me feel so ain't nobody like Jim ain't nobody like him keep gonna throw but he is nice and he gives my God my God icon so why should I complain he said - he looking for the rest of my days first even though our mileage or walking through a thing know that your boy will forever be your face everything [Music] I just [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] Oh [Music] the Lord everybody praise the Lord everybody [Applause] [Music] is anybody that don't mind worshiping with us right now where's my Chi worshipers at Oh Lord [Music] the reason why I see [Music] [Music] Oh sorry you were come on take me back to the top Oh Lord Almighty the reason why I sing [Music] [Applause] [Music] create sound tricky one sit apart listen [Applause] Safran you are [Music] are you I praise God I am Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh everything that is what [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] wonderful Minami way [Music] [Applause] Oh [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Music] pretty cool hallelujah come on continue to put your hands together hallelujah come on stand on your feet somebody give him praise if we stand in awe love him come on somebody open up your mouth look at your neighbor and say neighbor our God is an awesome God look at the other name said God is an awesome God he's our God he's an awesome God was looking tonight at a passage of Scripture in the book of Judges chapter number 6 the Bible says that there was a young man named Gideon whom God had pulled out of the winepress they pulled him out of a place of obscurity because he had the right mindset but he was forced to do it in a what looked like the wrong place there's my belief that God saw his effort in the place he was forced to because anytime you Thresh wheat you're throwing wheat up and the wind needs to take it away you've been praying and very challenging places and God have seen you in secret and is about ready to reward you openly but that's not the part of the story that really gets to me the part of the story is he becomes someone who begins to go against the grain of the culture of the time Bible says he goes and he pulls down the altars of Bale because any time God put you on assignment you're going to go against the grain of society scripture says scripture says plainly that the Spirit of the Lord after they began to defend Bale the Spirit of the Lord comes upon Gideon and he blows a trumpet in the middle of a Beezer the word of Beezer means of the father helps there are three things that are represented when he begins to blow this Lord 1 there is courage that is created throughout the atmosphere number 2 there's unity that is manifest in the out and the atmosphere and three there are people that are not there that now hear the sound of the same trumpet what have I told you if we combined our praise tonight if you combined your voice and I didn't open up your mouth right now you're gonna cause a shift in the atmosphere your neighbors don't get courage we're gonna become unified in here somebody's get ready to hear your sound that's not even here yet but you got to open up your mouth and give it the time to praise you gotta give them the kind of praise that pulls stuff out of secret come on when you give him the glory in this race tonight somebody open up your mouth and shout unto God with the points of triumph will you help me give me Christ tonight hallelujah newbies neighbors say neighbor when I saw you praise God it gave me some courage it told me everything was gonna be all right look as I baby say neighbor when I saw you praise God tonight I knew if God could pull you out here to pull me out - come on give God praise in this race somebody helped me to glorify God hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah come on come on hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah I'm going against the grain of my situation right now hallelujah the other thing that's significant about the story is that they came together which means they begun on one Accord there were intercessors one to the other I need you to take your neighbor by the hand right now as we begin to pray come on taking everybody across the aisles every everybody come on Abbie's arisen here tonight hallelujah the God the Father who helps come on begin to pray for your neighbor for just about 30 seconds don't pray silently because your horn has to be heard hallelujah glory glory ray debate a Saturday go quote I said a demo cotton lady behind is the beholder hallelujah come on pray for them hallelujah hallelujah father in the name of Jesus we come to you tonight we thank you thank you for your son Jesus thank you for the blood of Christ what we learn God that your Lord thank you for being Lord tonight thank you that you are being exalted father you are above all we give you praise on tonight we want to say thank you for your goodness tonight thank you for your mercy tonight thank you for your grace tonight thank you for loving us tonight now Lord if we haven't told you what we want to say we love you - we love you because you first loved us you're not that's when we didn't love ourselves God you you saw value in something that wasn't going anywhere God we give you praise tonight God thank you for your goodness [Music] the Lord now that you've allowed us into your presence we came in with Thanksgiving we've been into your course with praise we're going to bless your holy name tonight for your name is great and greatly to be praised there's no other name like your name hallelujah now father we need your assistance tonight we need your glory to be manifest in this place tonight release your power like never before we know that the enemy have begun to do with ease we gonna do for God we're positioned in your presence just right we're here in the place called Bethany we're here in the place where the portal of heaven is open or ideas and we give you praise tonight God pour out your spirit tonight open the blinded eyes tonight do whatever is necessary in your spirit Lord your Europe you want something that happenin here tonight though we wish we could put our finger on it God but not always saying is do whatever you wanna do in here tonight God Lord if you want to heal God we need you to heal in here tonight God if you want to prophesy we know you want to speak a word to our future tonight nor speak a word God that will wake us up to a new dimension God do something in our expectation right now and God will give you praise for it now do something in the life of my neighbor now God something that hasn't been done yet God in the name of Jesus father now father upon the man of God tonight look on them right now use them for your glory using the way you want to use it men official stop throwing gun illustrate yourself doing tonight God in the name of Jesus now father look on our Bishop tonight we need you to touch it from the crown of his head to the sole of his feet oh thank you for his life thank you for his strength thank you for his vision thank you for what you're doing continue to keep him healthy continue to keep him strong and we'll give you the place we'll give you the glory will thank you in advance by the clapping of our hands we'll give you praise because we know it's already done in the name of Jesus come on shell in this grace give God glory in this place in the name of Jesus somebody shout amen amen amen [Applause] anybody feel better it's something about the power of prayer is that right that'll change the situation around we are so excited about the last night of power of God and all week long you've been under great word great worship and it's time to celebrate the fact that you have everything you need I wish I had some more witnesses in the house I know you didn't go through five days until like you still empty if you have everything you need and that that you did desire all Monday has already been opened up and you see it in the spirit realms of this song this song speaks to that I'm so excited about this young lady she came here a while ago and did this song it was on her her project and God saw fit to in larger territory and James fortune picked the song up from her the boy Hanes has been sitting right over here stand up this is her song we've got to do married 32 weeks pregnant right I told I was gonna have you come up and sing it but she sound 32 weeks present I said set on down sit down just sit down don't move song says this I have everything [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] how many believe that yeah I wonder if we can do that verse corporately together come on I have everything I need [Applause] confirm it for yourself [Applause] [Music] robot [Music] come on you are my strength with power [Music] testimony is that you are my friend [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] I want to say that again everybody if you can't jump up on your feet unless declaring you are my strength come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] I tell you to declare it and what some things take shape [Music] [Music] [Applause] he's everything that I need will be talking to you know it but way [Music] you're whatever I need you to be I am you are you're whatever I need you to be I'm teaching you to solve so we can go together I am you are teaching or whatever [Music] you you are Oh I don't think I've got that what I want to do is have you stop looking at me because I'm not performing for you I need you to turn your attention to him and get clear it in this atmosphere that whatever you need him to be he already is and then you put a punctuation on it you're by I am you are y'all ready to do this thing everybody [Music] now I don't know about you and when I look back over my life and I know there are some things that I needed him to be that nobody else could have been to me and he was right there can I get a witness in the house so what I want you to do seniors thank you so much for your help but I'm gonna go out here we're gonna do this all right can we do that [Music] [Applause] [Music] I need I can't heat your worship [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] welcome to the last night of power of God 2019 we made it all week long we worship you praise you praise and we've heard great words from God all week long and we're gearing up to account to all of this and much more once again tonight but before we do that we want to make sure that everyone feels welcome at the Plaza today and we're going to do that during a segment that we call to into now for those that you don't know this is when we take two minutes to introduce ourselves the two people that we do not know around the plaza so Bethany family I need you to stand to your feet come on y'all stand up now find two people that you tonight hello internet family once again we are here at the power of gamma this is the last night of the conference start to and to introduce ourselves to people that we do not know and right now I know everybody doesn't win has been coming to the power of God for this way hello Wow about 11 years now yeah well I've been a part of ours for seven years but about 11 years now how would you say that this year compared to those other years every year we go higher and higher the revelation the teaching the knowledge the impartation has been amazing so I can definitely say about this year tell me what speaker Wow was it a mid day was it evening um and I would say Pastor John Hannah blessed my life just teaching about prayer I mean he just shifted me Bishop was putting the last night's like my sonship was amazing just completely just transformed my mind those amazing ok so John [Music] good one to have a musical guest Oh Ricky Dillon I love them I love they bring the energy but they also just bring just everything that they bring I love it so so somebody might be watching who was debating about coming to power individual that would be to know that yeah it is not the same at all until you need to get here in this this conference is amazing if you're anywhere in the tri-state area you need to fly in it listen it is six five full days six nights of impact literal impact you'll go back shifted renew to you're mine forever be changed [Music] at those hands [Music] now all week you've been listening to us sing and I've been bleeding out the throat every night it's Friday but I've been watching y'all and how many of you all sing in one of the harvest church choirs or praise teams sent to you fear equity if you sing in one of the Harvest Church praise teams or choir stand to your feet [Music] okay all y'all standing come up here with me if you are a harvest church choir member a harvest praise team choir member or you sing in your church at your church come up we bout to do this thing as a power of God's family can we do it make room for y'all amen amen come on I see I see make room for me I'll make room y'all come on in here blend in blend in blend in now we're gonna do this and y'all gonna look at me like I don't know this song but y'all gonna do it alright come on babe let's go [Applause] [Music] behold he comes riding on the club shining like the Sun and the trumpet call we going in right here man come on be holy cow Ronnie shining like and the trumpet ball Neera two burly out of Zion Hill behold I in heel now looks like y'all got it somebody screwed there Oh Oh [Music] [Applause] suppose they get up in sir [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] everybody [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and the trumpet call [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] praise the Lord everybody come on praise the Lord everybody there's no God like our God I searched all over and found it there's nobody like you hallelujah come on open your mouth think you've got a praise one more time if you know there's nobody like him I searched all over and found out nobody can give me joy like him nobody can give me peace like him nobody can help me like him nobody can set me free like him nobody can comfort me like him you only have that testimony when you go through some stuff and you try some other things and you realize there's no God there's no God like Jehovah praise the Lord it's offering time in the house of the Lord wants you to get you offered ready was offering time at a house in a movie when she get your offering ready the Spirit of the Lord is in this place tonight where his Spirit is power is where his Spirit is authority is where his Spirit is there's a miracle-working power where his spirit is deliverance is where his Spirit is help is where the Spirit of the Lord is there is Liberty y'all ain't saying not where the Spirit of the Lord is the anointing destroys jokes where the Spirit of the Lord is he overcomes the enemy is this hallelujah we're getting ready to take up offering now we learn something yeah don't you start [Music] [Applause] [Music] when I think of the goodness of Jesus and all that he has done for me my soul cries out hallelujah why cuz I thank God for saving me do his a hallelujah in the house tonight come on somebody shout out hallelujah I think up for saving me hallelujah [Music] if you're gonna do it you better do it don't sit here and play with it you better put your praise in advance it's the last night of power of God I'm giving God praise tonight but what is gonna do tomorrow he did something on Sunday all the way through today and I'm gonna close it out with the price [Music] I'm shouting at man what God is and what is doing right now I said it's Friday night y'all if you've been here all week you know all the words you got if you came for one or two nights I'm praising God now for what he built in me this week when tomorrow I'm going home with those worship I'm going home with some rays because I'm raising him in advance but what he's already doing I worship me right now but what is getting ready to do hallelujah let everything that hath [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] so God to be the glory for all the things that he's done to God me all the glory for the things he's doing right now to God be all the glory role the things he's getting ready to do I'm praising God for past present and [Music] [Music] y'all ain't ready yo keep it get you over it in your head y'all y'all playing around no y'all tease it with this there [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I need you to do me a favor real quick I need you to do me a favor real quick I need you to do me a favor real quick do you know that when you send a testimony out you're telling somebody else what God can do in their life what I want you to do is look at your neighbor tell them one thing God did for you this week look at your neighbor tell them one thing God did for you this week and after you tell them I want you to put a praise on what God did for them because of God can do it for them he can do the same thing for you and you praise God for what he did for them they can work the same miracle in your life come on if you've got some praise for that testimony praise the Lord get you off and ready get you off and ready come hey but I'll feel a scream up in here [Music] clap your hands all these people and don't stop there but shout on the dog not the redeemed of the Lord myself if you got something to say you better say it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I feel another way getting ready to sweep through this place you better catch what's in the atmosphere God is doing something Friday night a power of God that I have not seen and ears have not heard you better would show praise on it right now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] come on put your hands together [Music] add your voice to you about to your hands come on hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] for the Lord is good and His mercy endure forever for the Lord is good it is true that door to all generations hallelujah I will bless the Lord at all times his praise shall continually be in my mouth oh magnify the Lord with me let us exalt his name together praise the boy [Music] Hey [Music] it's often ready [Music] [Music] [Music] race alone praise the Lord praise the Lord I love the he's worthy to be praised he's worthy of all of our praise it's worthy of all the glory it's offering time in the house of the Lord software time in the house of the Lord it's time for us to give and after that we should have to pump you up to do this everything we have comes from him we learn from our preacher this afternoon that people don't sew because they think their money is theirs they have been given the lordship over their finances to God that if God saves you he saves you to be the Lord of your life and not just a lord of your life the Lord over your finances and when we make God the Lord over our finances he can really manage it and do what he wants to do with them and people don't so because they feel like they're giving up what's theirs but lordship says Lord all my resources belong to you and if you ask for it Who am I to tell you know what you gave it to me in the first place one day I asked I've got my son something I asked for a piece he told me no and guess what I did I took the whole thing had to teach him a lesson everything you all things come from me Oh daddy and not of your own I need you to understand I needed to understand that giving me a portion of what I've given him it's something that's simple where you could have the rest of the pack if you just give me a small piece and God doesn't ask for at all he just asked for a portion what we want to do is he want to give God a portion tonight and stretch our limitations the round basket is for you tithe and offering the Spirit of the Lord is in this place y'all [Music] the brown baskets for your tithe and offering the purple basket is for of the speaker tonight prophet is here tonight god bless you sir we're so excited mr. sir the Prophet is here the brown basket is for him when you're ready please stand to your feet we want to give to Megan I'm tired I'm slipped into church on Sunday the brown basket is for the church purple baskets for the speaker my apologies I was about to say the white basket because I'm used to saying that I'll say the brown basket is for the church the purple basket is for the Prophet our speaker tonight amen again get ten and ten twenty and twenty thirty thirty would ever get double of of what God has put on your heart to give tonight and we're gonna worship in the form of sacrifice sacrifices worship and we're giving to show God that he is a lord of our lives take it off being a racist in your hand and we're going to give God a wave offering in the Old Testament they put a wave offering to God the offering stayed on the ground but the cent went up to God the offering stayed in the earth but the spirit of it went up to God the offering is going in the basket but a cent is going up to the Savior father we thank you for these seeds we lift them up to you they represent us and father we give you praise for what you're gonna do tonight in which you've already done if this is the beginning of service what do you wanna do for the rest take us higher bless our gifts tonight in Jesus name Amen if you're giving on gibla fie you give on your phone give live I text to give you can do that also the informations on your screen please follow the rest of the ushers again the brown baskets for the church the purple basket is for the Prophet our speaker come on yo [Music] [Music] praise the Lord oh my lord God is doing something in here what is going on in here is absolutely amazing we hope that you're feeling that same presence of God the move of God came in this place and I we hope that the same move was felt right where you are we serve a transcendent God of God that the overcomes and defies time and space he is a God that is not limited to a building he is a God that is expensive he is too big to fit anywhere he told David that I can't fit in the house but build it for me anyway God is trying to let us know that he can bless you right where you are if you tap in if you praise Him worship your right where you are God can move on your behalf God has gone to something tonight and we're so glad that you joined in whenever a platform you're watching on please do us a favor hit that share button let them people know that they need to watch tonight as we believe God for great things Bishop Hezekiah Walker is our guest psalmist tonight they are going to sing prophet Daniel Alma Tong is our preacher we're so excited about what God is doing the last night of power of God do us a favour as your online clicking an icon so your seed right now you were so into this atmosphere so into this glory so into this power and watch God do great things in your life again let God be the Lord over your finances the Lord over your resources so tonight we're trusting God and we're believing God with you that before the end of the night is over God's going to answer a prayer in your life so we thank God for you for always tuning in hope you enjoyed the conference so far we're going to give you more information at the end of service so we say god bless you again hit that share button let people know tune in the power of God 2019 the year of the church the open door god bless you [Music] well praise the Lord everyone welcome to the final night of power of God convocation 2019 the year of the open door if you believe that God has already opened your door give God the most thunderous praise you can there is something so sweet so spectacular so magnificent so holy so rich that's happening here in this Plaza this week if you believe that let me hear you say yes God is doing some very amazing things in our lives and I believe by faith that the Spirit of God is already working now it has started happening now the shifts are happening now the encounters are happening now and they're so impactful that God has sent us Rama words all week long to carry us for the next six months of the year if you believe that I need you to agree with me in the spirit and say yes Lord all right guys power of God registration for 2020 is already open yes it is early bird registration is just 55 dollars for those of you who got caught on the tail in with the higher end of the registration I pray that you learned your lesson and that you all will go register now registration is open for next year 2020 power of God so make sure you go see a conference expert in the hallway after the encounter experienced tonight one question how many of you guys are sold out how many of you guys are grateful how many of you guys feel the Spirit of God already moving if you don't know what I'm talking about I am talking about some of the greatest hits we've ever heard in gospel music where Bishop Hezekiah Walker I've been practicing all my lyrics all week long because there's nothing first and not being able to sing along don't you hate that I like the sing-along so I hope you guys are ready because the power of God is coming through this man of God that is going to minister to us through worship now really quick for those of you this is your very first night attending the power of God I I feel so sorry for you but grace has it so that the medium ministry was able to capture every encounter every message every workshop this year and this is a huge beneficiary factor for those of you who are unable to attend and for those of you who are able to attend why am I saying this this is so important how many of you understand that time but you have to play it over and over and over and over in your spirit until it comes out of you like the breath of life so I want you guys to visit the harvest bookstore and purchase your copies I want you guys to know that we've also upgraded quite a bit we don't just have CDs and DVDs available we have USB drives and flash drives these are things that you can plug right into your car right into your laptop and here all day long whenever you choose this is an amazing added feature so you don't have to get 20 CDs you can get one flash drive with 20 different messages that it's powerful right alright guys so in an effort to try to recap for you I have highlighted some of my favorite points from this week is that alright with you guys all right here we go Bishop Joseph Walker came and reminded us that Jesus is the face of the Holy Ghost Bishop Walter cut Scott Thomas told us that worrying is what we do in the natural but waiting is what we do in the spirit dr. Jamaal Harrison Brian came and gave us a whole new perspective to Daniel chapter 3 with Shadrach Meshach and Abednego in the fiery furnace all I'm going to tell you was that the door was already open Bishop John Hannah came to the plaza and all he did was remind us that is your turn look at your neighbor and say it's your turn yes Lord dr. hang on Henderson came and he told us about that third anointing and then he says something that is very treatable are you ready for this he said you come into this world looking like your parents but you will die looking like your decisions come on somebody dr. mark Sharona came and I wasn't invited because that was a pastors luncheon but pastors you know about the word that he delivered then my pastor the MVP came and he reminded us that that's why it makes some noise for my bishop he reminded us that the discomfort that you're feeling is directly connected to the shift god is doing in your life he said don't just stand there follow me and then elder Mark Moore came and he gave us the word about being hidden in isolation he came from Exodus chapter 33 verse 22 well you guys know that Moses asked God can I see your glory and when he hid him in a cleft of a rock he was isolated and he was in a lonely place but how many of you are glad to know that God revealed his glory but he only did it when his back was turned that was the message in itself dr. McClendon came and he told us so much about our identity and our sonship in God he said that your sonship and your identity and God has already been proclaimed before the foundations of the world and Satan's job is to do the very thing challenge your anointing just ask Jesus when he was led into the wilderness what did the enemy say to him if thou be the Son of God right and then last but not lease elder Maldonado came and he gave us so many theological perspectives to appreciate and so much to chew on but one of the things that he told us that the message of Jesus Christ is not just hidden in his style diffic work the message of Jesus Christ is the true understanding that Jesus Christ is Lord of all and we need to embrace what lordship looks like if I've done a good job recapping all of this for you and you want to know more about these speakers you want to hear more of these messages again I invite you guys to make sure you check out our harvest bookstore Express and of course our harvest bookstore well it has been my absolute honor serving as your host for this year along with sukhiya and all the other people in the media department these guys do an amazing job here and in here out to bring innovative things to you it is our prayer that you enjoyed us into our pastor and pastor prescott wonderful job yet again for the power of God 2020 that's coming up in 2019 well until next time it's angel signing off be inspired be encouraged and I want you guys to pay close attention so this creative fine arts presentation signing off see you around the plaza what could you be stressing about at 4:55 on a Friday about to be the weekend let me guess bet it shows a little sister stressing your mom out that boyfriend of yours mine trip stressing you out I know what it is you still haven't figured out where you fit in as far as ministry right yeah maybe it's this job that's got you going through which one is look it's all the above but the nothing I'm guessing games let me tell you what I was looking for you in the first place mr. Monroe is trying to find you he want to talk to you about working on some type of project I knew it he's gonna come in here at the last minute dump a whole bunch of work on me and ruin my weekend well in case you forgot he is the one that signs your check every week aka the boss yeah but I'm the only one he does this to he pops a bunch of local me and I always do it I never say no I always come through for him but then I watched as he promotes other people around me you know like Sheila and Roger like why do I always end up with the rent and of the work and why can't I don't have to say no maybe that's just something you need to pray about Donna I do pray all the time I don't know what I'm doing with work ministry my sister Montrell but I always pray I seek God's guidance I ask for his guidance but I've never seen you know what he wants me to do you know I just wish I wish he would make his will clear to me you know like send me a sign when he wants me to do something or not do something so I know I'm not working in vain girl this Friday and that's a lot of heavy stuff to be thinking about but I do understand so i'ma tell you I'm just going pray for you and when I pray I'm gonna pray they gotta make his will so crystal clear that you won't be have no doubts honey you know but in the meantime I think you better get back to your office so mister my room can find you think girl I hope when he do got to tell you exactly what you excuse me what are you doing in my office who are you hello hello hello hello hi mr. Monroe listen I I don't know who these people are I could not invite them in here I don't people people Alexis I don't have much time I've been looking for you for over 20 minutes I have a special project I want you to partner with me on ok I need you just set this right here I have to do a presentation for the board on Monday so I need you to pull some ideas out of these files by Monday morning [Applause] are you okay are you alright your what you didn't even hear what it is something wrong I'm not sure so so I'm anyway mr. Monroe I'm just not sure I'm fine I think so anyway about this work assignment baby you gotta try to tell you something right now right now do you need a mental-health day so right now I do have a lot on my plate but I would be happy to partner with you on this project great I can't wait to see what you're gonna do by Monday morning all right okay what were you standing at the door waiting for him to leave he dumped a bunch of work on me at the last minute just like I said he would girl you're nosy friend just found that that all that hard work is about to pay off for you cuz let me tell you before I was out here you know this is outside your door trying to figure out what was going on I was down at HR I heard today fired Sheila mr. Morrow said she didn't have the work ethics that he was looking for he wanted more of an executive to be a partner with him he said partner he just told me he wanted me to partner with him on this project and he's never used that term before who would look like this project just made me your audition for that position for me a little bit confused because we was in that break ground he was like uh-huh I don't want to do it I don't wanna do it what changed your mind let me ask you something do you see no I don't I just need to get started with this project so I'm just gonna go home oh but not to add more to your plate weird idea you had about the church doing a youth rally yeah a girl I presented that idea to my church for that community outreach day and they loved it they want to do it next Friday oh that's pretty I guess what what you want you to run it run it Oh see no son like that takes a lot of time and commitment and I and you know I'm gonna be so busy with this work project but I just don't think I'm gonna be able to and I'm sure a lot of souls are gonna be saved so I don't even know why I'm trying to fight it because I wanted to be effective ministry and this is a great opportunity and opportunity is not always convenient so okay I'll do it can I go home now you just seem like you just had a whole conversation with yourself yeah you need to go get some rest honey oh shoot my mom my mom has been calling me all day hey mom no I'm sorry I was busy at work wait what's the Mesha done now she was smoking up in your house see that is the problem with that girl you know what she's always following behind the wrong crowd you know bad influences no something needs to be done about her we need to get her head on straight yeah stay with me Oh see now I don't know that that is the best idea her staying with me because you know I got a lot going on right now not just feel like [Applause] not here Jill mom no nothing I'm sorry um so here's the thing though I just don't think that I can handle Nisha she's so wild I just don't know y'all are never gonna stop are you mom I think it's not now just bring her here yeah she could stay a week yeah all right I love you too yeah okay y'all I get it all right I got it I got I know I asked God to send me a sign when he wants me to do something I understand that here you guys come but all the other things I'm agreeing to their just gonna complicate my life hey mantra oh no no don't baby me I'm mad at you I haven't heard from you since I bailed you out of jail three weeks ago no I'm really mad no this is it wait what you want to go on a vacation [Music] all right where do you want to go vacation Jamaica okay you know for a second oh my god I knew it I knew he loved me you know I just knew that if I stuck with him through the chicken and the jail fence that he will realize that I am the one for him and this trip proves it oh he's probably gonna propose in Jamaica monka I just wish I had a sign that this trip was going to be the right move for our relationship hey honey I said I wish I had a sign that um once we get to Jamaica he's gonna propose okay you know what maybe they don't hear they don't hear the details about this chuckling hey Mon choppa why don't you tell me more about this amazing trip to Jamaica okay oh what's that we're gonna have white sand beaches clear blue ocean romantic views one-on-one time together well I guess there's only one thing you can say to that [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] why did you do that and why don't you want it on the song hey Montreux I'm so sorry about that I got a bad connection know what else about this huh Oh like a front the money for the trip that's looking so crazy right [Applause] with witches Oh spending money what you you you're right I guess you know you shouldn't have to pay me back for any but what's mine is yours right yeah it's fine you don't have to bring me back for any the bail money either like I said what's mine is yours okay okay okay okay okay um on trial listen you know maybe I need to take a minute to think about this I I don't know about going to Jamaica especially on my dime maybe I just need to take some tickle time and get my head together so I can think more clearly okay I'll I'll talk to you later right y'all happy now come on Dinesh I don't think I want to say what why not why not we barely even talk we never hang out what do you even want me here for look leash I know I have not been the best big sister to you you know I get so wrapped up and work and relationships and other stuff that I don't make the time but look I am your big sister and I know that you were meant to spend the week here with me okay how do you know that because you can get into a lot of trouble lately and you need your big sister but your big sister also needs you look you're so smart you're super talented and beautiful I said what I said you were smart you're talented and you know what I'm actually working on this project at my church this big youth event and there's no better person to help me than you me yeah so you want me to help yours look you're super creative you're young you know what all the young kids would like to do you know what I was actually nervous about taking on the project cuz I have so much work to do for my actual job but I really could use your help matter fact I don't think I could do it without you so what do you say we work on the project together and then next Friday I'll bring you to church with me and then you can see how the youth event turns out see how all our hard work pays off how's that sound I guess that sounds alright what are they wearing they're going the who the why the horizont why the choir are you going crazy matter of fact I can just call mom you see if you didn't want me to say that's all you had okay wait no I'm not I'm not crazy I promise I'm actually finally thinking clearly okay and I don't want you to go I know that this is where you're meant to be you're right we're supposed to be and you know what at this moment so am i I know I'm right where I'm supposed to be it took me a little bit to get there I needed a little direction but I am I guess I just had to follow the signs [Applause] come on praise the Lord everybody will you help me bless God for our Creator finance ministry come on we can do a little better than that [Applause] these Mihama barrows amen don't get shy now take your seats if you can it is and has been our honor this week to host you for the 23rd power of God convocation it's been on it has been a delight creating a context where God could move freely lives could be changed testimonies are coming and bodies have been healed and lives redirected and God has showed himself mighty and showed himself strong we are truly glad that you have come on this Friday night to help us wrap up what has been an incredible week in the power of God a [Applause] lot of work goes into this convocation I don't know how many volunteers we have standing in the room what a choirs have been singing all week rushers have been on duty all week our security has been on duty all week our drivers have been doing their job all week long our catering service has been working all week long just so you would have a positive experience at power of God 2019 you know pastors take credit when it's good and we take credit when his band but I don't run this thing I just do what I'm told I want to thank our harvest pastors for their support all week long come from as far away as Accra Ghana as close as Camden New Jersey truly blessed by your presence there is one person that runs this whole operation I'm still trying to figure out how she does it and that's the first assistant to the pastor Reverend Valley Prescott [Music] give honor where honors dude there is a word from the Lord tonight some of you may not be familiar with this young man [Music] so I'm gonna talk about him for just a second and then elder hunter will come and introduce a young man that I've known since he was 15 years old we go back a ways in music and in ministry and I'm so glad he is here tonight Bishop Walker is here tonight this is waka waka Bishop waka is he a preacher tonight is prophet Daniel mo tang [Applause] one of the most dynamic prophetic voices of this generation operates in a shop word of knowledge cutting across race and gender coupled with a rare healing and deliverance ministry so he preaches prophesize got uses him to heal and deliver called at the tender age of 13 he is jealously guarded his gift purity of heart intense fasting unending prayer he's a degree civil engineer bachelor's degree there he has a master's degree in coach construction management entrepreneur philanthropist the creator of Ghana's premier smartphone smartphone tourism app Claude explored Ghana profit mo tangas president of Daniel Alma Tang ministries and Daniel Alma Tang foundation helping orphans and victims of Ebola in Africa July 2nd 2017 he was awarded an honorary Doctorate with gold award was outstanding contribution to the philanthropy by the Alliance creative community project a United Nations and social council organization currently based in London UN Atlanta now AG he everywhere he covers churches in London England and in Accra Ghana his church is called the London prayer center power of worship International Ministries he's a regular conference speaker ministered across nations US Germany United Kingdom the Netherlands Republic of Ireland Ghana Nigeria Sierra Leone Liberia and many other parts of Africa he is affectionately known as the man that sees hey y'all after my brother and friend comes come on Lonnie and do what you do I can get my crew off to stage amen come on y'all praise the Lord y'all praise the Lord well he really needs no introduction at all am i right about it [Music] [Applause] he goes back to the 70s the 80s the 90s 2000s he's the stellar Awards he's the Grammy Awards he's the Dove Awards he's every award show you've ever seen they love the sound and the Ministry of Bishop Hezekiah Walker and love fellowship [Applause] [Music] praise the Lord everybody can somebody give the Lord a praise right now right now ah I'm excited about the word tonight so we're gonna do this so we can hear the word but how many of you are sold out tonight okay guy help us do it tonight else tonight I'm sold out come on say I'm so down come on kept your hand is everybody come on come on you know the song come on sing it [Music] [Music] I don't over here come on tell somebody I'm so down if you sold a captive head here we go first everybody come on [Music] Jesus paid the price a soda company are really so down man second row see everybody come on come to the fire but God he's my country [Music] if you're sold out come on a soda [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now listen your cup your hands come on we're doing like this everybody clapping come on you see somebody not clapping tell them I said clap your hands right now now look at your neighbors say neighbor if your heart is fixed and if your mind is made up you ought to be excited right now come on let's act like we're in church let's move like this everybody move like this come on that's it come on business how we move in church come on that's it come on now we don't clap and sing the song here we go come on my heart is Thank You policy yeah [Music] say yeah say yeah no big [Music] that's the reason back in 1986 Bishop Evans were very instrumental actually he was one of the ones who introduced me to the music world the music industry and when I first met him I was singing this song [Music] [Music] this song was what me bishop side me all right after he heard this song he said we gonna sign as a car right now it's all y'all don't know that song do me a favor look at somebody's I don't care what you going through right now I declare and decree that is all right now don't say it unless you believe it don't say it unless you believe it touch three people says all right now now now come on say not next week not next month not next year but it's all right win now it's all it's all Oh Oh [Music] it's all if far [Music] tell somebody Garden Facebook we got a deal real quick come on how do we know these people tonight y'all help me save face faithful faithful is haha shake fades will be faithful say faithful faithful [Music] come on say faithful faithful I'm here for the harvest [Music] yes I shall recover everybody's a faithful we got your mouth babies faithful faithful faithful is yourself same fight faithful hey Felicia today [Music] because the matter said Jesus Jesus Jesus is God [Music] [Music] he is [Music] and I'm taking it back let me give a very safe [Music] Oh and now we talk how many are returning right now and I'm rejoining we're gonna take our seats put it in C shop want to do this one was standing there is so much going on one in the kingdom and it's almost a little disheartening because it seems like we are more divided than together and one of the last prayers that jesus prayed was Lord that they might be one I want to make this declaration in this house today into power of God the day of jealousy is over ma'am the day of fighting each other is over the day of fighting between churches and pastors and that day is over can I tell all of you fashion people something is nothing wrong with coming looking nice I don't think nobody love the dress more than me but the day of showing off your clothes is over in church the day of being two-faced with people is over I'm to the point bishop now if you don't like me stay away from me don't be hypocritical about it but but I see what the Lord is doing in this season he's bringing authentic people together it doesn't matter what name is on your church doesn't matter what you believe what I believe we we still we have a lot of differences but we have a lot of things that we do agree on and we do agree that Jesus is Lord we do agree we do agree that I have to love you and you got to love me for jesus said this is how you will know my disciples because they would have loved one for the other I'm looking at all the stuff on social media and Facebook and everybody's fighting are good and mad but the world is looking at us it's time for us to love each other tell somebody I love you I love you I need you you need me come on we're all [Music] you are important to me I need you to survive tell somebody right now you are important to me I need you to survive I'm going to my seat I want to hit a man of God but turn around and find somebody to tell him I need you you need me [Music] stand with me agree with me it is his real that every need be supplied look at somebody behind you and in front of your time you are important to me I need you to survive smile at your neighbors and you are report to me I feed you to survive my favorite I love you I love you I need you I love you [Music] with words I need you [Music] I beat you tell somebody this as well it is put your arms around somebody telling you are going to meet I need you [Music] tell somebody you are important to me you're not hugging my body find somebody that you really love right now hug him real tight and say you are important to me [Music] let me just say this let me just say this let me say this I gotta take my seat cuz the man of God is coming to bring us the Word of God and so many people gave me so many notes of songs to sing tonight but but this is really not a concert I promise you pal God I'll come back and Bishop let me and I'll sing all the songs you want me to say but I think what's important right now is that the enemy see us loving on each other I got no party here the devil need to see us loving on each other right now do me a favor I know you're not from the hood but act like you're from the hood screaming everybody on your row and say I love you you can't do nothing about that yeah [Music] that point uh some others that you were important to me you are important to me you are report to me yeah you are I'm happy the to the last hop you are you are needed to turn god bless you we love you [Music] [Applause] [Music] Wow clap your hands to the name of the Lord Club can we clap our hands what a mighty God we serve look in the face of your neighbor and say my neighbor I love you Wow what a powerful ministry she from Bishop Ezekiel walk up let's bless God for his life somebody bless God for his life we thank God for your destiny in Jesus name Amen [Music] there's the last night of power of God 2019 and I believe that God has a great package for all of us and everything that God has designed for our lives I believe you are going to receive it now in Jesus name I want to use this place to bless the Lord for the life of our Bishop our Father the one and only we saw David even somebody clap our hands we appreciate him listen one old Italian statesman said success has many fathers but failure is an orphan anytime you see success somewhere it's me there is a father in charge of it and with found God for a successful father and an excellent father which is our bishop let's let's got one more time and we appreciate you be shocked for everything for your kindness and for your love in Jesus name let's bless God for the family of the bishop let let go for the family now wipe the whole family may God bless you all in Jesus name Amen and all their past tests in this wonderful church pastor Nikolas pastor Valerie or the pasta CLS bless God for every pasta year nice working so hard may God bless you in Jesus name we thank God for the abundant life harvests for pastas may God bless all of you in Jesus name there are so many people that have made his conference become a success and may God bless all of you working the protocols the drivers the car park attendance may God bless all of you in Jesus name Amen and I thank God for the life of Tom O'Brien for connecting me first time to this wonderful church in Jesus name you to you I hear so clap your hands for yourself clap your hands for yourself clap your hands for yourself amen and all people that are watching online may God bless all of you in Jesus now half my family watching my wife and my son may God bless all of you in Jesus name Amen now are you ready for the Word of God now I come to as an are you ready for the Word of God other people say are you ready for the Word of God amen slap your neighbor high five and say my neighbor there is a worried for your life amen Wow she's done on our feet house we stand on our feet all to us to open our Bibles to the book of Genesis whilst we stand on our feet for the reading of the word of God amen Genesis chapter 37 amen I won't be with you for long amen amen are you there Genesis of the 37 verse of 24 that we'll go to chapter 41 amen I read and they took him and cast him into a pit other translations who say a 6-10 great and there was no water do have the NIV version let's go to 25 25 and they sat down to eat bread let's go back to 24 so that we can connect it very well 24 again let's go to 24 and they took him and cast him into a pit and the pitch was empty and there was no water in its rs.25 first clause and they sat down to eat bread when somebody was put in a pit some people started eating who wants to eat just because you are in a pits somebody is waiting to eat normally when you are in a pits and let's go to chapter 41 chapter 41 chapter 41 verse of 17 amen chapter 41 the same Genesis chapter 41 17 to 21 amen and Pharaoh said unto Joseph in my dream behold I stood upon the bank of the river and behold they came out of the river seven kine faithfully and well vivid counts their cows and they fed in the middle and behold seven other cows came after them but they were poor ugly very ill such I've never saw in the land of Egypt for badness and the lean and the ill-favored came did it up the first seven fat ones and when they had eaten them up it could not be known that they have eaten but they were still favored as at the beginning so I awoke amen I want you to please help me to give the title of my sermon to your neighbor look in the face of a neighbor and say my neighbor wake up it's a new day 10 2011 say mineva you've been sleeping for long wake up it is a new day you may be seated in the presence of the Living God Amen father speak your word in Jesus name Amen on the 10th of March 2019 in one nation of Africa by the name of its you Pia they have an airline that is called Ethiopian airline it was flying from its UPR all the will to nairobi kenya and most of the people that were on the flight were going for a United Nations summit on climate change and recycling seven minutes into the flight the flights collapsed and Christ and all the 157 people on board all of them died that particular flight or plane was boring 737 max eight very very new version and everybody died just after the news was going on within few hours one man showed up and he status became this man is from Greece he traveled for the conference but when he got to the airport he delayed for two minutes and because he delayed for two minutes the flight attendants over there said to him we are closing the door on you and because they closed the door on him he was very upset and he started cussing the people there and said I need to be in this conference why are you closing the door on me but within few minutes he was watching on the screen at the airport and he saw that the airplane he was supposed to be on just crashed just because door was closed on him God opened the door of life for him because the first door was closed for him this conference is called the open door and I came to give somebody good news that before you can enter into an open door one door got to be closed on you I came to split two people here that does have you closed on you before that people closed us on you your family members closed us on you your friends closed down on you it was assigned a better dog was about to be open for you God is about to open a new door for somebody right now Souda up in down south I said an open door you may be seated door was closed on the money and because of that's a law of life was open for him the same thing happens in our test in the book of Genesis chapter 37 verse of 17 the Bible speaks about a young man by the name of Joseph and I believe that many people here you have heard about the story of Joseph but when you read a verse of trade the Bible uses a word there and says now Joseph was favored by the father more than the brothers when you are reading a story according to what we learned in school the Bible should have written then Joseph was favored because when we are writing a story you don't right now because now means is happy right now but we are reading of a story which was supposed to be said when the father loved Joseph but why did the Bible right now if the Bible have written then then what was over there was only for Joseph at that time but if the Bible right now then in 2019 somebody is good to be favored by the law because when he says then it means is in the past but now means is applicable to my destiny I came to speak to somebody God is about to favor you for the rest of your life somebody shall now you may be seated no no now he was favored among all his brothers and the Bible says cloth of many colors was given to him and because of the cloth of many color the Bible says they started being jealous of him but they did know that his blessing was not in the cloth blessing is something you cannot see blessing is not tangible what you see tangible is an expression of the blessing when God gives you a Kai's my blessing is a sign of the blessing when God gives you a house it's a sign of that blessing does not a blessing so if I get a house and you take the house from you God to give me a better one they had a dream it's in everything possible and we go to the vest of seventeen up to four twenty four and the Bible says they had a plan and once when one of them said let's put him in a system and the Bible says and the cistern was empty they were in the Middle East at that particular time and in the Middle East they have to have across cistern and coming from Africa assistance simply means a well because when they take a ship to the desert or to the place for food they dig well so that the ship can get something to drink so every system had water inside of it but the Bible says when they were trained Joseph in the system there was no water because if there was water inside of it Joseph would have drowned and died but God wanted Joseph to survive so God's own aware to take the water out of the system of God I came to speak to you and no water that was trying to kill you God is about to take it away I said I know what that I was about to frustrate your life it's about to be taken away by the grace of God south I'm alive Sal I'm alive South I'm alive the Bible says weren't dead blessed in the system in the last race the brothers sat down to eat before he got into the pit they were not eating they were hungry but when they placed him in the pit they were enjoying some people are not comfortable on today see you fail some people are not happy not until they see you down but I came to declare to somebody whoever is about to go to party because of you let your plans backfire by the grace of God can you sit down what you eat when you see your brother in the pit because if your brother is in the bed you're supposed to feel sorry for your brother but why do you have to sit down to enjoy today I go to break the spirits of spiritual wickedness and no wickedness fight in your life fight in your destiny I come to blacken right now now I declare its life oh if your enemies bless you inside us in the pitch I came to take you out of that pitch I came to move you out of the pits let the power of God take you out of the pits you may be seated you may be seated Joseph is in the pits and all of a sudden a caravan of Ishmaelites I showed up and the brother said let's sell him let's sell him let's sell him but I saw what the Bible says and the brothers lifted him from their pits and sowed it was the brothers who put him in the pits but it was the same brothers who lifted him out of the pit the same people that were trying to bring you down they you see your elevation they will see the greatness of God designed for your destiny the Bible says when they lifted Joseph out from the particular plates Joseph found himself somewhere in the house of HuR Potiphar the Bible says in the house of Potiphar God was really Joseph which means if God wants to bless me it doesn't matter where I find myself the blessing will follow me in every area every sight of my destiny by the grace of God Wowz God was blessing him over there but in the mind of God Joseph's greatness was not supposed to be in Potiphar's house Joseph's greatness was supposed to be somewhere else so one day a woman showed up the woman doesn't have a name I don't know her name but I know one thing about her she's called mrs. Potiphar the Bible says when she saw that one day she said Joseph I can make you great I can elevate you I can promote you if you come to bed with me and I thank God for what Joseph was taking in his mind I this what Joseph said when I was in my father's house and I had a dream that God was going to make me great I didn't see you in my dream when God said he will elevates me I didn't see you in my dream listen to me all the people who are not part of your destiny take them away from your life so today don't entertain wrong people in your lives and say when God was good well if it's me it didn't put your name in the equation so why should I entertain you you've been entertaining some people for a long time but after this conference open the exit door oh oh I can sue somebody I said after this conference open the exit door let them live your life for God it's about to favor your life somebody saw Jesus this is some I say monster strong this way my Simone starts from our end in the next ten minutes now listen the Bible says when Joseph was running away can I get one person to help me can you please help me one person one person help me the Bible says when Joseph was running away the Bible says Joseph had a cloth on him and when Joseph was runnin away run away from it run away for me the Bible says the woman took the cloth as an evidence against Joseph but power wash it up power of God listen listen to me listen everybody listen listen listen listen look in the face when I say my neighbour God is going to work for you now listen listen listen listen listen don't clap yet' don't clap yet' don't clap yet' party fest wife was the enemy and she took the government from Joseph listen at that time Joseph was a slave and when you are a slave you were as left cloth and God wanted us live club to come out of Joseph but I can sue somebody and the only way God can take it away was to use the hand of the enemy today I declare and make demand is only you that is not from God let it come out from your life now garment of slavery son Joseph Joseph will forever remain a slave but God said Joseph your time to become as left is over so I will use the wife of Potiphar somebody got ready that trouble is over the frustration is over the agony is over listen listen from this time Joseph was never a slave I'm recruiting again from this time Joseph was never a slave he only found himself in prison because if a slave is different from a prisoner so Joseph goes to prison and when he gets himself in prison that is where who he was Suda because in his father's house he was a dreamer but in the prison he was a dream interpreter [Music] in his father's house he was only dreaming by in the prison he was interpreting dreams your original destiny will show up in the place you least expect your original greatness will show up in a place where you are not comfortable and the time you are not really comfortable it's a sign something is about to show up for your life show up in your destiny sit down how pretty the next one we sit down listen what made Joseph great was why he dreaming what made him great was him interpreting dreams because the Bible says your gift will make a way for you in his father's house he was only dreaming and they were jealous of him but in the prison when his gift showed up people loved him the people who appreciates your gifts God is about to bring them close to you God is about to bring them very close to you we put our appreciates who you are we put our appreciate your gift people that were I appreciate your destiny God is about to bring them to you in the prison he was a dream interpreter he was interpreting dreams two guys had one dream the same nights he gave it to them they came out one died one was elevated and everybody hear me when Joseph was in prison the Bible didn't tell us the number of years were supposed to be in prison according to their ancient eg Egyptian tests when you are trying to rip and officials wife your punishment is either death or life sentence with no possibility of parole so Joseph was supposed to be in prison for life but the Bible says after two years Oh somebody's not there I said wake up as a new day he was supposed to be in prison for life but just within two years God step out in his life whatever you were supposed to struggle in it God is about to light it for you somebody saw two years one more times out two years south two years there are many people yet Allah says your three years is up he's about to cause you to come out of every prison every spiritual prison how do I know I'm in prison let me show you a prison is a place that where you are somebody saw you ought to eat somebody tells you how to where somebody tells you went to sleep and you are confined at one place it's called a spiritual prison it's in the place where you are not comfortable but I came all the way from Africa just to tell somebody best nights is called Prison Break oh I said it's called Prison Break I came to summer shower so gracious this night is Prison Break you are coming out your mother your father your children your grandchildren your nieces your nephews you are coming out of every special prison this outbreak sit down sit down for me sit down for me Joseph had a job break and after two years Sally had a dream and a guy who for God does have said oh no one guy helped me by forgot about him now listen it was good he forgot about Joseph because if he had remembered Joseph now listen to me the guy was a Cabrera of the King and if he had remembered Joseph Joseph position only could have been the assistant Cabrera I'm saying it again if the guy had remembered Joseph before the guy would have met Joseph his deputy his assistant but God said Joseph you are bigger than a cup era you are better than a Cabrera you are supposed to be a prime minister so our last some people forget you if people forget about you don't worry when they forget about you don't cry for God is preparing a better position for your life you may be seated you may be seated now I come to tell you why I came here this night can I tell you why I came now Pharaoh had a dream can I get seven people to help me and I'm down I won seven people Seville groups I want seven seven to talk about the dream seven seven that's why I came here this night and I'll be done everything I told was my introduction this last six minutes and I'll be done this is the dream of Pharaoh the seven great we are about to watch a nice movie right now 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 yeah so I want 7 then I want 7 here perfect so you two come here come here so please stand here like this stand here like this stand here like this good yeah and and also sad face them stand like that like this turn around clap your hands for them clap your hands for them perfect now listen now listen oh my god something is about to happen the Bible says Pharaoh had a dream and in the dream he saw strong fats nice cows coming from the river now so Joseph saw seven strong cows coming from the river now and listen after the strong ones came sorry for my language the tiny ugly ones also came after them [Applause] listen the strong nice ones came first then after they came the ugly ones also try to come after them and that time you see people trying to fight you it means who you are they just want to be like you [Applause] because the Bible says they were strong they were nice but the ugly ones came try to be like them number two when the tiny ones came they tried to swallow them when the tiny ones came they tried to swallow the big ones it means that people who are trying to attack you they want to be like you the tiny ones came after them fighting them do not a second reason the Bible says all of them were eating from the same grass we are all eating from the same grass how come you are big and how come you are so small so most of you you work in the same place of some people God is blessing you God is fair for you but we are still nothing exactly for them that's why they are jealous of you from the same source but their end condition is different listen when God has his hand over your lives you can eat from the same Bowl but you will come out different God and serve different from me listen when the hand of God is on you you can go to the same primary school you cannot tell the same in the university but your end products will be different so anytime you see people being jealous of you don't cry tell them I know why you are jealous of me just tell them there is something God has given to me and you want to have it that's why you are fighting me but is that of you fighting me go to God who gave it to me [Applause] now this is the Ted one the Bible says the Bible says after the tiny ones swallowed them up still the tiny ones couldn't become big wait wait wait wait wait the Bible says I've got the tiny ones swallowed the big ones the tiny ones still remain the same listen can I tell you can I speak to you your enemies can never be like you oh I told you somebody they can never they can never no matter the amount of time they are cited you they are frustrated you I come to let you know it's a new day they can never be like [Applause] now listen listen the Bible says the Bible says after still when people come and look at them nothing ever suit that they have done something there are people on this last of the conference listen to me there are people who would try to put a lie on you and after you put a lie on you they will clean your mouth and still come around you and behave as if everything is ok but God is about to expose every fake passage every after this conference lot wrong people be as grows from your life so as bows [Applause] so as false I came to declare as a prophet of God the Bible says no weapon formed against us will be able to prosper I kill to break every form of weapon designed against your life sinner so now I just have five minutes to go listen listen you you you swallow the big guys that you behave as if nothing happened it means some powers begin to work undercover they are fighting you but you cannot see but today may God open your spiritual eyes may you locates whatever is hidden whatever is leaded may you look at everything by fire no no no this is the good news that dream Pharaoh had and their last wishes I just gave it's about you and I can I speak to you in the last one minutes it's very very difficult for me to teach about Genesis without moving into the New Testament st. Gregory of Nyssa he says God cannot be defined you can never define god but one orders one father of the faith from the west by the name of Augustine he said try to be like God so what happened in Genesis how can I know is related to my life can I tell you the Bible says the cows we're by the river and hear me and they were eating grass is that ok now repeating again I'll be done Wanaka can I tell you again the cows we're by the river and they were eating grass and in the New Testament Jesus came and said I am The Good Shepherd so how can I know it's connected to me and Jesus some 23 the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want rest - he maketh me to lie down in green pastures he leads me by the water so the grass the way it is wrong is the green pastures the water they kill from was the still waters so in the time your enemies want to fight you just tell them Jesus is my shepherd because if Jesus is my shepherd you can try to fight me but you can never be like me I'm done populace you lift up your right hand lift up your right hand lift up your right hand I'm done lift up your let's pray let's pray let's be enough Phil let's pray let's pray because listen you can never go and meet cows without having a shepherd God is your Shepherd they can try to swallow you but they can never be like you I want you to wake up because now it's a new day lift up your right hand we are about to pray we are about to lift up to prayers power of gold Yemi if the have water inside of it Joseph would have died but the Bible says it was M G this is so fresh Korea whatever is designed to take away your life let the power of God stop it now say in the name of Jesus dude in Africa say in the name of Jesus in the spirit and the power designed to take away my life right now as I pray as I clap my hands I stop it now somebody clap your hands read for yourself there for your family pray right now in the name of Jesus somebody open your mouth let abaya Rhonda kattappa nadar Abbas a Takaya Papa Yan tell available Raja kebaya Rantala buyer Yaga Baba Yaga tapa Lincoln terrible somebody pray in the name of Jesus Rhonda baba Licata yet and Abba Rock Ababa Lokhande Katy Yabba Yabba Yabba Yabba Yabba baba Lokhande ba raka ba ba da da ba yakin durable yet katana ba in the name of Jesus lift up your right hand lift up your right hand listen Jesus my god I see angels of God all over the place let that be a miracle right now let that be a miracle right now in your family in your family receive a miracle now this is austere Cambria open your eyes this is saucy Cambria this is your second trial can you believe that they are all eating from the same grass but one of them were looking good one group was looking bad and the group that was looking bad was jealous of the ones that were looking good now you're about to pray to God in the evil world that has been spooking against your life Bethany listen to me words carry power if somebody is fighting you and they speak a word behind you and if you don't rebuke and reject the word it can upset you now we are about to pray sometimes - there are some words that were spoken before you were born and it was putting on your family negatively so everybody in the family is going to one crisis now we are about to stop every negative word say right now as a negative word against my life against my family right now I stop it's a change it's a reverse it's clap your hands and pray stop it now stop it now stop it now refresh the world saying the word stop the word love that word st. it now look that word right now in the name of Jesus look it's stopped it's sages will reverse its we reverse it will reverse its by power in the name of Jesus gotta [Music] lift up your hands Jesus listen if you don't stop that word it will come after your children I've been to a meeting I went to one young boy he was around the age of 18 years as a young man there's a word against every man in your family I said where's your dad he said my daddy's in jail I said where are your two brothers Derek and Aaron he said they are in jail I said I was a cast on the men in your family about 200 years ago the everyman who end up in Joe the guy's a prophet I just came out of jail I'm on parole lift up your right hand listen we've had an amazing week of a conference amazing week of great speakers this is the last word I'm living with you if that you are going to change your family oh I can feel you I said you going to change your family [Applause] listen when the dog is happy one person doesn't enjoy everybody enjoys so when the door is open for you so whole family will enter I speak over your family I speak over your family I speak over your family I speak over your family let the blood of Jesus let the spirit of the Lord speak in your family South sees us so Jesus know this is your last prayer this is your last prayer open door now you're about to declare go let there be a transformation in my family God let there be a turn around in my family listen there's got to be a physical evidence of the open door in your family lift up your hands say Oh God say Oh God right now I speak of my family now let there be a sense a transformation in my family now as I Club as I pray somebody pray into your family into your family right now right now we're right now let there be a sense a transformation in your family pray right now let that be a physical evidence of the blessing of God a physical evidence of the blessing of God somebody pray open your mouth there right now by power by fire by the grace of God in the name of Jesus naca Baba alaikum da da ba da da da ba ya colaba run the Galibier Jakob Abba yah Baba yah Baba year Caleb a lick I and abaya Rockabye lift up your twins lift up your twins the Bible says at the mention of the name of Jesus every knee will bow now we are about to mention Jesus we are about to mention Jesus for seven times when I shout in the name of yu-sau Jesus and this is what is going to happen you are about to take over your environments [Music] you're about to take over your atmosphere and the atmosphere I'm talking about it's your territory where you work where you stay where you live because yummy yummy yummy in every location there is a territory a demon that's why there are some places in America every Friday night they kill somebody because the demon there is looking for blood so every week somebody dies day is a territory and there are places in America too if you live in that area you become rich because that area they have been able to control and grip of the power so you're about to declare Jesus for seven times that every area while you stay I'll to ask you one question where you live right now where you live right now where you stay right now well you what why you stay right now do you know who used to live there before you came do you know who used to occupy that line before you came have you investigated why why do you go and leave you one place and all of a sudden everything around you goes down there are Teleco territorial powers but as you message Jesus for seven times you are about to take over your atmosphere when myself in the name of Esau Jesus in the name of in the name of in the name of in the name of in the name of in the name of in the night Oh Michael Michael Michael you are taking over your atmosphere you are taking over your environment by power by fire in the name of Jesus can I get the olive oil somebody we get to wave your hands bid you to wave your hands my god today before we end the service make sure you put your hand and come and touch the author is our okay before you leave this place touch the altar I see fire on the whole altar I see fire on the whole outta and the law says as we touch the fire it will not only be for us but we are running with the fire and when you touch the altar listen when you touch the altar when you get full touch the front door of your house [Applause] shut the front door of your house and just declare my open door for my family oh I can sue somebody let there be a miracle let there be a sense let there be a turnaround right now sapphire sapphire sapphire sapphire my god receive grace that's a Villopoto receive grace receive strength receive God's goodness let the grace of God give me your hand let the split of God 360 on your behalf this is your season this is your season this is your season receive grace summer shower power listen I keep on hearing good news I keep on your real good news say the Lord in that race of cancer in your family this season of open doors has come to claim [Music] [Applause] [Music] whatever was beginning in the family today I speak as a prophets I block it it will never show up listen men that the animals looking at I've covered all the men of your house listen it has been canceled by fire somebody clap your hands is rocking right now come come come come just follow me follow me follow me follow me right now wait wait no wait wait don't tell the author now no I'll give you the time to tell the author [Music] that on trust your mind and brings you depressing I've taken it away from you right now let it be brookie right now somersault Jesus but I see God taking you out of it what did I see I see a black cloth that has been taken away from you and the lost Ephraim or can you bless God [Music] you didn't come there by chance or by accidents you have been delivered you can go well the man my god the law says for the past three years 2019 right so 2016 your health has been on that tack there's been up and down up and down up and down but I see a heavy coven of God that has been preserving you but as she stood there the law says your whole family nobody will suffer in the issue of a cancer to come there it will never survive some of the screaming blood the name of the law [Music] Jesus Oh somebody bless the name of the law [Music] if he if he be free be free can't alibi the goodness of God the goodness of God goodness hast visited you today mommy that was good news the law says from today good news who saw up for you we saw after the family God is speaking for the family one more time mama listen to me there have been battles upon battles in the family but today I saw you standing there you were rejoicing and Allah said then you tell my daughter that time has come and the whole family is free i prophesy receive freedom receive freedom receive freedom yo man come yo man come yo man come your Mancow Jesus thank you in the name of Jesus thought I'd give a praise God listen to me from now to the next two years God is good to bring you a destiny help that will help you fulfill your dreams and fulfill your passion and people will look at you and will glorify the name of your Lord clap your hands to the name of the Lord [Music] this lift up your hands yeah yummy the law says whatever happens to the women in your family today as you Sunday all the women in your family they have been delivered every woman every woman has been freed because the woman's because the women were in the bondic like a cage but I see an angel that has rescued all the women and saith the Lord your deliverance is for other women in your family can you bless God Jesus lift up your hands lift up your hands some of the South Jesus so Jesus my god now the money like African Atta like you they want in Africa not ha let me tell you something the law says whatever happened whatever happened to Mike here will not happen again the law says whatever happened to Mike here will not happen again action for me was gone Michael in his life Michael whatever happened to work for Mike here it's your brother come listen that mo says what happened to Mike y'all should know happen again in the family you see that is it yes come when did he die last year come the law says what happened to my kill should not happen again in the family because my Tia want to attack zeros attack and let me tell you something it was spiritual follow me it was highly spiritual it was spiritual oh my God my God yeah I called you out come when was today there were seven angels around you seven angels around you there are only two things about two actually two things I'm about to tell you you about to say only two things won't go to do for you only two things don't seem or only two things the angels are around him was the first of all to do for you number two don't clap don't clap don't clap yet' don't clap yet' don't clap yet' Bissel when this young man was standing there and I saw the seven angels around I saw men strong men who was sitting down yeah did they have dress on they were worried sauce and and they are top web Bay and all the men we're down in the way crying and they were saying why is it that we try our best but nothing happens there number two every time the men in the family they will have children they will run away from their children so Jesus German dog I didn't come here to remind you of your pain but I came to hear you opinion and the law says that issue that Audrina family it was a case that happened in the year of 1874 there was a man that was born in their family the name of the man was called Jerry and this man had a wife the name of the wife was called Sarah and the man and Sarah had two babies the two babies were twins but mr. Jerry loved Sarah and the twins died Wonder Twins died Sarah was in pain and Sarah cast Jerry and say us you have left me for the children to die all the men after you they can never look after their children and the children will hurt their fathers and it would be a cast in your family so there has been a pain and attachments and the separation between you and your father in the menu yes and be shocked if it was not by the grace of God no who knows this man well who knows him who knows him who knows him you're the pastor come if it was by the grace of God this tent is called okay distant has caused pains and this Jesus Christ papaya some researches us sir jesus oh jesus oh Jesus I family right now I bet every long time I see you I cross it right now such sees us take good care of this man because my one he will be a preacher number two this kind of attachments painfully as I'm going to see he was going to take over deuce Bishop he has tried before but God saved him that's how yeah he was about to take his life on a man so Jesus come come come I'm going to use the support of cut up for all men come true volume you under control you come Jesus come come [Applause] [Music] don't cry when you met him he's about to take his life the law says as you can so that spirit from the family and as we cancel it now will he be free by every man in his bloodline will be free oh my God my God my God my God my God my God my God my God break some so quick so quick so fresh so quick so [Laughter] covet right now i prophesy you will not die you will leave to declare the works of God let a lot arise let a lot arise let the Lord huh oh my god get I am just ready for me the past is gone the past is gone it to never come back again the law says is a new day sista is a new day those who help you forgive them forgive them they have Hetchy wrongly I'm talking about the year of 2015 and the year 2003 they're wrong you painfully the law says forgive them forget about it and move on for your boo News has come [Music] [Applause] Yaman take off your shoe for me my god I think for me what happened to my cure when did Michael die what happened to him you've got a heart attack kidney cancer it was spiritual it was spiritual when you stood at a loss to Danny what happened to Mikey Oh will not happen there family anymore such a size the lady with the whites no white hey I don't know what is blond Oh younger learn longer listen to me here Yemen the lord is ministering to me people who are supposed to support to a vision who run away from you God says he's bringing better ones today today is Friday today is Friday today's Friday for two weeks now you've been very down I see you lying on your bed around Tuesday nights I see you crying on the bed and you are down sister you think for the past two weeks you've been crying in the night when you wake up physically you go everywhere nobody knows by you being crying I saw an angel that Corvette wipe your tears from your face and the Nadi's ministry to me your time has come go and receive the goodness of God let the goodness of God speak on your behalf my god for me lift up your hand do know anybody else call David David was God David who's God David who is David you do not always who is going - you come come come come Katella bachata Katya I speak right now I speak as we're coming down love God visits our family now go remember you let the fire Jesus where's the oil but but when it comes to spiritual matters forget about fashion because I love forcing more than you listen as he was the sunna for his entire generation nobody would take your life anymore [Applause] Oh scam you scream [Applause] Jesus name as I told em blows around nobody yell will be broke again of your life [Applause] [Applause] pasta take good care of him pastor him well he'll be an asset to you he'll be an asset to you this boy one day you're right sex of millions listen what I'm telling you right now what I'm telling you right now he has discussed in himself and he assured me I would do something I will change you and cause you to be confused and the law says today I came all the way from Africa to confirm he will not die he will live long what is going to repair the relationship he will not die do not commit suicide he will live long he should just be very careful because a guy will come around him as a friend the guy has not come yet the guy is on the way coming the name of the guy will be called Jason when any Jason comes he should be very careful I see I sit in the year 2020 next year this Jason I'm seen his father's name would be called hear me very well his father's name would caught Mike his mother's name here is very very very very very well who be called Tamika this JC by the time he comes his age you be around the age of thirty three years his house number it would be number four three five one the law says be very careful because he is an agent of the enemy but because we are here I have disgraced I've destroyed it I stopped it by fire [Music] [Applause] [Music] why do you go to touch I remember of this edge oh my god father give a praise father I give a praise for they give a praise there isn't I saw the name and I quote is because I saw the name written on a big black hat and an Indo had a perfume perfume the new Cologne : perfume and the angel was put in Cologne on the perfume and at the end of why and the angel said this name is going to receive favor this name is going to receive good news and and and and and yummy and yummy yummy young men young men young men growing up will not pass out painfully I'm ringing a bell young men that are dear to our hearts will not pass out painfully because that door was opened some time ago don't men who is not very old that will pass out die painfully premature but God says because of our husband and favor protection God's goodness I've taken over and today you are going to walk in the newness of life and God shall remember this all you need to do that's not easy to do whoever this all you need to do you will get up with you know Apple Apple Apple Apple Apple by 3 apples just bring it to be so let me show put a hand on it and just eat it the law says your health has been preserved your health has been covered your health as we see if the grace of God someone saw fire it's done my god I food yummy here now daddy come just come and touch the water cut the otter Toyota Toyota one again to pray and say my family's free exam is free [Applause] listen Mike's life was under spiritual attack because all of a sudden different diseases came together at one time all of them came at one time like one time different different diseases everybody in the family has received life now there will be no pain again Dobie no pain they'll be no pain and the law says is going to cause Yvonne to rejoice again what is going to cause Yvonne to rejoice again go it is done go clap your hands [Applause] woman what do you do you yeah what do you do come look into your hands look into your hands look into your hands look into your hands again look again everybody make sure you tell the author before you go measure okay you need to take a fire look into your hands look look again what do you see you see well look at it again come come you saw I saw this lady standing over there do not I saw I saw bundles of different gold diamond jewels that once was done in there come come let us come here Jesus Christ Jesus Christ do not the reason why I wear this envelope yet anybody who picks it you'll never see poverty again and listen this is the last night so don't worry to leave is that okay woman that one you are holding the zeros like this just behind you I'm a prophet whose professional I don't accost confusing but the personhood that is very very close to you you were holding it like this then the person stood behind you just stand there and dead like this when it came out from her hands all of a sudden I saw that anything this woman would touch to do it will not succeed so when it comes to what an employment she was struggle about what an employment so that has been the issue what is up in your life not about them it's it's going really bad right now I am Walgreens my manager is horrible so are your life what has been very bad bad bad bad but in the beginning it was sooo good you know the reason is not your problem it was an evil best friend you had there one who fell out with you painfully painfully painfully who fell out to feel enough - he fell out with you she was always telling your image destroying you to everyone she took it out painfully she carried away scraps and says them anywhere you go you don't know why people don't like you anymore when we were young you go to any pleasure for friends you are the one that everybody would love for the past well in 2019 for the past 7 years which is 2012 coming I'm talking about 2010 September 2012 coming now everything has fallen down but look at me when is today the angel said I should take it back and give it to you somebody clap her hands and bless the name of the low [Music] you can't go you can't go now listen listen we want our pray for you soon okay brown cream brown you yeah yeah yeah yeah just and this just under one minute wait oh yeah just under I'll come to you very soon do you know something everybody look at me look at me on the 15th of April in the nation of France there was a Cathedral that is called not radom Cathedral it got bent in the night French Prime Minister Eamon omicron fresh president he came out he said we need to rebuild a cathedral the moment he made the pledge within 24 hours one man by the name of Bernard Arnold's owner of Louie Vuitton he donated 200 million within few minutes the owner of Gucci by the name of Francois P note he donated 100 million total oil company the gas company they pledged hundred million we did 24 hours they have played over 900 million euros of wages about 1 billion dollars why they need to build a cathedral this whole conference has cost us a lot and the last day the best thing you need to do is to build an altar for God that you are both to come on this altar everybody about to pick this envelope you say prophet Daniel I want to keep my name on this altar for life oh and listen and not keeping your name on this author for life every day the blessings from this author will follow you and your generation yummy Rica look at the way we've been praying for people here about generations and about families one person can cause trouble I want person can bring blessing may you be the one person that will bring the blessing in your family and yummy power I've got convocation Bethany listen to me I want you to stretch and come and pick the envelope you can give through your check give Levi the best payment option everybody you will pick the elders together then we will come back on the author and title author Aries is the fire of God and it to be a blessing in our lives wherever you are do so the prophet Daniel I'm standing with thousand dollars and five hundred dollars work to me right now and come and pick it from my hand world to me right now walk to me right now welcome me right now we are sowing we are sowing god bless you we are sowing come and pick it right now come and pick it right now come and pick it right now ah I see an ego I see an ego ego on your on your soda if your signifies prophetic ministry the law says you make your eyes like the idiom and the whole world you hear of your name and ego is on your right soda you'll be a good prophet of God Jesus god bless you everybody listen I want you to run I want you to run grant god bless you thousand dollars five hundred dollars run run the Lord says today we are all building an altar if you want something to change in your life come and build an altar everybody everybody walk to me right now walk to me right now walk to me right now there are 20 people remaining walk to me right now walk to me right now mr. Dennis are you married are you married where's your wife she's I was telling about you I'll pray for your wife okay I'll pray for your wife and you are Dennis I'll pray for your wife walk to me right now walk to me listen to me this is your time of giving you cannot soap it from the altar your towels in your 500 everybody come and pick it we are giving on the last day I have three things to do before I go I am a prisoner on a jet like anointing so come right now come and pick it right now your destiny is changing your destiny is changing when you go home put your hand on your bed and say God give me peace peace happens that your family ah you don't lose money anymore you not lose money anymore you know lose money anymore but I give a praise god bless you everybody come and get god bless you my sister you are blessed god bless you everybody come and pick it from my hand or touch it from the altar everybody everybody everybody now those who say prophet Daniel what I can do is $200 or $100 anybody come and pick it now come and pick it now pick it from the author pick it from the author everybody come and pick it from the altar everybody $200 hundred dollars pick it from the altar everybody everybody come and pick it's come and pick it come and pick it come and pick it we will give together we will give together so everybody come and pick it everybody come and give your best to God come and give your best to God big from the altar big from the altar pay from the altar your life is secured in Jesus name may you be our destiny helper may you be at the right place at the right time I counsel every case from you to our Blessed you are delivered in Jesus name god bless you everybody come and pick it let the Spirit of God cover your life come go buy your life well this just yeah let me pray for you because they this town will be great but you need to be a life to enjoy it in the name of Jesus be very careful on anybody invite you to an event like a party ok be very careful I classic via tag day in the shooting I cancel it in Jesus name everybody come and pick it now give your best I pray for this town's education this education Jesus name come and pick it come and pick it everybody come and pick it when we are given we will touch it together everybody come and give your best everybody everybody receive grace receive grace receive grace everybody I want you to give what you have never given before come and take it give there's the last day of the Reviver the conference the convocation the last day of the powerful gathering you need to give something on the altar that will represent you for the next years of your life further I give you praise for I give you praise everybody come and give you come and give come and give come and give coming come and give give Levi your check cos anything at all give it out god bless you can't come god bless you now if you are giving it when you when you put on the altar touch the altar and declare I take fire from God you tap the altar you declare you take fire from God come and give it up touch the altar it goes on your hand you give and you touch their oughta come right now come right now you give and you take the altar right now if I give a praise we thank you for your goodness we thank you for your grace we thank you for your power everybody you give you touch the altar there is fire on the altar when you go home that the front door of your house you can touch your children your family people around you pass them the fire from the air who followed their everybody further we give a praise everybody give further give a praise appalapachia now let's be on our feet let's be on our feet let me give it a lot declaration shall we please be on our feet sorry please be on our feet so please be on our feet so please be on our feet let's give a LESBIAN our feet I want to give their last declaration before I call our Bishop Amen just you give you today oughta I'm about to make some declarations the only thing you'll say after miss Amen is our okay amen amen sorry sorry sorry sorry just be on your feet God is touching everybody here as forgiving you are not giving for yourself yourself and your family everything going on here is for yourself and what yourself and wha that's right if you love yourself and your family make sure you give yourself and your family make sure you give and as are you are you are giving you will never be broke another day of your life next year by the time you come you will be counting millions in your hands Jesus everybody just give everybody everybody now I'm out to make a declaration you just say amen amen just let's do it I brought some of my dreams book if you want some of their dreams book to be available for you everybody dreams and dreams have their meanings dreams and the interpretation to a be a blessing to you outside there when we close amen now lift up your right hand people are still coming just let me give you one minute just come quick just come quick just come quick lift up your hand well nothing I say you south amen may you live long you see a man with power and tender may you live long that's what we do in Africa may God bless your family may you always be at the right place at the right time may God bless the work of your hands [Applause] may God touch your body may your desires come to pass may wrong people leave your life god bless you come and drop them off and come and drop it come and drop it come and drop it come and drop it come and drop it come and drop it come and drop it come and drop it come and drop it may God keep you may God keep you may God keep you may God favor you may God elevate you may God promote EU Kalamata listen listen may God take your name out of every police case [Applause] mayor go take your name out of every legal case mayor go take cancer away from your family calabasa Takaya can I give a praise thought I'd give a praise can I give a phrase and let me tell you something about prophetic ministry because of time we come from a side to everybody but when somebody receives a word you tap into that word so everything I said about somebody may the same blessing come on your life we can search from somebody may it be canceled from your life come and drop it come and drop it come and drop it come and drop it and whilst they are coming is there anybody else a puffer Daniel I've heard a word of God being preached I've seen God out of work but I want to dedicate my life to Jesus I want to accept Jesus as my lord and my personal Savior if you are here like that walk to me right now anybody hear you say I want to dedicate my life to Jesus I want to rededicate my life to Jesus this is my opportunity this is my time again if you are here like that this is an opportunity for you because there's the best gift and the best testimony you can ever have for your life anybody here live at wherever you are standing wherever you are standing put your hand on your heart and say after me say Lord Jesus I hope in my heart I accept you as my Lord and my Savior write my name in the book of life so they'll make heaven in Jesus name Condor Abu socketable abaya [Music] now listen every seat you have given on this oughta not only today but from the phrase day of the conference all week may God take the seat may God multiply it and may God give it back to you by oh my God my god I said may God take it may go multipliers and may God give it back to you and your family and listen never be tired of giving if you have the heart of giving God will always give to you God can never give to you what you are not capable of giving it out if God knows when he gives you 1 million you can give it back to him you give you 2 million but if God gives you five thousand and you can't give God thousand nothing will happen so God give to you according to your ability to give back to him never be tired of giving and I pray that's a grace of my life about giving when that gift comes on you your story changes in the next few weeks let's drink money's enter into your bank account strange money straight money's straight monies straight monies and time to your bank accounts may God bless you may God favor you bethany power of God thank you for having me god bless you let's invite our bishop to bless us [Music] [Music] the ministry gift prophet Daniel humble tank come on let's put our hands together and appreciate what the Lord has done for us this evening stand on your feet it's Friday night so pastors we're gonna hang out yeah it's frightened that we you know we all hang out tonight amen these all pastors in the building are invited to fellowship with myself and our guest tonight in our suite of offices out these doors to my left right side of the hallway somebody'll guide you in all right all pastors you're invited to join us and whoever is with you can come amen I don't adopt people as you're walking down the hallway we're all pastors are invited to come now we still need people to adopt some of these children is their compassion table out there the compassion table is in the hallway if you would love to spiritually adopt a child who quite frankly may die without your assistance we need you to help once again I want to thank all of our volunteers our convocation staff a conferees from around the world harvest pastors and visiting pastors thank you for all you've done once again mark your calendars for 2020 June 14th through the 19th June 14 through the 19th we're going to add some things that I think are going to be exciting for you three major divisions are gonna be ministry media and the marketplace so we're going to teach about ministry teach about social men social media business teach about marketplace starting a business have experts come and talk to you about all these things next year in addition to the great ministry tracks then we have available for you amen amen there is a pre-registration $55 I can guarantee you that anointing is gonna lift quickly pastors you can pre-register your group you plus nine members for 395 this anointing will lift also quite quickly amen Church say man grab somebody's hand let's pray god I bless your name now for this great week you have allowed us to experience thank you for the different voices you blessed us with thank you that you built momentum from Sunday night to Friday night thank you that yokes were destroy them because the anointing was active this week thank you that your word says as we learn more about you you'll multiply grace to us so now Lord as we leave this mountain as we come down off this peak we come down equip to do what you've called us to do victorious in our natural lives victorious in our spiritual lives now God I pray a blessing on everyone in this place protection on the highway and the home let the words of the Prophet become real to us the scripture says if you obey a prophets words you receive a Prophet's reward we're in line to receive a reward down and I thank you now God give us peace and protection in Jesus name in Jesus name and everybody said amen god bless you [Music] [Music] [Music] in just five seconds you are about to see something that I promise you will transform your life here's a recap of what's been cooking around the plaza tonight praise the Lord every party praise the Lord everybody we are here to celebrate nor speak a word card that will wake us up to a new dimension God do something in our expectation right now and God will give you praise for it now do something in the life of my neighbor now God something that hasn't been done yet long in the name of Jesus father [Applause] [Music] [Applause] if you are a harvest church choir member of harvest praise team choir member or you sing in your church at your church come up we bout to do this thing as a power of God tableau [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh see now I don't know that that is the best idea her staying with me because I got a lot going on right now and I just feel like not here till now we are about to stop every negative world see right now as a negative word against my life against my family right now I stop it i sentence and reverse its clock go handsome play stop it now stop it now stop it now refresh the word saying that word stop that word love that word st. it now love that word right now in the name of Jesus Rockets stop this sentence we replace its will replace its [Music] Lord I am so honored that you have joined us tonight and for those of you who joined us all week long what an honor that has been for me they have the opportunity to host you to be your guide to be your usher during this 2019 power of God convocation power of God was conceived about 23 years ago in an effort to help help the local pastor and the local church to equip the local pastor and the local church for success in ministry we hope during this week to have modeled some things in ministry that shows other pastors other leaders that you can generate excellence within your church with using your own people and allowing God to support your work we wanted to make sure you could see what a local church does how a local church does it systems that we have in place as we taught you on those strong spiritual principles and then added methodology to it so you could bring the spiritual and the natural together and watch God do a work in your ministry but also we fed your spirit all week long because I believe and I don't know many of you will agree that the strength of your discipleship dictates the strength of your life and therefore the strength of your discipleship dictates the strength of your ministry if you've been called to that kind of work I want you to understand it has been our pleasure all week long to expose you to some of the best teachers in the country some of the best preachers internationally the Word of God in such a way that I believe that impacted your life for the rest of your life now you need to register some now if you have not given in this particular offering I want to suggest to you very strongly that none of the people that you experienced this week no one we ever bring is brought just to bring them always with the purpose always with the spiritual strategy and we made sure the prophet Daniel was on Friday to cap off the week with a prophetic word prophetic presence and direction from the Lord what God desired to do for you in your new day the door has opened it's time for us to go through I told you Wednesday night your head has to get right if your feet come through first they call that a breach but what I'm saying to you is you don't want to start shouting and dancing until your head is in the right position so God wants to do work on your mind my brother my sister and I believe this week will help you now what you need to do is if you were not able to come the classes are available you can go on the website and see what classes were taught pastors assistant pastors men and women in ministry laypeople create a fine arts the classes are available they're recorded each worship service noon day and night time recorded six nights five days of worship and word I need you to make sure you get this resource get it quickly you can get it on DVD CD flashdrive mp3 whatever your preferred means is you can get it what you need to get this week start listening take your notes study it listen for the word of God listen for the voice of God so that the power of God can be a benefit to you well I'm out of time but I'm certainly not out of word I want to thank you for making this yet another success 23 years one success after another God has been extraordinarily good to us one of the few if not if not the one six night five day convocation over 100 classes available to you this is the place you want to be make up your mind the 14th of June next year you're gonna be with us at power of God 2020 we're looking for an incredible time well I'll see you soon stay strong stay safe make it to somebody's church on Sunday and watch God do his work you
Views: 1,849
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: tZniCmE0kRY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 233min 22sec (14002 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 30 2019
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