The X-Files: The Lone Gunmen (Documentary)

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the idea of during the Lone Gunmen spin-off had been suggested very early on I always thought it was perfectly cast they all had that kind of great visual take on who they were we tell the stories others refused to tell I'm Bruce Harwood I play buyers I'm Dean Haglund I play Langley I'm Tom Brady I play throw Vicky and you're the lone gunman actually the lone gunman were introduced onto the x-files from the first season in an episode written by Glenn Morgan James Wong called EBE we're talking about a dark network a government within a government controlling our every move I went in I auditioned once I got the part I didn't think much of it and then they kissed kept calling me back for one day here one day they're playing these characters all right what do you know about the Gulf War Syndrome Agent Orange of the 90s artillery shells coated with depleted uranium Jim Wong and Glen Morgan who created the characters of Lone Gunmen had a little difficulty casting the character of frou Hickey they had already cast Bruce Harwood as buyers and they'd cast being haggling as Langley but that that third character was kind of elusive hey fro Hickey can I borrow those I can have Scully's phone number Glen Morgan and James long and written them to sort of become the kind of even more paranoid group than Ben agent Mulder in fact that's the way they were billed as the paranoids these are unlikely heroes not only in their characters but in the in the act as we cast and that's for us the fun of it they were funny they ended up becoming for the writers subsequent to that a kind of comic relief we'd always go to the lone gunman when we wanted strange and weird facts information that is a Eurasian cluster fly they infest vegetation like apples or cherries and can inflict a great deal of damage to crops each episode that we got as the gunman in those little early years were feeding the next one so the information that we got from the first one would inform the character choices which we make for each following episode the lone gunmen were very popular among the writers on the show we were always looking for ways to bring them back ironically they all most were no more in season four because Glenn and Jim would return to the show for a number of episodes in season four had written an episode called musings of a cigarette smoking man the end of that episode originally had frou Hickey being killed by the cigarette smoking man shot in the head we were all very upset all of us who were on the show and go to stay on the show we didn't want these characters to go and so we made our case to Chris and if you watch that episode again the music actually sort of ramps up to the moment froakie is about to die and then it's almost like it goes back in Reverse luck like that moment was supposed to happen but didn't happen not today we were all glad that they got a reprieve and lived another day so at the beginning of season five we were without David and Jillian for a number of weeks because they were still filming the x-files feature film Ron so we had to find ways to start the series so we could debut in time in the fall but not have their characters so Vince Gilligan Mike my colleague came up with the idea of doing a lone gunman episode you want to cha-cha anytime anyplace both of you relax shut up getting our you're over here the lone gunman first appeared as cameo characters and I always wanted to see more we got our opportunity with an episode called unusual suspects that was an episode that our three guys carried and carried it admirably welcome to the dark side due to the success of that episode we then did another episode a comedic episode with the lone gunman called three of a kind Sutton Las Vegas and I think that episode was such a success and a pleasure to to write and watch that it really was the spark for the idea of doing a lone gunman TV series Frank Spotnitz Vince Gilligan and John Chavan came to me and said we'd like to do a spin-off of the x-files starting the lone gunman and it seemed like a perfect idea I want to know what Joey Ramones my hero because people like you never managed to grind him down they never stole his spirit he never gave then never gave up and never sold out Mike till his last breath I'm not sure they got it until he actually pitched it and we sat in the room with the Fox executives and pitched broad strokes of the pilot episode and the mystery of it because the three leading men aren't classical leading men are the types of guys who normally drive in network television series and we all had a hard time kind of picturing what it would be when we finally did this episode 3 of a kind at the end of season 6 of The X Files it became clear to us what this show could be it could be Mission Possible with three geeks and we knew from the pilot that we needed someone else for them to play off against and someone else who was going to help redefine the world of the lone gunman as opposed to the world of the x-files and that became the character so like Robinson played Eva Del Carlo which is an anagram for Lee Harvey Oswald and we always looked at her a sort of a competitor a competitor who you would not know for the longest time whether she was good or bad what side she was fighting on all you knew was that she was thwarted the lone gunman 'he's attempts to get their stories the first day that she liked and i met was the day that we're doing the episode one when i was hanging on the wires and i end up upside down where she's dressed up as a as a guy she kisses me and she was so bashful about it all she was she felt so badly that that we didn't know one another and she had to kiss me while i was hanging up i dick out I was the ugliest man I think I've ever seen in my entire life they put the short wig on I was like hey okay I don't look so bad with short hair and they put the mustache on I'm just like oh I'm so ugly and I went outside and was you know playing around and asking women if they'd go out with me and they're all just standing there going because I was just so weird-looking are you sure that man with a beard was Eva Del Harlow trust me no guy kisses like that the shot where faux Hickey was dangling was I was actually kind of fun just because was so comic it was both a simple and a difficult shot wire work is is an art in itself it's not you just can't stick actors in them and say okay now fly around the room look like you know what you're doing there are artists who do that and double actors and so the fact that he was able to stay in character survive a day in the harness which makes your you know mid area really sore and then perform acrobatics that are actually fun and entertaining he dove in to that role as though he was made for it probably Kate hang on tight I you know we did have a stunt double but we poor Tom had to be hanging in that thing an awful lot and I don't remember if he got out of it and threw up or not but I know I know we're all being just judging by the look on his face we're all being really careful not to stand under him after 2:00 or 3:00 it takes maybe see recycling was an actual car reclamation thing and it was filthy it was wet it was cold the mud was about this deep and it was toxic mud because it was full of rust and gasoline and who knows what it was fun the director really wanted me to do it they had a stunt double I said I would do it but I would only do it once that if it didn't work I wasn't going to do it twice there was other safety concerns too because it was metal in there so what we had to do is we actually scraped out a square area about six to eight feet square and about nine inches deep and cleared it off completely and we put a bass in there so that it couldn't be polluted by the other stuff and then we filled it with a combination of peat moss and a special clay and mixed it all up so it was all very clean I just went for it you know I just sort of figured out the timing on it and we went back and we did it in the first take and I did the faceplant in the mud and I guess they were happy with it because that's what ended up getting cut into the picture this this old friend you know run and fall down face-first dig his face into the mud to make sure it's on there good and then come up and then play as if it's not there I can't say that I had to sort of cover my mouth laughing at the monitor and applaud his commitment to doing it and fearlessness also buyers your flights gonna make an unscheduled stop the corner of Liberty in Washington Laura Manhattan the World Trade Center I'm going to crash the plane into the World Trade Center we were trying to imagine you know crimes that weren't paranormal that would involve serving terrorism in this case government sponsored terrorism and so we came up with the idea of running an airliner into the World Trade Center in Manhattan as a writer and particularly on the x-files that's the kind of stuff you spend your day doing you're supposed to imagine the unimaginable and the unthinkable we want to set these characters up as heroes who are going to unbeknownst to all of us save the world what would be a terrible horrible thing that could happen unfortunately was the World Trade Center I have to say at the time if it ever occurred to me I imagine well of course the government has already thought about things like this of course there are systems in place too you know if we can imagine it we're just you know Hollywood writers there are people in the Defense Department in Washington DC who were charged with defending our country who think about these things and that there are things in place to defend us against it and I remember that Matt Beck who did our visual effects flew to New York and was in a helicopter buzzing around the World Trade Center to get all the shots that were used as plates to to cut in with a CGI plane in retrospect it's you know it's a little bit painful to talk about but I went there and you know we did a lot of flying around in the helicopter and I kept doing pass after pass flying at the building we actually flew over it and quite close to it and you know we got footage that you know was was was beautiful in retrospect really poignant we got special permits at the time to go into New York City to have a helicopter shoot at night heading towards the towers I mean it was you know the difficulty in just mounting that and getting the the authorization to do it in here you know months later and the morning of 9/11 I was directing episodes of the x-files and I woke up to see that on television and my first thought was the lone gunman and I you know of course my first thought was God I hope because I didn't know yet what had happened or why but I hope this has nothing to do with what we did on television six months ago I hope we aren't somehow guilty of inspiring this or it became clear within hours that of course we had nothing to do with it but it was a terrible obviously very terrible feeling when you live in and work in a world that has so much imagination and then when reality just comes and sort of slaps you in the face it's it's scary I actually could bring myself to even look at that episode again until until I sat down to prepare for this interview today oh no no way Jimmy I want to help after looking at the pilot which we were pleased with we realized we needed one other character because the lone gunman even though we'd staked out separate positions for the three of them they all basically know the same thing they all work for the same newspaper they all have the same beliefs about conspiracies and the same knowledge about computers and they needed somebody they could talk to they could explain this stuff too because the audience doesn't know all these things and it's not obvious to the audience and so we came up with a character who would not only serve that function stupid stupid stupid but also be standing relief to them because he would be a really classically good-looking guy and could potentially serve as a love interest for Yves Adele Harlow which was unlikely for the three lone gunmen his boys are out here because it's difficult because people say it can't be done I have courage the Jimmy Vaughn character was the one that had the heart he wasn't wasn't really smart but he always saw the love and the heart and the emotional side that people had I knew that I was going to be in the other episodes a lot of the crew they didn't they just thought I was a guest star some people coming up and they're saying okay bye you know it was great what a great job that's a funny character to you know be nice to see you again and then I came back Monday Night Football better watch their butts love this game I didn't know what people's reaction we're gonna be to this character that I'd been working on because it is a little bit absurd and I thought wow okay let's film this and I hope everybody you know likes it I will never tell you you'll never find I love the teaser for eine kleine Afric harkening back to the old Fox Movietone news and I love the way our special effects team led by Matt Becker mixed the old movie tone footage with this really high-tech computer animation maps and stuff of Europe during the war that segues beautifully the child's father was this man you're thinking fro he could pass himself off as the long-lost son and bring the poisoner of Alsace to justice those of us in who wrote for the show were geeks in the best sense of the word and that a geek is someone who's very passionate about a very small area or my new show whether it's computers or cars or and I was always a film geek in a lot of ways and this was an opportunity for me to bring a lot of influences and play with them no thanks mom I'm not hungry you have not eaten a scene since you got here this is made special just for you I always been a big fan of the Ealing comedies of the late 40s and 50s British comedies Alec Guinness etc and once we start doing on government series it was something that I kept saying I want to do The Ladykillers one of the lady killers you got a girl in there pardon me for a lot of reasons one it's an undercover story it's an undercover mission and there's there's so much tension in that and from that tension so much comic possibilities in my mind just the character froakie is such a he's driven he's a little bit of a curmudgeon and the idea to put him in a situation where he has to be in a fish out of water and maintain another identity I just knew it'd be fun but it was so much fun to do and playing with ruth manning from new york who played the old German Frau she was just a delight she was absolutely a fantastic person to work with is it too hot for you it's fine could I get a little privacy here the idea was outrageous and foolish and the whole idea of making me up to look like her son and all that business and the makeup girls had a lot of fun the costume people had a lot of fun doing all the different costumes for me for it it was it was a fun fun show it was great another one of the ideas we had from the get-go about the lone gunman was that we could have a lot more fun and be a lot looser in the tone of the show than the x-files ever could be and so that meant using a lot more source music there was a music supervisor who found this most eclectic bizarre wonderful stuff we turned to a music supervisor named Barkley Griggs who would come up with dozens of possibilities for us the songs to use for these pieces and so we had a great time inserting this music and it was sort of an inspiration to me because when I heard these pieces it made me think boy that and you know and I knew that Chris Carter and company was going for this stuff I knew I could really step out a bit you know out on a limb and try all kinds of things Chris is enormous ly interested in music and and listens to everything and is always listening to new music so he really welcomed the chance to do a show we could use a lot more contemporary and new music and actually in the episode that he wrote by himself three minute of smoking diaper he specified what all the tracks would be he knew exactly what he wanted and wrote for those tracks sometimes daddy feels ill-equipped to bond with baby and that's why we're here today gentlemen keep those nipples high and proud Chris created the x-files and he created that feeling of gloom and despair that we love so much from the x-files and the thing to know that Chris is really a funny guy in real life and and that episode is that other side to him that you don't see that much a lot of bodily function jokes and whatnot and that's the other side to Chris Carter Melvyn you should be ashamed how're we supposed to get any work done we're supposed to publish our paper and root out graft corruption corporate greed for our loyal readers if we're changing poopy diapers what if this is some kind of government Brad super intelligent chimp I'd heard whispers of us for years the military wants the perfect undercover operative imagine what spies there would be total access no one would suspect them I had the idea for intelligent animals created by the CIA or the department defense a long time before this and I was thinking of a straight thriller no one would even know was murder it's brilliant except for one small detail you can create an intelligent animal but you can't be sure of his politics I always say that you can tell chimps are smarter than actors because the monkey would get it right on the first take and then he'd be bored and he could never understand why I had to do it over again so you'd see that you know say do this and he'd do it and he'd do it once but no we have to take it again for some reason and then he started thinking of other things to do and they'd really have to work really strainers had to work really hard to get him back to do whatever it was he was supposed to be doing and when they were supposed to be typing on the computer they would actually just use their strong fingers to pick off all the keys and eat them so basically just eight are really great laptops working with chimpanzees is not easy so we had a very hard time executing that show remember there's one shot where they wanted to film all the chimps they're all sitting together drawing so I asked his head let me sit down with the chimps and it kind of reflects my character you know very similar to the chimps and I was drawing with crowns and this command-z reached over and he'd take the crown from me so I pick up another one and he was like a little kid every color that I drew with he wanted and he would take it away from me chimpanzees by nature don't work well in cold weather they're not cold weather animals I mean that that episode focused mainly and was driven by these chimpanzees remember receiving a call saying the chimpanzees won't work they won't come out there's one scene toward the end on the bridge when they're going to make the switch the chimp is going to go back to his Air Force doctor but it was I hear bitterly cold and chimps do not like the cold and yes there were special accommodations made for that chimps ladies and let's get ready to get married hey hey hold it one minute I object madam I'm Adam is one of the craziest hours of TV ever and and I I'm so glad we got to somehow get it past the censors I like it right in the opening scene there's a shot of Stephen sitting on the toilet so you know you're in for quality television when you turn on to turn on your television there's a man sitting on the toilet I was like whoa doesn't get any better than this the humor in that episode is so evil and nasty and just deliciously you know bad bad taste I pitched this idea about a man being reprogrammed to who's was he's a bad guy he's troubled and is it right for society to change a person to make society safer or do you let them the misfits run wild there was a take-off on Clockwork Orange sort of somebody who was being reprogrammed he became this very interesting thing about him arriving back at this house where he thinks he lives and the original owner coming in right behind him and it becomes a very funny situation what are you doing with your hand Hamish nails who has a deliciously perverse sense of humor and if we were worried about frou Vicki's reaction to an eclaim afro hickey in which he had to wear later hose and be bathed by an old woman we were especially worried about his reaction to madam I'm Adam we're Stephen Tobolowsky who is hilarious keeps flashing to a [ __ ] wrestler whenever we see strophic Tom braid would is truly a class act he's a guy who put up with a lot of indignities to say the least during the the making of the series and we god bless him for it because it some of those moments are absolutely the funniest moments in the series we actually shot quite a long sequence of a fight of a wrestling match in a ring that they had to have for video and I brought in a stunt guy we have who's who's was an ex jockey so he's the right size for this kind of thing he's pretty tough and he went in there with this guy who's actually done some some professional wrestling and the guy didn't know how to pull a punch and he was just hammering the living heck out of this is a poor stunt guy right i mean they would we would do a shot and then we you know talk about it a bit in the guy car stuck i come back and go this guy's killing me he's really killing me i said go talk to the wrestler again and they go back and he'd hammer the heck out of me out he was just wailing on him and kicking up a jumpring anima you couldn't get him to the back way it was the toughest day I think that stunt guy ever had my whole life is gone uh but they're strangers living in my house Louis my wife I don't know where she is now neighbors they don't know who I am anymore he's just a fantastic funny actor a name is just the best casting for the role I mean I couldn't imagine a better a better choice proof of alien contact take a look at this I found this in every crevice of my body all over everywhere I got a local hairstyling company who made this 2,000 gallons of blue gel it had naught nothing else in it it was just a blue gel a clear blue gel and we had to pump it in this big tank well we pumped it in on the weekend but the director Brian Spicer came over on Saturday morning and said I can't see anything you got to change it so we worked all weekend we got this big huge pumper truck where to suck it all out set one tank and we filled it with blue water because you really wanted to be able to see the people in it and what we didn't know is when you got like 200 gallons of this stuff you couldn't see anything in the tank so we just changed it all the only time we use the actual gel was when we saw him climbing into it and going into the bottom but the rest of it was just water I guess it's looks mad we found a house that they were going to tear down that we could actually cut the front off of so that house was about to be demolished and the locations guy found it perfectly so that we could like just shear off the whole front and it comes down we only had one take to do that of course as you can well imagine did you let see your face here he comes what you doing diagnosis Jimmy as in diagnosis murder it didn't hurt that it was going to save us some money it had some very clear James Bond in elements in the ski chase we also were looking for a way to give Steve Sneden more of a showcase Episode one would really feature him he didn't see me it must be something else I'll find out what we actually got to go up in Vancouver up on that the mountain actually filmed for two days up in the snow which is another challenge I'd actually never shot this leg if it was fun action hey that worked for this shot of skiing scenes up in Whistler Oh north of Vancouver I think that was one of those situations where we wrote Jimmy and Eve skiing before we ever asked the two actors is he like our or Steven Sneden whether or not they could ski that seemed where I ski into the tree of course I just kind of ski a couple feet and then they put in someone and he skis and there's a rope Yanks him back I was blown away I kept thinking he was gonna if you just lean forward too far I'd hit himself in the nose oh yeah Jim at a ski accident and ended up in the hospital gonna be right it's always a challenge when you have a characters in mobile and I kept again going back to what inspires me I kept watching rear window and thinking how do you solve this problem and a lot of it is what the you know the character sees and reacts to even though he can't move and hears and and so we tried to build set pieces around what he sees on TV his suspicions of the doctor what he hears in the next bed with the old man and who may or may not be the victim etc the toughest part was actually that they put me in a real cast so I would have to show up put a cast on and then they would saw the cast off and do the same thing the next day say something testing one two three testing one two three this is Walter frickin Skinner the FBI and I am going to prison big time Hawaiian game was a fun one because we got to work with Mitch Pelageya and it was so much fun to have him in that episode mr. Skinner would you please explain what is going on you three are interfering with an FBI sting operation that's what's going on you put an undercover operative in danger a 1013 we'd always been against crossovers we resisted them throughout the run of millennium they'd been suggested numerous times and we never did one only after millennium ended did we bring over Lance Henriksen to the x-files but with Lone Gunmen our feelings were completely different we thought crossovers would be fun because its comedy is completely different genre so what's on for tonight good a week what evil deeds her foot it was so good to see Mitch get to be funny because Mitch in person is hilarious he's absolutely not assistant director Skinner our buddy mom I'll get hurt he's playing me playing him the funny thing was mitch is such a nice guy and he watched tapes of me and my performances could I get anybody anything yeah what the hey I'll have a Cuba Libre uh pretty cool huh we had of course Mitch she was a trooper a really great guy to work with and you know we lined him up when we shot him with and without a terrible mask and then in order to make it the sequence work we actually had to take footage of him performing and track it onto a computer-generated face so that we had control over the over the surfaces and that that allowed it allowed him to actually deliver a line and then have his mouth pull off and deliver a line again froma kick is the radar composite is in the CD get that CD I had this idea about them going undercover and something to a dance and I seem to remember pitching about it being in a disco and luckily Frank Spotnitz said tango the tango episode is one of my favorites because it gave the Leica Robinson so much to do I know she loved doing it and because it got to deepen the romance between her and Jimmy bond Steveston character the tango is such a beautiful dance and you know for Eve's character to actually do something normal I think for me that was the best part about the whole show the guy they cast to play opposite me was a fantastic dancer he was a salsa dancer John Vargas it was very challenging because we really didn't have that much time at all to learn this dance had to learn how to do an Elvis impersonation pretty quick then I had to learn how to tango dance two or three lessons I luckily had a great partner you know great people teaching and out of necessity you learn but that frightened me because I'm not that much for dancer especially never tango danced we had to spend hours learning to tango four was a 30-second opening bit or something like that I am a terrible dancer I hated learning how to tango or the woman I danced with in the in the teaser is was learning to talk man she was really good it was nice because all I had to do is stand up straight and do the basic moves and she would dance around me in this crash course and learning how to dance and of course once we the guys learned that well really in the tango a woman does all the work and you just stand there like an idiot and look you know look good depending on how good she dance is that's how good you look in the end I don't want to brag but that was me doing the splits I have a bit of dance training in my background not that you could tell from that shot but I did four years of modern dance and three years of ballet as a double major with my theatre degree so when they said oh just make up any sort of dancing you want that is the result of thousands of dollars of tuition si que regresar girl uh-huh one of the funny ideas of that script was that frou Hickey was in fact this incredible tango dancer and that he had this very hot Latin Lover that he had abandoned and he had to go back and pick up the mantle again which was just hilarious the idea that fro he had had this deep platonic relationship with this with this woman was kind of fun to work on you know it was enjoyable porchetta Chris Austin or Bear Bella just theme Attica Lee was just the perfect choice for an episode because it's all about loneliness and isolation and so many of these characters ease and the gunmen themselves they're lonely characters it's ultimately why the episode is so sad in the end it's even and centavos two lonely characters sort of make a connection but Eva's doing it to to get to another end but she ultimately has Romania romantic feelings for centavos and said it's what makes it really sad in the end when he takes a knife in the back Brian Spicer who is our linchpin director producer director who directed most of the Lone Gunmen episodes and every time we do one of these things he'd outdo himself but that one in particular the tango contest sequence at the end he think he had like half a day to shooting really have seven days of prep and eight days a shoot and the script was changing as we were going and it was challenging but I've learned a lot about tango and dancing and we were able to again utilize the camera movement really make it sexy and make it flow make it really unique piece I got choked up every time I watched the final dance with her and Steve Sneden I actually lost an argument about that because originally it was scripted that he gets to dance with her at the end and she's heartbroken about what's happened and they danced it's a nice moment and then he stumbles over the Colette's and I was insistent that we had to preserve that stumble and they they didn't want to shoot it they really wanted to preserve the niceness of that moment but they shot it for me and I saw both of them that I realized that they were right just Jimmy bond there was a lot of jealousy about Eve falling for someone else and then the tragedy at the end but it was a great episode and I felt like we were really getting into our groove we were really figuring out you know what we wanted to do and how we wanted to continue the show and approach things our strongest episode in my opinion is all about Eve the one should enter the series see that it gets to agent Mulder All About Eve was kind of you know the beginning about All About Eve and then we never really got into it that much you know we find out that she has a father and he's this kind of ominous presence what about Romeo 61 someone who's been looking for me for quite some time now which means if we can't track down buyers for Qian Liang Liang selves they'll kill him it took a while for the character to find itself at first she was simply just a nemesis and a very pretty nemesis which was counterpoint to us rough-and-tumble guys but then she grew and became a you know became an interesting character hey you know I'm not the hardware guy yeah they made these little appliances and it's basically just thin rubber around here with little nodes to attach the fishing line stuff with we're betting that you need us oh and why is that Romeo 61 you're scared of it aren't you the lone gunmen were still growing when the show was canceled they were becoming more and more defined I think we all felt like we found our group and that the show was really working the ratings were acceptable and good and as good as X Files in the early days we wanted to give the Lone Gunmen a big finish and we knew that we'd we sort of let down our fans by ending the Lone Gunmen series with a to be continued and there was a tremendous battle royal with the studio about bringing the lone gunman back at all and then what we attempted to do was blend them into the fabric of the x-files at that point which was not easy it was the last season it was ninth season of x-files they wanted to finish everything off and they wanted to close that loophole so they did an episode called jump a shark where they kind of tied up the loose threads of the Lone Gunmen series in an x-file sort of way they brought back Morris Fletcher and to kind of tie it all in and the Leica and Steven and sort of wrote an end to this series the decision to kill them off was made because we didn't want to dishonor them with sort of a a temp attending we knew would be the last appearance in the series we didn't know if there'd be any life for the x-files beyond that season and so we wanted to give them a really a proper hero's exit and so that's why we decided to kill them I felt like it would be the ultimate tribute to these unsung heroes in that if these guys really are the guys who are saving the world then and and they're willing to sacrifice themselves for it there's nothing more heroic than that guys it was actually quite thankful that we got an awesome death scene because it was you know if we didn't it would just be the gunman walk off into the sunset with a stick in a hobo bag you know that would have been just kind of a lame send-off so it was something heroic and phenomenal but as a you know in science fiction no one's ever dead I mean level 5 quarantine coffins are supposed to be fitted to the person all the coffins are the same size one of the gunmen is shorter than the others uh saying maybe our bodies aren't in those things with the purest of intentions we wanted these guys to go out on a high note we wanted to be recognized as heroes and that bad ending with them being buried at in Arlington you know heroes national heroes was was a high point but very bittersweet as well I think it was the right thing to do we did address tying up some loose ends in the final x-files episode why risk your lives because I need to know the truth you already know the truth we've been very blessed both with the x-files and with Lone Gunmen to have very loyal smart supportive fans and the fans that lone gunman had been particularly vocal and active and loved these characters and supported the show when it was on and we're right there with him you know we we would have loved to have brought it back and and and still would if there was some way to do it when we started with like today players say players and where we get nine years in a spin-off we're the luckiest day players and for that next day player we are a bit of a fairy tale come true yeah including the trend has been Frog Prince and everything you don't beat John Bay yeah fun that's it thank you you
Channel: The X-Files Forever
Views: 63,216
Rating: 4.8734622 out of 5
Keywords: The Lone Gunmen, The X-Files, yt:stretch=16:9
Id: dLZkf-i46CU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 17sec (2357 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 29 2013
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