The Lone Gunmen: Tango De Los Pistoleros

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there is danger here because what appears to be loved is only sadness a lie this is the nature of the tango it is more than just dance some say it is a dialogue between a man and a woman those who don't understand the tango fear it as a romantic expression of passionate love it is not the tango is a dance of loneliness of isolation the dancers move their lower bodies remaining stiff from the waist up eyes intense but distant it is the man who controls with his eyes but it is a woman who is really in control in its most perfect form the tango his life and the tango his death now that wasn't very sporting of me was it god she's beautiful the Black Widow and her prey it's almost zen-like the way she works I don't feel good about this hey how could you think that guy feels if she could give two bucks for his kneecaps she'd steal both his legs so that doesn't make me feel right about double-crossing her how many times as he's stuck it to us hijacked artwork for her own financial game she's helped us out too sort of Jimmy I understand your feelings but in our own defense we have a right to this story damn straight and you better know what's important if it got me to set foot here in Miami my boats approaching perfect he's leaving the boat signal angry well fish this is Titanic operation stab your associate in the back give me that together the Deb headset get a move-on frogman check out that boat better new ones yeah see Eve is keeping him busy but not for long Langley anything your coffee and then easy when I don't know what I'm looking for assume whatever it is has been , flushed right it's here a six-pack of beer this guy wouldn't drink German beer check the cans play heavy issue watch Oh God Langly but you what are you doing calligraphy what does it look like I'm doing we're going home no we're not going home we're on to something big here well whatever we were on to was last seen headed toward the Bermuda Triangle of full-throttle now we're on to L book Chris Grandy I for one no you are not not after I nearly died last night well whose fault is that Aquaman look we took a shot we lost we'll get her next time well back me up here you're lucky to be alive maybe we should cut our losses maybe it serves us right guys you go in with bad intentions only bad things can come from it what are you a fortune cookie I can't believe you 3 Eve is out there somewhere plotting and scheming and you guys just your lies you don't know how unhappy to make either so what brings you to the Sunshine State an automobile tracking device Hey what it's my own creation I I call it the fro Jack how helpful now we know the answer to the question how many fools does it take to ruin a foolproof plan before even I can see there was some poor judgment involved what could you possibly hope to gain from following me here we hope to expose your smuggler and if we're being honest about this we hope there would be some reward money when all was said and done but we're journalists first reward take it guess out of Miami I never want to see any of you again ever service fee over 500 bucks here we are stopping at the Red Lobster on the way home my friends come on you're not seriously falling for that one are you come on it's so obvious she's trying to throw us off the scent why would she throw money at us if the deals blow the only things blown is us and not in a good way no we're taking the money hightailing it out of here I must admit I am curious I don't think there was anything on that boat I think the smuggler had his goods on him and that means he's still out there waiting to deal I know you'll say I should not have come here but I was careful not to be seen I could not be sure what you hear about what happened on the docks that night the deal didn't go through that much I know I found your man you're tired like a hawk later it did what else he has a twin brother I have no twin I told you and then there was a blonde woman on my boat I brought the woman yeah a blonde woman law flowing hair huh I still hit her scream in my head she and co-ceos twin brother here are obviously working together but that is why I came to see you mr. Santos let's make this right there is twice our original agreement compensation for your boat and your troubles do you have it this is what you want to beat the green to you have a good day mr. moonrise and thank you for your efforts I have no window someone knows our flags and their loose ends do you died no senior number hate is Snowbird it is perfectly good this step will bring you both your second championship look sweet hey guys a match on our smuggler Manuel Mireles Miami address my god Leonardo how can I dance with these monstrosity Carlota I stop staring at me such a bad luck do this for the competition will you excuse me mr. Duncan Marion pulse would you care to dance unfortunate about you partner dance partner it is very I've never seen anything like it in all my life forgive me leonardo-san Thomas there Nadeau I saw you signing up for the beginners class why I'm a beginner I don't believe that you're too good one more thing you understand the terminology you know that it's less about movement and more about expression come on sorry sir expressing sexuality beginner's luck no it's also about mystery something which you have down time as well you know I need a new partner what if I turn out to be not quite as good as you think it's worth the uncovering yeah check it out calling cards for murder just like the one we found beside our dead smuggler there's calling cards a death squad that was part of Argentina's military hunt de las Calaveras the skulls that was placed he's with their victims what is an Argentine death squad doing in Miami well I wondered that myself then I came across this Human Rights database that listed their suspected members Marianna Cuchillo looked familiar the guy Eve was impersonating you figure he killed parolees dollars to doughnuts but it goes deeper because Cuchillo works for this guy leonardo-san Talos voted one of Dade County's top five businessman of the year millionaire philanthropist Argentine native his credentials are impeccable not to the FBI they have him under surveillance as we speak he's a suspected smuggler with international connections and he's smart they'd never been able to nail the dude I told you he was on to something big whatever it is our problems I get close to this guy centavos because as it stands we gotta wait in line behind the feds maybe not par mr. Santos is a tango dancer apparently he's very good he's entered competitions all over the world so what so I think I know how we can get posted if Eve doesn't get one first better thank you for coming you have a lovely home more so now Senor Santos the phone for you pardon me for a moment please make yourself I know pathetic Scott came around like this I see no dishonor in caution but why this one I see something under that's special what I see is that she's taking a mind of business Saturday I'm a guest tango contest seriously centavos won it last year we're not actually gonna dance but signing up for it is a perfect way to get near the man don't you agree you coming uh you three have it covered I'm gonna stay and watch the van what's going on frou Hickey yeah you never know what a neighborhood like this guys looks like somebody else had this idea before we did check out the name of son Titus Dan's book men be released Lido sure enough 15 letters what Yves Adele Harlow man one day that girls gonna run out of anagrams for Lee Harvey Oswald before can play at that game excuse me what do you think you're doing we're signing up for the tango competition first-time applicants must qualify how do we do that I thought we were pretty good and front row thank you could you what is it that's woman she appeared just that you needed a new tango partner quite a coincidence would be talking about why did you need a new partner because Carlos's feet blow up like two grapefruit how could she possibly dance uh this bites the big Dagwood hog II can't believe he was gonna rip the rug out from under us again let's face it she's good but we're better than her look I see this as a sign we should just flourish takes up and go home freaky what is it about you in Miami why are you so uncomfortable here that could be Eve I hope it is hola amigos como esta who's dead sorry I think you've got the wrong room Jimmy this is kami associate of ours he's a fellow computer expert don't sugarcoat it buyers hacker extraordinaire is the term that comes to mind the keeper of the mojo what the hell are you doing here what courtney love didn't tell you he emailed me said you needed some help track and info on one leonardo-san table owes you work Kimmy I said I needed the consultation not for you to come to Miami well it's like this see I have information you need so in the capitalistic traditions of our great nation it's time to talk about me get paid hit the road [ __ ] suit yourselves but this finger here can unlock all those DoD secrets you crave 10% of any reward money we collect missile defense lack thereof apparently the DoD has a new composite that can absorb electromagnetic transmissions as in it's completely invisible to radar Wow way to go America yeah if the bad guys get their hands on it we're talking Romulan cloaking device tanks ships ICBMs Saddam Hussein could build a Cessna out of this stuff and fly it right into the White House what does all of that have to do with centavos is what he's smuggling a sample would be worth millions to a foreign power hell yeah and wouldn't need that much either just enough to analyze and we can't get near this guy because none of us can dance the freakin tango we can't get in that contest I can get into the contest I'd like to have a look in your back if I may may I say is there a particular reason there's a small spray bottle an atomizer what is this better perfume really put it on please is your son very lovely keep it remember me by it no go please what exactly is going on here for you to be rifling through a woman's belongings my mistake and mine alone I apologize the better a man in my position must be very carefully I have many enemies all I want is for you to stay and dance with me ce que regresar gran lava me repay me Tendo 10 mi vida de nuevo no Kumanovo cancun pero pero pero como tetramers welfare después de todos esos años suppose commit the husband put his mentiras another mas yes poor kid exhausted okay debemos or bear by law I'm sorry for this morning we don't need to discuss it any further it's over I'm sorry because I sense how difficult that is to gain your trust it must have been hurt by a man that isn't stretch is there a woman alive who hasn't been hurt my manifold you hide it well you hide your loneliness you would rather be long and alone and to be heard again now I understand the feelings I enjoy our time together I don't want it to end I find myself thinking what will happen as the competition what does the future hold for us once again yeah look at Mata Hari in there man she knows just how to work home huh real let him in like a fish on a hook faking a month I don't think she's fake come on tiny dancer get out of here now well aren't you in the thick of things my foot being a thick of your behind if you don't leave fair warning send Tablas is going downward onto a we're gonna nail his rum bitanga butt to the wall and if you stick around you're going down with come on Jimmy if I just don't want to see you hurt what as noches senorita Doria good not a single thought goes into any of your actions does it you completely compromised my position cachito will kill me if I go to them I'm dead and you'll be next Langley they're looking for a blonde woman who disrupted the trade with Morales if could she have saw you tonight he's surely mistaken you for a man this time I guess we'll just have to take our findings to the cops and hope they can stop the deal get it to you the deals already been stopped the exchange is supposed to happen tonight at the dance competition I would neo pijn how I'm not sure that's why I had to be there but now since I can't show my face it centavos he has no partner and if he doesn't dance the deal will happen somewhere else you'll never get another chance like this again Eve you have to be at this dance tonight along with the rest of us but first we have to make sure some typos trust you and I think I know how we can do that absolutely no video cameras but we're doing a documentary in the competition we have to be in here sir this is the great El Lobo V Michael Jordan of the tango please don't deny the world I didn't think he would come I'm sure happened I understand you think I betrayed you be another yes I was with those men I haven't and I'll prove it I'll use it to kill the blonde man to cheer sari with he and the others who are they newspaper men the blond one interrupted your business of the dock he wants me to betray you I thought I would at first prove it kill the reporters Virginia but not with cigar you will use this you know this is the 21st century we can think up this ancient stone wood this is state-of-the-art face recognition you ninny they used it at the Super Bowl to scope out terrorists and crowd of 70,000 of course I even made some improvements to the end user interface keep the camera moving Jimmy grab every face in the joint the buyer has to be here somewhere ladies and gentlemen welcome to the 36th annual Florida State tango competition contestants number one Nicolas phone gets secure and now last year's champion Leonardo centavos and his partner miss Vera lado anything yet Kimi got a big sag wait a minute ladies and gentlemen hello and miss Nikita Maldonado this tape is gonna be priceless mad jack cherry whatever your name is wait a minute wait a minute we got a hit here matching matching with guys I'm looking at a known Libyan arms smuggler who loves to cut a rock where who the guy froggie centavos is going to make the trade of come they just got checked out they're out of the competition what happened did we miss the exchange you took CD number 11 he's number one fro Hickey the radar composite is in the CD and just me Lobo the retirement of El Lobo sexual energy burned during this dance took two years off my life that's why I quit the first place how's she holding up yeah she's fine so what's our cut of the reward money there is no reward money it never was apparently at least that's what the FBI just told us say what what's she do this for then because it was the right thing to do you have got to be kidding me I suppose I should say some thank you for not wigging out and stabbing me for real later I made this
Channel: HH C
Views: 20,231
Rating: 4.9576721 out of 5
Keywords: The, Lone, Gunmen, 1x10, Tango, De, Los, Pistoleros
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 30sec (2670 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 30 2012
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