The Lone Gunmen: Bond, Jimmy Bond

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you uh no return on da da da me dear I'm gonna toss on Jan I hope I fall cerca de Europa so who does antenna gotta ducky give me watashi o Dargis Tanaka who knows the toddlers are summarized optimally benaderet occur mochi Domo they were Hokkaido so baqara surah Americana since again protection or sonzai hold me to Manasa soil me to Marisa but no you can go Thanks no we are all concur go she Oh oh can you go daddy God you know come up here Marcy oh no no ok zin down what doko desu Scott Goku as you saw scientist oh no koe wa eco-terrorist oh yes no question Oh Sangamo cutting no no come back cut up my mother on a ka-bar same there - no no eat you or share the girls I you sweetie watch your finger all three check that machine account the sperm you see there is too much do we need more O'Connor when Oh God I'm not degree do you wonder will look at all crash I'm okay sayonara baby run for it well that was fast hey where are the papers sitting on some loading dock somewhere the printers were not given to us on credit whoa fires we've got to get that Japanese whaling story out to the public what do you want me to say we spent our last 1,200 dollars getting the story we didn't save any money for publishing it I figured that what happened how I'm not good for I told you so's Langley far from it you guys are interested I figured out the answer to all our money problems oh yeah what's that we need to sell more papers easier said than done now when you got loan gun woman of the week oh good lord Langley we can't use that she's she's she's amazing and doesn't belong in the cover of any legitimate publication we're supposed to be fighting for truth justice and the American Way here what the hell is this this isn't fighting I put my butt on the line week in and week out while you and buyers just hide behind the scenes yeah your but my brains I should be gazillionaire instead of gracing YouTube with my hacking brilliant recurring won't solve anything buyers don't get holier-than-thou yeah mr. big picture mr. mission it's easy to talk about the stories we need to write fighting whaling or legal government surveillance or who killed JFK but you have to ask yourself how far will you go to print them not that far sorry buddy guys well aren't you going to invite me here depends you here to kill us Melvin would you really be caught dead I must admit the thought of revenge did cross my mind you cost me a tidy profit when you stole my opting for chip our octane for chip we've returned it to its rightful owner now that we published our expose on how wonderful of you ah conspiracy theories and masturbation I suspected there was a connection what do you want even right down to business then this morning a body was found in a Long Island dumpster a young man called Alex Goldsmith better known as double bogey DB the golf net hacker extraordinaire you knew him by reputation after the 97 Masters Tournament hijacked the jumbotron screen in Times Square made it flesh tiger is God for 26 minutes classic hack who smoked him the police seemed to think it was a drug deal gone bad but that doesn't take into account the three match-grade frangible slugs dug from his chest ammunition used by intelligence services around the globe but certainly not some gangbangers so who wanted one of the world's best hackers dead and why are you telling us there's a story to be uncovered here wouldn't you say unless of course you're no longer journalists but buddington ographers this is the place right now turn off the damn engines and stop wasting my gas oh here we go with the gas again it's a known carcinogen you ingrate got like a pint of it down on my stomach you drew the short straw how was I supposed to know that you don't know how to siphon then you mr. goody two-shoes mister suck one gallon out of ten cars instead of ten gallons out of one car ethically it seemed somewhat more defensive he'll you'll be sorry when I'm dead yeah prove it come on get up Oh Alex wasn't into drugs that much I know for certain he had so much going for him with the computers he was brilliant such a good heart you put that in your article that he didn't sell drugs I guess you can see that I couldn't give him much growing up but I did teach him right from wrong how did Alex spend his time did he have a specific project he was working on I didn't see much of it with these last few weeks may we see Alex's computer that was his very favorite thing in all the world Alex said that if the house ever caught fire it was the only thing worth saving he even got it autographed by all the players and last year's US Open even Tiger Woods see Wow I'm sure you gentlemen could do with a snack I'll be right back Langly that's okay fix it quick we have a big lot of nothing the hard drives been reformatted did you clean it up oh yeah you washed off all the names anybody got any magic markers how does lemonade sound damn it's staggered not Tigger you imbecile here you are boys oh that that looks lovely but we gotta go yes sorry really really sorry told you I was sick hey guys I'm not sure Alex was the same his mother thinks he was what's that it's a bank check dated four days ago made out that Alex Goldsmith for $1,000,000 that's them from on-topic outreach enterprises peoe peoe corporation the way to believe Alex Goldsmith was working for a charity because some charity cutting million-dollar checks to hackers sounds good to mean well the State Corporation Commission has Jack's quad on them they have the seal register there's a one james bond for god sakes million bucks I'd settle for $400 in cash to get my damn stomach pumped Langley run a plate New York state MO div numeral eight shut up about your stomach now I'm sure my livers shutting down but who cares philanthropic outreach I bet the last donations these guys made was the three bullet holes they gave Alex Goldsmith you're guessing he hacked for them and then they killed him hmm the cars registered to one James Bond cute hey check it Mr Bond I presume I was following certainly in a hurry late for a secret meeting so where do you figure from iki civilians on the field time out Frankie are you okay oh sure somebody's Colonel armed ships going off the hell are you guys blind or what guys killing through a blind football team not just a team but a league or the first but we got franchises starting up in California Arizona and Florida god bless modern technology sonar helmets beeping footballs I know it'll work I promise you one day you'll be watching these men on ESPN how you feeling Oh peachy nothing broken so well this was your brainchild Mr Bond Jimmy Vaughn call me Jimmy Oh nice hustle guys now give me some wind sprints you got a coat listen I'm real sorry about you getting tagged but this practice is private you gentlemen here for a reason we're journalists we're interested in doing a story about your league Sports Illustrated the lone gunman right on hunting and fishing I like that specifically we're wondering how you fund this operation it must be expensive yes it is but how do you put a price tag on a dream now I know that it sounds corny when I look at those men's faces when they make a tackle catch pass okay that hasn't actually happened yet but still to me it's worth all the silver and Fort Knox it's very touching I mean this is America and every citizen has a god-given right to play football where do you get your money from we're a charitable endowment we have benefactors that really believe in what we got going on here who are they we'd love to talk to them so would I to thank them they're completely anonymous and they want to keep it that way they're not in it for the glory shouldn't you guys be writing this down yeah look we're just gonna go back to the mobile news unit well we're just gonna grab a tape of course we'll be right back ish that guy be for real he's no criminal mastermind or that I'm fairly certain this ptoey has a secret agenda even if he doesn't Wow let's get the hell out of here and stop wasting our time yeah boys knock yourselves out where you're going somebody's got a sec to pipe it ain't gonna be me hello any cultures I can help you for a price I'm guessing that you knew a kid named alex goldsmith number two hacker in America why settle for number two when you can have number one that's what bu exactly whatever he was doing I can do it better without even knowing what it is as a manner as long as we're talking computers I got the mad skills so it's all downhill if you know what I'm saying come check me out want to be a five-star general just click the button there that makes the Pentagon the Jet Propulsion lab in the Queens Bank of Georgetown Cayman Islands I hacked in tomorrow inside of 19 minutes plus a reset your systems clock daylight savings I got the job you got the job help kuroky how you talking to buyers should I call back no it's not fires just some huge guy I mean what is it even I just thought I should let you know the whereabouts of your obnoxious friend Langley where the hell is he at the moment being loaded into a car trunk Langly isn't there Romesh Mikey I'm guessing this is where Alex Goldsmith was murdered where's this place the banner mask embassy boy the hell is Bela Maris it's a breakaway republic from the former Soviet Union was recognized by the US last year at least as one of you who isn't completely hopeless looks secure very motion detectors armed guards not to mention diplomatic immunity Langley may as well be in Belem mask but what does a breakaway republic have to do with the bogus charity an arms deal the ruling party's faced with a rebel faction that wants to quash they reckon a few metric tons of nerve gas will do the trick nicely POA is a shell company created to hide the transaction for some reason they need a good hacker to complete the deal you know why hell of a lot more about this than you told us before what are you doing in Long Island anyway I assume you're profiting off this somehow what's your angle it's none of your business I'll take a wild stab and save money filthy lucre if money's all you want why don't you walk in there and do their hacking yourself do you think they'll let Langley live to enjoy his profits watch the lips mmm I gotta say so far this job sucks you use these you have t1 access of course what's the hack these talking line accounts set up a bogus corporation access the account debiting protocols can transact a fee to share up your purchase at $10 a share and every east stock account every account yep that's probably a hundred thousand people 50 shares of $10 a share and you'll raise 50 million dollars just like that and just like that you'll have the SEC and justice on your tail you got to know they monitor every online transaction for fraud just make it happen by midnight we could kill their alarm system that's a start then once you can't go bursting in they're like the cavalry what the hell is going on with Langley anyway it's like he hitchhikes all the way back to p OE for what just to get grabbed I mean what was he thinking he was thinking with his heart on his head is that question he asked of me how far will we go meaning how far will we go to tell the truth to get the story to fight the good fight this is his answer all the way that dope he's gonna get himself killed not just yet not have useful to them I assume he is which buys us a dozen time I've dealt with these kinds of people more often than I can say I know their type first we have to find out exactly what's going on in there I could sneak in broad daylight not easy why sneak in when you can ring the doorbell especially if you're someone they know nice TD high five it's irresistible the passion of these guys I'm telling you Monday Night Football better watch their butts love this game well enjoy it while you can I think you just watched your last blind football game what are you talking about there is no league bub we checked the other franchises don't exist there's just you P OE is a front set up to cover an illegal arms deal and you're the fall guy me versus the only name on record your company had a bank check cut to a computer programmer named Alex Goldsmith he was gonna design our webpage he's dead murdered by your friend at P OE I knew it I knew there was something up with that guy wouldn't give me his name his phone number he's talking about anonymous benefactors man stupid stupid stupid anybody could have made the same mistake yeah blind football who wouldn't sign on for that hey that was my idea I thought that up about my team what happens to them you know some people actually laugh at those guys like blind football's funny like it's a lost cause I think they're missing the point these boys are out here because it's difficult because people say it can't be done they have courage God knows that we need more guys like that that have the courage to fight for the lost causes is every now and then one of them wins that guy is a trap we know where you can find open up you hey there remember me how's the shakin buddy Mr Bond why are you here I was in the neighborhood came by to meet the anonymous benefactors hello anonymous benefactors Mr Bond you know what I just found out there aren't any know what else I found out you're a murderer the plans to buy a bunch of nerve gas and you set me up to be your phone guy what did you get these ideas I know some people okay investigative journalists they write for this hunting and fishing magazine and they set me straight about everything you're going down my German friend I'm not charming you're going about up up the river I just wanted to tell you personally so that every time you're in that prison TV room watching football you think about me and my boys please tell me that wasn't part of the plan hey guy James Bond is your name Langley that woody doing here brought you a little present from your friends although I don't think it'll fit under this door oh wait by all means keep whispering don't want to alert anyone this is what you called a ghostly mode ghost modem circuit yeah pretty much it enables you to contact your friends outside without the fear of electrical surveillance over ins which has to do with the cadence don't even try all right you just plug it into your AC outlet over there DC thanks Langley what the hell are you doing in there you [ __ ] we do is there little slush fund for buying nerve gas meant to be dropped on the rebels in Bella Bella Bella yes yeah they'll kill thousands Langley and then they murdered him for it so what are you thinking man then they'll kill you do exactly as they say excuse me did they provide an account number to transfer the money into Eastern European Bank manganese just where we need him I trust you're ready Vicky Showtime that's it that's it 50 million claims told you that was the best although it transferred to it the account number I gave you right here an excellent job damn straight it is let's see that you get paid we need to finance on the California one coverage policy [ __ ] down clearly so they miss redoing a clueless I was gonna talk it's the boys place Tommy's what's going on I'll be back the hell just happened that's a good touch dampen your mind what come on jump do it jump what are you nuts I jump not that far good luck hey where are you going come on I'll catch you catch me promise yeah I got you come on I got you come on that with no whistle hurry fires just can't leave I got that guy's money he's gonna bite nerve gas with it boy won't the ruling party of his country is bankrupt what are you talking about Eve siphon clean that Bellamy's government account you provided her stole god knows how many millions what about the 50 million dollars I stole you never stole it you've only made it look like you did hey where the hell is he anyway she's gone after having transferred the money to an untraceable account I assume take the money at her that was her plan all along right back where we started so she forgives you yeah well a million dollars forgives a lot it was good of you lightly giving her the check was the right thing to do yeah man I'm proud of you shut up the both iya we're still flat-ass broke we're sitting on yet another great story we don't have the money to publish and last week's issues are still sitting on the loading dock let's just go home that's it I'm getting the force hey guys it's last week's lone gunman best friend how did this get here oh no no way Jimmy you paid for these you guys fight the lost causes I want to help I made this
Channel: HH C
Views: 32,386
Rating: 4.9220781 out of 5
Keywords: The Lone Gunmen 1x02 Bond, Jimmy Bond
Id: jmuSuLNn2uU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 30sec (2670 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 29 2012
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