The Hunt For Nazi Gold | World War Weird | War Stories

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coming up on world war weird stalin's bizarre army of exploding dogs rommel's hidden horde of nazi gold strange shapes etched onto the earth's surface a dark nazi plot or a wartime visit from ufos and a weird wartime board game that defies explanation conflict on a scale never seen before or since a new kind of war this is war at its weirdest bizarre experimental weapons mysterious events conspiracies and cover-ups when governments destroy files you can't help but wonder why unexplained phenomena the raf doesn't have an explanation for the crew's report when a world goes to war with itself things get weird the relentless nazi war machine is hurtling towards russia but stalin's battered red army has come up with a cunning new weapon to stop it in its tracks the soviets think they found a way to defeat the might of nazi germany he wanted to unleash kamikaze canines this is the weird story of stalin's crazy communist canine army it sounds barking but there was method in their madness at the cutting edge of modern day military technology the unmanned drone a delivery system that takes devastation to the enemy accurately without risking the lives of troops but in the age before computers and lasers what was the crude communist equivalent this is the weird story of stalin's crazy canine corps the red dog army in 1939 nazi germany storms continental europe with a devastating new strategy blitzkrieg a lethal combination of air power tanks and infantry blitzkrieg means lightning war in germany and that's exactly what it was [Applause] by the summer of 1941 with only britain left fighting in europe hitler turns his war machine to a new target the soviet union stalin didn't believe that hitler would attack him when he was still busy backing the british in the west but he was seriously mistaken on june the 22nd germany launches the largest offensive in the history of warfare operation barbarossa invading russia with an army of 3 million men 2 700 aircraft 7 200 field guns and more than 3 000 tanks the soviet union is caught completely unprepared to make matters worse the country is still reeling from stalin's brutal purges the populations of its outer reaches are hateful and rebellious and its best generals victims of stalin's vicious dictatorship stalin's secret police the nkvd had arrested tortured and executed the majority of russia's military high command this included 500 senior officers and eight generals those who are left are simply no match for the german commanders the colossal scale of operation barbarossa is devastating on the first day of the invasion a quarter of the soviet air force is destroyed by the luftwaffe within the first three weeks germany's panzer tank division has almost totally wiped out the russian army's mechanized corps within four months three million russian soldiers have been captured and almost half russia's population is under german rule the german panzer corps were unstoppable they had better tanks better crews better everything [Music] soviet production is notoriously sloppy there are too few vehicles and arms they often don't work properly and break down too easily the main russian battle tank is the t-34 a great tank when it works it's only good for about 200 kilometers before it breaks down in their rush to war the soviets have sacrificed quality for quantity the soviet union is on its knees for every german tank lost the soviets are losing seven of theirs [Music] the soviets needed to figure out a way to stop them and they needed to do it fast stalin needs a miracle and he thinks he's found one it is in a state of total desperation that stalin authorizes one of the weirdest ideas of world war ii an army of dogs [Music] it sounds barking but there was method in their madness the soviets had already had some success in getting dogs to deliver food and medical supplies to the front line why not go the next step and turn this four-legged force into canine combat troops the dogs would be trained to attack panzer tanks the idea was to have a bomb strapped to the back of the dog the dog would then be trained to run to the nazi tank it would pull a cord releasing the bomb and run back to its handler they're smart fast and trainable and the perfect delivery system what could possibly go wrong three special military dog schools are set up their job to train thousands of combat dogs and to fill the ranks of stalin's new army his agents scour russia conscripting dogs from farms police forces even circuses the dogs are trained to run under the tanks drop the bomb and run off but it doesn't work so well some dogs fail to head for the tanks others forget to pull the cord and return to their alarmed handlers for a pat on the head the handlers try to run from the dogs but the dogs are too fast they're carrying an explosive charge with a timer fuse on it so when the dog runs back to his owner a dog bomb doesn't exactly work if the very same dog comes running back to you and blows you up like some kind of bomb boomerang for the soviets it's back to the drawing board undeterred the russians try again this time the combat dogs are starved for a few days then warm food is placed beneath stationary tanks before long the dogs associate tanks with dinner then a new dog bomb is devised that will trigger automatically when the dog runs beneath the tank the plan is to load each dog with a mine containing 10 to 12 kilograms of tnt a wooden lever sticks up from the pack the dog sees the tank thinks it's dinner time and dives underneath the lever hits the underside of the tank and is forced down triggering a detonator that explodes the new bomb will kill the dog but hopefully not the dog handlers war is a time when anything goes even kamikaze canines the first battalion of combat canines arrives at the front line in autumn 1941 30 dogs and 40 handlers the hungry dogs are fitted with bombs and when the line of panzer tanks advances towards the russians the dogs are released but because of fuel shortages many of the dogs have had no training with moving tanks the sight and sound of so many advancing panzers causes panic among the dogs some of them head for cover in the soviet trenches in many cases they turned they ran or picked off by german snipers sometimes they ran back to their own lines and actually killed soviet soldiers of the dogs have been trained with russian diesel tanks inconveniently the german panzers run on petrol a very different smell to the dogs a number of hungry suicide hounds laden with explosives head off to find food under their own tanks in reality a war zone or battlefield is a terrifying place for a dog shells exploding bullets whistling past aircraft overhead the cries of the wounded unusual smells and adds to that that the dog's never even seen a moving tank before it's really different from its training environment russia is not the only country intent on turning animals into deadly weapons over on the western front the british are faced with the challenge of taking out an elusive target of their own [Music] the nazi war machine now has factories across the whole of occupied europe pumping out a relentless supply of deadly arms and ammunition bombing raids against these enemy targets are a hit-and-miss affair on the ground many brave covert resistance operatives are more than willing to sabotage these weapon production lines from within but it's easier said than done to bomb a factory without blowing your cover obviously it was not easy for the allies to smuggle in bombs bombs were big they were cumbersome they were hard to hide so they had to think laterally they had to find something unremarkable something almost invisible which could serve as a carrier for the bombs what could be found in abundance in factories that wouldn't raise eyebrows [Music] coal-fired boilers and furnaces are the power source at the heart of most wartime factories without them production would grind to a halt they are highly prized and heavily guarded all you would expect to find near them is a big pile of coal and the occasional dead rat boffins and the british intelligence service have a cunning plan there would have been thousands of rats in thousands of factories right the way across occupied europe so just imagine if one in ten of those rats was actually full of plastic explosive boffins hoped that if they filled rats with explosives and smuggled them into factory coal piles workers would simply throw them into the boiler along with the cold bringing manufacturing to a screeching halt the beauty of the dead rat it was a common sight in factories and it had its own built-in trigger with a giant explosion the diligent factory worker has just blown up his own factory a british intelligence officer poses as a student to get hold of hundreds of rats supposedly for use in experiments the animals are killed and then stuffed with explosives once thrown into a boiler's furnace the detonator ignites triggering an explosion with the potential to take out the whole factory it's so simple it's genius all they have to do now is get the rat bombs over into europe and distributed amongst the resistance movements all is going to plan until the germans intercept the very first shipment of rap bombs [Music] game's over before it's even really started but that's not the full story the germans knew these rat bombs must be intended for sabotage but sabotage of what or where was a mystery you have to ask yourself what the germans thought this was all about what targets were they aimed at where were they going german intelligence was baffled the germans mount a huge operation to find any bombs that might have already found their way into sensitive locations but they have no idea how long this ruse has been in operation the germans wasted hundreds of man-hours searching for these rat bombs that didn't in fact exist and that in the end was more damaging than if the plan had succeeded in the first place [Music] rat bombs did succeed in disrupting enemy production although not in the way originally intended the boffins of british intelligence went on to create many more devilish devices including exploding soap suitcases and bottles of booze all this went on to inspire the character q the gadget man in the james bond movies back on the eastern front stalin's bomb dogs had yet to prove their worth on the battlefield out of 30 dogs only four set off their bombs anywhere near a german tank despite this disaster the soviets persist with their erratic and accident-prone dog army its greatest success comes during the biggest tank battle in history at the battle of kursk in 1943 16 dogs disabled 12 german tanks now that may sound like a success but that does not warrant the amount of time the amount of effort the amount of money that this project had put into it it is not known how many of their own tanks and other russian vehicles the soviet bomb dogs destroyed or how many handlers were blown up the whole plan of turning dogs into mobile anti-tank mines is an unmitigated disaster [Music] and a propaganda boost for the invading germans they think stalin's dog soldiers are hilarious they joke that stalin needs dogs to fight because ordinary russians refuse to but the germans aren't laughing for long something far far deadlier than bomb dogs is heading towards them at speed the russian winter a vast horde of treasure stolen and then hidden by the nazis gold silver jewelry religious artifacts a nest egg for nazi leaders when the war is over the plan is to retrieve the hall when things quieten down in the region the question is where did the nazis hide it finding nazi gold it's the holy grail of world war ii mysteries 1948 three years after the end of the war and a german man using a false name peter fleigh leads a team of divers exploring the bay of bastia off the northeastern coast of the island of corsica but this is no pleasure jaunt the man is a former member of the ss and according to reports in corsica there is a horde of nazi gold hidden somewhere among the rocks and caves claims he was involved in an extraordinary mission to hide nazi gold off the coast of corsica at the end of world war ii flag fails to find the gold but another search follows this time led by a former senior british naval pilot lieutenant commander john godley the third lord killbrecken a lot of people are going to a lot of effort it looks like there might be something to these rumors [Music] the searches fail to locate the gold but the rumors persist a vast store of stolen loot hidden beneath the waves off the coast of corsica but where did it come from and how did it get there as soon as they gained power the nazis demonstrate a lust for other people's money [Music] under national socialism the state is all-powerful and the people who run the state nazi party members use this power to get rich for anything to get done in business or in daily life one or more officials have to be bribed or else they simply help themselves by force hitler himself accumulates fast riches as do other senior nazis hermann goering oversees the systematic plundering of occupied europe the private property of jewish people in particular is taken without hesitation or compunction the limitless greed of the nazis sinks to complete depravity as they use pliers to remove gold teeth from jewish people after gassing them to death and in 1941 a new opportunity arises for the nazis to pillage on a vast scale when rommel invades north africa to rescue the italian army [Music] rommel was a nazi super soldier he was a great strategist and even better tactician he was well respected by both the axis and the allies rommel sweeps through northern africa pushing back the allies in tunisia and the deserts of libya and egypt his initial success in north africa earns him the nickname the desert fox [Music] and behind rommel's front line in charge of subduing the population are the ss by the mass-murdering rabid anti-semite ss colonel walter ralph when you think of evil sinister nazis from the movies ralph is like that but worse at the time there are jewish communities who have lived for centuries in morocco algeria and other north african countries as the nazis advanced through these territories ralph confiscates their property and rounds them up he designs a mobile gas chamber now this is a van in which the exhaust from the vehicle is piped back inside the log and it can hold up to 60 people at one time and as it drives along it simply gasses the occupants to death thousands of jews die during the axis occupation of tunisia and ralph sends thousands more to forced labor camps [Music] as ralph's murderous caravan proceeds he accumulates a vast horde of treasure [Music] the teams were looting the families of anything valuable gold silver jewelry religious artifacts in one small community alone they took 43 kilos of valuables they quickly amassed a fortune but the nazi looting stops when rommel's desert campaign runs into trouble despite his genius as a commander rommel is outclassed by britain's field marshal montgomery who takes command of britain's desert rats in 1942 [Music] rommel thinks he's got the british trapped but he's in for a nasty surprise because montgomery manages to rally his desert rats and smashes the africa court montgomery predicts rommel's every move he is helped by british intelligence and also the fact that rommel has foolishly written a book describing his approach to military tactics which his enemies have almost certainly read now it's the germans who are on the back foot rommel is forced to retreat into tunisia hounded all the way by montgomery's desert rats [Music] at the second battle of el alamein montgomery pulverizes ronald's panzer divisions with heavy artillery [Music] the desert fox is forced to flee north africa along with what remains of the africa corps and the nazi monster walter ralph but here the mystery starts of what happened to the nazi's vast horde of looted treasure according to one theory it is carried off by u-boat the story goes that rommel instructs a u-boat crew to wait for nightfall then seal the gold and other treasures in watertight ammunition boxes fearful of the war turning against them the treasure is to be taken to the east coast of corsica to be hidden in undersea caves insurance against an allied victory the plan is to retrieve the hall when things quieten down in the region but as the u-boat sails it's spotted by an american b-17 flying fortress according to this version of events the gold-laden u-boat is sunk somewhere in the mediterranean but a different story emerges after the war following the confession of a member of the ss walter kiernan was incarcerated in the former nazi concentration camp at dachau which was used by the americans as a special prison for former ss officers and war criminals nazi officers are now imprisoned in their own camps but under infinitely better conditions now allied intelligence agencies set to work kerner is interrogated by the french secret service the cia and mi6 kierna is said to have informed the allied intelligence officers that fellow inmates of dachau had told him the story of how six steel boxes of treasure had been hidden kiana says it was ralph not rommel who ordered the treasure to be buried in corsica until it was safe to return it to germany however since an allied invasion of corsica became more and more likely ralph ordered the treasure to be hidden offshore at the end of the war the nazi butcher walter ralph escapes to chile he cannot leave for fear of being arrested for his crimes but shortly after the war a team of divers led by the former ss soldier peter fleigh mount the first of several attempts to find the nazi gold in another rumored attempt a diver is found dead killed it seems by his own harpoon the local talk is that the mafia are behind it [Music] it appears someone does not want the gold to be found rumor has it that the mafia didn't like outsiders looking for their goal the death of the diver is thought to have been a warning and the truth behind the mysterious nazi gold remains as elusive as ever until a british writer makes what could be a major breakthrough [Music] the story comes back to life when a british investigator terry hodgkinson unearths a photograph of a 20 year old avolta kiana with his parents it is now thought that kierna is one and the same person as peter flying the former ss man who leads the first dive team and on the back of this photograph hodgkinson notices writing scrawled on the back of the photo in fading blue ink is what looks like a code we already know that kerner mixed with men who may have known the treasures location the hope is that the code contains grid references or coordinates as to the exact location of the treasure but the code remains uncracked and the treasure remains hidden there is no doubt that the nazis in north africa expropriated vast quantities of wealth from their innocent victims what happened to it remains a mystery [Music] suspicious rings etched onto the earth spotted by british pilots [Music] mi5 took a huge interest in what we would now call crop circles who or what has created them everyone's a suspect could these be marker signals for luftwaffe bombers what would have been their main targets munitions factories and airfields or are the crop circles communications of a different kind recently declassified documents reveal an official investigation during world war ii into the appearance of crop circles [Music] crop circles are mysterious patterns found in farmers fields some people think they're evidence of ufo landings most people nowadays think they're just man-made hoaxes but back in world war ii no one was hoaxing anyone no one had ever heard of aliens and the term ufo hadn't been coined and yet here they were giant circles carved into fields of crops captured from above by raf spotter planes all these reports were seriously investigated by mi5 nowadays we would probably call them ufo reports but in 1940 british intelligence agencies are not worried about visitors from another planet they know that germans are preparing to invade britain any invasion will involve surgical airstrikes on key targets that means bomber crews will need recognizable landmarks to help them navigate when the luftwaffe bombed poland there were nazi spies on the ground to guide the planes to their targets the result was devastating so what kind of signals could a potential spy on the ground give to a luffa bomber well at night they could light fires use torches and a day they could lay out linen or fabric on the ground or they could make marks in fields like crop circles britain is well aware of the methods being used by nazi agents and saboteurs at work in europe [Music] they're part of an interconnected web of spies who've been trained to help the german war machine they have a name they're called the fifth column the term fifth column dates back to the spanish civil war a general would attack a town with four columns of soldiers and he'd have a fifth column hiding inside the town the fifth column was made up of secret agents and sympathizers acting as saboteurs and in 1940 the existence of the fifth column operating in britain was one of winston churchill's major concerns munitions factories are the pulsating heart of the british war effort if the fifth column gets to britain and successfully guides luftwaffe planes to these factories churchill might as well wave a big white flag because no planes means no defense within months of the outbreak of war the government launches a campaign to warn the british public everyone must be vigilant against fifth columnists spies and saboteurs within our ranks out to help the germans the british press have reached fever pitch where is the fifth column have the web of spies reached britain then disturbing reports start coming in from raf pilots strange markings have been noticed in various fields a pilot flying above south wales reports seeing a gigantic marking near glasgow the pattern showed what looked to be the letter g in a field of crops intelligence agents are sent in to investigate mia 5 found that the tale of the g pointed directly to a munitions factory the g could easily be a marker for enemy pilots mi5 admit the fifth column could be active in britain a second symbol is spotted near an raf radio station in kent raf aerial reconnaissance find a clear white circle with the word marden spelt out in the middle of it who or what made this crop circle then aluminium discs are found laid out in a rough circle on the ground near an aircraft factory in southampton [Music] as well as the large signs mi5 also received reports of weirdly shaped graffiti found in different parts of the country [Music] some of these symbols look like nazi swastikas others feature the outline of the east coast of england there were marks on telegraph poles there were maps and charts being found under stones and being washed up on the thames they all seem to point towards some fifth column activity mi5 is officially on red alert british intelligence launches a manhunt but fifth columnists are hand-picked for their ability to blend in with the general population people were paranoid everyone's a suspect the government even brought in new laws to detain anyone without trial for threatening the safety of the rebels in an attempt to catch the spies before they do any damage british intelligence decides to deploy their ultimate weapon eric roberts eric roberts was just 17 working as a junior bank clerk when he was recruited to mi5 by the spymaster maxwell knight on whom the james bond character m was based what made robert so special was that he was so normal nobody would suspect him when the war starts roberts is instructed by mi5 to befriend those sympathetic to oswald mosley's black shirts eric roberts masqueraded as a supposed gestapo agent called jack king and he was steadily fed information from nazi sympathizers in britain throughout the war these closet nazis think roberts is sending their information back to berlin but in fact he is passing it to m the mi5 spymaster maxwell knight but none of this information uncovers anything about the mysterious markings found up and down britain what's more declassified files reveal that some of these symbols are not as sinister as first thought the strange symbols on walls and gate posts are in fact believed to be secret messages left by tramps and travelers for others who follow in their footsteps during the great depression tramps and hobos would travel america looking for food work and shelter to help each other they left coded messages on telegraph polls indicating where to go and where to avoid these so-called hobo codes caught on among british traps in the late 1930s mi5 investigations also revealed that the g-shaped crop circle in glasgoid has a perfectly innocent explanation this was not the work of a fifth column this was simply a farmer who had some surplus barley and sewed it in a field creating a random pattern [Music] as for the modern crop circle in kent mi5 discovered that it is in fact a relic of the site's history as an airfield it had a circle of stones around the word martin to identify it to pilots when they decommissioned the airfield in 1935 the crops grew up around these stones to leave a natural crop mark which spelled out the name a lot of these crop circles were investigated and it was found that there were perfectly innocent explanations so crop circles were not the work of fifth columnists in britain mi5 believe hitler's attempt to create a fifth column in britain was an unmitigated disaster [Music] ultimately it was the raf that kept the luftwaffe at bay hitler's grand plan to invade britain came to nothing thanks in large part to the brave pilots who flew in the battle of britain [Music] a sinister advert appears in a new york magazine bombs are dropping yet people are laughing then within days comes the pearl harbor attack after pearl harbor these adverts took on a more sinister hue was the advert a coded warning they didn't see what was happening right under their very noses the fbi has no choice it has to investigate [Music] on november the 22nd 1941 the new yorker runs a strange advertisement this advert says the words and it has a couple of dice on it with unusual numbers it urges readers to turn to page 86 here there is a second advertisement for a dice game called the deadly double at the bottom is a double-headed eagle that looks ominously germanic the united states is not yet at war however german u-boats are sinking u.s ships the advertisement it's really bad taste it's an advertisement for a family board game and yet the body of the ad depicts an air raid blitz and a group of people in an underground bunker playing the deadly double this image is weird it shows an air raid shelter with bombs dropping yet people are laughing laughing is the last thing you'd be doing the advert goes unnoticed by the authorities then 16 days later america suffers the worst military surprise attack in its history december the 7th 1941 hundreds of japanese fighter bomber and torpedo planes hit the american pacific fleet stationed at pearl harbor in hawaii there is no warning no declaration of war within two hours the japanese destroy 19 american warships and kill two and a half thousand servicemen and women pearl harbor wrecks everything it completely messes with the american psyche until now america stayed out of world war ii but now the american public wants revenge i ask that the congress declare a state of war between the united states and the japanese empire [Applause] the bombing of pearl harbor is brilliantly executed the japanese know exactly when and where to attack it looks like they had inside information attention turns to the strange deadly double advertisement when they were published no one thought anything of these adverts but after pearl harbor they took on a more sinister hue so many details in the ad raised suspicion the date the germanic symbols the air red shelter some people thought that it was simply too much of a coincidence were the deadly double ads warning japanese agents in the us of an impending attack radio communications are susceptible to interception in 1941 undercover agents in foreign countries have to be alerted and activated by other means the story goes that readers of the new yorker bombarded fbi phone lines with anxious calls about the deadly double ads why would anyone invent a game to be played underground in a blitz some people believe that this warned enemy agents to take cover from the upcoming raid the suspicious ad creates sudden fear of agents and double agents in america [Music] the location of the air shelter in the ad isn't clear this shelter could be in hawaii fbi crypto analysts get to work on the contents of the adverts the first ad shows two dice with the numbers 12 and 7 24 5 and 0. one face also bears the roman numeral for 20. double x [Music] the numbers ring alarm bells in the fbi they deduce that the 7 and the 12 on the two dies could be a cryptic reference to the date of the attack 7 12 on the 7th of december the figures 5 and 0 could have represented the planned time for the attack and the roman numeral for 20 could represent the latitude for pearl harbor even the name the deadly double could be alluding to the axis powers germany and japan the fbi moved to find out who placed the ad what's curious is the fbi speaks to the new yorker magazine they find out that they don't know who this guy is they give a description of him but he was completely anonymous [Music] the fbi agents are looking for clues in new york but they should be looking in hawaii since the us was not at war with japan prior to the attack personnel connected with the japanese consulate were free to enjoy the sights and pleasures of the islands one of them was takio yashikawa a graduate of the imperial japanese naval academy who instead of becoming a naval pilot joins the japanese naval intelligence in hawaii yoshikawa poses as an embassy official he grows his hair longer to look more like a civilian this means that he can mingle with the japanese population who are living in hawaii at that time takeo yoshikawa attracts little attention at night he behaves like other japanese young men in hawaii he visits tea houses and japanese clubs enjoying the company of geisha girls [Music] by day yoshikawa behaves like a tourist he travels the islands buying postcards and tourist trinkets no one suspects this young japanese man with a camera around his neck yoshikawa travels to a key military location in hawaii charting the movements of u.s warships he hires small airplanes to fly close to military installations for aerial shots and he charters glass-bottomed pleasure cruise boats to survey anchorage and other details of pearl harbor yoshikawa sends his detailed notes of u.s military movements to the consulate in honolulu which then informs tokyo via coded telegraph messages but yoshikawa is not the only axis agent working in hawaii german spy bernard julius otto kuhn had been sent to hawaii in 1935 by joseph goebbels he posed with his wife as wealthy socialites hosting lavish parties to which they invited senior american military personnel he owns two homes he has plenty of cash but oddly he has no job kuhn transmits information to his japanese counterparts via an elaborate signaling method which involves leaving various lights on at night and hanging different objects out to dry at different times [Music] kuhn is like a spy straight out of a hollywood movie of the time he looks shifty he's got lots of money and he's got his secret messaging system instructions for the axis agents come from japan on september 24th 1941 just over two months before the pearl harbor attack officials in tokyo sent a secret message to its consulate in hawaii the japanese military requests information about the positions of various u.s ships around hawaii and this message is now known as the bomb plot incredibly the coded message is intercepted and deciphered by american agents 15 days after it is sent but u.s spy agencies failed to spot the danger frankly they took their eye off the ball they were so wrapped up in other things they didn't see what was happening right under their very noses on the same day pearl harbor is attacked american police raid the japanese consulate in hawaii in front of their eyes they see consulate officials openly burning documentation the consulate staff were all arrested that same morning yoshikawa is later interrogated in phoenix but he denies being a spy claiming that he was merely taking tourist excursions around the hawaiian the story is clearly nonsense and yet yoshikawa escapes execution he is repatriated to japan in a diplomatic prisoner exchange in august 1942 but his german counterpart koen does not escape justice so easily the day after the attack the fbi finds a report of u.s fleet movements at the japanese consulate which kuan has supplied he is immediately arrested he is found guilty of spying and sentenced to be shot by musketry in honolulu this is downgraded to 50 years of hard labor and he is later deported could cohen and yoshikawa be the deadly double in the cryptic advertisement fbi investigators tracked down the man who placed the mysterious deadly double adverts the man is named roger craig and he is the inventor of the game there is no evidence of craig being involved with foreign intelligence agencies the fbi is forced to conclude that the ad was a weird coincidence in the end the fbi are forced to drop the case due to a lack of firm evidence the deadly double game may well have been a coincidence but frankly had the americans been paying more attention to what was going on hawaii then they might have averted the most devastating attack on pearl harbor [Music] you
Channel: War Stories
Views: 20,890
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: military history, war, war documentary, military tactics, war stories, history of war, battles, nazi gold, hunt for nazi gold, gold ww2, full length documentaries 2021, history documentary, hitler, ww2, wwii, world war 2, ww2 mysteries solved, world war 2 mysteries, top 10 ww2 mysteries, world war weird episodes, world war weird, weird history world war 2
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 42sec (2862 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 25 2021
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