The Nazi Double Agent Who Hated Hitler | World War Weird | War Stories

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the magicians who used their magic to beat the nazis the spy who hates me the german james bond who double-crossed hitler multiple sightings of ufos over wartime canada and the pearl harbor conspiracy how much did churchill know conflict on a scale never seen before or since a new kind of war this is war at its weirdest bizarre experimental weapons mysterious events conspiracies and cover-ups when governments destroy files you can't help but wonder why unexplained phenomena the raf doesn't have an explanation for the crew's report when a world goes to war with itself things get weird now you see it now you don't out of thin air british lorries suddenly become british tanks no one has a clue what's going on what happened when the british army sent magicians to fight hitler it seems impossible but the accounts are covered in numerous history books the biggest magic spell in history [Applause] and a devastating blow to the nazis the british are pioneers of the art of illusion in the early decades of the 20th century no musical variety show is complete without one or more magic acts world famous artists like harry houdini invent and perfect techniques for conning large audiences objects and people are made to vanish to levitate to appear from nowhere to transform into something else completely it sounds crazy but when war was declared against germany the british high command recruited magicians to fight the nazis including famous illusionist jasper maskelin their mission to use their magic to make whole armies disappear [Music] the art of camouflage and other tricks of deception were pioneered in world war one dummy heads made of plaster were used in the trenches to tempt and expose enemy snipers but deception was to be taken to a new level in world war ii british magicians are recruited into allied camouflage units and teamed up with artists carpenters painters and set builders to create the biggest magic tricks ever performed the magicians are no longer pulling rabbits out of hats they must turn jeeps into tanks tanks into trucks and make whole armies appear and disappear britain's illusionist unit the camouflage directorate is led by film director jeffrey barkus and it's in north africa against the german forces of the desert fox erwin rommel that they perform the greatest magic trick in history [Music] june 1942 rommel's panzer regiments are blazing across the desert plains of libya the allies are in real trouble rommel is driving through north africa and he's heading towards cairo [Music] churchill knows that if he loses north africa he could lose the war rommel must be stopped [Music] he turns to his greatest general field marshal montgomery known as monty to his men but rommel is expecting an attack and he is a master of desert warfare his africa corps is camped in the flat empty desert around el alamein they can see for miles around there is no chance of a surprise attack monty needs a miracle or a bit of magic to perform it he turns to the magicians in the camouflage directorate barker's unit was responsible for deception on a fantastically ambitious scale montgomery was convinced that there was a role for movie magic in warfare so he challenged barcus to turn the libyan desert into the world's largest stage set and put on a performance for the german spies monty's problem is how to get to the enemy camp without being noticed put simply monty wants barkus to find a way to get his army into position on the northern front without tipping off the germans if it works it will alter the course of the war all they have to do is move tanks and artillery within range of the german front across a flat open desert without the germans noticing the deception unit decides to perform a classic trick used by illusionists you repeatedly show the audience one thing then when they're bored of looking you switch it for something else but it'll be tough because the germans are watching like hawks the allies only have two realistic options a railway line to the north and a desert road to the south but rommel is watching every move they make the trick begins with what magicians call the convincer the germans are looking for tanks they're not concerned with a bunch of abandoned trucks by the side of the road close to their camp the germans spot a large number of abandoned broken down trucks now it's time for what magicians call the inspection the germans check out the trucks there's nothing unusual these are real trucks day after day the trucks sit there but then under the cover of darkness and over the course of two nights one by one the real trucks are removed from the road here's where those trucks abandoned by the northern railway line come in they were planted there weeks earlier for just this purpose they are replaced with tanks disguised to look exactly like the trucks barcus and his team designed these ingenious canvas covers called sun shields for tanks and guns so that from the air axis aerial reconnaissance they look like supply trucks these sun shields they hide artillery tanks they're just like a modern-day trojan horse it's what magicians call the switch [Applause] the germans believe monty's tanks still visible by spotter aircraft are far to the north but these are in fact trucks tanks that look like trucks and canvas sheets that look like tanks the stage was set operation bertram the biggest magic trick in history has begun now it's time for stage two german intelligence reports activity on the southern road they note the presence of tanks guns and even a water pipe being built to it they become convinced that if a counter-attack is going to come it'll be on the south road but the magicians are about to employ two classic tricks known as flashing and misdirection show the audience what they're not supposed to see then redirect their attention monty's magicians have moved up three and a half field regiments of dummy artillery but the germans can tell their dummies designed to distract them from an attack which will they assume come from elsewhere once again under cover of night the dummy artillery is gradually replaced with real artillery made to look like bad dummy artillery when the sun comes up on october the 23rd everything looks the same so the germans wake up to find that nothing has changed the only road to the north is essentially still a british lorry park german lookouts can see for miles but there's nothing but broken lorries and badly camouflaged dummy artillery the germans are totally oblivious to the fact that monty has moved an attack force and is ready to go when monty gives the signal it's like a magician pulling back the veil they'd been there all the time they'd literally been parked on the front line right under the germans noses the germans are amazed as the canvas covers are flung open and scores of tank turrets turn to face them at the same time three and a half regiments of unconvincing dummy guns opened fire on rommel's unsuspecting army the germans are utterly stunned just how did the hundred tanks appear out of thin air the german army is thrown into total confusion the biggest magic trick in history is a devastating success it's shocking half a million shells rain down on the bewildered german army their forces are in total disarray as british tanks that have appeared out of thin air roar across the open desert in the ensuing chaos 25 000 german and italian troops are killed or injured the master tactician irwin rommel has failed and the german army is forced into a humiliating retreat eventually to abandon africa altogether ignoring hitler's demands that they stay and fight to the death the allies have trounced the desert fox [Music] and they've done it with smoke and mirrors when in the british parliament winston churchill announces victory in the battle of el alamein he makes special mention of operation bertrand and the masters of illusion who outfoxed the fox operation bertram was a piece of military magic after the disaster at dunkirk it was a much needed success for the british masculine wrote in his memoirs the focus of my whole attention is to mobilize the world of magic against hitler coming up the greatest double agent in history the master spy who duped hitler this was a very dangerous game if canaris was found out the best he could hope for was a swift execution in front of a firing squad but as a double agent he can expect much worse from the gestapo world war ii germans super intelligent ruthless technically advanced and mega efficient you would have thought the germans would have made great spies all across occupied europe german agents were completely outwitted by the allied resistance and they weren't much better behind enemy lines the story of why german spies were so rubbish is one of the strangest stories of world war ii they were hopeless september 1940 in the small hours of the morning a german heinkel seaplane touches down off the coast of scotland three german spies climb out of the plane two men and one stunningly beautiful woman they climb into a boat and make for sure once on land they split up but their spying mission is over before it even begins the spies have thick german accents and when the police look inside their bags they find german radio sets code books and pistols it's as if they're a comedy spy troop [Music] the spies are arrested the woman becomes a prisoner of mi5 and the men are later hanged at wandsworth prison this is far from the only bungled german covert operation another german spy is arrested in scotland cycling on the wrong side of the road with a big german sausage sticking out of his rucksack why were german espionage operations so comically bad the weird answer lies with the german secret service when hitler comes to power the country already has a secret intelligence organization it was called the advair and was germany's equivalent to britain's mi6 or the american oss germany's spymaster is wilhelm canaris a former naval intelligence officer canaris who was awarded the rank of admiral is regarded even by his enemies as one of the greatest spies of his generation brilliant and devious he is known by senior nazis as the fox but like all good spies canaris has a secret ever since kenara's witnessed the first wave of nazi atrocities against jews and others in poland he developed an abiding hatred of the nazis in one of the most daring intelligence operations in history canaris decides to use germany's own secret service to double cross the nazi this was a very dangerous game if canaris was found out the best he could hope for was a swift execution in front of a foreign squad but as a double agent he can expect much worse from the gestapo he knew from experience that the nazis had much nastier ways of making you pay for betraying them first canaris has to persuade hitler to trust and rely on germany's secret service so obvious spies have to show their effectiveness among many successful abvia missions canaris's spies are sent to ireland to persuade the irish republican army or ira to attack british munition factories when in 1940 the ira blows up an arms factory in waltham abbey hitler is delighted but all the while canaris is appointing secret anti-nazis to key positions in the advent his deputy who runs day-to-day operations the head of the obvious section zed is major general hans oster [Music] as far as hitler is concerned he is another brilliant nazi master spy in fact oster is secretly a guiding figure in germany's resistance movement helping jews to escape the nazis these senior german spies begin playing a complicated game of double bluff to undermine the nazis and help the allies germany's secret service now set out to undermine the very regime they were supposed to support to spy on britain the obvious and fanatical hitler supporters who have little training in espionage and poor language skills the abvian knows that the british will capture them when these spies arrived in britain with their foreign accents carrying incriminating materials transmitters things like that it was clearly a real risk they were going to be caught quickly and tried and hanged by the british authorities when it comes to spying on the us canaris uses the same trick canaris launched operation pastorius now as far as hitler was concerned the aim of pastorius was to send a legion of german spies to america in order to sabotage the war effort eager to prove that the united states is vulnerable despite its distance from europe hitler's plan is sabotage among the targets a new york's water supply the ohio railroad and jewish-owned department stores eight men are picked for the operation and enrolled in a crash course in sabotage with training in munitions grenades guns and jiu-jitsu the agents are ready for their mission armed with phony identities and 100 000 the men split and dispersed to various american cities but on arriving one of canaris's agents heads straight to the american secret service and exposes the whole operation within weeks of arriving in america almost all the nazi agents were arrested by the fbi but canaris isn't done yet before the war he had contact with churchill whom he greatly admires once the wall starts he sends an abv agent to switzerland to establish lines of communication with alan dulles an american spy who would later become head of the cia they came up with a set of protocols that enabled the advair to feed information to the american secret service canaris is even thought to have personally met with sea the head of british intelligence at a safe house in algiers little does hitler know it but key members of his own secret service are now working directly with the allies the abvia is both leaking information to the allies and feeding false information to the nazi high command this becomes critical when hitler decides to conquer britain hitler's plan to invade britain is code-named operation sea lion all-out invasion is to take place imminently but canaris has other ideas first the german secret service provides churchill with details of hitler's plan of attack well in advance when the luftwaffe reach the skies over britain they are shocked to discover the raf waiting for [Music] but that's not all canaris's spies deliberately provide false information to hitler and his generals the avia informs hitler that britain's south coast is heavily defended by 40 divisions of troops in reality they know that britain is vulnerable to attack with just 16 divisions available it's this obvious lie that stops hitler attempting a land invasion meanwhile germany's secret service is keeping close tabs on all senior nazis but there is one nazi they're especially interested in ss obergruppenfuhrer reinhard heydrich is head of the gestapo the nazis feared secret police rynard heydrich was a general in the ss and the ultimate head of the gestapo he mistrusted the ab there so much that he once had a special ss burglary unit to break into their offices and rifle through their files but canaris's spies are good they believe that heydrich one of hitler's main henchmen is part jewish this is something the head of the gestapo does not want hitler to find out about canaris meanwhile is careful to stay close to the fuhrer canaris was a canny operator he was very careful to maintain good personal relations with hitler and his adverse buys could easily outwit the officers of the ss [Music] but the british secret service doesn't want to take chances with heydrich they value germany's double dealing spies the gestapo boss cannot be allowed to expose them what follows is one of the most extraordinary operations of the war it seems the british intelligence service with the help of the czech resistance decides to assassinate the head of the gestapo in order to protect hitler's secret service the ab-air agent in czechoslovakia was paul tummle who was a senior german spy who was working very closely both with the czech resistance and with the british special operations executive in may 1942 as hydric is being driven via prague to a meeting with hitler his open-top mercedes-benz is ambushed heydrich survives the attack but is badly wounded and a week later he dies but now things start going wrong for canaris the german secret service has already lent its support to more than one assassination attempt on hitler but without success now kanaris's luck runs out heydrich had confided his doubts about the ab fair to heinrich himmler who along with other senior nazis had grown very suspicious of their own secret service after another failed assassination attempt on hitler the infamous july 20 plot the gestapo moves in canaris is arrested the nazis abolished the ab there and they arrested canaris for being a traitor they sent him to flossenberg concentration camp and it was there on april the 9th 1945 just 21 days before hitler shot himself in the bunker that they hanged him one of the greatest spies of his generation has finally been caught but the damage is already done canaris was one of the great unsung heroes of the war it's a resistant story that is rarely told of how the double agents of germany's secret service use their extraordinary cunning risked and sacrificed their lives to destroy the nazis panic in north america as unidentified flying objects pass overhead the eyewitnesses don't know what these things are whole cities suddenly plunged into darkness but when the dust settles there's no sign of enemy aircraft or indeed of anything else a bizarre ufo mystery that continues to this day valentine's day sunday february the 14th 1915. brockville a small manufacturing town on canada's st lawrence river worshipers are returning home from evening service young couples are out promenading suddenly three large strange objects are seen flying overhead the crowd looks on first in amazement and then terror as the objects throw down shafts and balls of light according to some reports the town's streets have been lit up by searchlights from these objects fireballs have been dropped and the entire place is in the state of panic with the town in alarm brockville's mayor donaldson makes an urgent direct call to canada's prime minister sir robert borden [Music] whatever these three flying objects are they are headed in the direction of ottawa the capital city the prime minister calls out the dominion police and the canadian military the capitals police commissioner orders an immediate blackout of government buildings further reports come in of sightings farmers claim to have spotted unexplained flying craft close to the capital and if that doesn't scream ufo then what does these are not the only sightings guards on the canadian side of niagara falls report seeing mysterious red green and yellow lights shining in different combinations from the american side people are seriously on edge in the capital news spreads of the approaching objects militia marksmen take up positions at strategic points around parliament hill and key locations in ottawa are plunged into darkness the capital holds its breath waiting for the strange craft to arrive but they failed to appear the following night otter is blacked out but again there are no sightings and no attacks but the ufo sightings keep coming between 1914 and 1916 there are numerous reports of phantom craft flying above quebec and ontario provinces no one can explain them but there is speculation could these flying crafts somehow be connected with the terrible war in europe the first world war is six months old as part of the british empire canada has automatically joined the war effort it's one of the quirks of empire that despite being over 4 000 miles away the canadians become involved canada is formally at war with germany is it possible that germany is attacking them with some novel weapon advancements in aeronautical engineering have been so rapid in the first years of the century canadians aren't sure what the enemy is capable of england is experiencing the first ever zeppelin air raids for the people of london it is terrifying giant floating ships raining bombs from the skies it's a new kind of weapon in a new type of war apparently kaiser wilhelm initially did not want london to be bombed his very very close ties to the british royal family meant that he was extremely reluctant to be seen as having destroyed britain's cultural heritage for the kaiser canada is an enemy and a legitimate target but could the lights in the sky really be a german airship or some such weapon it will be another four years before the first successful airplane flight across the atlantic more than 10 years before the graf zeppelin makes its famous transatlantic crossing during the entire course of the first world war not one german aircraft is recorded as having flown over canada the germans don't have the aeronautical technology in world war one to fly from europe to canada so these mysterious objects simply can't have been the kaiser's aircraft but what if the kaiser had sent these strange craft not from germany but from neutral america suspicion turns to germans living south of the border in the usa at this stage of the first world war canada's immediate neighbor to the south the united states has not even entered into the conflict and rumors are rife that these alleged attacks are the work of german americans at the time 10 million german americans are living in the u.s canadians fear that many german americans will feel allegiance to the kaiser in america as the war intensifies anti-german feeling grows german sounding streets foods schools businesses and even cities are being renamed tensions run so high that some civilians with german ancestry are assaulted and even hanged by vigilantes there is talk in canada of german espionage fear spreads that enemy bombing raids will be launched on canada using airships taking off from american soil shots are fired at an american plane crossing the border one wild accusation suggests there's a secret german army 80 000 strong just ready to invade canada but the fears are groundless the kaiser's war is not popular among ordinary germans it later transpires that much of the anti-german fear-mongering is the result of slanderous british propaganda this is all rubbish the british consul general in new york sir courtney bennett is eventually found to have been the one starting all these anti-german smears but what then with the weird craft in the sky that caused terror on valentine night according to another theory they're the work of the french to many french canadians the war in europe feels like a british war army recruitment officers across canada are packed but the volunteers are almost all british canadians many english canadians hadn't long arrived in canada and they were desperate to fight for their king controversially of the 33 000 canadian soldiers who did sign up only three percent were french canadians as the war rages tensions grow between english and french canadians the english language press condemns french canadians as cowards in defense of the french canadians most of them had never set foot in europe before and they didn't want to be ordered around in a language they didn't even understand in response to the controversy canadian prime minister robert borden brings in a new law to conscript canadians into the army but canadians french and english alike angrily defy the law out of 400 000 men conscripted only twenty thousand turn up many french canadians head for the hills men were avoiding conscription by any means often hiding out in the wilderness of canada in lumber camps the french canadian message was clear this was not their war hiding away in the woods evading conscription the french canadians clearly had neither the resources nor motivation to build strange flying machines to attack their english countrymen throughout the first world war there were loads of sightings of strange objects in the skies today we'd simply call them ufos and it didn't end with world war one 25th of february 1942. in the early hours of the 25th american radar operators detect an unidentified object just 120 miles west of la anti-aircraft batteries are put on alert the object is tracked to within a few miles of the coast suddenly airaid sirens wail out all over los angeles japanese aircraft have been spotted over the city an attack seems imminent thousands of air raid wardens are ordered to their positions two million lives are at stake the city is plunged into darkness los angeles for the only time in its history is completely blacked out the first shots have fired into the sky but what nobody really knows for sure at 3 16 am the coastal artillery brigade start firing 50 caliber machine guns and anti-aircraft rounds into the sky for the next hour the skies above la are lit up by the time the all-clear sounds at 4 14 am 1400 rounds of ammunition have been discharged into the sky but at what no planes have been downed no airships or other aircraft grounded the only damage to the city has been caused by shell fragments landing on the buildings as the dust settles the secretary of the navy announces that it was all a false alarm and just the result of war nerves angelinos are in shock conflicting opinions between the army and the navy on what happened do nothing to calm the public down then the los angeles times publishes one of the most iconic and controversial images of the entire war and you can certainly see why spotlights are seen honing in on a strange-shaped object shells burst all around it ufo ologists insist it is evidence of an alien craft if there was nothing in the sky what are all the spotlights and gunfire aiming at decades apart both the sightings in brockville and the famous siege of la remain a mystery the truth behind brockville is that it may well have been just some pranksters with some balloons and fireworks looking to provoke panic in a very jittery canadian population but to this day there is still no satisfactory explanation for the three flying objects which were seen throwing down balls of light and moving across the sky on valentine's night in 1915. one thing is certain war does very funny things to people's imaginations and we may never know what was in those war times guys it's a mystery coming up the great pearl harbor cover-up a shocking accusation if true it will rewrite history the man sitting on the secret is none other than wartime hero winston churchill british agents sent undercover to infiltrate american society and also involved are the children's writer roald dahl and the james bond creator ian fleming what lies did the british tell to bring america into the war june 1940 france falls to the nazis the future is looking bleak hitler's war machine is gearing up to invade britain planning for operation sea lion has begun [Music] britain is fighting on her own she faces the combined might of the axis powers germany japan and italy the only hope for britain and for freedom is america the problem churchill has is that the usa does not want to get involved in another european war there are a third of a million american casualties in the first world war a senseless conflict between old imperial powers here is another crazy war which has nothing to do with them another war not for me this time america should keep out and i know i will but they have a democratic president who seems itching for a fight but you also have the isolationists and they're very worried that president roosevelt's policies are making it increasingly likely that america is going to be dragged into another costly european war after the horrors of the civil war and the great war most americans just want peace among them are six million german americans to win support for the third term in office roosevelt makes a pledge he's quoted as saying i've said it before and i shall say it again and again your boys are not going to be sent into any foreign wars it's a disaster for britain but churchill sets out to change america's mind recently declassified files show just how far the british prime minister is prepared to go to pull america into the war in may 1940 he authorizes a covert operation to be carried out by a british spy ring the organization is called the british security coordination or the bsc for sure it's led by canadian spy master william stevenson who has a vast network of agents and also involved are the children's writer roald dahl and the james bond creator ian fleming [Music] their mission is to infiltrate american society at the highest level sabotage propaganda and political subversion will all be used to force america to go to war the bsc's activities were kept secret because if news of them got out it would clearly damage the relationship between britain and the united states but the bsc files also show that roosevelt knew that this was going on the agents launch a covert propaganda campaign americans who oppose the war find themselves accused as nazi sympathizers american companies deemed to be working against british interest come under attack meanwhile roald dahl had infiltrated the upper echelons of american society he was a regular guest at the white house and he'd made important contacts with american publishers by 1941 roosevelt and his hawkish supporters are edging america ever closer towards war at this juncture the us is not officially at war with anyone however let's be real they're firing on german u-boats they're creating economic embargoes against japan and they're moving the might of their military to pearl harbor so you might say the handwriting's on the wall then japan's imperial forces hit pearl harbor two and a half thousand men and women are killed americans demand revenge when news of the attack reaches churchill he is said to be jubilant but some investigators believe the attack did not come as a surprise to churchill it's one of the great hot topics for american and british historians just how much do the allies know about the american pearl harbor attack in advance [Music] it's not just the british who are said to have known a wartime double agent called disco popov will later claim that he warned fbi chief jay edgar hoover of the pearl harbor attack four months before it took place the fbi subsequently denied receiving that warning and hoover denied ever even meeting pop off did the british and american establishments conspire to con the american people in 1991 two researchers james rusbridger and eric knave make a stunning accusation they claim that the british knew all about the impending japanese attack but were determined to keep this from the americans according to their theory the man sitting on the secret is none other than wartime hero winston churchill the accusation is extraordinary and yet it seems to come from an authoritative source raspberry is said to have been an eastern europe courier for british intelligence rosbridger a secret service operative and nave a naval cryptographer during the war [Music] nave may have had direct knowledge of america's attempts to break the japanese naval code jn25 jn25 was the japanese's very sophisticated highly coded messaging mechanism if the americans can only break jn 25 it will give them vital intelligence of the movements of the japanese fleet the united states had spent a number of years trying to decode it and while they were making slow but relatively sure progress in the run-up to pearl harbor the japanese were tweaking it and that effectively rendered all the effort from the united states basically useless it is alleged the americans turned to british code breakers for help but instead they are betrayed the allegations that some investigators retain to this day is that britain had in fact cracked jn 25 but they withheld it from the americans according to ruspeter and nave weeks before the pearl harbor attack british code breakers decipher a japanese military communication on opening hostilities with the united states but the british keep the information to themselves the crux of this conspiracy is that the crucial information is not passed to the americans on the 2nd of december 1941 just five days before the attack on pearl harbor the british are alleged to have intercepted another crucial coded message from the japanese admiral isiroku yamamoto it states climb mount nitaka 1208. some people believe this could be the code to commence the attack so 12 would stand for the month and eight would stand for the day in tokyo which given the time difference would be the seventh in hawaii there were no japanese naval fleets advancing on singapore or the philippines hawaii was the only other logical destination this is the information that could have stopped pearl harbor from being a surprise attack [Music] if the british did deduce that the japanese fleet was heading for pearl harbor they could have saved thousands of lives by passing this onto the americans winston churchill stands accused of having sacrificed innocent american lives to bring the us into the war it's almost sacrilege to suggest that churchill would not tell roosevelt of a pending attack but with a plethora of files that remain classified or have gone missing one cannot help but be suspicious but not everyone believes that churchill knew it has been argued that british code breakers had not cracked enough of the jn25 cipher to read japanese naval communications the japanese too have denied sending any messages while enroute to pearl harbor [Music] although mainstream historians have rejected the allegation that churchill knew that this attack was going to happen there's no doubt that america was aware that some attack at some point was a possibility in 2011 a typewritten american naval intelligence memo is discovered buried in a declassified file dated the 4th of december 1941 the memo states that hawaii is one of three targets identified by japan in anticipation of possible open conflict [Music] the rumor is that roosevelt had warning a full three days before the attack on pearl harbor and yet did absolutely nothing about it the document gives no specific details but it is a clear warning of a likely attack if roosevelt and his advisers had indications that an attack was a possibility why did this attack come as such a surprise roosevelt was in secret communication with churchill he wanted to help the british but he had vowed to keep america out of the war only a direct attack on america would allow him to go back on that pledge only an openly aggressive act would give him the get out that he needed pearl harbor did exactly that on balance most historians believe the americans knew an attack was imminent they just didn't know where or when roosevelt however never anticipated the magnitude that this attack would have [Music] you
Channel: War Stories
Views: 47,890
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Keywords: military history, war, war documentary, military tactics, war stories, history of war, battles, abwehr documentary, abwehr, abwehr ww2, wwii, world war ii, full length documentaries 2021, full length documentary youtube, double agent ww2, spy documentary, german spy agency, hitler, churchill ww2, nazi germany, world war two, simple history, world war 2, adolf hitler, history documentary, full documentary
Id: hdV57ESCu9Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 6sec (2826 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 16 2021
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