The Worst Vehicles of 2023

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they bought it brand new it's only got 177,000 miles on it and it started burning oil right around when it had 15,000 M on it now it didn't originally so that kind of tells you you know something is a miss here now Kia knows they have problems this one actually had a recall and they went through the BS process of Kia where they said no we're not going to replace the engine or fix it even though it's burning oil and you know how that goes with these companies they were even told by mechanics at the place that well unless you just drive till the engine blows up they'll put another engine and then but they're not going to fix it if it's burning oil and obviously it shows they're not making them correctly because the first 15,000 mies it didn't burn any oil now it is right obviously something's wearing up they're not going to admit to any of this stuff because you know they don't want to replace all these engines K had nothing but engine problems for decades they had those ones that were made in the United States where the engines were blowing up and they blamed it on a bad machine that didn't make the engines right and then metal was going inside and blowing them up these aren't particularly blowing up if you keep adding oil but they are burning oil now take my 94 Celica okay it burns half a quart of oil every 3,000 miles I change it then so I really don't care now why does it burn oil it burns oil cuz it's got 240,000 miles on it things are worn but really I mean that's a lot of miles this Baby's only got 177,000 now when it started burning oil when it had 15 ,000 now Kia says to their corporate baloney line well if it takes 1,000 miles or more to burn one qu of oil that's normal not going to do anything about it whatsoever now granted this car is only burning half a qu of oil about every th000 miles but still it's a brand new car practically 177,000 mil has started burning oil at 15,000 mi and here's the funny thing according to Kia you're only supposed to change the oil every every 7500 Mi he changes the oil and drives it it doesn't really burn any oil until gets about 4,000 Mi or so on it then it starts burning oil you're going against their wrong rules I just change the oil every 45,000 miles what's happening is as the oil gets older it gets degraded and it breaks down some and this is a very high-tech engine see it's got ignition coils on the top got a timing chain on it and it's not a particularly tiny engine it's a 2 L 4 cylinder engine that's definitely big enough it's not like one those crappy little one L three cylinder engines they all end up burning oil cuz they strain too much now if it's turbocharged you'd have all that extra air rammed in the engine which increases the pressure inside the combustion chamber which does wear them out and if you've ever owned a turbocharged car that got old you'll notice it probably starts burning oil as it ages especially when you rev it to the higher RPMs but this is a normally aspirated 4-cylinder 2 L engine it shouldn't have any problems burning oil at all they obviously do not make the things correctly now Just for kicks we'll pull out the spark plugs and look at them see what kind of shape they're in see how much oil it's actually burning but before I take out the spark plugs here here's the rest of the story so the owner tells me they did take it to the dealer and it was right at 7500 Mi for an oil change and the guy there was a nice mechanic he said well we won't change the oil now we'll let to do the oil test cuz they have a better chance of burn oil and they'll fix your engine so they seal the engine and they let them Drive 1,000 miles so he comes back after 1,000 miles right and the guy told him well you should check your Lev you don't blow up your engine so they did well when he came in they said well one your test is going to be invalid cuz you broke the seal on the oil dip stick now to me that's absurd because so what if you broke the seal on the oil dip that's just a checking the oil right he didn't empty any the out right well regardless the guy said it wouldn't even matter because it had burnt oil but in that th000 miles it'll only burn earned half a quart of oil and as I said earlier Kia says quart of oil every th000 mil or a quart of oil every 1,500 miles whatever is normal and they not going to fix it anyways and then the guy says well I'll change the oil for 60 bucks we're not going to give you another car and then we can perform the test again if you want but we got to keep the car overnight we're not going to give you a laner car so they thought and said okay now will you put this in writing for us guy says no I'm not going to put it in writing and that's something I warn people about always get it in writing I've had so many people I didn't a guy once I said the spark plugs have been changed on your car to hide something they're brand new and he just had the car service that the dealer that was the only guy who worked on it right but I looked at his bill and it was nothing about spark plugs on the bill they didn't want to fix some warranty work and a Bill said what he had done it was like a $900 bill but there wasn't a mention of spark plugs on it there are brand new spark plugs so I said well somebody didn't he said well I didn't and they're the only ones that worked on it so he goes back to him and he says well I noticed there's new sparkles in the car but it's not on the build and you know the baloney they gave him they said well sir uh we changed your spark plugs free as a service so we didn't put it on the bill what a line of baloney they just flat out lied to him so anytime you go in you got to get it and wrri it especially if it's a warranty thing I've had people over the years they'll have a noise they still got like 2,000 mil left on their original car warranty the engine's making a noise when they take it to the dealer have it written down customer complains of this noise and then they say we didn't find anything whatever just don't say oh well we didn't find anything here's your car B you don't get a receipt you got to get a receipt cuz then if the engine blows up after the warranty is over you got paperwork to say look I was making a noise they couldn't figure out what it was now the engine's gone you're going to fix my engine you got to get a paper trail with these people because they're bureaucrats they don't care but in this case they wouldn't have done anything anyways cuz it doesn't burn a quart or more of oil every th000 miles so we'll take out the spark pleas how bad it actually is oh we'll take one out look at it get the ignition coil off and we'll pull the spark plug out knock out the spark plug now you can see it's not outrageous it's got some spotty burning oil it's nothing outrageous but it is burning some oil but we're going to have to check them all see if any are worse than the others not only can you see the little spots on it but look oil shouldn't be oil on them check them all and here comes number two they got long threads on these things and it's hot cuz he drove all the way from Arkansas and you can see it's a little bit less and when I squeeze the top it's not particularly oily like the other one was meaning that the number one cylinder's more worn than the number two now here's number three it's still got this little spotty burning stuff but it's totally dry there's no oil at all on the edge so that's even better shape now we do the last one number four and we'll see what it looks like there oil on the front one and the back one obviously the ends of the engine are weing more than the middle which is typical on an old worn out engine because you've got all the lubrication and coolant that cools the middle of the engine best but the exterior parts of the engine the front and the back they're the ones that often suffer from some lack of lubrication some lack of cooling cuz they're on the edge just like if you remember the old Volkswagen Beetles with air cooled engines the number three cylinder would always burn out first because it had less air flow being an air cooled engine that cylinder didn't get off air and it was always the first one to burn up on a water cooled engine ERS that don't get as much cooling on the edge will generally wear faster than the ones in the middle and of course the dirtier the oil gets and it will start leaking and or burning it more as it gets dirty I mean maybe after this vehicle Kia will do something but for my experience they really don't give a rats behind about their customers but if you do want one of these like this take my advice change the O every 5,000 miles with full synthetic oil and maybe it won't burn any oil they tell you well you only need to change it to 7500 but it's normal that they're going to burn some oil while you're doing it the logic of these companies is just beyond me I got the plugs back in I'll put the stupid Beauty cover on I know doesn't make it look that beautiful I think it's a stupid idea but that's engineering for you other than the oil burning the wife are real happy with it cuz it gets 38 m a gallon the husband not so much cuz it's the first CVT has and he hates the way it slashes up and down because of course this doesn't have a launch gear like The Hondas and Toyotas do so they are kind of wonky when they're accelerating up and down we'll take it for a spin I'll show you get that key at least has a real key I like that give them Plus for that starts right up I mean it's only got 17,28 mil on it you can see it's not bad doesn't have the side pictures and stuff but I mean this is an economy car and I got to say a smooth doesn't shake at all and you're relatively high up in the air you can see pretty far but you can see it doesn't have the acceleration of bond Toyota with a launch gear it's a relatively responsive car when you're taking the corners you feel under control it's not as tight as other cars but it's not particularly sloppy either got a decent wheelbase that the corners quite well you don't feel insecure I mean the braks are really responsible all there stuff in the back fell forward when I slammed the brakes on they worked perfectly fine didn't slip either ABS Works take it to our little drag strip and see what it does here we go we're headed to the drag strip and there's nobody behind us so we can come to a stop there's the line and let's see what this thing can do here we go we'll floor it that was ABS slipping because it's wet and you noticed it turned itself off now it does make a lot of noise it accelerates okay but you can see from the auto stop to save gas when it started there was quite a bit of hesitation when it restarted the other day I was checking out that Ford Bronco and the Ford Bronco had no hesitation when it shut itself off to save gas and then when I stepped on the gas it was a very smooth transition this has a pretty rough transition you can clunk it when you stepped on it took a while to hesitate and then take off cuz it had shut it off to conserve gas now the wife in this case doesn't have a lead foot but the husband doesn't he doesn't particularly like the CVT but she likes 38 miles go we'll do a little acceleration I'll see what it does makes a lot of noise it does accelerate it's not horrible like I say it's nothing like the Honda Toyota with laun gears and nothing like a regular say six or seven speed automatic transmission that has gears that can shift up and down get a lot more acceleration the handle pretty good in the twisties you know it's kind of a zippy little car I would just be rarly pissed if I had a car that had 177,000 M on it was burning oil because that's right now with 17,000 Mi on the clock imagine what it's going to do if it makes it to 100,000 miles it's either going to burn a whole bunch more oil or the engine's going to blow up but the overall design of the car hey check it out got Windows everywhere the driver's got a very good view for traffic you're not going to miss anything there's no blind spots it's pretty welld designed from that standpoint it's just that the stupid thing Burns oil and unlike the early kia souls that had those giant hamsters or whatever they were selling them these aren't bizarre looking cars they look kind of nice they have their own style it's just that there it is it's a hybrid it burns gas and oil and to the way that Kia dealerships mistreat their own customers I've seen it here now I've seen it in Arkansas I've seen it back in Houston I would never buy a Kia okay it's a known fact I hate Volkswagens right now it wasn't always this way when I was a kid I loved them they were air cooled simple you could buy one for $2,000 cash Drive the heck out of them well why don't I like the modern ones the modern ones have too much technology they started with a little and they got more and more and more realize Volkswagen owns Porsche Audi they take that high level of technology and they put them into their lowly Volkswagens making them not as Dependable as they were making them cost more and if you've ever been to a Volkswagen dealer you'll know they're looking at your wallet and they're trying to guess how much money do these people have to see what they can take out of them but in the spirit of honesty we're going to analyze this 2007 Jetta that was bought used a long time ago now it's only got 89,000 Mi cuz they gave it to their mother for Florida but it just sat there for 5 years so it's very low mileage for an ' 07 it's only got 80 something thousand miles on it we're going to see how this is held up they'll keep it if it's okay but if not they'll get rid of it and get something better now even though it's low mileage when they picked it up sitting at their mother's place in Florida wasn't used much they spent six grand on it having things fixed so they could drive it realizing in these days hey you're not going to get it much for six grand in a car so you decided to put it into this thing here's what I'm talking about complexity you can see of that 6 grand $1,814 of it was to remove and replace brake vacuum pump now hilariously enough they just told me that they had to call a guy an Audi dealer to get the special tool to change it out but this is a level of Technology that's plain stupid take this matrix it's got vacuum boost brakes runs off the engine vacuum it doesn't have a pump doing it and it works perfectly fine like most other cars the Germans take a level of technology and they throw them into these things so that you had to replace $1,800 for a brake vacuum pump that should be running off the vacuum of the engine and you don't even have to have that on the car they just get carried away with the technology now as we look under the hood there we go let's hope that hon doesn't hit me in the head this is a 2.5 L 5 cylinder engine it is actually a pretty good engine these engines hold up this particular one isn't really burning oil it's got plenty enough horsepower power even though it's not turbocharged it's still got plenty of horsepower to get you around Volkswagens are Zippy cars that's how they sell them to people but they just cost too much money to fix as they break down I mean this car's only got 80 something thousand miles on it let's say it was a Toyota it wouldn't have needed any of those repairs that' be $6,000 they'd still have in their pocket cuz a Toyota with 80 something th000 mil hardly anything would have worn out now he admits it's a fun car to drive they do handle well and so transmission has been perfectly fine he said it was a little sluggish around third or so until he changed the fluid then it went back to normal now you might see some fading here well they don't make them in deuts land like they used to this face the Florida sun and lo and behold it peeled up but as we go to the other side it's still in good shape because it was in the shade and of course don't be fooled by names we check it out here Wolfsburg Edition right but don't be fooled check it out here da da Mexico does anybody want some German tacos there's nothing to do with made in Germany just like the Japanese you want a car made in Japan German cars they are so much better made in Germany as a matter of fact some of their fancy GTI they even gave up with making them in Mexico and they brought them back to Germany and now they're making in Germany because they see that as their top of the line little zoom car and they decided we're not going to make him in Mexico anymore we're only going to make them in Germany so be careful about names always look at the tag and if you can't find out cuz sometimes they're really sneaky just a little research Google what does a VIN number mean and it'll show you what the first letter means the first letter tells you what country they're from so if it doesn't say made in Mexico learn what the code is so don't let anybody fool you look at that VIN number do a little research then you'll know where it came from cuz it's wolf B doesn't have anything to do with made in Germany it's made in Mexico now granted with the front-wheel drive system these things handle and drive quite well he has fun driving around I always like driving Volkswagen now it's a 2.5 L engine strange enough he averages about 25 M a gallon and you might say for a small car uh well it's an ' 07 it's an older car and it is a Zippy car it's not a slow car so it's not horrible gas mileage not great gas mileage but not horrible people that want to get gas mileage in one of these Jetts will get a diesel and they get phenomenal gas mileage but of course they're much slower than this thing is and they're certainly not as much fun to drive so let's get our computer out thinking about the VIN number now these do have a tremendous amount of information that you can get from computers that's the one thing you can analyze them with a fancy computer quite well you might not like the results you get but you get results now we'll start it up let it warm up a little and here we go the engine everything that's good so far now Central Electric low high beam bulb right low high beam low the low high beams have codes for the light bulbs now as soon as I saw the lights I thought I'll bet he changed the headlights well indeed he did well this is how complex these stupid German cars are you got to tell the computer you change the headlights or thinks it's abnormal so we'll fix that right now all clear the F code It also says the immobilizer a little wacky the immobilizer key they all often T code for no reason whatsoever it's got no problem starting But realize the immobilizer Keys work by the car has to recognize the immobilizer chip and the key and sometimes they just don't too cold or whatever so we'll erase that too and all this other stuff is green and good the only thing left is the heated outside door mirror on the front passenger side we'll see what it says just for a laugh says it's an electrical fault in a circuit somewhere and it happened at hey it's not heating too hot but hey is that a reason to get rid of a car no just out of curiosity we'll clear that one too and now we'll start her up again and look at the real data well look at the engine Electronics as you can see there's 312 things to look at checking the stuff out looking for weird data and as usual it's colorcoded so see all the cylinders 1 2 3 4 5 have zero misfires it's not misfiring at all and as you can see here all the cylinders well the first four there's no delay in the ignition angle they're all at zero and we scroll down to five that's 02 which is good the Lambda is working pretty good 1.0 is perfect you can see this is going .98 1.01 they're going to move around a little but it's pretty close to perfect 1.0 that's a specified and that's the actual it's really smooth check it out it even has idle stabilization self adaptation it's only subtracting 0.39% pretty close to perfect yes they have computers even to make it idle smooth now great when it works yes but as I've been saying the level of technology in these things maybe they went a little bit too far you can see here it's even showing you the percentage opening of the thermostat now the owner just told me originally the mechanics said well we might have to take the transmission off to change the vacuum pump for the brake that they changed but luckily the guy was able to work around it save them a little bit of money there but still 1,800 bucks is 1,800 bucks it's a lot of money for something that a car shouldn't even have in the first place well if that isn't bad enough you're just telling me his friend has a Volkswagen diesel that was under that recall right they've had the car for 3 months it's now the end of December and they said well we probably won't have the part until April so not only these complex hard to figure out but you can't even get parts for some of them so really it stands good now granted they spent $6,000 having thing worked on a month and a half ago 3,000 miles ago so let's take it for a spin and see what it does that's an old car saw there's no backup camera you got to look in the mirror this a fun car to drive hey when they're working they shift really smoothly I don't hear any wheel bearing noise but then again it's only got 89,000 Mi it's an old car it's an 07 but it's s for 5 years so it's very low mileage so here we go to our little drag strip we can't stop because there's somebody behind me but this is good enough [Music] now that sounds like German technology those shifts are so smooth when it works it works great just realize if that transmission breaks down 6 7 $8,000 is nothing to spend to fix them correctly I can see why people buy these things cuz they're so much fun to drive smooth they got the German technology that when it's working is phenomenal but as I said before if this was a Toyota with 89,000 Mi spending $6 ,000 to get in running order maybe an oil change that's about all you'd probably have to do so here we have a Jetta and I'm telling the guy you might as well as keep it if you don't mind doing a little Riverboat gambling that something weird is going to go out now that transmission shifts like a dream it might still last for quite some time it had no problems whatsoever phenomenal technology when it works doesn't burn oil the engine runs smooth but you watch some of that information I showed on those 320 something bits of data these things are complex and when they do break the money is just going to go flying out of your wallet because most guys don't even know how to work on them they don't have scanners at that level or they have them they don't even know how to operate the things they are expensive to fix extremely expensive to fix Ram trucks they sell an awful lot of them here's a 2019 a guy bought you I'm going to show you step by step what shape it's in and what you get for your money start with the exterior yeah it's a beautiful looking truck black and chrome the interior Long Horn they're going for the Ford you know the Ford had their little country one too that they had with Lish SE pretty much the same color almost the same design only it says long horn on it we open the back lot of room hey it's luxurious chalk right since it's a double cab it's got a shorter bed on it and it's a 4x4 now this has big hammy in it 5.7 L V8 averages around 19 m a gallon okay that's pretty good for a big heavy truck like this you got to face the facts big Hy V8 seem to handle the active fuel management better and in the case of this one hey it doesn't burn any oil and as we can see got 88,9 miles on it so with that mileage has anything going wrong with the guy well nitpicky stuff that came and went and he didn't fix it for example a code for the stupid shutter in the front that opens and closes to get better gas mileage it came and went it had a code for the pressure sensor for the EVAP system but that came and went but the one big advantage of this truck is it lives like me in Tennessee there is no emissions testing so if he lived in an area where the check engine light comes on you got to get the emission stuff fixed you'd have to fix the EVAP system if the code came up it's not on now he says it comes and goes you would have to fix that stuff it could be a pain in the butt in Tennessee you do not care as long as it runs okay but if you live in the missions area you might think twice before buying one of these things lot of problems that can come up you can spend a fortune on these stupid little anti-pollution things it's just the way that it is but in this case he doesn't care interesting enough he used to be a State Trooper in New York he fled New York State cuz he couldn't stand the taxes move to Tennessee and he loves it he had this in New York state he'd spending a bunch of money fixing it so it' pass the stupid emissions test now start it up listen to it just sounds like a strong engine although I can hear the alternator whining at some point in time the alternator bar a gold you have to replace the alternator that's typical on Dodges but maybe that's why they put it here on the top it's easy to get to so let's get my big old scle see how this thing's held up up the Maxis Ultra while it's hooking itself up I really like the dash I got to say it's nice black chrome silver tachometer temperature gauge easy to read fuel gauge and like I said he's getting 19 m a gallon for a big old truck like this that's pretty good I mean four-wheel drive it's got everything you want it's got four-wheel drive Auto two wheel drive four-wheel drive high four-wheel drive low and neutral you shift it with a flick of the rest I'm not a big fan of that but a lot of cars are like that just like they have electronic parking brakes which I don't like either there it is the electric parking brake a little bitty thing not a fan you can hear when I pull it on made a little noise and you push it off and now it's off got the VIN number 2019 Ram 1500 now it's communicating got to say these leather seats are comfy look at the back room nice armrest if you want there's only two people you can have a bunch of stuff in the Middle with an armrest cup holders you can pop it up throw another person back there you're waiting for the data I'll warn you something about Rams this is a late model RAM and the company is kind of a scum baggy company you got to have special permission to access the data on these things I'm a professional mechanic I paid to be on these sites so the authenticate me and then I can access the data as a regular person you can't access this data because they're scumbags they don't want you working on your own car so it's another reason maybe not buy a Dodge you're going to have to pay mechanics all the time to do serious work cuz you can't even access the data now to me that's disgusting but for Chrysler that's business as usual ripping off their own customers stuff off we do a topology scan and here we go now it has no trouble codes so the trouble codes that he's getting for the evap and for the shter grill they're not coming up now maybe some kind of minor electrical fault where it comes on goes off comes on goes off but like I say we don't give a crap it runs fine they don't do emissions testing but if unfortunately you were in an area where you had to get all that stuff fixed to get it passed so you can register the car each year you're screwed you got to fix it right now in the case of this as it stands this second this would pass that test cuz there are no coats so you would be able to get inspected but how' you like to be driving to the inspection station everything's fine and then right before you get there the check engine light comes on then you know it would fail the test so it is a rather major annoyance for those who live where cars have to be inspected permiss every year in order to legally register and get license plates now truthfully this is a gigantic thing if I was to private individual I would not buy this vehicle just because it can't let you access the data on your own car unless you have a fancy tool you register with some of these online companies prove your mechanic absolutely ridiculous this just shows that Chrysler is a scumbag company they don't care about their clientele all they want to do is rip you off now in the case of this truck data is good fuel turns good all stuff but I have to be a mechanic to access this data you can't the only thing it has historical code for a small evap l so we'll look at the gas cab so this is probably leaking but then again as I said the vehicle's registered in Tennessee so we don't give a crap and here we go as you can see it's a big smooth truck you know giant Hemy engine they run sounds good but like I say if you can't even access the data who do these people think they are they just figure oh well that's for your security so someone doesn't mess up your vehicle yeah so they can rip you off and go to the dealer it's ridiculous Chrysler does this hardly any other car manufacturer did they were thinking about it but when they saw the bad feedback that people got about the Chryslers you don't see Toyota Honda doing this you don't even see Ford doing this they're not stupid they don't want to chase their clientele away a lot of guys want to work on their cars if they can't they're going to say h sell it to somebody else I'm buying one that I can at least access the information of what I'm driving we'll go faster so nobody gets right behind us cuz there's somebody a little behind us now we get to our little drag strip on your mark get set go yes it goes even though it has traction control it did squeal a little bit but you can see hey it's got the sound nice pickup and you notice in the tiny Drive I've already done the gas mileage went from 19 to 18 m a gallon and now it's just driving at a few hundred yards at high speeds let's do that again here we go and we're off nice pick up they are fun trucks to drive and now you can see it's dropping 17.9 you're not going to get 19 the way I'm driving it sticks in my craw that you as a consumer can't even access the data nice truck runs good only problem was evap leak probably that stupid capless system you'd have to buy the whole top part it's expensive but he doesn't care we live in Tennessee they don't do emissions testing would I buy this vehicle now as a mechanic of course I could because I paid for the license and I can access the data you as an individual cannot so if I were you I would not buy one of these things sty up you can't work on your own vehicle they won't let you that's just total crap it just shows the greed of a company and as you can see when you open the door Fiat Chrysler us LLC that's all I have to say greedy Italian com is now a greedy European stellantis company stay away from these people they're going to pull crap like that don't buy their products and guess what they'll go out of business the United States and maybe they can sell them to Europe to fools there that don't care but here we like working on our own Vehicles you don't give us the info so if you never want to miss another one of my new car repair videos remember to ring that [Music] Bell
Channel: Scotty Kilmer
Views: 254,029
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: auto, auto repair, car, car diy, car repair, cars, diy, how to, mechanic, repair, scotty kilmer, car review, buy, car buying, vehicles, good suvs, 2023 cars, 2023 trucks, 2023 suvs, worst cars ever, worst cars, worst car, worst truck, worst trucks, vehicle, worst vehicles, worst vehicle, 2023, unreliable cars, most unreliable cars, bad suvs, bad truck, bad car, worst vehicles to buy in 2023, cars you shouldn't buy, worst vehicles to buy, bad vehicle, bad vehicles, buying
Id: uxeGuBxx4Ew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 17sec (1817 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 31 2023
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