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rev up your engines baroa Scotty what are your thoughts on GM substantially lowering spending on autonomous vehicle efforts after accidents with its crew self-driving taxes in San Francisco I find it absolutely hilarious you know GM is first they trying to say we're going to be your electric car company well now they realize nobody's buying I'm mean they're slowing down the production of those things and then they have spent literally billions on the self-driving crap that I keep wondering now why are they spending all this money well because they're one of those people that are truly ignorant of economics and they are throwing good money after bad they've already wasted billions so they're to continue to waste billions of dollars that's just the way that it goes with all that stuff even old Elon a factory that's supposed to be making solar panels in Buffalo New York and something like 60% of the people working there are doing software for autonomous self-driving stuff right which still doesn't work his stuff doesn't work either right it's like these people have so much money they don't know what to do with it they keep throwing good money after bad maybe eventually they'll realize GE maybe it was kind of a stupid idea ah we lost all that money H but what the heck that's the way it goes it wasn't our money it was investors money anyways toy M says do hybrid motors have an easier life actually they do because when you're taking off fast the electric battery gives more power to the electric motor as a boost totally true and that's probably why the later Model Toyota like the Corollas that have a CVT transmission but also have a launch gear will probably last a lot longer because you're taking off on an actual gear first gear and then after it gets out of that it switches to the CVT system so they were able to make the CVT systems way less be smaller and they I haven't seen any of those break yet I'm assuming they will actually last longer because all the strain are taken off from zero to whatever accelerating from a stop strains the transmission the most the same thing with an engine an electric boost the regular engine it's going to have less strain and it should last longer horn brute says Scotty can the bad thermostat cause the engine like code p420 well technically yes it could because if your thermostat let's say is wide open broken open your engine will run too cold especially in a if it runs too cold it's not running efficient a hot engine runs more efficiently than a cold engine that's one of the reason if you didn't know these big diesel generators like they have in hospitals and stuff in case the power goes up they have a very hot thermostat so it opens at a higher temperature so the engine runs at a higher temperature and it's more efficient and in that case it will use less diesel to generate electricity because when you generate electricity using a diesel motor or gasoline motor it's very inefficient well the same thing with a gasoline engine it runs more efficiently at higher temperatures that's why when I was a young mechanic back in the 60s cars actually ran a lot cooler but now they deliberately designed them to run warmer so they get better gas mod cuz gasoline engines work better at higher temperature now they get too hot you get over the boiling temperature of water then it all boils out and it overheats no that's bad but up to an extent the warmer it runs the more efficient it is TRS in more New Jersey so Scotty I'm looking at about a used high mileage car for daily driver around 200,000 Mi or so Honda Civics or cers with mileage a good buy well if they were taken care of yes and especially if it was highway driving highway driving is only equivalent to about 10 15% of City driving you got a car with 200,000 mies and it was mainly highway driving that's equivalent to like you know 30,000 miles to stop go traffic so yes definitely if you find somebody who's got a high mileage car and it was all highway driving H pick up on it being a Civic or a Corolla I'd rather go for the Corolla they seem to last the longest if it's a lot of highway driving it could last a really long time Lucas shorty says 2018 Equinox all-wheel drive 67,000 mies dealer said I need a new flex pite no codes no bad data pations no loud noises or smell is he trying to scam me well dealers always trying to scam people but the thing about a flex pipe is okay the flex pipe does exactly what it says it's a flexible pipe because when you start your car the engine has a tendency with when it starts up to kind of twist to the side and when you accelerate hard it twists to the side the flex pipe allows the exhaust system to flex a tiny bit so it doesn't snap off they found when they went to front-wheel drive vehicles a lot of these exhaust pipes are snapping off so all of them now have flex pipes but the thing about a flex pipe is it is just an exhaust pipe that keeps the exhaust inside the pipe and not outside so it goes through the system and out the back the muffler hole in the back right so if you don't have any noise at all it couldn't be leaking cuz if a flex pipe leaks it's an exhaust leak and it will make noise BL if you don't get any noise at all they're probably trying to scam you when it starts making noise go ahead change it you can check it yourself easy especially in a winter in the winter all you'd have to do is crawl in there with a flashlight start it up and you see steams coming out of the back of your exhaust when it's really cold right then look under where the flex pipe is if no steam's coming out it is not leaking Jay Fountain says my wife's 07 exter puts an awful smell from the exhaust I'm thinking it's running lean or something with a Cadillac converter s to the tip okay what does it smell like if it smells smell like rotten eggs that's sulfur and only two things can do that either you got gasoline that has too much sulfur and the sulfur is ruining your catalytic inverter and you smell the rotten eggs odor that's what sulfur is like if you go to Hot Springs out in forest and stuff where they have natural Hot Springs you'll often smell the rotten egg smell because the sulfur is in the Natural Springs from under the Earth the sulfur goes through the sulfuric acid and then you smell it right the only other thing is if your battery is going bad sulfuric gas is in it and it can also smell like that too so go back to the pipe the exhaust pipe if you smell it coming from the pipe you got bad sulfur gas buy your gas somewhere else try to clean a catalytic converter with cataly converter cleaner right now on the other hand if you open the hood and it smells under the hood by the battery just replace the battery cuz it's sulfated and it's destroyed Ahmed says is the 1998 E420 V8 4.2 reliable well it was brand knew it was relatively reliable but those things are endless money pits as they age and now that thing is pushing 30 years old right I mean what it's 26 years old that's an ancient vehicle so much crap can go wrong with an old car and then if you're not a mechanic and you got to take it to a guy like me most professional mechanics these days charg between $150 and $200 an hour labor so you don't want a car that breaks down or is going to probably break down in the future I would never buy something like that unless it was dirt cheap and it ran perfect now and you wanted to weekend toy typical dad said Scotty I got a 2016 Ram 1500 57 hammy 117,000 Mi is it a good idea to idle it at 2,000 RPM to keep the cam Lo well now yeah when you're idling at normal idle speed the cams run dry because the idiots move them too far away from the crank and it doesn't throw the oil up high speeds it works fine right but you can't really set the idle up on a modern car to 2,000 RPMs it's not like the old carburetors ones where you could turn the screw and you could idle them right you wouldn't idle at anyway you eat more gas and stuff like that slowing down if you got an automatic transmission wouldn't slow down as well not a good thing to do what you basically want to do is not idle for long periods of time never sit there idling if it's hot with the AC on you're waiting for a Train shut the thing off idle as little as possible cuz I got customers with those that did that and they still got 150 and they don't burn oil they don't rattle make any noise right but you got to make sure you don't idle them much because it's a bad engine design Andrew M says why does my car idle rough when I on unplug the battery how do I fix it okay numo Uno do not disconnect battery cables on any modern car while it's running because if you do you can destroy the computer systems now when I was learning how to fix cars when I was young in early 1960s you could do that to a car that's how we tested alternators before we had equipment the old cars didn't have computers on them they had batteries ignition systems that had mechanical points carburetors mechanical fuel pumps and we would take the negative battery terminal off and then if the car continue to run it means the alternator was working right but you can't do that with any car that's been made for the last decades and decades and decades you can destroy it do not do that if your car runs fine otherwise you don't have any problems leave it alone but on any modern car you do not disconnect the battery cable while you're running the car if you do you can destroy the computer system so don't do that Tom Bosman says I got a red four the battery was tested 80% should I keep driving sure I generally say once it gets below 40% or so then you probably should think about putting another battery in especially if you're coming up on winter cuz winter it's colder outside now if it's hot and summer you can probably still drive with 40% of a while but winter you're kind of pushing the envelope it's fine now and when it gets below 40 I'd say hey go ahead and change it out then don't waste your money now Zap rousar Says should almost new pads and rotors pulsate when break at a high speed down the steep incline is it just cuz they're overwork compared to Flat braking all right well they should never Paul say if you're going down a steep incline of course there's more pressure around the braking system right they should not pulsate if they pulsate there's only two things that can do that either you got warped rotors and pads or you got a problem in your antiock brake system right you have relatively new brakes and rotors and they're not warped have a guy like me scan the ABS system could be you got a problem with the ABS systems making them pulsate Dy fishing CS got 2015 F250 Diesel six-speed Auto has not run service since new it's got 160,000 mil should I flush or not no never ever flush him anyways personally if it goes okay I wouldn't even change the fluid what I would do would be I would drain the fluid in a clean pan I change the filter and I put the old fluid back in because if you put brand new slippery fluid in a transmission that's never been changed with that kind of milic could completely crap out slip not even work that's what you'd want to do if you want to do something drain the fluid into a clean container change the filter then put that old fluid back in cuz if you put in new fluid it's really slippery and it could just make it slip like mad so if you never want to miss another one of my new car repair videos remember to ring that [Music] Bell
Channel: Scotty Kilmer
Views: 200,395
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: auto, auto repair, car, car diy, car repair, cars, diy, how to, mechanic, repair, scotty kilmer, car review, buying a car, car advice, car buying, should I buy an electric car, electric car, electric cars, buying an electric car, electric car review, electric car repair, electric car reliability, buying a used electric car, buying a new electric car, the truth about electric cars, best electric car, worst electric car, proof, self driving, self driving car, driving, news, america
Id: PoCxdxKsaWE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 57sec (657 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 03 2024
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