the WORST Valorant Challenge...

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a few months ago valerent tweeted this a challenge that you have to pick one move with the arrow keys shoot with the space bar play laying down inverted aim and switching your mouse hand naturally I replied to this tweet with this and shockingly enough they reped so that's why we're here this is horrible for this challenge we're doing four Swift plays and then one full unrated game I'm going to pick the challenge that I think is the easiest and then add each challenge one by one and see how it affects my performance starting with shooting with the space bar if you're new to the channel here please consider subscribing and if you want to watch any of this content live go to I'd love to see you there here we go this is going to get incredibly hard if I don't do this I think so we're going foot Cam and I'm shooting with my toes sure let's go let's go ISO let's make it hard good thing I have experienced with the foot pedal in the past I I think I think this is doable it is really weird not to be able to shoot or like swing my knife oh dude wait that was nice dude why am I actually kind of nice with the the foot pedal space bar shooting I had I heard a Horror Story one time of a guy who played Cs and he used a foot pedal for push to talk and he was out of red light driving and he was talking to the passenger next to him and he just rear ended the guy in front of him because he was out of red light and he his brain went push to talk while I'm talking and just totally rear ended somebody wait this is so hard I can't juggle Peak begin okay that's that's a little harder no I hit space bar on my keyboard not in my foot yes yes I got mine I got mine I'm not bottom fragging I think my performance is going to just go go downhill the more that we stack on these challenges oh my gosh I got so fixated on shooting the orb what am I doing I shot early I'll take it honestly I'll take it I keep accidentally shooting and I'll take it but wait I can just go grab somebody oh oh there the other two are are outside beat uh first challenge done what do we go with next that's the big question here I think the next one that would be the easiest to add might be actually move with arrow keys and then I go raise cuz then I could like double Satchel in and stuff I think that's the move so we're going to move with arrow keys now and shoot with the space bar up down left right let's talk about streamlabs I figured there would be no better video to talk about this when I'm literally taking a challenge from Twitter to let you know that through streamlabs you can actually directly stream or multistream to Twitter or X or I'm not calling it that so all you need to do is log into streamlabs desktop connect your accounts and if you're an ultra member you can multistream to every platform that you want to including YouTube Facebook Twitter Instagram and so many more but more importantly you can fully integrate chat across platforms and even set requirements for Chatters to be verified followers or everyone there's a reason almost every one of your favorite creators is multistreaming now because it's highly advantageous to take advantage of multiple platforms as a Creator and doing so through streamlabs is one of the easiest ways to get this done so if you're interested in learning more consider clicking the link attached and thank you so much to streamlabs for partnering up with me so I can at least break some people's ankles this will be the last time I have fun for the rest of this challenge I think oh my gosh how am I going to reload no reloading oh that was nice shoot the space bar on my keyboard is like really sensitive so if I'm just barely touching it it only counts as that like one input so I have to like really lift up I don't think I could judge I you know now thinking about it I don't think I can double satel H you know what actually let's do it let's judge and let's try to double Satchel I don't think I can double Satchel because I can't really pull out my knife and then pull out my gun oh wait no I can my gun keybind is on my mouse so I just need to switch to my knife before I go in out I forgot I I dude it it took my brain so long to process why I wasn't shooting to finally shoot with my foot you want to find it she's not here kill take TP oh please CP please yes sorry guys missed my shot my foot cramped dude this is like the most chaotic spraining I'm ever doing in this game I'm MVP with arrow keys and shooting with my foot I'm going to try to do this with my gun out instead of pulling my knife out here we go SP car down nailed it actually nailed it reload dude one enemy remaining Nice Shot where's where's my Ace yes baby oh nice aim let's go would you believe me if I said I was moving with arrow keys and shooting with my feet no 78 Rena 26 well that's on me um GG's guys have a good night oh my gosh we not only won the Swift play We top fragged with a 518 ACS this is where things are going to continue to pick up here because I I I think that's going to be the last time I have a good game throughout this little challenge here the next one I think I'm going to add here is play laying down I have these really special glasses actually allow me to see at a 90° angle so I can actually lay down like this and see everything in front of me this is a really disorienting feeling but I think we can make it work and unfortunately this is the next easiest challenge I think maybe raay was good cuz I have some abilities on raay I think ra ra actually might be the best option because since I'm using arrow keys raise is the only agent that I have an ability on my mouse I feel like I'm watching myself in like third person I feel like I'm like watching a movie I'm so far away from my monitor shoot all the bullets quick reload quick reload freak I couldn't reach over to my keyboard to reload so I just I tried my best he's droning there's this is my chance your time is up my time is ah okay um that may have not been my best decision ouch okay I got one and I didn't think I was going to get one but that guy was just admiring the scenery there D I can't see where my Crosshair is going wait wait grenade where's the grenade grenade [Music] reloading how did he not die to the nade I did 93 oh my gosh that's not ads well go go go go go away go I I started shooting with my mouse again go team I think from here on out me getting a kill is going to be a a fantastic thing that's going to be something that we celebrate okay I vote we go inverted aim first Maybe I don't go raise this time maybe I go someone where I don't go in you know and I just bait everyone but I can't really use abilities I have to like switch my hand over to use abilities so I just need to be somebody that has like zero impact oh perfect I I got this just just warming up wait just warming up winky face I feel so bad what if they're like really nice would I just absolutely do terrible currently doing inverted Mouse playing with the arrow keys shoot with space bar and play while laying down that is all the uh the things we have combined right now this is this is so much harder than You' think last player standing Oh that's oh no holy crap holy crap H holy crap oh guys this is so disord getting flashed my reaction is like I just I come back in the most the weirdest spot oh god dude if somebody on the enemy team Clips this and goes I just killed Kio in a 1 V one I'm going to lose my mind if it gets posted on Twitter I'm going to that's going to be so funny I almost got a second I'll take it hey hey guys let's get some celebrations in the chat okay I feel like one kill is uh more more than enough I'm I yo I'm I'm taking I'm take guys I'm taking what I can get I'm taking what I can get okay I know he wanted a night fight but okay guys the inverted Mouse it's it's so hard Never Back Down never what that's what I that's what I [Music] thought holy crap switch guns of classic okay but I can right click okay never mind um this might be slightly difficult what do you guys think oh he's main I did hit you over 70 though I'm back in the game baby fight down a standing a shorty backup freak I had a chance we got to do something good next time I I'll try my best it might get worse though now we have to play one full unrated game in the most masochistic way possible not only do you have to move with arrow keys I have to shoot with the space bar which I'm using my feet for I'm playing laying down I have inverted aim and now finally I need to switch my mouse hand I think it's killed right time we got to lock it in I'm going to go to the restroom and let's do it I can't see where I'm going that looks so cursed to place the turret as space actually looks so cursed in the UI Frick [Music] um um Frick this is like I have to make so many conscious decisions oh swap hands dude wait I didn't even swap hands me without even swapping hands oh gosh it's going to get so much worse come on Jet's got to peek here last player standing well he did Peak and they were incredibly ready okay this might be the worst idea I've ever had who at Riot games cooked this up which which social media person cook this up cuz we need to have a chat this is not possible I'm thinking like three kills is a win oh we're using so much util man last player standing dude I I can't even have a reaction to this inverted left hand and using my hand on the right side is just this is not this is not doable this is insane the only way I'm going to get a kill is if I'm posted up in the corner with a judge and just sitting still that is literally it that is literally the only option last standing um there's us um um uh so guys there was a chance but umom all right I'm going got a hit stand there's one close now I just feel like I'm I'm entirely useless which I which I am for the most part the only thing I can do is basically place a kill droid turret and pre after that yes yes yes I got one baby I tried I tried my best the chances of me hitting a head shot there are Soo there is one FL I can't believe it I'm so sad I should have just stayed there but I wanted to go potentially help the team honestly I just didn't want to be last alive if someone wants to stream snipe me and unrated while I'm like physically unable to shoot back they're more than welcome to go for it I hope to see that post on Twitter rate this challenge zero out of 10 never do this this is a horrible idea I'm not having a good time yeah okay this guy's in the Stream can we not standing I mean if you really want to win unrated game that much but holy crap bro last play Stand There was a chance there was a chance I hit that shot he's spam pinging where you guys are going oh my gosh who who is that desperate for an unrated win that is that is insane I mean I've been stream sniped and ranked and like while I completely disagree with it like I get it you know somebody wants to win those internet points really badly but stream snip and unrated especially in these circumstances is insane there's really not anything I can do here it's all good we'll get out of this faster it I I knew this was not going to go well but I did not expect to be so incredibly it's like I've never used hands before um guys I tried to spam and you have to click two individual times and it didn't I never like let up fully so the second shot didn't go through down I hit him 120 with the right click guys what's our what's our KD 1 and 14 I mean I feel like we're we're doing pretty good given the circumstances freak I can't flick at all it's it's over it's over it's over challenge please lose this round please we don't need to come back stand I want out I want off this roller coaster let me out oh oh sitting up is so disorienting right now holy crap that was horrible that was that was an awful challenge I don't recommend this this was not a good challenge this was not a fun challenge I got one kill two kills one kill I mean the first two challenges were like yeah that was fun that was interesting oh my gosh I have a headache I need to go lay down but like for real not next to my computer that is it for this video I hope you guys enjoyed it be sure to subscribe if you're new to the channel and uh go check out K plus as a lot of content like this is going to be uploaded there more uh soon so yeah go go check it out Link in the description below and I'll see you in the next one peace woo
Channel: Keeoh
Views: 119,161
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: valorant, keeoh, keeoh killjoy, valorant challenge, gun game, valorant gun game, valorant challenges, valorant ranked, valorant tips and tricks, c9 keeoh viper, c9 keeoh killjoy guide, killjoy lineups, keeoh crosshair, keeoh speedrun, keeoh jett, valorant speedrun, valorant with no rifles, no rifle to radiant, radiant valorant, valorant radiant tips, valorant radiant challenge, valorant tweet challenge, valorant challenged me, the worst valorant challenge
Id: Dgvx73cbuPM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 44sec (1004 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2024
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