The Best & Worst Agents to CLIMB RANKED for Episode 8

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episode 8 is fresh so I held off before making my agent tier list now what makes my tier list unique is that I'm genuinely going to give you opinions and not gear it towards professional play I realized while studying other people's tier list they tend to pull from Pro play a lot like for example X got buffed but not seeing enough Ro play for me to recommend her Pro play doesn't matter for the average person it just does not matter instead I want to look at the statistics that are being collected in radiant play in Immortal play but more important in Gold play in Iron play give you guys real reasons as to why an agent is good or bad for you the average player to start grinding starting with the D tier we're going to have to put Sage here now I know it seems a little bit unfortunate but Sage is a product of Nerf after Nerf she just continues to get hit by Riot and they never really picked her back up she currently sits almost exactly a 50% win rate across all ranks combined however her KD on average sits extremely low and her assist percentage isn't very high and that just comes from the fact that getting off one heal per round isn't valuable enough when other agents like Sky exist and the barrier is one of the only decent things in her kit and it's very hard especially in the lower ranks and the mid- ranks for it to be used effectively enough to recommend Sage across the board so for that reason she sits here at D the next agent in the D tier category is breach with a 48% win rate and a 2.2% pick rate he sits in the det here for a lot of reason now if fracture was still in rotation maybe he could be bumped up a little bit but even then this video is not about professional or high tier play so if we're talking about gold plat even diamond and below the team comp matters a little bit less and this is more about a list what if you want to master an agent well breach you know is probably not the best agent to pour all your hours into because without cohesive team play breaches utility completely goes into the gutter the odds of you cross-firing with your team even not at your own fault is extremely high and even when we reach past Diamond when it comes to the general meta he isn't in meta anyway so put those two together and he lands in the D category next is Phoenix sitting at a 50.1% win rate and a 3.4% pick rate this dualist needs some love he's actually needed some love for a long time across the board not even professional play Not Just iron all ranks in between pretty much every opinion agrees on the fact that Phoenix needs a buff or a small minor rework similar to what yoru got back in the day Fenix is an agent that simply only deter because other Duelists overshadow him too aggressively the way he finds value is still quite selfish and it's not strong enough for that selfish play style to justify his pick believe it or not even though he is deter I wouldn't completely just throw him in the gutter I don't think he's utterly terrible again as a duelist he just gets overshadowed too strongly by other Duelists next up we have deadlock at a 1.1% pick rate rate and a whopping 49% win rate Deadlocks buff didn't do much to see her move forward yes it made her a little bit more usable but usable doesn't necessarily mean good now as a sentinel deadlock suffers even more in the lower ranks when it comes to pick and win rate as you need someone extremely competent in order to even find any value with her kit furthermore while I don't want to dabble into Pro play something I will dabble with is something in radiant there is a player called Baby J now I am lucky enough to have played and no baby j a little bit and the one thing is he completely grinded deadlock to like radiant rank number one and if he says she's still absolute garbage that should be enough to put her in D tier so a little bit of note before ISO this video was filmed before iso's buff where his shield width got shrunk he has a longer time to recharge your Shield etc etc these Buffs are not enough for ISO so my opinions moving forward from here all still stand and I believe are still relevant so now ISO is ISO sitting at a 2% pick rate which is actually double Deadlocks but a 46% win rate across all ranks that is a bismal his KD sits below one as a duelist man a missed opportunity I often play ISO in my Deathmatch um footage just because how fun he is he cannot find Value at all he is basically nearly a throw pick because if you want to really be egotistic and go crazy as a dualist you should be picking the better version of iso which is rain and I want to Yap so hard about everything they can do to make ISO better like some of his abilities being a little bit better for team play maybe some of his self sustainability is being buffed a bit but I'm not going to because to some degree he needs a slight rework already so let's just move on that's everyone in the D tier so let's bump it up to something a little bit happier the C tier continuing the trend of terrible agents in the C tier we're starting with Harbor with a 0.7% pick rate lower than deadlock and a 46.4% win rate also abysmal Harbor is in a tough spot and the only reason he's in C tier because based off of Statistics across all ranks he has a right to land in the D tier the only reason Harbor can land in the C tier is thanks to certain Maps being in the pool for example like breeze one of the only other controllers that can even help on Breeze is Viper and you should always be picking her instead but in case you can't Harbor gets lifted because Breeze is such a terribly designed map that the only two viable controllers are as such so it's it's a little bit unfair and it's not even anything to do with Pro play it's quite literally a fact across almost every rank except maybe iron or bronze you just need some basic ability to help map control Breeze and map control no matter planned or unplanned is important across every single rank so he gets dragged up a little bit and gets dragged up a little bit more as we head into the higher ranks like ascendant plus people who become very competent at haror can make certain plays and create certain map situations that other agents cannot so that's the only reason but he's like at the bottom okay in my opinion he's like a c minus minus minus and my opinion was influenced by other players to basically just bump him up a little bit now this next agent is a true C agent in my opinion which is fade now fade has a 1.9% pick rate and a 49% win rate across all ranks average now when it comes to fade I actually think it is the high ranks dragging her down in this case like if you're a gold silver or even plat fade main I still think you can you're pretty viable like it's not like fade is just a straight up terrible initiator but once you hit Diamond ascendant uh especially ascendant plus we see fade as an initiator kind of take a big dive and you should kind of be playing other agents this is where the meta starts kind of dictating the tier list and it's about finding a sort of balance I think she could hybrid like mix into the B tier but only a little bit in like gold or below but overall C tier is a good spot for fade next up we have one of the most controversial ones Raina hits the C tier now I'm actually putting Raina in a category because we don't care about Pro play so it makes it a little bit easier at an 11.8% pick rate so extraordinarily High and a 50.3% win rate Raina plays for herself Raina plays for kills I am not going to dive into it you've heard it a million times you pop the off then it's okay like Rea can find Value however Reena is not an agent I would man outside of being a straight up Smurf because Raina just does not have the utility to help her team in case you have a bad game which will happen you're not a AI bro you're going to have a bad game this almost alone puts Raina in D tier however for those people with no brain and all aim who maxed out that one skill they have in valerant Raina can find a little bit of value otherwise but she really just isn't the most recommended in general I I do stand by that next up we have gecko at a 3.2% pick rate and a 49.7% win rate now gecko is actually agent I like because he's very unique he's fun and if you really Master him he's got so much in his kit to make him an enjoyable play and to be honest he lands in C tier just because he's getting overshadowed by other initiators now he's not the worst pick he's not the best pick this one does also scale with rank a bit even when we get rid of pro play the truth is you know similar to fade silver gold plat gecko Mains can still find a ton of value and it is completely more viable than when you get to Diamond I keep saying Diamond Diamond's this weird gray area sometimes diamonds feel a lot like plats and sometimes diamonds can feel a lot like ascendants depending where you are but ascendant plus people just know how to counter gecko way too effectively while in like silver you throw you throw out your little boy wingman to start planning or diffusing they like don't know what to do they just fold under pressure and gecko finds his value so again High ranks bringing him down in my opinion but C tier is not too bad for him next up we have neon at a 48% win rate and a 1.9% pick rate neon is kind of a forgotten dualist in my opinion and here's the thing neon is suffering from a reverse problem now instead of the high ranks bringing her down I actually think it's the low ranks that can bring her up which sounds insane but it is in a very specific context I'm putting neon on the shadow between C and D tier because dualists do just in general need a little bit of a of a rework they're not the best class in Val at the moment however a competent neon like a silver or gold neon who generally dedicates like we're talking about even just going to the training mode going into custom to practice generally and genuinely practices their movement and how to outmaneuver the enemies will find some value because statistically speaking the lower the ranks the worse the accuracy and if you can master that movement you can create a lot of space while entering yet still even at these ranks even if you're a pro neon player your presence can still be ignored you don't create that much situational presence and she does get overshadowed by other Duelists and initiators when it comes to taking space and taking sight so I'm I'm going to put her like C minus minus minus like she's between D and C in my opinion she can find Value but it's just a little bit too Niche to recommend now the final agent in the C tier category is Astra with 1.2% pick rate and a 49.6% win rate Astra has such a big fun diverse and unique kit one of the most unique agents in valerant but still finding value with Astra is too difficult basically across most ranks and even more so in Solo play really solo play brings down Astra like crazy actually it's her biggest Nerf that playing her in solo queue is far too difficult even Duo Q is not valuable enough like you need to be playing Astra in a five stack and be a very competent Astra in order to find Value which at that point we're basically talking as if Pro play right five stack is still the very Niche minority of valent players so in my opinion Astra hits C just for her difficulty to play her effectively so much is going on it's too easy to get overwhelmed it's hard to manage her now if you're an Astra Pro and you master this agent you still haven't done too much because again you need a competent team who's communicating to find her value so for that reason she is the final agent in the C category as we get up to the B tier the first agent we're going to be talking about is chamber now chamber was a little bit of a hard one I kind of wanted to put him C uh since we have seen him dwindle after those initial Nerfs but he kind of gets pulled up by very good aimers to be honest with you so at 3.8% pick rate and a 48.8% win rate his stats aren't the healthiest yet chamber can still find a lot of value and the release of the outlaw technically Buffs him a little bit the fact you can double shoot and snap out of there is very very Val valuable still he does have a presence and a good chamber M using both his head hunter as well as his tour to force can find a lot of value in just holding down areas peing and fighting a competent chamber is always scary sure his trademark is just too weak for a sentinel player and if you're a sentinel main this is not the only agent you should be playing because as a sentinel he doesn't have enough oomph to really recommend and while all agents scale with your skill on that agent since chamber's abilities are mainly gun the aiming aspect is extremely high you're a good aimer chamber can basically be a b tier otherwise just don't play him now the next agent in the B tier is brimstone Brimstone with a 4.4% pick rate and a 50.4% win rate Brimstone has his strength in his basic abilities the fact that he's kind of bare bones but still has high value is very important right a basic Molly can be used in multiple ways right map controller post plant when it comes to his alt same idea map controller post plant when it comes to a stim Beacon Quick rotates or very quick initiations with your team W when it comes to his skym smokes absolutely fantastic easy to use hard to mess up he's just a good Agent to be honest he's actually such a solid B i' put him in B+ not just because he has a good kit he's boring as hell like but he's just reliable he's extremely reliable and easy enough to use where your inconsistencies as a human playing valerant don't shine nearly as much while playing him the next agent is KO with a 2.1% pick rate and a whopping 45.9% win rate one of the lowest on the list by the way KO has every reason to be lower than b tier yet still his kit can consistently find Value and for that reason he gets put up a little bit his alt is just AOE hard to mess up you pop it you found value his knife just learned some basic knife lineups and good spots and it can find Value a flash very versatile the better you learn how to flash is then you you're willing to put hours in for lineup you can find a ton of value and his fragment like any simple Molly can be postplant or map control overall KO is in a sense similar to brim when it comes to he can just be reliable but you do need to put genuine hours into him if you're not a good KO main then his value tanks hard it's like brim but you need to actually put in a lot of skill when you're good with his abilities sure you can still find Value even if you're not fragging out and you're having a bad aim day so his kit is there however his win rate being 45% really comes from the lower ranks irons bronze Silvers playing Koo and not putting in the time to really learn his abilities he can find consistent value you got to put in the time the absolute last agent we're going to be talking about in the B tier is yoru now yoru is like a B minus minus minus basically could have slipped into C tier but my bias put him into B tier as a diamond yoru one trick at a 47% win rate and a 2.1% pick rate I think I'm going to be making an argument that most people disagree with and that is completely fine I think it is the low ranks not the high ranks the low ranks that pull up yoru's value in my opinion now you're used to seeing red you're used to seeing exra you're used to seeing the top dogs dominating on yoru in radiant they're just Geniuses and can outplay the minds of their enemies but you take take that same that same concept you learn from Red you learn from xter you understand what's making his ability strong and you put it in the mid-tier ranks because that's maybe asking too much from an iron or silver but gold plats you put it there and holy I was stuck in Gold when I was playing Sky because sky is apparently the best agent in s tier I switched to yoru Bam I got to Diamond why because I was playing yoru for a long long time I went into Customs I learned him very very well and when you start mind messing with your enemies in that rank rank they have no option other than to respect it because they are not pro players because they are not radiant because they are not communicating with each other nearly as much your presence scares each player individually a fake TP a uh fake clone a real clone a clone that you cannot see that's making footsteps all the sounds messes with them like crazy they succumb to pressure a lot easier similar to my wingman example earlier the lower the rank the more likely you can mess with their mind and even as you climb the high ranks someone I had a great respect for and became a friend of mine nosy um he was a professional player at one point he one tricked yoru for a long long time and he told me he believed yoru was one of the best agents to solo climb to the top because the more you master him the more his value becomes a lot better substantially right when it comes to lurking map pressure and presence presence he's almost unmatched people have to respect it even a radiant hearing a fake TP now has something in his mind that cannot be missed unless they check check it 100% it is now a pressure point in the game however no matter what he's BC because you have to get good you either get good at him or his value goes even maybe D tier so yeah get good or go home kind of thing now as we head into the a tier the first agent we're going to talk about welcome back into the top dogs Cipher with a 50% win rate on the dot and a 7.2% pick rate Cipher has seen some more and more play now a big reason is one kill Dron Nerf and two the map Pool is a little bit more in his favor Cipher does take a lot of skill but man if you get good at Cipher the amount of control you have in an area or especially a sight is insane one out of two of the only true Sentinels in my opinion Cypher is one of them a goat in valerant even when he wasn't good people still wish he was good because like he's very unique and he adds a new layer to valerant since the beginning he's just he's what makes he's one of the agents that makes valerant less Checkers and more chess next in the a tier is jet with a 99.2% pick rate and a 49.7% win rate jet has always been strong basically after her series of Nerfs she just went from s into a tier jet is still one of the best snipers in the game The Outlaw inherently is also a buffer Bam Bam Dash out of the way she can initiate she can defend she can hold down a sight and she can still quickly Escape all while still having the potential like Raina to just Solo Carry the better you get a jet you'll see substantial rewards for that skill level now you do need High skill especially in terms of aiming you got to learn how to initiate but yep you dash into sight you get those smokes down and across all ranks you've now created a presence the second Sentinel that I actually consider a sentinel the only Sentinels in the game is killjoy in the a tier killjoy dropped a little bit from s tier that is a little bit due to her Nerf but also just map Pool and Cipher getting better now she is a little bit better and a little bit more con consistent than Cipher overall it's also just her abilities are more automated than Cipher a little bit more can happen even if you're not playing perfectly as kill droy and across all ranks especially silver gold and plat she gets brought up a bit just again like a silver playing Cipher more likely to mess up than a silver playing kild dry which will find more value consistently so in my opinion she is better than Cipher by quite a bit if you average out the rank with a 4.2% pick rate and a 49.8% win rate her consistency is truly there hold down a sight help take a sight help her post plant is just absolutely insane she's a valuable character no matter how you put it the very last in the a tier category with a 4.6% pick rate and a 49.6% win rate SOA makes it into a tier SOA just has a lot of consistent value which is kind of what you're getting here when we get to the high-end agents the top tier agents it's about their consistency it's about their ability to both yep frag out and play for themselves but also play for the team his info is ridiculous lead with the owl drone or the dart and have the other as backup and of course you're usually using the Recon bolt more than once per round his value is clearly there and we know you can improve his value by getting better at him infamously known for his lineup we know that SOA has a high skill ceiling all right we finally made it s tier let's go all right starting with probably the best controller in the game at the moment Viper Viper hits the S tier with a 3.1% pick rate and a 49.5% win rate Viper's only real hindrance to some extent is you should get good out here but even then not like you know as long as you learn basic wall lineups you're not going to mess up the wall often toxic screen is just way too valuable Viper pit of course learning Basics like if you learn the preliminary basics of Viper she's not like Dead brain easy like Brimstone but if you just put a little bit of time into her you can get good at her pretty rapidly and then find maximum value as you improve through the ranks and just get more game knowledge basically like she plays for game knowledge pretty hard and she does get pulled up a little bit by the high ranks because she's like a must pick on Breeze and the way that like Diamond Plus or ascendant plus play with their team and need that map control and need that value brings up Viper immensely now in iron or bronze it might be better to play Brimstone than Viper but even then down there you learn the basics of a toxic screen iron bronze aren't respecting that Dam image they take when they rush through it and they can get sprayed down so overall Viper just finds consistent and high tier value this next agent literally cannot be dethroned and it is why she's my backup agent sky so sky was placed s here before the major Nerfs this video was already in the making after her major Nerfs that remove the rechargeable flash she definitely got a huge hit as an initiator and my opinion still stands of being one of the strongest agents in the game however I will put a contingency I think she is closer to a tier now maybe just a solid a tier but it will scale with rank a lot because in the mid-tier ranks she still provides so much value and just gathers so much info so just take this next opinion with a grain of salt she's now a/ s tier depending on the rank with a 5.8% pick rate and a 49.1% win rate her value is just crazy and it doesn't stop doesn't matter how they Nerf her like you are talking about the only flash in the game that also just gives you straight up info it can be curved you use two of them and then you get it again during the round you just keep getting info and info and info and you blind them and then info you want more info throw in your dog oh that dog doesn't just give you info it also stuns them like the amount is insane your team just gets raisin and they're all low bam regrowth heal them all at once just overshadowing sage like crazy and then you just want more info because you didn't have enough with all the first two abilities throw out your Seekers you get the point she is she also has a high skill ceiling like a very high skill ceiling and getting good at her isn't super easy but it's not like as hard as it is with yoru or some other dualist so you can get decent at her pretty quickly you can Master her over time you can dominate an iron and you can dominate in radiant probably the best agent in the game Sky ladies and gentlemen for obvious reasons next up we have the best dualist in the game which is actually Ray now rise is very good 49.3% win rate and a 6.4% pick rate the only thing is raay like the better you get at her satchels the more value she finds because unlike jet like learning to dash in or up draft Dash in is more consistent for taking space so there's a small contingency on Ra's s tier which is just get good at your satal so you can take the space you need to double satting into small areas like lamp on bind in order to take space can be very important and you're going to need to learn how to use her a little bit more uh otherwise boombot we're talking about info and damage showstopper very inconsistent sadly like even though people make fun of it for being inconsistent it just goes to show she's eser because when it does work it works very well you're just deleting someone you're have a freaking bazooka her nade in high ranks take control in low ranks frag out overall a solid pick I still prefer jet across all ranks Buie you know what I mean but s tier because of General consensus with the high ranks I'll slip it Ray is fantastic it's hard to disagree with them so she's here in s tier last but very much not least we have Omen yay Omen with a 99.6% pick rate and a 48.9% win rate it's great to see Omen and Ester and it's great to see a lot of people agree across the board with it um om man gets pulled up in Solo que so he's just a great controller for solo players like you need to do a little bit of carrying you need to mess with your with the enemy's mind you know like the whole yoru example you need to mess with the enemy's mind and and you still want to get those smokes down and help your team out Omen is a great great pick it's like I said like especially even silver to like plat you're talking about learning to fake TP learning how to like study some of Dr Free's like sketchy tactics that that messes with people and you're finding a lot of value because Golds are going to have to respect that you aled they don't know where you are they're very bad at predicting it right fake TP you know all that type of stuff is going to be a lot easier to pull off on the lower rank so learn Omen learn him fast and now you have a controller that you can play for your team and still frag out he has a ton of value now that's my tier list you might disagree I think I'm going to get some Flack on certain agents but he from a diamonds perspective who's trying to keep it averaged out from Iron to radiant for the general consensus of players with multiple opinions I hope you enjoyed it's a little bit of a longer video but if you made it to the end I appreciate you
Channel: Dittozkul
Views: 216,059
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Valorant, Valorant Curios, Valorant Moments, Valorant Versus, Dittozkul, Dittoz, Valorant Crazy Customs, Valorant Stream, Dittozkul Streams, Dittozkul Twitch, Live Stream Highlights, Valorant highlights, Valorant streams, Valorant Radiants, Valorant Immortals, Valorant Diamonds, Valorant Platinums, Valorant Golds, Valorant Silvers, Valorant Bronze, Valorant Ascendant, Valorant Iron
Id: oA7AjqnAtlo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 34sec (1534 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2024
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