- You guys should be knocking (bleep) out of the park together. - This is a solid (bleep) piece with color all-- - Dude, it's just a flat tire. Sausage, why you so pissed, man? - It's just a difference in taste. - No.
- Why are you so like, well what's your problem? - I knew that you were gonna tear it and I (bleep) love it. - Great but I mean, it doesn't matter, nobody else does. (tense music) - Artists. This week you're fighting
for an Ink Master shop and one of you won't get one. Randy. You were a photorealism guy, right? - That's typically what I get asked to do. - [Man] From the black, to
the brown, to the orange, to the yellow, there's no soft fades. - It was kind of meant to be more of a painting style. - Even if you take a painterly approach at a real photo, your
quality of application still has to be there. We're lacking that. - Damon. (tense music) - [Man] Your inexperience really shows. The shading in the spiderweb
on her forehead, very splotchy. There is a lot of inconsistencies, a lot of weak outlines
and it's just not smooth. There was no care or attention
to detail put into this. - I honestly didn't think
it was like that bad. - If you cannot see the many problems with your outline, then
you have a major issue. - Roland. (tense music) - [Man] I was very impressed
with your knowledge and the layout and the way
you fit this to the leg. - The tattooing you did at the convention, there's not a person in this room that looked at that cat and said hey, this is a professional
grade quality tattoo. That stuff is not going to
work in this competition. - So, let's talk about the bottom. Who doesn't deserve a shop here. - [Man] You got Randy, who
did not do solid black, who did a lot of crooked lines. I mean that ship is a mess. - It's a mess but it could fixed. If you had to wear David's skull or Damon's dead girl,
what would you choose? - [Man] This tattoo has
a lot of technical flaws. - I understand what you're saying, however it's way more legible and readable than the skull we
saw from the 20 year veteran. Let's talk about Roland's tattoo. - [Man] This tattoo doesn't look bad, Until you get close. You see that it's not 100% solid. - Roland, Randy, Damon. Anyone of you could
justifiably be sent home. - Could of put all the names in a hat and sent any of you guys home. (tense music) - The judges have decided. Randy. You have earned a shop. Congratulations.
- Thank you. - Damon and Roland. The judges have decided. Roland. You've earned a shop. Have a seat. - Thank you so much for this opportunity. I won't let you down. - Damon, you do not have what it takes to be an Ink Master. - What's coming, you're not ready for. This is a tough house to come into when you're not ready to be here. - Please pack your machines and go home. Randy. (tense music) - The top eyelid looks a little misshapen. The bottom lid kinda looks a little saggy and almost like the fly's
on like a little piece of beef jerky. - I used an actual photograph. - A lot of the black
and gray in this thing is very beat and very red and the tattoo looks painful. You turned in one of the roughest tattoos of the day by far. (tense music) - Roland. (tense music) - This tattoo's bad, dude. - He asked for a eyeball of his father. He wanted it to not be a pretty eyeball. His dad's kinda old. - [Man] Is there any smooth shading? - [Man] No. (tense music) - The judges have decided that the artists with the worst tattoos of the day. (tense music) Are Roland. Randy. And Ashley. Obviously, Ashley is not
standing here with you and that is because Ashley
has decided to quit. - [Man Voiceover] She's
gone, be gone, and stay gone. - Roland. - [Man] This tattoo does
not stack up to the rest. - Randy. - You turned in one of
the roughest tattoos. I know you're taking a beating so far here and I want you to come
back and do some (bleep). I just don't know that
you have that ability. - All right, even though Ashley quit, Roland and Randy, either one of you could be justifiably eliminated. The judges have decided. That both of. Will get one more chance. (bleep) Bubba. - As soon as you get close to this thing, there's no solid color,
there is no straight outline. If you give somebody enough
rope, they hang themselves, and you're hanging yourself here. - David. - There's nothing
consistent in there at all. I don't necessarily know if I even see a geometrical shape. There's a lot of chewed up skin in there. This guy has to walk around with that for the rest of his life. That's a rough one. - [Man] Man you just
hammered this (bleep) guy. - This now way in hell that
it was a wise decision. How do you even cover this thing? This is a reasonability thing. You can't do this. - So, though day. Geometric tattoos focusing on consistency. Talk a little bit about David Bell. - [Man] That things not
even gray, it's blood. - [Dave] Bubba. - There's no straight lines. The color is not solid anywhere. I think he had a great idea, he just bit off way more than he can chew. - The judges have decided. (tense music) David. You do not have what it
takes to be Ink Master. - We have a lot of respect for you, man. Sometimes pain clouds the judgment. You have the most experience and that's why it makes it unforgivable. - Please pack your
machines and close shop. (tense music) This week, we asked you
to show perfect placement with an aquatic tattoo. Roland. (tense music) - You kinda just put the
grouper at the bottom and you left a lot of area open. I just feel like it was just unfinished. - This tattoo is by now
means a winner today but you have improved and for that, I do commend you. - Bubba. - I thought Poseidon
was a dope tattoo to get but the carriage, it took over the tattoo more than Poseidon. If that would of been more prevalent, I think it would of been a little better. - Just a blown attempt at a great tattoo. You're drawing against everyone and if your drawing comes up short, it's not gonna keep you here. (tense music) - Randy. (tense music) - I mean, I can't even
say the whale looks cool. It looks like something
one of my kids would draw. - Let me tell you something about me. When I started tattoo I was 30 years old. Okay.
- But this isn't about your history, bro. - Listen, no, it is. - It has nothing to do with history, this has to do with what's on the screen. - I can't go into a shop as a 30 year old homosexual and get any sort of respect from anybody. - Man, who gives a (bleep) what you do in your private life? - It does, Chris, let me tell ya. - You could be whatever you want and you should be proud of that. You're not gonna get bashed for your sexual preference. You're only gonna get bashed for the quality of your craft. (tense music) - Today we had aquatic tattoos, we were focusing on placement. Let's talk a little bit about who missed the mark today. Randy did the squid and the whale. - [Man] This looks like
a Crayola scribble. There's no redeeming quality to it and if I don't say this is crap, then I'm idiot. - Bubba, did Poseidon. These sea horses, unless they took some crazy left turn, that sled is not even in the
same direction of the flow. Another artist consistently
in the bottom, Roland. - I just feel like it's unfinished. That's why you get the emptiness of the two thirds of a tattoo. - Whether we like this tattoo or not the lower portion of this tattoo has outline, it has shading, and it has solid color. This is his best and he delivered it. - But it wasn't done, though. - Roland. Bubba and Randy. Anyone of you could
justifiably be sent home. The judges have decided. (tense music) Randy, you do not have what it takes to be Ink Master. Today, we asked you to
use technical precision to create an X-Men color portrait. Lydia. (tense music) What happened here with the negative space underneath this gentleman? - He initially had the knives, I didn't have enough time. So I just figured I'd
put a big X down there. - What makes this character
recognizably X-Men are those blades. Missing those, it's very difficult for me to know who this is. Roland. - [Man] She does not
even have the same shape. The color fades are not there. - Color, as you know, is not my forte. - All right, today, technical precision. Color portraits of X-Men characters. Let's talk about the bottom of the day. Lydia did Warpath. - [Alex] It will take a lot
of work to fix this face up. - [Dave] And Roland. - [Man] This tattoo didn't
keep the shape of the face. He didn't put the shadows on the tattoo in the same place as the
shadow in the portrait. - This is the antithesis
of technical precision. - Roland and Lydia, either one of you could
be packing your machines. The judges have decided. (tense music) Roland. You do not have what it
takes to be Ink Master. Please pack your machines and close shop. (tense music) Today, you had to use contrast to make a neo traditional
lady or gentleman that pops. Jim and Bubba. (tense music) You did the grandmother? - Correct.
- You did the grandfather. So, this gentleman is actually
not Asian, as it turns out. - Oh, he's not?
- No, he's not. - Bubba, when you did this drawing did you notice the differences in the shapes of the eyes? - No. - How? They're offset, ones
larger than the other. It's time to get back to the
drawing board, literally. - King Ruck and Keith. (tense music) Tell me what happened. - It was a bad canvas from the beginning. - But you turned in outlines. - Yes. - [Dave] And King Ruck,
you've also tattooed yourself. - I still wanted to show you guys that I still want to compete. - Well, we appreciate that. So, let's start with you, King. - [Man] You have a lot of
really rough outlines here. - As we started him with the lines, he would freak out, he would jump, he would move around. - If that legs moving, push on it, man. Hold it down. You have this huge oval line
that's going around the side, that really shows a lot of imperfections. - All right, King, let's take a look at the tattoo you did on yourself. - [Man] You do show contrast and really, it's probably the cleanest tattoo you've done since you've been here. - Thank you. - [Dave] Let's move on to Keith. - [Man] Most that I have to judge on is what area you colored solid black. This area is very rough
and it's just not there. - Yeah, it's not there
'cause I wasn't able to (bleep) really go into and do (bleep). I mean, it's easier
for you to say up here, like you know-- - [Man] It's not easy
for us to do anything. - Yeah, dude, but you know what is then, 'cause I'm not even (bleep)
halfway done the goddamn thing so like how you can judge
something that you can't see? You're not seeing anything. It's (bleep) up. - Listen man, you're crazy on edge. You're just stewing and mad and you're not confident in you. If you can't be confident in you then how can we? (tense music) - All right, so the challenge
was neo traditional, gentlemen and ladies focusing on contrast. - Obviously we have King Ruck. He's struggling. - Clearly turned in an
unfinished, sketchy tattoo. - He's falling apart. - I got to say, I really like
that he tattooed himself. What about Keith, man? Keith is not doing well. - [Alex] This is not a flattering design. This is not a way to win over your client. - Next up, Bubba. - He had the good picture, man. If one of the should of came out better it was this one. - [Man] Just being able to
draw the layout of a face and make it the right proportions. - I don't know about you but I don't want to see
anymore of this (bleep). We need to take these
guys out in multiples. We got to nip this in the bud today. - Kieth, King, and Bubba. Anyone of you could
justifiably be eliminated. The judges have decided. (tense music) Keith, you do not have what
it takes to be Ink Master. Please pack your machines and close shop. (tense music) Don't relax, by the way. 'Cause Keith's not the
only one going home today. - (bleep). - The judges have decided. (tense music) Bubba. You do not have what it
takes to be Ink Master. - The obvious problems
in this tattoo are huge. Your drawing's everything. - Please pack your
machines and close shop. (tense music) Today, you had to show adaptability by transforming tattoos
that your canvases regret into tattoos they can wear proudly. Based on your work, two
artists will be closing shop. Jim, let's start with you. - [Man] Come on, dude. If this came into your
shop what the (bleep) would you of done? - Not roses. You know better for a cover up, it's a fail. - King Ruck. - There's a bunch of different ways you could approach that. A nice black and blue rose
could of been the cover up, the horseshoes could of been behind it and banners under it. - I've had some bum canvases. - There's 60 plus years of tattooing sitting at this table. You cannot tell me about a (bleep) canvas. - Gentle Jay. - I'm most confused over the hat. It just screams coverup. - Melissa. (tense music) How you feeling, Melisa? - Terrible. I tried really hard but she was very difficult to work with. - If it's an engine, it's
all got to fit together and if parts don't fit together well, then parts don't work well. - She specifically wanted new school, she specifically wanted the bubbliness. - You do not let the client drive. The second you give up that seat you gave up your shot
at winning 100 grand. (tense music) - All right, so adaptability. We did a coverup today. Two people are going home. There was talk about putting
King Ruck in the bottom. - [Man] 100%. You have an upside down rose, it's tucked into a black abyss. - That screams coverup. - Terrible. - [Dave] We have Jim. - [Man] You can see Marko
right through this tattoo. - [Man] Why is there so much yellow? - [Dave] Over black lettering. Melissa. - [Man] A lot of things are out of wack. The details, the outlines are so wonky and out of shape. - [Dave] Gentle Jay. - [Man] A mess. There's no highlight anywhere. - The smoke is terrible,
the eyes are terrible. Forget about the way he shaded the hat. - Jim, King Ruck, Jay, and Melissa. Anyone of you could
justifiably be eliminated. The judges have decided. (tense music) King Ruck, you do not have what it takes to be Ink Master. The judges have also decided. (tense music) Jim, you do not have what
it takes to be Ink Master. - This tattoo, it's see through and for a coverup, that's a no go. - Both of you please pack
your machines and close shop. - There was a lot of
tattoos that were done today that were not good. - Artists, today you had
to show negative space with a black and gray demon. Lydia, you're up first. - Because the teeth are the same color as the fur, as everything, the mouth gets really lost. - I would of like to seen
the teeth and the drool have a little more zing, so we don't have to question what the lines are. Wondering what something is in your tattoo is never a good quality. (tense music) - Melissa. - He didn't want ears,
he didn't want horns, he just wanted the mouth
to be the main focus of it. - That doesn't bother me
that it looks like a turtle but the big black circles you don't really need because of the edge of the top of his head kind of gets a little bit
lost in that black there. - Halo. (tense music) My first instinct when I saw
this was very hard to read. This wing that comes down, I thought that was some kind of a road going up to a mountain and I still can't figure
out if this a breastplate or if there a hand holding
something in front of her. - It's kinda made to look like fingers that kind of cup it. - It definitely is the
oddest, weirdest one of the bunch. Because there is a lot
of detailed elements and very strange composition. - He had so many elements of cool things, and I was like, oh I want
to put these wings in and I definitely want to
get those shoulder pads and then I want to get this
breastplate 'cause it's cool. - You just took on a lot of drawing. If you don't swing for the fences you don't hit em, right? But this was definitely a big swing in a short amount of time. - Today's challenge,
black and gray demons, use of negative space. Let's talk about the bottom. We have Lydia, who I was surprised, I thought this was gonna
be her comfort zone. - [Man] It's pretty flat with one tone, there's not enough black in the outline of the hair to give this
thing definition or depth. - [Dave] Melissa. - [Man] It's just a
turtle demon to me, man. - [Alex] The background
outright looks like a coverup. - [Dave] We got Halo. This is my least favorite thing he's done. - He overthought it. - Lydia, Melissa, Halo. Anyone of you could
justifiably be eliminated. The judges have decided. (tense music) Lydia, you do not have what
it takes to be Ink Master. Today you had the ultimate
test of flexibility. Collaborating with another artist to create one tattoo. Gentle Jay and Melissa. - We talked to the client, she had a list of things
that she was open to. She really liked the idea of the elephant, she wanted a geometric pattern, and we suggested the headdress. - The flower.
- She wanted the lotus and just kind of built the tattoo around what we felt we
were gonna be best at. - I like the red designs on top, those are really beautiful and it's a really nice
look for a woman's leg. The details in the headdress are great and that stuffs really
exciting and cool to look at. But since it's our job to pick it apart, I see a lot of flaws. Just the inconsistencies of the body. I would of liked to see the elephant come out of the lotus instead of behind it because it just puts a
weird cookie cutter vibe to it and not a flowy vibe. - [Man] The bottom of this
tattoo looks terrible. - There's no part of that
where I could agree with you. - There's no such thing as filigree coming out of a lotus flower. - There's no such thing a horse with tentacles on its head either, yeah. - Yeah, but we knew it was tentacles. To have a elephant's leg
step out of filigree. I mean look at it, it's crazy. For two people to be up all night drawing, I expect more. - We weren't up all night. - Well you should of
been, that's the problem. (tense music) - Sausage and Matti. Explain this design a little bit. - This is actually just
like a big giant mix of the coolest stuff
out of Japanese styles that I like to put in things. - I wanted to come up with something that was (bleep) really cool. Technically sound, it's there. Saturated everything, it's there. Skins breathing through this (bleep). I mean to me it just breathes awesome. - [Man] Technically, this
tattoo is smooth throughout. I'm just not thrilled about this design. - It kind of looks like
someone hit a dragon with a baseball bat and
just smushed the face in. Having said that, I love it technically and I think that the line work and the color work, everything
is really solid and tight. - It is tattooed well but there's four people up here that just don't aesthetically like it you guys should be knocking (bleep) out of the park together. - This is a solid (bleep) piece with color allover it. - Dude, it's just a flat tire. Sausage, why are you so pissed, man? - It's just a difference in taste. - No. - Why are you so, like
what's your problem? - I knew that you were gonna tear it. I (bleep) love it. - Great. But I mean it doesn't
matter, nobody else does. You have the ability to do what
every you want on somebody. Don't do passion pieces, do showstoppers. Do something that's a fight. If not, you (bleep) yourself. Do you understand you
can go home for this? - No way. I don't see it.
- Okay, no way. - I don't see-- Buddy, careful what you wish for. - All right, today we did
collaboration tattoos. We were testing flexibility. Let's move along to Melissa and Jay. - In the line work, in the shading, it just feels a little more amateurish. - [Man] And it's so cut and paste. Flower, elephant, red background. - [Dave] Let's talk
about Matti and Sausage. - They just did an ugly drawing. - But it's like how much do you fault them for none of us liking the aesthetic of it, you know, 'cause obviously,
technically it looks great. (tense music) - Sausage, Matti, Melissa, and Jay. Anyone of you could
justifiably be eliminated. The judges have decided. (tense music) Melissa and Jay, you have
the worst tattoo of the day. Only one of you will be packing your machines. The two of you must face off tattooing the same design created by our guest judge, Luke Wessman. - You guys are gonna have
the drawing already done. So all you got to do is execute it. - You've each been randomly designed a human canvas and you
will have four hours to tattoo head to head. One of you will lose your shot at $100,000 and the title of Ink Master. Melissa and Jay, you faced off tattooing
a design by Luke Wessman to show your flexibility. One of you will be staying and one of you will be
packing your machines. First up, Melissa. - Overall, I like the tattoo. I like the color choices you went with, I like the way you did the leaves, but I don't like how you left
the white spaces in the rose. Normally you can leave those open but since it was bigger, it kind of stands out a little bit more. - The main thing that jumps out at me right when I start to look
at it is your line work. The line work in these tattoos have to be really precise and dead on. - Jay. - I don't love the color palette. It doesn't have a dynamic feel that you'd like to see
from this type of design. It shows a little bit
of lack of flexibility. Everything kind of
muddies out a little bit. The head doesn't stand too far apart from the rose 'cause it's
like a deeper darker feel. - [Man] Where you took that greatness and fade it out is by doing
leaves these just so dark. - The leaves actually
was the canvas' favorite part of the tattoo. He wishes I would of
colored the whole thing solid like that. - You went a little bit overboard between your black shading and
the no breaks in the leaves. This looks like you're hiding something. If you look at that rose and you reimagine what the rest of your tattoo could of looked at had you of stayed on that course, you'd be looking at a
very different tattoo. - I'm happy with the tattoo I did. My line work was clean, my shading was solid
where it needed to be. I know you guys say the saturation in the leaves is a little bit much and they're too dark but the canvas, that was his favorite part. As as a tattoo artist,
the person wearing it is who I'm listening to and he's happy with the tattoo so I'm happy with that. - If there was a checklist, you hit some, she hit some. If Melissa's shading was a little solider, if her rose looked a little more like his, if he had a little bit
less of the muddied brown, you know his leaves are completely
saturated, hers weren't. Which makes it hard. There's no clear cut winner for me. (tense music) - The judges have reached a decision. (tense music) Jay. You do not have what it
takes to be Ink Master. - (bleep) you, Scott. - Today, you had to show your mastery of proportion by
tattooing a Japanese snake on your canvas' ribs. Melissa, let's start with you. (tense music) - There's a few rules
that would apply here. Like if you look at the lower jaw, it runs alongside the underbelly, that's getting lost right there. If you'd moved it up, there would of been a
little bit of a separation. Also, your leaf goes right to the back. You should never have
lines touching like that. Just little things like that I think would help your
work look a lot better. - You don't have this way of making your drawings flow nicely. It's not that you're a bad artist, you just do things very stiff. You got to find your flow. - Halo. (tense music) - [Man] What made you decide to just do the bottom just flat across? - I have no background
in Japanese traditional. I just didn't know how to end it. - This does look like a tombstone. It also looks like it
would fit better on an arm. Now I understand that this is
not your area of expertise. Unfortunately it shows. - You should of taken another two hours just on the drawing
and done less tattooing because the snake body makes zero sense. The belly of the snake is going in the opposite direction
of where it should go. The belly's going upwards not downwards. It's just way off, way off. - Scott. - I did get a little new school with it. But when I'm freehand drawing I can't help it, my style's
gonna come out in my drawing. - One of the things
about Japanese tattooing is it's not necessarily always about you. It's part of a larger
history and a larger culture so walking in and being
like I'm doing it my way, it's insulting, it's utterly incorrect. - She was a tough canvas, man. - Her being a tough canvas aside, your drawing's your drawing. If she's a tough canvas, it's gonna show even
more in your application, which it doesn't. It's just odd. It's an odd drawing, man. - I'm not making excuses. You know, I'm gonna
stand behind this piece. - It's definitely my least favorite today and it's applied meticulously which makes it tough, man. It's a crazy thing, this competition. (tense music) - All right, traditional
Japanese snakes on the ribs. Let's talk about Halo's piece. - [Man] From a distance,
it is a big huge spot. - When people think Japanese tattooing, they think this style that was made up hundreds of years ago that
really works well with the body and what he did didn't. - [Dave] If you look at Scott's tattoo, I don't care what day the challenge is, it's just an unappealing tattoo. - This thing is a complete nightmare. - So, it's obviously between
Scott for the first time and Melissa, who has the
worst tattoo of the day. - It's a big red S. When I look at that
tattoo across the room, all I see is a red S. - [Man] Yeah. - Halo, Scott, Melissa. One of you is about to lose
your place in the top four. The judges have decided. (tense music) Melissa. You do not have what it
takes to be Ink Master. - It comes down to your body of work. Justifiably you may not have had the worst tattoo of the day
and I don't think you did. We're at the point, now, where you don't have a W in your column and everybody else in the room does and that's the only thing saving somebody who's down here with you from not packing. Overall, you have the
respect of the judges. - Thank you. - Please pack your
machines and close shop. Artists, this was your last chance to prove that you deserve to
compete in the live finale for $100,000, a feature in Inked Magazine and the title of Ink Master. Matti. - Let me commend you on having good taste to pick the proper shaped flower to put on her chest. The way that the flower's
closing on the outside and blowing open on the inside, you're drawing with a movement
and that's a great thing. - All right, let's move along to your final elimination tattoo. - [Man] When I look at this
tattoo from a distance, it has a coverup feel just
'cause that blue is so dark. That tattoo that's not the coverup, I love the layout, I
love how much open skin you left in it. That's what makes me
harp on the blue roses being so dense even more. - The same size roses, it's a bit much, because everything the same
size makes a mosaic look. If you stagger the
sizes with bigger leaves and then maybe little buds, you can get more bang for your buck and more dynamics. Looking at this, the eye
is just totally drawn to the blue spot. (tense music) - Halo. You're a cancer survivor yourself. - Yeah. - Did this one hit home
for you more so than? - Dude, I have never stayed up till 3:30 in the morning drawing four flowers. It was intense. - Yeah. - [Man] Well, Halo, man
I really love the way this tattoo fits. It flows with the curve of the body. - Well, speaking of flowers. Let's talk about your
final elimination tattoo. This canvas was completely open, brand new tattoo, yet you just did this. - Dude, I (bleep) killed
myself on this one. - The tattoo, overall,
is a beautiful tattoo. The water droplets on the petals, super glossy and HD
but then you have areas in the flowers that are very flat. Those pistols, there's no outline on one side of one, the
outlines don't connect, there just kind of here and there. You didn't put in the same
level of work throughout. You didn't make it as interesting
as you made it before. - Final elimination tattoos, four great artists remaining. Only three headed to the live finale. Next up we have Matti. Beautiful flowers there. - [Man] It has his style, it's very well tattooed. - [Dave] Let's move into
his elimination tattoo. The coverup of King Ruck's sugar skull. - [Man] He's done two separate tattoos that are just on top of each other. They don't flow together well and those four roses look like one big blue blob. - It's definitely a design flaw. - [Dave] Next up is Halo. - He really put a lot into this tattoo. The details in the smaller flowers, the color palette, the vibrancy but in the next tattoo he emulated this on a lower standard. - [Man] I feel like
this one is just a redo but not as nice. - Today you had to prove
that you have what it takes to compete in the live finale. Matti, Halo. The fight for the last
spot at the live finale is between the two of you. - Halo, you've definitely wowed everybody with all of your different art skills. - I feel like throughout everything I've shown that I am versatile and I do put my all
into every single tattoo that I do. Being Ink Master would just
be another notch in that belt. (tense music) - The judges have decided. (tense music) Matti. (tense music) You have earned your
spot in the live finale. - What the (bleep)? - Wow.
- Congratulations. - Jesus (bleep) Christ. Thank you. - Halo. You do not have what it
takes to be Ink Master. - Halo, it was a blast
watching you work, man. It's been a real pleasure for us to see the real tattooer stand up. - I've said you do not have what it takes to be Ink Master about 50 times and this is the most heart wrenching time I've ever had to say it. - Thanks, guys. This was an awesome, awesome run. - Please pack your
machines and close shop. (rock music)