The worst pirate you've ever heard of

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yo homie mateys my name is kevin and i'm going to fulfill my dream of becoming a pirate okay so take me out season one ireland torrent the i uh this is difficult i i think i might just just play assassin's creed black flag instead yeah you know what this works for me because surprisingly i've not played this one even though i love pirates wait there's a multiplayer okay that's a neat feature the multiplayer as soon as you launch it it crashes the game okay let's play single player instead i'd have to assume you play as being sarcastic with their name because they really don't want me to play all right we're gonna have the return of ass ass master assassin sailor of the seven seas historians be like why don't we just call him blackbeard you know this this name is kind of off-putting i don't know why that's so funny it was just that as it comes up ubisoft presents we are jumping right in i've learned my lesson i'm going to use controller because i tried keyboard with assassin's creed 2 and it didn't work press force to move your legs what does that mean do i just press my foot it's not doing anything whoa whoa what the why are you floating have you died how are you ascending he doesn't seem bothered at all that we're in battle he's slowly turning around are you high or am i high there's a lot of shouting but everyone's dead except for the one dude that's floating and turning slowly all right i guess it's up to me then i've reached the ship's wheel it's not giving me a new objective i'm confused can i press anything to i don't know what i'm doing i've just been struck by stage fright as soon as i reach the steering wheel i can't do anything and i don't know if i've done something wrong or the game is broken like it's just saying reach the ship's wheel which i've already done i'm not gonna get to play am i well i just quit this reality's cursed i'm gonna try this again what the hell oh i'm floating just like the guy in the ship poor ass ass zero percent completion okay okay people are alive on the ship this time let me go yeah i think the fact that my ship had a ghost crew was the issue there was just no one here for some reason for god's sake there we go all right we got there in the end i feel like my ass ass is just flinging the wheel everywhere he doesn't really know what he's doing he's just doing a workout all right there we go see it's a lot easier when the game isn't completely fact oh no another ass ass oh thank goodness i've been saved by an act of god i guess in the other reality the ass ass was just a little bit better and he managed to kill everyone before i even got to destroy the ships all right reach the shore i can do this just when i get there tell me to do something else okay don't just leave me hanging this game is actually kind of pretty i thought it would look a bit worse given that it's aged a bit you know god i wish someone would say that about me he laughed he thought it was funny i must get to havana well i'll just build us another ship will i ah the guy who tried to kill me wants a ship huh oh god he's got a gun okay i'll build you a ship i was like all big man when he was on the ground [ __ ] pirates off he runs see when your gun doesn't work you're a coward too find the assassin can we get a move on just to literally stroll after him i'm really curious what the deal is with the story because i have no idea what's going on what what is this place it's so built up i thought we were in an abandoned island but i don't think so why do i feel like there's going to be cannibals after is i'll eat them first i'll be grand oh i bet he had the same idea oh jesus he's got island madness if he's just jumping under those leaves he's a very brave or stupid man oh there he is follow and i'll kill you perfect delighted i keep following you then oh my god i went on to put on subtitles and the sea shanties off on of course on why is that even an option we could work together on this like where is he off to honestly he's just running all over the place why don't we just chat we're literally stuck in this island together it's your distance because he really doesn't want to talk to me this is going to be me with social interactions when we go back to normal but like why is he so afraid of me i'm a pirate he's got a gun surely he should be confident enough that he can deal with me right oh i put my guns away okay one i put my swords away immediately as we started the fight and two i called my swords guns i don't think he should be intimidated but then again i just killed him with like one hit so i guess i don't underestimate me i will not know your face by sight i believe i can recognize the costume made infamous by your secret order perfect all right time to play dress up as dead duncan [Music] dude why you putting your hood up dude it's it's like a tropical island come on it's gonna be all soggy and everything he was just swimming in this thing yeah yeah you see you see i told you coming out of the cutscene he's just like nah this isn't worth it it's worth it for the dramatic cutscene but beyond that no a ship oh i fall uh-oh the merchants are running should i do something i think if i get the guy with the gun i'll be okay come here you're whistling in the brush wait have they not seen me okay this works i guess i'm just whistling again come on it's just standing over hmm and you come just one at a time you next i love the reactions i think this might even be better than huh must have been the wind you saved me there's still guards standing by the way we're just in cutscene mode so i hope that means they're okay they're literally over to my right and i must get to havana with speed oh that is a relief sir havana is also my destination oh thank goodness that's lucky i found a ye old uber i think it's turned out to be a rather fortuitous day hasn't it your captain's dead behind you as well as all of your crew what okay if that's a good day for you i hate to see a bad day for you luckily those other guards have just fecked off and disappeared into the void now we can get going reach the ship's wheel oh no the cursed objective i found a treasure map wait where is this is that where i am now hold on i gotta figure out where i am oh oh this this is difficult he's just swimming through his boat and i'm here looking at this map when i said i needed to get to havana posthaste i actually meant like yeah i'm not that much of a rush okay i think we got the two rocks here i'm gonna trust that surely this is where i am like where else could it be for so i'm just gonna run back here see if i can find me some treasure i swear if i open the chest and find that the treasure is friendship again i'm gonna be pissed because this keeps happening and i don't want friends i want treasure okay i think it led me here but i don't see any oh wait what have we got okay it can't be that good because he lifted it with ease it is friendship isn't it i swear to god if there's a friend in here i'm going to be really pissed off oh okay 1500 i'm even gonna leave those gold coins behind they don't matter to me god i'm very high and mighty since i got this suit welcome aboard duncan oh no yeah i'm gonna level with you sailing is not my forte but i'll try it oh jesus we're in trouble come on i put sea shanties on for a reason go do something there once was a ship that was put to sea and unfortunately it was sailed by me we're hitting the rocks oh my god i'm scared please take me out of control hold on actually you know what i regret singing that song i'm drifting this bad boy that's why they call me dk drift king right or is that rt game i don't know i always get confused between the two wow he's having a whale of a time they'd make me walk the plank for that joke fantastic work oh no don't take me out of the anime oh i was having fun in there i need you to move your head and look at these lights just here look up they're like oh god the anime did damage to him he's gotten very shy that's it that counts as a pass really his head is literally spinning so far so good so far so good you're gonna stand him up he's spinning hello did you get lost well i'm right here what are you talking about i'm like two meters ahead of you looking straight at you honestly i was a pirate like a minute ago and now you're making me do this slow follow quest please let me return to the caribbean where i belong it means you're hooked up to the elevator i'll let you do the honors oh yeah thanks so much i was piloting a ship but i guess now i'm just piloting an elevator how exciting [Music] this guy's awful can you please put me into being a pirate again i want to go on the anime this is all yours so sit back relax and find us some good footage oh now we're talking imagine that for a job just sitting around playing video games all day now we're talking we get to see the logo and everything that it means the game's really going to kick off i just hope it leaves me staying the life of a pirate and doesn't pull me out and being like we've meeting with hr to go over just introductions and stuff like that i've led us astray duncan oh no mata i'll get us a better view what are we looking for we could just ask for directions but no i'm gonna climb that tower to find where we need to go it is a cooler way of finding your way around i gotta give it to you what you're already in trouble a sweet bejesus hold on let me just do a leap of faith here i'm after him i'm close at heal said bird i don't think i've ever heard anyone been called a [ __ ] bird but i like it jesus you'd swear i knew what i was doing i'm gonna bring the body back to my master like your kitten oh the locals do not like that okay fair enough understandable not just some foreigner who's come in and it's carrying around one little locals well well well looks like i got away is it sea shanty time i've seen your face before what i have my hood up and everything god he's observant oh dear now we're in a fight i just wanted to see shanty and instead i'm getting a bear brawl listen you [ __ ] birds i'll kill you next oh he did the whole discombobulate where are all these locals coming from and why do they all want to kill me like fair enough the first guy he said i was a pirate but why the rest okay i just straight up killed him oh my god that face smoke bomb oh that's batman our way out of this wait i just threw money on the floor that didn't work all right smoke mom there we go i just clearly run off is heaven walking his cat on the rooftop now that's a good way of social distancing he might want to ditch the cloak like it's he sticks out like a sore thumb the blood doesn't help either are you all right did he get a bit beaten up oh i'm sorry i was a pure [ __ ] bird back there oh it's no bother regressively the soldiers confiscated my sugar oh now i feel bad i can't get his sugar back i suspect those chaps might but my spanish is we mal dad so i mean spanish is very evil i'm so glad i put on the subtitles you don't mind me tagging along he's coming with me on my stealth mission you know what i'm not even mad i i like him he's like my quirky sidekick oh my god quirky sidekick slow down where are you going it's right on the tail jesus okay they don't seem very coordinated they're bumping into each other and stuff i think i can take him if it comes to it i really like this following system oh my god i really like the way he brushes too he's doing it frantically he's like oh that person looks suspicious oh wait no he's standing with those two other people he can't be suspicious the hanging will be started soon wait there's a hanging i didn't know we were going hanging out why wasn't i invited oh my god there's acting so erratic it's like they're actively trying to lose a tail this is confusing with all the eagle vision it looks like they're just running off my screen i hired dancers great it's for the hangout i'm bringing the dancers come on follow me dancers there's just giggling more dancers i'll hire you too come on come with me we're going to blend in with them i look just like a dancer too all right dancers go distract that guard specifically for some reason isn't it disrespectful come on god she's really getting into it all right dancers you're with me i go nowhere without my dance troupe all right go distract the guards this is going to work dancers i've hired oh my god what the hell they just all turned on me at once i was like how is that actually working but no they just went nuts ow now they're shooting me all right i'm running straight to the captain i don't even have my sword this is a terrible idea i am getting beaten up i can't even see who i'm fighting i didn't full loop around now i'll just attack right ow okay his backup is here god damn it can i can i have that no i'm just gonna say can i have that key and then i'll just be out of your hair but no they didn't like that all right this time you go distract and i'm gonna [ __ ] run because they did not like that all right there we go now i've got my sword i just threw money all over the floor i could probably just quickly assassinate him and jump in the water right i like the sound of that or i could just pickpocket him yeah that also works there we go i don't want your money here you can have your money back i was just looking for your key i don't want to be cruel oh the pirate music oh fire music kicked in and it made me look cool but then i fell and got all soggy again oh how am i supposed to get in here there's gotta be a way of climbing up this right oh god but there's gotta be a way up that i can just climb right there's gonna be an easy way out of this oh nope there is not an easy way out of this what if i just swim around and i'm sure i'll find a place to climb look at that that looks climbable yeah look at that i don't look at that don't look at that parrot oh for [ __ ] sake i jumped out the window don't look at that either all right you know what i'm abandoning my plan to try and avoid getting out of hard work i'm just gonna go straight in where it tried to get me to go in originally oh no maybe this wasn't a good plan either all right just start running how about that for a plan yep just alert every single guard in this entire force that's my plan warning become anonymous to interact for [ __ ] sake how am i supposed to become anonymous now i've alerted everyone did they see me going in here i assume they all saw me going in here oh no oh no do they know i'm in here i get a feeling that they know i'm in here all right what if i hide in the one at the other side surely they'll never see that coming come in come in here with me just change clothes hitman style okay i've managed to lose them it's just hiding in there and then coming up here all right you think they put a guard there when i clearly wanted to go there i kept running back to that door all right i got my little rubik's cube or whatever the hell that was i'm not sure what it was all right well that went pretty well i love stealth missions oh he just disappeared better stealth than i could ever hope to have the optional objectives hire dancers to distract carrots definitely got that one does it stay out of combat i definitely didn't get that one rate this memory it's pretty damn good really like that memory all right well i think i've done my good deed for the day with this this will make up for all the people i've killed right just giving two people money my money is just plummeting all right well i think i'll end it there but i liked being a pirate this is a fun game i hope you enjoyed the video if you did consider subscribing would love to have you around uh i'd love to see in the next video i will see you tomorrow folks bye for now
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 690,310
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Call Me Kevin, Call Me, CallMeKevin, CallMe, funny, funny moments, comedy, lets play, gameplay, gaming, assassins creed black flag, assassins creed pirates, callmekevin assassins creed
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 57sec (957 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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