The WORST Part of Every Minecraft Update (1.0-1.20)

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Minecraft has gone through many major updates that have changed how we play the game over the years new Mobs blocks and more have been added and reworked creating a stream of new content for players to enjoy but not all of these changes are created equal some things that have been added to Minecraft are annoying make no sense or just aren't as good as other updates everyone that has played Minecraft has had some experience where a stupid mechanic has caused them to die or lose a lot of progress so today I wanted to journey through every major Minecraft update and pick out the worst thing that was added in each one again these are all going to be updates for Minecraft Java Edition by the way only four percent of my viewers are subscribed to my channel what the heck that's less than the percentage of people who are left-handed so if you want to be a part of the Cool Kids Club consider subscribing it helps me and my videos out a lot I'm not left-handed by the way this video this video highly my opinion so if you disagree with me let me know what you think is the worst part in the comments below and I'm gonna be honest I had a really hard time coming up with the choices for this video for the most part Minecraft's just a good game and it's hard to choose what sucks about it for 21 different updates so some of my decisions aren't really the worst they're more like the least good or least exciting if that makes sense with that out of the way let's get things started with the first official update of Minecraft Minecraft 1.0 compared to the massive amount of content Minecraft has nowadays Minecraft 1.0 is a breeze in terms of difficulty I think most players who play today would probably find the older versions of Minecraft jokingly easy since there were fewer hostile mobs and the AI was worse but back when I first started playing the game I was terrible and I would die to zombies skeletons and creepers way more often than I do now and there's one mob that has existed since the early days of Minecraft that I'm still annoyed by to this day the silverfish now technically the silverfish was added in a beta version before 1.0 but because 1.0 is the end update I figured it'd be fair game because you know strongholds have end portals and silverfish spawn in strongholds these pesky little guys had the smallest hitbox in the beginning of Minecraft which makes killing them a nightmare if you have bad aim they're hard to see since they blend in with stone and while their damage and health are quite low they're powerful in swarms and much harder to get rid of than zombies for example and if you have trouble with them on Java Edition try killing a swarm of them while on a console before I played on PC I used to play Minecraft on the Xbox 360 and they were by far the most Troublesome mob for 10 year old Omicron my aim with a joystick was and still is terrible silverfish are definitely my pick for the worst part of Minecraft in the beginning and that's without covering the many other ways they can interfere with your world but don't worry we'll get back to that in a bit 1.1 was an incredibly small Minecraft update and because of that there's not much here that I really hate or dislike like I said in the previous video the first two updates of Minecraft came out like every couple of months so the amount of content that was individually added was low the bigger things that were added like languages and super flat worlds I really don't have a problem with so I'm going with something super minor here and that's multiplayer servers automatically kicking you for chat spam honestly this is a really good thing to have it prevents trolls and spammers from lagging up your Minecraft server with a billion messages per second but I can definitely see some room for issues in fact I've had several experiences getting kicked because of this feature for example if you start lagging and you send a bunch of messages the game might register that as you sending them all at the same time and it might just kick you randomly there's also no built-in way to disable this even if you own the server again this changes definitely only beneficial for the game but compared to the other stuff added in this update it's the one that causes the most problems for me with 1.2 being the biomes update its claim to fame is adding the jungle biome but here's the thing guys I'm not a fan of the jungle biome which is why I'm choosing it for the spot for 1.2 again this video is entirely opinions if you couldn't already tell look I don't hate the jungle but I definitely choose to spawn in most other biomes instead first of all jungles tend to be very big biomes to the point where you might have to walk several hundred blocks in order to get to a new biome and jungles are a pain to navigate the ground is super uneven and there are Vines everywhere which can slow you down if you're just trying to run through it I think what sucks the most though is how inconvenient it is to do anything else in a jungle biome because of how dense it is with all the trees and leaves it's hard to build a house make a farm kill mobs and many other things that you'd want to do in an open space yeah it's definitely doable in fact you can actually make some pretty cool looking things in a jungle biome but it's way more of a hassle and that's why I think it deserves the spot for 1.2 we need to talk about Creepers because although they were added way before the game's official release they've consistently been a nightmare for all Minecraft players at one point or another I think this is because because of two reasons they're quiet and well they explode duh the first part I don't think gets enough credit though everyone talks about how scary creepers are when they explode but no one ever talks about why they can explode in the first place unlike every other hostile mob creepers don't have an Ambient sound which means you can't necessarily tell they're there just might sound alone a zombie for example makes its presence known with a bunch of groans and really loud footsteps before it actually starts hitting you because of the lack of sound creepers make before they explode they can easily sneak up on you and by the time you hear the ignition sound it's already too late and when they do explode well most of you already know the outcome come on so when I found out that 1.3 buffed creepers to be more lethal and explosive I knew I had to mention it here these knockback and damage Buffs have been in the game to this day however there are some things in older versions of Minecraft that made creepers suck even more did you know that creepers used to explode if you hit them in creative mode yes if you were building something in creative and you accident gently hit a nearby creeper you could lose a good chunk of whatever you were doing creepers are such an iconic Minecraft evil and they definitely deserved at least some spot on this list so they're going here for Minecraft 1.4 the pretty scary update I was tempted to keep the creeper hate train going since in this version creepers would automatically explode if they took fall damage but let's give creepers a break since there are plenty of other Hostile Mobs that can be irritating to fight 1.4 definitely added several of them the Wither Skeleton and the Wither introduced the Wither effect which is definitely not a status effect you want to have too often it also added a mob that constantly bugs me every time I load up a survival world to the point where I had to choose it here the witch I kind of find it interesting that all three of these mobs apply some sort of debuff but the witch for me takes the crowd of inconvenience for several reasons first The Witch's debuffs last longer and there are more of them the witch can poison slow and weaken you for long periods of time which can cause trouble for you if you're surrounded by other hostile mobs in the Overworld sure the Wither is definitely stronger than the witch but by the time you're fighting the Wither you'll probably already have a lot more stuff whereas witches spawn in the Overworld from the very beginning loot drops are another reason why I think witches suck with their skeletons drop Withers skeleton skulls and the Wither drops a Nether Star which are unique for crafting certain items but the witch has no unique drops that you can't find or craft yourself so even though the witch's loot table is one of the biggest in the game you can already get most of this stuff in areas with a witch would spawn but the biggest annoyance with witches is actually fighting them they Splash debuffs with an insanely large area of effect when they get low they just Spam health potions and you probably shouldn't ignore them since they're just gonna keep chucking crap at you just a really annoying way to fight and that's why they deserve the spot for 1.4 the Redstone update 1.5 added many Redstone appliances and Contraptions that I don't really have an issue with I think these blocks are useful in many ways despite how bad I am with using Redstone so let's move on to the other changes in this update and one of them has definitely killed me on several occasions the nether it's one of the hardest places to navigate in the game due to the various hostile mobs and rough terrain but mostly because of how abundant the lava is here but why is lava scarier in the nether than the Overworld well thanks to 1.5 lava flows faster in the nether which can screw you up in many ways the most common issue that arises is why you should be careful digging up in the nether patches of lava can sometimes be found in walls of Netherrack which can jump scare you if you're strip mining or digging a hole and definitely kill you on many occasions I actually found it kind of funny looking at the nether before 1.5 and seeing how slow the lava moved but yeah this fast flowing lava has definitely killed me and wiped out all my progress on multiple occasions leading me to select it for 1.5 the horse update Minecraft 1.6 was overall pretty well received by the community and I have to agree horses are one of the more iconic parts of Minecraft and I think Mojang did a pretty good job implementing them but as with every Minecraft update there's more than meets the eye behind the scenes and if you've been noticing a trend with these older updates a lot of them involve features that are a nightmare for first time Minecrafters and for me they're even more unpleasant when your aim sucks or you're playing on a controller 1.6 is going to continue that Trend with one of the fiercest mobs that terrorizes beginners on their very first night the baby zombie the baby zombie has actually been in the game since 1.4 but they could only spawn naturally if they infected a baby villager 1.6 was the first update that spawned baby zombies in the Overworld and these pesky little children can be extremely aggravating they Sprint at you like they're running the 100 meter dash and their hitboxes are so tiny and jittery that they can be a challenge to hit nowadays they don't pose as much of an issue to Minecraft veterans such as myself but back when everyone was newer to Minecraft they were a common issue for complaint in Minecraft discussion in fact while researching for this video I came across a bunch of old Forum posts from 2013 where users were complaining about baby zombies because of how infuriating these little monsters can be they definitely deserved a spot somewhere on this list I was really tempted to follow 1.6 up with a chicken jockey a better version of the baby zombie which was added in 1.7 but there were other annoyances added in the update that changed the world I also thought about choosing my least favorite biome that was added since in the other video I chose my most favorite but to be honest none of the biomes that were added in 1.7 really bother me that much the deep ocean is the least exciting one in my eyes it used to be just gravel and water but it doesn't really cause too many problems when you can just travel away from it but for most of this video I've been pointing out things that are annoying in survival that doesn't mean that there aren't annoyances in creative mode and there's one particular class of nuisances that can ruin hours of creative building the monster eggs these inconspicuous stone blocks look normal at first but they hold a sneaky secret from within when these blocks are broken in survival they will spawn a silverfish in their wake but that's not all if a silverfish is hurt nearby monster eggs will also break releasing even more Silverfish this can cause a chain reaction that results in hundreds of blocks being broken and spawning swarms of silver fish why does this suck in creative mode well if you're making a build with stone bricks you might want to make sure that the blocks you're using are not their monster egg counterparts it's a pretty easy mistake to make as the only visible difference between the two is their name in the inventory I've had several moments in time where I accidentally build something out of monster eggs then when I switch to survival or some mishap happens suddenly all my hard work is gone leaving behind a massive silverfish this has definitely been a creative mode paid for years and while technically monster eggs were added before 1.7 the fact that even more were added in 1.7 opened up more possibilities for this kind of mistake that's why they get the nomination for 1.7 I feel like we need to move away from mobs for a sec don't worry Hostile Mobs aren't free for my wrath yet so 1.8 was the Bountiful update and yeah Guardians aren't the most fun mob to fight but they're not super common either so this one goes out to my fellow 1.8 PVP years out there as I'm sure many of you are bothered by this too blocking is pretty much a dead term in Minecraft since blocking your sword has been replaced by shields for almost 7 years but for those of you that have played on pre 1.9 versions you know that the animation for Block hitting before 1.8 used to look like this this look is one of the most iconic Parts in the history of Minecraft PVP so why did they have to go and change it to look like this in 1.8 it looks so bad and what's worse is that block hidden mechanics pretty much stayed the same it's just the animation that was changed that's why those 1.7 animation mods exist on servers like Hypixel this animation only existed for one major version before blocking was just removed from the game entirely but I'm always bothered whenever I see this while playing Minecraft 1.8 PVP that's why I chose it for this spot what I bet a lot of you are expecting me to say hit delay for Minecraft 1.9 the combat update after I just ranted about 1.8 PVP and yeah while there are some things about the combat update that I think are a little ludicrous mostly the changes to natural health regen I don't have as much of a problem with 1.9 PVP as others do to me it's just a different way to play the game but 1.9 changed more things than just player combat Hostile Mobs also had their fair share of combat changes and no mob had a bigger glow up than the skeletons which is why the changes to skeleton AI get my pick for 1.9 the difference between pre 1.9 and 1.9 skeletons is kind of insane before this update skeletons were pretty pathetic they missed a lot and they moved just like zombies but I don't know what went on with them during the combat update they must have grinded at the gym for a year or subscribe to Andrew Tate or something whatever it is they went ham in 1.9 these guys are out here sprinting at you and sniping trick shots while hitting the gritty and moonwalking on your dead body they went from bad to Chad and now they're incredibly irritating to fight many players have complained about how op skeletons are for years and even the most skilled players get bothered by these guys sometimes I think the buffed skeletons deserve the spotlight for the pain they've caused so they definitely deserve the place for 1.9 you know what I'm going to keep the skeleton hate train going because 1.10 added even more things that give Minecraft skeletons ways to screw you up first of all skeletons that are on fire have a one in two chance of shooting flaming arrows which combine with their insane accuracy might light you up when they're burning during the day secondly 1.10 introduced another form of skeleton the Stray which shoots slowness arrows how fun the slowness actually lasts for a pretty long time too which is just another Accolade in the list of skeleton nuisances yeah skeletons can mess you up in these newer Minecraft versions for sure I know it's kind of boring to put two similar nominations next to each other but to be honest none of the new content really seemed problematic to me the one thing I kind of considered was Auto jump I always hate it when I reinstall Minecraft or something and all my settings are reset so Auto jump is automatically on and it screws me up but Auto jump is definitely beneficial for many people playing Minecraft and I don't think it's right to put it here so yeah screw skeletons again for 1.10 I kind of mentioned that I didn't really have much of a problem with newer Minecraft combat earlier in the video that was kind of a lie because I definitely think there are some things that do need to be changed and are kind of broken the biggest culprit for me is The Shield I think that Shields are way too good of a crutch in Minecraft PVP and 1.11 the exploration update gave Shields the ability to block a hundred percent of melee damage which I think is way too good and my least favorite part of this update this change meant that not only could you completely block punches from mobs like zombies but you could also completely tank a Creeper explosion just by holding down one button combined with the fact that they're super cheap to make and shields are pretty much a necessity for most of the game this also tends to slow down PVP combat which is definitely a main complaint in the Minecraft PVP Community I just think that this item didn't deserve the ability to block so much damage for how easy of an item it is to get so I chose it here for 1.11 the World of Color update 1.12 was mostly cosmetic so none of the stuff that was added was really that bothersome so you know what let's choose something specific here Mojang I know it's technically realistic but why the hell did you make it so that feeding my parrot a cookie kills it that's such an insanely specific thing to be in the game and you know what screw you let parrots eat cookies they're cute they did nothing wrong just let them enjoy the taste of a nice cookie and we finally arrived at 1.13 which contains one of the main reasons for this video you know it was coming you might have even thought about it before you clicked on the video the Phantom is one of the stupidest and most annoying mobs in all of Minecraft and no doubt gets the decision for worst of 1.13 first of all the whole origins of how the Phantom came into the game are just kind of dumb and why I've had mixed opinions about mob votes since 2017. at Minecon 2017 the community was given the choice between four different mobs one mob was an ocean monster with a tentacle one was a camouflaging lizard one was a buffed up Blaze with a scary Shockwave attack and the last was the Phantom a flying mob whose literal sales pitch was there are no flying mobs in the Overworld you should vote for Mob B because there are currently no flying monsters in the Overworld and the decided to add it to the game and the winner is Mophie oh man [Applause] [Music] actually this stupid by the way I think that mob votes can be pretty stupid sometimes but that's a topic for another video the actual vote numbers were really close too in the actual game Phantoms are agonizing to fight they make these really wretched screens when they fly around they chunk a pretty good amount of your health and because they hang out in the sky you either have to waste arrows shooting them or wait 15 seconds for them to fly down again just so you can get one extra hit these dudes fly in swarms too so there's a good chance you either die to them or take two minutes just getting them off your back also anyone that has played before 1.14 might remember that Phantoms used to do three times the damage that they do now so in 1.13 getting killed by them was much more likely the only and I mean the only redeeming factor of phantoms is their drop Phantom membranes can be used to repair elytros and craft slow falling potions which yeah sure that's helpful but hey guess what you aren't even guaranteed membrane since there's a there's a place for a phantom to just drop nothing at all so there's a sizable chance you spend several minutes just trying to kill a bunch of phantoms that are driving you towards death all for them to just die and drop nothing every aspect of this mob sucks in many ways and they no doubt receive the crown for 1.13 how do you even follow up Phantoms in 1.13 you can't really 1.14 the village and pillage update wasn't too bad overall I actually think pillages were pretty well implemented into Minecraft and the only thing that kind of bothers me is how far away ravagers can hit but for the most part raids are a pretty cool feature in fact they got my pick for the last video so what to do for the worst feature well I had a bit of trouble deciding but I eventually settled on the weird mechanics of the wandering Trader which was added in this update this dude can be a bit of a troll sometimes he occasionally shows up for two to three days with some pretty cool stuff but don't treat him like a normal villager first of all his llamas will beat you up if you look at him the wrong way and if you were thinking of putting him in a hole to save his trades don't bother the wandering Trader will despawn and go somewhere else after a couple days to top it off this guy straight up turns invisible when nighttime arrives which means you can easily lose track of him also for some reason I feel like this guy always shows up whenever I'm trying to build something and gets in the way of whatever I'm doing I don't know if that's but bro is definitely a troll sometimes so because there's nothing better in this update he gets a bit of the spotlight here a lot of people in my last video pointed out that honey blocks were actually super useful in Redstone so my pick for the best of Buzzy Bees makes no sense so you know what screw you guys my pick for the worst of this update is honey blocks take that just kidding yeah I've never really used honey blocks that much partially because I'm terrible at Redstone like I've mentioned but they definitely deserve more credit than I gave them regardless 1.15 definitely added way less content in terms of blocks and mobs than 1.14 or 1.16 as a result there's not much to hate on either but there is one thing that kind of weirded me out the first time and still does to this day the sound of drinking honey it's so gross and like slurpy it definitely caught me off guard the first time I heard it and made me not want to drink it at all I don't know it kind of sounds weird I'm gonna give it the spot here due to a lack of anything else you guys know the phrase you don't know what you have until it's gone I feel like that perfectly embodies my feelings for bastions in the nether update overall I think Mojang did a pretty good job with this update the nether became a completely new dimension and every new block and MOB had some unique purpose the most famous Edition were bastions these structures were formidable and guarded but if you knew your way around you could explore them and steal some other loot with ease I kind of like to think of them as like piglin hotels where as long as you're wearing gold armor and are on the good side they'll be chill with you but that all changed in 1.16.2 when pigland brutes were added to the game and they're my choice for the worst of this update after they were implemented bastions were no longer a safe space even if you had gold armor since these guys would just come along and truck you down to half a heart and even though you're technically fighting out of self-defense hurting a pig limber will cause all of the piglens to get angry at you you have a high chance of getting screwed just by walking into a Bastion don't get me wrong pigland boots are definitely killable even if you don't have much gear it's just that because they weren't added in the original nether update players got you to being able to roam bastions freely without much harm then when these dudes got added it made looting bastions way more annoying you don't know what you have until it's taken away from you this is mainly why most Minecraft speedrunners plan 1.16.1 instead of later versions Pig Lim boots make Bastion strats so much more time consuming I know they probably had to get added because of how op bastions are but they're still so scummy and so I'm shoving them in the spot here we've arrived at part one of the caves and cliffs update and this time I'm gonna do my best to differentiate between 1.17 and 1.18 last time I mixed up the two so even though they go into the same name my choices are different here no my nomination is not the glow squid I was really tempted to not gonna lie I do think they're incredibly uninteresting but they don't really have that much of an impact on me in fact there's an item that was added that has even less of a purpose than the glow squid copper I don't know what motivated Mojang to add a new mineral to the game and then proceed to almost completely ignore it making copper ore basically a trash block I would rather mine Stone than copper since at least then you can make basic tools out of it in the real world copper has countless uses for construction machinery and most importantly electricity so let's see what it can do in Minecraft it can't conduct a signal because that's redstone's job and the only copper thing that interacts with redstone is the lightning rod which provides a signal when it's struck by lightning let's see what else we've got the Spyglass okay that's basically just OptiFine zoom and then decoration blocks and that's it what the oh but don't worry guys because copper blocks have this cool oxidation mechanic that changes how they look game saved they're just the best item in Minecraft now but then out of nowhere a light could be seen at the end of the tunnel the copper Golem was featured in the 2021 mob vote and it even came with a new block the copper button it might have been simple but it provided copper with new and unique uses that could finally let it shine in the spotlight all of this just to lose to the goddamn away why is this a thing you know I really should make that video ranting about mob votes rest in peace copper Golem you tried to save Humanity from its own Folly and all that's left is for copper to still be the worst thing of 1.17 [Music] . kids and cliffs part two time and this was definitely the more exciting installment Kevin was completely reworked and the new Mountain sceneries made the game feel bigger and more Majestic but with every Improvement to the game something else gets left in the shadows and there's one precious individual who's constantly been beaten down to the life of a commoner my pick for this update is diamonds losing most of their value the diamond is one of the most iconic parts of Minecraft for its Rarity and high value finding diamonds used to be an exhilarating experience many years ago and it was one of the most famous achievements in gaming in a way it was a stepping stone to reaching a higher level in the game however in the past few years diamonds have been tarnished and have lost their touch and desirability that made them so well known in the first place netherright replaced diamonds as the top of the mineral food chain and the rare item that marked the end game and then a couple updates later 1.18 made diamonds and almost frequent occurrence on the cave floor it's kind of sad to see such a valuable item lose its touch and I always think about it whenever I play on 1.18 or later updates we've reached modern Minecraft and the Wild update and I gotta say most of the stuff added here was of pretty high quality the only really useless thing that I can think of is the death Compass but I don't think it's that big of an issue that plagues the game let's talk about the central part of this update the deep dark or more specifically the warden I think for the most part the warden is actually a pretty cool mob I know a lot of people complain about how it drops basically nothing but it's a very unique boss with a bunch of gimmicks we haven't seen before or is it a boss hmm I might have to discuss that in a future video yeah this guy is definitely not fun to fight he slaps harder than a train and his health pool is ridiculous but I think those are pretty straightforward and you can see them coming to me the most aggravating part of his kit and my choice for the worst of this update is his Sonic Boom attack this thing is ass despite looking like a beam projectile it's actually impossible to dodge which isn't really intuitive when you first fight him not only that it goes through blocks within a 15 block range and its damage bypasses all forms of armor Shields and enchantments it is going to hit you and it will hurt whether you're trying to kill the warden or just run away this attack makes most of your attempts to avoid close combat pretty pointless it's near lack of counterability is why I think it's annoying enough to put up here on this list 1.20 hasn't officially been released yet and I'm gonna be honest if you already hate something before you've seen it in action your opinion is pretty much invalid so right now there's not anything that annoys me or I just outright dislike in 1.20 I can see all the purposes for the items that they've shown us and so far it seems pretty good so I settled on the piglin head block because what the hell is this who did this to my boy I don't know something about this thing is just so goofy and unsettling at the same time piglets are totally friendly as long as you're wearing gold armor and now we can take off their heads and wear them that's messed up man so yeah that was the worst part of every Minecraft update in my opinion from release to 1.20 again let me know what you think of the list and if you have any suggestions for things that are even worse my name is Omicron take care and thanks for watching [Music] foreign
Channel: OmicronGaming
Views: 514,396
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: EnOGpZHl0lM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 18sec (1578 seconds)
Published: Wed May 03 2023
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