Gen Z Nostalgia Tier List...

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genz Nostalgia somebody who grew up in gen ZZ I just had to cover this topic extensively on my channel I've made videos about 2000s and 2010s Nostalgia and for those of you and jenz y'all are going to [ __ ] with this [ __ ] heavy I'm ranking almost anything you can think of I picked five different categories snacks video games toys books and cartoons and at the end I'm going to see which category is truly the best okay why the [ __ ] did I say category of course we had to start here I mean where else will we start there are so many memorable video games from childhood and there's a bunch that I still play to this day wi Sports s tier I mean this has got to be the most iconic game of gen Z when people think gen Z Nostalgia they think wi Sports everybody's played this game even your Uncle Billy at the family function hey kiddo how the you work this thing the Wii was pretty much like a space Gadget to your family like nobody knew how to use it everybody would also want to play Mario Kart Mario games s here wait never mind a Mario Kart is a stable to racing games everybody still plays Mario Kart today all you got to do is say one sentence I bet I could beat you in Mario Kart and the rest is history just like that you're homie Pokemon a tier only reason I putting an S you have to spend so many grueling hours training your Pokemon I had heart gold white and pearl absolute Classics probably some of the best games I've ever played Call of Duty I don't know where to put it before I get crucified in the comments listen I wasn't allowed to play play Call of Duty as a kid and I never understood the game so it was probably a good thing I did play at my cousin's house one time he told me to leave the mic on the floor because the game chat was just so bad they were raging at me because I sucked total ass what do you got a six pack of Miller in you dude what the [ __ ] are you yeah I was a stupid ass kid so clearly I was not ready for all that Subway Surfers was more my speed B tier I wasn't into this game for too too long but when I was locked in I was locked in Clash of Clans a tier once you get further into the game and cost you an arm and a leg to upgrade [ __ ] unless you want to buy gems and trust me I fell down that rabbit hole shortly after it was the most pay to win [ __ ] ever the rich ass kid at school would come in maxed out base he would Flex how many gems he had oh yeah had some slight 5,000 I just didn't understand it just like Minecraft B tier I was stupid as hell like I said so I didn't understand the game but I was a demon in creative mode trust me I was building mad mansions in Creative I don't know how many of you did this cool math games eh cool math games have got me through so much tough times in school just sitting there bored as hell then I would just play duck's life for run three and everything was all good and the Papa Games bro you can't forget those Club Penguin a tier although I really didn't play it too much I Revisited Club Penguin in 2018 when everyone was freaking out about it shutting down and I was just around on it with my homies and it held up really well Flappy Bird D tier this game was overhyped as hell everybody was flexing their high score but in my personal opinion I just thought it was boring as hell and I would just rage at it all the time Skylanders C tier now don't get me wrong Skylanders the game itself is good but the fact that you got to buy so many goddamn Skylanders piss me off I was running my parents dry for their money because I wanted all the Skylanders they were like 30 40 bucks a piece I had an allowance but I spent it on toys now I had so many toys growing up and if I were to sit here and just list them all we would be here all day so let's just start with razor scooters a tier everybody was whipping around the block with these the only thing I hate about Razor scooters is when you try to spin it around and then it hits your ankle that John probably did permanent damage to my ankle the Wubble Bubble Ball F tier my brother and I were so hyped when we got this thing and we had high expectations for it just for it to [ __ ] the bed 5 minutes later just pure disappointment Legos B tier now I would rage at Legos I would look at the manual and proceed to royally it up I would get so mad that I would just break the pieces and stepping on them was the worst pain ever I would have them scattered all over my floor the one by one Lego piece was my biggest uh fures D tier I don't like how this thing is looking at me bro it's just creepy as hell a friend of mine had a Furby and it was just so creepy just watching it just stare me down look at me in the eye Play-Doh C tier the do you do with Play-Doh seriously the amount of intrusive thoughts I've had about eating Play-Doh is crazy that might as just been me I'm not going to lie Beyblades s tier Beyblades were crazy everybody was having battles with them at school we were betting on people it was getting serious it was just how everything was settled Pillow Pets s tier some of them were not only pillows some of them could also project like starry lights in your room that [ __ ] was cool as [ __ ] my kid self was mesmerized by the technology of these things the magic Fushigi ball F tier I remember seeing a commercial for this all the time and I just knew in the back of my mind it was a scam even as a kid they were advertising it as oh my God guys look it can float even though it was just a regular ass ball Mr Potato Head C tier I mean what the hell do you even do with this thing I was just so bored sometimes I would make the most mutant looking potatoes ever I know I was aing Airhead silly bands B tier they were icy as [ __ ] back in the day especially the glow-in-the-dark ones Nerf guns s tier the Nerf wars went crazy I had this shitty ass Nerf pistol I wasn't going anywhere with that meanwhile my friend at the time had a whole arsenal of Nerf guns it was a little concerning I got my ass whooped by Nerf bullets then after all those Shenanigans you know we'd go inside take a break to eat snacks there was some banger food and snacks back in the day let's start with dino nuggets absolute classic s tier I'm pretty sure half my childhood dinners were craft mac and cheese and dino nuggets they could have asked me on death row like hey what's your last meal I would have said Dino Nugget and crap mac and cheese those frosted animal cookies s tier this look like crack to my younger self I remember we used to buy these big ass containers of them I would somehow go through like half of one in a day yeah they gave me a lean gun but they were still good as hell Twinkies F I never really liked Twinkies I don't know why especially these Shrek Twinkies it just looks bad Scooby Snacks we got another s tier on our hands they were just good as hell bro they never missed and I also had the Scooby-Doo gummies those were crazy too Fruit by the Foot C tier it was a whole process to eat like you got to unravel the damn thing then you can eat it whenever I was hungry as hell in school and I needed to snack to clutch up my mom would always pack me Fruit by the Foot and it did not clutch up at all Lunchables deter the cold pizzas are ass bro I don't know why people are gassing these things up especially the cold chicken nuggets yeah these are just garbage some people would voluntarily eat these at home like bro you have so many better options eat dino nuggets instead animals a tier they hit but I would literally just slur the damn thing down in like a millisecond all right pause what the was that Nilla s tier absolute goated Wafers my parents introduced me to no Wafers when I was three and sometimes I still eat them today bro because they're just that good cheese puffs F tier I don't know I just can't get behind cheese puffs cheese balls Cheetos like I don't know I don't like them I used to though there's one day I had a [ __ ] ton of these bro I was fat as hell trust me man I was bulking that's definitely why a couple hours later I just started puking every everywhere and then after that I just got sick to my stomach looking at him because it would instantly trigger thoughts of all that cheese dust I threw up Cosmic Brownies s tier I mean most Little Debbie snacks are crazy but Cosmic Brownies were my favorite I would do anything to trade for these at lunch OS s tier for what it was it really clutched up obviously it was frozen food it's not going to be the best quality breakfast ever but when I'd have to get ready in the morning having an EG of waffle in the freezer would clutch sometimes I would just say [ __ ] it and take the waffle Frozen to the bus stop I would go to school and then I would actually read books Diary of a Wimpy Kid s tier I had the do-it-yourself book and uh I don't want to talk about what I put in there it's embarrassing but can we just agree that Manny is an alien from a different planet like I don't think he's human Hungry Caterpillar F tier in kindergarten this book was so hyped up it was glazed by all the teachers it wasn't even that good bro but I'm going to keep it a my attention fan is so cooked I probably can't even read The Hungry Caterpillar Captain Underpants s tier it's about a superhero in his underwear of course I read the whole series as a kid while people were moving on to sophisticated ass books at the time like of my men I was still reading [ __ ] Captain Underpants no David D tier this dude is a menace he needs to be locked up I don't know why he's doing all this crazy [ __ ] and his mom at the end would just be like oh it's okay buddy but what David needs is an ass whooping bro got no consequences for his actions I think he was just cooked he literally ran out of the crib naked the Pigeon books B tier this dude's lore was crazy every week at the library I would rent out one of these books because dude I wanted more of the pigeon lore I was fascinated Goosebump C tier this book scared the [ __ ] out of me I never felt safe at night I made sure to run up the stairs on all fls I was afraid one of these monsters was going to spawn in and eat me alive or something Big Nate s tier of course this book was in comic format I'm going to like it because I needed pictures to read or else I was going to get bored as hell he was always up to some Tom Foolery so that's why I really mess with the book The Guinness Book of World Records a tier some of the things were just disturbing like that I just did not want to see but some of the things genuinely fascinated me and what I'm hearing now is some of the records are just stupid as hell like I swear to God they just come up with that on the Fly world's fastest time to eat a piece of a hot dog in a pool in exactly 80° weather like they're getting to the specific but guys listen closely for a second I don't think you're ready for the greatest book ever created Frog and Toad s tier this is the greatest duo in history right here I'm pretty sure I read every book in this series but when I would get bored of reading I would just turn on the TV and man there were so many Classics Teen Titans s tier Teen Titans Go d as a kid I liked Teen Titans Go but now looking back at it I'm like how the did I watch this [ __ ] regular show s tier absolutely no question the plot is just so random that it's just [ __ ] amazing they could just be chilling at the park one day and then 2 seconds later they're fighting something off to save the universe Gumball s tier again I was locked in with the new episodes I was like oh my God it's seven it's seven I ran downstairs and I turned on the TV Uncle Grandpa C tier listen I know there's a lot of Uncle Grandpa fans out there I genuinely felt like I was on an acid trip when I was watching this show none of it really made sense to me and I just hated his voice it was annoying Caillou F tier how did I even watch this as a kid looking back this dude genuinely pisses me off like how spoiled he was and they proceed to bring this dude back on peacock Jr there was enough Caillou why do we need him back already Total Drama a tier although the format was almost the same for like every single season I still loved it Total Drama was the action that I needed in my life that I was not getting I was on the edge of my seat watching the drama unfold I felt like Teem star holding his bucket of popcorn while I was watching this [ __ ] I hated some of the characters like Heather for example or that one girl that was obsessed with Cody Jesus Christ they were both annoying Adventure Time s tier another goated show these three were the Holy Trinity of gen Z cartoons although Adventure Time was a great show it had some weird ass scenes in it I'm not going to lie there was one episode with the deer and uh I don't want to talk about it SpongeBob a tier I didn't watch a lot of the show my parents didn't allow me to watch it but of of course I was sneak watching it at my grandmother's house it was not my go-to show but it was still good though Ben 10 a tier I had one of those Omnitrix things as a kid bro I remember just pressing it just hoping to God that maybe one day I will be just like Ben 10 there were some aliens that he transformed to that I was just not interested in at all he would go from like this Beast of an alien that's like8 foot tall six arms built like the [ __ ] rock to a bug I don't know that just didn't make sense but amazing show though this show was not so great Annoying Orange F tier I genuinely don't know how I like this show as a kid this show was annoying as hell but yet I was their biggest fan I had an annoying orange T-shirt I would wear to school like it was just embarrassing I really thought I was fitted up with that hell no now overall which one of them is the best and the winner is video games I still play a lot of these video games this tier list was great but this one is even better if you want to watch me rank every school subject then click on this video
Channel: Burdie
Views: 189,661
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chainsfr, burdie, tommynfg, degenerocity, brewstew, animation, the duck, lonee, offending everybody, tokemon, ice cream sandwhich, berto, straightuptai, jawbreaker juice, socks studios, gen z, Gen Z Nostalgia, Gen Z Nostalgia Tier List., mobile game tier list, Growing Up In The 2000s, School Subjects Tier List, Dreamworks tierlist
Id: 4NbaR1kxDYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 0sec (780 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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