The WORST Escape Squad in Minecraft...

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today boys we have 20 minutes starting now to escape the color cubes we're doing our first puzzle which is take these iron blocks and put stop it just let me do this okay and put them here the door will open level one Green Room unlocked this is my room this is my room everybody shut up we won I left I want um cool oh are you guys still playing I thought we W what do you mean no why' you leave the server Sun come back okay we won we beat it we did that was the level zero we're on level one okay put the glass here okay interesting I'm assuming we have to look around for cool things that's I'll boost you up I'll boost you up all right I got glass D wait how many oh we have to find six okay Biff what are you doing over here find the combination we're letting Biffle find the thing dude Biff you just keep doing that you are doing a great job find the combination what's in here wa flick the lever oh you I'm going up here I got this I'm the parkour Master parkour guys green room I'm in charge stop punching I got it no wait did you what's up here oh I got it can be placed on smooth quartz block wait wait did we just all get it is this wait huh wait you stole the block from me wait no you stole it from me I it was just in the chest wait yeah now it's gone wait yeah I tried to place it and it disappeared wait why did s get I think you fell out of range of it I don't know works for it was in my inventory I'm okay I'm so confused sick uh okay there's another Shuler up there what is Biffle doing why is is he here is are you you know many possible combinations there Q be a lot he he's losing his mind why do I have migraines I don't know I have no idea so okay by you made him mad oh no wait tell your round now Z how what do you mean my round oh the purple room what are we supposed to be doing I'm assuming uh you need to find the lever that puts out these uh wool blocks over here I already did that one that was the one for the other side said you're idiot okay well we don't need to go over there again so why does it matter where's the lever to get oh wait no yeah we do actually we do we do oh it's a sh up there oh and what are we doing we can parkour up here like this go up here like this let papa do it got let papa do it yeah like maybe you know if you're going to figure out the easy ones 10 minutes after I I do them okay watch this okay see this yeah this is this is accelerating yeah great oh wait I got an iron axe an iron axe wait what is it hand break green ho hole Co oh right right right right here there's green Co right here right here we only have 20 minutes L1 one0 your code dou your code say it again one uh-huh zero uh one one 0 one 1 zero I think you did it backwards oh I think one is down yeah I do too say it again just flip them once from where oh my gosh I did it you just do the opposite I did you did it Biff good job I did it okay we have a lever they can place on a block of I can't place this place it on the wall Biff I'm trying wait it says on Emerald yeah yeah it's up here I got it it's it's going to open this parkour there we go it's pretty easy let me I found the code as the parkour genius I I'll I'll do as the parkour this is the Green Room you can't do the Green Room I'm doing the green room because I'm got a point obviously the parkour got it okay well def you're too late and boom did it hey hey we win job oh we can't do this room oh we didn't beat it yet all right can't we do this room s we can't do this room we can't do this room why oh this was this was Henry's color oh yeah no in in loving memory let's just break through okay I say in memory we do it I'm checking there's a lever right here I flicked it what did that do I don't know I'm going to spectator I found a pressure plate no disabled you can't do that no what what did I even open I don't understand uh a barrel of worms I found a why do I you what is wrong with you why just me too what is wrong with you you have tissues uh okay there's a thing right here move there someone already open this up here what what is wrong with you oh there's a lever over here a lever where over here but me already f it I'll do everything it's fine what are you doing there's you're not even doing anything we're doing things here I can punch you literally there's a shulker box right there with stained glass in it can you reach it I dropped it right click what do you mean you dropped it oh thanks Z that's a great idea what do you mean you dropped it Sundy Sundy what did you drop I dropped stained glasses somebody pick it up oh yeah I have it I didn't even notice yeah okay that's one we have one okay look I'm going to flick this what is it doing when i'm flicking it it's moving a oh is it down here maybe oh yeah right right right right here yeah yeah yeah okay I got a lever uh can we place on yellow wool there's a lot of yellow wool oh right here no there's not no there's not hey parkour hey Park myk wait what do we punch me up why are we we're cheating punch me up punch me up just punch me punch me sorry I don't condone being how you are why we have to we we're going to have to find another Glover sick dude love it okay find a Donny Glover this is not easy we're already I assume we're going to have to either break this or put something on this hay block really I have a question mhm what's your question do you think we're going to have to go back to previous levels to beat future levels if we do the green when we go back sad I would prefer not to if that was the case guys there there's another shulker boock right here I know but we can't get up there right now I feel like everything is just like in what is this wait uh go flick the lever again up there up there okay I'm going go for someone I don't care got it I feel like this will move move only only this one moves what is happening um a oh someone help me someone help me look look we're so stupid I don't I don't need help and then fck it okay yeah we're good okay what that was stupid that was dumb and I found a ladder that could be placed on light gray carpet and another yellow stain glass over here over here okay I'm scared here Sun you stay up here just in case place that there I'm coming before I'm coming I'm on my way it's right there then you use that to go further wait what do you mean can be okay that was yeah right there and then go and then yay grab the L did I get it I got it can we place on hay bale I also got a lever that goes you I didn't get it okay both got it apparently I can't get things out of inventory as he's bad what is happening how do I get up here it's a p okay do that do that I kind like this it's just like full parkour okay nice go faster go faster go faster I got a gold what is wrong with you someone has to make this video interesting what are you talking about oh and it's not going to be me handbreak stripping Birch log green that's back in green they're stripping Z wait oh we do have to go back are you kidding me back in the queen back in theen back in theen I don't want to play this I'm in charge again I'm taking the wait can I ask you something why are you doing that I'm taking the axe with me I'm holding video hostage no please hit something wait I can't you're an idiot sidles it's not here it's dri that is stripped you dummy good job Sunday what is it yellow terra cotta can be placed on a block of gold okay it was in this stupid pile why why are we blind I'm not blind no also that means we do have to go back to previous levels which I hate I hate that it's not bad yeah no it does okay we're going up here going back up here we're going to build some par go up here what is this on a block of gold bi extend it Biffle Biffle Biffle we don't have enough time for your Hooligans we only got save the world I'm I'm just building parkour don't mind me and I did it like a okay a golden shovel can break gray concrete powder okay we need to find more stuff I think it's right here I found it did you yeah right I found it wait where where where where where can you see that this is gray or not I know it's like Ultra and a lever and another thing this lever can be placed on yellow wool which why did you say it like that wol okay boom putting two more there we go building this and go up here can I place this lever you want to place this can I place this lever yeah no just please please just place it only place it just place the lever easy oh you actually did yeah thank you okay please do not sun do not hit it please okay you're just a bad person it can chiseled what's a chiseled Sandstone we need some chiseled Sandstone this one right here are you sure oh yeah you're sick all right we have to final two we're getting out of we're getting out of this room bring me I want to leave this place we're leaving oh we win by no we're on this now this is bi can't do this room we can't do this I know exactly what we do what do we it doesn't kill you dang it wait I feel like there's there might be something in there okay bi fire for seven years yeah no this is not good okay okay we need to drop four orange tulips here complete the puzzle sick uh what if I burn the Tulips and put the glass go okay why do you want to do that what is wrong with you I have two lips uh oh there's a an orange one up there he man cool information I'm going to order my lunch okay have fun it's not Z time yet yeah no is it not after this that's a joke for the jokes you know inside joke no I just genuinely do not understand what to be doing first get get the Tulips off the part get the toilets I'm working on you're ordering food yeah okay and so I'm mad at you don't talk up you got to you got to get it don't talk up Z parkour Why did no one say that s you never your whole life is parkour I already got it okay thank you you got the first one now drop four orange tul Loops here in there do something wait until you get them or they'll despawn no they went into a hopper d That's what I was saying he did say that can I how do we get up here I don't like this there's it's not helping me what get together okay I'm getting get together okay I'm getting together together I'm getting together oh my gosh I'm currently we're going to need something to break this glass that's a good point Su now where do we get that item to break that class probably at your mom's house let me call her feel like it's in this stupid lava I got her on speed dial baby why do you have my mom on speed dial leave my you know why you know why no one even checked this point you're going to have to apologize to his mom you know yeah you're going to there's like a whole there's a whole thing what there's a whole thing apologize to us for good we never apologize to uh Biff's dad so boys it's at the end of this parkour this an aasa log can we place on an aasa plank okay you know where that is where where around the corner up and but around the corner what what is wrong with why are you saying up around cor plank right here but we can't even reach it there got be another one then there is probably another one I'm going to go back to a previous level cuz I'm scared look like PR L I'm going to I'm going to go I'm going to go checking searching where are you going B where where get on my house okay cool thanks I appreciate that wait for me okay what you what's wrong the Ducks you guys have lots of tissues the Ducks no not the ducks the ducks what if we have to press a specific lever in the last one that activates something in this one that I would I'm going back into the white that would be awful and that's probably true BV I think there's a thing like right there's like a lever right yeah okay something has changed sick okay and then step this is stupid why is this a thing and then I can place it here and then the parkour is up here and then I can go over here and then I can jump up here grab this can I call you bud no I'm very upset I have a honeycomb you know what why I would want it to stay up there before there's a point to me being up there what guess what check a but I flipped the lever it created a parkour wow this just got so simple out of nowhere I think sunnday we get more this is all falling apart we have like 5 minutes left get out of my way I fell oh yeah what what what Z what z z bi I'm gonna lose I'm gonna lose my mind bi I'm Coming For You Will com for you what did you get coming for you I'm coming for you why such just come back what did you even get no you got to get the Tulip get the Tulip get the Tulip get the Tulip while there please just get the Tulip you ever seen those like gosh baby you SE baby how did he get up there have you ever seen the movie where the baby needs to get something and the a lot I'll grab the Tulip guys it's it's it's behind you it's in the pot in the pot pull okay what did I miss I need to know what I missed I'm dropping in the laa okay what is that what is the shovel that I saw you get a shovel sandles what does it do uh say it breaks orange wool orange wool where is orange wool boys bivel drop it on this drop it in there drop it in the carpet and that's it orange wool right here orange wool right there oh my gosh what happened if you drop it in the lava does it burn I don't want to know and I don't care to know okay come on let me try it let me try something we have one piece of orange glass after how many minutes of orange okay can break red Sandstone there was zud right up here zud there's just a tulip right here sick dude I'm so happy okay break that and then we can reach in here there's a lever I'm going to flick the lever oh it seems like something has moved in the lava sick dude another lava searching thing I love it I love it everyone everyone search with me I found shut up shut up shut up can me place on smooth quartz block where's the I'm so sick of this I oh okay it's just this yeah aren't you wonder how much time do we have left by the way cuz I'm done 3 minutes oh I found another one it was in here you guys are dumb I already found one in there no there's another one no one has any tools or anything of any sort like I have zero listen map makers don't hide stuff under lava there's nothing fun about that actually the worst thing world map but don't do stuff under lava wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what if I give you like uh night vision or something is there a way to make you see better under there no it's not how that works boys where I flick the lever there's another thing too yeah okay a golden H can break light gray stain glass pane where where is this are you blind Z it's by it's by this and then can break this grab grab the flower going in the lava no go to the please we have been on this level for so long please just put it in here I'm losing my mind three brains are better than I'm going burn it did not burn I don't want to talk to you what did you get S uh piece of glass lava that's it he got an axe too I saw him hold an axe what's the axe do your axing a lot of questions yeah I am cuz we're low on time and I'm losing my bre it can break stried acacia wood stried acacia wood where is up there by the Tulip oh yeah oh my gosh get over there we have to parkour again come on sidles parkour with me let do together okay yeah I'm going to make it let's all do it together this is a good idea a I fell okay good it has the ax coming for you I I don't want to talk to you hey talk to you though all right thank you appr good job good job I got a sword another glass pane this can break white stained glass pane where it's over there I see it put this here what do you do with that oh there's another can I this nope I'm getting out of this level cuz this level has given me so many bad times okay we have like for the next one oh the Red Room room we need looks we need look yeah let's gra I have a challenge for us let's see if we can beat this room in 2 minutes can we do it no okay all right well let's try hey what's up I'm just going to go ahead and just uh let craft a key craft a key and drop it we have to craft a key excuse me oh boy we have to make a key what like where do we even start you need an apple a NE W I found something leather FL I got a gladder can be placed on red mushroom block Right Here Right Here Right Here Right Here Right Here Right Here Right Here speed Speed come my come my come to my G we're not bringing up I'm on your now what two gach over here over here over here nice and then we parkour over here oh my gosh we're doing so good and then there's here R that's it that's all in anything above anything around no nothing okay I see nothing cool see France well now we're stuck I see you're under pants we have we have one minute and we have check inside the tree I saw something in the tree but I wasn't sure what if there's anything in there why would you not say that 20 million years ago but there's nothing in there that's what I said in the tree but I'm not sure if there's anything in there oh there's something right here strer in there I already found that wake up okay I'm waking up before you go go wait there's a secret place in the tree there's a dispenser right here but say this is glass he well what do you want to do you know I'm you know okay I'm call the I'm just calling gone baned you're done you're done Biel you can't who's next who wants to go next I'm sick of you all like everything's just bad who I want to beat this map no you don't no you don't a crap did he bait him you left me for last cuz I'm your favorite no he did it he did it in amount of hair 15 I'm just I'm I don't care anymore I just I want to hear the I'm beating the level and I don't need you guys cuz this has been the probably no offense crater but the lava part sucked and I'm mad wow I said it when he was like this has been the and then he was like no offense I really thought he was just about to let us have it and then he was like map Creator and I was like oh right hey the ducks went off do it
Channel: Zud
Views: 66,181
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Zud, funny, gaming, animation, gameplay, Minecraft, Minecraft Funny Moments, minecraft, minecraft mods, minecraft gameplay, minecraft animation, minecraft challenge, minecraft but, funny moments, minecraft would you rather, minecraft but would you rather, minecraft escape room, minecraft betrayal, minecraft escape, zud hide and seek minecraft, zud escape room, ssundee escape, sigils escape, zud, The WORST Escape Team in Minecraft, The WORST Escape Squad in Minecraft, the worst escape
Id: D-NgJcGdzhM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 39sec (1059 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 28 2023
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